Medieval Sourcebook:
Jordan of Saxony :
Handbook on the Origins of the Order of Preachers
according to the French translation of the brother
Marie -Humbert Vicaire o.p., in St. Dominic and His Brothers.
Gospel or Crusade, (Paris: editions du Cerf, 1967)
[Electronically translated into English by Power
[NOTE: This is an electronically translated file from the French
version of Jordan of Saxony's "Little Book on the Origins
of the Order of Preachers".
The French version is:
Jordan of Saxony : Livret sur les orignes de l'Ordre des Prêcheurs d'après la traduction du frère Marie-Humbert Vicaire,
o.p., parue dans l'ouvrage Saint Dominique et ses frères.
Évangile ou croisade, coll. Chrétiens de tous les
temps, n° 19, (Paris : éditions du Cerf, 1967).
[In French] [at]
As a machine translation. such words the program could not
handle are not translated, and the English grammar is odd. Certain
words are mistranslated (Dominic is called "it" for
the most part. This was really an exercise to see how good computer
translation is. There are clearly problems, but also benefits!
If anyone would like to clean up this translation, and send
it to me, I will post it on the Sourcebook.
Remember this is an electronic translation of a French
translation of a Latin text.
Caveat emptor!]
1. To children of grace, coheirs of glory, to all brothers, brother
Jordan, their useless servant, salvation and elation in the holy
2. For brothers would want to know circumstances of the foundation
and the first moments in the Order of Preachers, that the divine
Providence destined for reply to perils of the end times, what
have been primitive brothers of our order, how they have been
multiplied in number and strengthen in grace. Yielding to their
authorities, here is already long that one has inquired by questioning
same brothers that, participant to the all first boom, could see
and hear the venerable servant of the Christ that was the founder,
the master, one of brothers of our religious company: Master Dominic
that, living in this flesh in the middle of sinners, resided in
its devout soul with God and the angels; guardian of precepts,
@@zélateur of advice, it served its eternal creator as
all its science and whole its power, shining in the black darkness
of this world by the innocence of the life and the very holy practice
of the celibacy.
3. I have not been these all first brothers, but I have however
lived with them; I have enough well seen and I have known familiarly
the blessed Dominic himself, not only out in the order, but in
the order after my entry; I have confessed to it and it is by
its will that I have received the diaconate; finally I have taken
the habit four years only after the institution in the order.
It has seemed good to me to put in writing all events of the order:
what I have personally seen and heard, or known by the primitive
brother relationship on debuts in the order, on the life and miracles
of our blessed father Dominic, finally on some other brothers
also, according to whether the opportunity appeared some to my
memory. Thus our son that are going to born and grow will not
ignore beginnings in the order and will not remain on their unappeased
desire, when the time will have if well flowed that one no longer
will find person that is capable to nothing tell policyholder
about these origins. Receive therefore with devotion, brothers
and son very liked in the Christ, accounts that here is, such
that they are united for your consolation and erection, and that
the desire to imitate the primitive charity of our brothers animates
your fervor.
4. There was in Spain a man of called venerable life Diego, bishop
of the Church of Osma. The knowledge of letters anointed beautified
it as much that the singular quality of its birth according to
the century, and more again of its morals. It had attached totally
to God by love, to the ++point that it sought that things of the
Christ, to the contempt of himself, and turned all the effort
of its spirit and its will to render to its Lord with usury bruise
them that it had lent it, by being made banker for a large number
of souls. It is as well as it strove to attract to it, by all
means whose it had and in all places that it could explore, men
recommended by the honorableness of their life and the good renown
of their morals and to lodge them by giving them benefits in the
Church to which it presides. As for these of its subordinates
whose will, neglecting the sanctity, was rather prone to the century,
it persuaded them by the word and invited them by the example
to take the less a form of life more moral and more religious.
It is on these meantime that it @@prit to heart to persuade to
its canons, by admonishing them and encouraging them without ceasing,
taking the regular canon observance, under the rule of holy Augustine.
It there @@mit so application that it inclined finally their soul
in the senses that it desired, although it had several opponents
among them.
5. There was to its period a certain adolescent of the name of
Dominic, original of the same diocese to the village of Caleruega.
Relatives of the child, and particularly a certain archipriest,
his uncle, attended with care his education and the @@firent from
the debut to instruct to the ecclesiastical manner, to impregnate
from its childhood, as a new clay, a perfume of sanctity that
nothing could have modify that that God destined for to be a vase
of election.
6. It was sent to Palencia to be formed there in liberal arts,
whose study flowered in this place. When it thought that it them
had sufficiently learnt, it abandoned these studies, as if it
feared to spend for they with too few fruit the brevity of the
time of here - low, hastened pass to the study of the theology
and @@mit to feed with holy Accounts avidity, finding them sweeter
than the honey to its mouth.
7. It passed therefore four years in these studies anointed. Such
was its perseverance and its avidity to draw in waters of the
Holy Accounts that tireless when it concerned to study, it passed
nights almost without sleep, however that in the deepest of its
spirit, the tenacious memory retained in its breast the truth
that received the ear. And what it learnt with facility, thanks
to its gifts, it watered it sentiments of its piety and made some
germinate works of salvation ; it accessed the sort to the
beatitude, to the judgment of the even Truth that proclaims in
the Gospel: " blessed these that hear the Word of God and
keep it ". There are indeed two manners to keep the word
divine : by one we retaining in the memory what we receive
by the @@oreille ; by the other devote in the made and demonstrate
by the action what we have heard. Null contests only this last
manner to keep is the most laudable of the two : thus the
grain of wheat guards better when one confides it to the earth
that if one leaves it in a chest. This happy servant of God did
not neglect neither one nor the other method. Its memory, as a
granary of God, was always quick to provide a thing after the
other, while its actions and its works demonstrated to the exterior
of the most vivid manner what hid in the sanctuary of its heart.
Since it kissed laws of the Lord with so affectionate fervor and
received the voice of Marries it with a such piety and willingness
consent, the God of all science @@fit to increase its grace. It
could receive other thing that milky beverages of the childhood.
It penetrated difficult question mysteries, in the humility of
its intelligence and its heart, and overcame the test very easily
of a more solid food.
8. From the cradle, it was a very good natural and already its
distinguished childhood announced the large future that one could
wait its maturity. It did not mix to these that engage to games
and did not hold company to light conduct peoples. To the tranquil
manner of Jacob it avoided ++divagations of Esau, not leaving
neither the breast of its mother the Church, nor the sanctified
calm of the domestic cell. One had raw to see a youth and an old
man together; although the weak number of its days has declared
the childhood, the maturity of its attitude and the firmness of
its morals proclaimed the old man. It rejected dissolute songs
of the world, following the immaculate road. It preserved until
the end the entire beauty of its virginity for the Lord, lover
of what is intact.
9. However, God that sees the future deigned to make glimpse already,
from its young age, that one had to hope this child a distinguished
future. A vision shown it to its mother supporting the moon on
the front ; what meant obviously that it would be a given
day as light of nations, to illuminate these that are sat in darkness
to the shade of the death. The event proven it in the continuation.
10. To the time where it continued its studies to Palencia, a
large famine spread on almost all Spain. Moved by the distress
of poor people and burning in himself of compassion, he resolved
by a single action to obey both advice of the Lord and to ease
whole its power the misery of poor people that died. It sold therefore
books that it possessed nevertheless truly indispensable and all
its businesses. Constituent then an alms, it dispersed its goods
and gave them to poor people. By this example of goodness, it
animated if strong the heart of the other theologians and masters,
that the former, discovering the avarice of their cowardice in
the presence the generosity of the young man, gaze to spread from
then on very large alms.
11. While the man of God had these elevations in its heart, progressing
virtue by virtue and surpassing himself each day, appeared admirable
and shone between all by the purity of the life as the star of
the morning in the middle of clouds, its reputation got ears of
the bishop of Osma. The former informed with care of the truth
of these hummed, @@manda near it Dominic and the @@fit regular
canon of its Church.
12. Immediately the former @@mit to shine among canons as the
star of the shepherd, the last by the humility of the heart, the
first by the sanctity. It became for others the perfume that conduit
to the life, similar to the incense that embalms in days of Summer.
Each surprises this summit if rapidly and if secretly reached
in the life religious ; one chooses it for under - prior,
judging that thus placed on a high pedestal, it would pour to
all looks its light and would invite each to follow its example.
As the olive that fructifies, or as the cypress that increases
to the sky, it used night and day the ground of the church, @@vaquait
without ceasing to the prayer and repurchased the time of its
contemplation by not appearing to thus tell ever out enclosed
it of the monastery. God had given it a special prayer grace towards
sinners, poor people, the @@affligés : it carried
some misfortunes in the intimate sanctuary of its compassion and
tears that exited by bubbling its eyes demonstrated the ardor
of the sentiment that burnt in himself.
13. It was for it a habit very @@courante to pass the night in
prayer. The close door, it prayed its Father. In the course and
at the end of its prayers, it had accustomed to utter shouts and
words in the groan of its heart ; it could not contain and
these shouts, exiting with impetuosity, heard clearly high. One
of its ask frequent and singular God was that it gave it an efficient
and real charity to cultivate and obtain the salvation of the
men : because it thought that it would not be truly member
the Christ that the day where it could have give completely, with
all its forces, to earn souls, as the Lord Jesus, Savior of all
men, devoted completely to our salvation. Reading and cherishing
the book titled Father Collations, that processes vices and whole
what touches the spiritual perfection, it strove to explore with
it paths of the salvation then to follow them by all the force
of its soul. With the help of the grace, this book it @@fit to
get a difficult degree for reach purity of conscience, to a lot
light on the contemplation and to a large summit of perfection.
