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People with a History: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Trans* History Sourcebook

Homosexuality in History:
A Partially Annotated Bibliography
Version 3.12

© Paul Halsall
Last Major Update, December1998
Last Additions, Sept 7, 2000

This bibliography is arranged according to subject matter. Although it originated (in 1989) in a bibliography of medieval homosexuality, and is most complete for that period, it now addresses the history of homosexuality in all periods. It is also now up to date. A few items appear more than once when they fit more than one category. Most of the annotations are mine, but some are from the bibliographies whence came the reference.

This bibliography is extensive but not comprehensive. For further research consult the bibliographies of the newer specialist books in each area of interest. The most important secondary works, in my opinion, are given in bold text. These should be consulted first.

[Note: This bibliography covers publications until 2000. There has been a huge additional amount publihsed since then. This bibliography may remain useful but it is not up to date - (13 April 2019)]


  • I: Bibliographical Resources
  • II: History of Homosexuality - General Works
    • A: Theory
    • B: History
    • C: Readers
  • III: Antiquity
    • A: Sources
      • Ancient Near East
      • Greek
      • Roman
    • B. Works
      • General Antiquity
      • Ancient Near East
      • Greek
      • Roman
  • IV: The Middle Ages
    • A: Sources
    • B: Commentaries and Articles on the Above and Other Source Material
      • a) General
      • b) Chaucer
      • c) Dante
      • d) The Issue of "Friendship"
    • C: History of Sexuality & Homosexuality
    • D: Christian Attitudes to Homosexuality
    • E: Local Studies
      • a) Italy
      • b) France
      • c) Spanish Jewry
      • d) Byzantium
      • e) Medieval Islam
      • f) Elsewhere
    • F: The Middle Ages - Sexuality and Law
      • a) Church Law
      • b) Civil and Secular Law
    • G: Homosexual Individuals
    • H: Other Sexuality/Gender Issues
      • a) Homosexuality, Heresy and Witchcraft
      • b) Homosexuality, Leprosy and Sickness
      • c) Paedophilia
      • d) Bestiality
      • e) Transvestism
  • V: Early Modern Homosexuality - 1500-1800
    • A: General
    • B: Britain
    • C: France
    • D: Spain/Iberia
    • E: Netherlands
    • F: Italy
    • G: Other European
    • H: Colonial Americas
  • VI: Modern Western Homosexuality 1750-1980
    • A: General
    • B: Britain
    • C: France
    • D: Spain/Iberia
    • E: Germany/Austria
    • F: The Gay Holocaust
    • G: The Netherlands
    • H: Other European Countries
    • I: North America: Pre "Movement"
    • J: North America: Post "Movement"
    • K: Australia and New Zealand
  • VII: History of Homosexuality after AIDS
    • A: General
    • B: Anti-Gay: Criticism of Gay Male Culture by Gay Writers
  • VIII: Homosexual Individuals - After 1750
  • IX: Anthropological and Sociological Works
    • A: General
    • B: North American Native Cultures
    • C: Pacific Cultures
    • D: African Cultures
    • E: Other
  • X: Lesbians
    • A: General
    • B: Ancient and Medieval
    • C: Modern - Pre-"Movement"
    • D: Modern - Post "Movement"
  • XI: Homosexuality Outside Europe, Anglo/French North America, and Australiza/NZ
    • A: General
    • B: China
    • C: Japan
    • D: South Asia
    • E: Latin America
    • F: Middle East
    • G: Africa
    • H: Other

I: Bibliographical Resources

Arts and Humanities Citations Index, (Philadelphia: Institute for Scientific Information)
[complicated and complete]

Bullough Vern, Dorr Legg, Barry Elcano et al, eds. An Annotated Bibliography of Homosexuality and Other Stigmatized Behavior, (New York: Garland, 1976)

Elcano, Barry, & Vern Bullough, Bibliography of Prostitution, (New York: Garland, 1976)

Dynes Wayne, Homosexuality: A Research Guide, (New York and London: Garland, 1987)
Indispensable, wonderful and massive annotated bibliography of all areas of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered studies. Does not cover fiction. An essential starting point for lesbian and gay studies. 4858 citations, most heavily annotated. But note this cannot be depended on now - much work has been done since its publication. Since 1987 a lot of new publications have transformed the field of LGBT history - look for Dyne's promised second edition.

Dynes, Wayne, ed., Encyclopedia of Homosexuality, 2 vols, (Garden City, NY: Garland, 1989)

Dynes, Wayne, and Stephen Donaldson, eds., History of homosexuality in Europe and America, (New York : Garland Pub., 1992)
Collected articles.

Fout, John C., A select bibliography on the history of sexuality, (Annandale-on-Hudson, N.Y : Committee on Lesbian and Gay History, Bard College, 1989)

Foster. Jeannette H., Sex Variant Women in Literature: A Historical and Quantative Survey 2nd ed., (New York: Vantage Press, 1956)(repr. Baltimore: Diana Press, 1975)

Geloof, kerk en Homoseksualiteit, (Amsterdam: NVIH-COC, 1984)
22 page bibliography of Dutch language books and articles.

Halsall, Paul, Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Catholic Bibliography,
Very large bibliography on Christianity, Judaism, and Homosexuality.

Herzer, Manfred, Bibliographie zur Homosexualitat : Verzeichnis des deutschsprachigen nichtbelletristischen Schrifttums zur weiblichen und mannlichen Homosexualitat : aus den Jahren 1466 bis 1975, (Berlin: Winkel, 1982)

Horner, Tom, Homosexuality and the Judeo-Christian Tradition: An Annotated Bibliography, (New York: ATLA - Bibliographical Series No. 5, 1981)

Humanities Index, (New York: H.W. Wilson, 1974-) [Complete and easy to use]

Journal of the History of Sexuality: Cumulative List of Articles

International Medieval Bibliography, ed. R.S. Hoyt & P.H. Sawyer, (Leeds & Minneapolis: 1967- ) [Contains references in foreign languages. Easy to use. Needs a better indexing system]

Katz, Jonathan, A Gay Bibliography: Eight Bibliographies on Lesbianism and Male Homosexuality, (New York: 1975)

The Lesbian in Literature: A Bibliography 2nd ed., (Reno, Nevada: The Ladder, 1975)

Medieval Studies: A Bibliographical Guide, ed. Everrett V. Crosby et al, (New York: Garland, 1983)

Parker, William, ed., "Homosexuality and History: An Annotated Bibliography", Journal of Homosexuality 6:1/2 (1980), pp. 191-211 [123 entries. Well annotated]

Parker, William, ed., Homosexuality: Bibliography Supplement, (Metuchen, NJ.: Scarecrow Press, 1977)

Parker, William, ed., Homosexuality: A Selective Bibliography of Over 3000 Items, (Metuchen, NJ.: Scarecrow Press, 1971)

Porter, Jack Nusan, Sexual Politics in the Third Reich: The Persecution of the Homosexuals during the Holocaust: A Bibliography and Introductory Essay, (Newton, Mass.: The Spencer Press :8 Burnside Rd., 02161:, 1991), ISBN 0-932270, 21 p.

Recently Published Articles, pub. by American Historical Association
[complete, but no index and so difficult and time-consuming]

Weinberg, M., & A. Bell, Homosexuality: An Annotated Bibliography, (New York: 1972)
Much old-fashioned psychological literaure reviewed.

Women in Western European History: A Select Chronological, Geographical and Topical Bibliography: Vol I: Antiquity to the French Revolution, (1982)

Young, Ian, The Male Homosexual in Literature, (Metuchen, NJ.: Scarecrow Press, 1975)

Also useful bibliographies below in Adam, Boswell, Bullough (Sexual Variance), Goodich (Unmentionable Vice), Greenberg, Greenberg & Bystryn and Kuster & Cormier.

Many academic journals now accept articles on homosexuality. Of special interest are:-

More literary and social "criticism than" history.

Journal of the History of Sexuality: Homepage
Now the premier journal in the field.

Journal of Homosexuality
Tends to reissue many volumes as edited article collections.

Journal of Sex Research


II: History of Homosexuality - General Works

A: Theory

Abelove, Henry, Michele Aina Barale, and David Halperin, eds, The Lesbian and Gay Studies Reader, (New York: Routledge: 1993)
Selection of forty two of the most important theoretical and historical writings in Lesbian and Gay Studies.

Dennis Altman: On Global Queering [Australian Humanities Review]
With Responses from Gary Dowsett , Michael Tan, Donald Morton , Christopher Lane , David Halperin and Fran Martin

Beemyn, Brett and Mickey Elianon, eds., Queer Studies : A Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender Anthology, (New York: New York Univ Press, 1996)

Boswell, John, "Revolutions, Universals, and Sexual Categories ", Salmagundi 58-59 (1982-83), 89- 113, reprinted in Martin Bauml Duberman, Martha Vincus and George Chauncey, eds. Hidden From History, New York: NAL, 1989), 17-36
The prime explicit defence by the historian most frequently idenitified as an "essentialist".

Boyarin, Daniel. "Are There Any Jews in `The History of Sexuality'?" Journal of the History of Sexuality 5:3 (1995): 333-55.

Boyarin, Daniel. Unheroic conduct : the rise of heterosexuality and the invention of the Jewish man Berkeley : University of California Press, c1997.

Bullough, Vern L., "Sex in History: A Virgin Field", Journal of Sex Research 8 (1972), pp. 101-16, repr. in Vern L. Bullough, Sex, Society and History, (New York: Science History Publications, 1976)

Bell, Shannon. "`Pictures don't lie. Pictures tell it all.'" Journal of the History of Sexuality 6:2 (1995): 284-321.

Beemyn, Brett, ed. Queer studies : a lesbian, gay, bisexual, & transgender anthology, (New York : New York University Press, c1996.)

Chauncey, George, Jr., "From Sexual Inversion to Homosexuality ", Salmagundi 58-59 (1982-83), 114-46

Cohen, Colleen Ballerino, and Karen Robertson. "Historical Presences, Present Silences: A Critical Analysis of Fragments for a History of the Human Body." Journal of the History of Sexuality 3:1 (1992): 129-40. [REVIEW ESSAY].

Cohen, Ed, Talk on the Wilde Side: Towards a Genealogy of a Discourse on Male Sexualities, (New York: Routledge, 199?)

Daniel, Marc, "A Methodology for the Study of Historical aspects of Homosexuality", ONE Institute Quarterly 3 (1960), pp. 268-280

Dollmore, Jonathan, Sexual Dissidence: Ausgutine to Wilde, Freud to Foucault, (Oxford: Clarendon, 1991)
Influential, but a tough read.

Duberman, Martin, ed., A Queer World : The Center for Lesbian and Gay Studies Reader, (New York: New York Univ Press, 1997)

Evans, David T., Sexual Citizenship: The Material Construction of Sexualities, (New York: Routledge, 1993)

Eilberg-Schwartz, Howard. "People of the Body: The Problem of the Body for the People of the Book." Journal of the History of Sexuality 2:1 (1991): 1-24.

Foucault, Michel, History of Sexuality, Vol I: An Introduction, (New York: Pantheon, 1978)
Almost more like a meditation than history. Leading French structuralist applies his view of human society, already seen in his history of madness, to sexuality. Argues that sexuality is "constructed" in each society, in a similar manner to language/grammar. This goes against Boswell's idea of "homosexuality" as a continuing part of the human condition. Foucault's ideas, along with Levi-Strauss's have heavily influenced other modern gay historians such as Weeks and Katz, who however, set the formation of modern homosexual consciousness at different periods. The conflict between Boswell and the others is as much an issue of philosophy as history.]

Foucault, Michel, History of Sexuality, Vol II:

Foucault, Michel, History of Sexuality, Vol III:

Fradenburg, Louise, and Carla Freccero, Premodern sexualities, (New York : Routledge, 1996)

Gilbert, Arthur N., "Conceptions of Homosexuality and Sodomy in Western History", Journal of Homosexuality 6:1/2 (1980), pp. 57-68
Discusses two approaches to history of homosexuality: to look at famous individuals; or to look at what was the (hostile) view of society.]

Greyling, Marc [], "Inventing Queer Place: Social space and the urban environment as factors in the writing of gay, lesbian and transgender histories", (nd: URL

Greenberg, David F., The Construction of Homosexuality, (Chicago: Chicago UP, 1988)
Recent exposition of the social construction school. Has an extensive historical survey.

