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Homosexuality and Catholicism Bibliography:
Unintegrated Books and Articles

© Paul Halsall

See Main Homosexuality and Catholicism Bibliography

"A woman who cares about gays in Washington, DC", Christianity Today 28 No 13 p58+ September 21 1984

Bamforth, Nick, Duality Into Unity: A Spiritual and Social Vision for the Millennium
Seeks to replace the materialist ethic that has dominated the history of Western society. Part one shows how each stride forward in our own self awareness has taken us away from a sense of Unity. Part two demonstrates the lessons to be learned from understanding our own responsibility in this process.

Batteau, John M., "Sexual differences: a cultural convention?", Christianity Today, 21 (July 8 1977), 8-10

Bennett, John C. et al., "Gay questions, straight answers", Christianity and Crisis, 38 (May 1 1978), 98-100

Black Theology: A Documentary History Vol. 2: 1980-1992; Cone, James H. and Gayraud Wilmore; $18.95; A collection of essays discussing black theology and spirituality also includes essays about black gays and lesbians, bisexuality, womanist theology, and other issues of interest today.

Boyd, Malcolm, Are You Running With Me, Jesus? A Spiritual Handbook for the 1990's

Boyd, Malcolm; Curtin, Edward J., "Mask-wearing: spiritually stifling", The Christian Century, 96, 79-81 January 24 1979

Boyd, Malcolm; others, "Gay rights: on reaching middle America", The Christian Century, 92, 474-475 May 7 1975

Bruchac, Carol, ed., Stories We Hold Secret

Childs, Brian H.; Stroup, George W., "Homosexuality: will it preach?", Journal for Preachers, 12:2 p14-18 1989

Clark, J. Michael, ""Coming out": discovering empowerment, balance, and wholeness", In Homophobia and the Judaeo-Christian tradition; ed by M Stemmeler, 1990 p191-208

Clark, Joan L., "Coming out: the process and its price", Christianity and Crisis, 39, p149-153 June 11 1979

Coffey, Kathy, "Homosexuals: a call for respect", Momentum 23:78 November 1992

Cook, Ann Thompson, And God Loves Each One: A Resource for Dialogue about the Church and Homosexuality

Dahlberg, Edward, Sorrows of Priapus
An exploration of human sexuality and aspiration in myth, legend and actuality. It deals with the mind and body as the heritage of the great Hebraic and Hellenistic traditions and then fuses them with that of pre-Columbian America. His labyrinthine syntax and laconic observation are deployed in the service of a misanthropy which is funny and chilling by turns.

Daly, Mary , Church and the Second Sex Republished 1968 edition with New Archaic Afterwords and her brilliant 1975 Autobiographical Preface and Feminist Postchristian Introduction
One of the most important critiques of sexism in the Christian tradition. Detailed and compelling analysis of the theological roots of institutionalized sexism and suggested directions for partnerships outside this anarchy.

Davis, Ben, Strange Angel: The Gospel According to Benny Joe
Raised in a Pentecostal family in Texas during the fifties, this is the hilarious true story of a born and bred religious man who was headed towards a life as a preacher when he realized he was gay. Suddenly his life turned upside down as he discovered a strange and alien new world.

DeBaugh, R. Adam, Burnout

Dennis, Bonnie Lee, "My Homosexual Son: one mother's story", Liguorian 80:26-29 August 1992

Dericquebourg, Regis, "L'homosexualite comme phenomene social", in L'homosexuel(le) dans les societes; J Schlick & M Zimmermann, 1985 p145-163

Digitale, Robert, "San Francisco set to define "family "" Christianity Today, 33 p44-46 October 20 1989

New Age sexuality/spirituality with emphasis on the more exotic.

Downing, Christine , Myths and Mysteries of Same-Sex Love
Downing clears away the modern myth" of homosexuality in order to retrieve a deeper understanding of women's love of women and men's love of men. The first half looks anew at what the depth psychologists, including Freud and Jung, have written about homosexuality. The second half turns to the myths about homosexual desire that were told and retold in ancient Greece, a culture where same-sex loving was validated as a part of everyone's normal eroticism.

Ferraro, Barbara and Patricia Hussey and Jane O'Reilly, No Turning Back: Two Nuns Battle the Vatican
This is the very personal story of two devoted nuns, sisters of Notre Dame, who risked excommunication to publish a pro-choice letter and try to change what was wrong in the Roman Catholic Church.

