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Internet Modern History Sourcebook

Jacob Thorkelson:

Smearing Jews in Congress, 1939



Shall Constitutional Government Prevail?

MR. SPEAKER, it is my desire to call attention to an article which was published in the Pathfinder of June 24, on page 15, which to me clearly revealed the character of those who own or manage the paper. True to their stripes, and similar to all Communists, the editors of the Pathfinder evidently disapprove when Members of Congress respect their oath of obligation. These editors are no doubt of the variety which prefers the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion to the Constitution of the United States. I am rather amused when this obnoxious tribe begins to spit its communistic venom for it can only end, as it has before, in endless wandering.

It is the first time the Communist Defamation League has made a personal attack upon me, and 1 hope it will be the last time, for I want to be charitable. Thousands of real patriotic Americans in all classes of society are very well aware that character destruction or "smearing" is a Communist stock in trade, but the cloak is now worn and frayed. The gentleman from Illinois (Mr. Sabath) is quoted in this paper as having said:

"The gentleman from Montana has time and again stuffed the Record with column after column of material generally of a highly obnoxious and bigoted nature. At the same time, while the extended remarks were never made on the floor of this House, they appear as having been actually spoken here.... I will object to any intolerant and ridiculous dissertations calculated to promote prejudice and class hatred."

I shall refrain from criticizing the most venerable gentleman from Illinois, for he is only his master's voice, wailing in the wilderness of communism. When the venerable gentleman blows warm, he glorifies the President. When he blows cold, he reviles an ex-President, Mr. Hoover. This, I observe, is the extent of the venerable gentleman's statesmanship.

In replying to the Pathfinder's observations on cost for inserts in the Congressional Record, I can say such expense will be a mere bagatelle as compared to the cost of internal strife and revolution which is now contemplated and financed by the same people who financed the World War, the Russian revolution, and the Spanish revolution. As a matter of fact, if every Member in Congress would stand forth in the protection of the constitutional rights of the people, communism and its allied creed would find no place in the United States.

I am, however, delighted to find that the writer of the article in the Pathfinder compares me with General Moseley, for the general is, indeed, a stanch American and so recognized in the United States Army, in which he served with distinction. He is also recognized as a loyal American by Congress, for he has been decorated twice for distinguished service to the country. His clarification of an issue before the Dies Committee again entitles him to further national distinction for his service to the Nation.

The venerable gentleman's objection did not prevent my remarks from being placed in the Record, as the Pathfinder's article implies, for my remarks will be found in the issue of June 19,, and I shall ask the editorial staff of the Pathfinder to read them.

I am not upset about the international press, as implied in this article, except in its abject submission to the rulers of the invisible government, and in its betrayal of the people whom it is supposed to serve with truth.

I am not looking for, neither do I desire mention in any publication of the international subsidized press, or in the Pathfinder, and it is indeed unfortunate that it took the liberty of mentioning me in the manner it did, for it has now classified itself.

I can only say that the press is using good judgment in remaining silent upon patriotic activities, a quality which the Pathfinder should observe, for unjust criticism might entail danger. When 120,000,000 people discover how they have been sold down the river by those who swore to preserve, protect, and defend their rights and liberties, it is possible that reprisals may result.

I also note in the June 26 Times-Herald that The Washington Merry-Go-Round labels myself and two others "Nazis." This is not strange, for when anyone speaks on the constitutional rights of the people and opposes communism one of the wailing prophets sticks out his head and shouts "Nazi!"

The capitalistic barons who are financing the Red activities in the United States may believe that their agents have a stranglehold on American labor, but they might find themselves mistaken in that, for as I know labor, they are staunch and patriotic American citizens. During my campaign, when I talked on communism and on constitutional government, the greatest appreciation was expressed, not by the "white collar" group, but by the real workers, or the men that I, as a doctor of medicine, called upon in their private homes. It was these men who said, "We heard you over the radio. When are you to speak again?" And it was these people who expressed their firm belief in the Constitution of the United States. It was our so called professors and educators who were slightly pink or even red in their expressions. It is this same group of professors, economists, and educators that are now attempting to run the sovietized Government of the United States, and their lack of ability is clearly evident in the condition in which we find ourselves today. When the American working people realize that they are used as stooges by the money changers, and the international Communists who are now promoting and paying for the cost of such activities in the United States, I am sure that they will wash their hands of this deadly communistic poison, and rally to the colors' as all patriotic citizens of course will do.

The plan to sovietize the United States should be clear to everyone, for it is now coming to the front in its true light. Congress has been an instrumental aid in bringing this thing about by bestowing greater and greater powers on one man. He, having the power to appoint and place anyone he chooses in key positions in the governmental departments and forces, may, of course, provide people upon whom he can depend to support him in consummation of whatever plan he has in mind. There is an advantage in having good Communists in key positions, and I do not deny that this is a part of the Soviet plan. It should be clear to all. If the Government intended to adhere to the Constitution, Congress would not be requested to mutilate the document by bestowing power on individuals contrary to what is set forth in the Constitution itself. There is no purpose or reason for breaking constitutional government down unless it is to be replaced by some other form, and the people should ask themselves just what the President intends to do.

Conversion of our Government can easily take place without the public's being aware of such intrigue, and this is particularly true when those who are supposed to represent the people fail to maintain the commanding power of Congress itself. I am now dealing with cold facts, and I challenge Congress to prove that we are not departing from sound constitutional principles. If the President of the United States had the interest of the people at heart, why did he allow the money changers to take charge of all the gold and establish ownership of it? If the President had the interest of the United States and the welfare of the people at heart, why does he not order the Army, Navy, and the F. B. I. Intelligence Services to bring in and apprehend all Communists and those who are advocating destruction of our Government? Is it to the interest of the United States to allow military secrets to be revealed to foreign nations, particularly to the Soviet Union? Is it to the interest of the Nation to destroy business and replace it with Federal-owned corporations similar to many of those now operating contrary to the Constitution itself? Is it to the interest of the people that we maintain the Export and Import Bank? Is this all for the general welfare of the people, or is it for the general welfare of those who are anticipating taking charge of the Government?

Is it for the general welfare of the United States to loan money to South America where it is already indebted to us, to be used in competition with our own agriculture and manufacturing industries? Is it for the general welfare of the people to import agricultural products when the same can be produced in the United States? Is it for the general welfare to destroy our own agriculture and balance international trade by the sale of war machinery? Does unsound and unsecured hocus-pocus money bring about business confidence; and are excessive taxes an aid to business?

These are questions that someone - maybe the Pathfinder - can answer.

If the President is interested in sound constitutional government, it may be well for him to follow the Constitution, because he has assumed the same obligation that I and other Members of Congress have assumed. I am trying to live up to mine. Let the others do the same, and the people and the Nation will be well protected.

We must have a premise or fundamental basis from which we may set our course. In the United States it is the Constitution, and we must use this as it was given to us - namely, as a point of departure. Sovietizing this instrument, as has been done in the past, can only lead us off the course, and the plight we are in today is sufficient evidence to anyone that there are breakers to the lee of us.


From an anti-semitic website, citing U.S. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD, JUNE 26, 1939 [need to check]

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© Paul Halsall, January 1999

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