HOW The bishop Of Osma LEAVES FOR STEPS.
14. While the beautiful Rachel reheated it thus its @@embrassements,
Linked lost patience and @@mit to request it that it pacified
the shame of its eyes @@chassieux by giving it, by its visit,
a numerous posterity. It arrived therefore in this time that the
king Alphonse of Castille conceived the desire to marry its son
Ferdinand to a noble Step girl. It came to find the bishop of
Osma and asked it to be its proxy in this affair. The bishop approved
to prayers of the king. And soon, attaching an escort of honor
according to demands of its holy dignity and taking equally with
it the man of God Dominic, under - prior of its Church, it @@prit
the road and got Toulouse.
15. When it had discovered that residents of this territory, since
a certain time already, had become heretical, it feels disturbed
a large compassion for so miserably misled souls. In the course
of the even night where they lodged in the city, the under - prior
attacked with force and heat the heretical host of the house,
multiplying discussions and clean arguments to persuade it. The
heretical could not resist to the wisdom and to the spirit that
is @@exprimaient : by the intervention of the divine Spirit,
Dominic reduced it to the faith.
16. Leaving the city, they arrived at the price of a lot fatigues
to their destination, to the country of the girl youth. They exposed
the reason the trip, obtained the asked consent and hastened immediately
to return beside the king, to that the bishop announced the success
of the affair and the consent of the girl youth. The king sent
it new, in a train of larger pomp, to return with all honors that
suited the future marries its son. When after having confronted
@@derechef the tiresome travels, the bishop arrived in Steps,
it @@apprit that the girl youth was dead. God had thus causes
of the trip in its salutary views, preludeing to the opportunity
of this race to otherwise precious weddings between God and souls,
that it heard to return by all the Church, and a lot errors and
sins, to the @@épousailles of the eternal salvation. The
event proven it in the continuation.
17. The bishop @@fit to announce the news to its king and seizes
the opportunity to go rapidly with its clerics to make its visit
to the Curia. Approaching the Sovereign Pontiff, the Innocent
lord, it prayed it with authority to grant it as a grace, if it
was possible, the permission to resign, advance its insufficiency
to a lot sakes and the immense dignity of the cost that exceeded
its forces. At the same time it revealed to the Sovereign Pontiff
that its deep intention was to work all its forces to the conversion
of Cumans, if one deigned to admit its resignation. The pope did
not render to authorities of this request. It does not consent
even, although the bishop has asked it, enjoin it in remission
of its sins to cross to preach the frontier of Cumans while preserving
its episcopal cost. God acted mysteriously in this affair, reserving
to the fertile harvest of an other gender of labor salvation an
if large man.
HOW IT ++PRIT The HABIT to Cîteaux.
18. On the path of return, it visited Cîteaux. The view
of the regularity of this multitude of servants of God and the
appeal of their high religious life pushed it to coat yonder the
monastic habit. Taking with it some monks that had to instruct
it in their form of regular life, it pressed already to return
in Spain, without suspecting again the obstacle that, by the divine
will, was going to train against its impatience.
19. In this time - there the pope, the Innocent lord, had sent
twelve abbots in the order Cîteaux under the direction of
a legate to preach the faith against the heretical Albigensians.
These missionaries came to unite solemnly in council with the
archbishop, bishops and the other prelates of this territory and
deliberated on the method that would allow them to fill their
mission with the most fruit.
20. While they held thus advice, it arrived that the bishop of
Osma passed by Montpellier where continued the council. They welcome
the traveler with honor and require its advice, knowing it full
sanctity and maturity, justice and zeal for the faith. Man of
reflection, well knowledgeable of divine ways, the bishop posed
some questions on usages and the conduct of the heretical and
noticed that their usual method to attract peoples to their treacherous
party was to confirm their arguments and their preachings by examples
of a sanctity simulated. Seeing then, the other edge, the considerable
missionary train, the extent of their expense, their crew and
their clothing : "This is not thus, told - it, brothers,
this is not as well as it is necessary to proceed. It seems me
impossible to reduce to the faith by alone man words that lean
before all on examples. See the heretical ++ : they show
the outside of the devotion and give to simple peoples to convince
them the lying example of the evangelical frugality and the austerity.
If therefore you come to display manners to live reverses, you
will erect little, you will destroy a lot and these peoples will
refuse to adhere. Hunt a nail by the other, put in escape a sanctity
feigned by a real religious spirit; alone a true humility can
conquer the @@jactance of these pseudo - apostles. Thus Paul has
- it been constrained to make the senseless and to enumerate its
real virtues, by proclaiming austerity and perils that it had
confronted, to refute the arrogance of peoples that glorified
their meritorious life." " What advice us do you give
therefore, father very @@bon ? "
tell - they. And he : "Suitable what you will see me
@@faire !" Immediately, invaded by the spirit of the
Lord, it calls his, returns them to Osma with its crew, its luggage
and various objects of pomp that it had taken with it, preserving
only some clerics in its company. Then it declares its intention
to linger in this territory to spread there the faith.
21. It retained equally with it the under - prior Dominic, that
it estimated a lot and squeezed against its heart in a large sentiment
of charity. It was brother Dominic, founder at the same time that
brother in the Order of Preachers that, from now on, to be @@fit
no longer called that brother and non more under - prior. It was
truly Dominicus [toditus], that is to say protected by the Lord
against the stain of the sin, truly Dominicus [todiens], keeping
whole its power the will of its Lord.
22. To the hearing of this advice, missionary abbots, animated
by the example, accepted to be committed the same manner. Each
returned at it baggage that it had brought, preserved nevertheless
necessary books in their time for the office, the study and the
dispute. Under the direction of the bishop, that they constituted
as superior and, to thus tell, chief of all the affair, they began
to proclaim the faith, on foot, without fresh of money, in the
voluntary poverty. What seeing the heretical gaze their side to
preach with more vigor.
23. One instituted many dispute, under the arbitration of delegates,
to Pamiers, Lavaur, Montréal and Fanjeaux. To suited days,
large lords, knights, noble women and populations gathered to
assist the discussion of faith.
24. It arrived that a day one instituted to Fanjeaux a famous
disputes, to which one had summoned a very large number of peoples,
so faithful that infidels. Most of defenders of the faith had
meanwhile written memories in which they had laid down their arguments
and authentic quotations that confirmed the faith. To the examination
of totality, the memory of the blessed Dominic was more appreciated
than others and the meeting approved it in order that one presented
it, at the same time that the memory written by the heretical,
to the three arbiters elected by parts totality to carry the final
judgment. One had to consider as victorious the belief of the
part whose arbiters would estimate the better based memory by
25. Arbiters did not get agree in favor of one of parts, in spite
a long verbal discussion. It came them then to the spirit the
idea to throw the two memories in the flames: if one of was not
consumed them, it is that undoubtedly it contained the truth of
faith. One lights therefore a large fire; one there one lance
and the other book. The book of the heretical consumes immediately.
But the other, that had written the man of God Dominic, not only
intact residence, but jumps in the distance exiting flames in
the presence all. Relaunched a second, a third time, to each time
it emerges, demonstrator openly and the truth of the faith and
the sanctity of that that had written it.
26. A such moral beauty burst however in the man of God, the bishop
of Osma, that it attracted the even infidel fondness and penetrated
until the heart of all these among which it lived; also the heretical
asserted - they to its subject that it was impossible that a such
man was not predestined to the life and that it had not been sent
in their region that to learn there among rule them the true faith.
27. It instituted a monastery to collect some noble women that
their relatives, by poverty, confided to the instruction and to
the education of the heretical. The house situated between Fanjeaux
and Montréal, to the locality Prouille, exists always.
The servants of God continue to offer there an agreeable cult
to their creator and lead, in a vigorous sanctity and the pure
clearness of their innocence, a life that them is salutary, copy
to the other men, jokes to angels and agreeable to God.
28. The bishop Diego continued during two years this preaching.
To this moment, fearing that one did not accuse it negligence
to the place of its domestic Church of Osma if it lingered more
at length, it decided to return in Spain. It planned, after having
accomplished the visit of its Church, to return some money with
it to finish the feminine monastery whose we come to speak, then
to return. Then, with the consent of the pope, it would institute
in these capable man regions in the preaching, whose office would
be to crush without loosening errors of the heretical and to be
always ready for sustain the truth of the faith.
29. It confided the spiritual cost of these that remained to the
authority of brother Dominic, because the former was truly full
the spirit of God; the temporal cost to William Claret of Pamiers,
in such sort that this last had to render account to brother Dominic
of whole what it would make.
30. It @@fit to brothers its good-byes, crossed on foot the Castille
and got Osma. Few days after it getting sick and getting the term
of this life presents that it finished in a large sanctity. It
received the price of glory of its good labors and penetrated
loaded fruit in the tomb, for a rest in the abundance. One tells
that after the death of miracles have illustrated it. It would
not be surprising that it was powerful beside the God omnipotent
and that it @@fît of prodigies, it that shone among men,
in this weakness and tear stay, signs of so graces and an if beautiful
radiation of virtues.
31. When one learned of the death of the man of God, each of these
that remained in the Area of Toulouse returned some at it. Brother
Dominic resided alone on the spot and continued without truce
its preaching. Some, however, followed it some time, without attaching
to it by the obedience. Among these collaborators one met this
William Claret, already mentioned, and a certain brother Dominic,
Spanish, who was later prior Madrid [? ] in Spain.