Boswell, John, "Books: Gay History", The Atlantic Feb 1989; 263:2 p. 74-78
Brundage, James A, Church History Mar 1991; 60:1 p. 148-149

Jagose, Annamarie, Queer Theory : An Introduction, (New York: New York Univ Press, 1997)
[From blurb] In Queer Theory: An Introduction, Annamarie Jagose provides a clear and concise explanation of queer theory, tracing it as part of an intriguing history of same-sex love over the last century, from mid-century homophile movements to gay liberation, the women's movement and lesbian feminism, to the re-appropriation of the term "queer". Carefully interrogating the arguments of supporters and opponents of queer theory, Jagose suggests that its strength lies in its questioning of the very idea of sexual identities. Blending insights from prominent queer theorists such as Judith Butler and David Halperin, Jagose argues that queer theory's challenge is to create new ways of thinking, not only about fixed sexual identities such as heterosexual and homosexual, but also about other supposedly essential notions such as "sexuality" and "gender" and even "man" and "woman".

Herdt, Gilbert, "Representations of Homosexuality: An Essay on Cultural Ontology and Historical Comparison." Part I, Journal of the History of Sexuality 1:3 (1991): 481-504; Part II, Journal of the History of Sexuality 1:4 (1991): 603-32.

Herdt, Gilbert, ed., Same Sex, Different Cultures : Gays and Lesbians Across Cultures, (Boulder CO: Westview Press, 1997)

Koehl, Robert B. et al., CLAGS PAPERS in Queer Representations, (New York: New York University Press, 1997), ed. Martin Duberman, pp. 7-54.

Koehl, Robert B., "Ephoros and Ritualized Homosexuality in Bronze Age Crete," pp. 7-13;
DeVries, Keith, "The 'Frigid Eromenoi' and Their Wooers Revisited: A Closer Look at Greek Homosexuality in Vase Painting," pp. 14-24.;
Williams, Craig A., "Pudicitia and Pueri: Roman Concepts of Male Sexual Experience," pp. 25-38.;
Halperin, David M., "Questions of Evidence: Commentary on Koehl, DeVries, and Williams," pp. 39-54.

Kitzinger, Celia, Social Construction of Lesbianism, (?:Sage 1988)

Macintosh, Mary, "The Homosexual Role", Social Problems 16:2 (1968) 182-92, repr. in in Kenneth Plummer, ed., The Making of the Modern Homosexual, (London: Hutchinson, 1981)
Vastly influential article. The classic statement of the social constructionis position.

Marshall, John, "Pansies, Perverts and Macho Men: Changing Conceptions of Male Homosexuality ", in Kenneth Plummer, ed., The Making of the Modern Homosexual, (London: Hutchinson, 1981), 133-54

Mangan, J. A. "Men, Masculinity, and Sexuality: Some Recent Literature." Journal of the History of Sexuality 3:2 (1992): 303-13 [REVIEW ESSAY].

Rousseau, G. S. (George Sebastian), Perilous enlightenment : pre- and post-modern discourses : sexual, historical, (Manchester, UK ; New York : Manchester University Press ; New York : [Distrib.] St. Martin's Press, c1991]

Padoug, Robert, "Sexual Matters: On Conceptualizing Sexuality in History", Radical History Review 20 (1979). 2-23, reprinted in Martin Bauml Duberman, Martha Vincus and George Chauncey, eds. Hidden From History, New York: NAL, 1989), 54-66
An early and influential exposition of "social constructionist" approaches.

Parker, Richard G., and John H. Gagnon, Conceiving Sexuality: Approaches to Sex Research in a Postmodern World, (New York: Routledge, 199?)

Plummer, Kenneth, ed., The Making of the Modern Homosexual, (London: Hutchinson, 1981)

Raffo, Susan, ed., Queerly Classed, (Boston: South End Press, 1997)

Ruch, Libby O. "Sexual Violence against Women." Journal of the History of Sexuality 2:4 (1992): 634-40 [REVIEW ESSAY].

Stein, Edward, Forms of Desire: Sexual Orientation and the Social Constructionist Controversy, (New York: Routledge, 199?)

Vance, Carol, "Social Construction Theory: Problems in the History of Sexuality", in Homosexuality. Which Homosexuality?, ed. Theo van der Meer and Anja van Kooten Niekerk, (London: 1989)

Weeks, Jeffrey, Coming Out: Homosexual Politics in Britain From the Nineteenth Century to the Present, rev. ed. (New York & London: Quartet, 1990)
first ed. 1977 {Rev. in Jnl.Homo 6 (1980), pp. 214-219}

Week, Jeffrey, "Discourse, Desire and Sexual Deviance" in Kenneth Plummer, ed., The Making of the Modern Homosexual, (London: Hutchinson, 1981), 76-111

Weeks, Jeffrey, Sex, Politics and Society, (London: Longman, 1981)

Weeks, Jeffrey, Sexuality and its Discontents, (London: 19 )

Whittam, F.L., "The Homosexual Role: A Reconsideration", Journal of Sex Research 13:1 (1977) 1-11,

B: History

Among Men, Among Women: Sociological and Historcial Recognition of Homosocial Arrangements, (Gay Studies and Women's Studies Conference, University of Amsterdam, 22-26 June 1983), collected papers, (Amsterdam: Sociological Institute, University of Amsterdam, 1983)Aries, Philippe & Andre Bejin, eds., Western Sexuality: Practice and Precept in Past and Present, (Oxford: Blackwell, 1985; orig. pub. as Sexualities Occidentales, Paris: Editions du Seuil/Communications, 1982)

The Bible,
References to homosexuality (some only possible):- Old Testament: Genesis 13:13, 18:20-22, 19:4-8. 19:24-25, Leviticus 18:22, 20:13, Deuteronomy 23:17-18, Judges 19:22-24, Ruth 1:16-17, II Samuel 1:26, I Kings 14:24, 15:12, 22:46, II Kings 23:7, Proverbs 10:9 New Testament: Romans 1:24-32, I Corinthians 6:9-10, Galatians 5:19-21, I Timothy 1:9-10, II Peter 2:6, Jude 1:7, Revelations 21:8, 22:15

Bravmann, Scott, Queer fictions of the past : history, culture, and difference Cambridge, U.K. ; New York, NY : Cambridge University Press,1997.

Bullough, Vern L., "Homosexuality and the Medical Model", Journal of Homosexuality 1:6 (1975), pp. 99-110

Bullough, Vern L., Sexual Variance in Society and History, (Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press, 1976)
Large scale survey of both western and eastern cultures in all historical periods. Groundbreaking work, but only a beginning. Has one of few discussions of Byzantine homosexuality. Has good references and foot notes

Bullough, Vern L., Sex, Society and History, (New York: Science History Publications, 1976)

Bullough, Vern L., Homosexuality: A History, (New York: New American Library, 1979)

Bullough, Vern L. and Bonnie Bullogh, Cross-Dressing, Sex, and Gender, (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvanis Press, 1993)

Coote, Stephen, ed., The Penguin Book of Homosexual Verse, (Harmondsworth: Allen Lane, Penguin, 1983)
Poetry from Homer to today.

Cory, Donald W., Homosexuality: A Cross Cultural Approach, (New York: Julian Press, 1956)
Collects important early papers by authors such as Richard Burton, Westermarck, Havelock Ellis, Symondsetc.

Crompton, Louis, "Gay Genocide: From Leviticus to Hitler" in Louie Crew, ed., The Gay Academic, (Palm Springs, Ca.: Etc. Publications, 1978), pp. 67-91
Polemical title. Evidence of 200+ gay men and women put to death in the past, as well as 100-400,000 during the Third Reich. The German figures are very inflated.

Daniel, M. & A. Baudry, Les Homosexuels, (Tournai: 1973)

deBecker, Raymond, The Other Face of Love, (New York: Grove Press, 1969; & London: Sphere Books), trans. Margaret Crosland and Alan Daventry
Survey from Ancient times to now, with concentration on Christian world from early middle ages. Contains 172 pictures.

Duberman, Martin, Queer Representations, (New York: New York University Press, 1997)

Duberman, Martin Bauml, Martha Vincus and George Chauncey, eds. Hidden From History, New York: NAL, 1989)
An important collection of essays and articles on a broad stretch of lesbian and gay history. Very informative introduction on basic parameters.

Ellis, Havelock, "Sexual Inversion",in Studies in the Psychology of Sex 2 vols., (New York: Random House, 1905), Vol 1, pp. 1-64
One of the earliest pieces of work. Looks at where and when homosexuality has been tolerated, and lists famous gays.

Fleming, Thomas, "Criminalizing a Marginal Community",in Deviant Designations, ed. Thomas Fleming and L.A. Visono, (Toronto: Butterworths, 198?)

Fone, Byrne R.S., "Some Notes Toward a History of Gay People", The Advocate no. 259 (Jan 25, 1979), pp. 17-19 & no. 260 (Feb 28, 1979), pp. 11-13
Argues that there is material for a history of homosexuality, at least for some times.

Fone, Byrne R.S., ed., Hidden Heritage: History and the Gay Imagination: An Anthology, (New York: Avocation Publishers, 1980)
Eclectic selection of sources and commentators covering Greece, Christianity, the middle ages and the 18th and 19th centuries. Some are not easily available elsewhere such as J.A. Symonds' "The Dantesque and Platonic Ideals of Love"

Fout, John C., ed., Forbidden History: The State, Society, and the Regulation of Sexuality in Modern Europe, (Essays from the [I]Journal of the History of Sexuality[I]). (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1992) Essays by Randolph Trumbach on "Sex, Gender, and Identity in Modern Culture: Male Sodomy and Female Prostitution in Enlightenment London"; Ruth Perry on "Colonizing the Breast: Sexuality and Maternity in Eighteenth Century England"; Theo van der Meer on "Female Same-Sex Offenders in Late Eighteenth Century Amsterdam"; Robin Ann Sheets on "Pornography, Fairy Tales, and Feminism: Angela Carter's 'The Bloody Chamber'"; and James W. Jones on "Discourses on and of AIDS in West Germany, 1986-1990."

Frantzen, Allen J., Before the Closet: Same-Sex Love from Beowulf to Angels in America, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1999?

Garde, Noel I., Jonathan to Gide: The Homosexual in History, (New York: Vantage Press, 1964)
Biographical sketches of 303 men in chronological orders. Gives the refs. that justify each inclusion. Is the author's name a puzzle?

Garber, Marjorie, Vested Interests: Cross-Dressing and Cultural Anxiety, ( London: Routledge, 1992; pb. New York: HarperPerenniel, 1993)
Discusses transvestism throughout history. Excellent references but no bibliography.

Hekma, Gert, Harry Oosterhuis, James Steakley, eds., Gay men and the sexual history of the political left, (Binghamton, N.Y. : Haworth Press, c1995), also issued as Journal of homosexuality 29: 2-4 (1995)
Covers Europe and the US.

Hardman, Paul D., Homoaffectionalism : male bonding from Gilgamesh to the present, (San Francisco : NF Division, GLB Publishers, 1993)

Herdt, Gilbert , ed. Third sex, third gender : beyond sexual dimorphism in culture and history, (New York: Zone Books, 1994)

Hirschfeld, Magnus, Die Transvestiten, (Berlin: Alfred Pulvermacher, 1910)

Hirschfeld, Magnus, Die Homosexualitat 2nd ed., (Berlin: Louis Marcus, 1914, 1920)
By the most important founder of the early German gay rights movement. Provides list of important homosexuals in history.

Hyde, H. Montgomery, The Love That Dared Not Speak its Name: A Candid History of Homosexuality in Britain, (Boston: Little, Brown, 1970)
From William II to the present Queen.]

Jennings, Kevin, Becoming Visible : A Reader in Gay and Lesbian History for High School and College Students, (Boston: Alyson, 1994)
Selections from a number of authors for use in High School LGB history courses.

Katz, Jonathan Ned, The Invention of Heterosexuality, (New York: Dutton, 1995)
Katz extends the social constructionist understanding to heterosexuality.

Karlen, Arno, Sexuality and Homosexuality: A New View, (New York: W.W. Norton, 1971)
Early overview. No footnotes, Superseded by Bullough's Sexual Variance. Homophobic

Kepner, Jim, Becoming a People: A 4000 Year Gay and Lesbian Chronology, rev. ed.,(Los Angeles: International Gay and Lesbian Archives, 1994)

Kirsch, John, & James Rodman, "The Natural History of Homosexuality", Yale Scientific Magazine 51:3 (1977), 7-13

Lamm, N., "Judaism and the Modern Attitude to Homosexuality", in Jewish Bioethics, ed. F. Rosner & J.D. Bloch, (New York: Sanhedrin Press, Hebrew Publishing Co, 1979), pp. 197-218
Lamm is the leader of Yeshiva University, and no friend of :GB groups there.