Francoeur, Robert, "Two different worlds, two different moralities", In The Vatican and Homosexuality; ed by J Gramick and P Furey, 1988 p189-200

Geis, Sally and Donald Messer, Caught In the Crossfire: Helping Christians Debate Homosexuality
In this book writers with pro and con points of view discuss such issues as What does the bible say about Homosexuality, are christianity and homosexuality incompatible, should gays and lesbians be ordained, are gay unions legitimate Christian covenants. Pro authors include James Nelson and Chris Glaser among others.

Gill, John W. "The gay identity movement", in Theology and body; ed by J Y Fenton 1974 p86-91

Goldberg, Jonathan , Reclaiming Sodom
A wide range of work, from Biblical and legal material to essays on such subjects as the founding Fathers beliefs, the category of sodomy in 18th and 19th century England, anthropological accounts of the same-sex practices of non-Western people, and the racial geography of AIDS. Includes essays by Dorothy Allison, Neil Bartlett, Lee Edelman, Jonathan Katz and others.

Gorman, E. Michael, "A special window: an anthropological on spirituality in contemporary US gay male culture", in Constructing gay theology; ed by M Stemmeler and J Clark 1990 p45-61

Hart, John; Richardson, Diane, The theory and practice of homosexuality
Jantzen, G. M., The Modern Churchman ns 25:4 p72-73 1983

Hayward, Stephen and Sarah Lefanu, God: An Anthology of Fiction
Short stories from authors with religious backgrounds ranging from Zoroastrian to Jewish, Roman Catholicism to Moslem, the tales in this witty and refreshing collection explore the theme of religion. Authors include; Maureen Duffy, Allan Gurganus, Joyce Carol Oates, Michele Roberts, James Morrow, David Plante, John Wakeman, Bapsi Sidhwa, and many others.

Hendin, Herbert, "Homosexuality and the family", Church and Society 67 p69-71 May-June 1977

Highwater, Jamake, Language of Vision: Meditations on Myth and Metaphor
This book is about the vastly different ways artists have found through the labyrinth of dreams. The author discusses such subjects as myth discovery, imagination as political power, homosexuality as metaphor, cultural piracy, the body as metaphor, the death of the sacred, iconography as destiny, the reinvention of the past, and play as mythology.

Highwater, Jamake, Myth and Sexuality
This fascinating study shows that far from being the most natural force of our lives, sexuality is the one most susceptible to cultural influences. Each culture designates various practices as appropriate or inappropriate, moral or immoral, healthy or unhealthy.

Hoffecker, W. Andrew (.) ; Smith, Gary Scott (ed.), Building a Christian world view, vol 2: the universe, society, and ethics, (Presbyterian and Reformed Pub Co 1988)

Houle, Joseph W., ed.,Road to Emmaus: An Inclusive Devotional

Ide, Arthur Frederick & John R. Rogers & Joseph S. Zemel, Resurrection, Sex and God: Essays on the Foundations of Faith

Ide, Arthur Frederick, Catechism of Family Values Based on the Bible
Going beyond the emotional rhetoric of religious leaders who push their own interpretations of contemporary issues, claiming their message is based on Holy Writ, Ide presents the arguments on abortion, divorce, homosexuality, marriage, education, patriotism, and military service, scrutinizing the words of the Bible as it is written.

Ide, Arthur Frederick, Moses: Making of Myth & Law
Looks a the influence of Egyptian, Assyrian and Babylonian sex, religion and law has had on the writing of the Torah. Shows how sex, hetero and homo, fertilized the seeds of the Holiness Code, a law nurtured on the paps of non-Hebrew ethics, legends, law and war.

Ide, Arthur Frederick, Yahweh's Wife
A study of the ancient power struggle between priestly groups, with the rural priests and prophets joined in their holy war against women, sex, and joyful living, and against the Great Goddess of Creation.

Iles, Robert, Gospel Imperative in the Midst of AIDS
How does God want people to respond to those suffering with AIDS? What is their place in the local congregation? These and other questions provide a thoughtful context for examining the spiritual crisis that AIDS creates.

Johnson, Paul R., Ancient Answers to Modern Gay Problems
Challenging and provocative translations of the ancient texts of the Old Testament which shows the beauty and sensitivity of the gay and lesbian lovers set in the historical context of their time.

Keysor, Charles W. (ed.), What You Should Know About Homosexuality
Ranck L. E/SA 8 p54-55 February 1980
Hunter, W. F., Journal of Psychology and Theology 8 p81 Spring 1980

Koertge, Norette, Philosophy and Homosexuality
Why do philosophers concern themselves with research on Gays? Sexologists today are groping for a useful conceptualization of homosexuality and philosophers find this fascinating. Here, philosophers consider the possibility of gay genes, hormonal homosexuality, sexual orientation, future patterns of research.