32. After the death of the bishop of Osma, one @@mit to preach
in France a crusade against Albigensians. Because the Innocent
pope, indignant of the irreducible character of the revolt of
the heretical, that no love softened by the truth and that the
spiritual sword, that is to say the word of God, could not pierce,
had decided to attack them the less by the power of the material
33. The bishop Diego had predicted again its living this punitive
action of secular rigors in a prophetic imprecation. It came a
day to confuse in public, evident manner, the rebellion of the
heretical against the truth. A large number of nobles that heard
it mocked and @@prirent the defense of their revolutionaries by
sacrilegious justifications. It tended then the hand to the sky
in its indignation and cried : " Lord spread the hand
and reach - @@les ! " These that heard then this word,
uttered in the vigor of the spirit, lent there later attention,
to the extent whole at least where the test granted them the intelligence.
34. While the crossed were in the country and until the death
of the count of Montfort, brother Dominic resided in its diligent
preacher role of the word of God. What persecutions did not have
- it to undergo then the share of the @@méchants !
That traps it had @@mépriser ! A day, it replied without
disturbing to peoples that threatened the to die : "I
am not deserving the glory of the martyr ; I have not again
deserved this death." Later, crossing a passage where it
suspected that an ambush was tended against it, it advanced the
happy appearance and by singing. When one had told the fact in
the heretical, they surprised an if capacity farm and asked it
++ : " Do you have no fear the death ? What did
suitable you if we us be had seized of you ? " But he :
"I would have prayed you, told - it, not to give me immediately
mortal injuries, but to prolong my martyrdom by mutilating one
by an all my members. Then, to make me pass under eyes the amputated
parts of these members, to pull me then eyes, finally to leave
the trunk to bathe in this state in its blood or to finish it
entirely. Thus, by a slower death, I will deserve the crown of
a largest martyrdom." These sincere words of an enemy stupefied
them. They no longer trained it traps henceforth and ceased to
watch the soul of the just, fearing by giving it the death to
render it service rather than to harm it. As for it, it attends
to all forces of a zeal burning to earn to the Christ the most
souls that it was possible. There was in its heart an ambition
@@surprenante and almost incredible for the salvation of all men.
35. It was not deprived non more this supreme form of charity
that gives its life for its friends. It had indeed met a certain
infidel, that it committed and urges to return to the faithful
breast of our mother the Church. But the man invoked in reply
the necessity of the life materiel that obliged it to reside in
the company of infidels: the heretical insured it the subsistence
that it had not the possibility to obtain from an other manner.
Dominic sympathizing to the deepest of its sentiments decided
to be sold and to repurchase at the price of its liberty the misery
of the soul in peril. It would have made it, if the Lord that
is rich towards all had not obtained elsewhere to what repair
the destitution of the man.
36. Thus progressed the value and the reputation of the servant
of God Dominic. That provoked the envy of the heretical. Best
it was, bad became their sick eyes that did not get suffer its
light ray. They mocked it and abused it in the following, pulling
the pain of the pain of their heart. But to insults of infidels,
the dedication of believers replied in action of graces. All Catholics
had for it a large fondness. The softness of its sanctity and
the beauty of its conduct conciliated it the heart also of the
large Lords ; and archbishops, bishops and other prelates
of the region held it in very large honor.
37. The count of Montfort, also, that surrounded it a special
devotion, it @@fit gift with the consent of its advice of an important
called Casseneuil, for it and for collaborators that could have
help it in the ministry of salvation that it had undertaken. Brother
Dominic had in addition the church of Fanjeaux and some other
belongings. All these goods, it and his pulled their subsistence.
But, on these returned, they gave to sisters of Prouille all this
of which they could deprive. The Order of Preachers, indeed, had
not again been instituted. One had only processed its institution,
although brother Dominic was devoted all its forces to the ministry
of the preaching. One did not observe non more the future constitution
that forbids to receive fundamental belongings and to preserve
those that one has been able to receive. Since the death of the
bishop of Osma until the council of Lateran, it flowed almost
ten years, while brother Dominic resided almost alone in the region.
38. When approached already the council of Lateran, to the time
where bishops began to earn Rome, two capable and tasteful Toulousains
@@firent their oblation to brother Dominic. One two was Pierre
Seila, the future prior of Limoges; the other brother Thomas,
gifted subject of a lot grace and eloquence. The first, Stone
brother, possessed beside the castle @@narbonnais of high houses
and @@nobles ;
it them transmit to brother Dominic and to its companions that,
from now on, found in these houses their first home @@toulousain.
From then on, all these that were with brother Dominic gaze to
descend degrees of the humility and to conform to morals of the
39. However the bishop Fulk of Toulouse, happy memory, that felt
for brother Dominic, beloved of men and God, a tender fondness,
seeing the regularity of brothers, their grace and their fervor
in the preaching, was transported joy to this new light dawn.
With the consent of whole its chapter, it granted them the sixth
of all tithes of the diocese, in order that they obtain with this
income what them was necessary in fact books and supplies.
40. Brother Dominic @@joignit to the bishop and all two rendered
to the council to pray a same vow the lord Innocent pope to confirm
to brother Dominic and to its companions an order that would be
and is @@to be called Preachers. One would ask equally confirmation
the returned appointed to brothers by the count and the bishop.
41. When it had heard them to present their request, the bishop
of the seat of Rome invited brother Dominic to return near its
brothers, to deliberate fully with them on this affair, then,
with their unanimous consent, to vow some rules approved. The
bishop would appoint them then a church. Finally, brother Dominic
would return to find the pope and would receive confirmation on
all points.
42. It is as well as after the celebration of the council they
returned and communicate to brothers the reply of the pope. Soon
after they @@firent profession of the rule of holy Augustine,
this eminent @@preacher, them future Preachers. They were required
in addition some stricter custom observance, concerning food,
fasts, to lie down and port of the wool. They @@resolved and instituted
@+have no goods - fund, in order that the temporal business worry
was not an obstacle to the ministry of the preaching. They decided
to have again and only returned them.
43. More the bishop of Toulouse, with the consent of its chapter,
granted them three @@churches : one in the perimeter of the
city, an other in the countryside of Pamiers, the third between
Sorèze and Puylaurens, namely the church of Saint - Marries
Lescure. One had to establish a community @@priorale in each of
44. In the year of the Lord 1216, during the Summer, brothers
reçurent in gift their first church @@toulousaine, dedicated
to holy Roman. No brother resided ever in the two other churches.
In that Saint - Roman, on the other hand, one @@mit immediately
to increase a cloister, with a floor of sufficiently convenient
cells to study and to sleep. The number of brothers was then sixteen
45. Meanwhile the lord Innocent pope was removed this earth. One
gave it for successor Honorius. Brother Dominic came soon to find
it. It obtained some fully and in all, according to the idea and
the organization that it some had conceived, the confirmation
in the order and whole what it wanted.
46. In the year of the Lord 1217, peoples of Toulouse prepared
to revolt against the count of Montfort. It seems that the man
of God Dominic it @@apprit bit before by the Spirit. It was indeed
shown in a vision a tree of scale large and beautiful approval,
in branches of which resided large number birds. Gold the tree
destroyed, and birds that rested there escaped all sides. Full
of the spirit of God, brother Dominic @@comprit therefore that
an imminent death danger threatened the count of Montfort, this
large and very high chief, endorsement of a multitude of small.
47. It invoked the Saint - Spirit, summoned all brothers and tells
them that it had taken in its heart the decision to send them
all through the world, in spite their small number, and that henceforth
they no longer would reside all totality in this place. Each surprised
to hear it to proclaim categorically a decision if rapidly taken.
But the authority demonstrates that gave it the sanctity animated
them if well, that they approved with enough facility, full of
hope as for the happy exit of this decision.
48. It @@appeared good to make elect abbot a brother that would
govern others by authority, in quality of superior and chief.
It reserved nevertheless the power to control it. Thus brother
++Matthew was - it @@canonically elected in quality of abbot.
It was in the order the first and the last to carry this title
of abbot, because brothers decided in the continuation, to underline
the humility, that that would be to the head in the order is not
@@to be called abbot, but master.
49. Four brothers were directed to Spain: Pierre brother of Madrid
and brother Gomez, brother Michel of Ucero and brother Dominic.
The two last were returned in the continuation of Rome to Bologna,
where they remained, by master Dominic that they had been going
to rejoin by returning Spain. They had not succeeded indeed to
realize yonder fruit that they hoped. The two others, on the other
hand, obtained from abundant success and distributed the word
of God. This brother Dominic was a man of a rare humility, few
science but of a magnificent virtue. It will not be useless to
remind briefly some remember to its subject.
50. A plot had been climbed, with the perhaps some complicity
envious rivals, to make it approach under pretext of confession
by certain cheeky courtesan, instrument of Satan, trap of the
chastity and torch of all vices. It heckled it in these @@terms :
" I am in the @@anguish ! I burn without measure, I
am consumed by a fire @@vehement ! But, hailed, that that
I like does not know me @@pas ; and if even it knew me, it
would despise me without doubt. And nevertheless how much its
love has penetrated my heart @@irrémédiablement!
Give - me, please, a @@counsel ; bring the remedy to a soul
that dies. You it can. " While the courtesan worked to seduce
the innocent by these poisonous speeches and choose and that its
insistence did not soften ahead ideas of salvation whose brother
tried to persuade it, the former discovers @@out to knock the
gender of the person and the peril that it ran. "Go - in
for an instant, tells - it and return then. I am going to prepare
a suitable place to meet us." It entered its bedroom and
prepared two fires on either side, very neighbor nevertheless
of each other. When the courtesan arrived, it spread between the
two and invited it to the @@rejoinder : " Here is, tells
- it, the suitable place for an if large withdrawal. Come, please,
that we laid down totality. " The woman horrified to the
view of this man that precipitated @@impavide in embers and throws
of flames, pushed shouts and pulled touched by the remorse. It
lifted intact. The impure seduction ardor non more than the material
fire had not in any way succeeded to conquer it.