Lerner, Gerda, The Creation of Patriarchy, (New York: Oxford UP, 1986)
Traces it all the way back to Meopotamia. An important feminist text.

Licata, Salvatore J. & Robert P. Petersen, eds., The Gay Past: A Collection of Historical Essays, (New York & London: Harrington Park Press, 1985), repr. of Historical Perspectives on Homosexuality (1981), which was a repr. of Journal of Homosexuality 6:1/2 (1980)
Very useful edition of interdisciplinary journal. Many of the articles are cited elsewhere..

Lloyde, Robin, "The History of Boy Prostitution" in For Money or Love: Boy Prostitution in America, (New York: Vanguard Press, 1976; paperback, New York: Ballantine)
Superficial discussion of boy prostitution through history.

McNeill, John, The Church and the Homosexual 4th ed., (Boston: 1993, 1st ed. 1976)

Mayne, Xavier (pseud. of Edward I.P. Stevenson), The Intersexes: A History of Similisexualism as a Problem in Social Life, (New York: Arno Press, 1975, originally pub. privately 1908)
Survey of homosexuality from early times, especially amongst rulers, aristocrats, soldiers, athletes, religious, and intellectual leaders. A very early American study.

Miller, Neil, Out of the Past: Gay and Lesbian History from 1869 to the Present, (New York: Vintage, 1995)
Readable (ie popular, not academic), and extensive (over 600 pages), account of modern lesbian and gay history in Europe and the Americas. Based on much of the academic research of recent years.

Quill, Zachary, Homosexuality Throughout the Ages, (Los Angeles: Wiz Books, 1969)

Rattray Taylor, G., Sex in History, (New York: Vanguard Press, 1954: Taylor, pb. New York; Harper and Row, 1973)
A book club favorite.

Rattray Taylor, G., "Historical and Mythological Aspects of Homosexuality" in Judd Marmor, ed., Sexual Inversion: The Multiple Roots of Homosexuality, (New York: Basic Books, 1965)
Thinks source material for a history of homosexuality is only available from 17th century. Later writers seem to have proved him pessimistic.

Robinson, Victor, ed., Encyclopaedia Sexualis: A Comprehensive Encyclopaedia-Grammar of the Sexual Sciences, (New York: Dingwall-Rock, 1936)

Rowse, Alfred, L., Homosexuals in History: Ambivalence in Society, Literature and the Arts, (New York: Macmillan, 1977)
Classic example of biographical approach to homosexuality in history. Believes that homosexuals are more creative than straights..

Ruse, Michael, Homosexuality: A Philosophical Inquiry, (Oxford: Basil Balckwell, 1988)
Ruse' philosphical inquiry is not a history at all, but focuses a sharp intelligence on Freud, biology, sociobiology and natural law.

Schlick, J & M.V. Zimmermann, The Homosexual in Civil and Religious Societies, (title is in French) {Reviewed in Archives de Sciences Sociales des Religions 2(64) (1987), p. 327}

Sole, Jacque, L'amour en Occident a l'epoque moderne, (Paris: Albin Michel, 1976)
Based on a too easy dichotomy between women-esteeming and women-denying societies. Argues that the latter are the ones which denigrate homosexuality.

Spencer, Colin, Homosexuality: A History, (London: Fourth Estate, 1995; New York: Harcourt Brace, 1995)
Journalistic and under-referenced. In general it does not get beyond the approach of Rowse, and a great gays of history methodology.

Vanggaard, Thorkil, Phallos: A Symbol and Its History in the Male World, (New York: International Universities Press, 1973)
Includes information on Scandinavia.

C: Readers

There has been a recent flury of "readers" and "sourcebooks" in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans*, and Queer Studies. Since these both collect numerous important essays, and are useful for class assignment, the titles are presented togther here, for convenience.

Abelove, Henry, Michele Aina Barale, and David Halperin, eds., The Lesbian and Gay Studies Reader, (New York: Routledge: 1993)[800 pages]
Selection of some of forty two of the important theoretical and historical writings in Lesbian and Gay Studies. Virtually no history as such. [666 pages]

I. Politics and Representation

Gayle S. Rubin: Notes for a radical theory of the politics of sexuality, 3
Eve Kosofsky Sedgewick: Epistemology of the closet, 45
Stuart Hall: Deviance, politics and the media, 65
Marilyn Frye: Some reflections on seperatism and power, 91
Barbara Smith: Homophobia: why bring it up? 99
Monique Wittig: One is not born a woman, 103
Ana Maria Alonso and Mari Teresa Koreck: Silences: "Hispanics", AIDS and sexual practices, 110
Cindy Patton: From Nation to Family: Containg African AIDS

II. Spectacular Logic

Teresa De Lauretis: Sexual indifference and lesbian representation, 141
Phillip Brian Harper: Eloquence and epitaph: Black nationalism and the homophobic impulse in response to the death of Max Robinson, 159
Sasha Torres: Television/Feminism: Heartbeat and prime time lesbianism, 176
Simon Watney: The Spectacle of AIDS, 202

III. Subjectivity, Discipline, Resistence
IV. The Uses of the Erotic
V. The Evidence of Experience
VI. Collective Identities/Dissident Identities
VII. Between the Pages

Blasius, Mark and Shane Phelan, eds, We are Everywhere: A Historical Sourcebook of Gay and Lesbian Politics, (New York : Routledge, 1997) [600 pages] Massive compilation of documents. In fact, its is too big for its paperback covers.

I. Pre-History of a Lesbian and Gay Movement

A. Enlightenment Backgrounds
B. The French Revolution: Sexual Liberation and Political Speech

II. The Beginnings of a Gay and Lesbian Movement

A. The Third Sex Theory and the Creation of Political Subjects
B. The Emergence of a Gay and Lesbian Political Culture in Germany
C. Voices of the Gay and Lesbian Diaspora: Britain and France
D. From Liberalism to the New Social Relations of Soviet Socialism
E. Subculture, Censorship, and Civil Rights in the United States

III. The Homophile Movement: 1950-1969
IV. Gay Liberation and Lesbian Feminism
V. The Gay and Lesbian Politics of AIDS
VI. The Present Moment and the Future of Desire

Comstock, Gary David, and Susan E. Henking, eds., Que(e)rying Religion: A Critical Anthology, (New York: Continuum, 1997)
Contains 39 previously published articles and book chapters:

I: History
II: Tradition
III: Culture and Society
IV: Scripture and Myth

Duberman, Martin, ed., A Queer World: The Center for Lesbian and Gay Studies Reader, (New York: New York University Press, 1997)

Gross, Larry, and James D. Woods, eds., Columbia Reader on Lesbians and Gay Men in American Society, Politics and the Media, (New York: Columbia University Press, 1997)[forthcoming]

Jennings, Kevin, ed., Becoming Visible : A Reader in Gay and Lesbian History for High School and College Students, (Boston: Alyson, 1994)
Selections from a number of authors for use in High School LGB history courses.

Lancaster, Roger and Micaela di Leonardo, eds., The Gender/Sexuality Reader: Culture, History, Political Economy,(New York: Routledge: 1997) [550 pages]

McCormick, Ian, ed., Secret Sexualities: A Sourcebook of 17th and 18th Century Writing, (New York: Routledge, 1997) [272 pages]


Morton, Donald, ed., The Material Queer: A LesBiGay Cultural Studies Reader, (Boulder CO: Westview, 1996)
Contains previously published articles addressing Queer Studies with a from the perspectives of materialism, Marxism, and Deconstruction. readers need a high tolerance for a critical jargon which may date rather rapidly. Uniquely for one of these books, Morton also lists important articles from which he was not granted reprint permission. The working bibliography is excellent. The sections are:

Intro: Queer Consensus/Socialist Conflict
Dossier 1: Outing the Concepts
Dossier 2: Signsex
Dossier 3: Identity Matters
Dossier 4: Queer Desire

See also the collections of Articles by Wayne Dynes and Stephen Donaldson:-

Dynes, Wayne, and Stephen Donaldson, eds., History of Homosexuality in Europe and America, (New York : Garland Pub., 1992) Collected articles.

Dynes, W. R & Donaldson, S, eds. Studies in Homosexuality, I: Homosexuality in the Ancient World
Collected essays, (New York: Garland, 1992)

Dynes, Wayne, and Stephen Donaldson, eds., Ethnographic Studies of Homosexuality, (New York : Garland Pub., 1992)
Collected articles.

Dynes, Wayne R. and Stephen Donaldson, eds. Asian Homosexuality, (New York : Garland Pub., 1992)
Collected articles

III: Antiquity

A. Sources
These texts come in multiple editions and translations, which are not indicated. If online, the link works



Achilles Tatius (2nd C. CE): Women unfavourably compared with boy lovers. Egypt, 2nd cent. A.D., from Leucippe and Clitophon 2.37.5-9, 38.1-3. G [At UKY]

Aeschines (c.390-c.322 BCE): Against Timarchus, [At Perseus, in English, with Greek text accessible ]

Aristophanes (c.445-c.385 BCE): The Clouds, [At Perseus, in English, with Greek text accessible ]

Aristophanes (c.445-c.385 BCE): The Knights, [At Perseus, in English, with Greek text accessible ]

Aristophanes (c.445-c.385 BCE): The Thesmophoriazusae, [At Perseus, in English, with Greek text accessible]

Aristotle (384-322 BCE): Politics e.g., 1274, 1311, 1315

Aristotle (384-322 BCE): Nichomachean Ethics, 1148

Athenaeus (c. 200 CE): The Deipnosophists, Book 13

Demosthenes (384-322 BCE): Erotic Essay, [At Perseus, in English, with Greek text accessible ]

Homer (c.850 BCE), Achilles Meets the Ghost of Patroclus, Illiad 23, [At Perseus, in English, with Greek text accessible ]

Plato (427-347 BCE): The Symposium (complete in one file, English); The Symposium, [At Perseus, in English, with Greek text accessible ]

Plato (427-347 BCE): Phreadrus, (complete in one file, English), [At UPenn] ; Phreadrus, [At Perseus, in English, with Greek text accessible ]

Plato (427-347 BCE): The Laws; The Laws, 636bff [At Perseus, in English, with Greek text accessible ]

Plutarch (46-120 CE): Parallel Lives, (complete in English) [At Virginia Tech ]

Plutarch (46-120 CE): Life of Pelopidas, (complete) [At Virginia Tech ]

Ps.-Lucian (Lucian c.115-180 CE): The History of Orestes and Pylades, from Amores or Affairs of the Heart

Thucydides (c.460/455-c.399 BCE): on Aristogeiton and Harmodius, from The Peloponnesian War. Full Text available at MIT.

Sappho (late 7th C. BCE): Poems, [At ]

Theocritus (c.320-c.260 BCE): Idylls 5, 12, 30 (all autobiographical), 13, and 23


Catullus: Selected Poems, selections, trans. John Porter, [At Univ. of Saskatechewan ]

Juvenal (early 2nd C. CE): Satire II - Against Hypocritical Queens [At Classics Homepage. In Latin ]

Juvenal (early 2nd C. CE): Satire IX

Martial (c.40-103 CE): Epigrams

Ovid (43BCE-17CE): Metamorphoses, [At Virginia Tech ]

Ovid (43BCE-17CE): Amores, selections, trans. John Porter, [At Univ. of Saskatechewan ]

Ovid (43BCE-17CE): Art of Love esp. 2. 663-746 and 3.769-812.

Petronius Arbiter (d.65 CE): Satyricon

Suetonius (b.c.70 d. after 121 CE): Lives of the Twelve Caesars

Tacitus (b. 56/57-d.after 117 CE):

Tibullus (c.55-19 BCE):

Virgil (70-19 BCE): Aeneid 9


B. Works


Aldrich. R.,The Seduction of the Mediterranean: Writing, Art and Homosexual Fantasy (Routledge 1993)
As much about the 18th and 19th century as antiquity.

Barkan, L. Transuming Passion: Ganymede and the Erotics of Humanism (1991)

Bing, P. & R. Cohen (edd., trr.), Games of Venus: an anthology of Greek and Roman erotic verse from Sappho to Ovid (New York and London, 1991)

Blok J., Mason P., Sexual Asymmetry. Studies in Ancient Society, (Amsterdam: 1987)

Boswell, John, "Concepts, Experience, and Sexuality," Differences 2.1 (1990) 67-87 (N.B. special issue of Differences on "Sexuality in Greek and Roman Society")

Bremmer, J., "An Enigmatic Indo-European Rite: Paederasty", Arethusa 13 (1980), pp 279-298

Brendel, Otto J. "The Scope and Temperament of Erotic Art in the Greco-Roman World." In Studies in Erotic Art, Edited by Theodore Bowie and Cornelia V. Christenson. (New York. 1970), pp. 3-107.

