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Franciscan Inquisitors in Tuscany, early 14th Century: The Index of Codex Casanatensis, ms. 1730

Franciscan Inquisitors in Tuscany, early 14th Century: The Index of  Codex Casanatensis, ms. 1730

© Introduction, translation and notes by Geoffrey W. Clement


Codex Casanatensis 1730 was a compendious work written and compiled in the early  fourteenth century for use by Franciscan inquisitors in Tuscany. The manuscript contains  a wide typology of legal texts in its folios that all pertain to the medieval inquisition of  heresy. In my dissertation completed in 2013 at Fordham University, I argued that  Casanatensis 1730 is unique since three-quarters of the manuscript was penned by one  hand and assembled in a particular order.1Furthermore, the manuscript incorporated  many novelties of the time including rubricated headlines, Arabic numerals, cross references and an extensive alphabetically-arranged topical index. Some materials in  other hands were later added to produce the codex in its present form, but the majority of  the codex was conceived and produced in one place, at one time, by one person who was  likely an inquisitor himself or a functionary in the service of the inquisition.

Casanatensis 1730 has 297 folios in twenty-seven gatherings. All of the folios  that were written by the original author have two columns with twenty-seven lines for  text. There are two foliation systems in Casanatensis 1730—a medieval and a modern  one. Both use Arabic numerals and are continuous from their respective points of origin.  

The modern system appears in the upper right corner of the recto side of each folio and  was placed there by the Biblioteca Casanatense with a rubber stamp most likely in the  


1 Geoffrey W. Clement, “A Franciscan Inquisitor’s Manual and its compositional context: Codex  Casanatensis 1730” (Ph.D. diss., Fordham University, 2013).


twentieth century. Excepting four initial guard leaves, it is continuous throughout the  entire codex running sequentially to the last parchment folio, no. 298. The medieval  foliation was hand-written in the center top margin of the recto of each folio beginning on  modern fol. 41r, the first folio of the collection proper after the index. It is contemporary  with the composition of the majority of the manuscript both because it is the system used  for references in the index which is unerringly accurate, and the hand of the enumeration  in the original index entries and the medieval foliation is the same. The first forty folios  comprising gatherings 1-4, thirty-seven of which are the index, are not numbered in the  medieval system. The medieval foliation continues in a different hand in the later  gatherings of the manuscript (nos. 25-27), which were not part of the original  composition. All references to folios in these three later gatherings have been appended  by a later hand in numerous spots in the index.  

The first thirty-seven folios after the guard-leaves form a comprehensive, medieval index.  Using Latin topical headings, it refers the user to a given folio number and column  identified by letter. The text of the index appears to have been written by the same  original hand as the majority of the manuscript, and the numerical references in Arabic  numerals correspond to the medieval foliation system which begins with fol. 1 at the  modern fol. 41. The text in the index was written in highly abbreviated early fourteenth century Latin. This document is an edition in full-length Latin in the left-hand columns  with an English translation facing it in the right-hand columns. The integrity of folio  numbers, line numbers and the interruption and continuation of a word on the next line as  it occurs in the original manuscript has been strictly observed. As a result, the


interruptions of words on one line and their continuation on the next does not conform to  modern conventions.  

Some noteworthy aspects of the index include capitalization, ubiquitous use of  Arabic numerals, occasional cross-referencing, and index entries that distill or de contextualize the full-length text of laws and procedures contained in the main body of  the codex. All of these features together made Codex Casanatensis 1730 especially useful in its day. The combination of index and texts resulted in a manual that was portable,  quickly and easily consulted, authoritative in its contents, and allowed for subsequent  addenda that updated the codex and were wholly integrated into its index reference  system by later hands without changing the wording or order of the index entries  themselves. Thus, alpha-numerical folio references were added to pre-existing index  entries by later hands. Indeed, the index was comprehensive and yet flexible enough to  accommodate references to later additional texts without necessitating any alteration to  its structure because the entries were topical in nature (e.g., abjuration, absolution,  accusation, apostasy, etc.), and the topical headings were arranged alphabetically.

In the case of Casanatensis 1730, every entry in the index that contains an alpha numeric reference directing the user to a given folio and column, which is the  preponderant majority, uses Arabic numerals. The written style of these numerals in the  index is the same as that which appears at the head of the recto side of each bi-folio  throughout the original codex. There are texts referenced in the index that post-date the  original manuscript, but the references to these later additions were incorporated into the  index as it originally appeared without changing the Latin subject key-words or adding  new entries. Though they observed the index headings of the original writer, the


references to later additions in the body of the collection are all in a different hand and  appended onto the end of the original alpha-numeric references for any given index entry.  Furthermore, many of these later additions to index entries not only refer the reader to  materials in those gatherings (nos. 25-27, fols. 262r-297v), but are as unerringly accurate  as those of the original writer. Updating the index in this way, with additional numbers  but no new headings, indicates how closely the later users and authors followed the  original purpose and organization of the manuscript; in other words, the additions  supplement topics already found in the original collection. The only exception to every  index entry having been written by the original hand, are four entries appended by a later  hand onto the last column of the index (fol. 37rb, lines 5-18). They all concerned the  disposition of the registered goods (Annotata Bona) of those absenting themselves, or  not, for a year or more.2 

Finally, one must consider two additional characteristics in the index’s  numbering—both rare but present nonetheless. There are index entries lacking any alpha numerical reference, but most of these are simply cross-references directing the reader  elsewhere for more information. Besides those entries which are cross-references, there  are also extremely rare instances of entries lacking any numerical reference by the  original writer at all. In these cases, the entries in question are simply summary  statements needing no additonal elaboration.  

Beyond the characteristics of the index noted above, a more precise location  system was used in Casanatensis 1730 for subdivisions of folios. The index locates  references with folio numbers plus the letters a, b, c, or d. On the folios themselves there  


2 Casanatense ms 1730, fol. 37rb, lines 5-18.


are no letters, but it is evident that the index references correspond to the four columns of  each folio counting from left to right, recto to verso (a = ra, b = rb, c = va, d = vb). The  original medieval foliation and alphabetical references to particular columns are  maintained in the left-hand Latin text, and modern foliation and columnar references (ra vb) appear in the English translation.

Another phenomenon which occurs repeatedly in the index is a rudimentary form  of cross-referencing. Though entries are phrases generally arranged alphabetically by an  initial topical keyword, the index is not always strictly alphabetized within its  subdivisions, and the alphabetical order is sometimes interrupted by a change of tense,  declension, or number of a Latin word within a category. The index is alphabetical up to  the concept level since within a range for a given initial letter, there is a sequence of  topical categories. For instance, under headings beginning with “S,” the index has topics,  some with multiple subdivisions, that are ordered alphabetically; i.e., Sacerdos, Sacramentum, Sacros, Satisfactio, Sententia, Sepultura, etc., fol. 33va-34rb. Within any  given topic, such as sacerdos, full alphabetical order throughout the word’s variants and  subtopics is not strictly observed.3 

Cross-references, of which there are twenty-one, always start with alia. They  appear occasionally in the middle of a string of entries relating to a topic, but are more  often placed at the end of the sequence of related entries. Depending on where the  reference appears, it directs the reader either supra or infra—above or below—for more  information. In some instances, the cross-reference directs the reader to more than one  


3 The four entries for sacerdos in Casanatense ms 1730, fol. 37va begin: Sacerdotes….;  Sacerdotes….; Sacerdos….; Sacerdotis…. .


spot for further consultation.4 Of course, the range of issues addressed for some topics in  the index, such as that concerning goods, is more comprehensive than for others. In those  instances where there is less thorough treatment of a topic, cross-references are usually  included at the end of a topic’s sequence of index entries to direct the reader elsewhere  for more information. Clearly, the author of the index approached his work in a highly  systematic and methodical manner and included what he must have considered  particularly important points under different headings. In the event a user could not find  what he was looking for in one spot where it may occur to him to search, he will find it in  another that makes equal sense or he will find a cross-reference directing him elsewhere for more information.  

In the pages that follow, the index for Codex Casanatensis ms.1730 is presented  in full-length Latin and its English equivalent immediately facing it to the right. The texts  contained within the manuscript have been edited and printed in collections of papal  bulls, Gratian’s Decretum, imperial laws, and modern scholarly works, but that is not the  case at all for the index—a primary source that has been neither edited nor translated to  date. It is hoped that this edition will furnish medievalists and researchers of the medieval  inquisition with an acceptably useful publication of this primary resource from Codex  Casanatensis ms. 1730.


This extensive set of tables represents an edition and translation of the first thirty-seven  folios of Casanatense ms. 1730; fols. 1-37rb.


4 Casanatense ms 1730, fol. 9rb; for example, in the section of the index dealing with believers of  heretics, an entry directs the reader both above and below for more information. The entry itself is at the  end of the sequence on believers, or credentes, and reads: “Alia de credentibus supra in bonis, infra in  hereticis.”


a) The line numbers for each column and folio appear in the left margin of the left hand Latin column. These line numbers do not appear in the original manuscript. b) The left-hand Latin column strictly adheres by line number and to the spacing and  splitting of words, often in irregular or unexpected ways, in accordance with the  script as encountered in the manuscript.  

c) There are occasional items added by later hands in the top and bottom margins  usually with accompanying insertion marks to indicate where the entry was  intended for insertion by this later annotator or user. These have been preserved  and reproduced as faithfully as possible.  

d) The red capital letter “C” at the start of each entry reproduces a large red symbol  that resembles a C, that is as a rubrication, and appears before nearly every entry  in the index.  

e) Any italicized script indicates that it was added or inserted by a later hand. fol. 1ra.

1.Numerus Algorismi tabulae huius  respondet  

2. numero cartarum istius libri. Et. a. littera 3. primae columpnae cuiuslibet carte  b.secundae. c. tertiae. et d. quartae

The number of this Arabic table corres ponds to the number of the pages of this  book, and the letter a to the first column of any page, b to the second, c to the third, d  to the fourth.

4. C. Abjuratio haeresis fieri debet in terra 5. communiter ab omnibus 129.b.

C.The renunciation of heresy ought to be  made communally by everybody. 169.rb.

6. C. Abjuratio haeresis ulteris fieri inquisi 7. tori vel alteri habenti suam commissi 8. onem non solum ab hominibus profecte 9. etatis sed etiam iuvenibus 129.b.

C. The recantation of further heresy is to be  done by the inquisitor or by another having his commission not only by men of  advanced age but also by the young men.  169.rb.

10. C. Abjuratio haeresis forma et modus 11. 129.b. 141.d.

C. The form and manner for the  

renunciation of heresy. 169.rb.180.vb.

12. C. Abjuratio haeresis debet fieri publice 13. ab hereticis 121.a.

C. The renunciation of heresy ought to be made publicly by the heretics. 161.ra.

14. C. Abjuratio haeresis fieri debet a  mascu

15. lis a quartodecimo anno et a fe 16. minis anno 12o et super. 129.b.

C. Renunciation of heresy ought to be  made by males from age fourteen and by  females from the twelfth year and above.  169.rb.

17. C. Abjuratio haeresis qualiter debet per  publicum

18. instrumentum firmari 132.b.

C. How the renunciation of heresy has to  be affirmed through a public instrument.  172.rb.

19. C. Abjuratio haeresis qualiter debet  fieri a pur

20.gante se. 151.c.d.

C. How the renunciation of heresy has to  be done by one clearing oneself.


21. C. Abjuratio haeresis qualiter fieri  debet ab eo

22. qui venit post tempus gratie tamen cita 23. tus. 153.d.

C. How the renunciation of heresy has to  be done by he who comes after the time of grace yet cited nevertheless.  


24. C. Abjuratio haeresis qualiter debet  fieri ab

25. illo qui venit infra tempus gratie 26. 154.b.

C. How the renunciation of heresy has to  be done by that one who comes within time  of grace. 193.rb.

27. C. Abjuratio haeresis qualiter debet  fieri ab eo

C. How the renunciation of heresy has to  be done by he

Fol. 1rb.

1.qui venit sponte extra tempus gratie.

who comes voluntarily beyond the time of  grace.

2. C. Abiuramentium nomina quomodo  debent scribi

3. tam in libro inquisitoris quam in par 4. rochiis eorum. 129.b

C. How the names of those recanting have  to be written both in the book of the  inquisitor as in [those of ] their parishes.  169.rb.

5. C. Abjuratio haeresis quomodo fieri  debet et serva

6. ri a dominis perpetuis terrarum. 129.b

C. How the renunciation of heresy must be  done and preserved by the perpetual lords  of the lands. 169.rb.

7. C. Abjurantes haeresim et non servantes 8. et demum labentes et non servantes 9. vel non facientes iniuntas sibi

10. penitentias. pena relapsorum puni 11. antur. 129.c.

C. Those recanting heresy and not  observing, and in fact falling into error and  not observing or doing the penances  enjoined upon them, are punished with the  penalty of the relapsed.

12. C. Abjurare debent heresim qui debent  ab

13. solvi ab inquisitore. 18.c.

C. (Those) who ought to be absolved by  the inquisitor have to recant heresy.

14. C.Abjurari debet per rectorem  


15. que comunitatis vel corrigi omne 16. statutum conditum et condendum quod 17. repugnaret legibus et constitution 18. nibus inquisitionis. 68.c.69.c.42.c.

C. Every established statute or those to be  established that are repugnant to the laws  and constitutions of the inquisition have to  be renounced or corrected by the rector of  whatever community.

19.C. Absentes culpabiles vel su

20. specti requisiti et debita forma

21. et termino si non comparerent possunt  sicut

22. presentes tractari. 123.ab.

C. The absent guilty ones or the suspect [who are] missing, both the proper form  and if they were not to appear within the  time limit, can be treated just like [those]  present. 163.ra-b.

23. C. Absentantes se non efficient

24. processus inquisitorum sed ubique  possunt

25. eos capere et eis alii assistere debent 26. .19.d.84.a.92.a.115.d.123.

27. a.b

C. If the absent ones do not complete the  processes of the inquisitors, they can  capture them anywhere and others also  have to assist them. 59.vb.124.ra.132.ra.  155.vb.163.ra.rb.


Fol. 1 va

1. C. Absentantes se contumaciter

2. qualiter debent per inquisitores tracta 3. ri. 127.ab.

C. How those absenting themselves con tumaciously have to be treated by the  inquisitors. 167.ra-b.

4. C. Absolvere ab haeresi. quomodo possit  fieri

5. per inquisitores. 91.a.18.c.

C. To absolve from heresy: how it can be  done by the inquisitors. 131.ra.

6. C. Absolvere ab excommunicatione 7. contracta propter heresim possunt  inquisitores

8. committere fratribus sui ordinis. 63. 9. ab.

C. The inquisitors can hand over to the  brothers of their order [the task] to absolve  from excommunication incurred because of  heresy. 103.


10. C. Absolvere possunt inquisitores a ma 11. iori excommunicatione suspensione et 12. interdicto illos qui assumunt

13. crucem contra hereticos. 62.b.

C. The inquisitors can absolve from  major excommunication, suspension, and interdict, those who take up the cross  against heretics. 102.rb.

14. C. Absolvere possunt se mutuo inqui 15. sitores ab maiori excommunica 16. tione et ab irregularitate. 55.b.

C. Inquisitors can mutually absolve each  other from major excommunication and  from irregularity. 95.rb.

17. Almarici doctrina non tam hereti 18. ca quam insana est. 4.c.

The doctrine of Amalric is not so much  heretical as it is insane.

19. C. Absolutio sub qua forma fieri 20. debeat.120.d.

C. Under what form an absolution has to be  done. 160.vb.

21. C. Absolvere debent inquisitores sub  con

22. dicione. 120.d.

C. Inquisitors have to absolve under a condition. 160.vb.

23. C. Absoluti sunt ab omni servitute 24. omnes qui tenebantur lapsis mani 25. feste in heresim. 10.ab.

C. They are absolved from all servitude all  who were bound by those lapsing  

manifestly into heresy. 50.ra-b.

26. C. Accusatio heretici debet public 27. ari et si non nomina testium. 104.c.

C. The accusation of a heretic has to be  made public and if not, the names of the  witnesses.

Fol. 1vb

1. C. Accusare debent heretici suos com 2. plices et ad hoc cogi. 79.b.

C. Heretics must accuse their accomplices and be forced [to do] this. 119.rb.

3. C. Accusatus de heresi. quomodo debet  se pur

4. gare. 151.d.

C. How [one] accused of heresy has to  cleanse oneself. 190.vb.


5. C. Accusatis de heresi. quando debent  revela

6. ri accusantes et quando non. 22.c.d 7. 91.c.123.c.126.d.

C. When the accusers have to be revealed  to [those] accused of heresy and when not.

8. C. Admonitio fieri debet potestatibus 9. per inquisitores ut faciant conscribi 10. constitutiones pape in suis statu 11. tis. 95.a.

C. An admonition has to be made for the  podestas by the inquisitors so that they  ensure [that] the pope’s constitutions are written into their statutes. 135.ra.

12. C. Advocati defendentes errores 13. hereticorum debent plecti eadem pena 14. cum hereticis. 83.d

C. Attorneys defending the errors of the heretics have to be punished with the same penalty as the heretics. 123.vb.

15. C. Advocati si suum officium impen 16. dunt hereticis. sunt subiecti perpetue in 17. fame et perpetuo suo officio et sicut 18. heretici puniendi. 6.d.54.c.

19. 9.a.84.a.

C. If the attorney’s official duty is  expended upon the heretics, they are  subjected to perpetual infamy, [stripped of] their office, and punished just like the  heretics. 49.ra.124.ra.

20. C. Advocatus si fuerit credens re 21. ceptator defensor seu fautor

22. hereticorum non debet admitti ad ad 23. vocandum.80.c.87.c.54.b.

C. If an attorney had been a believer,  receiver, defender, or favorer of the  heretics, he ought not to be admitted to  practicing law.

24. C. Almarici impiissimi dogma

25. condempnatur et reprobatur. 4.c.

C. The dogma of the most impious Almar ic is condemned and reproved.

26. C. Almarici doctrina non tam hereti 27. ca quam insana est. 4.c.

C. The doctrine of Almaric is not so much  heretical as it is insane.

28. C. Annotatio bonorum se absentan 29. ium retroquire in fine huius ta

30. bule.

C. The registration of the goods of [those] absenting themselves, look to the rear at  the end of this table.

Fol. 2ra.

1. C. Anziani infra in capitaneo

2. potestate. consule et rectore.

C. The elders within in [the sections on.]  captain, podestà, consul and rector.

3. C. Appellare non potest hereticus  credens

4. favens nec aliquis talibus parti

5. cipans.

C. A believing favoring heretic cannot appeal, nor to anybody such [as that] participating.

6. C. Appendices domus domui in

7. qua hereticus reperitur debet destrui 8. 79.c.

C. Extensions to the household in which  a heretic is discovered, the domicile has to  be destroyed.

9. C. Appostatantes a fide catho

10. lica privantur omnibus bonis tempora 11. libus.39.b.87.c.

C. Those apostasizing from the catholic  faith are deprived of all worldly goods.

12. C. Appostatantes a fide catho

13. lica execrantur. 87.c.

C. Those apostasizing from the catholic  faith are cursed.


14. C. Appostatantes a fide catho

15. lica privantur successione.87.c.

C. Those apostasizing from the catholic  faith are deprived of succession.

16. C. Appostatantes a fide catho

17. lica patiuntur ultionem persecu 18. tionis. 87.c.

C. Those apostasizing from the catholic  faith suffer the vengeance of persecution.

19. C. Appostatantes a fide catholic 20. ca legibus coartantur. 87.c.

C. Those apostasizing from the catholic  faith are confined by the laws.

21. C. Appostatantes a fide privantur 22. omni jure legiptimo.87.c.

C. Those apostasizing from the faith are deprived of every legitimate law.

23. C. Appostatantium a fide Christiana 24. facultates domino fisci debent

25. vendicari. 39.b.

C. The material resources of those  apostasizing from the Christian faith have  to be sold by the lord of the treasury. 79.rb.

26. C. Appostatantium a fide Christiana 27. testamenta per quinquennium

C. The wills of those apostasizing from the Christian faith can be challenged for

Fol. 2rb.

1. post mortem possunt impugnari sicut  con

2. stitutum est de in officiosis ac

3. tionibus. 39.b.

a period of five years after death as is established in [the work] “on more official actions.” 79.rb.

4. C. Appostatantes a fide Christiana 5. debent esse segregate ab omni com 6. sortio. 39.bc.

C. Those apostasizing from the Christian  faith have to be segregated from every  association. 79.rb-va.

7. C. Appostatantes a fide Christiana 8. non possunt esse testes in alieno

9. testamento. 39.c.

C. Those apostasizing from the Christian  faith cannot be witnesses for another’s will.

10. C. Appostatantes a fide Christiana 11. non possunt alicui succedere

12. in hereditate nec aliis possunt eos 13. ascribere heredes. 39.c.

C. Those apostasizing from the Christian faith cannot receive an inheritance from  anybody nor can they be designated as  heirs by others.

14. C. Appostatantes a fide Christiana 15. numquam revertuntur in pristinum sta 16. tum. 39.c.

C. Those apostasizing from the Christian faith are never returned to pristine status.

17. C. Appostatantium a fide Christiana 18. peccatum quod est flagitium morum  non

19. oblitterabitur penitentia. Nec um 20. bra aliqua exquisita de felicionis 21. aut numeris obducetur nec

22. talibus succurritur remedio

23. penitentiae quae solet aliis criminibus 24. ad esse.

C. The sin of those apostasizing from the  Christian faith, that is the disgrace of  customs will not be obliterated by penance.  Nor is it led away by any exquisite shadow  of happiness or of the number, nor are such as these succored by the remedy of penance which is customary to exist for  other crimes.


25. C. Appostatantes a fide Christiana 26. omni tempore et omnes possunt  accusare.

27. 39.d.

C. Everybody can accuse those  

apostasizing from the Christian faith at all times.



Fol. 2 va.

1. C. Appostatantes a fide Christiana non 2. possunt testari nec aliquid de suis 3. bonis alteri donare nec sub specie 4. venditoris fraudes legi facere.

5. 39.d.40.a.

C. Those apostasizing from the Christian faith cannot testify or give anything from  their goods to another, nor under the guise  of a seller, violate the law.


6. C. Appostatantium a fide Christiana 7. bona potissimum deferantur

8. ab intestato propinquis Christianitates 9. sectantibus. 39.d.40.a.

C. The goods of those apostasizing from the Christian faith are especially carried  away from the intestate one to nearby  Christian sects. 79.vb.80.ra.

10. C. Appostatantium a fide Christiana 11. peccatum sic est puniendum ut etiam 12. post mortem ipsorum universi ab in

13. testato succedentes contra bona 14. ipsorum audiantur. 39.d.

C. The sin of the apostates from the  Christian faith is punished thus so that after  the death of all of the same succeeding  from the intestate one, against the goods of  themselves are named. 79.vb.

15. C. Appostatantium a fide Christiana  peccatum

16. sic punitur ut subcedentes ab in 17. testato audiantur contra bona illorum 18. dato etiam quod in vita nihil fuerit 19. dicatum. 39.d.

C. The sin of the apostates from the  Christian faith is punished thus in order  that the successors of the intestate one are  heard against the goods of those ones  given, that nothing had been said in life.  79.vb.

20. C. Appostatantes a fide Christiana 21. dicuntur qui nomine christianitatis indu 22. ti. Sacrificia vel fecerunt vel fa 23. cienda mandarunt. 40.a.