51. Were sent to Paris brother ++Matthew that one had elected
as abbot, and brother Bertrand that was later provincial Provence.
It was a man of large sanctity and an inexorable rigor to its
clean subject, that mortified very vigorously its flesh. It had
impregnated on many points of the exemplary master attitude Dominic,
whose it had been sometimes the companion of road. One and the
other, tell - I, were directed on Paris, with letters of the Sovereign
Pontiff, to publish there the order. Two other brothers accompanied
them to make their studies, brother John of Navarre and brother
Laurent English. This last, before to arrive to Paris, @@apprit
by revelation of the Lord it predicts it and the realization of
events proven it in the continuation a good leaves what arrived
to brothers to Paris, the nature and the site of their habitation,
the many reception brothers. Independently of these four brothers,
brother Mannès, uterine master brother Dominic, and brother
Michel of Spain went equally to Paris, taking with convert them
a called Odéric.
52. All were sent to Paris. But the three last @@firent road more
rapidly and arrived more @@later : they entered the city
watches it ++Ides of @@September ; at the end of three week
others followed them. They rented a house near the hospital of
Our - Lady, in face of carry them the bishopric.
53. In the year of the Lord 1218, brothers received the house
of Saint - Jacques by a donation, that was not again absolute,
master John, dean of Saint - Quentin, and the university of Paris,
to the prayer @@instante of the pope lord Honorius. They entered
there to reside it eight of Ides of August.
54. The same year one sent to some Orleans young brothers and
@@simples ; small seed that was however in the continuation
the principle of a @@descendance abundant.
55. To the beginning of the year of the Lord 1218, master Dominic
sent Rome to Bologna : brother John of Navarre and also brother
Bertrand ; later Christian brother with a brother convert.
Installing to Bologna, they @@connurent constricts it a large
MIRACULOUS reception IN The ORDER, MASTER Reginald BY MASTER Dominic,
56. The same year, master Dominic was found in Rome when got there
the dean of Saint - Aignan of Orleans, master Reginald, that prepared
to cross the sea. It was a man of large reputation, scientist
very @@docte, illustrates by its dignities, that had occupied
five years to Paris the straight canon throne. Hardly arrived,
it fell gravely sick. Master Dominic came to render it sometimes
visit. When it committed it to follow the poverty of the Christ
and to associate to the order, it obtained its full and free consent
to enter there, to the point that master Reginald is there @@astreignit
by vow.
57. Gold Reginald heals its serious sickness and an almost desperate
peril, non without the miraculous intervention of the divine power.
Because the Virgin Marries, queen of the sky, mother of mercy,
came to it in the form visible in the middle of ardors of the
fever and rubbed a healer ointment that it carried with it, its
eyes, its nostrils, its ears, its mouth, its navel, its hands
and its feet, by adding these @@mots : "I anoint your
feet with holy oil, in order that they are ready for announce
the Gospel of peace." It @@fit to see in addition all the
habit of our order. Whole immediately it was found healed and
if suddenly reconstituted in all the body that physicians, that
had almost despaired its convalescence, surprised to observe signs
of a recovery finished. In the master continuation Dominic @@fit
to know publicly this remarkable miracle to well of peoples that
live again. I have assisted myself formerly to Paris to a spiritual
conference where it told it to an enough large number of persons.
TO the
58. From that it had recovered the health, master Reginald accomplishes
its project to cross the sea, although the profession already
it had attached to the order. To the return it came to Bologna,
12 of @@calends of January. It did not delay to devote completely
to the preaching. Its eloquence was a violent fire and its speech,
as a fiery torch, inflamed the heart of all the @@auditors :
well few peoples had a such rock in the heart that they could
steal to the effect of its fire. Bologna completely was in effervescence,
it seemed that a new Elects came to lift. Master Reginald received
then in the order well of peoples of Bologna, the number of disciples
@@mit to increase and a lot be @@joignirent to them.
59. The same year, master Dominic passed in Spain. It establishes
there two @@houses ; one to Madrid, that is now a house of
@@nuns ; the other to Segovia, that was the first house of
brothers in Spain. To the return, it came to Paris, in the year
of the Lord 1219 ; it found there a community of approximately
thirty brothers.
60. It resided there only few time and leaves for Bologna, where
it found, in Holy - Nicholas, a large college of brothers that
the care and the zeal of brother Reginald raised under the rule
of the Christ. All welcomed it with joy to its arrival, with respect
and deference, as one made for a father. It installed at them
and attended to fashion the again tender childhood of the news
@@pépinière by its spiritual instructions and by
its clean examples.
61. However, it @@fit brother pass Reginald of Bologna to Paris.
This was a desolation among son that the former had fathered recently
in the Christ by the word of the Gospel ; each cried to be
if rapidly attached to breasts anointed of its customary mother.
62. But whole that was accomplished by a divine instinct. It was
wonder to see how the servant of God, master Dominic, when it
distributed its brothers - here from - there, in the various quarters
of the Church of God, as well as we reminded it higher, made it
with certainty, without hesitating neither swinging, although
others to the same moment were notice that it did not was necessary
to make thus. Whole happened as if it was already certain the
future, or that the Spirit had informed it by its revelations.
And who therefore would dare to put it in @@doubt ? It had
in the beginning only a small number of brothers, simple for most
and feebly knowledgeable, and it divided them, dispersed them
in mission through Churches of a such manner that children of
the century judged, in their prudence, that it appeared destroyed
the outlined work rather than to enlarge it. But it helped its
missionaries by the intercession of its prayers and the power
of the Lord worked to multiply them.
63. Brother Reginald, holy memory, came some therefore to Paris
and @@mit to preach with a tireless spiritual fervor, by the word
and by the example, the Christ Jesus and Jesus crucified. But
the Lord removed it soon the earth. Upstart rapidly to its completion,
it crossed in few time a long career. Finally, it fell soon sick
and, comer to carry them the carnal death, lulls in the Lord and
went to wealth of glory of the house of God, it that, during its
life, had demonstrated the resolute lover of the poverty and the
lowering. It was buried in the church of Our - Lady - Fields,
because brothers had not again place of burial.
64. It remembers me that while it lived again, brother ++Matthew
that had known it, in the century, glorious and difficult in its
delicacy, questioned it sometimes with @@astonishment : "
Does not do you some feel repugnance, master, to this habit that
you have @@pris ? " But it, by declining the @@head :
"I believe to have no merit to live in this order, replied
- it, because I there have always found too joy."
65. The even night where the spirit of this holy man is @@envola
to the Lord, I had a vision. I was not again a brother according
to the habit, but I had already emitted my profession between
its hands. I saw therefore brothers carried by a ship through
waters. Then the ship that carried them @@coula ; but brothers
exited unharmed waters. I estimate that this ship is brother Reginald
himself, that brothers of this time, truly, considered as the
@@nourricier that carried them.
66. An other had equally a vision before the death of the brother.
It was a limpid fountain that be closed; two others gushed immediately
to replace it. I dare to decide if this vision told true, because
I am not too aware my clean sterility. But I know a thing, it
is that to Paris brother Reginald has not received to the profession
that two persons, whose I was the first; the second was brother
Henry, the future prior of Cologne, the most expensive friend
in the Christ to my singular fondness, I believe it, between all
mortals, honor and grace vase, more filled of grace that no creature
that I have souvenir to have aperçue in the life of here
- low. Since, in its precocious maturity, it has hastened to penetrate
in the rest of the Lord, it will not be useless to remind what
man it was and what virtues.
67. This brother Henry, therefore, well born according to the
century, was canon the Church of Mastricht. It is there that it
had been raised since its childhood in the rule and in the fear
of the Lord, by attentive cares of a saint and very religious
canon of this Church. This good and just man crucified its flesh,
broken down at feet the seductions of this bad century and multiplied
works of piety; also could - it to train the again tender soul
of the young boy to the practical whole of the virtue, to make
it wash feet of poor people, to frequent the church, to escape
with vice horror, to despise the luxury, to cherish the chastity.
And it, in adolescent of a happy natural, appeared docile in all
to this education and supple to the virtue; to the point that
if you had lived near it, you would have taken it for an angel,
persuaded that the perfection was innate at it.
68. The time passing, it came to Paris and immediately gave to
the study of the theology. Its natural spirit was strong penetrating
and its very balanced reason. It be @@joignit to me, in my accommodation
of @@student ; gold while we lived totality, a sweet heart
unit and strong both is established between us.
69. Meanwhile, brother Reginald, happy memory, came some to Paris
and @@mit to preach boldly. The grace of God warned me, and I
imagined and me promised to myself to give me to the order, persuaded
that I had found the path of the salvation, such that I had glimpsed
it in my soul before even to know brothers, in the course of assiduous
reflections. When the intention had strengthened in my heart,
I concentrated whole my zeal to entail with me in a similar vigor
the companion and the friend of my soul; I saw although its natural
gifts as much that gifts of the grace would render it very efficient
in the ministry of the preacher. It resisted, but I did not cease
to increase my authorities.
70. I @@parvins to send it to brother Reginald in order that it
confessed it and it @@fit some exhortation. When brother Henry
returned beside me, it opens the book of Isaiah, as to seek there
an oracle, and its eyes fell from the approach on the passage
where it is said: " The Lord has given me an erudite language
in order that I knows by my word to sustain that that has tripped.