Brooten, Bernardette J, Love Between Women: Early Christian Respones to Female Homoeroticism, (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1996)
The most important book on the classical and early Christian history of Lesbianism. She attacks the idea that there was no general idea of "homosexuality" in these periods.

Cameron, Averil. "Neither Male Nor Female." G&R 27 (1980):60-68.

Cantarella, Eva, Bisexuality in the Ancient World, (New Haven: Yale UP, 1992)

Compton, Louis, "What Do You Say to Someone Who Claims that Homosexuality Caused the Fall of Greece and Rome?", Christopher Street (March, 1978), pp. 49-52

Den Boer W., Eros en Amor. Man en vrouw in Griechenland en Rome, (The Hague: 1962),

Dynes, W. R & Donaldson, S, eds. Studies in Homosexuality, I: Homosexuality in the Ancient World
Collected essays, (New York: Garland, 199?)

Eglinton, J.S., Greek Love, (New York: Oliver Layton Press, 1964)
Looks at history of boy-love in Greece, Rome, Middle ages and present.

Eyben, E. "Antiquity's View of Puberty," Latomus 31 (1972) 677-697

Finnis, John "`Shameless Acts' in Colorado: Abuse of Scholarship in Constitutional Cases," Academic Questions 7.4 (1994) 10-41 [see also Gerard V. Bradley, "The Case of Martha Nussbaum" in a series of essays on "Fraud in Research" in Society March/April 1994]

Frischauer P., La sexualité dans l'antiquité, (Verviers, 1971)

Fitzgerald, John T., Greco-Roman Perspectives on Friendship. (Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1997)

Goldhill, S. Foucault's Virginity: Ancient Erotic Fiction and the History of Sexuality, (Cambridge: 1995)

Humphry, S.C., The Family, Women and Death

Johns, Catherine.. Sex or Symbol: Erotic Images of Greece and Rome, (Austin TX:: 1982)

Kampen, Natalie Boymel, ed. 1996. Sexuality in Ancient Art. Cambridge.

Kleijwegt, Marc. Ancient Youth: The Ambiguity of Youth and the Absence of Adolescence in Greco-Roman Society. (Amsterdam. 1991)

Kloppenborg, John S. and Stephen G. Wilson, eds., Voluntary Associations in the Greco-Roman World, (New York: Routledge 1996)

Koch-Harnack, G., Knabenliebe und Tiergeschenke, (Berlin, 1983)

Koehl, Robert B. et al., CLAGS PAPERS in Queer Representations, (New York: New York University Press, 1997), ed. Martin Duberman, pp. 7-54.

Koehl, Robert B., "Ephoros and Ritualized Homosexuality in Bronze Age Crete," pp. 7-13;
DeVries, Keith, "The 'Frigid Eromenoi' and Their Wooers Revisited: A Closer Look at Greek Homosexuality in Vase Painting," pp. 14-24.;
Williams, Craig A., "Pudicitia and Pueri: Roman Concepts of Male Sexual Experience," pp. 25-38.;
Halperin, David M., "Questions of Evidence: Commentary on Koehl, DeVries, and Williams," pp. 39-54.

Konstan, David, Sexual Symmetry (Princeton 1993)

Konstan, David, Friendship in the Classical World, (Cambridge: CUP, 1997)
with an excellent bibliography.

Krenkel, Werner. "Männliche Prostitution in der Antike." Das Altertum 24: (1978) 49-55.

Krenkel, Werner. "Masturbation in der Antike." WZR 28, (1979) 159-172.

Krenkel, Werner. "Sex und politische Biographie." WZR 29: (1980)65-76.

Krenkel, Werner.. "Fellatio and irrumatio." WZR 29: (1980) 77-88.

Krenkel, Werner.. "Pueri meritorii." WZR 28: (1979) 179-189.

Krenkel, Werner.. "Tonguing." WZR 30: (1981) 37-54.

Krenkel, Werner... "Libido im Griechischen und Lateinischen." WZR 31: (1982) 39-41.

Kroll, Wilhelm. "Lesbische Liebe." RE 23 (1924) 2100-2102.

Kroll, Wilhelm. . "Knabenliebe." RE 11 (1921) 897-906.

Kroll, Wilhelm... Freundschaft und Knabenliebe. (Munich, 1927.)

Nussbaum, Martha C. "Platonic Love and Colorado Law: The Relevance of Ancient Greek Norms to Modern Sexual Controversies," Virginia Law Review 80.7 (October, 1994), 1515-1651

Richlin, Amy. ed. Pornography and Representation in Greece and Rome. (Oxford. 1991)

Rouselle, Aline, Porneia: On Desire and the Body in Antiquity. trans. Felicia Pheasant, (Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1988; first pub. as Porneia, Paris: Presses Universitaire de France, 1983)

Schrijvers, P. H., Eine medizinische Erklarung der mannlichen Homosexualitat aus der Antike,: (Caelius Aurelianus De morbis chronicis IV 9), (Amsterdam : B.R. Gruner, 1985).

Sergent, Bernard, L'homosexualite initiatique dans l'Europe ancienne, (Paris : Payot, 1986)

Siems, A. Karsten. (ed.), Sexualität und Erotik in der Antike (Darmstadt, 1988)

Skinner, M. "Ego Mulier: the Construction of Male Sexuality in Catullus," Helios 20 (1993) 107-130

Stevenson, Walter. "The Rise of Eunuchs in Greco-Roman Antiquity." Journal of the History of Sexuality 5:4 (1995): 495-511.

Thorp, John "The Social Construction of Homosexuality," Phoenix 46.1 (1992) 54-61

Weil, K. Androgyny and the Denial of Difference  (Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press 1992)

Wilkinson, L. P., Classical attitudes to modern issues : population and family planning, women's liberation, nudism in deed and word, homosexuality, (London : Kimber, 1979, c1978).

Woldring, Henk: Vriendschap door de eeuwen heen, (Ambo/Baarn, 1994).
another good bibliography.


Bottero, J. and H. Petschow.  "Homosexualitat."  Reallexikon der Assyriologie und Vorderasiatischen Archaologie.  Vol. 4. 459-68. New York:   Walter de Gruyter, 1972-1975. 

Bullough, Vern L.  "Homosexuality as Submissive Behavior: Example from Mythology."  Journal of Sex Research 9.4 (1973): 283-88.  [Egypt: Horus and Seth]

Henshaw, Richard A. Female and Male: The Cultic Personnel: The Bible and the Rest of the Ancient Near East.  Allison Park, PA: Pickwick Publications, 1994. [See ch. 4 and app. 3.]

Jacobsen, Thorkild.  "How Did Gilgames Oppress Uruk?"  Acta Orientalia 8 (1930): 62-74.

Moussa, von Ahmed M. and Harwig Altenmuller.  Das Grab des Nianchchnum und Chnumhotep.  Mainz am Rhein: Philipp von Zabern, 1977.  [Egyptian manicurist couple]

Saporetti, Claudio.  Abolire le nascite: il problema nella Mesopotamia antica.   71-119. Rome: Jouvence, 1993..


Bain, D. "Six Greek Verbs of Sexual Congress (bino, kino, pugizo, leko, oipho, laikazo)," Classical Quarterly 41 (1991) 51-78

Bethe, E., "Die Dorische Knaben Liebe", Rheinisches Museum fur Philologie 62 (1907), pp. 438-475

Boardman, John & E. LaRocca, Eros in Greece (1978)

Boardman, John, Athenian Black Figure Vases, (London: Thames & Hudson, 19 )

Boardman, John, Athenian Red Figure Vases, (London: Thames & Hudson, 19 )

Brandt Paul [aka Hans Licht]., Sexual Life in Ancient Greece, Greenwood Press Reprint, 1974, 556 p.: ré l'édition de 1932.

Brelich, A., Paides e Parthenoi, (Rome: 1969)

Buffiere, Felix, Eros Adolescent: La pederastie dans la Grece antique, (Paris, 197?)
Distinguishes between enobling pederasty and vulgar homosexuality. Contains a lot of useful information.

Burkert, W., Greek Religion

Calame, Claude, L'Eros dans la Gre\ce antique, (Paris: E/ditions Belin, 1996) [a a revised second edition and translation of the author's I Greci e l'eros: Simboli, pratice, luoghi (Rome & Bari: Laterza, 1992)]

Sutton, Robert F. in BMCR 97.9.16,

Carney, Elizabeth E. "Olympias and the Image of the Virago." Phoenix 47 (1993):29-55.

Cartledge, P "The Politics of Spartan Pederasty," PCPS 27 (1981) 17-36 (reprinted with add. in A. K. Siems (ed.), Sexualität und Erotik in der Antike [Darmstadt, 1988] 385-415)

Cassio, A.C., "Post Classical Lesbiai", Classical Quarterly 33:1 (1983), pp. 296-297

Clarke, W. M. "Achilles and Patroclus in Love," Hermes 106 (1978) 381-396

Cohen, David. "Sexuality, Violence, and the Athenian Law of Hybris," G&R 38 (1991) 171-188

Cohen, David. Law, Sexuality, and Society: the enforcement of morals in classical Athens (Cambridge 1991)

Cohen, David, "Debate (with Clifford Handley): Law, Society and Homosexuality in Classical Athens," Past and Present 133 (1991) 167-194

Cohen, David "Law, Society and Homosexuality in Classical Athens", Past and Present 117 (1987), pp. 3-21

Cohen, David, "Review Article: Sex, Gender, and Sexuality in Ancient Greece," CPh 87.2 (1992) 145

Cohen, David, "Consent and Sexual Relations in Classical Athens", in Consent and Coercion to Sex and Marriage in Ancient and Medieval Societies, ed. Angeliki Laiou, (Washington DC: Dumbarton Oaks, 1993), 5-16

Dalby, A. "Food and Sexuality in Classical Greece," in Food, Culture and History 1 (1993) 165-90

Davis, J.K., Democracy and Classical Athens

Koch-Harnack, Gundel., Knabenliebe und Tiergeschenke : ihre Bedeutung im paderastischen Erziehungssystem Athens, forward by Walter H. Gross, (Berlin : Gebr. Mann, c1983)

Delcourt, Maurice, Hermaphrodite: Myths and Rites of the Bisexual Figure in Classical Antiquity, trans. Jennifer Nicolson, (London: Studio, 1961)

Delcourt, Maurice, Hermaphroditea: Recherche sur l'etre double promoteur de la fertilite dans la monde classique, (Brussels: n.p., 1966)

Devereaux, George, "Greek Pseudo-homosexuality and the Greek Miracle", Symbolae Osloenses 13 (1967), pp. 70-92
Argues, from a Freudian point of view that there is a link between homosexuality and extended adolescence, and that homosexuality and Greek culture's freshness are related.

Devereaux, George, "The Nature of Sappho's Siezure in FR 31 LP as Evidence of her Inversion", Classical Quarterly 20 (1970), pp. 17-31

DeVries, Keith, Homosexuality and Athenian Democracy. [Ph.D: University of Pennsylvannia. Date?]
Publication forthcoming: Will become basic

Dover, Kenneth J, "Greek Homosexuality and Initiation" in KJ Dover, ed., The Greeks and their Legacy: Collected Papers Volume II: Prose Literature, History, Society, Transmission, Influence (Oxford, 1988) 115-134

Dover, Kenneth J., "Classical Greek Attitudes to Sexual Behaviour", Arethusa 6 (1973) ¸59-83

Dover, Kenneth J., "Eros and Nomos", Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies 2 (1964), pp. 31-42

Dover, Kenneth J., Greek Homosexuality, (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard UP, 1978; paperback, New York: Random House), Updated edition with new afterword, (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard UP, 198)
Long standard work on ancient Greek homosexuality.

duBois, Page, "Eros and the Woman," Ramus 21 (1992) 97-

duBois, Page. "Phallocentrism and Its Subversion in Plato's Phaedrus." Arethusa 18 (1985):91-103.