Koester, Laurentius, "Psychische Eheunfaehigkeit als Nichtigkeitsgrund", in Diaconia et ius; ed by H Heinemann, 1973 p79-104

Koskela, Roger, "Open doors to gays: grounds for separation?", Christianity Today 20 p53 March 12 1976

La Haye, Tim, The unhappy gays: what everyone should know about homosexuality
Hunter, W. F., Journal of Psychology and Theology 8 p81 Sp g 1980

Lanphear, Roger G., Gay Spirituality: Experiences In Self-Realization ...

Lebacqz, Karen and Ronald Barton, Sex In the Parish
This book is a realistic appraisal of the complex relationships between pastor and parishioners--relationships between sexual beings who seek to be responsible to God, each other, self, and the convental community. Includes a chapter on pastors who are gay, lesbian, and/or bisexual.

Leopold, Kathleen and Thomas Orians, Theological Pastoral Resources: A Collection of Articles on Homosexuality from a Pastoral Perspective

Looser, Gabriel, "Sittliche Verantwortung des Aussenseiters: Ihre Relevanz fuer die Mehrheit am Beispiel der gleichgeschlechtlichen Liebesbeziehung", in Ethos des Alltags; ed by A Bondolfi; W Heierle; D Mieth, 1983 p219-231

Low, Charlotte; Goode, Stephen, "A flock at odds with its shepherds", Insight: The Washington Times 2 No 30 p8-13 July 28 1986

Martin, Don, pseud, "Gay fathers and the church: keeping the closet locked", Christianity and Crisis 44 p373-375 October 15 1984

McNaught, Brian, "Reflections of a gay Catholic", in Homosexuality and the Catholic Church; ed by J Gramick, 1983 p21-44

Modras, Ronald, "Pope John Paul II's theology of the body", in The Vatican and Homosexuality; ed by J Gramick and P Furey 1988 p119-125

Mollenkott, Virginia Ramey, "Human rights and the Golden Rule", Christianity and Crisis 47 p383-385 November 9 1987

Mollenkott, Virginia Ramey, Women of Faith in Dialogue
Women discuss the challenges that confront women in their respective communities of faith. Each stands firmly in her own religious tradition, both criticizing its perspectives on women and offering its wisdom as a gift to others. Together they set an agenda for working toward peace and justice in the world. A model inter-religious service is included.

Morton, Nelle, Journey Is Home
With candor and passion, this collection of essays traces the story of religion and the women's movement with a discussion of human existence that transcends the negative and destructive images of patriarchal religion.

Nelson, James B., Between Two Gardens: Reflections on Sexuality and Religious Experience
Continuing the exploration begun in EMBODIMENT, Nelson seeks to answer the question, "what does sexuality say about faith Ñ theology, scripture, tradition, and the meaning of the gospel?" He discusses men's liberation; sexuality in Jewish, Catholic, and Protestant interpretations; religious and moral questions of professionals working with homosexual counselees; singleness and the church; the family; and attitudes about abortion.

Nelson, James B., Intimate Connection: Male Sexuality, Masculine Spirituality

Oliphant, Lincoln C., "What churches can expect from Gay Rights Laws: a preview of Iowa's sexual orientation bill", CLawyer 33:87-107 (no.2)

O'Neill, Craig and Kathleen Ritter, Coming Out Within: Stages of Spiritual Awakening for Lesbians and Gay Men
Explores loss as a catalyst for growth, using an eight phase model illustrated with real case histories for moving from loss to personal and spiritual transformation.

Ormseth, Dennis H. (ed.), "Gender across generations", Word & World: Theology for Christian Ministry 5 p351-413 Fall 1985
Contents: Sexual ethics and Christian community [editorial]. What we want our grandchildren to know, by L Erdahl and C Erdahl. Marriage as sacred mystery: some theological reflections on the purposes of marriage, by D Anderson. Androgyny and beyond, by R Martinson. Homosexuality and social ethics, by R A Nelson. The surviving majority: differential impact of aging and implications for the ministry, by M A Kimble. Models and ministry with singles, by J Smith. [for absts see individual auths].