It wakes me the morning, it wakes my ear, in order that I hear
as a master that speaks. The Lord God has opened me the ear, I
do not resist, I have not pulled backwards. " [Is. 50,45].
These words of the prophet replied if exactly to its intention
and came if clearly from the sky it had indeed a large facility
of word that I had no sorrow to interpret them in this senses
and to press it to fold its youth under the yoke of the obedience.
We noticed the continuation, a bit more further:
Remain totality." [Is 50,8] As if one warned us not to abandon
us one the other in this company badge.
71. (When it was later to Cologne and me to Bologna, it @@prit
opportunity of these words for me @@to write : " Where
therefore is the "remain totality" . You are to Bologna,
me to Cologne ! " ) I tell it @@thus : "What
more durable merit, what crown more glorious than to participate
in the poverty that the Christ has shown and that apostles have
kept to its continuation, that to despise all the century for
its @@amour ?" It approved to the judgment of its reason,
but its will @@indocile and passive made it feel the contrary.
72. The same night he came to the matins of the church Our - Lady;
he remained there until the small morning, praying and imploring
the mother of the Lord to bend his clean will to this vocation.
But its prayer did not seem to bring progress; he felt always
in himself the hardness of its heart. Then he began to take in
pity and prepared to leave in saying: " I see well now, blessed
Virgin, that you disdain me. I will not have my share to the college
of poor people of the Christ. " And nevertheless his heart
was pressed by the hunger of this perfection that it recognized
to the voluntary poverty, having formerly learnt the Lord, in
a vision, sure what advocate was the poverty ahead the face of
the rigorous judge.
73. In a vision that it had @@eue, certain day, indeed, it had
raw to appear ahead the court of the Christ. An immense multitude
was there to be judged or to judge with the Christ. It was, it,
among the warned, although it had no conscience no crime. It thought
to escape healthy and safe, in its innocence. But an assessor
of the judge, tender its forefinger to it, apostrophized it in
these @@terms : "And you who appear, tell, that do you
have ever left for the Lord ?" It was terrified by the
severity extreme of the cross-examination, not having anything
to reply to the question posed. On this, the vision disappeared.
Warned the sort, it in wished only more to reach the summit of
voluntary poverty; but the cowardice of his will stopped him.
74. To the moment therefore where it readied to exit the church,
as one has reminded it, in struggle with himself and sorry, That
that looks the humble with love upset its bottom heart in height:
it collapsed the Lord totally ahead, tears invaded it and its
spirit finally slackened. The rigidity of its heart smelted under
the breath rape the Saint - Spirit and the suave yoke of the Christ,
that a moment earlier appeared it if heavy, became it light entirely
and happy. It lifted in this vigor of fervor, hastened to be going
to find master Reginald and @@fit its vow. Well rapidly, it returned
near me. I noticed traces of tears on its face of angel and asked
it where it came. He responded: " I have made my vow in the
Lord and I will accomplish it. " We delayed until in the
beginning of the Lent the debut of our novitiate. That us @@permit
to earn meanwhile one our companions, the brother Leon, that was
later the successor of brother Henry in its office of prior.
75. When arrived the day where by the taxation of ashes one reminds
to believers their origin and their return in ashes, we decided
we also, in a moment well suitable to inaugurate the penance,
to fill the vow that we had made in the Lord, unbeknownst of our
comrades of pension. Also, when the brother Henry exited the house
and that a comrade posed it the question: "Where do you go,
lord Henry ?" , "I am going, tells - it, to Bethany."
The other did not understand then what the word mean, but later,
afterwards, when it lives its entry to Bethany, that is to say
to the house of the obedience. We were found all three to Holy
- Jacques and to the moment where brothers sang the antiphon Immutemur
habitu, we arrived to the @@improviste and strong opportunely
in the middle of them. This instant and on the spot we divest
the old man and coat the new man, realizing in our persons what
their chants told to make.
76. The entry in religion of brother Henry disturbed deeply the
holy man that had raised it and two other spirituals and peoples
well of the same Church that liked it all the three of a large
fondness. They did not know this new religious order, whose nobody
spoke again, and they believed lost this young man of so hope.
They had almost suited that some, or the less one of would render
them to Paris to divert it or to return it this decision than
they did not believe wise. But one of them: " Do not precipitate
anything, tells - it. Pass the night to pray an alone heart, in
order that the Lord wants to make us know its good pleasure in
this affair. " The night came and while they prayed one heard
them the its of a celestial voice that said : "It is
the Lord that it has @@fait ; one will not be able to modify
it." Reassured by the divine revelation, their emotion stopped;
they wrote to the brother to Paris. They urged it to persevere
with fidelity and made it know the nature and the process of the
revelation. I have read myself these letters, full of devotion
and sweet as the honey.
77. Such was this brother Henry to that the Lord granted a multiple
grace and @@surprenante to speak to the Parisian clergy and whose
word living and efficient penetrated in large violence the heart
of listeners. One had never seen before it to Paris, as far as
it us in memory, a preacher that @@fît to listen whole the
clergy and that was if young, if eloquent, if well endowed of
thanks to all sakes.
78. And, indeed, God had - it multiplied marks of the grace in
this vase of @@election ! It was prompt to the obedience,
constant in the patience, peaceful in its softness, agreeable
by its gaiety, given to all by the charity. To that was added
the sincerity of its heart and the virgin integrity of its flesh,
because of all its life it did not looked neither does not touch
a woman with an intention of impurity. Met it some the moderation
of the language, the eloquence of the word, the acuteness of the
spirit, the approval of the face, the beauty of the person, the
skill to write and the art of the rhythmic language, the melodious
chant of an angelic voice. One never saw it sad, ever @@agité ;
the always equal soul, it was always gay. The justice had liberated
it rigors of the austerity and the mercy had claimed it for it
completely. It radiated if easily on all hearts, it entered if
easily the company of an each, that if you had had some relationship
with it, you would have estimated that it preferred you to all.
Was not it liked necessary that each did liked, since God had
flooded it its grace ? Gold although in these areas it exceeded
others, to the point that one could estimate it perfected in all
genders of grace, it pulled some no pride, because it had learnt
the Christ to be sweet and humble heart.
79. It was sent as @@prior to Cologne. All Cologne proclaims again
rich and abundant what sheaf it harvested for the Christ by its
preaching assiduous among virgins, widows and the true @@penitents,
with what application it lit in the heart of a large number and
fed henceforth the fire that the Lord came to throw on the earth.
It was one of its habits to remind that the name of Jesus, this
name that is above all name, deserved a large respect and even
a cult, so that until now, when this holied name comes to resound
in the church or in a sermon, it wakes immediately the devotion
of a lot peoples and wears them to some signs respect.
80. It finished finally the course of its happy life and lulls
in the Lord by a holy dying, in the presence all brothers in prayer.
Before it did not rendered the soul, while one administered it
the extreme - unction, it recite to the end the @@litanies and
suffrages with vivacity, as if it was only one assistants. When
the office was finished, it addressed to brothers of piety words
that provoked among them well of tears. That could have count
tears that aroused its death, groans and widows and virgin sobs,
sighs of brothers and the friends !
81. The memory here whispers me well souvenirs, but it does not
is necessary that the speech is lengthy; it suffices to remind
an alone of the numerous made that I knew after his death by truthful
deposition and faithful and holy persons.
82. There was in the city of Cologne a venerable lady, that cherished
the brother Henry when it lived again, with a surprising dedication.
It had therefore implored to promise it, if it came nevertheless
to die the first, well will to appear it after its death. The
brother had approved to its prayer, provided that that not @@déplût
to the divine will. When it had disappeared, it held ready, burning
to contemplate what one had promised it. It felt then again continually
pressed by a temptation @@lancinante and suffered by the serious
anxiety demon of faith, wondering if, after this life, souls of
the dead lived truly and were not rather reduced to nothingness.
But the wait prolonged and nothing appeared to its desires. Also
the temptation resumed - it more than ever vigor and the lady
told in its @@heart : " If what one proclaims us about
the future life was true if little that this is, this brother,
that I venerated with so fondness, should have already to certify
me it. "
83. While it was afflicted the sort and consumed in its heart,
the brother Henry @@appeared to certain religious and it @@said :
"Is going to find such lady" , that it called its real
name. Gold the man ignored until then that - @@ci ; because
certain term of tenderness, given to this lady in its small childhood,
had triumphed the true name of baptism, that our man @@apprit
only when brother Henry tells it and explained it. " Is going,
tells - it, beside it and you will salute it for me in it @@saying :
You had custom to practice such or such good work. No longer make
them thus, but of such and such manner. " Gold these charities
were if hidden that null did not know them except for brother
In the course of the conversation, the fellow noticed on the chest
of brother Henry a precious stone, luminous and @@étincelante
to the @@excess ;
it noticed equally ahead its face a wall covered precious stones
that it contemplated a penetrating look. Eminence, it does it
tell, that mean this stone if @@étincelante and this wall
@@precious ?" And @@he : " This stone is the
sign of the purity of heart that I have preserved in the @@world ;
when I look it I am filled a large consolation. And this wall
is the portion of the structure of the Lord that I have built
during my life by my advice, my preaching, the confession. "
Occurred meanwhile the Virgin Marries, queen of the sky and mother
of mercy. While it approached, brother Henry told to the @@man :
"Here is the mother of the Savior, my Lady, that has taken
me to its service. Judges what feast in its @@company !"