Elia, John P., "History, Etymology and Fallacy: Attitudes Toward Male Masturbation in the Ancient Western World", Journal of Homosexuality 14:3-4 (1987), pp. 1-19

Fisher, Saul H., "A Note on Male Homosexuality and the Role of Women in Ancient Greece", in Judd Marmor, ed. Sexual Inversion: The Multiple Roots of Homosexuality, (New York: Basic Books, 1965), pp. 165-172

Flaceliere, Robert, "Homosexuality", in Love in Ancient Greece trans. by James Cleugh, (New York: Crown Publishers, 1962;paperback, New York: Macfadden Books)

Fornara, C.W., "The Cult of Aristogeiton and Harmodius", Philologus 114, (1970)

Gardner, Jane F. "Aristophanes and Male Anxiety -- the Defence of the Oikos," Greece & Rome 36

Garrison, Daniel Greek Sexual Culture (forthcoming: Oklahoma, 1995)

Gerber, Douglas. "The Female Breast in Greek Erotic Literature." Arethusa 11 (1978):203-12.

Golden, Mark. "Slavery and Homosexuality at Athens." Phoenix 38 (1984):308-24.

Gonfroys, F., Un fait de civilisation meconnu: l'homosexualite a Rome, (Poitiers: Thesis, 1972)

Green, Peter, Alexander of Macedon, (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1991 - reissue of earlier 1970. 1973 editions)

Guthrie, W.K.C., History of Greek Philosophy, Vols III & IV

Halperin, David M., One Hundred Years of Homosexuality : And Other Essays on Greek Love, The New Ancient World Series, (London: Routledge Chapman & Hall, 1989)
devoted to social constructionism.

Halperin, David. M., "100 Years of Homosexuality (Patzer on Classical Athens)", Diacritics 16:2 (1986), pp. 34-45

Halperin, David. M., "Plato and Erotic Reciprocity", Classical Antiquity 5:1 (1986), pp. 60-80

Halperin, David, "Sex Before Sexuality: Pederasty, Politics and Power in Classical Athens", in Martin Bauml Duberman, Martha Vincus and George Chauncey, eds. Hidden From History, New York: NAL, 1989), 37-536

Heckel, Waldemar, "The `Boyhood Friends' of Alexander the Great", Emerita 53:2 (1985), pp. 285-289

Hennefeld, Paul, Achilles to Zeus, Montclair, NJ, Paul Hennefeld, 1987)

Hindley, Clifford and David Cohen. "Debate: Law, Society and Homosexuality in Classical Athens.", Past and Present 133 (1991) 167-194

Hooker, J.T., The Ancient Spartans

Huxley, G.L., "Onomakles and the Alopekonnesians (Lesbian Antiquities in the Oxyrhyncus-Papyrus 3711)", Journal of Hellenic Studies 107 (1987), pp. 187-188

Jocelyn, H.D. "A Greek Indecency and Its Students: LAIKAZEIN." PCPhS 206: (1980)-66.

Katz, M. A. "Sexuality and the Body in Ancient Greece," Metis. Revue d'anthropologie du monde grec ancien 4 (1989) 97-125; reprinted in Trends in History 4 (1990) 97-125

Keuls Eva C., The Reign of the Phallus: Sexual Politics in Ancient Athens, 2d ed., (Berkeley: 1993)

Kilmer, Martin F. "Sexual Violence. Archaic Athens and the Recent Past," in Owls 261-277

Kilmer, Martin F., "Genital Phobia and Depilation," Journal of Hellenic Studies 102 (1982) 104-112

Kilmer, Martin F., Greek Erotica on Attic Red Figure Vases (London: Duckworth, 1993)

Lambert M. and H. Szesnat, "Greek Homosexuality: Whither the Debate?" Akroterion 39.2 (1994) 46-63

Lardinois, M. "Lesbian Sappho and Sappho of Lesbos" in J. Bremmer (ed.), From Sappho to de Sade: Moments in the History of Sexuality (1991)

Lavalle, B. M. "The Nature of Hipparchos' Insult to Harmodios," AJP 107 (1986) 318-331

Licht, Hans (pseud. of Paul Brandt), "Male Homosexuality", in Sexual Life in Ancient Greece, trans. J.H. Freez, (London: Routledge & Sons, 1932), pp. 411-498

Loraux Nicole, The Children of Athena. Athenian Ideas about Citizenship and the Division between the Sexes, (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1994)

Malul, Meir, Touching the Sexual Organs as an Oath Ceremony in an Akkadian Letter", Vetus Test. 37:4 (1987), pp. 491-92

Marrou, Henri I., "Pederasty in Classical Education", in A History of Education in Antiquity, trans. by George Lamb, (New York: New American Library, 1956), pp. 50-62

Martos Montiel, Juan Francisco.  Desde Lesbos con amor: homosexualidad femenina en la antiguedad. Madrid: Ediciones Clasicas, 1996 (=_Supplementa Mediterranea_ 1 (1996)).

Meier M.H.E., De Pogey-Castries L.-R., Histoire de l'amour grec dans l'antiquité, (Paris, 1980 )

Meier, M.H.E., "Paderastie", Allgemeine Encyclopadie und Kunsten 167 vols, (Leipzig: Brockhaus, 1837), Vol 4, pp. 149-188

Monoson, S. Sara "Citizen as Erastes.: Erotic Imagery and the Idea of Reciprocity in the Periclean Funeral Oration," Political Theory (May 1994)

Mouratiadis, John, "The Origin of Nudity in Greek Athletics", Journal of Sport History 12:3 (1985), pp. 213-232

Murnaghan, Sheila. "How a Woman Can Be More Like a Man: The Dialogue Between Ischomachus and His Wife in Xenophon's Oeconomicus." Helios 15 (1988):9-22.

Murray, Oswyn, Early Greece, (Glasgow: Fontana, 1980) [There have been other editions]
Addresses homosexuality, pp 203-207. A classic case of popularization of the view that homosexuality was a sort of aristocratic fashion.

Pacion, Stanley J., "Sparta: An Experiment in State Sponsored Homosexuality", Medical Aspects of Human Sexuality 4 (April, 1970), pp. 28-32

Papalas, Anthony, J., "Prostitution in Ancient Greece."Drum 28 (Jan 1968), pp. 19-21

Patzer, Harald, Die Griechische Knabenliebe, (Wiesbaden: 1982)

Penwill, J. L. "Men in Love: Aspects of Plato's Symposium." Ramus 7 (1978):143-75.

Percy III, William A. Pederasty and Pedagogy in Archaic Greece, (Champaign-Urbana, IL: University of Illinois Press, 1996)
Advances the idea that classical formulations of pederasty were invented in Crete and spread from there. This is an old-fashioned type of question (for even if social formations are indeed invented how and why they persist in very different later societies seems to be a more interesting question). It also seems to be true that sources do not permit definitive answers.

Pinney, G.F., "For the Heroes Are at Hand", Journal of Hellenic Studies 104 (1984), pp. 181-183

Pogey-Castries, L.R. de, Histoire de l'amour Grec dans l'antiquite, (Paris: Stenhal et Cie, 1930)

Rabinowitz, Nancy S. "Female Speech and Female Sexuality: Euripides' Hippolytos as Model." Helios 13.2 (1986):127-40.

Reed, J. D. "The Sexuality of Adonis," Classical Antiquity 14.2 (1995) 317 ff.

Reinsberg, Carola. Ehe, Hetarentum und Knabenliebe im antiken Griechenland, (Munchen : C.H. Beck, 1989, 1993)

Sergent, B., La Homosexualite dans la Mythologie Greque, (Paris, 1984), trans. as Homosexuality in Greek Myth, (New York: 1986)
Examines the homosexualization of Greek myth in the Classical period.

Shapiro, H. A. "Courtship Scenes in Attic Vase-Painting," AJA 85 (1981)

Shapiro, H. A., "Eros in Love: Pederasty and Pornography in Greece," in PRGR 53-72

Sissa, G. Greek Virginity (1990) Phoenix

Slater, Philip, The Glory of Hera, (Boston: 1968)

Snyder, Jane McIntosh.  Lesbian Desire in the Lyrics of Sappho.  New York: Columbia University Press, 1997.

Stehle, Eva, Performance and Gender in Ancient Greece, (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1997)

Sweet, Waldo E., "Protection of the Genitals in Greek Athletics", Ancient World 11:1-2 (1985), pp. 43-52

Symonds, John Addington, Studies in Sexual Inversion: "A Study of Greek Ethics" and "A Study of Modern Ethics", (New York: Medical Press. 1974?; originally published privately 1896 & 1901)
Early study by Englishman.

Ungaretti, John R., "Pederasty, Heroism and the Family in Classical Greece", Journal of Homosexuality 3 (1978), pp. 291-300

Vida-Naquet, P., La Chasseur-noir, (Paris, 1981)

Wender, Dorothea. "Plato: Misogynist, Paedophile, and Feminist." Arethusa 6 (1973):75-90.

Wick, T. "The Importance of the Family as a Determiner of Sexual Mores in Classical Athens," Societas 5.2 (1975) 133-145

Williamson, Margaret.  Sappho's Immortal Daughters. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1995.

Zeitlin, Froma I. (ed.), Before Sexuality: The Construction of Erotic Experience in the Ancient Greek World (Princeton 1989)
Collected essays from the social constructionist perspective.

Zeitlin, F. I., "The Politics of Eros," in R. Hexter and D. Selden (eds.) Innovations of Antiquity (New York and London, 1992)


???. "Ut Decuit Cinaediorem: Power, Gender, and Urbanity in Catallus 10." Helios 16 (1989):7-23.

Adams, J.N. . "Culus, clunes and their Synonyms in Latin." Glotta 50: (1981), 231-264.

Adams, J.N. The Latin Sexual Vocabulary. (Baltimore: 1982)

Ancona, Ronnie. "The Subtrefuge of Reason: Horace, Odes 1.23 and the Construction of Male Desire." Helios 16 (1989):49-57.

Arkins, Brian. Sexuality in Catullus. (Hildesheim: 1982)

Boyd, Barbara Weiden. "Virtus Effeminatata and Sallust's Sempronia." TAPA 117 (1987):183-201.

Braund, S.H. "A Woman's Voice? Laronia's Role in Juvenal Satires 2." In B. Levick and R. Hawley, eds., Women in Antiquity, (London: 1995), 207-19.

Braund, S.H. Beyond Anger: A Study of Juvenal's Third Book of Satires. Cambridge. 1988.

Cahoon, Leslie. "The Bed as Battlefield: Erotic Conquest and Military Metaphor in Ovid's Amores." TAPA 118 (1988.) 293-307.

Clarke, John R. "The Decor of the House of Jupiter and Ganymede at Ostia Antica: Private Residence Turned Gay Hotel?" In Elaine K. Gazda, ed., Roman Art in the Private Sphere: New Perspectives on the Architecture and Decor of the Domus, Villa, and Insula, (Ann Arbor.: 1991), 89-104

Clarke, John R.. "The Warren Cup and the Contexts for Representations of Male-to-Male Lovemaking in Augustan and Early Julio-Claudian Art." Art Bulletin 75 (1993) 275-294.

Dalla, Danilo. "Ubi Venus mutatur": omosessualità e diritto nel mondo romano. (Milan. 1987)

Edwards, Catharine. The Politics of Immorality in Ancient Rome. (Cambridge. 1993)

Fantham, Elaine. "Stuprum: Public Attitudes and Penalties for Sexual Offences in Republican Rome." Echos du Monde Classique/ Classical Views 35 (1991) 267-291.

Fischer, Carl, and Kytzler, Bernhard, eds. Priapea: Die Gedichte des Corpus Priapeorum. (Salzburg. 1969).

Gonfroy, Françoise. "Homosexualité et idéologie esclavagiste chez Cicéron." Dialogues d'histoire ancienne 4 (1978) 219-262.

Gonfroy, Françoise. Un fait de civilisation méconnu: l'homosexualité masculine à Rome .Diss. Poitiers. 1972

Grassmann, Victor. Die erotischen Epoden des Horaz. (Munich. 1966)

Griffin, Jasper. Latin Poets and Roman Life. (London: 1985)

Grimal, Pierre. L'amour à Rome. (Paris. 1963, Repr. 1979)., English trans as. Love in Ancient Rome. Trans. Arthur Train, Jr. (Norman, Okla. 1986)

Hallett, Judith P. "Female Homoeroticism and the Denial of Roman Reality in Latin Literature." Yale Journal of Criticism 3: (1989a), 209-227.

Hallett, Judith P. "Masturbator, Mascarpio." Glotta 54 (1979): 292-308.

Hallett, Judith P. "Perusinae glandes and the Changing Image of Augustus." AJAH 2 (1977) 151-171.

Hallett, Judith P. "Roman Attitudes toward Sex." In Civilization of the Ancient Mediterranean, Edited by M. Grant and R. Kitzinger. (New York. 1988), II.1265-1278.