C. Those apostasizing from the Christian faith are said to be those who, cloaked by the name of Christianty, either did  sacrifices or ordered them to be done. 80.ra

24. C. Appostatare a fide Christiana 25. aliquem servum vel ingenuum faci 26. entes debent decapitari. cum dispen 27. dio fortunarum. 40.a

C. Those making any servant or freeman  apostasize from the Christian faith have to  be decapitated with the loss of his fortunes. 80.ra.

Fol. 2vb.

Added above the column in another hand:

§Argumento levi detetti deviare a iudicio catholice religionis hereticorum vocabulo continentur. 33.B.

For the proof, easily uncovered to  deviate from the judgement of the catholic religion, they are contained in the word of  the heretics. 73.rb.

1. C. Appostatantes in heresim appoli 2. naris et euticetis debent puniri

3. omnibus penis quibus puniuntur alii 4. heretici et expelli de imperio sicut 5. § manicei. 40.ab.

C. Those apostasizing into the heresy of  Appolinaris and Eutychis must be punished by all the penalties with which other  heretics are punished and expelled from the  § empire just like manichees. 80.ra-b.


6. C. Assessor unus potestatis vel ca 7. pitanei debet assignari inquisitori 8. ut ei assistat et cooperetur in officio 9. inquisitionis. 81.b.c.

C. One assessor of the podestà or the  captain has to be assigned to the inquisitor  so that he may assist him and work  alongside in the office of the inquisition.

10. C. Assessor potestatis vel capitanei 11. et cuiuslibet praesidentis debet mitti ad  in

12. quirendum contra hereticos ad  


13. inquisitoris. 80.d.

C. The assessor of the podestà or the captain and of whoever is presiding has to  be sent for inquiring against heretics at the  request of the inquisitor. 120.vb.

14. C. Assessores potestatis et capi 15. tanei et cuiuslibet praesidentes debent 16. sindicari cum suis dominis de ob 17. servantia omissa circa constitutiones 18. papales et imperiales.82.b.

C. Assessors of the podestà and the captain and of whoever may be presiding have to  be sindicated with their lords on the  abandoned observance of papal and  imperial constitutions. 122.rb.

19. C. Attestatio contra hereticos debet pu 20. blicari et si non nomina testium. 104.c.

C. Attestation against heretics has to be made public and not the names of the  witnesses.

21. C. Auctoris dampnati. dicta non 22. possunt recipi. 5.b.

C. The sayings of the author of the damned cannot be received. 45.rb.

23. C. Auxilium nullus debet impendere  hereticis.

C. Nobody ought to lend help to the  heretics.

24. C. Auxilium omnes debent impendere  tam inqui

25. sitoribus quam suis officialibus et 26. nuntiis.

C. Everybody has to lend help both to  the inquisitors and to his officials and  nuntios.

27. C. Auxilium brachii secularis possunt

C. The inquisitors can require the help of

Fol. 3 ra.

1. inquisitores requirere pro negotio fi 2. dei. 19.b.21.b.83.a.

the secular arm for the business of the faith.  59.rb.61.rb.123.ra.

3. C. Baiuli debent iurare quod fide 4. liter adiuvabunt ecclesiam contra hereti 5. cos et eorum complices. 129.c.

C. Bailiffs have to swear that they will faithfully help the church against heretics and their accomplices.

6. C. Baiuli debent iurare quod de terris  sibi

7. subiectis bona fide studebunt

8. exterminare omnes hereticos. 129.c.

C. Bailiffs have to swear that they will  strive in good faith to exterminate all  heretics from the lands subject to them.

9. C. Baliuus infra in capitaneo po 10. testate et rectore sive praesidente.

C. Bailiff-below in captain, podestà, and rector or president.

11. C. Banniti sunt per constitutionem  frede

12. rici omnes heretici. 86.d

C. All heretics are banned by the  

constitution of Frederick. 126.vb.


13. C. Banniri debent omnes heretici per  praesiden

14. tes in principio sui regiminis.76.a.

C. All heretics have to be banned by those  presiding at the start of their administration.  116.ra.

15. C. Bannum hereticorum factum per  preceden

16. tes debent de novo praesidentes con 17. firmare. 76.a.

C. The presiders have to confirm anew the  bann of the heretics made by those preceding [them]. 116.ra.

18. C. Baptismi sacramentum omnibus  proficit

19. ad salutem. 3.b.

C. The sacrament of Baptism advances  salvation for all. 43.rb.

20. C. Baptismi sacramentum consecratur  in

21. invocatione trinitatis et in aqua. 3.b.

C. The sacrament of baptism is consecrated in the invocation of the trinity and in water.  43.rb.

22. C. Baptismi non prodest ad salutem nisi  tene

23. at ecclesiae catholicae unitatem. 24. 5.a.

C. Baptism does not lead to salvation unless one keeps the unity of the Catholic  church.  


25. C. Baptismi sacramentalis iteratio con 26. dempnatur tamquam errorea et contra 27. praecepta apostolorum. 39.d.

C. Repetition of sacramental baptism is condemned as an error and against the  precepts of the apostles.79.vb.

Fol. 3 rb.

1. C. Baptismi sacramentum iterantes  antistites

2. iudicantur indigni sacerdotio.

3. 38.d.

C. Priests repeating the sacrament of  Baptism are judged unworthy of the  priesthood.


4. C. Baptismi sacramentum iterantes  active

5. et passive sensati debent occidi.

6. 39.a.

C. Those repeating the sacrament of  Baptism actively and passively perceived,  have to be killed.  


7. C. Baptizatos baptismo ecclesiae servos 8. vel ingenuos nulli heretico est

9. danda licentia rebaptizare

10. suo baptiste. 39.a.

C. To no heretic is permission to be given  to re-baptize with his baptism, the serfs or freemen baptized by the baptism of the  church. 79.ra.

11. C. Baptizari baptismo ecclesie et sequi 12. religionem ecclesiae non sunt  


13. servi hereticorum non dum  


14. eorum coniunti. 39.a.

C. The servants of the heretics not yet  married according to their superstition, are  not to be prohibited from being baptized by  the church’s baptism and to follow the  church’s religion. 79.ra.


15. C. Baptizari huiusmodi personas  baptismum

16. ecclesie et sequi religionem eius prohi 17. bentes et prohibiti quandoque qualiter 18. sicut puniendi per iudicem et qualis 19. puniuntur per legem et qua libertate 20. privantur. 39.a.b.

C. Whenever those prohibited and [who]  prohibit the baptism of the church to  persons of this kind to be baptized and  follow [the church’s] religion, how as to  punishing by the judge and how they are punished by the law and from what liberty  they are deprived. 79.ra.rb.

21. C. Baptismi sacramentum heretica superstitione

22. polluentes qualiter puniri de

23. bent. 39.b.c.

C. How those polluting the sacrament of  baptism with heretical superstition have to  be punished.

24. C. Baptismum qui aliter sentit vel do 25. cet quam ecclesia romana  


26. tus est. 5.c.

C. Baptism. He who believes or teaches other than the Roman church is


27. C. Barones debent iurare quod fideliter

C. Barons have to swear that they will  faith

Fol. 3 va.

1. adiuvabunt ecclesiam contra hereti 2. cos et eorum complices.6.a.129.c.

fully help the church against heretics and  their accomplices.

3. C. Barones debent iurare quod de 4. terris sibi subiectis bona fide

5. studebunt exterminare omnes here 6. ticos. 129.c.

C. Barons have to swear that they will  strive in good faith to exterminate all  heretics from the lands subject to them.

7. C. Blasphemia imperatoris qualiter 8. debet iudicari et puniri. 42.b.

C. How blashphemy of the emperor has to  be judged and punished. 82.vb.

9. C. Bona hereticorum credentium fau 10. torum receptatorum defensorum 11. eorumdem secundum veteres decretales et secundum quondam

12. constitutionem frederici et secundum  de

13. cretalem et secundum antiquorum  consilia

14. debent confiscari ita quod non utuntur 15. esse confiscata ipso iure secundum 16. praedictos.

17. d.120.ab.161.a.d.86.d.

C. The goods of heretics and of their  believers, favorers, receivers, and  defenders have to be confiscated according  to the old decretals and according to a  certain constitution of Frederick and  according to the decretal and according to  the counsels of the ancients so that they  are not used, by the law itself to be  confiscated according to the aforesaid.46. va-b.48. rb.114. vb.159.vb.160.ra


18. C. Bona hereticorum ipso iure sunt 19. confiscata secundum novellam decre 20. talem bonifatii et secundum quasdam 21. constitutiones frederici.22.b.

22. 87.c.161.ab.

C. The goods of the heretics by the law  itself are confiscated according to the new decretal of Boniface and according to  certain constitution of Frederick. 62.rb.


23. C. Bonorum hereticorum quamvis sint 24. confiscata ipso iure. tamen apprae 25. hensio non debet fieri quousque fuerit 26. super crimine sententia promul 27. gata.22.b.

C. Although the goods of the heretics may  be confiscated by the law itself. Still the apprehension ought not to be done to the  same degree as the sentence that will have been promulgated over the crime. 62.rb.

Fol. 3 vb.

1. C. Bona defunctorum sed confessorum 2. in iudicio sua crimina et obli

3. gantium sua bona ad portan

4. dum penitentiam sed decedentium ante 5. iniuntam non sunt obligata

6. ad illam penitentiam itaque here 7. des debeant gravari. 17.c.

C. The goods of the deceased but  

confessed in court their crimes, and of [those] obligating their goods for carrying  out penance, but died before enjoined, are  not obligated for that penance, and so the  heirs may have to be burdened.

8. C. Bona defunctorum quibus fuit in eis 9. impositum aliquod onus penitentiae et  non

10. fuit solutum remanent obli

11. gata. 52.a.17.c.

C. The goods of the deceased upon which  had been imposed some burden of penance, and had not paid, remain obligated.

12. C. Bona hereticorum defunctorum non 13. sententiatorum in vita possunt  


14. post mortem. 17.c.

C. The goods of deceased heretics not sen tenced in life can be confiscated after  death.

15. C. Bona hereticorum vendita post 16. contractum crimen non sunt emptoris  sed

17. iuste auferuntur illis per officium 18. inquisitionis. 163.d.

C. Goods of heretics sold after the  contracted crime are not the buyer’s, but  they are justly taken away from these ones  by the office of the inquisition. 202.vb.

19. C. Bona confiscata propter crimen 20. heresis debet potestas post latam 21. sententiam super crimine  


22. et vendere. 81.c.d.

C. The Podestà has to seize and sell the  goods confiscated on account of the crime  of heresy, after the sentence is handed  down over the crime. 121va.b.

23. C. Bonorum suum dominium an  perdunt

24. heretici statim in ita factione.

25. 161.b.

C. Heretics immediately lose ownership of  their goods in such a deed.


26. C. Bona clericorum dampnatorum 27. et relictorum iudicio seculari.

C. The goods of clerics damned and  released to secular judgement, have to be


Fol. 4ra.

1. debent applicari ecclesiis illis

2. a quibus stipendia receperunt. 8.b.

applied to those churches from which they  received the stipends. 48.rb.

3. C. Bona hereticorum ad fidem  


4. ante mortem et ante confiscationem 5. et ante condempnationem an possint 6. postea confiscari. 161.b.119.

7. d. 120.a.

C. The goods of heretics converted to the  faith before death and before confiscation  and before condemnation can be  

confiscated afterwards. 200rb.159.


8. C. Bona dampnatorum pro hereticis 9. vel ad mutum debent confiscari.

10. 129.c.d.

C. The goods of those damned for heretics or for mute have to be confiscated.

11. C. Bonis alicuius heretici vel creden 12. tis publicatis per inquisitorem

13. si veniat in quaestionem de aliqua 14. re an sit illius talis quaestio habent ter 15. minari per solum inquisitorem

16. 130.d.

C. From the goods of some heretic or believer taken by the inquisitor, if it comes  into question about some thing or it may be  such a question of that, [they] have to be  ended only by the inquisitor.


17. C. Bona per hereticos alienata

18. in florentiae non possunt advocari nisi 19. alienator tempore alienationis

20. fuerit diffamatus publice

21. vel suspectus. 61.c.d.

C. Goods alienated by heretics in Florence are not able to be called for unless the  alienator at the time of the alienation had  been diffamed publicly or suspected.

22. C. Bona confiscata propter crimen 23. heresis si potestas noluerit

24. post latam sententiam super crimen 25. appraehendere et vendere potest  inquisitor

26. libere illa vendere cum aliquorum 27. consilio. 81.d.

C. If the podestà will not have wanted to seize and sell goods confiscated due to heresy after the sentence had been handed  down over the crime, the inquisitor can  freely sell thom with the counsel of some  others.


Fol. 4 rb.

1. C. Bonorum venditorum per  


2. dominium vere transfertur

3. in emptores.82.a.

C. Ownership of goods sold by the  inquisitor truly is transferred to the buyers.  122.ra.

4. C. Bona propter crimen heresis confi 5. scata et vendenda non debent

6. revendi illis quorum fieri

7. nec eorum filiis. 39.ab.86.d.

C. Goods confiscated due to the crime of  heresy, and about to be sold, ought not to  be resold to those ones to whom it was  done, nor their sons. 79.ra-b.126.vb.


8. C. Bona huiusmodi secundum  

decretalem utitur

9. quod possint redire ad peni

10. tentes sed non ad pertinaces. 6.c.

C. Goods of this kind according to the  decretal is used in so far as they may be  able to return to the penitents but not the  pertinacious.

11. C. Bonorum huiusmodi venditorum  habitum

12. eorum per curam officialium praeti 13. um debet dividi in tres partes

14. et una parte debet esse communis et  altera

15. officialium X qui negotia ipsa  

peregerint et tertia officii.

16. 81.c.d

C. The proceeds from the price of their  goods of this kind sold has to be divided  into three parts and one part has to be for  the commune, and another for the officials  X who performed the business and the third  to the office.

[Insertion mark X and its text appears in  the immediate right margin]

17. C. Bona reperta in domo in qua 18. heretici capiuntur vel capi pro

19. hibentur sunt illorum qui hereticos 20. capiunt nisi sicut officiales

21. et in aliquo casu. 78.c.79.c.

C. Goods discovered in a household in  which heretics are captured or to be  captured are prohibited to those ones who  capture the heretics unless as officials and  in some case.

22. C. Bona reperta in domo in qua 23. inquisitor invenit hereticum

24. debent confiscari. 129.c.

C. Goods discovered in a household in  which an inquisitor finds a heretic have to  be confiscated.

25. C. Brachium seculare possunt inqui 26. sitores invocare pro nego

27. tio fidei. 19.b.21.b.83.a.

C. Inquisitors can call in the secular arm for  the business of the faith.


Fol. 4va.

1. C. Burgus in cuius aliqua domo fuerit  in

2. ventus hereticum debet solvere aliquam 3. pecunie quantitatem in casu. 78.c.d. 4. 88.a.131.b.

C. A town in which a heretic will have been  found in some house has to pay some  quanitity of money in the case.


5. C. Burgus in quo fuerit inventus aliquis 6. hereticus debet cogi ad purgationem 7. dato quod non fuerit inventus in aliqua 8. domo.131.b.

C. The town in which will have been found some heretic has to be forced to purgation  given that [the heretic] will not have been found in some household. 171.rb.

9. C. Camerule seperate et occulte

10. debent esse in carcere inquisitionis ita  quod

11. heretici et ab aliis malefactoribus 12. et a se invicem sequestrati ma

13. neant. 128.b.

C. Separate and hidden rooms have to be in  the prison of the inquisition so that the  heretics may remain sequestered from other  malefactors and from each other.  



14. C. Capere hereticos tenetur in sua terra 15. omnis qui habet iurisdictionem  maxime si

16. fuerit requisitus ex parte officii vel 17. etiam a zelatore fidei. 83.d. 84. 18. d. 122.c.d.

C. All who have jurisdiction in their land are bound to capture heretics especially if  he will have been asked on the part of the  office or even by a zealot of the faith.  123.vb. 124.

19. C. Capi hereticum prohibentes sunt 20. graviter puniendi.

C. Those prohibiting a heretic being captured are to be punished seriously.  118.ra-va.

21. C. Capere potest quilibet  


C. Anyone at all can capture heretics.  116.rb.

22. C. Captum hereticum diripientes 23. sunt graviter puniendi. 78.ab.

C. Those snatching away a captured heretic are to be punished seriously. 118.ra-b.

24. C. Capientes hereticum in aliqua do 25. mo vel in aliquo loco debent habere  bona

26. eorum apud eos vel ibi reperta.nisi 27. sint officiales. 76.b.79.c.

C. Those capturing heretics in some house or in some place have to have their goods before them or so found, unless they may be officials.

Fol. 4vb.

1. C. Alia de captore hereticorum ubi 2. infra in officialibus inquisitoris

C. Other matters on the captor of  

heretics, within in the inquisitor’s officials.

3. C. Capitaneus. potestas. an

4. ziani. consules communitas consilium 5. rector et quicumque praesidet regi 6. mini alicuius terre vel communitatis 7. tenetur facere scribi. in libris

8. statutorum terre cui praesidet omnes 9. constitutiones et statuta papales

10. imperiales editas contra hereticos 11. 75.b.83.b.

C. The captain, podestà, elders, consuls,  community of counsel, rector and whoever may preside over the regime of some land or of a community is bound to make  written, in the land’s statute books for  which he presides, all papal and imperial  constitutions and statutes issued against the  heretics.  


12. C. Capitaneus et omnes predicti.  Quando

13. iurat suum officium tenetur iura 14. re se servaturum et facturum

15. servari a suis subditis omnes

16. huiusmodi constitutiones papales. 75.c.

C. The captain and all the aforesaid, when he swears his office, he is bound to swear himself to be about to serve, and to make to  be served by his subordinates, all papal constitutions of this kind.

17. C. Capitaneus et omnes huiusmodi  tenentur

18. recipere simile iuramentum a suc 19. cessoribus suis.75.d.

C. The captain and all of this kind are  bound to receive a like oath from their  successors. 115.vb.


20. C. Capitaneus et omnes predicti qui 21. noluerit iurare se servaturum

22. huiusmodi constitutiones papales non  debet

23. haberi pro domino et illa que ex tunc  agere

24. non sunt alicuius firmitatis nec

25. aliis tenetur talibus obedire. 75.d.

C. The captain and all the aforesaid who do  not wish to swear themselves to be about to  serve the papal constitutions of this kind, ought not be had as lord and those [things]  which from then on they do, are of no firmness nor are others bound to obey such.  115.vb.

26. C. Capitaneus et omnes huiusmodi  tenentur

27. servare omnes huiusmodi constitutiones  et

C. The captain and all those of this kind are  bound to preserve all constitutions of this  kind and

Fol. 5 ra.

1. facere observari a suis sub

2. ditis. 75.d.

to ensure observance by their subordinates.  115.vb.

3. C. Capitaneus et omnes huiusmodi non  ser

4. vantes huiusmodi constitutiones debent  5. graviter puniri. 75.d.

C. The captain and all others of this kind  not serving these kinds of constitutions have to be punished seriously. 115.vb.

6. C. Capitaneus et omnes huiusmodi  possunt  

7. et debent cogi per censuram ecclesia 8. sticam ab inquisitoribus ut faci

9. ant scribi huiusmodi constitutiones  10. in suis capitularibus et ut ob

11. servent eas. 88.b.

C. The captain and all others of this kind, can and have to be forced by ecclesiastical  censure by the inquisitors in order that they  ensure that these kinds of constitutions are  written into their capitularies, and so that  they observe them. 128.rb.

12. Alia de capitaneo require  

13. infra in potestate

Other things to require from the captain within in podestà

14. C. Capitularii libri debent con

15. tinere constitutiones et leges contra  16. hereticos editas. 75.b.

C. Capitulary books have to contain the  constitutions and laws issued against the heretics. 115.rb.

17. C. Carcer pro hereticis detinendis  18. debet fieri sive haberi in qualibet civita 19. te suspecta de heresi.128.b.

C. The prison for detaining heretics has to  be made or had in any city suspected of  heresy. 168.rb.

20. C. Carceres pro hereticis tenendis  21. debet esse seperati a carceribus ali 22. orum malefactorum et in se habere di 23. stinctas camerulas. 78.d.

24. 128.b.

C. Prisons for holding heretics have to be separate from the prisons of other  

malefactors, and to have in itself different  rooms. 118.vb.



25. C. Carcer perpetuus vel ad tempus  26. potest deputari non solum ad custo 27. diam reorum sed etiam ad penitentiam  pera

28. gendum.23.d.

C. Perpetual prison or for a time can be reckoned not only for holding criminals but  also for completing penance to the end.  63.vb.[original entry erased and current text  now appears in this space.]

Fol. 5 rb

1. C. Carceres pro hereticis detinendis  2. et si debeant esse tuti non tamen debent 3. esse fit rigidi ut extinguant  

4. eos. 128.b.

C. Prisons for detaining heretics, and if they may have to be secure, just the same  they have to be made severe so that they  destroy them. 168.rb.

5. C. Carceris custodia debet fieri expen 6. sis communis vel domini perpetui. 78.d.

C. The keeping of the prison has to be done at the expense of the commune or the  perpetual lord. 118.vb.

7. C. Carcer perpetuus debetur hereti 8. cis conversis. 83.d.127.d.

C. Perpetual prison is due to converted heretics. 113.vb.167.vb.

9. C. Carcer perpetuus debet dari sub 10. certa forma dampnatis here

11. ticis relapsis contumacibus

12. fugitivis redire volentibus

13. similiter etiam depraehensis qui  videlicet  

14. post tempus gratie non nisi citati no 15. minatim venire curarem aut

16. veritatem suppresserunt scienter et  contra  

17. proprium iuramentum. 127.d.128.ab.

C. Perpetual prison has to be given under a certain form to the heretics damned for  relapse, contumacy, fugitives wishing to  return, similarly even for those arrested who evidently, after the time of grace, not  unless cited by name, took care to come or  suppressed the truth knowingly and against  their own oath.


18. C. Carcer debitus potest differri quo 19. usque papa consulatur propter multitu 20. dinem. 121.c.d.

C. The obligation of prison can be deferred till when the pope is consulted because of the multitude.

21. C. Carcer firmus et perpetuus sine  22. ulla prorsus dilatione debet de

23. putari hereticis et eorum compli 24. cibus tali pena dignis quando a  25. deo sunt facinorosi ut de ipsorum  26. in penitentia vel fuga vel corrupt 27. tione vel turbatione aliorum meri

C. Firm and perpetual prison without any delay at all has to be reckoned for the  heretics and their accomplices with a  penalty worthy when they are robbers from  God, so that rightly it is feared about  themselves in penance or flight or  

corruption or disturbance of others. 161.vb.


Fol. 5 va

Written in the upper margin across the page in a different hand:

I. carceris custodes duo. debent esse homines Episcopi vel inquisitoris—224 I. The two custodians of the prison have to be men of the bishop or the  inquisitor—263.

1. to timetur. 121.d.


2. C. Carceris detrusio sive reclu

3. sio non est tantum ad penam criminis 4. quantum ad cautelam ne.scilicet. sibi et 5. aliis libere noceant et ut melius

6. quid sint appareant. 10.a.119.b.133.d.

C. The pushing down or reclusion of prison  is not so much for the penalty of the crime, as for a precaution for indeed namely, they may freely do harm to themselves and  others, and so that they may appear better than what they may be.50.ra.159.rb.173.vb

7. C. Carcer perpetuus sub qua forma 8. debet tradi hereticis perfectis.143. 9. ab.

C. Under what form perpetual prison has to be handed down to heretic perfects.  182.ra-b.

10. C. Carcer perpetuus debitus alicui 11. non debet ab initio sine speciali causam 12. relaxari vel commutari.128.ab.

C. The debt of perpetual prison should not be relaxed or commuted from the outset without a special reason. 168.ra.

13. C. Carcer perpetuus iniuntus

14. hereticis potest in processu temporis  com

15. mutari et mitigari sub certa

16. forma. 128.a.20.a.