On these words, it @@joignit to it immediately and pulls with
84. The fellow came therefore to find the lady and revealed it
all to the @@file ; it unveiled it, in sign of the veracity
of its account, some of charities absolutely @@secret that it
had revealed it. The lady in received a large consolation and
was delivered of the ardor of its temptation.
85. But certain event that it could experiment by itself consoling
it later well more. A day that, leaned on its chest in the bedroom
of the house, it rereaded with a pious pleasure of letters that
brother Henry had sent it once, it met there a sentence that meant
in @@Latin : rest - you on the sweet chest of Jesus and quench
the thirst of your soul. Inflamed by the souvenir of these words,
as if it received them the mouth of the again alive and present
brother, it was removed in spirit and lives supported of a side
on the chest of Jesus - Christ and brother Henry of the other.
It felt in this abduction a taste if deep, if wonderful of divine
consolation, that intoxicated by the immense tide of this salutary
flow, it heard in no manner them @@servants of the house that
were there, nevertheless, and shouted it to come in haste to the
meal of its husband that waited it, until what it @@revînt
of this suave spirit drunkenness as the honey and found its senses.
After these souvenirs concerning brother Henry, continue to tell
the rest of events.
86. In the year of the Lord 1220, one celebrated to Bologna first
chapter in the order. I there was present, envoy of Paris with
three other brothers, because master Dominic had @@mandé
by letter to send it four brothers the house of Paris for chapter
of Bologna. When I reçus this mission, I had not again
past two month in the order.
87. It was enacted in this chapter, to the unanimity of brothers,
that general chapter would celebrate a year to Bologna and the
next year to Paris ; chapter next had nevertheless to hold
again to Bologna. One carried there equally this law that our
brothers no longer would possess henceforth neither goods - fund
nor returned and would renounce to these that they had reçus
in the country of Toulouse. One there @@fit as a lot others constitutions
as one observes again today.
88. In the year of the Lord 1221, to general chapter of Bologna,
it @@appeared timely to the capitular to impose me the cost that
they created @@prior of the province of Lombardy. I had then passed
a year in the order and was not again as deeply rooted as it would
have @@failed ; so that one put me to the head of others
to govern them before I had learnt to govern myself my imperfection.
To this chapter one sent in England a community of brothers with
Gilbert for @@prior. I was not in any way present to this chapter.
89. In this time - there, brother Évrard, archideacon of
Langres, entered the order to Paris. It was a man of a lot virtue,
bold in the action, prudent in the advice. As it enjoyed a rare
authority, it erected all the more peoples by its example, by
assuming the poverty, that it had been more largely known in the
90. It had to render in Lombardy at the same time that me, that
it appeared liked a tender fondness, because it desired to see
master Dominic. It @@mit on the way and while we crossed totality
regions of France and Burgundy where it had been formerly known,
it preached everywhere the Christ pauper and miserable that it
published in its clean body. It fell finally sick and finished
this misfortunes and tear life by an obviously precocious end
but deeply happy, to Lausanne where, once, one had elected it
as bishop, what it refused to accept.
91. A few time before it not @@died, while physicians already
judged its certain death, in hiding it nevertheless, it me @@said :
" If I have to die to the judgment of physicians, why does
not me it tell - one @@pas ? That one hides die them to these
that find bitter its @@souvenir !
But me, the death does not terrify me. What could have fear a
man who, when crumbles the terrestrial residence of its flesh
of misery, waits to receive, whole consoled by this happy exchanging,
an eternal residence in the @@Kiel ? " It @@heaven therefore,
giving there its body pauper to the earth and its spirit to the
Creator. A sign revealed me the happy exit of this death. To the
moment where it rendered the spirit, I thought to feel a pain
of heart and a turmoil in my @@esprit ;
I was on the contrary penetrated devotion and happy gaiety. Thus
the testimony of my conscience me warned - it that one had not
in the least to cry that that passed to the joy.
92. On these meantime, the life @@voyageuse of master Dominic
approaching to its term, to Bologna, it fell gravely sick. On
its bed of invalid, it @@fit to call twelve brothers, among the
most notable, and @@mit to excite them to appear fervent, to promote
the order, to persevere in the sanctity. It recommended them to
avoid suspicious woman companies, specially of youths, because
this kind is harmful to the excess and takes too often in its
@@rets souls that are not again entirely purified. "See,
tells - it, until this hour the divine mercy has preserved my
flesh @@incorrupt ; and nevertheless I have not been able
to avoid this imperfection, I confess it, to find more appeal
to the conversation of girl youths, that to speeches of the old
93. Before its death, it tells equally to brothers that it them
would be more useful departed that alive. It knew assuredly That
to which it had confided the deposit of its labor and its fertile
life and did not doubt the crown of justice that it was henceforth
@@reserved :
when it would have reçue, would not be it presented all
the more powerful do to present its requests that it would be
already more surely entered powers of the Lord ?
94. The sickness, worsening, becoming increasingly critical. It
suffered both fevers and trenches. Finally this religious soul
was untied of the flesh and came some to the Lord that it had
given, exchanging its gloomy exile against the consolation @@pérenne
of the celestial residence.
95. The same day, per hour even where it died, brother Guala,
@@prior of Brescia then bishop of the same city, rested beside
the @@campanile of brothers of Brescia. It had lulled an enough
light sleep when it aperçut a sort of opening in the sky,
by which descending two radiant scales. The Christ held the high
of the first scale, its mother the high of the @@other ;
and angels covered them all two, descending them and ascending.
A seat was placed down, between the two scales, and someone, on
the seat. Appeared this a brother of the @@order ; its face
was veiled by the @@capuce as we have custom to bury our dead.
The Christ and its mother pulled little by little upwards scales,
until what that that one had installed while low @@parvînt
until the summit. When one had received it in the sky, to the
chant of angels, in the splendor of an immense light, the @@étincelante
opening of the sky closed and more nothing henceforth appeared.
The brother that had had the vision, @@quoiqúil was enough
sick and weak, @@reprit soon its forces and leaves immediately
for Bologna. It there @@apprit that the same day, to the same
hour, the servant of the Christ Dominic there was dead. Here is
what we have learnt its clean clogs.
96. But return again a bit to venerable funerals of the blessed.
It was found that the day of its die the venerable bishop father
of Ostia, to this legate period of the Sovereign Pontiff in Lombardy
and now Sovereign Pontiff on the seat of Rome, the pope Gregory,
came to Bologna; what entailed the presence of a lot large celebrities
and prelates of the Church. When it @@apprit the death of master
Dominic, it happened in person. Because it had known it very familiarly
and it had dear a large sentiment of friendship, knowing it just
and holy. It celebrated himself to the end the office of funerals,
in the presence a large number of peoples, that saw all clearly
in their heart the felicity of the death of the blessed and the
sanctity of its life on the earth, while all assistants had the
certainty, to the testimony of their conscience, that it came
to receive to the sky an eternal immortality garment. It was a
true sermon on the contempt of the world that these funerals.
They shown to all with what security one deserves by a life of
humility on earth a residence in skies and the place of the eternal
rest and, by the degradation of the daily life, a precious death.
97. Also, the devotion of crowds and the popular cult woke - they.
A lot peoples @@accoururent, that manhandled sicknesses of all
gender. They remained there day and night, proclaimed that they
had fully obtained the remedy that had healed them and, to bring
the testimony of their recovery, suspended to the tomb of the
blessed of effigies of wax representing eyes, hands, feet and
all the other members, following the variety of their infirmities
and multiple forms of the reestablishment obtained in their body
or their goods.
98. But in the middle of such circumstances, it was not found
almost brothers to correspond by deserving actions of thanks to
the grace of God. Because the majority judged that one did not
have to record these miracles, to does not give the appearance
to research a gain under the sail of the piety. And it is as well
as by following their particular opinion, by a thoughtless sanctity
zeal, they neglected the common profit of the Church and buried
the glory of God.
99. It is a fact however that, its live again, the blessed Dominic
has shone by supernatural authorities some and shone by miracles.
One has brought us a large number of @@them ;
but one has not fixed them in writing, by reason of the variety
of the @@narrators ; because by describing made them of uncertain
manner, one would not give to these that are in need that a uncertain
knowledge. It pleases us however to remind some that have gotten
our knowledge of a more sure manner.
Resurrection Of A YOUNG MAN to ROME.
100. To one of its stays to Rome, certain adolescent, parent of
the cardinal ++Stephen of Fossanova, amused imprudently to horse
and left to take in a mad race, when it @@fit a very serious fall.
One transported it by crying. One believed it to half die, perhaps
even entirely, because it was undoubtedly inanimate. The desolation
went incremental around the defunct when happened master Dominic
and, with it, brother Tancred, good and fervent man, formerly
@@prior of Rome, that I have learnt this history. It told to Dominic :
" Why to steal you ? Why does not do you heckle the
Lord ? Where is now your compassion for the @@next ?
Where is your intimate confidence towards God ? " Deeply
moved by apostrophes of the brother and conquered by a fiery compassion
sentiment, it @@fit discreetly to transport the young boy in a
bedroom that closed to key and by the virtue of its prayers rendered
it the heat of the life and returned it ahead all healthy and
101. The brother Bertrand, whose one has mentioned higher the
mission to Paris, has told me equally that during a trip that
it made a day with it a large storm increased. A rain @@diluvian
had already soaked the ground, when master Dominic, by a sign
of cross, repelled if well ahead it the torrential flood, that
by advancing they continued to see three ahead them the rain that
trickled on the earth, without that an alone dropping touched
even fringes it their garment.
102. We have learnt a lot others sickness recoveries that testify
its @@sanctity ; but they are not again written in writing.