Herter, Hans. 1960. "Soziologie der antiken Prostitution im Lichte der heidnischen und christlichen Schriftum." Jahrbuch für Antike und Christentum 3: 70-111.

Herter, Hans. 1978. "Genitalien." RAC 10: 1-52.

Herter, Hans. De Priapo. Giessen. 1932)

Herter, Hans., 1954. "Priapos." RE 44: 1914-1942.

Herter, Hans.. 1959. "Effeminatus." RAC 4: 620-650.

Housman, A.E. 1930. "Draucus and Martial XI.8.1." CR 44: 114-116.

Housman, A.E. 1931. "Praefanda." Hermes 66: 402-412.

Huelsen, C. 1896. "Miscellanea epigrafica: Tessere lusorie." MDAI(R) 11: 227-257.

Jocelyn, H.D. 1980b. "On Some Unnecessarily Indecent Interpretations of Catullus 2 and 3." AJPh 101: 421-441.

Kennedy, Duncan F. 1993. The Arts of Love: Five Studies in the Discourse of Roman Love Elegy. Cambridge.

Konstan, David. "Love in Terence's Eunuch: The Origins of Erotic Subjectivity." AJPh 107 (1986):369-93.

Konstan, David. 1993. "Sexuality and Power in Juvenal's Second Satire." LCM 18: 12-14.

Kroll, Wilhelm. 1930. "Römische Erotik." In Siems 1988: 70-117. (Originally published in Zeitschrift für Sexualwissenschaft und Sexualpolitik 17 [1930]: 145-178).

Kroll, Wilhelm. 1921a. "Kinaidos." RE 11: 459-462.

Lambert, Royston, Beloved and God: The Story of Hadrian and Antinous. ( Secaucus NJ, Meadowland Books, 1984)
A study of the love between Hadrian and Antinous, who after his death became the last of the pagan gods.

Lepick, Julie Ann. "The Castrated Text: The Hermaphrodite as Model of Parody in Ovid and Beaumont." Helios 8.1 (1981):71-85.

Lilja, S., Homosexuality in Republican and Augustan Rome, (Helsinki: Commentationes Humanorum Litteratum Societas Scientarum Fennica 74, 1983)

Lilja, Saara. 1982. "Homosexuality in Plautus' Plays." Arctos 16: 57-64.

Lyne, R.O.A.M. , The Latin Love Poets from Catullus to Horace. (Oxford: 1980)

MacMullen, Ramsay. "Roman Attitudes to Greek Love." Historia 31: (1982) 484-502.
Includes a critique of FONT SIZE=3's Christianity, Social Tolerance…

MacMullen, Ramsay. 1991. "Hellenizing the Romans (2nd Century B.C.)." Historia 40: 419-438.

Makowski, John F. 1989. "Nisus and Euryalus: A Platonic Relationship." CJ 85: 1-15.

Marcadé, Jean. 1965. Roma Amor: Essay on Erotic Elements in Etruscan and Roman Art. Geneva.

Martin, R. 1978. "La vie sexuelle des esclaves, d'après les Dialogues rustiques de Varron." In Varron: grammaire antique et stylistique latine - Receuil offert à Jean Collart, pp. 113-126. Paris.

McDermott, William C. 1972. "M. Cicero and M. Tiro." Historia 21: 259-286.

McGann, M.J. 1983. "The Marathus Elegies of Tibullus." ANRW II.30.3: 1976-1999.

McGinn, Thomas A.J. 1989. "The Taxation of Roman Prostitutes." Helios 16: 79-110.

Nadeau, Yvan. 1980. "O passer nequam (Catullus 2,3)." Latomus 39: 879-880.

Nadeau, Yvan. 1984. "Catullus' Sparrow, Martial, Juvenal and Ovid." Latomus 43: 861-868.

Nugent, Georgia. 1990. "This Sex Which Is Not One: De-Constructing Ovid's Hermaphrodite." Differences 2.1: 160-85.

O'Connor, Eugene Michael. 1989. Symbolum Salacitatis: A Study of the God Priapus as a Literary Character. Frankfurt am Main.

Pacion, Stanley J., "The Life of Nero: Sex and the Fall of the Roman Empire", Medical Aspects of Human Sexuality 5 (March, 1971), pp. 171-185

Parker, W.H., ed. and trans., Priapea: Poems for a Phallic God, (London: 1980)

Penella, Robert .J. 1976. "A Note on (de)glubere." Hermes 104: 118-120.

Pichon, R. 1902. De sermone amatorio apud Latinos elegiarum scriptores. Paris.

Rabinowitz, Nancy Sorkin and Amy Richlin, eds. 1993. Feminist Theory and the Classics. New York.

Raditsa, L.F. 1980. "Augustus' Legislation concerning Marriage, Procreation, Love Affairs and Adultery." ANRW II.13: 278-339.

Rawson, Beryl. 1974. "Roman Concubinage and Other De Facto Marriages." TAPA 104: 279-305.

Rawson, Beryl., ed. 1986. The Family in Ancient Rome: New Perspectives. Ithaca.

Rawson, Beryl., ed. 1991. Marriage, Divorce, and Children in Ancient Rome. Canberra and Oxford.

Richardson, T. Wade. "Homosexuality in the Satyricon." C&M 35 (1984):105-27.

Richardson, T. Wade. 1984. "Homosexuality in the Satyricon." C&M 35: 105-127.

Richlin, Amy, "Not Before Homosexuality: The Materiality of the Cinaedus and the Roman Law against Love Between Men", Journal of History of Sexuality 3:4 (1993), 523-573
A significant attack on the Foucault/Halperin/Winkler thesis that "homosexuality" is an irrelevant category for the Roman past. Good up to date bibliography on the issues.

Richlin, Amy. . The Garden of Priapus: Sexuality and Aggression in Roman Humor. Revised edition. (Oxford.: 1992)

Richlin, Amy. 1981b. "Approaches to the Sources on Adultery at Rome." In Reflections of Women in Antiquity, pp. 379-404. Edited by Helene P. Foley. New York.

Richlin, Amy. 1984. "Invective against Women in Roman Satire." Arethusa 17: 67-80.

Richlin, Amy. 1991b. "Zeus and Metis: Foucault, Feminism, Classics." Helios 18.2: 1-21.

Richlin, Amy. 1981a. "The Meaning of irrumare in Catullus and Martial." CPh 76: 40-46.

Rudd, Niall. 1986. Themes in Roman Satire. London.

Scafuro, Adele. 1989. "Livy's Comic Narrative of the Bacchanalia." Helios 16: 119-142.

Segal, Charles. "The Menace of Dionysus: Sex Roles and Reversals in Euripides' Bacchae." Arethusa 11 (1978):185-202.

Selden, Dan. 1992. "Ceveat lector: Catullus and the Rhetoric of Performance" In Hexter and Selden 1992: 461-512.

Skinner, Marilyn B. "Ego Mulier: The Construction of Male Sexuality in Catullus." Helios 20 (1993):107-30.

Skinner, Marilyn. 1989. "Ut decuit cinaediorem: Power, Gender, and Urbanity in Catullus 10." Helios 16: 7-23.

Skinner, Marilyn.. 1993. "Ego Mulier: The Construction of Male Sexuality in Catullus." Helios 20: 107-130.

Sullivan, J.P. 1968. The Satyricon of Petronius: A Literary Study. Bloomington and London.

Sullivan, J.P. 1979. "Martial's Sexual Attitudes." Philologus 123: 288-302.

Sullivan, J.P. 1991. Martial: The Unexpected Classic. A Literary and Historical Study. Cambridge.

Taylor, Rabun. "Two Pathetic Subcultures in Ancient Rome." Journal of the History of Sexuality 7:3 (1997): 319-71.

Tracy, Valerie A. 1976. "Roman Dandies and Transvestites." Echos du monde classique/Classical Views 20: 60-63.

Treggiari, Susan. Roman Marriage: "Iusti Coniuges" from the Time of Cicero to the Time of Ulpian. (Oxford. 1991)

Verdière, R. 1985. "L'étrange aventure d'un pupulus." RPh 59: 189-193.

Verstraete, Beert C. 1980. "Slavery and the Social Dynamics of Male Homosexual Relations in Ancient Rome." Journal of Homosexuality 5 (1980): 227-236.

Verstraete, Beert C. 1982. Homosexuality in Ancient Greek and Roman Civilization: A Critical Bibliography with Supplement. Toronto.

Veyne, Paul, "Homosexuality in Ancient Rome", in Western Sexuality: Practice and Precept in Past and Present, ed. Philippe Aries & Andre Bejin, (Oxford: Blackwell, 1985; first pub. as Sexualities Occidentales, Paris: Editions du Seuil/Communications, 1982), pp 26-35

Veyne, Paul, 1988. Roman Erotic Elegy: Love, Poetry, and the West. Translated by David Pellauer. Chicago.

Veyne, Paul. 1978. "La famille et l'amour sous le Haut-Empire romain." Annales (E.S.C.) 33: 35-63.

Waters, Sarah. "`The Most Famous Fairy in History': Antinous and Homosexual Fantasy." Journal of the History of Sexuality 6:2 (1995): 194-230.

Williams, Craig A.. "Greek Love at Rome." Classical Quarterly 45 (1995), 517-539.

Williams, Craig, Yale Dissertation on Homosexuality in Ancient Rome .

Williams, Craig Arthur.  Roman Homosexuality: Ideologies of Masculinity in Classical Antiquity. New York: Oxford University Press, 1999.

Williams, Gordon. 1958. "Some Aspects of Roman Marriage Ceremonies and Ideals." Journal of Roman Studies 48: 16-29.

Williams, Gordon. 1962. "Poetry in the Moral Climate of Augustan Rome." Journal of Roman Studies 52: 28-46.

Winter, Thomas Nelson. 1973. "Catullus Purified: A Brief History of Carmen 16." Arethusa 6: 257-265.

Wiseman, T.P. 1969. Catullan Questions. Leicester.

Wiseman, T.P. 1976. "Catullus 16." LCM 1: 14-17.

Wiseman, T.P.. 1985. Catullus and His World: A Reappraisal. Cambridge.

Wooten, Cecil. 1984. "Petronius and 'Camp.'" Helios n.s. 11: 133-139.

Wyke, Maria. 1989. "Mistress and Metaphor in Augustan Elegy." Helios 16: 25-48.

IV: The Middle Ages

A: Sources

Alan of Lille, The Plaint of Nature (De Planctu Naturae), trans. James J. Sheridan, (Toronto: Pontifical Institute of Medieaval Studies, 1980): see an older translation of The Plaint of Nature, [At Medieval Sourcebook]

Bachelor Jr. E., Homosexuality and Ethics, (New York: Pilgrim Press, 1980)
Excerpts from authors from Plato to modern times on ethical issues

Baudri de Bourgueil, Les Oeuvres poetiques de Baudri de Bourgueil, ed. Phyllis Abrahams, (Paris: Librarie Ancienne Honore Champion, 1926) (repr; Geneva, Slatkine Reprints, 1974)

St. Bernadino of Siena, Le prediche volgari, ed. Piero Bargellini, (Milan: Rizzoli, 1936)
Included two visicious vernacular anti-homosexual sermons by this 15th century saint, #35 (795-97), and #39 (893-919). Other references in his Latin works, sermons 11 and 15 in Opera Omnia, (Florence: 1950)

Bieler, Ludwig, The Irish Penitentials, (Dublin: Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, 1963)
Includes Latin text. Homosexuality pp. 66-67. Does not translate parts he seems to consider vulgar.

Dante Alighieri, The Divine Comedy, trans. John A. Carlyle, Thomas Okey & P.H. Wicksteed, (New York: Random House, 1950; original publication details not given)
Inferno Cantos xi, xiv, xv, and Purgatorio xxvi all possibly deal with sodomy.

Francis, W.Nelson, ed., The Book of Vices and Virtues, Early English Text Society Vol 217, (London: Oxford UP, 1942)
Edited from 3 extant texts of the French of Lorens d'Orleans Somme Le Roi - a vernacular penitential. Homosexuality p.43)

Goodich, Michael, The Unmentionable Vice: Homosexuality in the Late Medieval Period, (Santa Barbara, Ca.: ABC-Clio, 1979)
Includes a 30-page translation/extract from inquisition records of Jacques Fournier in the 13th century.

Mansi, J.D.: Sacrum Conciliorum Nova et Amplissima Collectio, (Florence & Venice: 1759-1798)

Peter Damian, Liber Gomorrhanius in MPL 145, cols. 159­190, and as Book of Gomorrah: An Eleventh Century Treatise Against Clerical Homosexual Practice, trans. Pierre J. Payer, (Waterloo, Ont.: Wilfred Laurier University Press, 1982)
One of the strongest attacks in the middle ages on homosexuality. The only surviving one it seems.