C. Perpetual prison enjoined upon heretics can be commuted and mitigated under a  certain form in the process of time. 168.ra.60.ra.

17. C. Carceris huiusmodi evasor per fracti 18. onem vel per alium modum. fugiens 19. quali pena debet plecti 119 abc

C. The escapee of this kind of prison, by  smashing or another way. The penalty by  which the fleeing one has to be punished.  159ra-va

20. C. Carceris pena non debet alicui 21. I pro altero imponi vel commutari.

C. The penalty of prison should not be I imposed or commuted to someone for  another.

22. C. Carceratis pro heresi debent sub 23. veniri pro suis necessitatibus per 24. illos qui habuerunt bona illorum 25. 128.b.78.d.133.d.

C. Those incarcerated for heresy have to be  assisted for their necessities by those who  had their goods.


26. C. Carceratum pro heresi nullus debet 27. liberare sine mandato inquisito

C. Nobody ought to liberate one  

incarcerated for heresy without the order of  the inquisitor


Fol. 5 vb

1. ris vel episcopi per quem fuit incar 2. ceratus. 21.d.

or the bishop by whom he had been  incarcerated. 61.vb.

3. C. Carceris pena an debeat ali

4. cui remitti propter alterum sibi con 5. iunctum vel propter debilitatem vel se 6. nium.123.a.128.b.

C. The penalty of prison, or whether it may  have to be remitted to someone on account of another joined to him or because of  debilitation or senility. 163.ra.168.rb.

7. C. Carceris perpetui pena non debet 8. alicui imponi sine consilio et  

9. auctoritate episcopi. 91.a.

C. The penalty of perpetual prison ought  not to be imposed without the advice and  authority of the bishop. 131.ra.

10. C. Alia de carcere.

C. Other matters about prison.

11. C. Castrum in cuius aliqua domo 12. hereticus fuerit inventus debet in aliquot 13. causu solvere aliquam pecunie quanti 14. tatem. 81.a.131.b.

C. The castle in which a heretic will have been discovered in some house has in any case to pay some quantity of money. 121.ra.171.rb.

15. C. Cathari infra in ordine. in conso 16. lamento. in penitentia. in sacramento.

C. Cathars below in: order, in consolation,  in penance, in sacrament.

17. C. Cautio fideiussoria est requi 18. rendo ab illo de quo timetur

19. ne fugiat. 127.b.

C. The caution of oath-helpers is required from that one of whom it is feared he may flee. 167.rb.

20. C. Cautio fideiussoria est recipi 21. endo ab eo qui post condempnationem 22. ex contumacia. Ultra redire ad

23. mandata vel de quibus merito

24. timeri possunt ne fugiant vel sunt 25. detinendi. 127.b.

C. The caution of oath-helpers is for  receiving from him who, after  

condemnation from contumacy, to return  beyond to the mandates, or about whom it  is rightly feared they can flee or are  detained. 167.rb.

26. C. Cautio fideiussoria est reci

27. pienda generaliter ab omnibus qui prius

C. The caution of oath-helpers is for receiving generally from all who had previously

Fol. 6 ra

1. contumaces fuerunt. 127.b.

been contumacious. 167.rb.

2. C. Celicolarum nomen in auditum 3. quodam modo novum crimen super 4. stitionis vindicavit. 41.b.

C. The name of concealers in a hearing in a  certain way lays legal claim to a new crime  of superstition. 81.rb.

5. C. Celicole si non convertantur ad fidem  6. et cultum dei debent puniri sicut

7. heretici communiter dicti.41.b.

C. If concealers are not converted to the faith and the cult of God, they have to be  punished just like those commonly called  heretics. 81.rb.

8. C. Celicolarum bona si non convertantur  9. ad cultum dei debent ecclesie ven 10. dicari.41.b.

C. The goods of concealers, if they are not  converted to the cult of God, have to be  sold by the church. 81.rb.


11. C. Censura ecclesiastica potest et debet  in

12. quisitor uti ad cogendum omnes 13. praesidentes ad faciendum scribi 14. in statutis terrarum et ad obser

15. vandum omnes constitutiones papa 16. les et imperiales editas contra here 17. ticos et ad exequendum sententias 18. suas contra eosdem.

C. The inquisitor can and has to use ecclesiastical censure to force all presiders  to have written in the statutes of the lands  and to observe all papal and imperial  constitutions issued against the heretics and  to execute their sentences against them.

19. C. Citatio generalis qualiter fieri debeat  20. 95.c.125.d.

C. How a general citation has to be done.

21. C. Citatio specialis qualiter fieri debeat 22. usque ad diffinitinam sententiam 23. 148.149.

C. How a general citation has to be done all the way to the definitive sentence  187.188.

24. C. Citandi sunt nominatim illi qui non 25.comparent infra tempus misericordie vel  su

26. pprimunt veritatem.126.c.

C. They are cited by name those who do  not appear within the time of mercy or [who] suppress the truth.

27. C. Citati nolentes dicere verita-

C. How those cited should be treated who  do

Fol. 6 rb

1. tem qualiter debeant tractari.

2. 126.c.d.

not wish to tell the truth.

3. C. Forma citationis inscriptis.96.b.

C. The form for written citations. 136.rb.

4. C. Forma citandi eos qui personaliter 5. sunt citandi. 96.c.

C. The form of citing those who are to be  cited personally.

6. C. Citandi qualiter sunt illi qui con 7. tumaciter se absentant.127.

8. ab.148.149.

C. How those who contumaciously absent themselves are to be cited. 167.


9. C. Citationes possunt inquisitores com 10. mittere aliis.19.d.91.d.

C. Inquisitors can commit citations to  others. 59.vb.131.vb.

11. C. Civitas que duxerit resisten

12. dum institutis de iuramento

13. praestando pro fide defendendo 14. vel neglexerit punire resi

15. stentes careat comertio ali

16. arum et episcopali dignitate. 6.ab.

C. The city that will have led resistance to instituting the fulfilling of an oath for  defending the faith, or will have neglected to punish the resisters, may be deprived of the commerce of others and the episcopal  dignity. 46.ra-b.


17. C. Clerici officium inquisitionis  impedi

18. entes instruendo citatos cre

19. dentes hereticorum de celanda

20. veritate vel de dicenda fal

21. sitate vel eos indebite li

22. berando debent graviter puniri

23. per inquisitorem. 52.d.17.d.

C. Clerics impeding the office of the in quisition by instructing the cited believers of the heretics in hiding the truth or in speaking falsehood or in liberating them unpunished have to be gravely punished by  the inquisitor.  


24. C. Clerici non debent aliquid conferre 25. hiis qui non sunt catholici. 5.b.

C. Clerics ought not confer anything to these ones who are not catholics. 45.rb.

26. C. Clerici ex hibentes ecclesiastica 27. sacramenta hereticis et eos ad  


C. Clerics exhibiting the ecclesiastical  sacrament to heretics, and receiving them

Fol. 6 va

1. sepulturam recipientes et eorum

2. elemosinas et oblationes susci

3. pientes sunt excommunicati et debent  pri

4. vari suis officiis ad que numquam 5. restituuntur absque indulto sedis

6. apostolice speciali. 9.ab.15.ab.54.c.

for ecclesiastical burial, and accepting their alms and oblations, are excommunicated and have to be deprived of their offices, to  which they are never restored without a  special indult from the apostolic see.

7. C. Clerici credentes recipientes de 8. fendentes et faventes hereticis debent 9. privari omni officio et beneficio.9.a. 10. 54.b.

C. Clerics receiving believers, defenders, and favorers of the heretics have to be  deprived from every office and benefice. 49.ra.94.rb.

11. C. Clerici depraehensi in heresi. ecclesiastici

12. ordinis prerogativa nudentur

13. et sic omni officio et beneficio spoliatus 14. ecclesiastico: relinquatur arbitrio pote 15. statis secularis animadversione

16. debita puniendus nisi velit

17. redire ad fidem. 5.d.

C. Clerics discovered in heresy: are  stripped of the perogative of the  

ecclesiastical order and thus despoiled of every ecclesial office and benefice: he is  released to the judgement of the secular  

podestà to be punished with the debt of the  adverse soul, unless he may wish to return  to the faith. 45.vb.

18. C. Clerici per ecclesiam dampnati  ratione

19. criminis heresis ante quam tradantur 20. iudicio seculari vel perpetuo car 21. ceri sunt a suis ordinibus degra 22. dandi et nudandi.5.d.8.b.10.a.

23. 52.c.d.54.a.

C. Clerics damned by the church by reason  of the crime of heresy, before they are  handed over to secular judgement or perpetual prison, are to be degraded and stripped from their orders.  



24. C. Clerici impedientes officium inquisi 25. tionis eo quod citatos

26. ad tacendum veritatem vel ad di 27. cendam falsitatem sunt graviter

C. Clerics impeding the office of the  inquisition by having those cited remain  silent of the truth or for telling falsehood are to be gravely

Fol. 6 vb

Written in top margin in another hand:

Clerici 94.b Clerici 91.d Clerics 134rb Clerics 131vb Clerici 19.d. Clerics 131vb

Clerici 165.d Clerics 204vb

1. puniendi. 17.d.52.d.

punished. 57.vb.92.vb.

2. C. Clerici condempnandi propter  peccatum here

3. sis qualiter debent degradari .15.a 4. 23.b.c.

C. How clerics condemned due to the sin of  heresy have to be defrocked.


5. C. Clerici non relapsi dampnati et re 6. dire volentes debent mancipari

7. perpetuo carceri ad penitentiam

8. agendam. 54.a.

C. Clerics who were damned not relapsed, and wishing to return, have to be handed  over to perpetual prison for performing  penance. 94.ra.

9. C. Cogi debet hereticus per dominos  tempora

10. les citra membri diminutionem

11. et mortis periculum publice con 12. fiteri suos errores et accusare

13. alios hereticos et revelare bona

14. illorum et credentes et receptato 15. res et defensores eorum. 79.b.

C. The heretic has to be forced by the  temporal lords within diminution of the  members [torture] and danger of death to  publicly confess his errors, accuse other  heretics, reveal their goods, and their  believers, receivers, and defenders.  119.rb.

16. C. Comites requisiti per episcopum  debent iura

17. re que bona fide iuvabunt ecclesiam 18. contra hereticos et eorum complices et  il

19. los de terris suis exterminabunt et 20. praestare nolentes priventur suo 21. honore. 6.a.129.c.

C. Counts asked by the bishop have to  swear in good faith that they will help the  church against heretics and their  

accomplices, and they will exterminate  them from their lands, and those not  wishing to fulfill the oath are deprived of  their honor.

22. C. Committere possunt inquisitores  aliis

23. citationes testium examinationes 24. et sententiarum promulgationes et ab 25. iurationis receptionem. 19.d.91. 26. d.129.b.

C. Inquisitors can commit to others  the citations of witnesses, examinations,  promulgation of sentences, and the  reception of abjuration. 59.vb.131.


27. C. Committere possunt inquisitores

C. Inquisitors can commit to others the


Fol. 7 ra

1. aliis negotia singularium

2. personarum. 115.b.

the business of individual persons. 155.rb.

3. C. Committere possunt inquisitores 4. fratribus ydoneis sui ordinis ab

5. solutionem ab excommunicatione  contracta

6. propter heresim. 63.a.b.

C. Inquisitors can commit to suitable brothers of their order, the absolution of  excommunication incurred because of heresy. 93.ra.rb.

7. C. Compellere possunt inquisitores et 8. debent omnes praesidentes et  


9. ad faciendum scribi in suis sta

10. tutis et ad servandum omnes constitu 11. tiones papales et imperiales editas 12. contra hereticos. 88.b.

C. Inquisitors can and ought to compel  all presiders and communities to ensure  that all papal and imperial constitutions  

issued against the heretics, are written in  their statutes and observed.  


13. C. Compellere possunt inquisitores reli 14. giosos ad exercendum officium 15. tabellionatus pro officio inquisitionis 16. 18.d.91.d.

C. Inquisitors can compel religious to  exercise the office of scribe for the office  of the inquisition.


17. C. Compellere possunt inquisitores  peritos

18. in iure ad dandum eis consilium pro 19. officio.19.d.91.d.

C. The inquisitors can compel the experts  in law to give counsel to them for the  office. 59.vb.131.vb.

20. C. Compellere possunt inquisitores  praedi

21. catores questuarios ad superse

22. dendum a praedicatione quando eorum 23. officium impediretur propter  


24. nem illorum. 19.a.80.c.

C. The inquisitors can compel pardoning  preachers into refraining from preaching  when their office was being impeded on  account of their preaching.

25. C. Complices hereticorum debent exigi 26. ab eis per tormenta. 79.b.

C. The accomplices of the heretics have to be exacted from them by tortures. 119.rb.

27. C. Comburendus est hereticus  


C. The obstinate heretic is to be burned

Fol. 7 rb

1. secundum iudicium legis imperialis.  86.b.

following the judgement of the imperial law. 126.rb.

2. C. Condempnatio non fiat de aliquo 3. sine lucidis et apertis proba

4. tionibus vel confessione propria  delinquen

5. tis. 123.d.127.a.

C. Condemnation of somebody is not done without clear and open proofs or a  confession itself of delinquency.



6. C. Condempnatio defunctorum debet5 7. fieri citatis heredibus. 127.c.

C. The condemnation of the deceased has  to be made for the cited heirs.

8. C. Condempnationes facte propter  peccatum

9. heresis.nequaquam relaxentur per con 10. silia vel per contionem vel ad vocem 11. alicuius communitatis.81.c.

C. Condemnations made on account of the  sin of heresy: by no means are they relaxed  through councils or though a public meeting or the advocacy of some

12. C. Confiscatio bonorum heretici et 13. complicium supra. in bonis eorumdem

C. Confiscation of the goods of a heretic  and of an accomplice above in goods of the  same.

14. C. Condempnationes facte per  


15. debent per praesidentes seculares man 16. dari executioni.

C. Condemnations made by the inquisitor  have to be ordered for execution by the  secular presiders.

17. C. Comunitas debet iurare quod 18. bona fide iuvabit ecclesiam contra 19. hereticos et cetera. 6.a.

C. The community has to swear that in  good faith it will help the church against  the heretics and so on. 46.ra.

20. C. Comunitas debet facere scribi in suis 21. statutis et servare constitutiones 22. papales contra hereticos. 75.b.

C. The Community has to write in its  statutes and preserve the papal  

constitutions against heretics. 115.rb.

23. C. Condictiones personarum sunt  diligenter

24. attendende in penitentiis imponendis 25. 121.a.

C. The conditions of persons are to be  diligently taken into account in imposing penances. 161.ra.

26. C. Confessio criminis est praehabenda 27. vel lucide et aperte probationes

C. When he who has to be condemned for  heresy, the confession of the crime is to be

Fol. 7 va

1. quando quis debet condempnari de  heresy

2. 123.d.127.a.

held out or clear and open proofs.


3. C. Confiteri qui non vult quod legip 4. time probatur contra eum quamvis dicat 5. se velle redire debet censeri

6. hereticus. 124.a.126.c.d.

C. He who does not wish to confess that it was legitimately proven aganst him, no  matter how he says himself to wish to  return, has to be counted as a heretic.

7. C. Coniugati per fidem rectam et opera 8. tionem bonam possunt salvari

9. 3.b.

C. Spouses can be saved by upright faith  and good works.  



5 Written in the right margin in another hand is the following text which runs for five lines: Omnes ossa  eorum pro hic ut habent extra derput.c sacris et de privilegio eidem.


10. C. Confessionem peccatorum qui aliter  docet

11. vel sentit quam ecclesia romana 12. est excommunicatus. 5.d.

C. Who teaches or believes other than the  Roman church on the confession of sins is  excommunicated. 45.vb.

13. C. Confessori esse credendum de ab 14. solutione heretici defuncti vel

15. vivi dubium est. 124.a.

C. It is dubious for the confessor to be  believing in the absolution of a dead or  living heretic. 164.ra.

16. C. Confiscatio bonorum heretici et  com

17. plicium supra in bonis eorumdem

C. The confiscation of a heretic’s goods  and an accomplice’s above in the goods of  the same ones.

18. C. Confiteri infra tempus gratie cui 19. alias gratias non est facta in quibus  debet

20. prodesse. 125.d.

C. To confess within the time of grace, for  whom other graces are not done, in whom it ought to be good.165.vb.

21. C. Confiteri publice suos erro

22. res debet cogi hereticus cum torment 23. tis per praesidentes. 79.b.

C. The heretic has to be forced with  tortures by the presiders to publicly confess  his errors. 119.rb.

24. C. Confessio quam faciunt pacares 25. sive cathari quam dicunt

26. se sacramentalem. 110.d.

C. The confession that the patarines or  cathars make that they themselves call a  sacrament. 150.vb.

27. C. Confessionem criminum redeun-

C. The inquisitor does not have to receive

Added by another hand below column on fol. 7va:

C. Communicationem processuum de eadem persona factorum per episcopum et inqusitorem debet esse in fine

tamen dum nihil restat agende


Fol. 7 vb

C. While as yet nothing remains of being  about to be done, the communication of  the processes done on the same person by the bishop and the inquisitor has to be at the end. 64.rb.

1. ium ad fidem non debet inquisitor reci 2. pere sub sigillo.98.b.

under the seal, the confession of criminals  returning to the faith. 138.rb.

3. C. Consanguinei recipientes hereti 4. cos consanguineos debent mitius 5. puniri. 121.b.

C. Blood relations receiving heretical  relatives ought to be punished more mildly. 161.rb.

6. C. Conservator quicumque non potest ex 7. communicare vel suspendere sive inter 8. dicere inquisitores vel eorum no 9. tarios.56.c.

C. Whatever defender cannot  

excommunicate, suspend, or interdict the  inquisitors or their notaries.


10. C. Consilium dyocesani episcopi requi 11. rendum est quando aliquis debet  immurari

12. vel iudicare hereticos vel con

13. similiter iudicari. 91.a.

C. The counsel of the diocesan bishop is to  be required when somebody has to be  imprisoned or judged as a heretic, or to be judged similarly. 131.ra.

14. C. Consilium iurisperitorum est  requiren

15. dum ad ferendam sententiam quando  non

16. debent nomina testium revelari ac 17. cusatis. 22.c.

C. The counsel of jurists is to be required  for making sentence when the names of the  witnesses ought not to be revealed to the  accused.

18. C. Consilium dare inquisitoribus te 19. nentur iurisperiti quando requisiti 20. fuerint et possunt ad hoc cogi

21. 91.d.91.d.

C. Jurists are bound to give counsel when  they were asked and they can be forced  into this.


22. C. Consilium quod tenet et requirit 23. inquisitor vel episcopus a iurisperitis 24. debet teneri secretum. quo ad te 25. stes et ad hoc per excommunicationem 26. possunt cogi iurisperiti . sed episcopus 27. et inquisitor tenentur ex praecepto

C. The counsel that the inquisitor or the  bishop hold and require from the jurists has  to be kept secret, which for the witnesses,  the jurists can be forced by

excommunication for this, but the bishop and inquisitor are bound by the precept of

Fol. 8 ra

1. obedientiae domini pape. 22.d.

obedience to the lord pope. 62.vb.

2. C. Consilium dantes hereticis gra 3. viter puniuntur. 80.b.

C. Those giving counsel to the heretics are  to be punished severely. 120.rb.

4. C. Consilium dantes ne domini tempora 5. les obediant inquisitoribus gra

6. viter puniuntur. 22.a.

C. The temporal lords giving counsel and not obeying the inquisitors are punished severely. 62.ra.

7. C. Alia de consilio. ubi constitu 8. tio et potestas.

C. Other matters about counsel. Where [the  entries for] constitutio and podestà.

9. C. Consolamentum sive manus impo 10. sitio. Si detur in aliqua domo

11. debet destrui illa domus. 87.c.

C. The consolation or imposition of hands. If it were given in some household, that household has to be destroyed.

12. C. Consolamentum defuncti qualiter 13. potest excusari et qualiter non. 15. cd.

C. How the consolation of the deceased  can be excused and how it cannot. 55.vab.

14. C. Consolamentum hereticorum qualiter 15. datur et quid sit secundum eos. 110.ab

C. How the consolation of the heretics is given and what it may be according to  them.150.rab.


16. C. Constitutiones papales et imperiales 17. contra hereticos editas debent per 18. praesidentes consilium et comunitatem 19. fieri conscribi in statutis terrarium 20. et nullo tempore debent inde amoveri 21. et secundum eas procedi contra omnem  heresim

22. 75.b.88.a.

C. The papal and imperial consitutions issued against the heretics have to be written in the statutes of the lands by the presiders, council and community, and at no time from that time on, ought they to be  moved, and following them, to proceed  against every heresy. 115.rb.128.ra.

23. C. Constitutiones papales contra  hereticos

24. condite et condende per sedem

25. apostolicam scribi in quatuor li 26. bris et unus ex his quatuor

27. libris debet conservari apud dyoce

C. The papal constitutions established and  to be established by the apostolic see, to be  written in four books, and one of these four  

books has to be held by the diocesan, and  another by the preachers, and another by  the

Fol. 8 rb

1. sanum et alius apud praedicatores 2. et alius apud minores et alius in

3. statuto comunitatis. 82.d.

minors, and another in the statute book of  the community.  


4. C. Constitutiones papales debent legi 5. in publica contione comunitatis et 6. in aliis locis recitati. ubi vi

7. debitur inquisitoribus expedire

8. 82.c.

C. The papal constitutions have to be read  in a public gathering of the community and  recited in other places, where it will seem  expedient to the inquisitors.

9. C. Constitutiones huiusmodi debent  servari

10. per praesidentes consilium et comunita 11. tem tam in terris quibus praesunt 12. quam in terris que ipsorum iurisdic 13. tioni subduntur. 75.b.

C. Constitutions of this kind have to be  observed by the presiders, council and  community both in the lands for which  

they are in charge, as in the lands that are  put under the jurisdiction of the same.  115.rb.

14. C. Constitutiones huiusmodi debent  servari

15. per inquisitores et fieri observa 16. ri ab omnibus praesidentibus. ب et aliis 17. 88.b.92.a.

C. Constitutions of this kind have to be observed by the inquisitors and made  to be observed by all presiders. بand by  others  


18. C. Constitutiones huiusmodi possunt in  suis

19. obscuritatibus interpretari

20. per inquisitores de consilio dyo 21. cesani episcopi vel eius vicarii. 22. 61.a.

C. Constitutions of this kind can be  interpreted on their obscure points by the  inquisitors from the counsel of the  diocesan bishop or his vicar.



23. C. Constitutiones huiusmodi qualiter  sint

24. observare per praesidentes debent in 25. quisitores per sollicitam sindi

26. cationem ipsorum.82.b.

C. How these kinds of constitutions may be  observed by those presiding. The  

inquisitors must [ensure ovservance]  through the solicitous syndication of the same. 122.rb.

27. C. Constitutionum huiusmodi  


C. Disregarded observance of the  

constitutions of this kind have to be

Fol. 8 va

1. observantia debet graviter puniri 2. in praesidentibus. 75.d.82.b.

punished severely among the presiders.  115.vb.122.rb.

3. C. Constitutiones huiusmodi debent  iurari

4. ab omnibus praesidentibus. 75.c.

C. Constitutions of this kind have to be  sworn by all those presiding.

5. C. Constitutiones huiusmodi si quis  praesidens

6. noluerit iurare graviter puni

7. itur. 75.d.

C. If he who presides will not wish to  swear to the constitutions of this kind, he is punished severely. 115.vb.

8. C. Constitutiones huiusmodi si quis  amove

9. rit de libris statutorum comunitatis 10. alicuius debet graviter puniri

11. 82.a.