103. There was elsewhere some thing of more vivid and grander
than miracles, it was the moral perfection that reigned in it
and the divine fervor vigor that transported it. They were if
large, that one could doubt only it was not a honor and grace
vase, an ornate vase of all precious stone kind. There was in
it a very firm equality of soul, safe when some misery by disturbing
it excited it to the compassion and to the mercy. And because
the joy of the heart renders happy the face, the serene balance
to its be internal expressed @@au - outside by manifestations
of its goodness and the gaiety of its face. It preserved a such
constancy in businesses that it had judged reasonable ahead God
to accomplish, that it never accepted, or almost, to modify a
decision pronounced after mature deliberation. But since the testimony
of its good conscience, as one has reminded it, illuminated always
a large joy its face, the light of its face did not lose on the
104. By this joy, it acquired easily the love of whole the world,
it infiltrated without sorrow, from the first look, in the fondness
of all. On all terrains of its activity, on the way with its companions,
to the house with its host and the rest of household, among the
large, princes and prelates, it never lacked words of erection,
it abounded in capable exemplary accounts to carry the soul of
listeners to the love of the Christ and to the contempt of the
century. It demonstrated especially everywhere as a man of the
Gospel, in word and in act. During the day, null did not mix more
than it to the company of its brothers or its companions of road,
null no longer was gay.
PRAYER OF Dominic.
105. But in hours of the night, null no longer was fiery to watch,
to pray and to implore all manners. Its tears lingered the evening
and its joy the morning. It shared the day to the neighbor, the
night to God ; knowing that God appoints its mercy to the
day and its chant to the night. It cried with a lot abundance
and very @@often ; tears were its bread the day as the night.
The day, especially when it celebrated solemnities of the mass,
what it made very often or even each @@jour ; the night,
in its vigils between tireless all.
106. It had the habit of pass very often the night to the church,
to the point that one knew it that very rarely a bed fixed to
sleep there. It prayed therefore during the night and prolonged
its vigil whole the time that it could pull to the weakness of
its body. When finally the lassitude took it and numbs its thought,
conquered by the necessity of the sleep, it posed the head ahead
the altar, or whenever, but in any case on a stone, to the manner
of the patriarch Jacob, and rested a @@moment ; then woke
@@derechef, resuming its spirits and the fervor of its prayer.
107. It welcomed all men in the vast breast of its charity and,
since it liked all the world, whole the world liked it. It had
been made a personal law to rejoice with happy peoples and to
cry with these that cry, overflow religious fondness and being
devoted completely to attend to the neighbor and to sympathize
to peoples in the misery. An other milks rendered it expensive
to @@all : the simplicity of its @@démarche ;
ever null concealment or duplicity vestige did not appear in its
words neither its actions.
108. It was a real lover of the poverty. It used vile clothes.
In the food as in the drink its temperance was extreme. It avoided
what could have some delicacy and was contented gladly a simple
dish. It had a large empire on its flesh. It used the wine by
wetting it such sort that, while satisfying to the necessity of
the body, it did not risk to blunt the subtle fineness of its
Eulogy OF the BLESSED Dominic, MAN OF GOD.
109. Who therefore would be in measure to imitate the virtue of
this @@man ? We can the less to admire it and measure on
its example the cowardice of our time. Be able what it has been
able to exceed human forces, it is the work of a unique grace,
unless the divine goodness in its mercy deigns to grant to someone
perhaps summon a similar virtue. But who is found there @@prepared ?
Follow however, my brothers, according to our possibilities, traces
of our father, and at the same time, render thanks to Redeemer
that gave to its servants, on the road that they cover, a chief
of this value and fathered us by it of new to the light of its
holy life. And pray the Father of mercy in order that, under the
conduct of its Spirit that fact act son of God, we deserved to
arrive we also by a progress without detours, in them limit that
our fathers have posed, to the same perpetual happiness term and
eternal beatitude in which it has happily and to always enter.
Thus is - it.
110. After having now ended what I wanted to remind on the time
of master Dominic, it is necessary me to signal to the some continuation
other events. When the brother Évrard was deceased to Lausanne,
as one has told, I continued my road and penetrated in Lombardy
to fill there the ministry that one had imposed me on the place
of this province. There was to this period a certain brother Bernard
of Bologna, that tormented a very cruel demon whose it was possessed,
so that of day and night it was shaken by horrible furies and
disturbed without measure all the college of brothers. The divine
mercy had without no doubt spared this test to exert the patience
of its servants.
111. But tell what manner this bane had destroyed on this brother.
Since the moment of its entry at us, spurred by repenting it its
sins, it had expressed frequently to the Lord the desire to be
knocked by some manner of purification. Gold, it came it enough
often to the thought that God proposed it to accept the some obsession
test @@demoniac ; but its spirit resided some knocked horror
and it could not consent there. After well of deliberations however,
a day that it felt the unworthiness more seriously of its offenses,
it accepted some himself, me told - it, that its body was delivered
to the demon to title of purification. Immediately, by the permission
of God, what it had imagined in its heart realized in made them.
112. The demon vomits by its mouth a lot things @@astonishing.
During this time also, the possessed, that was hardly instructed
in theology and ignored almost the Holy Accounts, uttered its
mouth of sentences if deep on holy Accounts that one would have
been able to take them to just title for famous words of holy
Augustine. It appeared elsewhere extremely glorious, under the
suggestion of the pride, when one lent the ear to its speeches.
113. Meanwhile, it me in souvenir, it proposed me a @@marché :
I would cease to preach, and would cease it to tempt no brother.
I replied : "
To God pleases only I concludes a treaty with the death or that
I makes a pact with the ++Hell ! Your temptations, no matter
what you some have, profit to brothers and render them stronger
to live in the grace, because the life of the man on earth is
a continuous temptation."
114. It renewed frequently its efforts to sow in our some hearts
trace its malice, under some deceitful word coat. I noticed it
and it @@said : " Why do you reiterate if often your
@@fourberies ? We do not ignore your thinks. " But @@he :
"I know what clay you are made. What you repel and mistakes
when one offers you it an once, you finish by admitting it, deceiving
by my relentlessness, with joy and facility." Listen that,
soldiers of the Christ, that have not to struggle against the
flesh and the blood but against princes and powers of this world
of darkness, against widespread bad spirits in air, and learn
by the unceasing enemy zeal themselves, to persevere in your ardor
inverts and to avoid the cowardice of a spirit that is @@endort
on himself.
115. Well more, during this time, it held speeches in manner of
preaching at this point efficient that it pulled waves of tears
of the heart of listeners by the accent, the piety and the depth
of its words. In addition, the body of the possessed was sometimes
penetrated a @@étonnante manner of very suave odors, beyond
to it ++power human industry. It imposed me once spitefully on
myself this gender of temptation, feigning to be seriously tortured
by these odors, as if an angel brought them the @@Kiel ;
while it was himself that tended these sorts of traps to make
born in others a foolhardy presumption of their sanctity.
116. Finally, a certain time where the demon had vigorously afflicted
the brother in our presence, it @@mit to feign a large turmoil
and tells a voice @@grave : " Here is the odor, here
is the odor, here is the @@odor ! "
Bit after the suave odor spread on the brother that @@fit semblance
by its words to suffer horror and contempt. "Do you, me tell
- it know, why I am filled @@horror ? Here is that the angel
of this brother comes to arrive and consoles it very suave odors.
Gold by consoling it inflicts me a heavy torment. But here is
that I pull for you of my treasure of perfumes of an other manner,
whose I have custom to present my visits." While speaking
it fills the air of stenches @@soufrées, seeking by this
succession of odors to conceal the deceit of the preceding suavity.
117. After that it having made me several knocks of this gender,
I fell in multiple doubt and perplexities. I distrusted my merits,
but I hesitated, uncertain. I was surrounded in each of my displacement
by a @@étonnante scent. It is hardly if I dared to exit
hands, fearing to lose this softness whose until then I had never
had conscience. If I carried a chalice, as it arrives that one
makes it to transport the host of the Body of the Lord, it seemed
me that it exited the chalice himself an odor if astonishingly
suave that I could be transfigured completely by the immensity
of a such softness.
118. But the Spirit of truth does not suffer that lasted the deceit
too long of the crafty spirit. A certain day where I prepared
to celebrate the mass by reciting with some attention the psalm
Judica Dominates @@nocentes me, specially efficient to hunt temptations,
I in wines to ruminate in spirit the verse "all my bone proclaim,
Lord : who is similar to @@you ?" On this, a such
fragrant softness immensity poured on me that in truth it seemed
me that the even marrow of each of my bone was watered. I was
stupefied and, more knocked than custom by this singularity, I
addressed my prayer to the Lord : if nothing arrived that
by diabolic deceits, that it reveals it by its grace and allows
only the powerful @@malmène unjustly the pauper, that has
only in God its help insured. As soon as I had addressed my prayer
to the Lord I tell it in order that it some has the glory I reçus
in the spirit a such internal light and an indication of truth
@@infuse if indubitable and if sure that I no longer hesitated
henceforth in any way to recognize in all that plots of the enemy
119. From moment where I had revealed the secret of iniquity and
certified the diabolic temptation of the brother, we ceased all
two to spread these emanations of odor. It @@mit then to utter
wickedness and garbages, it that first had accustomed to debit
us full devotion speeches. When I it @@dis : " Where
are now your beautiful @@discourse ? " , it me @@responded :
"Since my trap is now discovered, it is overdrawn that I
hear henceforth to exert my malice."