Plowman, Edward E., "The NCC: equal rights for all (homosexuals, too)", Christianity Today 19 p38-39 March 28 1975

Renouf, Jeanette L., "Order and chaos: the church and sexuality", in Embracing the chaos; ed by J Woodward 1990 p72-79

Roeser, Thomas F., "There is one thing worse than sin: sexual conduct of two congressmen", Christianity Today 27 No 17 p83-84 November 11 1983 Contains: repr fr Chicago Sun-Times Ag 22, 1983

Rosenberg, Marjorie, "Inventing the homosexual", Commentary 84 p36-40 December 1987

S., Vanessa , Cross and the Crossdresser
Explores the behavioral phenomenon that has existed for thousands of years and is even mentioned in the Bible. The author, a crossdresser, wrestled with his religion and crossdressing, and began a search for answers and a reconciliation with faith in God. This book shares those answers. Many references to Biblical and theological source texts are provided to the reader.

Scanzoni, Letha Dawson, "A religious perspective", in Women's spirit bonding; ed by J Kalven and M Buckley, 1984 p243-248

Scheef, Richard L., "Who's inside, who's outside the norms", The Christian Century 95 p396-397 April 12 1978

Spong, John Shelby, Born of a Woman: A Bishop Rethinks the Birth of Jesus
Spong challenges the doctrine that Jesus' mother Mary was a virgin, traces its development in the early Christian church and the Christmas narratives, and reveals its legacy in our contemporary attitudes toward women and female sexuality.

Spong, John Shelby, Resurrection: Myth or Reality?
Drawing on biblical evidence as well as contemporary thought, Spong distills five clues that help solve the mystery of Easter. Both eye-opening and affirming to a modern faith, this book provides a new and invigorating perspective on the perennial human preoccupation with death and the afterlife.

Switzer, David K and Shirley Switzer, Parents of the Homosexual
How can parents, especially Christian parents, accept their son's or daughter's homosexuality? This book examines the guilt and anger parents often feel toward their child, themselves, and God, and helps parents and their gay children achieve reconciliation. Informative, insightful, loving, caring, and Christian.

Tarczylo, Theodore, "Moral values in "La Suite de l'Entretien""; tr by J Coke and M Murray, Eighteenth Century Life ns 9 No 3 p43-60 May 1985

Thorbjornsrud, Berit, "What can the Gilgamesh myth tell us about religion and the view of humanity in Mesopotamia?", In Temenos, 19; ed by K Albert; K Borresen; I Gilhus; et al 1983 p112-137

Tietje, Louis; Schuler, Gary, "Setting Cruising straight", Union Seminary Quarterly Review 35 p211-216 Spring-Summer 1980

Turner, Philip, ed., Men and Women: Sexual Ethics In Turbulent Times

Wall, James M., "On being consistent in polity", The Christian Century 95 p379-380 April 12 1978

Weaver, Mary Jo.. "In defense of omnipotence: the case against dialogue", in The Vatican and Homosexuality; ed by J Gramick and P Furey 1988 p173-178

White, John, "Sexual deviations", in Applying the Scriptures; ed by K Kantzer 1987 p253-264

Wright, Ezekial and Daniel Inesse, God is Gay
A lively, moving, and concise account of a young Gay's search for spiritual fulfillment - a warm, loving book sprinkled with humor. For those whose situation is not hopeless, just desperate, it may provide the start of some answers." Ñ Northwest Fountain





Andrews, Laurie, "A secret love story that must be told", The Christian Century 100 (August 3-10 1983), 704-705

Batteau, John M., "Sexual differences: a cultural convention?", Christianity Today, 21 (July 8 1977), 8-10

Bennett, John C. et al., "Gay questions, straight answers", Christianity and Crisis, 38 (May 1 1978), 98-100

Boyd, Malcolm; others, "Gay rights: on reaching middle America", The Christian Century, 92, 474-475 May 7 1975

Boyd, Malcolm; Curtin, Edward J., "Mask-wearing: spiritually stifling", The Christian Century, 96, 79-81 January 24 1979

Callahan, Daniel; Cassell, Eric J.; Veatch, Robert M., "Homosexual husband and physician confidentiality", The Hastings Center Report, 7 p15-17 April 1977

Carroll, William, "God as unloving father", The Christian Century, 108 p255-256 March 6 1991

Childs, Brian H.; Stroup, George W., "Homosexuality: will it preach?", Journal for Preachers, 12:2 p14-18 1989

Christopher, Richard, "A gay get-together", Christianity Today, 21 p33-35 June 3 1977

Clark, Joan L., "Coming out: the process and its price", Christianity and Crisis, 39, p149-153 June 11 1979

Clark, J. Michael, ""Coming out": discovering empowerment, balance, and wholeness", In Homophobia and the Judaeo-Christian tradition; ed by M Stemmeler, 1990 p191-208