C. Whoever will have removed the constitutions of this sort from the statute books of some community has to be punished severely.


12. C. Constitutiones huiusmodi quod licet  statu

13. tum contrarium vel contradicens debet  per praesi

14. dentes amoveri sive deleri vel

15. ad minus sic modificari quod

16. predictis constitutionibus non repu 17. gnent. 18.a.82.c.

C. From the constitutions of this kind.  Insofar as a contrary or contradictory statute is permitted, it has to be removed by those presiding whether to be deleted, or at least modified enoughh so that they are not  repugnant to the aforesaid constitutions.  58.ra.

18. C. Constitutiones papales edite contra 19. hereticos quamvis non sint in corpore 20. iuris sunt confirmate nisi

21. obvient constitutionibus domini 22. bonifacii.23.a.

C. Papal constitutions published against  heretics although they may not be in the  body of law, were confirmed unless they  may oppose the constitutions of the lord  Boniface. 63.ra.

23. C. Consules debent iurare quod fide 24. liter adiuvabunt ecclesiam contra here 25. ticos.6.a.129.c. et nolentes

26. iurare debent privari suo honore.

C. Consuls have to swear that they will  assist the church faithfully against heretics and those not wishing to  swear have to be deprived of their honor.

27. C. Consules debent iurare que bona

C. Consuls have to swear that in good


Fol. 8 vb

1. fide studebunt exterminare here 2. ticos de terris sibi subiectis

3. 129.c.

faith they will strive to exterminate the heretics from the lands subject to them.

4. C. Alia de consule.

5. Consule . supra in capitaneo et infra 6. in potestate et in rectore

C. Other things on consuls above in  captaincy and below in podestà and in  rector

7. C. Consulere supra in consilio

C. To counsel. Above in counsel

8. C. Contradictores officii inquisi 9. tionis possunt excommunicari  


10. condictionis vel status existant

11. 19.b.93.a.

C. Contradictors, of whatever condition or  status in which they exist, of the office of  the inquisition, can be excommunicated. 59.rb.133.ra.

12. C. Conventicula occulta et a comuni 13. vita fidelium dissidentes debent 14. revelari episcopo et inquisitori.9.c. 15. 54.d.81.a.

C. Secret conventicles and those apart from  the life of the faithful have to be revealed to the bishop and to the inquisitor. 94.vb.121.ra.

16. C. Converti volentes ab heresi. Debent 17. benigne recipi et cum mitiga

18. tione penarum. 127.b.

C. Those wishing to convert from heresy  have to be received benignly, and with a mitigation of penalties. 167.rb.

19. C. Converti nolentes ab heresi. Si 20. fieri possunt debent expectando  praedicari

21. si quomodo possint induci ad

22. penitentiam. 127.c.

C. Those not wishing to convert from  heresy: if they can be done, they must by  anticipating to be preached to, if or how  they may be able to be induced to penance.

23. C. Converti omnino nolentes post de 24. bitam expectationem et praedicationem 25. debent cogi ad publice confiten 26. dum sua peccata ut magis appareant 27. detestabiles. 127.c.

C. All those not wishing to convert after  the obligatory anticipation and preaching  have to be forced to confess their sins  publically so that they may appear all the  more detestable.

Fol. 9 ra

1. C. Converti omnino nolentes post  debitam

2. expectationem et praedicationem et su 3. orum scelerum publicam manife 4. stationem debent relinqui iudicio 5. seculari. 127.c.

C. All those not wishing to convert after  the obligatory suspense and preaching and  public manifestation of their wickedness have to be relinquished to secular


6. C. Convocare possunt inquisitores cle 7. rum et populum pro negotio  


8. 19.d.91.d.

C. The inquisitors can call together the  clergy and the people for the business of  the inquisition. 59.vb.131.vb.


9. C. Corporis et sanguinis Christi  sacramentum

10. qui aliter sentit vel docet quam ecclesia 11. romana est excommunicatus. 5.c.

C. He who believes or teaches other than  the Roman church about the sacrament of  the body and blood of Christ is  


12. C. Creatura spiritualis et corporalis  scilicet an

13. gelica et mundane simul ab ini 14. tio temporis creata est. 2.c.

C. A spiritual creature and corporeal one,  namely angelic and worldly alike was created from the start of time.

15. C. Creata sunt omnia visibilia et invi 16. sibilia ab uno solo patri nostro deo 17. vero uno et trino. 2.c.

C. All things visible and invisible were  created by our onesole father and god, truly one in three.

18. C. Credentium studia prosequentes 19. sed se que non scienter fecerint excusa 20. tiones non de facili debent approbari 21. dicere verorum. 124.d.

C. Those pursuing the parties of believers,  but because they will unknowingly have  made excuses, they have to be proven not  easily to tell the truth. 164.vb.

22. C. Credens hereticorum quis debeat 23. dici

C. Who ought to be called a believer of the heretics. 156.vab.157.rab.164.rb-vb.

24. C. Credens erroribus hereticorum here 25. ticus iudicatur. 54.a.10.a.

C. A believer in the errors of the heretics is  judged as a heretic. 94.ra.50.ra.

26. C. Credentium pena debet esse sicut  here

27. ticorum. 80.c.

C. The penalty of believers has to be just as  that of the heretics.

Fol. 9 rb

1. C. Credens hereticorum post mortem  potest

2. condempnari. 127.c.

C. A believer of the heretics can be condemned after death.

3. C. Credentes erroribus hereticorum sunt 4. excommunicati et si contempserit  excommuni

5. catione notatus infra annum satis 6. facere. Multas privationes incurrit 7. et gravaminia. 8.d.9.a.34.a.

8. 87.b

C. Believers in the errors of the heretics are excommunicated and if the noted one will have contempt for the excommunication  to make satisfaction within one year, he  incurs many deprivations and serious  injuries. 48.vb.49.ra.74.ra.


9. C. Credens hereticorum erroribus non 10. possunt in casu admitti ad aliquod cum  ecclesiasticum

11. beneficium seu publicum officium 12. et si fiat non tenet. 20.c.

C. A believer in the errors of the heretics  can not be admitted in the case to any  ecclesiastical benefice or public office and  if it was done, he may not hold (it).

13. C. Credens hereticorum est banni 14. tus. 87.b.

C. A believer of the heretics is banned. 127.rb.

15. C. Alia de credentibus Supra in bonis 16. infra in hereticis

C. Other things about believers above in goods and below in heretics.


17. C. Crimen hereseos inter publica cri 18. mina computatur.85.d.

C. The crime of heresy is counted among public crimes. 125.vb.

19. C. Crimen hereseos debet puniri sicut 20. crimen lese maiestatis et plus.


C. The crime of heresy has to be punished  just like the crime of lèse-majeste and  more. 46.vab.126.ra.160.ra.

22. C. Crimen hereseos praefertur in gra 23. vitate peccato lese maiestatis.

24. 6.d.85.d.

C. The crime of heresy is presented/offered in gravity to the sin of lèse-majeste. 46.vb.125.vb.

25. C. Crimina quantumcumque enormia 26. praeter inimicitias capitales

27. non excludunt fidem testium de

C. The crimes of whatever degree of  enormity, other than capital enmities, do  not exclude the trustworthiness of witnesses

Fol. 9 va

1. heresi. 121.bc.123.d.127.a.

of heresy. 161.rb-va.163.vb.167.ra.

2. C. Criminosi omnes praeter inimicos 3. capitales conspiratores ad

4. mittuntur ad testificandum de hoc 5. crimine. 121.c.127.a.

C. All criminals other than those  

conspiring capital enemies are admitted to  testifying about this crime.

6. C. Crimen lese maiestatis pro

7. ximum est sacrilegio .44.a.

C. The crime of lèse-majeste is very near  to sacrilege. 84.ra.

8. C. Criminis lese maiestatis non

9. dicitur iudex esse reus si pronun 10. tiet contra legem imperatoris vel prin 11. cipis.42.c.

C. The judge is not said to be guilty of the  crime of lèse-majeste if he may pronounce against the law of the emperor or the  prince.

12. C. Criminis lege (sic) maiestatis 13. non dicitur reus qui iuravit in con 14. sulte per celsitudinem princi

15. pis vel per fidem quam debet principi 16. quod in perpetuum esset iratus servis 17. suis . si postea remittat servis

18. illis iram.42.c.

C. He who swore in consultation by the  highness of the prince, or by the faith  which he owes to the prince, is not said (to  be) a defendent of the crime of lèse majesté because he was to be angry with  his servants forever, if afterwards he  relaxes the anger towards those servants.

19. C. Criminis lese maiestatis cum 20. quis accusatur debet fieri diligens 21. inquisitio.ita quod tam reus quam 22. actor possunt subici quaestionibus et 23. tormentis.42.c.

C. When he who is accused of the crime of  lèse-majesté, a diligent inquiry has to be made. Thus, insofar as the crime and the perpetrator can be subjected to questions and tortures.

24. C. Criminis lese maiestatis

25. accusationis conciliator et insti 26. gator possunt quandoque subici tor 27.

C. The counselor and initiator of the  accusation of the crime of lèse-majesté can be subjected to torments whenever.


Fol. 9 vb

1. C. Criminis lese maiestatis ac

2. cusati etiam si sint milites et

3. generosi debent cogi et interrogari 4. gravissimis penis quamvis non

5. sic de aliis excessibus. 42.d.

C. Those accused of the crime of  

lèse-majesté, even if they may be soldiers and nobles, have to be forced and  

interrogated with the most serious penalties  no matter how, (but) not to the same degree  as others’ excesses. 82.vb.

6. C. Criminis lese maiestatis te

7. stes et accusatores possunt esse

8. famosi. quamvis non possunt in

9. aliis casis.44.d.

C. Witnesses and accusers of the crime of lèse-majesté can be renowned, however, they may not in other cases.


10. C. Criminis lese maiestatis te

11. stes et accusatores possunt esse 12. milites. quamvis non possint de 13. fendere alias casas. 44.d.

C. Witnesses and accusers of the crime of  lèse-majesté can be knights. However, they  may not be able to defend other cases.  84.vb.

14. C. Criminis lese maiestatis te

15. stes et accusatores possunt esse 16. contra dominum suum servum.45.a.

C. Witnesses and accusers of the crime of lèse-majesté can be against their lord and  his servant. 85.ra.

17. C. Criminis lese maiestatis

18. testes et accusatores possunt

19. esse liberti contra pactanos.45.a.

C. Witnesses and accusers of the crime of  lèse-majesté can be freed against pacts.  85.ra.

20. C. Criminis lese maiestatis te

21. stes et accusatrices possunt esse 22. mulieres.45.ab.

C. Witnesses and female accusers of the  crime of lèse-majesté can be wives.  85.ra-b.

23. C. Crimen lese maiestatis com 24. mittit quicumque conspiraverit

25. contra principem sive cum militibus 26. sive cum privatis sive cum barba 27. ris vel promittendo se offendere

C. Whoever will have conspired against the prince whether with knights, or with  private people, or with barbarians, or by  promising himself to strike the prince, or  by taking upon oneself an oath,or by  supporting it commits the crime of

Fol. 10 ra

1. principem vel praestando iuramenta 2. vel suscipiendo. 42.d.

lèse-majesté. 82.vb.

3. C. Crimen lese maiestatis commit 4. tit qui coniurat contra viros illu

5. stres qui habent inter esse consiliis 6. principis.42.d.

C. He who conspires against illustrious  men, who have among them the counselors  of the prince, commits the crime of lèse majesté. 82.vb.

7. C. Crimen lese maiestatis con

8. mittit qui conspirat contra senato 9. res urbis rome vel milites

10. principem sotiantes.42.d.

C. He who conspires against the senators  of the city of Rome or the associated  knights of the prince, commits the crime of  lèse-majesté. 82.vb.


11. C. Crimen lese maiestatis con

12. mittentes modis predictis deca

13. pitari et eorum bona confiscari

14. debent. 42.d.

C. Those committing the crime of  

lèse-majesté in the aforesaid ways have to  be decapitated and their goods confiscated. 82.vb.

15. C. Crimen lese maiestatis commit 16. tentium filii non puniuntur personaliter 17. sed privantur omni successione 18. patris matris et avi. et proximorum 19. et quorumcumque extraneorum testa 20. mento.43.a.

C. The sons of those committing the crime of lèse-majesté are not punished personally but are deprived of all succession from the

father, mother, and grandfather, and the next of kin and from whatever stranger by  testatment. 83.ra.

21. C. Crimen lese maiestatis com 22. mittentium filii sunt perpetuo

23. infames. Et nullum honorem

24. debent assequi et nulla sacramenta 25. militaria. 43.a.

C. The sons of those committing the crime of lèse-majesté are disgraced in perpetuity. and no honor nor military rank ought to be attained.  


26. C. Crimen lese maiestatis com 27. mittentium filie puniuntur

C. The daughters of those committing the  crime of lèse-majesté are punished solely

Fol. 10 rb

1. in hoc solum mitius quam filiis. quia  pos

2. sunt succedere matris in falci

3. diam in quartam partem sive

4. per testamentum sive ab intestate 5. quotcumque sint.43.a.

in this milder than the sons. Because they  can succeed from the mother in inheritance  a fourth part, whether through a will or from an intestate (person), whomever they  may be. 83.ra.

6. C. Crimen lese maiestatis com

7. mittentium emancipatio de

8. filiis vel filiabus non tenet

9. 43.d.

C. The emancipation of the sons and  daughters of those committing the crime of  lèse-majesté does not hold.


10. C. Crimen lese maiestatis com 11. mittentis uxor non amittit

12. dotes suas. 43.d.b.

C. The wife of one committing the crime of  lèse-majesté does not lose her dowry. 83.vb.rb.

13. C. Crimen lese maiestatis com 14. mittentis uxor habet usum fruc 15. tum in bonis sibi donates

16. a suo viro. sed proprietas est

17. fische resignenda. ita quod

18. de usufructu filie habant

19. falcidiam non filii.43.b.

C. The wife of one committing the crime of lèse-majesté has usufruct in the goods  given to her by her man. But property is  given up to the fisc. Thus because of  usufruct, daughters have inheritance [by lex  Falcidia 1308] not sons.



20. C. Crimen lese maiestatis super 21. conspiratione facienda inter

22. pellatus si noluit facere

23. sed eam manifestavit. ho

24. nore et venia dignus est. 43.c.

C. Concerning the matter of making a con spiracy, the crime of lèse-majesté is interr upted if he did not wish to do it but  revealed it [conspiracy]. He is worthy of  honor and pardon.

25. C. Criminis lese maiestatis

26. super conspiratione facienda

27. interpellatus si conspiravit

C. In the matter of making a conspiracy, an  interruption of the crime of lèse-majesté if  he conspired but nevertheless he repented

Fol. 10 va

1. sed tamen penitet et revelat antequam 2. per alios cognoscatur. est dignus 3. venia. licet non honore.43.c.

and revealed before it is known by others, he is worthy of pardon. It is permissible  not to allow any public honors.

4. C. Crimen lese maiestatis commit 5. tentium interpellatores apud prin 6. cipem. sunt infames sine venia

7. 43.a.

C. The interrupters of those commtting the crime of lèse-majesté before the prince are defamed without pardon.


8. C. Criminis lese maiestatis rei

9. dotes donationes manumissio

10. nes suorum servorum et creditorum 11. receptores ipsorumque liberationes 12. alienationes quarumlibet rerum factem 13. fraude vel iure a tempore quo tale 14. crimen commisit vel de ineunda 15. factione aut societate cogita

16. verit cum effectum exteriori. licet non 17. cum effectum subsecute lesionis 18. nullius sunt momenti. 43.b.d.

C. The endowments, donations, and manu missions of his servants of a defendant of  the crime of lèse-majesté, and receivers of  

creditors and the liberations of the same  and of any alienations at all of things done  through fraud or by the law at the time  which he committed such a crime, or of  entering into a faction or association he  will have thought about the result for the  exterior. It is not permissible with the result  of no subsequent blow are momentous.  83.rb.vb.

19. C. Criminis lese maiestatis vo

20. luntas in aliqua executione operis 21. ponita debet eadem severitate pu 22. niri sicut effectis lesionis subse 23. cute.42.d.

C. The desire of the crime of lèse-majesté placed in some stage of the work has to be punished with the same severity as the  result of the blow that follows. [death]  82.vb.

24. C. Criminis lese maiestatis pe

25. na predictam puniri debent milites 26. conscii et ministri et filii eorum 27. 43.c.

C. The penalty of the crime of lèse-majesté, knights, consuls, ministers and their sons  have to be punished with the aforesaid [penalty]


Fol. 10 vb

1. C. Criminis lese maiestatis rei

2. non solum in vita sed etiam post mortem 3. possunt accusari et eorum dampnari 4. memoria et bona fischo ap

5. plicat licet non in omni.


C. Those accused of the crime of lèse majesté can be accused not only in life but  moreover after death and their memory damned and goods added to the fisc. It is not permitted for all.

7. C. Criminis lese maiestatis ar

8. guti bona observantur etiam si de 9. cesserit quis sine certa persona success 10. sore. 39.d.

C. The goods of him charged with the  crime of lèse-majesté are observed and also  if he will have died without a certain  person as successor. 79.vb.

11. C. Criminis lese maiestatis foro 12. in capud domini servus torquerunt 13. 43.d.

C. In the forum of the crime of lèse majesté, the lords torture the servants. 83.vb.

14. C. Crimen lese maiestatis quando com 15. mittitur circa ymagines imperatoris 16. et quando non. 44.d.45.a.

C. When the crime of lèse-majesté is  committed concerning the images of the emperor and when not. 84.vb.85.ra.

17. C. Criminis lese maiestatis non 18. est eadem condictio in omnibus suis 19. modis. 45.b.

C. The circumstances of the crime of  lèse-majesté are not the same in all its types. 85.rb.

20. C. Criminis lese maiestatis non 21. est equalis punitio. 45.bc

C. The punishment of the crime of lèse majesté is not equal. 85.rb-va.

22. C. Criminis lese maiestatis pe

23. na non debet quis puniri per  


24. vel ex levitate sed in veritate

25. rei iudicate previa matura

26. discussione. 45.a.

C. The penalty of the crime of lèse-majesté, who ought not to be punished through opp ortunity or from levity, but in the truth of  the thing adjudged with mature discussion  beforehand. 85.ra.

27. C. Crimen lese maiestatis principaliter

C. The crime of lèse-majesté is principally

Fol. 11 ra

1. committitur ut patet in expremissis 2. siquis machinetur contra corpus prin 3. cipis vel proceres vel contra senato 4. res. Et tunc non solum persone of 5. fendentium perununtur. sed etiam bona 6. confiscantur ita quod in iura libertorum 7. succedit fiscus non filii. Sunt et

8. alia capitula criminis lese ma

9. iestatis. ut siquis fecerit se

10. ditionem in urbe vel prodiderit ca 11. strum vel hostes receperit et cetera 12. de quibus habetur foliis eodem tituli libri I et II

committed as is clear in the foregoing: if  whoever schemes against the body of the prince, or the leading men, or the senators. And then not only the persons of those offending are burned, but the goods are  also confiscated thus because in the law of  the liberties, the fisc succeeds not the sons.  And other chapters of the crime of lèse majesté are, so that if whoever will have  done sedition in the city, or brought out the  castle or will have received the enemies  and so on, which are in the folios in the  same title books I and II


13. Et in hoc casu mitius delinquitur

And in this case, he is less delinquent

14. Unde iniura libertorum succedunt 15. filii. hac distinctio habetur in lectura 16. domini oddofredi super codicem 17. in capitulo de crimine lese maiestatis

Whence the wrongs of the freedmen, the sons succeed. This distinction is in the reading of the lord Ottofredus, about the  codex in the chapter on the crime of lèse majesté.

18. C. Crimen lese maiestatis

19. Malus modus commitendi. 44.abcd.

C. The crime of lèse-majesté. The evil way  of committing [it]. 84.ra-vb.

20. C. Crimen lese maiestatis commit 21. tentes in concitando hostem populi 22. romani adversus eum qui ve

23. hostibus opem tradiderint debent 24. decapitari secundum legem duodecim 25. tabularum. 44.b.

C. Those committing the crime of lèse majesté, in stirring up the enemy army of  the Roman people against him, or who will have handed over wealth to the enemy  host, have to be decapitated according to  the law of the twelve tables. 84.rb.

26. C. Crimen lese maiestatis commit 27. tentes secundum legem iuliam maiesta

C. Those committing the crime of lèse majesté, according to the Julian law of

Fol. 11 rb

1. tis debent detineri. 44.b.

majesty, have to be detained. 84.rb.

2. C. Cruces quomodo sunt imponende pro 3. peccato heresis.

4. 145.b.

C. How crosses are imposed for the sin of  heresy.


5. C. Cruce signare possunt in adiuto 6. rium inquisitionis illi fratres quibus 7. minister Thuscie commiserit pre 8. dicare crucem contra hereticos

C. Those brothers to whom the minister of  Tuscany will have committed to preach the cross against the heretics can sign  

[themselves] with the cross in assistance of  the inquisition

9. C. Cruce signare in adiutorium

10. inquisitionis potest inquisitor

C. The inquisitor can sign with the cross in  helping the inquisition.

11. C. Cruce signati in adiutorium

12. inquisitionis quibus gratiis gau 13. deant.

C. Those signed with the cross in assisting the inquisition, in which graces they may rejoice. 48.vb.102.ra-va.

14. C. Crucis Christi signum nulli licet 15. insculpere vel pingere in solo vel in 16. silice vel in marmoribus humi

17. ponitis et si factum fuerit debet 18. amoveri et facientes graviter

19. puniri. 40.b.

C. The sign of the cross of Christ, to none  is it permitted to sculpt or to paint alone or  in flint or in marble placed in the ground  and if it will have been done, it has to be  removed and punished severely. 80.rb.

20. C. Culpatus de heresi non debet ingredi 21. religionem et si ingressus fuerit 22. debet per inquisitorem expelli. 123. 23. a. 127.a.

C. The one guilty of heresy ought not to en ter a religious order, and if he will have en tered, he has to be expelled by the  



24. C. Culpabiles de heresi unus inqui 25. sitor debet scribere alteri quando ex 26. pedit.123.c.

C. Those guilty of heresy. One inquisitor  has to write to the other when it is  


27. C. Custodire debent praesidentes

C. Those presiding have to hold captured

Fol. 11 va

Written in a later cursive hand in the top margin above the column:

I. custodes carceris . duo esse debent. 224

I. There have to be two custodians of the  prison. 263

custodes carcerarorum debent iurare  coram episcopo et inquisitore .225.

The custodians of the prisons have to swear in the presence of the bishop and the  inquisitor. 264.

custodes et ministri carceris debent  assignare carceracis eorum provisionem  .224.

The custodians and ministers of the prison  have to assign their precaution to the  imprisoned. 263

1. captos hereticos sub diligenti

2. custodia. 84.d.

heretics under diligent custody.


3. C. Custodiri debent heretici capti ex 4. I. pensis comunitatis.78.d.

C. Captured heretics have to be held at the I. expense of the community. 118.vb.

5. C.Dampnati per ecclesiam propter  peccatum

6. heresis seculari iudicio puni

7. endi relinquantur.8.b.10.a.53.

8. d.54.a

C. Those damned by the Church for the sin of heresy are released to secular judgement for punishment. 48.rb.50.ra.93.


9. C. Dampnatos per eccelsiam et seculari 10. iudicio relictos tenentur prae

11. sidentes quibus relinquuntur statim 12. recipere et eos punire. 21.c.79.

13. a.b.