Stehling, Thomas, trans., Medieval Latin Poems of Male Love and Friendship, (New York: Garland, 1984)
Gay medieval literature from the Roman Empire to 1300. Alcuin, Ausonius, Luxorius, Abelard, Baudri or Bourgueil, Hilderbert of Lauardin.

McNeill, John & Helena Gamer, Medieval Handbooks of Penance: A Translation of the Principal "libri poenitentatles" and Selections from Related Documents, (New York: Columbia UP, 1938)
Does not give Latin texts.

Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologiae, (New York & London: Blackfriars with McGraw-Hill & Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1968)
On sodomy Aquinas rates it worse than fornication, incest or rape, but better than bestiality.

B: Commentaries and Articles on the Above and Other Source Material

a) General

Alford, John A., "The Grammatical Metaphor: A Survey of its Use in the Middle Age", Speculum 57 (1982), 728-60

Baldwin, John W., The Language of Sex: Five Voices from Northern France around 1200, (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1994)

Birkhan, Helmut, "Qu'est-ce qui est preferable de l'heterosexualite ou de l'homosexualite? Le temoignage d'un poeme latin" in Amour, mariage et transgressions au moyen age: Actes du Colloque des 24-27 Mars 1983, ed. Danielle Buschinger & Andre Crespin, Universite de Picardie, Centre d'Etudes Medievales, (Goppingen: Kummerle Verlag, 1984)

Blum, O.J., St. Peter Damien: His Teaching on Spiritual Life, (Washington, D.C.:1947)

Bond, Gerald A., "`Locus Amoris': The Poetry of Baudri of Bourgueil and the Formation of the Ovidian Subculture", Traditio 47 (1986), pp. 143-193

Cadden, Joan, "It Takes All Kinds: Sexuality and Gender Differences in Hildegard of Bingen's `Book of Compound Medicine", Traditio 40 (1984), pp. 149-174

Curtius, E.R., European Literature and the Latin Middle Ages, trans. Willard R. Trask, Bollingen Series 36, (New York: Pantheon, 1953)
pp. 115 ff. on homosexuality

Daichman, G.S., Wayward Nuns in Medieval Literature, (Syracuse NY: 1986)

Forsyth, Ilene, "The Ganymede Capital at Vezelay", Gesta: International Center of Medieval Art 15:1-2 (1976), pp. 241-246

Green, Richard Hamilton, "Alan of Lille's De planctu Naturae", Speculum 31 (1956), 649-74

Harley M.P., "Narcissus, Hermaphroditus, and Attis: Ovidian Lovers at the Fontaine d'Amours in Guillaume de Lorris's Roman de la Rose", PMLA 101 (1986), pp. 324-337

Herman, Gerald, "The "Sin against Nature" and its Echos in Medieval French Literature", Annuale Medievale 17 (1976), pp. 70-87

Laeuchli, Samuel, Power and Sexuality: The Emergence of Canon Law at the Synod of Elvira, (Philadelphia: 1972)

Latzke, Theresa, "Die Ganymed-Epstein des Hilerius", Mittelateinisches Jahrbuch 18 (1983), pp. 131-159

Lepage, Yvan G., "Francois Villon et l'homosexualite", Le Moyen Age 92:1 (1986), pp. 69-89

Levy, R., "L'Allusion a la Sodomie dans Eneas", Philological Quarterly 27 (1948)
Looks at allusions to sodomy in a twelfth century romance.

McEvoy, James, "Notes on the Prologue of St. Aelred of Rievaulx's `De Spirituali Amacita', with a Translation", Traditio 37 (1981), pp. 149-174

Newall, V., "Folklore and Male Homosexuality", Folklore 97:2 (1986), pp. 123-147

Payer, Pierre J., Sex and the Penitentials: Formation of a Sexual Code 550-1150, (Toronto: Univ. of Toronto Press, 1984)

Sawyer, Erin. "Celibate Pleasures: Masculinity, Desire, and Asceticism in Augustine." Journal of the History of Sexuality 6:1 (1995): 1-29.

Wetherbee, Winthrop, "The Function of Poetry in `De Planctu Naturae" of Alain de Lille", Traditio 25 (1969), 86-125
Unsympathetic to homosexuality. See pp. 102-105

Ziolkowski, Jan, Alan of Lille's Grammar of Sex: The Meaning of Gramma to a Twelfth Century Intellectual, Speculum Anniversary Monographs 10, (Cambridge, Mass.: Medieval Academy of America, 1985) [review, Speculum 63 (1988), p. 1015.]
Alan discussed homosexuality using a metaphor of bad grammar.

b) Chaucer

Field, P.J.C., "Chaucer's Merchant and the Sin Against Nature", Notes and Queries March 1970, p. 84

Frese, Delores Warwick, "The Homoerotic Underside in Chaucer's Miller's Tale and Reeve's Tale", Michigan Academician 10:2 (1977), pp. 143-150

Karlen, Arno, "The Homosexual Heresy", Chaucer Review 6:1 (1971), pp. 44-63

McAlpine, M.E., "Pardoner's Homosexuality and How it Matters", PMLA 95 (1980), pp. 8-22

Schweitzer, Edward, "Chaucer's Pardoner and the Hare", English Language Notes 4:4 (1967), 247-50

c) Dante

Armour, Peter, "Dante's Brunetto: the Paternal Paterine", Italian Studies 38 (1983), pp. 1-38
argues sin of Brunetto was heresy not sodomy

Kay, Richard, "The Sin of Brunetto Latini", Medieval Studies 31 (1969), pp. 262-286

Kay, Richard, "Dante's Unnatural Lawyer: Fancesco D"accusro in Inferno XV", Studia Gratiana 15 (1972), pp. 149-200
Suggests Inferno XV is not about sodomy, but other forms of "unnaturalness". This would mean Dante put no one in hell for sodomy.

Mussetter, Sally, "`Ritornare a lo suo principio': Dante and the Sin of Brunetto Latini", Philological Quarterly 63:4 (1984), pp. 431-448

Pezard, Andre, Dante sous la pluie de feu, (Paris: Librarie philosophique J. Vien, 1950)

Radcliff-Umstead, Douglas, "Erotic Sin in the Divine Comedy", in Human Sexuality in the Middle Ages and Renaissance, ed. D. Radcliff-Umstead, (Pittsburgh: Univ. of Pittsburgh Publications on the Middle Ages and Renaissance, 1978), pp. 41-96

Symonds, John Addington, "The Dantesque and Platonic Ideals of Love", (excerpts) in Hidden Heritage: History and the Gay Imagination: An Anthology, ed. Byrne R.S. Fone, (New York: Avocation Publishers, 1980)

Verschuer, U.F. von, "Die Homosexuelle in Dante's Gottlicher Komodie", Jahrbuch fur Sexuelle Zwischenstufen 7 (1906), pp. 353-363

d) The Issue of "Friendship"

The Issue of how "friendship" is to be understood in ancient and medieval sources is a major one. The relationships denoted by words such as "philia" and "amicitia" have little do with the casual acquaintance which passes for "friendship" in the modern world (where people can talk of having "hundreds of friends"). The classical and medieval discussions of friendship, ofetn picking up on Aristotle's notion of "one soul in two bodies" refer to, at the very least, intense non-bloodkin based, relationships between equals. Such relationships were not, or not meant to be, sexual. Some commentators thus exclude this tradition from the history of homosexuality, preferring to see "homosexuality" as referring to predominantly sexual relationships. Others argue that in understanding the modern "construction" of "homosexual" identity, which is not merely a matter of sexual activity or attraction, the history of "friendship" is vastly significant.

Bray, Alan, "Homosexuality and the Signs of Male Friendship", History Workshop Journal 29 (1990)

Carpenter, Edward. ed., Iolaus - anthology of friendship (London, Swan Sonnenschein/Manchester, S. Clarke, Second edition, 1906. pp. vi. 234. Third Edition 1927) [New York: Mitchell Kennerly, 1917, reprinted, New York: Pagan Press, 1982] (US version available online)

Den Boer W., Eros en Amor. Man en vrouw in Griechenland en Rome, (The Hague: 1962),

Fiske, Adelle, "Alcuin and Mystical Friendship", Studii Medievali series 2, 3 (1961), pp. 551-575

Fiske, Adelle, Friends and Friendship in the Monastic Tradition, (Cuernavaca: 1970)

Fitzgerald, John T., Greco-Roman Perspectives on Friendship. (Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1997)

Gold, Penny Shine, "The Language of cross-sex friendship in The Life of Christine of Marykate", unpublished paper presented to the Midwest Medieval Conference 12 Oct 1984

Gleckner, Robert F.Gray agonistes : Thomas Gray and masculine friendship¸(Baltimore, Md. : Johns Hopkins University Press, 1997)

Hafkamp, Hans, Naar vriendshap zulk een mateloos verlangen - bloemlezing uit de Nethelandse homo-erotische poezie, 1880-nu., (Amsterdam, Bert Bakker, 1979)

Halverson, John, "Amour and Eros in the Middle Ages", The Psychoanalytic Review 57 (1970), pp. 245-262

Heckel, Waldemar, "The `Boyhood Friends' of Alexander the Great", Emerita 53:2 (1985), pp. 285-289

Jaeger, Stephen, Enobling Love, forthcoming
Will be a major work - denies homoeroticism of "frienship" texts.

Karras, Ruth M. "Friendship and Love in the lives of two twelfth- century English saints", Journal of Medieval History 14:4 (1988), 305-320
Aelred of Rievaulx and Christina of Markyate

Kupffer, Elisar von, ed.,, Lieblingsminne und Freundesliebe in der Welt-literature, (Berlin, Adolf Brand, 1900)

Konstan, David, Friendship in the Classical World, (Cambridge: CUP, 1997)
An excellent bibliography.

Kroll, Wilhelm... Freundschaft und Knabenliebe. (Munich, 1927.)

Leclerq, Jean, "L'Amitié dans les lettres au moyen age", Revue du moyen age latin 1 (1945), pp. 391-410

Leclerq, Jean, Monks and Love in 12th Century France: Psychohistorical Essays, (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1979) {Reviewed: AHR (1982), p.377}

McGuire, B., "Love, Friendship and Sex in the 11th Century: The Experience of Anselm", Studia Theologia 28 (1974), pp. 111-155
Looks at spiritual/erotic affections. Finds Anselm unobsessed with male sexuality.

McGuire, B., "Love, Friendship and Sex in the 11th Century: The Experience of Anselm", Studia Theologia 28 (1974), pp. 11-32
Looks at spiritual/erotic affections. Finds Anselm unobsessed with male sexuality.

McGuire, Brian P., "Looking Back on Friendship: Medieval Experience and Modern Context", Cistercian Studies 21:2 (1986), pp. 123-142

McGuire, Brian P., "Monastic Friendship and Toleration in Twelfth Century Cistercian Life", in W. J. Shiels., ed., Monks, Hermits and the Ascetic Tradition, Studies in Church History 22, (London: 1985), 147-160

McGuire, Brian Patrick, Friendship and Community: The Monastic Experience, 350-1250, (Kalamazoo MI: Cistercian Pubs., 1988).

McGuire, Brian P, Brother and Lover: Aelred of Rievaulx, (New York: Crossroad, 1994)
Finally McGuire comes out and says that, from a modern perspective, it is appropriate to say Aelred was "gay" (p.142). Interesting biography and context of Aelred's life, plus recent historigraphy are all discussed. There is an interesting chapter on the modern appeal and cult of Aelred. McGuire has come under intense attack from some conservative Catholic voices fro this book.

Mullet, Margaret, "Byzantium: A Friendly Society?", Past and Present 118 (1988), pp. 3-23
p. 11 on homosexuality. This is an important article: in discussions of the adelphopoiia rites highlighte by John Boswell, there have been many assertions that such rites celebrate "friendship". As Mullet shows, that is a problematic concept in Byzantium.

Stehling, Thomas, trans., Medieval Latin Poems of Male Love and Friendship, (New York: Garland, 1984)
Gay medieval literature from the Roman Empire to 1300. Alcuin, Ausonius, Luxorius, Abelard, Baudri or Bourgueil, Hilderbert of Lauardin.

Sutherland, Alistair. and Anderson, Patrick. eds., Eros - an anthology of male friendship, (London: Blond, 1961)
Takes a chronological approach. No index or sources

White, Caroline, Christian Friendship in the Fourth Century, (Cambridge: CUP, 1992)
Scope goes beyond its title.