Coffey, Kathy, "Homosexuals: a call for respect", Momentum 23:78 November 1992

Dennis, Bonnie Lee, "My Homosexual Son: one mother's story", Liguorian 80:26-29 August 1992

Dericquebourg, Regis, "L'homosexualite comme phenomene social", in L'homosexuel(le) dans les societes; J Schlick & M Zimmermann, 1985 p145-163

Digitale, Robert, "San Francisco set to define "family "" Christianity Today, 33 p44-46 October 20 1989

Epstein, Joseph, "One cheer for E M Forster", Commentary, 80 No 3 p48-57 September 1985

Frame, Randall L., "Campolo's Views challenged", Christianity Today 33 p43 September 8 1989

Francoeur, Robert, "Two different worlds, two different moralities", In The Vatican and Homosexuality; ed by J Gramick and P Furey, 1988 p189-200

Gill, John W. "The gay identity movement", in Theology and body; ed by J Y Fenton 1974 p86-91

Gorman, E. Michael, "A special window: an anthropological on spirituality in contemporary US gay male culture", in Constructing gay theology; ed by M Stemmeler and J Clark 1990 p45-61

Hart, John; Richardson, Diane, The theory and practice of homosexuality
Jantzen, G. M., The Modern Churchman ns 25:4 p72-73 1983

Hendin, Herbert, "Homosexuality and the family", Church and Society 67 p69-71 May-June 1977

Hoffecker, W. Andrew (.) ; Smith, Gary Scott (ed.), Building a Christian world view, vol 2: the universe, society, and ethics, (Presbyterian and Reformed Pub Co 1988)

Keysor, Charles W. (ed.), What You Should Know About Homosexuality
Ranck L. E/SA 8 p54-55 February 1980
Hunter, W. F., Journal of Psychology and Theology 8 p81 Spring 1980

Koester, Laurentius, "Psychische Eheunfaehigkeit als Nichtigkeitsgrund", in Diaconia et ius; ed by H Heinemann, 1973 p79-104

Koskela, Roger, "Open doors to gays: grounds for separation?", Christianity Today 20 p53 March 12 1976

La Haye, Tim, The unhappy gays: what everyone should know about homosexuality
Hunter, W. F., Journal of Psychology and Theology 8 p81 Sp g 1980

Looser, Gabriel, "Sittliche Verantwortung des Aussenseiters: Ihre Relevanz fuer die Mehrheit am Beispiel der gleichgeschlechtlichen Liebesbeziehung", in Ethos des Alltags; ed by A Bondolfi; W Heierle; D Mieth, 1983 p219-231

Low, Charlotte; Goode, Stephen, "A flock at odds with its shepherds", Insight: The Washington Times 2 No 30 p8-13 July 28 1986

Martin, Don, pseud, "Gay fathers and the church: keeping the closet locked", Christianity and Crisis 44 p373-375 October 15 1984

McNaught, Brian, "Reflections of a gay Catholic", in Homosexuality and the Catholic Church; ed by J Gramick, 1983 p21-44

Modras, Ronald, "Pope John Paul II's theology of the body", in The Vatican and Homosexuality; ed by J Gramick and P Furey 1988 p119-125

Mollenkott, Virginia Ramey, "Human rights and the Golden Rule", Christianity and Crisis 47 p383-385 November 9 1987

Oliphant, Lincoln C., "What churches can expect from Gay Rights Laws: a preview of Iowa's sexual orientation bill", CLawyer 33:87-107 (no.2)

Ormseth, Dennis H. (ed.), "Gender across generations", Word & World: Theology for Christian Ministry 5 p351-413 Fall 1985
Contents: Sexual ethics and Christian community [editorial]. What we want our grandchildren to know, by L Erdahl and C Erdahl. Marriage as sacred mystery: some theological reflections on the purposes of marriage, by D Anderson. Androgyny and beyond, by R Martinson. Homosexuality and social ethics, by R A Nelson. The surviving majority: differential impact of aging and implications for the ministry, by M A Kimble. Models and ministry with singles, by J Smith. [for absts see individual auths].