C. The presiders are bound to immediately receive and punish those damned by the  Church and released to secular judgement, who are relinquished to them. ra.rb

14. C. Dampnandi hereticos et eosdem 15. relinquendi iudicio seculari

16. modus et forma. 146.c.d.

C. The mode and form of damning heretics and of relinquishing the same to the  secular judgement.

17. C. Dampnati per ecclesiam si volu 18. erint redire ad agendam pe

19. nitentiam perpetuo carceri mancipentur 20. 10.a.53.a.127.d.

C. If those damned by the Church will  have wished to return to do penance, they are handed over to perpetual

imprisonment. 50.ra.93.ra.167.vb.

21. C. Dampnari debet memoria hereti 22. corum defunctorum in heresi. 86. 23. a.127.c.

C. The memory of heretics who died in heresy has to be damned. 126.


24. C. Dampnari non debet quis in crimine 25. hereseos propter vehementem  


26. tionem. 117.a.119.d.

C. One ought not to be damned in the  crime of heresy on account of vehement  presumption. 157.ra.159.vb.

27. C. Dampnari potest memoria cre-

C. The memory of believers, favorers,

Fol. 11 vb

1. dentium fautorum receptatorum et 2. defensorum (et) hereticorum si sic  consti

3. terit eos decessisse. 127.c.

receivers and defenders of heretics can be damned if he will have judged them to have  died thus.

4. C. Dampnationis memorie predictorum 5. modus et forma. 146.a.147.d.

C. The mode and form of the damnation of the memory of the aforesaid ones. 185.ra.  186.vb.

6. C. Dampnantur omnes credentes recep 7. tatores defensorum et favores

8. 34.a.

C. All believers, receivers, defenders, and  helpers are damned.


9. C. Debitor hereticorum quando liberatur 10. si solvit eis et quando non. Potest  haberi

11. ex similitudine criminis lese ma 12. iestatis. 163.c.

C. The debtor of the heretics, when he is liberated if he pays them and when not. He  can be had from the similarity of the  crime of lèse-majesté.

13. C. Deduci hereticos captos fa

14. cere debent omnes praesidentes per  suum di

15. strictum expensis illius comunita 16. tis cui praeest. 21c.26d 79.d

C. All presiders have to ensure captured  heretics are led away through his district at  the expense of the community for which he is in charge.

17. C. Defensores hereticorum qui debeant 18. dici. 118.d.

C. Who may have to be called defenders of  heretics. 158.vb.

19. C. Defensorum hereticorum quae sit  pena

20. privati. 8.d.9.a.80.bc.12.

21. b.20.c.34.a.54.ab.84.

22. a. 87.bc.

C. The penalty that may be for defenders of  heretics [is] deprivation. 48.vb.49.ra. 124.ra. 127.rb-va.

23. C. Defendendi se contra peccatum  heresis

24. imponitum sibi dilationes et ex 25. ceptiones sunt dande et recipiende 26. 126.d.

C. Defending oneself against the sin of her esy, imposed upon him are delays and ex ceptions of giving and receiving.


27. C. Degradari debet constitutus in-

C. The one constituted in holy orders has to


Fol. 12 ra

1. sacris ante quam perpetuo carceri man 2. cipetur. 10.a.52.d.

be defrocked before he may be handed  over to perpetual prison. 50.ra.92.vb.

3. C. Degradari debet clericus constitutus 4. in sacris ante quam seculari iudicio 5. relinquatur. 5.d.54.a.

C. The cleric constituted in holy orders has  to be defrocked before he is released to  secular judgement. 45.vb.94.ra.

6. C. Degradari potest clericus per solum 7. suum episcopum cum praesentia  clericorum

8. et religiosorum quando propter peccatum 9. heresis debet tradi iudicio secula 10. ri .15.a.

C. A cleric can be defrocked only by his  bishop in the presence of the clergy and  religious when on account of the sin of  heresy he has to be handed over to secular judgement. 55.ra.

11. C. Degradandi clericos in casu prae 12. dicto modus et forma. 23.b.

C. The mode and form of defrocking  clerics in the aforesaid case. 63.rb.

13. C. Delegatus nullus etiam sedis  apostolice

14. potest excommunicare vel suspendere 15. sive interdicere. inquisitores sive 16. ipsorum notarios.56.c.

C. Likewise no delegate of the Apostolic  See is able to excommunicate or suspend or interdict inquisitors or their notaries.

17. C. Delere debet quilibet dominus  temporalis omne

18. statutum conditum et condendum 19. quod repugnet constitutionibus

20. inquisitoris.18.a.82.c.

C. Any temporal lord has to delete every statute established, or about to be  instituted that may be inconsistent with the constitutions of the inquisitor.

21. C. Delere statuta et constitutiones 22. contra hereticos editas prohibetur 23. sub magna pena. 82.a.

C. Deleting the statutes and constitutions issued against the heretics is prohibited under great penalty. 122.ra.

24. C. Delere memoriam defunctorum 25. in heresi qualiter debeat inquisitor 26. supra in dampnare

C. How the inquisitor may have to delete the memory of those deceased in heresy,  Above in: to damn.

27. C. Depositarii et conservatores

C. There have to be three deposit holders

Fol. 12 rb

1. pecunie officii inquisitoris

2. debent esse tres. 58.b.

and keepers of the money of the office of  the inquisitor. 92.rb.

3. C. Deus verus est unus in essentia et 4. trinus in persona .2.c.

C. True God is one in essence and triune in  persons.

5. C. Deus verus et unus est principium  omnium rerum

6. visibilium et invisibilium.2.c.

C. The one and true God is the

beginning of all things visible and  invisible. 42.v.

7. C. Diabolus creatus est a deo bonus 8. qui denarra. 2.d.

C. The devil was created by the good God  who recounts in detail. 42.vb.

9. C. Diabolus factus est per se malus.2.d.

C. The devil was made evil by himself.



10. C. Diabolus cum malis hominibus reci 11. piet penam sempiternam .3.a.

C. The devil along with evil men will rec eive everlasting punishment. 43.ra.

12. C. Diaboli suggestione homo factus 13. est malus.2.d.

C. Man is made evil at the suggestion of  the devil. 42.vb.

14. C. Dicta testium qualiter recipi

15. debeant in crimine hereseos

16. 18.c.91.ab.

C. How the testimony of witnesses may  have to be received in the crime of heresy.

17. C. Dicta testium quando et quibus re 18. velari debent et quando et quibus non 19. in officio inquisitionis. 13.cb.91. 20. c.22.c.

C. When and for whom the sayings of wit nesses have to be revealed and to whom  not in the office of the inquisition.

21. C. Discere prophana precepta.

22. nemo debet. 33

C. None ought to become acquainted with  profane precepts. 73

23. C. Diffidati sunt omnes heretici. 46.

C. Renouncers are all heretics. 86.

24. C. Diffinitiva sententia utrum possit 25. dari per inquisitores. 130.a.

C. Whether a definitive sentence can be  given by the inquisitors. 170.ra.

26. C. Diffinitiva sententia utrum sit 27. detrusio carceris vel penitentia

C. Whether the definitive sentence may be  the seclusion of prison or penance for a

Fol 12 va

1. temporalis. 119.b.

time. 159.rb.

2. C. Dispensare possunt inquisitores 3. super aliquas irregularitates cum 4. illis qui assummunt crucem in adiu 5. torium officii inquisitoris. 62.bc.

C. The inquisitors can dispense some  irregularities for those who take up the cross in assistance of the office of the  inquisitor. 102.rb-va.

6. C. Disputare de fide catholica

7. publice vel private non licet

8. alicui persone layce et qui contra fecerit debet

9. excommunicari. 15.b.54.d.

C. It is not permissible for any layperson to dispute about the catholic faith publicly or  privately and whoever will have done this  has to be excommunicated. 55.rb.94.vb.

10. C. Dissidentes a comuni conversus  fidelium

11. 6debet revelari episcopo et inquisitori  .9.

12. c.54.d.81.a.

C. Dissidents in life and customs from the community of the converted faithful have to be revealed to the bishop and the  inquisitor.

13. C. Divinitores et sortilegii non sunt 14. de foro inquisitoris nisi manife 15. ste saperent heresim.17.b.51.d.

C. Diviners and sorcerers are not of the  forum of the inquisitor unless they know of heresy manifestly. 57.rb.91.vb.


6In the left side of the margin a symbol denoting an insertion appears along with the text: vita et moribus


16. C. Docentes vel sentientes aliter de 17. aliquo sacramento quod predicet vel 18. sentiat romana ecclesia sunt ex 19. communicati. 5.d.

C. Those teaching or believing otherwise  about any sacrament that the Roman  Church may preach or believe are  

excommunicated. 45.vb.

20. C. Docere prophana praecepta nemo 21. audeat. 33.a.

C. None may dare to teach profane  precepts. 73.ra.

22. C. Domicilium transferentes non 23. effugiunt manus inquisitoris. 115.c. 24. alia de domicilium transferentibus 25. supra in absentante

C. Those transferring domicile do not  escape the hand of the inquisitor. other things about those transferring  domicile above in absenting [onself]

26. C. Dominus temporalis non debet  permittere aliquem

27. discere vel docere prophana precepta

C. The temporal lord ought not to

permit anyone to become acquainted with, or to teach profane precepts, or heretical

Fol. 12 vb

1. nec hereticam credulitatem vel mi 2. nistros hereticos creare. 33.b.

belief, or to create heretical ministers.  73.rb.

3. C. Dominus temporalis debet iurare quod  ad

4. iuvabit ecclesiam contra hereticos cum 5. fuerit requisitus.8.c.129.b.c.

C. The temporal lord has to swear that he will help the church against heretics when  he will have been required.

6. C. Dominus temporalis debet iurare quod  bona

7. fide studebit exterminare omnes

8. hereticos de terris sibi subiectis

9. 8.c.129.bc.87.a.

C. The temporal lord has to swear that in  good faith he will strive to exterminate all heretics from the lands subject to him.

10. C. Dominus temporalis qui noluerit  terram suam

11. purgare ab hereticis debet excomuni 12. cari et dominio privari. 8.c.d.34. 13. b.87.a.

C. The temporal lord who will not have  wished to purge his land from heretics has  to be excommunicated and deprived of his  lordship.

14. C. Dominus temporalis si admonitus  per

15. ecclesiam non purgavit terram suam 16. ab hereticis debet privari suo dominio 17. et sua terra tradi alteri. 8.c.87.a.

C.The temporal lord, if admonished by the  church, did not purge his land from  heretics, has to be deprived of his lordship  and his land handed over to another.

18. C. Alia de domino temporali infra in 19. potestate.

C. Other things about the temporal lord  within in podestà.

20. C. Domo retinere hereticos prohi 21. betur sub anathemate.5.dc.

C. It is prohibited to the household to retain heretics under anathema.45.vbva.


22. C. Domus in qua fuerit captus hereti 23. cus vel capi prohibitum debet

24. destrui cum domibus appendi

25. cibus sine spere rehedificati

26. onis.78.b.79.c.129.c.133.b.

C. The household in which a heretic will  have been captured, or prohibited to be captured, has to be destroyed with outlying buildings without hope of rebuilding.

27. C. Domus in qua heretici docuerint

C. The household in which heretics will

Fol. 13 ra

1. debet destrui. 87.c.

have taught has to be destroyed.

2. C. Domus in qua heretici manum 3. alicui imposuerint sive consolamen 4. tum dederint. debet destrui. 87.c.

C. The household in which heretics  imposed the hand upon anyone or gave the  consolation, has to be destroyed.

5. C. Domorum huiusmodi destructio et  penarum

6. impositio et bonorum ablatio possunt et  debent

7. omitti quando manifeste constat

8. iudici quod dominus domus est innocens 9. a tali crimine tam in exeundo quam in 10. recipiendo.

C. The destruction of households of this  type and imposition of penalties and  taking away of goods can and should be  omitted when it is known to the judge that the land of the household is innocent of  such a crime both in going out as in  receiving.

11. C. Domus hereticorum credentium re 12. ceptatorum defensorum et fautorum 13. in qua predictam fiunt et forte si 14. non fierent debet destrui.87.c.

C.The house of heretics, believers,  receivers, defenders, and favorers in which  aforesaid [house] they are done and  accidentally if they were not done has to be  destroyed.

15. C. Domorum huiusmodi destructio  infra

16. quod tempus debet fieri et per quos.  81.b.

C. The destruction of these kinds of house holds has to be done within what time and  by whom.  


17. C. Domorum huiusmodi  

condempnationis forma.

18. 143.bc.

C. The form of condemnation of these kinds of households.


19. C. Domorum huiusmodi appendices  domus

20. debet una cum ipsis destrui.79.c.

C. Ancillary houses of households of this  kind have to be destroyed one and the  same.

21. C. Domorum huiusmodi dominus debet  solvere

22. certam pecunie quantitatem

23. 79.d.

C. The lord of households of these kinds has to pay a certain quantity of money.  119.vb.

24. C. Donationes hereticorum quas fece 25. runt etiam ante quam essent deprehensi 26. sive convicti. debent et possunt revoca 27. ri. 163.ab.

C. Donations of heretics which they will  have made before being detected or convicted have to and can be revoked. 202.ra-b.


Fol. 13 rb

1. C. Dotes uxoris hominis heretici

2. quando amittantur et quando non.20.b. 3. 33.a.163.bc.

C. When the dowries of a heretic’s wife  are lost and when not. 60.rb.


4. C. Dotis privilegium quando mulier 5. non participans catholicam comunionem 6. perdit. 33.a.

C. When the wife not participating in the catholic communion loses the privilege of dowry. 73.ra.

7. C. Dubius in fide infidelis est. 5.a.

C. Dubious in faith is unfaithful. 45.ra.

8. C. Ecclesie catholice qui non tenet 9. unitatem non potest salvari nec per 10. baptismum. nec per elemosinam nec 11. per mortem.5.d.3.a.

C. He who does not hold the unity of the catholic church cannot be saved either by  baptism, or alms, or death. 45.vb.43.ra.

12. C. Emancipatio filiorum hominis here 13. tici factam postquam fuerit hereticus 14. dato etiam quod post emancipationem 15. fuerit deprehensus non habet fir 16. mitatem.15.c.55.a.

C. The emancipation of the sons of a  heretic done after he had been a heretic,  given also that after emancipation he will  have been detected, does not have  firmness.

17. C. Episcopi possunt in sua dyocesi  inquirere

18. de heresi. non obstante quae talis 19. inquisitio sit commissa fratribus prae 20. dicatoribus vel minoribus. 20.

21. d.21.a.90.d.

C. Bishops can inquire in their dioceses  about heresy. Not standing in the way that such an inquiry may be commissioned to  the friars preacher and minor. 60.


22. C. Episcopi quando inquirunt de heresi  debent

23. servare modum et formam datam 24. inquisitoribus sive per comunia sive per 25. specialia iura .21.a.

C. When bishops inquire about  

heresy, they have to observe the mode and form given to the inquisitors

whether by common laws or special ones.  61.ra.

26. C. Episcopi debent esse solliciti ad  extir

27. pandum hereses de suis dyocesi

C. Bishops have to be solicitous

for extirpating heresy from

Fol. 13 va.

Written in another hand across the top margin:

I. episcopus est suspensus in casu si amittit  processum ut procedit indebita 225.

si imponit alicui falsam dictam ut  impeditur notam.

I. The bishop is suspended in the case  where he lets go of a process so that he  proceeds unpunished. 264

If he imposes to anyone a known false  saying so that it is impeded.

1. bus

their dioceses.


2. C. Episcoporum iudicio debent sub esse  in

3. hiis quae sunt contra hereticos etiam illi  qui

4. comuniter soli apostolice sedi subsunt 5. 6.b.

C. They have to be under the judgement of  the bishops in these things that are against  the heretics and also those who are  commonly subject to the Apostolic See  alone. 46.rb.

6. C. Episcopi non debent nec possunt  impedire

7. I. processus inquisitorum. 90.d

C. Bishops must not nor are able I. to  impede the process of the inquisitors. 130. va.

8. C. Episcopi possunt inquirere de eisdem 9. factis et personis cum inquisitoribus di 10. visim et coniunctim. 21.a.

C. Bishops can inquire about the same facts  and persons with the inquisitors separately  and together.61.ra.

11. C. Episcopi et inquisitores quando  inquirunt

12. divisim de eisdem personis debent 13. sibi comunicare quae inveniunt .21.a.

C. When bishops and inquisitors inquire  separately about the same persons they  have to communicate to each other what  they find.61.ra.

14. C. Episcoporum et inquisitorum  processus contra

15. eumdem si sibi discordent vel ob 16. vient debent notificari summo pon 17. tifici. 21.a.

C. Trials of the bishops and the inquisitors  against the same [man] if they disagree or  oppose each other, they have to notify the  highest pontiff. 61.ra.

18. C. Episcopi vel eorum vicarii sunt  generaliter

19. requirendi quando aliqui heretici sunt 20. privandi quibuscumque officiis et 21. beneficiis nisi in aliquo casu

22. 53.b.20.ab.

C. Bishops or their vicars are generally  asked when any heretics are deprived from  whatever offices and benefices except in a  certain case


23. C. Episcoporum vel ipsis absentibus  suorum

24. vicariorum consilium et auctoritas 25. debet intercedere quando inquisitor  iudicat

26. aliquem hereticum vel condempnat 27. aliquem ad perpetuum carcerem. 91.a.

C. The counsel and authority of the bishops or, in their absence, of their vicars  has to intervene when the inquisitor judges  some heretic or condemns someone to  perpetual prison.  


Fol. 13 vb

1. C. Episcopus non debet instituere  aliquem hereticum

2. vel paganum heredem. 5.b.

C. The bishop ought not to appoint any heretic or rustic heir at all. 45.rb.

3. C. Episcopi non debent de heresi  conveniri

4. per inquisitores vel infamati vel

5. suspecti debent denuntiari summo 6. pontifici. 20.d.

C. The bishops do not have to be

convened by the inquisitors about heresy, and both the notorious and the suspected have to be denounced to the highest  pontiff. 60.vb.


7. C. Episcopus si scienter confert alicui  heretico

8. vel eius complici aliquod beneficium non 9. debet vocari ad privationem eius sed 10. potius a suo superiori graviter

11. puniri. 20.b.53.b.

C. If a bishop knowingly confers some  benefice upon any heretic or his  

accomplice, [he] does not have to be  called to his deprivation, but rather punished severely by his superior. 60.rb.93.rb.

12. C. Errare se ipsum demonstrat

13. qui alios cum possit ab errore

14. non revocat. 5.a.

C. He shows himself to err who may be  able, [but] does not call others back from  error. 45.ra.

15. C. Errores sunt ab hereticis nolen 16. tibus redire et etiam a redeuntibus 17. publice confitendi ad suam con 18. fusionem et detestationem .121.a. 19. 127.c.

C. Errors are from heretics not wishing to  return, and also from those returning [and]  publicly confessing to their confusion and  detestation. 161.ra.

20. C. Errores suos confiteri publice 21. cogi debent heretici. Per dominos 22. temporales per tormenta.79.b.

C. Heretics have to be forced to confess  their errors publicly by the temporal lords  through tortures. 119.rb.

23. C. Errorum distinctio et  


C. Distinction and plurality of errors.  149.vb.257.

24. C. Errores communes catharorum sive 25. patarenorum.109.d.110.a.

C. Common errors of the Cathars or Patarenes. 149.vb.150.ra.

26. C. Errores albanensium sive sezza 27. nensium.111.b.c.

C. Errors of the Albanenses or Cathars of Desenzano.

28. C. Errores patarenorum. 247.

C. Errors of the Patarenes. 286

29. C. Errores boglimarum et  


C. Errors of the bogomils and alemanni.  265

Fol. 14 ra

In another hand written across the top margin with the insertion mark I whose  coorresponding spot for insertion is fol. 14ra line 16.

I.Excommunicatus est inquisitor in casu si amittit processuum ut procedat indebite. 225 si imponit dictum ut notum impedimentum

Excommunicatus inquisitor si pecuniam illicite extorquat. ut bona eorum confiscat.225

I. The inquisitor is excommunicated if in the event he lets processes slip so that it  proceeds unpunished. 264

If he imposes a statement as a known impediment

The inquisitor is excommunicated if he illicitly extorts money, so that he confiscates their  goods. 264


Fol. 14 ra cont’d

1. C. Errores iohannis de lugio. 111. 2. d.112.ab.

C. Errors of John of Lugio. 151.


3. C. Errores gazari.112.b.

C. Errors of the Cathars. 152.rb.

4. C. Errores pauperum de lugdunensis.  112.c

C. Errors of the Poor of Lyons.

5. C. Errores Graecorum. 112.d.113.114. 6. per totum

C. Errors of the Greeks. 152.vb.153.154 for all

7. C. Examinationi ecclesie debent. du 8. ci heretici

C. Heretics have to be led to examination by the church.

9. C. Examinari debent heretici per  ecclesiam

10. ante punitionem. 86.b.a.

C. Heretics have to be examined by the church before punishment. 126.rb.ra

11. C. Examinandi sunt secrete perfecti 12. heretici.127.b.

C. Heretic perfects are to be examined  secretly. 167.b.

13. C. Exceptiones contra testes deponen 14. tes in officio inquisitionis. quales 15. vel quae debeant admitti. 121.b. 16. I. 127.a.

C. Objections against deposing witnesses in the office of the inquisition. What sort of or who may have to be admitted. 161.rb. I. 167.ra.

17. C. Excommunicati sunt ipso iure.  omnes

18. heretici credentes receptatores

19. defensores et fautores eorumdem 20. 5.d.10.a.12.b.53.d.54.a.

C. All heretics, believers, receivers,  defenders and their helpers are  

excommunicated by the law itself.  45.vb.50.ra.52.rb.93.vb.94.ra.

21. C. Excommunicata est omnes heresis  extol

22. lens se adversus sanctam et catholic 23. cam fidem. 8.a.

C. Every heresy extolling itself against the  holy and catholic faith is excommunicated. 48.ra.

24. C. Excommunicati omnes qui aliter  sentiunt

25. vel docent de aliquo sacramento  ecclesia

26. quam romana ecclesia. 5.d.

C. All are excommunicated who believe or teach otherwise about any sacrament of the church, than the Roman church [teaches].  45.vb.

27. C. Excommunicati sunt illi quos roma-

C. Those judged to be heretics are

Fol. 14 rb

1. na ecclesia vel singuli episcopi per suas 2. dyoceses cum consilio clericorum vel 3. ipsi clerici sede vacante si op

4. portuerit vicinorum episcoporum hereti 5. cos iudicaverit.5.d.

excommunicated whom the Roman church,  or individual bishops throughout their  dioceses with the counsel of the clergy, or  the clergy themselves with the see vacant,  if it will have been opportune of the nearby  bishops. 45.vb.


6. C. Excommunicati sunt omnes certores  et prae

7. sidentes in quibuscumque terris si non 8. pareant inquisitoribus in inve

9. stigatione captione et custodia

10. et deductione hereticorum et si per 11. annum sic steterint velut here

12. ticus condempnari debent. 22.a.

C. All contenders and presiders in whatever  lands are excommunicated if they were not to comply with the inquisitors in the  investigation, capture and holding, and  leading away of heretics, and if for a year  they will have remained just as a heretic,  they have to be condemned.  


13. C. Excommunicati sunt omnes  praesidentes

14. si obsistunt vel impediunt ne

15. gotium inquisitionis. Et si per annum 16. sic steterit. debet sicut hereticos con 17. dempnari.22.a.

C. All presiders are excommunicated if they oppose or impede the business of  inquisition. And if for a year [he who]  

remains as such, he must be condemned  just like the heretics.


