People with a History: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Trans* History Sourcebook
Peter Abelard (1079-1142):
David's Lament for Jonathan
Peter Abelard whose love for Eloisa has been immortalized as
a central and beautiful heterosexual love story, wrote movingly
also of David and Jonathan.
Low in thy grave with thee
Happy to lie,
Since there's no greater thing left Love to do;
And to live after thee
Is but to die,
For with but half a soul what can Life do?
So share thy victory,
Or else thy grave,
Either to rescue thee, or with thee lie:
Ending that life for thee,
That thou didst save,
So Death that sundereth might bring more nigh.
Peace, O my stricken lute!
Thy strings are sleeping.
Would that my heart could still
Its bitter weeping!
From: (Translated by Helen Wadell)
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© Paul Halsall, 1998, 2023
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