Plowman, Edward E., "The NCC: equal rights for all (homosexuals, too)", Christianity Today 19 p38-39 March 28 1975

Renouf, Jeanette L., "Order and chaos: the church and sexuality", in Embracing the chaos; ed by J Woodward 1990 p72-79

Roeser, Thomas F., "There is one thing worse than sin: sexual conduct of two congressmen", Christianity Today 27 No 17 p83-84 November 11 1983 Contains: repr fr Chicago Sun-Times Ag 22, 1983

Rosenberg, Marjorie, "Inventing the homosexual", Commentary 84 p36-40 December 1987

Scanzoni, Letha Dawson, "A religious perspective", in Women's spirit bonding; ed by J Kalven and M Buckley, 1984 p243-248

Scheef, Richard L., "Who's inside, who's outside the norms", The Christian Century 95 p396-397 April 12 1978

Tarczylo, Theodore, "Moral values in "La Suite de l'Entretien""; tr by J Coke and M Murray, Eighteenth Century Life ns 9 No 3 p43-60 May 1985

Thorbjornsrud, Berit, "What can the Gilgamesh myth tell us about religion and the view of humanity in Mesopotamia?", In Temenos, 19; ed by K Albert; K Borresen; I Gilhus; et al 1983 p112-137

Tietje, Louis; Schuler, Gary, "Setting Cruising straight", Union Seminary Quarterly Review 35 p211-216 Spring-Summer 1980

Wall, James M., "On being consistent in polity", The Christian Century 95 p379-380 April 12 1978

Weaver, Mary Jo.. "In defense of omnipotence: the case against dialogue", in The Vatican and Homosexuality; ed by J Gramick and P Furey 1988 p173-178

White, John, "Sexual deviations", in Applying the Scriptures; ed by K Kantzer 1987 p253-264

"A woman who cares about gays in Washington, DC", Christianity Today 28 No 13 p58+ September 21 1984

An Alien In a Foreign Land; Brock, Rev. Jimmy; $9.95; Eleven sermons first preached at Joy MCC, Orlando, Florida, where Rev. Brock pastors, which are excellent for personal or corporate devotions, the basis for Christian education classes, Bible studies, discussion groups, a guide in private meditation, or for membership classes.

Ancient Answers to Modern Gay Problems; Johnson, Paul R.; $6.95; Challenging and provocative translations of the ancient texts of the Old Testament which shows the beauty and sensitivity of the gay and lesbian lovers set in the historical context of their time.

And God Loves Each One; Cook, Ann Thompson; $4.95; Subtitled: A Resource for Dialogue about the Church and Homosexuality

Are You Running With Me, Jesus? A Spiritual Handbook for the 1990's; Boyd, Malcolm; $11.00;

Between Two Gardens: Reflections on Sexuality and Religious Experience; Nelson, James B.; $9.95; Continuing the exploration begun in EMBODIMENT, Nelson seeks to answer the question, "what does sexuality say about faith Ñ theology, scripture, tradition, and the meaning of the gospel?" He discusses men's liberation; sexuality in Jewish, Catholic, and Protestant interpretations; religious and moral questions of professionals working with homosexual counselees; singleness and the church; the family; and attitudes about abortion.

Between Two Worlds: Choices For Grown Children...; Goodman-Malamuth, Leslie and Robin Margolis; $10.00; Local DC authors, one is bisexual.

Black Theology: A Documentary History Vol. 2: 1980-1992; Cone, James H. and Gayraud Wilmore; $18.95; A collection of essays discussing black theology and spirituality also includes essays about black gays and lesbians, bisexuality, womanist theology, and other issues of interest today.

Born of a Woman: A Bishop Rethinks the Birth of Jesus; Spong, John Shelby; $18.00; Spong challenges the doctrine that Jesus' mother Mary was a virgin, traces its development in the early Christian church and the Christmas narratives, and reveals its legacy in our contemporary attitudes toward women and female sexuality.

Burnout; DeBaugh, R. Adam; $2.00;

Catechism of Family Values Based on the Bible; Ide, Arthur Frederick; $25.00; Going beyond the emotional rhetoric of religious leaders who push their own interpretations of contemporary issues, claiming their message is based on Holy Writ, Ide presents the arguments on abortion, divorce, homosexuality, marriage, education, patriotism, and military service, scrutinizing the words of the Bible as it is written.

Caught In the Crossfire: Helping Christians Debate Homosexuality; Geis, Sally and Donald Messer; $12.95; In this book writers with pro and con points of view discuss such issues as What does the bible say about Homosexuality, are christianity and homosexuality incompatible, should gays and lesbians be ordained, are gay unions legitimate Christian covenants. Pro authors include James Nelson and Chris Glaser among others.

Chasin' Jason; Chambers, Jane; $9.95; A science fiction novel about the second coming of Christ, but told in a wry first-person narrative by his foster mother, the book is as futuristic as it is folksy, as hi-tech as it is humorous.

Church and the Second Sex; Daly, Mary; $13.00; Republished 1968 edition with New Archaic Afterwords and her brilliant 1975 Autobiographical Preface and Feminist Postchristian Introduction, this is one of the most important critiques of sexism in the Christian tradition. Detailed and compelling analysis of the theological roots of institutionalized sexism and suggested directions for partnerships outside this anarchy.