18. C. Excommunicati sunt omnes qui dant  in pre

19. dictis consilium auxilium vel fa 20. vorem. Et si per annum sic steterit 21. debet sicut hereticus condempnari.22.a.

C. All are excommunicated who give to  the aforesaid counsel, help or favor. And if  for a year they remain thus, they have to be  condemned just like heretics.  


22. C. Excommunicati sunt omnes domini  temporales si

23. requisiti per ecclesiam nolunt purgare 24. terras suas ab heresi. 8.c.87.a.

C. All temporal lords are excommunicated, [who] if they are required by the church, do  not wish to purge their lands from heresy.

25. C. Excommunicandi sunt praesidentes  in aliqua

26. terra si nolunt iurare vel iura

27. tas servare omnes constitutiones tam

C. Presiders in any land are to be  

excommunicated if they do not wish to  swear or to have sworn to observe all  constitutions, both papal and imperial,

Fol. 14 va

1. papales quam imperiales editas contra 2. hereticos. 88.b.

issued against the heretics.  


3. C. Excommunicandi sunt omnes domini  temporales

4. si nolunt iurare quod de terris

5. sue iurisdictioni subiectis exter

6. minabunt omnes hereticos. 8.c.

C. All temporal lords are to be  

excommunicated, if they do not wish to  swear that they will drive out all heretics  from the lands subject to their jurisdiction.

7. C. Excommunicari possunt omnes  scientes et non

8. revelantes hereticos vel occulta

9. conventicula celebrantes et mo

10. ribus et vita a fidelibus dissiden 11. tes.54.d.

C. All those knowing and not revealing heretics, or celebraters of hidden convent icals, and dissidents from the customs and  life from the faithful, can be  




12. C. Excommunicari possunt omnes  contradicentes

13. officio inquisitionis non obstantibus 14. quibuscumque privilegiis.93.a.

C. All those contradicting the office of the inquisition, whatever privileges not  withstanding, can be excommunicated.  133.ra.

15. C. Excommunicationis sententia  percellantur qui

16. evitare contempserit receptatores 17. defensores et fautores hereticorum 18. postquam fuerint denotati ab ecclesia 19. 54.b.

C. They are hit hard by the sentence of  excommunication who will have  

disregarded avoiding receivers, defenders, and helpers of heretics after they may have  been denoted [as such] by the church.  94.rb.

20. C. Excommunicari possunt omnes  praedicantes

21. sine auctoritate maiorum. 10.b. 9.b

C. All those preaching without the  authority of the greater ones can be  excommunicated. 50.rb.49.rb

22. C. Excommunicati possunt perhibere  testi

23. monium contra hereticos.

C. Excommunicates can bear witness  against heretics.

24. C. Excommunicati domini possunt et  debent in casu

25. requiri ad exequendum sententias inqui 26. sitionis et etiam si solum de facto  contin

27. gat eos praesidere.16.b.

C. Excommunicated lords can and have to  be required for executing the sentences of  the inquisition and even if only from the  fact he happens to preside over them.

Fol. 14 vb

1. C. Excommunicari suspendi vel interdici 2. non possunt inquisitores nec eorum 3. notarii aliquo legato vel sub

4. delegato executore vel conserva 5. tore. 56.c.

C. The inquisitors or their notaries cannot be excommunicated, suspended or  interdicted by any legate or sub-delegated  executor or conservator.

6. C. Excommunicati occasione heresis si  per an

7. num steterint in ea. sicut heretici possunt 8. puniri.

C. If for a year, excommunicates will have remained [as such] in it, from the  occasion of heresy, they can be punished  just like heretics. 127.rb.94.vara.

9. C. Excommunicatos praesidentes  requirendo

10. pro officio inquisitionis non incurrunt  in

11. quisitores sententiam  

excommunicationis. 57.a

C. Inquisitors do not incur the sentence of excommunication by requiring excommun icated presiders for the office of the inquis ition. 97.ra.

12. C. Excusatores hereticorum reputan 13. tur fautores eorum. 124.b.

C. Excusers of heretics are reputed as their helpers. 164rb


14. C. Executores dati per romanam se 15. dem non possunt excommunicare nec  interdicere

16. nec suspendere inquisitores nec eorum 17. notarios. 56.c.

C. Executors given by the Roman See can  neither excommunicate nor interdict nor suspend inquisitors or their notaries.

18. C. Exempti. communiter a potestate  episcoporum. Debent

19. subesse eis in hiis que sunt contra  hereti

20. cos . 6.b.

C. Those exempt, in common

with the power of the bishops, have to be  subject to them in these things which are  against the heretics. 46.rb.

21. C. Exempti quantacumque gaudeant 22. libertate in aliis tamen in hiis que per 23. tinent ad officium inquisitionis sub 24. sunt inquisitoribus. 18.d.90.c.

25. 91.b.93.a.116.ab.

C. However much the exempt may rejoice  in liberty, in other things just the same as in  these that pertain to the office of the  inquisition, are subject to the inquisitors.

26. C. Expense et necessitates ad prosecu 27. tionem officii inquisitionis possunt

C. Expenses and necessities for the prosec ution of the office of the inquisition can be

Fol. 15 ra

1. fieri de tertia parte condempnationum 2. que assignatur pro officio. Et de to 3. ta pena pecuniaria. que aufertur

4. non servantibus promissa. in sua

5. reversione. 58.b.

made from the third part of the condemnat ion that is assigned for the office. And  regarding the entire pecuniary penalty that  is taken away not from the servants, is  promised upon their turning back. 98.rb.

6. C. Facinus in punitum relinquere satius 7. est quam innocentem condempnare.  123.d.

C. It is better to let an evil deed go un punished than to condemn an innocent  person. 163.vb.

8. C. Fautores hereticorum qui sint. 117. 9. bc. d.118.ab.122.bcd.

C. Who may be helpers of heretics. 157. rb-va.vb.158.ra-b.162.rb-vb.

10. C. Fautores hereticorum dicuntur illi qui 11. habendo iurisdictionem non  


12. hereticos. 117.b.122.b.c.

C. Helpers of heretics are said to be those  who, though having jurisdiction, do not  persecute the heretics.

13. C. Fautores hereticorum dicuntur illi qui 14. possunt eos capere et non capiunt 15. nec iuvant volentes capere cum

16. requiruntur.122.c.117.c.

C. Helpers of heretics are said to be those  who can seize them and do not, nor help  those wanting to seize [them] when they  are required

17. C. Fautores hereticorum dicuntur illi qui 18. excusant eos. 117.d.

C. Helpers of heretics are said to be those  who excuse them. 157.vb.

19. C. Fautores hereticorum dicuntur illi 20. qui mittunt vel ministrant eis

21. alimoniam vel liberant eos vel

22. procurant huiusmodi ab aliis. 118.ab.

C. Helpers of heretics are said to be those  who send or supply them with support, or  liberate them, or look after this kind by  others. 158.ra-b.


23. C. Fautores hereticorum dicuntur illi qui 24. iuraverunt eos revelare et non re 25. velant. 117.c.

C. Helpers of heretics are said to be those  who have sworn to reveal them and do not do so.

26. C. Fautores hereticorum dicuntur illi qui 27. celant eos.

C. Helpers of heretics are said to be those  who hide them.

Fol. 15 rb

1. C. Fautores hereticorum dicuntur illi qui 2. impediunt extirpationem vel


3. illorum. 122.b.

C. Helpers of heretics are said to be those  who impede the extirpation or correction  of those ones.  


4. C. Fautorum heretici pena.8.d.80. 5. bc.34.a.54.d.84.b.87.b.

C. The penalty of the helpers of a heretic  48.vb.120.rb-va.74.ra.94.vb.124.rb.127.rb.

6. C. Fautores hereticorum sunt relegan 7. di et privandi omnibus suis bonis 8. 86.c.

C. Helpers of heretics are gathered up and  deprived of all their goods.

9. C. Fautores hereticorum non possunt 10. appellare. 54.c.84.b.

C. Helpers of heretics cannot appeal.

11. C. Fautorum huiusmodi bona. supra. in  bonis

C. The goods of these kinds of helpers.  above in goods.

12. C. Fautorum huiusmodi filii non debent  admitti

13. ad officia publica nec ad benefi 14. cia.54.d.86.c.129.d.

C. The sons of helpers of this kind

ought not to be admitted either to a public  office or privileges.

15. C. Fautores hereticorum sunt  


16. ti .8.d. (erasure) .b.12.b.54.a.

C. Helpers of heretics are xcommunicated.  48vb. (erasure) rb.52.rb.94.ra.

17. C. Fautores hereticorum sunt private 18. ecclesiasticis beneficiis habitis et ha 19. bendis.20.c.54.d.53.ab.92.a.

C. Helpers of heretics are deprived from ecclesiastical benefices had and to be  had.

20. C. Fautores hereticorum sunt privati 21. multis iuribus et libertatibus.8.d. 22. .9.a.34.a.54.ab.80.bc.84.

23. b.87.b.

C. Helpers of heretics are deprived of many laws and liberties. 48.vb.



24. C. Fautor hereticorum detegens aliquem 25. hereticum cuius perfidia manifeste 26. probetur consentitur integrum  

beneficium re

27. stitutionis.86.c.

C. A helper of heretics detecting some heretic whose perfidy may be proven openly, the whole privilege

of restoration is agreed.


Fol. 15 va

1. C. Fautorum heredibus qualis pena  debetur

2. 84.b.

C. What kind of penalty for the heirs of  helpers is owed.


3. C. Fautorum heretici. filii non debent 4. admitti ad aliquod publicum

5. officium vel beneficium sive honorem. 6.

C. The sons of helpers of a heretic ought  not to be admitted to any public office or  privilege or honor.

7. C. Fautorum filii possunt privari et sunt 8. privati omnibus officiis et beneficiis 9. et honoribus. 20.c.53.ab. 54.

10. d.92.a.

C. The sons of helpers can be deprived and  are deprived of all offices, privileges, and  honors.


11. C. Fredericus imperator supra in  constitu

12. tione et infra in lege

C. The emperor Frederick. Above in  constitution and below in the law

13. C. Fideiussores sunt accipiendi pro 14. hereticis de quibus dubitatur ne 15. fugiant. 127.b.

C. Oath helpers are received for the  heretics of whom it is considered that they  may flee. 167.rb.

16. C. Fideiussores hereticorum absen 17. tantium se vel morientium non ef 18. fugiunt manum inquisitoris.

19. 115.d.122.d.

C. Oath helpers of heretics absenting them selves or of those dying do not escape the hand of the inquisitor.


20. C. Fideiussores hereticorum possunt 21. et debent cogi ad servandum que fidei 22. iusserunt pro eis et hoc vel per  impositionem

23. et exactionem pene ad quam se ob 24. ligaverunt aut per censuram

25. ecclesiasticam.59.ab.

C. Oath helpers of heretics can and should be forced to observe what they swore for them and this, either by the imposition and  exaction of a penalty for that which they  obligated themselves, or else through  ecclesiastical censure. 99.ra-b.

26. C. Fides supra in apostatis.

C. Faith. Above in apostasy.

27. C. Filii hereticorum credentium re-

C. The sons of heretics, believers,

Fol. 15 vb

1. ceptatorum fautorum et defensorum 2. eorumdem non debent admitti de 3. cetero ad aliquod beneficium  


4. vel officium publicum sive honorem 5. alicuius praesidentie .20.c.54.d.80.d. 6. 86.dc.129.d.

receivers, supporters and their defenders, ought not to be admitted and so on to any ecclesiastical benefice, or public office, or the honor of any presidership.


7. C. Filii hereticorum credentium recepta 8. torum fautorum et defensorum  


C. Sons of heretics and their believers,  receivers, supporters and defenders have to and can be deprived of public offices and


9. debent et possunt per inquisitores 10. privari publicis officiis et ecclesiasticis 11. beneficiis. 20.c.53.a.129.d.

ecclesiastical benefices by the inquisitors.

12. C. Filii hereticorum receptatorum de 13. fensorum et fautorum et advocatorum 14. eorumdem sunt privati in perpetuum 15. beneficiis cunctis acquisitis et ac 16. quirendis. et publicis officiis

17. et honoribus temporalibus et  


18. 54.d.15.b.84.c.

C. The sons of heretics and their receivers, defenders, supporters, and advocates are  deprived in perpetuity from every privilege  acquired and those to be acquired, and from  public offices, and temporal and  

ecclesiastical honors.

19. C. Filii hereticorum credentium recep 20. tatorum fautorum et defensorum eorum 21. dem qualiter intelligantur privandi 22. et privati predictis.

C. The sons of heretics and their believers,  receivers, supporters, and defenders  are understood to be deprived just as the  aforesaid are deprived.

23. C. Filii hereticorum an diversi mode 24. privantur per lineam masculinam et fe 25. mininam .20.c.160.bc.

C. The sons of heretics, or different ways they are deprived through the masculine  and feminine lines.

26. C. Filiorum hereticorum emancipatio 27. nullius est momenti. si prae erat

C. The emancipation of the sons of heretics is of no importance, if he had earlier been a

Fol. 16 ra

1. hereticus quando fecit eam dato quod  postea

2. fuerit deprehensus et talis fuis

3. se.15.c.55.a.

heretic when he made it, given that  afterwards he will have been detected to  have been such.

4. C. Filii talium personarum si non  imitentur

5. eos et si revelent iniquitatem

6. suorum patrum non debent portare  huiusmodi

7. gravitates. 84.c.

C. The sons of such persons, if they do not imitate them, and if they reveal the iniquity of their fathers, do not have to bear these  kinds of severities.

8. C. Filii hereticorum credentium recep 9. tatorum defensorum et fautorum 10. eorumdem si patres sunt reincorpora 11. ti ecclesie non utuntur quod debeant sic  pu

12. niri. 20.c.53.b.

C. The sons of heretics, believers,  

receivers, defenders and their supporters, if  the fathers were reincorporated to the  church, are not used because they may  have to be punished in this way.

13. C. Filii heretici consolati quando debet 14. admitti ad excusationem con

15. solationis et quando non.

C. When the sons of a consoled heretic  have to be allowed for excusing the  consolation and when not. 55va-b.103.vb.


16. C. Flammarum iudicio commissi 17. debent comburi heretici obsti

18. nati etiam si in uno articulo de

19. viare probentur. 86.ab.

C. Obstinate heretics committed to judge ment of the flames have to be burnt even if they are proven to deviate in one single  word. 126.ra-b.

20. C. Florensi monasterio non dero 21. gatur propter condempnationem libri et 22. scripture ioachim abbatis

ipsius .4.c.

C. The books and writings of the abbot  Joachim are not taken away from the  Florentine monastery on account of his condemnation.

24. C. Florentinis est concessum ne ad 25. vocentur bona alienata ab here 26. ticis nisi tempore alienationis fue 27. rint publice diffamati vel

C. To the Florentines is conceded that they  may call for alienated goods from the her etics unless at the time of the alienation  they will have been publicly defamed or

Fol. 16 rb

1. suspecti.

suspected [of heresy].

2. C. Forma recipiendi volentes

3. redire. 98.

C. The form of receiving those wishing to  come back. 138.

4. C. Forma iurandi non esse vera que obici 5. untur neganti et abiuranti he

6. resim. 155.c.

C. The form of swearing not to be true  what is charged by those denying and  abjuring heresy.

7. C. Forma procedendi contra hereticos in  communi

8. 94.a.103. 148.a. 125.c.

C. The form of proceeding against heretics  in common.

9. C. Forma iuramenti quae debent rede 10. untes praestare in sui reconcili

11. atione. 102.a.141.d.

C. The form of oath that those returning  have to perform in their reconciliation. 142.ra.180.vb.

12. C. Forma abiurationis. 99.141.d. 13.

14. 155.d.

C. The form of abjuration. 139.180.vb.


15. C. Forma receptionis quo ad rede 16. untes.98.a.

C. The form of reception that [is] for those  returning. 138.ra.

17. C. Forma admonitionis in communi. ut  sta

18. tuta contra hereticos scribantur in 19. capitularibus .94.d.95.a.

C. The form of admonition in the  

commune, so that the statutes against the  heretics are written in the capitularies.  134.vb.135.ra.

20. C. Forma citationis in communi.95.bcd. 21. 96.ab.105.a.

C. The form of citation in the commune. 135.rb-vb.136.ra-b.145.ra.

22. C. Forma committende et faciende 23. citationis in singulari. 96.c.

24. 148.149.

C. The form of committing and of making  an individual citation.


25. C. Forma responsionis de executione 26. citationum commissarum.148.

27. d.159.c.

C. The form of response for the execution of the citations undertaken. 187.


Fol. 16 va

1. C. Forma iudicandi aliquem hereticum 2. consolatum. 101.a.

C. The form of judging some consoled  heretic. 141.ra.

3. C. Forma iudicandi domos destru 4. endas propter heresim .143.b.

C. The form of judging houses to be des troyed on account of heresy. 182.rb.

5. C. Forma iniungendi alicui perpetuum 6. carcerem propter heresim. 7.

C. The form of enjoining upon someone  perpetual prison because of heresy.

8. C. Forma imponendi crucem alicui  propter here

9. sim.145.ab.

C. The form of imposing the cross upon someone because of heresy. 184.ra-b.

10. C. Forma sententiandi aliquem  


11. vel credentem mortuum ad com 12. burendum. 146.a.147.d.

C. The form of sentencing some dead  heretic or believer to burning.


13. C. Forma et ordo iudicandi et relin 14. quendi aliquem hereticum iudicio 15. seculari.

C. The form and order of judging and of  releasing some heretic to secular  


16. C. Forma purgationis quae infamatis 17. de heresi debet indici. 151.d.152. 18. abcd.153.abd.155.d.

C. The form of purgation that has to be  pointed out to those infamous for heresy. 190.vb.191.ra-vb.192.ra-rb.vb.194.vb.

19. C. Forma absolvendi et imponendi pe 20. nitentias citatis et non citatis

21. hereticis redeuntibus. 100.bc.120. 22. d.130.b.139.140.

C. The form of absolving and of imposing  penances upon cited and un-cited  

returning heretics. 140.rb-va.160.


23. C. Forma interrogandi suspectos de fi 24. dei.105.bcd.106.bcd.107.abcd.

C. The form of interrogating those suspect in faith. 145.rb-vb.146.rb-vb.147.ra-vb.

25. C. Forma interrogandi accusatos et su 26. spectos de heresi. 108.ab.96.d.

27. 97.

C. The form of interrogating those accused  and suspected of heresy. 148.ra-b.136.vb. 137.

Fol. 16 vb

1. C. Forma examinandi venientes infra 2. tempus gratie.154.bcd.

C. The form of examining those coming  within the time of grace. 193.rb-vb.

3. C. Forma et modus interrogandi augures 4. et ydolatras.

C. The form and mode of interrogating  augurs and idolaters.

5. C. Forma resistrandi interrogationes et 6. responsiones circa examinationes here 7. ticorum.

C. The form of resisting interrogations and  answers about the examinations of heretics.

8. C. Forma scribendi relationes citationis 9. 153.d.

C. The form of writing reports of a citation. 192.vb.


10. C. Forma scribendi dicta citati et omnia 11. negantis. 155.ab.159.d.150.a.

C. The form of writing the sayings of the  cited one and those denying everything.  194.ra-b.198.vb.189.ra.

12. C. Forma scribendi dicta citati et  populo ne

13. gantis sed postmodum confitentis et 14. misericordiam postulantis.150.b.

C. The form of writing the sayings of the  cited one and the one denying to the people  butafterwards of confessing and looking  for mercy. 189.rb.

15. C. Forma excommunicandi dominos  terrarum non

16. obedientes inquisitoribus quo ad 17. faciendum scribi statuta contra here 18. ticos in libris comunitatis. 95.ab. 19. 100.ab.1002.b.

C. The form of excommunicating  

the lords of the lands not obediant to the in quisitors in order for making the statutes  against the heretics written in the books of  the community. 135.ra-b.


20. C. Forma licterarum testimonialium  dandarum

21. absolutis. 100.a.102.b.

C. The form of testimonial letters given to the absolved. 140.ra.142.rb.

22. C. Forma scribendi  


C. The form of writing an sworn oath.  193.rb.

23. C. Forma procedendi contra fugitivos et  se

24. absentantes. 127.ab.

C. The form of proceeding against  fugitives and those absenting themselves.  167.ra-b.

25. C. Forma procedendi contra pertinaces  re

26. belles et impenitentes.127.ab.

C. The form of proceeding against pertin acious and impenitent rebels. 167.ra-b.

27. C. Fradulentia simulate conversorum

C. The simulated fraudulence of converts

Fol. 17 ra

1. debet diligenter attendi. 91.a.

has to be diligently attended to. 131.ra.

2. C. Fugitivi debent et possunt conveniri 3. et condempnari tam in personis quam 4. in rebus.19.d.115. 84.a.92.a.

C. Fugitives ought and can be called  together and condemned both in their  persons as in things. 59vb.155.124.ra.132ra

5. C. Fugitivi qualiter debent citari et con 6. dempnari.127.ab.

C. How fugitives have to be cited and con demned. 167.ra-b.

7. C. Fugitivi et etiam condempnati volen 8. tes redire qualiter recipi debe

9. ant. 127.d.

C. How fugitives and even the condemned  wishing to return may have to be received.  167.vb.

10. C. Fugitivos requirentibus inquisitori 11. bus per se vel per alium debent tam  prae

12. lati ecclesiastici quam domini  

temporales fa

13. vorabiliter assistere.70.ab.

C. Ecclesiastical prelates and temporal  lords have to favorably assist the  

inquisitors, by themselves or by another, in  searching for fugitives. 110.ra-b.


14. C. Generalis minister secundum indulta  multorum

15. generalium privilegiorum potest  absolvere

16. inquisitores et alios substituere

17. et ut supersedeant compellere quamvis 18. sint instituti per Romanum ponti 19. ficem. 93.c.

C. The Minister-General according  to the indults of many general privileges  can absolve inquisitors and substitute others so that they may stop compelling, although they may have been established  by the Roman pontiff.

20. C. Generalis minister secundum aliquid  speciale pri

21. vilegium inquisitionis non potest cogere 22. inquisitores ut non exequatur officium 23. suum in aliquibus locis vel contra  aliquas

24. personas.

C. The Minister-General according to some special privilege of the inquisition  cannot force inquisitors so that his office is  not executed in some places or  

against some persons.

25. C. Gratie tempore venientes debent  consequi

26. immunitatem mortis immura

27. tionis exilii et confiscationis bo

C. Those coming within the time of grace have to get immunity from death by  imprisonment, exile, and confiscation of  goods, if they will have told the truth both

Fol. 17 rb

1. norum si veritatem tam de se quam de 2. aliis dixerint. et alias non ha

3. buerint similem gratiam. 125.d.

about themselves as about others and the  others will not have had similar grace.  165.vb.

4.C. Gratie tempus congrue potest assignari 5. debentibus ad officium inquisitionis 6. venire. 115.b.103.bc.

C. The time of corresponding grace can be  assigned for those having to come to the  office of the inquisition. 155.rb.143.rb-va.

7. C. Gratie tempus qualiter et quantum sit  conce

8. dendum debentibus venire ad

9. officium. 103.c.

C. As and how much the period of

grace may be conceded to those having to  come to the office.

10. C. Gratie tempore venientes quomodo  debent

11. recipi. et quid iurare et ad quid

12. obligari. 103.d.104.a.105.a.

C. How those coming within the period of grace have to be received, and what to  swear and for what to be obligated.  143.vb.144.ra.145.ra.

13. C. Gratie tempore venientes si non di 14. xerint scienter veritatem vel si re 15. cidivaverint debent subici penis 16. taxatis contra hereticos. 104.ab.

