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John of Damascus, On Holy Images, notes.

This file consists of notes to Three Sermons on the Assumption

*Qeopatwr, not easily rendered in English.

Kai touton wsper ippon eucalinon, thV afethriaV parwpmhsa.

Page 4

*aperigraptoV, i.e., not in place.

Page 9

*alla mhn kai epi to arkon thV rabdou.

Page 12

*Thn agian parqenon kai qeotokon.

Page 25

*dhsaV ton iscuron.

Page 26

*thn korufaian akrothta twn apostolwn.

Page 28

*ta qeia musthria--the Mass.

Page 30


Page 33

*th tou kuriou proV qeion ekpurseuqenta erwta akoh.

Page 43

* A short passage from St. John Chrsostom, which follows, is omitted on account of Editor's note: locus hic mihi non occurrit apud Chrysostomum in Epistolam ad Hebraeos.

Page 47


Ce n'est ni la pierre ni le bois
Que le catholique adore;
Mais c'est le Roi qui mort en croix

De Son Sang la croix honore.
-Vie de St Francois de Sales, par M. Hamond.

Page 51

*A testimony quoted from Sophronius is here suppressed.

Page 57

* See St Augustine, de Civitate Dei : Nemo igitur quaerat efficientem causam malae voluntatis ; non enim est efficiens, sed deficiens, quia nec illa effectio sed defectio (xii. c. vii).

Page 69

*basilewn estin h politikh eupraxia; h de ekklesiastikh katastasiV, poimenwn kai didaskalwn. lhstrikh efodoV estin auth.

Page 74

*gumnwsatw eauton tou oikeiou strateumatoV o epigeoiV basileuV, kai tote ton eautou basilea kai kurion. Apoqesqw thn alourgida kai to diadhma kai tote twn kata tou turannou aristeusantwn, kai basileusantwn twn paqwn sebaV periaireitw.

Page 83

*The first quotations are only repetitions, and are consequently omitted.

Page 84

*Two slight omissions, viz., St Chrysostom and St Ambrose.

Page 87

*A repetition up to i (c), where the translation begins.

Page 88

*treiV upostaseiV.

Page 94

*fusei gar nooumena.

Page 96


Page 102

*qeothti gar kaq upostasin hnwtai, kai duo fuseiV en tw metalambanomenw uf hmwn swmati tou cristou, hnwmenai kaq upostasin eisin adiaspastwV, kai twn duo fusewn metecomen, tou swmatoV, swmatikwV, thV qeothtoV, pneumatikwV. mallon dh amfoin kat amfw. ou kaq upostasin tautizomenoi. ufistameqa gar proton, kai tote enoumeqa. alla kata sunanakrasin tou swmatoV kai aimatoV.

Page 114

*Adelfoi, o cristianoV, pistiV estin.

Page 115

*A few Testimonies have been suppressed as unsuitable or irrelevant, viz.:-

1. St Basil on St Barlaam (in order) 2.
2. St Gregory of Nyssa.  On Isaac and Abraham (5) Repetition.
3. Severianus on the Cross (7) Repetition.
4. From Life of St Chrysostom (8) Repetition.
5. Eusebius on the Woman with an Issue of Blood (22).
6. Eusebius on Constantine (23).
7. St Gregory Nazianzen, from his Discourse to Julian the Apostle (2 lines) (24).
8. St Chrysostom, Commentary on Job (25).
9. St Chrysostom on Constantine, four quotations (26).
10. Theodoret of Syrus on Ezechiel (27).
11. From the Acts of St Placid (28).
12. Ecclesiastical History of Theodoret (35).
13. St Athanasius of Mount Sinai (36).
14. Arcadius, Abp. of Cyprus, on Simeon the Wonderworker (37).
15. St Chrysostom, Homily (38).
16. Theodoret, Ecclesiastical History: six short quotations (39).
17. St Chrysostom on St Flavian and Homily (40).
18. St Basil on Forty Martyrs, Repetition (41).
19. St Gregory Nazianzen, ex Carminibus (42).
20. St Chrysostom, Commentary on St Paul (43).
21. From the Sixth General Council (44).
22. St Clement, Stromata (45).
23. St Theodore, Bishop of Pentapolis (46).
24. St Basil to St Flavian (51).
25. St Gregory Nazianzen on Baptism (52).
26. St Isidore the Deacon, Chronography (57).
27. From the Fifth General Council (62).
28. Theodore, Ecclesiastical History (63).
29. Abbot Maximus.  Repetition (64).
30. St Sophronius, Acts of SS. Cyrus and John (65).
31. From the Life of St Eupraxia (69).
32. On the Fifth General Council (70).