Coming Out Within: Stages of Spiritual Awakening for Lesbians and Gay Men; O'Neill, Craig and Kathleen Ritter; $10.00; Explores loss as a catalyst for growth, using an eight phase model illustrated with real case histories for moving from loss to personal and spiritual transformation.

Cross and the Crossdresser; S., Vanessa; $10.00; Explores the behavioral phenomenon that has existed for thousands of years and is even mentioned in the Bible. The author, a crossdresser, wrestled with his religion and crossdressing, and began a search for answers and a reconciliation with faith in God. This book shares those answers. Many references to Biblical and theological source texts are provided to the reader.

DIVINE ANDROGYNE: According to Purusha; SANCTUARY; $25.00; (Kind of New Age sexuality/spirituality with emphasis on the more exotic.)

Duality Into Unity: A Spiritual and Social Vision for the Millennium; Bamforth, Nick; $12.95; Seeks to replace the materialist ethic that has dominated the history of Western society. Part one shows how each stride forward in our own self awareness has taken us away from a sense of Unity. Part two demonstrates the lessons to be learned from understanding our own responsibility in this process.

Gay Spirituality: Experiences In Self-Realization ...; Lanphear, Roger G.; $9.95;

God: An Anthology of Fiction; Hayward, Stephen and Sarah Lefanu; $13.99; Short stories from authors with religious backgrounds ranging from Zoroastrian to Jewish, Roman Catholicism to Moslem, the tales in this witty and refreshing collection explore the theme of religion. Authors include; Maureen Duffy, Allan Gurganus, Joyce Carol Oates, Michele Roberts, James Morrow, David Plante, John Wakeman, Bapsi Sidhwa, and many others.

God is Gay; Wright, Ezekial and Daniel Inesse; $4.95; "Éa lively, moving, and concise account of a young Gays'S search for spiritual fulfillmentÉa warm, loving book sprinkled with humor. For those whose situation is not hopeless, just desperate, it may provide the start of some answers." Ñ Northwest Fountain

Gospel Imperative in the Midst of AIDS; Iles, Robert; $11.95; How does God want people to respond to those suffering with AIDS? What is their place in the local congregation? These and other questions provide a thoughtful context for examining the spiritual crisis that AIDS creates.

Guilty; Bataille, Georges; $0.00;

Intimate Connection: Male Sexuality, Masculine Spirituality; Nelson, James B.; $12.99;

Journey Is Home; Morton, Nelle; $14.00; With candor and passion, this collection of essays traces the story of religion and the women's movement with a discussion of human existence that transcends the negative and destructive images of patriarchal religion.

Language of Vision: Meditations on Myth and Metaphor; Highwater, Jamake; $23.00; This book is about the vastly different ways artists have found through the labyrinth of dreams. The author discusses such subjects as myth discovery, imagination as political power, homosexuality as metaphor, cultural piracy, the body as metaphor, the death of the sacred, iconography as destiny, the reinvention of the past, and play as mythology.

Men and Women: Sexual Ethics In Turbulent Times; Turner, Philip, ed.; $10.95;

Moses: Making of Myth & Law; Ide, Arthur Frederick; $25.00; Looks a the influence of Egyptian, Assyrian and Babylonian sex, religion and law has had on the writing of the Torah. Shows how sex, hetero and homo, fertilized the seeds of the Holiness Code, a law nurtured on the paps of non-Hebrew ethics, legends, law and war.

Myth and Sexuality; Highwater, Jamake; $10.00; This fascinating study shows that far from being the most natural force of our lives, sexuality is the one most susceptible to cultural influences. Each culture designates various practices as appropriate or inappropriate, moral or immoral, healthy or unhealthy.

Myths and Mysteries of Same-Sex Love; Downing, Christine; $14.95; Downing clears away the modern myth" of homosexuality in order to retrieve a deeper understanding of women's love of women and men's love of men. The first half looks anew at what the depth psychologists, including Freud and Jung, have written about homosexuality. The second half turns to the myths about homosexual desire that were told and retold in ancient Greece, a culture where same-sex loving was validated as a part of everyone's normal eroticism.

No Turning Back: Two Nuns Battle the Vatican; Ferraro, Barbara and Patricia Hussey and Jane O'Reilly; $4.99; This is the very personal story of two devoted nuns, sisters of Notre Dame, who risked excommunication to publish a pro-choice letter and try to change what was wrong in the Roman Catholic Church.