C. If those coming within the time of grace  will not have knowingly told the truth or  will have recidivated, they have to be  subjected to the penalties assessed against  heretics. 144.ra-b.

17. C. Gremium nulli redeunti ecclesiam 18. claudere quomodo debeat intelligi 19.

C. How it must be understood that to no returnee are the arms of the church closed.


20. C. Heredes hereticorum  


21. post mortem debent citari ante  condemp

22. nationem ipsorum hereticorum non  recon

23. ciliatorum ante mortem si velint 24. eos vel eorum bona defendere.

25. 127.c.

C. The heirs of heretics condemned post mortem have to be cited before the  condem

nation of the unreconciled heretics them selves; before death if they may wish to  defend them or their goods.

26. C. Heredibus hereticorum obligatorum 27. per inquisitorem ad aliquod onus  penitentie

C. For the heirs of heretics obligated by the inquisitor for some burden of penance in

Fol. 17 va

Written in another hand above the margin fol fol. 17va:  

I. hereses bighmore de Alemanni. 226. I. Beguin heresy of the Alemanni. 265

1. in bonis temporalibus qui tamen non  ege

2. runt vel non compleverunt penitentiam 3. et satisfactio in iungenda vel

4. complementum satisfactionis. 52.a. 5. 127.d.17.bc.

temporal goods who still had not done it  or not completed the penance, and satis faction by enjoining or the completion of satisfaction. 92.ra.


6. C. Heredibus hereticorum redeuntium 7. ante mortem sed decedentium ante in 8. iuntam penitentiam vel ante iniuncte 9. penitentie factionem vel completionem 10. dato quod bona sua obligarint

11. ad faciendam penitentiam dummodo  non

12. fuerit in iuncta in bonis temporalibus 13. an sit aliquid iniungedum.17.c.


C. For the heirs of heretics who returned  before death but died before the enjoining  of penance, or before the doing or  

completion of the penance, given because  their goods will have been made liable for  doing penitence provided that it will not  have been enjoined on temporal goods nor  something [that] may be about to be  enjoined.

15. C. Heredes heretici consolati quando  possunt

16. post mortem huiusmodi  


17. excusare et quando non.15.c.

C. When the heirs of a consoled heretic,  after the death of this sort, is able to excuse the consolamentum and when not.

18. C. Heresis unde dicatur. 216.d.

C. From whence heresy is said. 255.vb.

19. C. Heresum diversitas et multipli 20. I. citas.


C. The diversity and multipli- I. city of  heresy.


21. C. Heresis quomodo differt a scismate.

C. How heresy differs from schism.


215.d [added in left margin]


22. C. Heresis incurritur ex praesumptione  proprii fratribus.

C. Heresy is incurred from the presumption  of one’s own brothers.

23. C. Heresis crimen cuiuslibet secte  damp

24. nate inter publica crimina

25. computatur. 85.d.

C. The crime of heresy of no matter what  damned sect is reckoned among public  crimes.


26. C. Heresis omnis excommunicatur. 9.a.

C. Every heresy is excommunicated. 49.ra.

27. C. Hereses omnes prohibite legibus

C. All heresies prohibited by divine laws

Fol. 17 vb

1. divinis et imperialibus constitu

2. tionibus conquiescant. 33.a.

and imperial constitutions lie dormant.  73.ra.

3. C. Heresis crimen non potest cognosci  nec

4. iudicari per dominos temporales sed 5. solum per personas ecclesiasticas.21.d.

C. The crime of heresy cannot be  

recognized or judged by temporal lords but  only by ecclesiastical persons. 61.vb.

6. C. Heresis crimen quo ad punitionem 7. pari passu currit cum crimine

8. lese maiestatis. quia utrumque

9. adimit personas dampnatorum

10. et bona et post obitum dampnatur 11. memoria defunctorum. 86.a.

C. The crime of heresy, for which  

punishment runs along the same track with  the crime of lèse-majesté, because both  deprive the persons and goods of the  damned, and after death the memory of the  deceased is damned.126.ra.

12. C. Heresis crimen quo ad culpam 13. praefertur peccato lese maiestatis 14. 85.d.

C. The crime of heresy, the blame for  which, is preferred to the sin of lèse majesté. 125.vb.

15. C. Heresim incurrentibus absoluti 16. sunt obligati a quacumque servi 17. tute prius tenebantur eisdem. 10.ab.

C. For those running into heresy, the  absolved are obligated by whatever prior  servitude they were bound to the same  ones. 50.ra-b.

18. C. Hereses diversorum errorum quare  per

19. mittit divina providentia consur 20. gere.

C. Why divine providence permits  heresies of different errors to rise up.  

21. C. Hereses diversas quando et quare  incurre

22. runt christiani.

C. When and by what means Christians had  run into different heresies.

23. C Heresis abiuratio supra in  


C. The abjuration of heresy, above in  abjuration.

24. C. Heresis deprehensi sive clerici sive 25. layci qualiter debeant iudicari

26. 5.d.6.a.c27.bc.

C. How those discovered in heresy,  whether clerics or laics may have to be  judged.

27. C. Heretici unde dicantur et eorum  multiplex

C. From whence heretics are said [to be]  and their many-sided harmful quality.


Fol. 18 ra

1. iniqua proprietas. 85.ab.


2. C. Heretici quare non habent specifica 3. nomina et quare vocantur patarini 4. 85.bc.

C. Why heretics do not have specific  names and why they are called Patarines  125.rb-va.

5. C. Hereticus est qui falsas ac novas opi 6. niones gignit vel sequitur.216.a.

C. A heretic is he who produces or follows false and new opinions. 255.ra.

7. C. Hereticus est qui aliter scripturam  divinam

8. intelligit quam sensus spiritus sancti fla 9. gitat. 216.a.221.a.

C. A heretic is he who understands divine scripture [in a way] other than the sense de manded by the holy spirit. 255.ra.260.ra.

10. C. Hereticus est qui praecisus est ab  ecclesia

11. unitate.

C. A heretic is he who was cut off from the  unity of the church.

12. C. Hereticus est qui iam in dampnatam  here

13. sim incidit.

C. A heretic is he who already falls in with a damnable heresy.

14. C. Hereticus dicatur non qui errat sed  qui er

15. rorem contumaciter defendit. 216.b.

C. A heretic is not said to be one who errs, but who defends the error contumaciously.  255.rb.

16. C. Hereticus est qui romanam  


17. negat esse capud omnium ecclesiarum 18. et qui eius auctoritati derogat.

C. A heretic is one who denies the Roman  church to be the head of all the churches, and who derogates its authority.

19. C. Hereticus et heresiarcha est qui  defen

20. dit hereticos. 216.c.

C. A male and female heretic is who  defends heretics.

21. C. Hereticus iudicatur credens erro 22. ribus hereticorum. 10.a. 54.a.

C. A heretic is judged [to be]a believer in  the errors of the heretics. 50.ra.94.ra.

23. C. Hereticus iudicatur suspectus de 24. fide si ad mandatum ecclesie non 25. se purgando emandaverit.86.d.

C. A heretic is judged suspect in faith if,  according to the mandate of the church,  will not have atoned by purging himself.  126.vb.

26. C. Hereticorum vocabulo continentur 27. et latis adversus eos sanctionibus

C They are included in the name of the  heretics and by the sanctions carried  against

Fol. 18 rb

1. debeant succumbere qui vel levi 2. argumento a iudicio catho

3. lice religionis et tramite de

4. tecti fuerint deviare. 33.b.

them. They may have to succumb who may have been discovered to deviate from the  judgement of a catholic religious from slight evidence raised. 73.rb.


5. C. Hereticus est censendus et ut  hereticus con

6. dempnandus qui non vult confiteri 7. que legiptime contra eum probatur  quamvis

8. dicat se velle redire.124.a.

9. 126.d.

C. He is reckoned a heretic and is con demned as a heretic who does not wish to  confess what was legitimately proven  against him no matter how he says he wants  to return. 164.ra.166.vb.

10. C. Heretici omnes sunt excommunicati.

C. All heretics are excommunicated. b.

11. 8.a.9.a.12.b.53.d.


12. C. Heretici debent ex banniri per  dominos

C. Heretics have to be banned by the  temporal lords at the start of their office.

13. temporales in principio sui officii. 76.a.


14. C. Hereticos debet cura et fastigium 15. dignitatis imperialis cum gladio 16. usque ad mortem persequi. 83.c.

C. The concern, and high point of imperial dignity under the sword, has to persecute  the heretics unto death.

17. C. Heretici modis omnibus debent  deleri

18. de finibus imperii.84.b.

C. By every means the heretics have to be  destroyed from the ends of the empire. 124. vb.

19. C. Hereticus manifestus quando quis  de

20. beat dici. 10.d.

C. When and who may have to be said  [to be] a manifest heretic. 50.vb.

21. C. Heretici omnes sunt ex banniti. 86.d.

C. All heretics are banned. 126.vb.

22. C. Heretici omnes sunt condempnati

C. All heretics are condemned.

23. C. Heretici omnes sunt diffidati. 86.d.

C. All heretics are despaired of. 126.vb.

24. C. Heretici omnes sunt infames in  perpetuum.86.d.

C. All heretics are infamous in perpetuity.  126.vb.

25. C. Hereticorum captio supra in capere

C. The capture of heretics. Above in to  capture.

26. C. Hereticus captus debet infra certum  tempus per

27. rectorem terre assignari episcopo vel

C.A captured heretic has to be

assigned within a certain time by the rector  of the land to the bishop or the

Fol. 18 va.

1. inquisitori. 79.a.

inquisitor. 119.ra.

2. C. Hereticos examinare et de eorum ex 3. cessibus ut tales sunt nullo modo debet 4. facere discussionem vel iudicium 5. iudex secularis. 21.d.

C. The secular judge, to examine heretics  and their excesses, inasmuch as they are such, in no way ought to make discussion  or judgement. 61.vb.

6. C. Heretici et si levis suspitionis ar 7. gumento notati fuerint debent

8. examinari per ecclesiam. 86.a.

C. Heretics, if from slight evidence of  suspicion they may have become  

known, they have to be examined by the  church. 126.ra.


9. C. Heretici perfecti debent examinari in  se

10. creto. 127.b.

C. Heretic perfects have to be examined in secret. 167.rb.

11. C. Heretici sunt ante punitionem per  ecclesiam

12. examinandi. 86.a.

C. Heretics are to be examined by the  church before punishment. 126.ra.

13. C. Heretici post iudicium ecclesie sunt 14. debite et indilate puniendi.

15. 8.b.21.c.83.c.d.197.d.

C. After the judgement of the church, her etics are due prompt punishment.

16. C. Hereticus est secundum imperialem  constitutionem

17. igne cremandus. 86.b.96.b.

C. A heretic is to be burned by

fire according to the imperial constitution.  126.rb.136.rb.

18. C. Heretici et credentes iurantes 19. stare mandatis ecclesie ommittunt 20. facere penitentiam sibi iniunctam. sine 21. causa vel relapsi sunt in abiuratam 22. heresim recidisse. sunt sine ulla 23. audientia iudicio seculari relin 24. quendi .121.d.122.a.

C. Heretics and believers swearing to  remain within the mandates of the church  omit to perform the penance enjoined upon  them, without cause to have fallen back or  were relapsed into the abjured heresy, are  without any hearing relinquished to the  secular judgement. 161.vb.162.ra.

25. C. Heretici peccantes in pluribus locis 26. si possunt in pluribus locis puniri in 27.bonis et in corpore. 115.d.123.c.

C. Heretics sinning in many places, if they  can be punished in many places in [their] goods and bodily.

Fol. 18 vb

1. C. Heretici non tradendis iudicio se 2. culari vel carceri perpetuo qualiter sint 3. puniendi. 128.c.d.

C. Heretics not dragged to secular  judgement or to perpetual prison, how they  may be punished.

4. C. Heretici debent per dominos  


5. cogi ad confitendum suos errores 6. et revelare suos complices. per

7. tormenta. 79.b.

C. Heretics have to be forced through  torture by the temporal lords to confessing  their errors and to reveal their accomplices. 119.rb.

8. C. Heretici debent induci per inquisitores 9. ad veram fidem. 127.b.

C. Heretics have to be led by the  

inquisitors to the true faith. 167.rb.

10. C. Heretici volentes redire ad veram 11. fidem benigne recipiantur. 127.b.

C. Heretics wishing to return to the true  faith are received benignly. 167.rb.


12. C. Hereticis et eorum complicibus rede 13. untibus ad mandatum ecclesie debet sub 14. pena pecuniaria iniungi que fidem 15. catholicam firmiter teneant et de 16. inceps hereticis non faciant et ecclesie 17. mandatis obediant et observent

18. que per inquisitorem fuerint eis manda 19. ta et ab eisdem cautio exigatur

20. et tam ab eis quam a suis fideiusso 21. ribus per censuram ecclesiasticam pena  tol

22. latur si contra promissa et iniunta vene 23. rint. 58.ab.

C. It has to be enjoined upon the heretics  and their accomplices returning to the  mandate of the church, under monetary  penalty, that they may firmly hold the  catholic faith, and from now on they have  nothing to do with the heretics, and obey  the commands of the church, and observe  what may have been commanded for them  by the inquisitor, and caution is demanded  from the same. And both from them and  from their oath-helpers, the penalty is  raised by ecclesiastical censure if they were  to go against what was promised and  enjoined. 98.ra-b.

24. C. Hereticorum conversorum ad fidem  penitentia

25. potest mitigari et differri. 127.bc.

C. The penance of heretics converted  to the faith can be mitigated and deferred.  167.rb-va.

26. C. Heretici et si timore mortis conver 27. si ad fidem debent perpetuo carceri  manci

C. If from fear of death heretics are conver ted, they have to be handed over to  perpetual prison.

Fol. 19 ra

1. pari. 10.a.83.d.127.d.


2. C. Heretici et eorum complices qui  redeunt

3. non debent pronuntiari fuisse vel esse 4. hereticos vel credentes in sententiis fe 5. rendis.120.c.

C. Heretics and their accomplices who  come back do not have to be pronounced to  have been or to be heretics or believers in  bringing sentences.

6. C Heretici non debent intrare aliquam  religi

7. onem et si intraverint debent expelli. 8. 123.a.129.a.

C. Heretics must not enter any religious  order and if they will have entered, they  have to be expelled. 163.ra.169.ra.

9. C. Hereticus receptus in quacumque  religi

10. one debet tradi inquisitoribus exa 11. minandus et iudicandus. non obstanti 12. bus quibuscumque privilegiis religionis 13.

C. A heretic received in whatever religious order has to be handed over to the  

inquisitor to be examined and judged, not  withstanding whatever privileges of the  order.


14. C. Hereticum religionem ingressum  cogi

15. debent et possunt retinentes reddere 16. inquisitori per dyocesanum . 65.ab.

C. Those retaining a heretic already in a  religious order must, and can be forced by  the diocesan [bishop], to return [them] to  the inquisitor. 105.ra-b.


17. C. Hereticorum captorum loco non  heretici

18. assignati a se ipsis vel ab aliis

19. perpetuo carceri mancipentur et  nihilominus

20. heretici occultati reddi et assi

21. gnari cogantur. et hoc dolum facien 22. tes perdant omnia bona sua et in  perpetuum

23. relegentur. 79.a.

C. In place of the captured heretics not marked out as a heretic by themselves or by others, they are handed over to perpetual imprisonment and just the same the hidden  heretics are returned and forced to be  marked out, and those doing this sad thing  lose all their goods and are sent away in  perpetuity.  


24. C. Heretici et occulta conventicula  cele

25. brantes et a communi vita et fidelium 26. dissidentes debent revelari episcopo in 27. quisitori et ad hoc possunt homines per

C. Heretics and those celebrating hidden  gatherings and dissenting from the common life of the faithful have to be revealed to the  bishop and inquisitor and for this men can be forced by excommunication.

Fol. 19 rb

1. excommunicationem cogi. 9.c.54.d.

2. C. Hereticos quilibet potest capere. 78.a.

C. Anyone at all can seize heretics. 118.ra.

3. C. Hereticos captos artius custodire 4. quousque perimantur tenentur omnis  homines qui

5. habent iurisdictionem maxime cum  requisiti

6. fuerint. 83.d.

C. All men who have jurisdiction,

especially when they may have been  required, are bound to hold in stricter  custody captured heretics until they are  destroyed. 123.vb.

7. C. Hereticus per hereticum per  

excommunicatum et

8. per complices ac criminis participes 9. potest convinci.16.ab.57.ab.87.c.

C. A heretic can be convicted by a heretic,  by excommunication, and by accomplices  and participants in the crime. 56.ra-b.97.ra

10. C. Heretici capti debent custodiri ex 11. pensis communis que percipit tertiam  partem

12. condempnationum . 78.d.

C. Captured heretics have to be held in  custody at the expense of the commune  that gets hold of a third of the  

condemnation. 118.vb.

13. C. Hereticorum carceres supra incarcere

C. Prisons of the heretics, above in carcere.

14. C. Hereticis accusatis quando sunt  revelan

15. da et quando non sunt revelanda  nomina

16. testium deponentium contra eos. 22.d. 17. 91.c.123.c.126.d.

C. When the names of the witnesses  deposing against them are revealed to the  accused heretics and when they are not  revealed. 62.vb.

18. C. Hereticus etiam nondum convictus  non potest te

19. stari etiam in orthodoxos. 162.ab.

C. A heretic, even now not yet convicted,  cannot even testify on the orthodox. 201.ra b.


20. C. Hereticorum donationes quas etiam 21. fecerint ante quam essent delati et con 22. victi. revocantur. 163.a.b.

C. Donations of the heretics that also will  have been made before having been carried  away and convicted are revoked. 202.ra.rb.

23. C. Hereticorum oblationes vel elemo 24. sinas nullis debet recipere.5.c.54.c.

C. The oblations or alms of heretics must  be received by nonbody.

25. C. Hereticorum complicibus nullus  tenetur

26. in causu in quocumque negotio sed illi 27. aliis respondere. 34.a.54.a.80.b.87.b.

C. Nobody is bound to the accomplices of  the heretics in the case, in whatever  business, but by that one to respond to the  others. 74.ra.94.ra. 120.rb.127.rb.

Fol. 19 va

1. C. Heretici an possint per penitentia  restitui ad pristinum statum.

C. Heretics, or whether they can be restored  by penance to a pristine

2. C. Hereticorum bona. supra. in bonis hereticorum

C. The goods of the heretics, above, in  goods of heretics.

3. C. Heretici credentes receptatores 4. defensores et fautores eorum ipsorum 5. que filii et nepotes usque ad secundam 6. generationem. ad nullum ecclesiasticum  bene

7. ficium seu officium publicum admitt 8. antur quod si secus actum fuerit decer 9. nitur irritum et inane. et si clerici 10. fuerint habitis privantur perpetuo et  habere

11. non possunt.÷alia


C. Heretics, believers, receivers, defenders and their helpers and the sons and nephews  of the same unto the second generation, to  no ecclesiastical benefice or public office are they admitted because if the act will have been otherwise, it is determined not  valid and empty, and if they were clerics,  they are deprived of their habits in

perpetuity and they are not able to have  ÷other ones.

12. C. Hereticorum et suorum complicium  praecibus

13. collata beneficia catholicis au

14. feruntur et si fuerunt scienter recepta 15. non possunt admitti ad alia. 15.b.

C. Benefices of the heretics and of  

their accomplices conferred through  intercessions by catholics are withdrawn  and if they had been received knowingly they cannot be admitted to others. 55.rb.

16. C. Hereticorum antistites non audeant 17. fidem insinuare quam non habent nec 18. ministros creare. 33.b.

C. The high priests of the heretics may not  dare to bring in secretly the faith that they  do not have nor to create ministers. 73.rb.

19. C. Hereticis debet interdici omnis  locus et

20. locus secularis in quo reperientur debet  da

21. ri ecclesie.33.b.

C. Every place has to interdict heretics and the secular place in which they will be dis covered has to be given to the church. 73.rb.

22. C. Hereticis non debet permitti a  dominis ut

23. conveniant etiam ad letaniam et pena 24. circa liber. 33.c.

C. It ought not to be permitted to the  heretics by the lords that they convene even  for litany and the penalty about the book.


25. C. Heretici credentes fautores et 26. ceteri huiusmodi non possunt  


27. c.84.b.

C. Heretics, believers, helpers and so on of  this kind cannot appeal. 94.


Fol. 19 vb

1. C. Hereticorum fideiussores supra in 2. fideiussore hereticorum

C. Oath-helpers of heretics, above in oath helpers of the heretics.

3. C. Hereticis aufertur omne ius. 87.c.

C. Every customary right is taken away from  the

4. C. Hereticos non debet quis tradere  ecclesia

5. stice sepulture nec eis mini

6. strare sacramenta ecclesia quod si  fecerit

7. excommunicationem incurrit.9.ab.15. 8. a.54.c.

C. Who ought not to hand over heretics for ecclesiastical burial nor administer church  sacraments to them because if he will have  

done it, he incurs excommunication.

9. C. Hereticorum uxores quando perdunt 10. dotes et quando non. 20.bc.39.a.

C. When the wives of heretics lose their  dowries and when not. 60.rb-va.79.ra.

11. C. Hereticos in domo recipere vel eis 12. favere aut negotium cum eis exer 13. cere prohibetur omnibus sub pena 14. excommunicationis. 5.c.

C. It is prohibited for all people to receive heretics in the house, or support them, or  conduct business with them, under penalty  of excommunication.

15. C. Heretici et scismatici cum dyacono 16. et si non penituerit necesse habet su 17. bire ignis eterni supplicium. 5.a.

C. Heretics and schismatics, together with  the deacon, if he will not have done the necessary penance, has to undergo the  suffering of eternal fire. 45.ra.

18. C. Heretici non possunt testificari  contra

19. fideles nec possunt eos accusare nec 20. iudicare. 191.192.193

C. Heretics cannot testify against the faithful  nor can they accuse or judge them.  


21. C. Hereticos accusare possunt etiam  persone

22. infames. (above line: usque

C. Infamous persons can also accuse  heretics. 230.ra-va.231.ra-va.232.ra-va. (up to 23_. ra-va)

23. C. Heretici sunt cogendi et  


24. ad receptionem fidei quam relinque 25.runt.193.d. (above line: usque 206)

C. Heretics are to be forced and compelled  to the reception of the faith which they  relinquished. 232vb. 233. 234. 235.236.237.  238 (up to 245).

26. C. Heretici sunt compellendi per  rerum tempora

27. lium spoliationum. 207.208.

C. Heretics are to be compelled through the  despoiling of temporal things. 246.247.


Fol. 20 ra

1. C. Heretici sunt cogendi et domandi per 2. corporalem punitionem.

C. Heretics are forced and subdued by  corporal punishment.

3. C. Hereticorum oblationes et elemo 4. sine non debent recipi ab hospita 5. lariis. 54.c.

C. The oblations and alms of the heretics  ought not to be received by hospices.

6. C. Hereticis non debent administrari per 7. aliquem ecclesiastica sacramenta .54.c.

C. Ecclesiastical sacraments must not be  administered by anybody to heretics.

8. C. Alia de hereticis.scilicet. in aposta 9. tis.

C. Other things about heretics, namely, in apostates.

10. C. Ignis eterni incendio tradendus est 11. omnis hereticus et scismaticus cum 12. dyacono nisi peniteat. 5.a.

C. Every heretic and schismatic together  with the deacon is to be handed over to the  burning of eternal fire unless he were to  repent. 45.ra.

13. C. Alia de igne supra in flamma

C. Other things about fire, above in flame

14. C. Inmurandis pena qualiter sit

15. infligenda hereticis et credentibus 16. 143. per totum. 17. 151.abcd.