Page 123

*qewfilei propatori.

Page 138

*ouci kai ta anaqhmata twn agiwn ep ekklhsiaiV keimena eiV proskunhsin twn pistwn, dhlousi thn lwbhn tou swmatoV.

Page 141

*ta gar twn cristianwn pistiV esti, kai o ayeudhV hmwn qeoV energei taV dunameiV.

John of Damascus, Homilies on the Dormition, notes.

Page 147



Page 148


Page 151

*ekaqhre te kai hgiase.

aperigraptwV katwkhsaV.

Page 152

*ontwV gar to aproslhpton aqerapeuton.

Page 153

*. . . th panagia tauth kai qeiotath.

Page 161

*tw gar qew logw en th gastri sou skhnwsanti anqrwpeia fusiV ton egkrufian arton, thn eauthV ek twn swn agnwn aimatwn proshgagen, optwmenhn pwV kai artopoioumenhn upo tou qeiou puroV, etc.

Page 172

*outw kai hmeiV en ceimwni twn epwn ta anqh th basilidi prosagontes, kai geghrakota logon proV touV agwnaV twn egkwmiwn oplizonteV, kai tou poqou tw nw liqon oia sidhrw prostriyanteV, h wV borqrhn awron ekqliysanteV, thn muqotokon dianoian, amudron tina spinqhra kai trouga logou toiV filologoiV umin kai filakroamosi nemonteV, mallon kai mallon apodeicqeihmen.

Page 174


Page 184

*ontwV makaria su, pammakariste.  TiV gar, ei mhtige o logoV h prosenhnektai touto pascwn, o prattein upeilhptai.

Page 185

*cersi qeiaiV kai akhratoiV.  Obscure when applied to our Lord.

Page 186

*o kairoV thV tomhV efqase.

Page 190

*kai hn idein idrwtaV kai dakrua toiV ceumasin amillwmena.

Page 193

*genna gar pwV ek sunduasmou to aswmaton; kai tina tropon micqhsetai.

Page 196

*The supposed answer of the tomb.

Page 197

*An unauthentic paragraph omitted.  


This file consists of notes to Three Sermons on the Assumption

From St. John Damascene. On holy images, followed by three sermons on the Assumption. Translated by Mary H. Allies. London: Thomas Baker, 1898.

Scanned by Gabriel Caswell and Dr. Stephen J. Shoemaker.  Prepared for HTML by Dr. Stephen J. Shoemaker.

This text is part of the Internet Medieval Source Book. The Sourcebook is a collection of public domain and copy-permitted texts related to medieval and Byzantine history.

Unless otherwise indicated the specific electronic form of the document is copyright. Permission is granted for electronic copying, distribution in print form for educational purposes and personal use. If you do reduplicate the document, indicate the source. No permission is granted for commercial use.

© Paul Halsall, October 1998

The Internet Medieval Sourcebook is part of the Internet History Sourcebooks Project. The Internet History Sourcebooks Project is located at the History Department of  Fordham University, New York. The Internet Medieval Sourcebook, and other medieval components of the project, are located at the Fordham University Center for Medieval Studies.The IHSP recognizes the contribution of Fordham University, the Fordham University History Department, and the Fordham Center for Medieval Studies in providing web space and server support for the project. The IHSP is a project independent of Fordham University.   Although the IHSP seeks to follow all applicable copyright law, Fordham University is not the institutional owner, and is not liable as the result of any legal action.

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