Parents of the Homosexual; Switzer, David K and Shirley Switzer; $9.99; How can parents, especially Christian parents, accept their son's or daughter's homosexuality? This book examines the guilt and anger parents often feel toward their child, themselves, and God, and helps parents and their gay children achieve reconciliation. Informative, insightful, loving, caring, and Christian.

Philosophy and Homosexuality; Koertge, Norette; $14.95; Why do philosophers concern themselves with research on Gays? Sexologists today are groping for a useful conceptualization of homosexuality and philosophers find this fascinating. Here, philosophers consider the possibility of gay genes, hormonal homosexuality, sexual orientation, future patterns of research.

Reclaiming Sodom; Goldberg, Jonathan; $16.95; A wide range of work, from Biblical and legal material to essays on such subjects as the founding Fathers beliefs, the category of sodomy in 18th and 19th century England, anthropological accounts of the same-sex practices of non-Western people, and the racial geography of AIDS. Includes essays by Dorothy Allison, Neil Bartlett, Lee Edelman, Jonathan Katz and others.

Resurrection: Myth or Reality?; Spong, John Shelby; $20.00; Drawing on biblical evidence as well as contemporary thought, Spong distills five clues that help solve the mystery of Easter. Both eye-opening and affirming to a modern faith, this book provides a new and invigorating perspective on the perennial human preoccupation with death and the afterlife.

Resurrection, Sex and God: Essays on the Foundations of Faith; Ide, Arthur Frederick & John R. Rogers & Joseph S. Zemel; $10.00;

Road to Emmaus: An Inclusive Devotional; Houle, Joseph W., ed.; $12.95;

Sanctified Church; Hurston, Zora Neale; $9.95; Now back in print, CHURCH brings together Hurston's most famous essays on Afro-American folklore and legend, and the voodoo base to southern black folk religion.

Sex In the Parish; Lebacqz, Karen and Ronald Barton; $14.99; This book is a realistic appraisal of the complex relationships between pastor and parishioners--relationships between sexual beings who seek to be responsible to God, each other, self, and the convental community. Includes a chapter on pastors who are gay, lesbian, and/or bisexual.

Sorrows of Priapus; Dahlberg, Edward; $10.95; An exploration of human sexuality and aspiration in myth, legend and actuality. It deals with the mind and body as the heritage of the great Hebraic and Hellenistic traditions and then fuses them with that of pre-Columbian America. His labyrinthine syntax and laconic observation are deployed in the service of a misanthropy which is funny and chilling by turns.

Stories We Hold Secret; Bruchac, ed. by Carol; $12.95;

Strange Angel: The Gospel According to Benny Joe; Davis, Ben; $7.95; Raised in a Pentecostal family in Texas during the fifties, this is the hilarious true story of a born and bred religious man who was headed towards a life as a preacher when he realized he was gay. Suddenly his life turned upside down as he discovered a strange and alien new world.

Theological Pastoral Resources; Leopold, ed. by Kathleen and Thomas Orians; $4.00; Subtitled: A Collection of Articles on Homosexuality from a Pastoral Perspective

Writing To Congress; DeBaugh, Adam; $1.00; A description of how best to write or visit your elected representatives in government, with ten tips for effective communications, and a fascinating Bible study about the responsibility of the person of faith to address his or her government.

Yahweh's Wife; Ide, Arthur Frederick; $15.00; A study of the ancient power struggle between priestly groups, with the rural priests and prophets joined in their holy war against women, sex, and joyful living, and against the Great Goddess of Creation.

Women of Faith in Dialogue; Mollenkott, Virginia Ramey; $9.95; Women of faithÑProtestant, Catholic, Jewish and MuslimÑdiscuss the challenges that confront women in their respective communities of faith. Each stands firmly in her own religious tradition, both criticizing its perspectives on women and offering its wisdom as a gift to others. Together they set an agenda for working toward peace and justice in the world. A model inter-religious service is included.




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© Paul Halsall, 2023

The Internet History Sourcebooks Project is located at the History Department of  Fordham University, New York. The Internet Medieval Sourcebook, and other medieval components of the project, are located at the Fordham University Center for Medieval Studies.The IHSP recognizes the contribution of Fordham University, the Fordham University History Department, and the Fordham Center for Medieval Studies in providing web space and server support for the project. The IHSP is a project independent of Fordham University.  Although the IHSP seeks to follow all applicable copyright law, Fordham University is not the institutional owner, and is not liable as the result of any legal action.

© Site Concept and Design: Paul Halsall created 26 Jan 1996: latest revision 15 February 2025 [CV]