120. This test if cruel of the brother Bernard was the opportunity
that pushed us in our emotion to institute to Bologna the chant
of the @@antienne Salvo Regina after the @@complies. The rite
spread this house to all the province of Lombardy ; finally
the stake and salutary custom strengthens in all the order. That
persons have left to pull tears by these saints @@lauds of the
venerable mother of the Christ ! That peoples among singers
or listeners have felt to purify their fondness, to melt their
hardness, and to climb in their heart an ardor of love @@religious !
And does not do we believe that the mother of the Redeemer finds
its delights in these praises, is charmed by our @@éloges ?
A deserving and religious man of faith has told me that it has
seen frequently in spirit the mother of the Lord itself to prostrate
in the presence its son and to implore it for the conversation
in the order completely when brothers sang: Eia ergo advocata
nostra. That the memory of this line animates henceforth brothers
that read it to better rent the Virgin!
[. .. gap. ..]
121. The divine goodness has custom in its impenetrable wisdom
to delay sometimes the well, non to delete it, but in order that
this well differed rises to the good moment with more abundance.
Is that God therefore has provided to the progress of its Church,
is that the divergence of opinions [. .. gap. ..], some of followed
them without prudence sees it the @@simplicity : they proclaimed
that it sufficed the immortal memory of holy Dominic, servant
of the very high Lord and founder in the order called "Preachers",
to be known God, and that it there had not to attend to provide
it to the knowledge of men. A sort of darkness, we have told it
higher, had covered the heart of brothers, so that it was in found
almost no to correspond by deserving actions of thanks to the
grace of God.
122. Gold a popular cult had woke after the death of the man of
God and a lot peoples rushed that manhandled sicknesses of all
gender. They remained there day and night and proclaimed that
they had fully obtained the remedy that had healed them. Also
brought - they the testimony of their recovery by suspending to
the tomb of the blessed of effigies of wax representing eyes,
hands, feet and all the other members, following the variety of
their infirmities and multiple forms of the reestablishment obtained
in their body or their goods. The saint declared with obviousness
by its miracles on the earth the life whose it enjoyed to the
sky. But the majority judged that one did not have to record these
miracles to does not give the appearance to research a gain under
the sail of the piety. They broke therefore the ex voto that one brought and threw them. And it is as well as by following
their particular opinion, with a thoughtless sanctity zeal, they
neglected the common profit of the Church and buried the glory
of God. Others however thought other manner, but discouraged of
advance, they abstained to make opposition by pusillanimity.
123. Here is how the glory of our blessed father resided drowsy
during almost twelve years, without no cult of its sanctity. The
treasure lied hidden, deprived usefulness, and one subtracted
kindnesses of That that distributes some high force them miracle.
The strict justice does not did it demand indeed that one would
subtract the thanks to these who strove to steal it the grace
and the glory of God ?
The grain would not produce its fruit if while it formed it one
broken down it without ceasing on foot. The power of Dominic fructified
frequently, but the @@incurie of its son suffocated it. That that
is patient and very merciful waited with @@patience ; but
since null word, null sentiment did not worry about the honor
that one had to the saint of God Dominic, the Lord @@fit to born
an opportunity to wake the negligence of brothers.
124. The number growing brothers to Bologna obliged to enlarge
the house and the church. When one had the new buildings, one
destroyed the ancient and the body of the servant of God resided
open-air. What reasonable man would estimate unworthy only one
left this mirror of purity, this vase of chastity, this sanctuary
of virginity, this organ of the Saint - Spirit, hardly sheltered
by a wicked tomb, it who of all its life had never hunted the
house of its soul by the mortal sin thus declared it the twelve
priests who assisted its last confession the sweet host of the
soul, the Spirit - Saint ? Some brothers, returned to themselves,
shake between them the project to transport it in a place more
@@convenable ; but, even that, they not to dared make it
without the permission of the Roman pontiff. Truly, one observes
that in well of cases it is by the humility that one deserves
the exaltation. Brothers and Son of holy Dominic, they could to
bury themselves their @@father ; but by making call to a
higher authority, they found there a large @@advantage :
it no longer concerns soon the simple transfer of their glorious
father, but of a canonical transfer.
125. That even one it @@neglected ; transactions of brothers
to order a decent sarcophagus dragged meanwhile in length, while
others rendered beside the Sovereign Pontiff, the lord Gregory,
to expose it the formerly differed affair. But the former, with
its large zeal and its large faith, the @@reprit with a hardness
extreme of their negligence to render to a such father the honor
that they it had. He added: "Some it I have known a man that
observed in its totality rules it apostles, and I do not doubt
that it is to the sky associated to their glory." And since
many concerns prevented it to be present in person to these feasts,
he wrote to the archbishop of Ravenna to assist with its @@suffragants
to this transfer if important.
126. The God omnipotent that wanted by the authority of the universal
parson of the Church to part hazes of the negligence, opens himself
the hand of the high of the sky and by the din of miracles thundered
in height to give to hear with full obviousness that all the yard
of the celestial Jerusalem exulted and congratulates in an elation
without measure and declared to residents of the earth the glory
of its large fellow citizen. Because saints, delivered of the
germ of the envy, kissed in the breast of the divine love, desire
that the abundance of its blessings is communicated to each. One
orders to blinds to see, lame to walk, to paralytics to heal,
to mutes to speak, to demons to escape, to fevers to yield to
the convalescence, to the various sicknesses to exile in the distance
and one demonstrates clearly the sanctity of elected it God Dominic.
We have seen Nicholas English, for a long time paralyzed, walked
and jumped the day of the solemnity, the incurable pain of the
@@fic to yield from the emission of a vow, tumors to escape and
a lot others miracles read and statements the day of the canonization
in the presence the Sovereign Pontiff, cardinal lords and all
assistants to appear with a large clearness. It is not surprising
that it has been able to operate all that since that it reigns
beside e God, it that coated its mortal habit recuperated intact
to exit it the fire its book on the faith, senses the visit of
the Virgin - mother to the bedside of a sick brother, repelled
the rain by the sign of the Lord, lit by its prayer a candle lying
in the mud, pulled a novice to the surprenante burn that caused
it its habit, hunted the demon by the Cross, predicted to two
persons the death of the body and to two that the soul, rendered
the life to two persons to ++Rome, lives to its die the Christ
that called it, appears crowned to a canon its disciple, appeared
in a high vision on scales of light by the Virgin Marries and
by its son in a throne of glory. Letters of canonization of the
pope lord Gregory testify the large number of miraculous signs
that it @@fit and the glorious summits that it @@atteignit by
its virtuous life.
127. Here is therefore the day illustrates where one celebrates
the transfer of the eminent doctor. Here is the venerable archbishop
and the bishops and prelate multitude. And here is devout and
innumerable populations of the different territories. Here is
again battalions of armed Bolonais in order that null does not
pulls them the very holy body that support them. But brothers
are anxious, they are pale and they pray full anxiety, @@trembling
with of fear there where nothing is to @@fear : they have
fear that the body of holy Dominic that during so time has remained
statement to rains and to the heatwave, hidden in a wicked tomb
as a man to the number of dead, does not crawl to that gnaw it
and does not overwhelm the nose of assistants by a horrible stench,
obscuring thus the devotion whose one surrounds an if large man.
Knowing therefore only to make, it not their rest more than to
recommend totally to God. The pious bishops approach with their
@@devotion ; others with tools. One removes the slab that
ratifies to the sepulcher a cement strong hard and one finds below
a covered wood coffin earth thus the bishop of Ostia, today the
venerable pope Gregory, had - it intered the body anointed on
the high of which appears a small orifice.
128. As soon as the slab is removed, a wonderful odor begins to
exhale the orifice. Stunned, assistants wonder what is this fragrance.
One gives the order to pull the board that closes the coffin and
here is surpassed, we told - one, shops of perfumes, paradise
of aromas, gardens of roses, fields of read and @@violets and
the suavity of all gender of flowers. Formerly, to the arrival
of wagons, Bologna pervaded fetid @@odors : but when one
opens the burial of the glorious Dominic, it purifies, happy,
by the perfume that surpasses the suavity of all odors. Assistants
are stunned and, terrified, fall to @@earth ; then precipitate
forwards and mix tears and signs of @@joie ; the fear and
the hope train in the face of face in the @@lice of the soul and
engage wonderful combats, ahead the wonderful odor whose one feels
the suavity. We have felt it we also the softness of this odor
and we testify what we have seen and felt. Ever indeed we have
not been able to quench us a softness if large, although our zeal
has made us remain very long near the body of the carrier sacredness
of the word @@dominicale, near holy Dominic. This softness evacuated
all satiety, inspired the devotion, aroused miracles. If one touched
the body with the hand, the belt or any other object, this odor
resided a time prolonged.
129. The body was brought to the monument of marble to be buried
with its clean seasonings. The wonderful odor exhaled the holy
body, demonstrating clearly to all to what extent it was a good
odor of the Christ. The archbishop celebrates the solemn mass
and the chorus @@intoned to the introit: Accipite jucunditatem
gloriæ vestræ, because it is the third day of
Pentecost, and brothers receive this word as a chant that descends
the sky. Trumpets ring, the numerous people trains innumerable
candles, one makes procession nobles and the Benedictus Jesus
Christus resonates all shares.
This happened in Bologna, the nine of calends of June, in the
year of the Lord 1233, sixth of the indiction, while Gregory IX
presided on the Roman seat and that Frederick II held the scepter
of the Empire.
130. Although the number of miracles is known only God alone,
I have put some in writing a small number of the most authentic,
which were read the day of the canonization in the presence the
Sovereign Pontiff, the reverend cardinals, whole the clergy and
the whole people.
Dominican brothers, Convent Holy - ++Jacques, Paris.
Placement to jour: 28 April 1996.
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