C. How the penalty of immuration may be  inflicted upon heretics and believers. 182. for

18. C. Inmurandis hereticis debent fieri 19. carceres cum camerulis distinc 20. tis et occultis in qualibet civi

21. tate suspecta de heresi. 128.b.

C. Prisons have to be made for immuring heretics with distinct and hidden rooms in  any city suspected of heresy.


22. C. Inmurandus clericus prius debet de 23. gradari si fuerit in sacris con

24. stitutus. 52.d.

C. Before a cleric is immured he has to be  degraded if he will have been constituted in  holy orders. 92.vb.

25. C. Inmurandus clericus qualiter debet 26. degradari et per quem. supra in 27. degradari.

C. How a cleric about to be immured has to  be defrocked and by whom, above in  ‘degradari.’

Fol. 20 rb

1. C. Incarceratio hereticorum et similium 2. supra in carcere et in ymuratione.

C. Incarceration of heretics and of similar  types, above in ‘Carcere’ and  


3. C. Incerta bona possunt per inqui 4. sitores recipi dummodo convertantur 5. in obsequium inquisitionis et eorum de 6. tentores absolvi. 62.c.

C. Uncertain goods can be received by the  inquisitors provided that they are converted in obedience to the inquisition and their  holders are absolved.

7. C. Indulgentia ultramarine

8. conceditur inquisitoribus diligen 9. ter exequentibus officium inquisitio 10. nis 92.b.70.c.

C. An overseas indulgence is conceded to  the inquisitors diligently executing the  office of the inquisition.


11. C. Indulgentia plena omnium

12. peccatorum conceditur omnibus qui  decesse

13. rint in prosecutione negotii inqui 14. sitionis. 92.c.70.c.

C. A full indulgence of all sins is conceded  to all who will have died in the prosecution  of the office of the inquisition.

15. C. Indulgentia omnium peccatorum  con

16. ceditur suscipientibus ab inquisi 17. toribus crucem in defensionem 18. fidei contra hereticos. 62.bc.

C. An indulgence of all sins is conceded by the inquisitors to those taking up the cross  in defense of the faith against heretics. 102.rb-va.

19. C. Indulgentia VI annorum datur 20. omnibus qui praestiterint ex animo  inqui

21. sitoribus consilium auxilium vel 22. favorem. ad impugnandum hereti 23. cos fautores receptatores

24. defensores eorum. 92.b.70.c.

C. An indulgence of six years is given to all  who will have given advice, help or favor from the soul to the inquisitors for attacking heretics, and their supporters, receivers and  defenders.

25. C. Indulgentia VI annorum conceditur 26. notariis inquisitorum et fratribus so 27. ciis eorum qui laborant in prosecutione.

C. An indulgence of six years is conceded  to the inquisitors’ notaries and their  associated brothers [friars] who work in the  prosecution of the inquisition.

Fol. 20 va

1. inquisitionis. 92.b.70.c.

2. C. Indulgentia xx vel xl dierum potest 3. dari per inquisitores quando praedicant  populo

4. a se convocato. 92.b.

C. An indulgence of twenty or forty days  can be given by the inquisitors when they  preach to the people called together by  them. 132.rb.

5. C. Indulgentia non sola sed cum praemio 6. gratie et glorie datur facientibus illud 7. pro quo promittitur. 70.b.

C. Not only an indulgence but with the  reward of grace and glory is given to those  doing that for which they promised.110.rb.

8. C. Infames sunt omnes heretici  


9. nomine censeantur. 86.d.

C. All heretics are infamous by whatever  name they may be reckoned. 126.vb.

10. C. Infames sunt omnes credentes fauto 11. res defensores et receptatores here 12. ticorum si postquam fuerint per  excommunicatio

13. nem notati non se emendaverint infra 14. annum.8.d.30.a.54.a.87.b.

C. Infamous are all believers, supporters,  defenders and receivers of heretics if after  they may have been known by excommun ication, they will not have amended  themselves within a year.  


15. C. Infames sunt hereticorum fautores 16. et consiliatores et auxiliatores

17. 80.b.

C. Infamous are supporters and counselors  and helpers of heretics.



18. C. Infames possunt testificare in officio 19. inquisitionis. 127.a.

C. Infamous ones can testify in the office  of the inquisition. 167.ra.

20. C. Infamis efficitur quicumque dederit 21. alicui heretico consilium vel auxi 22. lium 8.d.34.a.54.a.80.b.

23. 87.b.131.bc.

C. Whoever will have given counsel or  help to any heretic, is effected by infamy. 48.vb.74.ra.94.ra.120.rb.


24. C. Infames sunt omnes rectores cuius 25. cumque communitatis si noluerint vel 26. neglexerint servare omnes  


27. papales et leges frederici editas,

C. Infamous are all rectors of whatever  community if they will not have wished or  neglected to preserve all papal  

constitutions and laws of Frederick issued  againt the heretics,

Fol. 20 vb

1. contra hereticos et singula in eis conten 2. tas. 75.d.

and each one contained in them.


3. C. Infames sunt omnes officiales inqui 4. sitionis si excesserint in favorem 5. heresis contra fidem et contra  


6. sui officii. 77.d.

C. Infamous are all officials of the inquis ition if they will have surpassed in favor of heresy against the faith and against the  sincerity of their office. 117.vb.

7. C. Infamatus de heresi potest trahi ad 8. iudicium inquisitionis.18.bc.

C. The one infamous for heresy can be  dragged to the judgement of the  

inquisition. 58.rb-va.

9. C. Infamatus de heresi ad quid sit co 10. gendus

C. To what may one infamous for heresy be about to be forced.

11. C Infamatorum de heresi. nomina  debent

12. per rectores communitatis haberi scripta 13. in quattuor libris et illi libri.debent 14. et prae quatuor loca diligenti cu 15. stodia servari. 80.c.

C. The names of those infamed for heresy have to be written in four books by the rectors of the community and those books have to be saved in four places with  diligent custody.

16. C. Infamia. fautorum tollitur si

17. aliquem hereticum revelaverint.86.c.

C. The infamy of supporters is taken away  if they will have revealed any heretic.

18. C. In fidelis est dubius in fide. 5.a.

C. An unfaithful one is doubtful in faith.  45.ra.

19. X7 C. Innocentem condempnari gravius  est  

20. quam facinus impunitum relinquere.  123.d.

X.C. It is more serious that an innocent be  condemned than to release a guilty one  unpunished. 163.vb.


7 X. Impedientes officium inquisitionis puniri possunt X. Those impeding the office of the inquisition can  et debent tangere fautores hereticorum. 92.d et 122.b be punished and should relate to the helpers of  72.c. the heretics. 132.vb and 162.rb.


21. C. Inquirere possunt et debent domini  temporalis

22. de peccato heresis etiam si nulla  precedat

23. denuntiatio. 86.a.

C. Temporal lords can and have to inquire about the sin of heresy even  if no denunciation preceded. 126.ra.

24. C. Inquisitionis officium potest pluribus  de

25. causis habere reos de suo foro

26. 123.b.

C. The office of the inquisition can have defendants for many causes for  its forum. 163.rb.

27. C. Inquisitionis officium quibus  privilegiis

C. The office of the inquisition in the

Fol. 21 ra

Headnote: ب Inquisitor de ordine minorum  non potest procedere contra fratres  praedicatorum nec praedicator contra  fratres minores.93c. 230.a.

An inquisitor from the Order of Friars  Minor cannot proceed against the Friars  Preacher nor a Preacher against the  Friars Minor. 33va. 269.ra.

1. gaudeat ex quibus patet ad quid possit 2. et debeat extendi. qualiter commit 3. titur et quomodo executori debet man 4. dari. 164. et per 9 folia sequentia

privileges of which it may rejoice, from  which it is clear how it can and may have  to be extended, as it is committed and how  it has to be ordered for the executor. 203. and for the following nine folios.

5. C. Inquisitio contra hereticam pravitatem 6. potest et debet fieri simpliciter et de  plano et

7. absque strepitu et figmenta iudicii 8. et advocatorum. 22.b.92.a.

C. An inquisition against heretical  depravity can and has to be made simply  and clearly and without the  

obstreperousness and unrealities of the  judge and the lawyers. 62.rb.132.ra.

9. C. Inquisitionis incipiende modus et  forma


C. The mode and form of starting an  inquisition.

11. C. Inquiri pater de hereticis etiam si  post

12. mortem fiat de eo accusatio. 33.d.

C. A father is investigated about heretics  even if an accusation is made about him  after death. 73.vb.

13. C. Inquiri potest super peccato heresis  contra

14. eamdem personam simul per  


15. et per inquisitorem. 19.a.

C. It is possible to be investigated over the sin of heresy against the same person at the  same time by the diocesan and by the  inquisitor. 59.ra.

16. C. Inquisitionis officium si contingat 17. impediri per statutum alicuius  


18. vel loci. debet illud statutum corri 19. gi vel amoveri. 18.a.

C. If it happens that the office of the  inquisition is impeded by a statute of some  community or place, that statute has to be  corrected or removed. 58.ra.


20. C. Inquisitoris officium durat post 21. mortem illius pape qui commisit tam 22. quo ad negotia incepta quam non 23. ب incepta.

C. The office of inquisitor lasts after the  death of that pope who commissioned [it],  for both that business undertaken and that  not begun. ب

24. C. Inquisitorum institutio et remo 25. tio et substitutio commititur Mi 26. nistro Thuscie suoque vicario

27. cum consilio discretorum.

C. The establishment, removal and sub stitution of the inquisitors is committed to  the Minister of Tuscany and his vicar with the counsel of the prudent ones.

Fol. 21 rb

1. 89.ab


2. C. Inquisitores instituti per Mini 3. strum Thuscie in quibus locis et contra 4. quos possunt inquirere. 5.

C. In which places and against whom the inquisitors instituted by the Minister of  Tuscany can investigate. ra-vb.130.ra-va.

6. C. Inquisitores possunt limitari et su 7. spendi et transferri et removeri per 8. generalem et provincialem eorumque vi 9. carios. 93.c.

C. Inquisitors can be limited, suspended, transferred, and removed by the general and provincial [Ministers] and their vicars.

10. C. Inquisitores non tenentur obedire 11. Ministro Generali nec provinciali 12. nec custodi nec guardiano in

13. aliquo quod impediat officii sui 14.

C. The inquisitors are not bound to obey  the Minister General or the provincial or  custodian or guardian in anything that may  impede the execution of their office.

15. C. Inquisitores et eorum notarii sive 16. scriptores eorum non possunt  


17. nec interdici nec suspendi. ab aliquo 18. legato conservatore vel executo 19. re. 56 .bc.

C. The inquisitors and their notaries or  their scribes can neither be

excommunicated, nor interdicted nor  suspended by any legate, conservator or  executor.  


20. C. Inquisitorum arbitrium non debet  artari

21. consiliis vel regulis quorumcumque 22. nisi sedis apostolice. 125.b.

C. The judgement of the inquisitors ought not to be limited by the counsels or rules of whomever except the Apostolic See.  165.rb.

23. C. Inquisitoribus se opponentes et 24. eos impedientes graviter possunt 25. et debent puniri. 92.d.

C. Those opposing the inquisitors and  impeding them can and should be punished  severely. 132.vb.

26. C. Inquisitores instituti per apostolicam 27. auctoritatem possunt et debent  diligenter inquirere

C. Inquisitors established by apostolic  authority can and should inquire diligently


Fol. 21 va

Headnote: I. Inquisitores non possunt  alisque episcopo ---dura carceris tradere  

I. Inquisitors cannot for any bishop —hand over to hard prison  

 ----tormentis exponere —expose to torture

 ----Senteniam ferre 223 —to carry out the sentence 262

1. contra hereticam pravitatem infra limi 2. tes sue commissionis.18.bc.

3. 90.bc.

against heretical depravity within the  limits of their commission. 58.rb-va. 130.rb-va.

4. C. Inquisitores possunt et debent  procedere

5. iuxta canonicas sanctiones contra 6. omnes quos infectos invenerint

7. de heresi. vel infamatos et contra re 8. ceptatores defensores et fau

9. tores nisi absolute velit obe

10. dire mandatis ecclesie. 90.c.18.bc.

C. Inquisitors can and should proceed  according to the canonical sanctions  against all who will have been found  infected with heresy, or those defamed [for  it] and against receivers, defenders and  supporters unless he may wish absolutely  to obey the mandates of the church.

11. I: C. Inquisitores possunt procedere  contra hereti

12. cos et eorum complices qui  


13. infra eorum circulas quocumque se 14. transferant.

15. 123.b.127.a.

I: C. Inquisitors can proceed against  heretics and their accomplices who are  delinquent within their surroundings and to  wherever they transfer themselves.

16. C. Inquisitores possunt de dyocesano 17. rum consilio vel eorum vicariorum 18. privare sive privatos denuntiare 19. hereticos credentes et complices 20. eorum illorumque filios et nepotes 21. ecclesiasticis beneficiis et publicis 22. officiis et honoribus et eos qui

23. talium in(ter)ventu huiusmodi sunt  adepti.


C. Inquisitors can, with the counsel of  the diocesans or their vicars, deprive or  denounce as deprived, heretics, believers,  and their accomplices, and their sons and  nephews, from ecclesiastical benefices,  public offices and honors, and those who  intervened for such [ones] of this kind to obtain them.

25. C. Inquisitores non debent privare nec 26. privatos nuntiare publicis et

27. officiis et ecclesiasticis beneficiis

C. Inquisitors do not have to deprive nor  announce as deprived of both public  offices and ecclesiastical benefices, the

Fol. 21 vb

1. filios et nepotes illorum hereticorum 2. suorumque complicium. qui ante mortem 3. steterunt mandatis ecclesie vel nunc 4. stant sed solum illorum qui tales 5. esse probantur vel tales decessisse 6. noscuntur. 20.c.53.ab.

sons and nephews of those heretics and  their accomplices, who before death had  remained within the mandates of the  church or now remain, but only those who  were proven to be such or not knowing  [them] to have died as such.


7. C. Inquisitores possunt religiosos 8. in heresim lapsos gravius puni

9. re quam seculares. 53.a.

C. Inquisitors can punish religious lapsed  into heresy more severely than seculars.  93.ra.

10. C. Inquisitores possunt clericos impedi 11. entes officium inquisitoris grava 12. re et punire tam in captione persone  quam

13. in aliis penis.52.d.17.d.

C. Inquisitors can oppress and punish  clerics impeding the office of the inquisitor  both in the capture of the person as in other  penalties. 92.vb.57.vb.

14. C. Inquisitores possunt cogere per  excommuni

15. cationem in personis et per interdictam  in terris

16. omnes presidentes consilium et  communitates

17. ut faciant scribi constitutions

18. papales et constitutiones frederici 19. contra hereticos editas in statutis ter 20. rarum quibus praesunt. 75.c.88.ab. 21. 68.bc.

C. Inquisitors are able to force, by ex communication of persons and by interdict  in the lands, all presiders, consuls and  communities so that they may ensure the  papal constitutions and the constitutions of  Frederick issued against heretics, are  written into the statutes of the lands for  which they preside. 128.rb-va.

22. C. Inquisitores possunt et debent cogere  omnes

23. praesidentes ut iurent et servent 24. sub magnis penis et faciant ob

25. servari a suis subditis omnes con 26. stitutiones papales et imperiales edi 27. tas contra hereticos. 19.bc.75.c.88.b.

C. The inquisitors can and should force all  presiders so that they swear and serve  under great penalties, and they ensure that  their subordinates observe, all papal and  imperial constitutions issued against the  heretics.

Fol. 22 ra

Headnote and insertion mark :. Inquisitor  debet habere 40 annos.229.D

:. The inquisitor has to be 40 years [of age]  268.vb.

1. 88.ab.


2. C. Inquisitorum praecepta debent servare 3. omnes praesidentes et eorum sententias  exe

4. :. cutioni

C. All presiders have to observe the  precepts of the inquisitors and order their  sentences to be carried out.


5. C. Inquisitores possunt heredes defunc 6. torum cogere ad portandum vel ad 7. complendum honus penitentie imponite 8. in bonis temporalibus. 52.a.127.d.

C. Inquisitors can force the heirs of the  deceased into carrying out or completing  the burden of penance inposed upon  temporal goods. 92.ra.167.vb.


9. C. Inquisitores habent potestatem ad 10. cogendum et puniendum per penam 11. hereticis debitam illos qui non

12. faciunt penitentiam carceris vel 13. aliam quamcumque eis iniunctam per  inqui

14. sitores. 119.ab.

C. Inquisitors have the power for forcing and punishing, by the penalty owed by heretics, those who do not do the penance  of prison or whatever else enjoined upon  them by the inquisitors.


15. C. Inquisitores possunt facere observa 16. ri omnes constitutiones papales et 17. leges frederici contra hereticos

18. editas. 92.a.19.bc.

C. Inquisitors can ensure that all papal constitutions and laws of Frederick issued  against the heretics are observed.

132ra. 59.rb-va.

19. C. Inquisitores possunt contra  


20. invocare auxilium brachii se

21. cularis. 19.b.59.b.93.a.

C. Inquisitors can call upon the help of the secular arm against whomever. 59.rb.99.rb.133.ra.

22. C. Inquisitores possunt cruce si 23. gnare homines in defensionem

24. fidei.

C. Inquisitors are able to sign men with the  cross in defense of the faith.


25. C. Inquisitores possunt de consilio 26. dyocesani vel eius vicarii con

27. stitutiones papales quando in eis

C. Inquisitors are able, from the counsel of  the diocesan or his vicar, ΅interpret the  papal constitutions when some ambiguity  has occurred ΅ in them.

Fol. 22 rb

1. aliquod ambiguum occurreret.

΅ interpretari

2. C. Inquisitores possunt prorogare 3. terminum X dierum potestatibus

4. et quibuscumque praesidentibus super  XIIibus

5. officialibus instituendis et super

6. destructionibus domorum. et super 7. condempnationibus et super divisionibus 8. bonorum et super sindicatione prae 9. sidentium.

C. The inquisitors can postpone a term of  ten days for the podestàs and for

whomever is presiding, over the  

establishing of 12 officials, and the  destroying of the households, and the  condemnations, and the divisions of goods, and the sindication of the presiders.

10. C. Inquisitores possunt convocare 11. populum et clerum pro negotio fi 12. dei. 19.d.91.d.

C. The inquisitors can convoke the people and clergy for the business of the  faith. 59.vb.131.vb.

13. C. Inquisitores quando praedicant pro 14. officio inquisitionis possunt dare 15. indulgentiam XX vel XL dierum 16. 92.b.

C. When inquisitors preach for the office  of the inquisition, they can give an  indulgence of 20 or 40 days.



17. C. Inquisitores possunt compescere  prae

18. dicatores questuarios quando impe 19. dirent officium inquisitionis

20. 19.a.92.c.

C. The inquisitors can restrain alms seeking preachers when they impede the  office of the inquisition.

21. C. Inquisitores Thuscie possunt 22. ex commissione legati procedere 23. contra questuarios de multis enor 24. mitatibus. 73.bcd.

C. The inquisitors of Tuscany can proceed  against alms-seekers, from the commission  imparted, for many enormities.


25. C. Inquisitores possunt compellere 26. peritos ad praebendum eis consilium 27. in negotiis inquisitionis. 19.d.91.d.

C. The inquisitors can compel legal experts  to supply counsel to them in the business  of the inquisition. 59.vb.131.vb.

Fol. 22 va.  

Headnote: I Inquisitores artant l.ā de  domis. 225.

I. Inquisitors limit lire from households.  264.

1. C. Inquisitores possunt ferre sententiam 2. excommunicationis in illos qui  


3. archana consilii quando nomina testi 4. I. um non debent revelari accusatis. 22.d.

C. The inquisitors can carry out the  sentence of excommunication upon those  who reveal secrets of counsel when the  names of the I. witnesses ought not to be  revealed to the accused. 62.vb.

5. C. Inquisitores possunt dispensare super 6. alias irregularitates absolvere

7. ab excommunicatione interdicto et  suspen

8. sione commutare aliqua vota et

9. concedere illis gratias etiam dantur  euntibus

10. ultra mare et quod possunt audire 11. divina et ecclesiastica recipere  


12. tempore generalis interdicti. cum  clericis qui

13. susceperint crucem contra hereticos 14.

C. The inquisitors can dispense over  other irregularities, absolve from excom munication, interdict and suspension,  commute any vows, and concede to those  the graces that are even given to those  going beyond the sea, and insofar as they  are able to hear the divine service and to  receive ecclesiastical sacraments during the  time of a general interdict, with the clergy  who will have taken up the cross against  the heretics.  


15. C. Inquisitores possunt absolvere 16. obligatos ad incerta dummodo

17. illa conferant in obsequium inquisiti 18.

C. The inquisitors can absolve those obliged for uncertainty, provided that one  contributes in compliance of the inquisition 102.ra-va.

19. C. Inquisitores possunt cogere ad 20. iurandum pro suo officio quoscumque 21. sive sint layci. sive clerici. sive 22. seculares sive religiosi.116.a.

C. The inquisitors can force, to swear for  his office, whomever whether they may be  laics, clerics, seculars or religious.  156.ra.


23. C. Inquisitores possunt recurrere 24. ad dominos temporales et eorum  officia

25. les quamvis sint excommunicati vel so 26. lum de facto denuntientur. quando  sententie mo

27. re dispendio non possunt ad alios

C. The inquisitors can have recourse to the  temporal lords and their officials although  they may have been excommunicated or  only from the fact they were denounced,  when they cannot have recourse to others in the dispense of a sentence in the  customary manner.

Fol. 22vb

1. habere recursum.

2. C. Inquisitores possunt procedere in 3. officio inquisitoris simpliciter et de 4. plano. 22.b.92.a.227.c.

C. The inquisitors can proceed in the office  of the inquisitor simply and plainly.

5. C. Inquisitores possunt cogere tabel 6. liones religiosos ad exercendum

7. tabellionatus officium in obsequium 8. inquisitoris.18.d.91.b.

C. The inquisitors can force religious  scribes into exercising the office of scribe  in obedience to the inquisitor.


9. C. Inquisitores possunt se cum suis 10. sotiis mutuo absolvere ab ex

11. communicatione et dispensare super  irre

12. gularitatem. 55.ab.

C. Inquisitors, with their associates, can mutually absolve each other from  

excommunication and dispense over  irregularity. 95.ra-b.

13. C. Inquisitores possunt inquirere contra  eamdem

14. personam cum episcopo.21.a.

C. The inquisitors can inquire against the  same person with the bishop. 61.ra.

15. C. Inquisitores possunt facere sibi as 16. signari libros et quaternos et

17. alia scripta in quibus sunt depositiones 18. et processus habiti contra hereticos per 19. quoscumque.20.a.92.a.

C. The inquisitors can ensure that books  and quaternia and other writings in which  are depositions and processes taken place  against heretics by whomever, are  entrusted to their care. 60.ra.132.ra.

20. C. Inquisitoribus et eorum nuntiis 21. debent favorabiliter assistere in se 22. curo cunductu hereticorum et in ali 23. is ad officium pertinentibus. omnes 24. prelati et domini seculares.

C. All prelates and secular lords have to  favorably assist the inquisitors and their  nuncios in the secure conduct of the  heretics and in other things pertaining to  the office.

25. C. Inquisitores quo ad suum officium 26. non iuvantes studiose iuxta

27. posse suum quando requiruntur possunt

C. Inquisitors whereby, those not  

strenuously helping his office in the same  manner as their being able when they are  required, can be punished by the


Source: Franciscan Inquisitors in Tuscany, early 14th Century: The Index of  Codex Casanatensis, ms. 1730
Introduction, translation and notes by Geoffrey W. Clement

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Paul Halsall, February 2023

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