Woldring, Henk: Vriendschap door de eeuwen heen, (Ambo/Baarn, 1994).
Another good bibliography. You need to read Dutch, of course.

C: History of Sexuality & Homosexuality

Barber, Malcolm, The Trial of the Templars, (Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1978)

Beidler, Peter G. Masculinities in Chaucer : approaches to maleness in the Canterbury tales and Troilus and Criseyde Cambridge ; Rochester, NY, USA : D.S. Brewer, 1998.

Bennett, Judith, and Froide, Single Women in the European Past, Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1998?

Benson, J., "Clio and Venus: An Historical View of Courtly Love". in Francis Xavier Newman, ed., The Meaning of Courtly Love, (Albany NY:, 1969), 19-42

Beriac, F., "La Persecution des Lepreux dans la France Meridionale", Le Moyen Age 93:2 (1987), pp. 203-222
Discusses collective aggresiveness against the `other'.

Biddick, Kathleen. The shock of medievalism. Durham, N.C. : Duke University Press, 1998.

Biller, P.A., "Birth Control, the Medieval West", Past and Present 94 (1982), pp. 3-26

Bitel, Lisa M. "`Conceived in Sins, Born in Delights': Stories of Procreation from Early Ireland." Journal of the History of Sexuality 3:2 (1992): 181- 202.

Brooke, Christopher, The Medieval Idea of Marriage, (New York: Oxford UP, 1989)

Brown, Judith, "Lesbian Sexuality in Medieval and Early Modern Europe" in Martin Bauml Duberman, Martha Vincus and George Chauncey, eds. Hidden From History, New York: NAL, 1989), 67-75

Brucker, Gene, Giovanni and Lusanna: Love and Marriage in Renaissance Florence, (Berkeley & Los Angeles: Univ. of California Press, 1986)
Author calls this microhistory. It is the account of a 1455 law case on the clandestine marriage of a nobleman and poorer woman. It shows the sort of evidence available in court records for sexual history.

Brundage, James, "Let Me Count the Ways: Canonists and Theologians Contemplate Coital Positions", Journal of Medieval History 10:2 (1984), pp. 81-93

Brundage, James, "Politics of Sodomy", (forthcoming, promised in his Law, Sex p. 473, n.288)

Bullough, Vern L. and James A. Brundage. Handbook of medieval sexuality. New York : Garland Pub., 1996.

Burgwinkle, William E. Love for sale : materialist readings of the troubadour razo corpus . New York : Garland Pub., 1997.

Camille, Michael, The Medieval Art of Love, pub?: H. Abrams, 1998
-Great, and somewhat unexpected, illustrations

Cadden, Joan, "Medieval Scientific and Medical Views of Sexuality: Questions of Propriety", Medeavilia et Humanistica 14 (1986), pp. 157-171

Clark, Elizabeth A. "Antifamilial Tendencies in Ancient Christianity." Journal of the History of Sexuality 5:3 (1995): 356-80.

Cleugh, James, Love Locked Out: An Examination of Sexuality during the Middle Ages, (New York: Crown, 1963)

Cohen, Jeffrey Jerome and Bonnie Wheeler. Eds. Becoming Male in the Middle Ages. New York : Garland Pub., 1997.

Covey, Herbert C, "Perceptions and Attitudes toward Sexuality of the Elderly during the Middle Ages", Gerontologist Feb 1989; 29:1 p. 93-100
Abstract from electronic database :The proposals that thoughts on the ages of life excluded the elderly from having normal sex lives and that the church of the Middle Ages defined sexual behavior by the elderly as immoral are examined.

Espejo Muriel, Carlos. El deseo negado : aspectos de la problematica homosexual en la vida monastica (siglos III-VI d.C.), (Granada: Universidad de Granada, 1991)

Derouet-Besson, Marie-Claude, "`Inter dous scopulas' Hypothese sur la place de la sexualite dans les models de la representations du monde du XI siecle", Annales 36:5 (1981), pp. 922-945

Dinzebacher, P., "Pour un histoire de l'amour au Moyen Age", Moyen Age 93:2 (1987(, pp. 223-240

Epstein, L.M., Sex Laws and Customs in Judaism, (New York: 1967)

Flandrin, J.L., "Contraception, Mariage et Relations Amoureuses dans l'Occident Chretien", Annales ESC 56 (1969), pp. 1370-1390

Flandrin, J.L., "Marriage tardif et vie sexualle: Discussions et hypotheses de recherche", Annales ESC 59 (1972), pp. 131­178

Flandrin, J.L., "Repression and Change in the Sexual Life of Young People in Medieval and Early Modern Times", Journal of Family History 2 (1977)
Did young people masturbate?

Fradenburg, Louise, and Carla Freccero, eds. The Pleasures of History: Reading Premodern Sexualities, (New York: Routledge, 1996)

Gilmour-Bryon, Anne. "Sodomy and the Knights Templar." Journal of the History of Sexuality 7:2 (1996): 151-183.

Goodich, Michael, The Unmentionable Vice: Homosexuality in the Late Medieval Period, (Santa Barbara, Ca.: ABC-Clio, 1979)
Much criticised book that attempts an overview. It actually does quite a good job, and has an extensive bibliography and a 30-page translation/extract from inquisition records of Jacques Fournier in the 13th century. {Reviews - AHR 1980, p.375; Speculum (1980), pp. 121-122; Journal of Homosexuality 6:1/2 (2 separate reviews)}

Gold, Barbara K., Paul Allen Miller, and Charles Platter. Eds. Sex and gender in medieval and Renaissance texts : the Latin tradition Albany: State University of New York Press, c1997.

Goodich, Michael. "Sexuality, Family, and the Supernatural in the Fourteenth Century." Journal of the History of Sexuality 4:4 (1994): 493-516.

Harrison, Nonna Verna, The Feminine Man in Late Antique Ascetic Piety, [At Columbia U]

Hernandez, Lodovico (pseud. of Fernand Fleuret & Louis Perceau), Les Proces de Sodomie aux XVe, XVIe et XVIIe Siecle, (Paris: 1920)

Jeay, Madeleine, "Sur quelque coutumes sexuelles du moyen age", in L'Erotisme au Moyen Age: Etudes presentees au IIe Colloque de l'Institut d"Etudes Medievales, 3-4 Avril 1976, ed. Roy, Bruno, (Montreal: Ed. Aurore, 1977)

Karras, Ruth Mazo. "Holy Harlots: Prostitute Saints in Medieval Legend." Journal of the History of Sexuality 1:1 (1990): 3-32.

Karras, Ruth Mazo, and David L. Boyd), "Ut cum muliere: A Male Transvestite Prostitute in Medieval London,", in The Pleasures of History: Reading Premodern Sexualities, eds. Louise Fradenburg and Carla Freccero, (New York: Routledge, 1996)

Karras, Ruth Mazo. Common women : prostitution and sexuality in Medieval England, New York : Oxford University Press, 1996.

Keiser, Elizabeth B. Courtly desire and medieval homophobia : the legitimation of sexual pleasure in cleanness and its contexts. New Haven: Yale University Press, c1997.

Kuster, Harvey J., "Gelijkgeslachtelijke liefde in de middeleeuwen", Spiegel Historiael 10 (1975), pp 232-237

Kuster, Harvey J., "L'Amour physique unisexuel au moyen age", Arcadie, (Paris: 1976), pp. 665-670

Kuster, Harvey J., "Homoerotik in de middeleewse poezia", Maatstaf 24 (1976), pp. 40-48

Kuster, Harvey J., Over Homoseksualiteit in Middeleeuws West-Europa, (Utrecht: Univ. of Utrecht Dissertation, 1977)

Kuster, Harvey J., "Homoseksualiteit in de middeleeuwen", Huisarts en Praktijk, (Utrecht: 1980), pp. 13-16

Kuster, Harvey & Raymond J. Cormier, "Old Views and New Trends: Observations on the Problem of Homosexuality in the Middle Ages", Studii Medievali 25:2 (1985)
Overview of recent work, based on Boswell and Kuster's dissertation.

Lea, H.C., History of Sacerdotal Celibacy in the Christian Church 3rd ed., (London: 1907)

Lees, Clare A., ed, with the assistance of Thelma Fenster and Jo Ann McNamara. Medieval masculinities : regarding men in the Middle Ages. Minneapolis : University of Minnesota Press, c1994.

Legman, Gershon, The Guilt of the Templars, (New York: Basic Books, 1966)
Argues the Templars were a homosexual warrior order, that their seal indicates pederasty, and that homosexual rape was part of the intuition. All open to question.

Lemay, Helen Rodnite, "Human Sexuality in Twelfth- through Fifteenth-Century Scientific Writing", in Vern L. Bullough & James Brundage, Sexual Practices and the Medieval Church, New Concepts in Human Sexuality Series, (Prometheus Books, 1982)
Discusses scientific writing on homosexuality on pp. 194-197. She can only find two short discussions, by William of Saliceto and Michael Scot.

Lentzen-Bonn, R., "Altercatio Ganimedis en Helene", Mittelateinisches Jahrbuch 8 (1972), pp 161-187

Lochrie, Karma, Peggy McCracken, and James A. Schultz. eds. Constructing medieval sexuality. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1997.

Moore, R.I., The Formation of a Persecuting Society, (Oxford: Blackwell, 1987)
Briefly discusses homosexuality, but sets it in the wider context of Jews, lepers, heretics and other persecuted groups.

Murray, Jacqueline, and Konrad Eisenbichler. Eds. Desire and discipline : sex and sexuality in the premodern West. Toronto : University of Toronto Press, 1996.

Murray, Stephen & Kent Gerard, "Renaissance Sodomite Subcultures?", in Among Men, Among Women: Sociological and Historical Recognition of Homosocial Arrangements, (Amsterdam: 1983)

Nederman, Cary J., and Jacqui True. "The Third Sex: The Idea of the Hemaphrodite in Twelfth-Century Europe." Journal of the History of Sexuality 6:4 (1996): 497-517.

Noordam, D. J., .Riskante relaties : vijf eeuwen homoseksualiteit in Nederland, 1233-1733, (Hilversum : Verloren, 1995)

Norton, Rictor, "Ganymede in Renaissance Literature", Gay Sunshine 19 (Fall, 1973), p. 16

Richards, Jeffrey, Sex, Dissidence and Damnation: Minority Groups in the Middle Ages, (New York: Routledge, 1995)

Roby, D., "Early Medieval Attitudes toward Homosexuality", Gai Saber 1 (1977), pp. 67-71

Rosner, Fred, Medicine in the Mishneh Torah of Maimonides, (New York: Ktav, 1984)

Roy, Bruno, ed., L'Erotisme au Moyen Age: Etudes presentees au IIe Colloque de l'Institut d"Etudes Medievales, 3-4 Avril 1976, (Montreal: Ed. Aurore, 1977)

Ruggiero, Guido, The Boundaries of Eros: Sex, Crime and Sexuality in Renaissance Venice, (New York: Oxford UP, 1985)
See pp 109-45 on sodomy.

Saslow, James M., Ganymede in the Renaissance: Homosexuality in Art and Society. (New Haven: Yale UP, 1986)

Source 6:3 (1987), pp. 34-35;
Art Bulletin 69:4 (1987), pp. 653-57;
AHR 93:1 (1988), p.185}
Hope, Charles, "Jupiter's Boy", New York Review of Books May 29, 1986; 33:9 p. 7-10

Saslow, James. M, "Homosexuality in the Renaissance: Behavior, Identity, Artistic Expression" in Martin Bauml Duberman, Martha Vincus and George Chauncey, eds. Hidden From History, New York: NAL, 1989), 67-75

Cassio, A.C., "Post Classical Lesbiai", Classical Quarterly 33:1 (1983), 90-105

Schwartz, Jerome, "Aspects of Androgny in the Renaissance", in Human Sexuality in the Middle Ages and Renaissance, ed. D. Radcliff-Umstead, (Pittsburgh, Univ. of Pittsburgh Publications on the Middle Ages and Renaissance, 1978), pp. 121-131

Small, R.C., "Is it True about the Templars", New York Review of Books 8, (Feb 23, 1967), pp. 14-15

Spreitzer, Brigitte, Die stumme Sunde : Homosexualitat im Mittelalter : mit einem Textanhang, (Goppingen : Kummerle, 1988)

Stehling, Thomas, "To Love a Medieval Boy", Journal of Homosexuality 8 (1983), pp. 151-170

Stiller, Richard, "The Homosexual Crusader's The Templars ", Sexology 34 (Dec, 1967), pp. 305-307

Townsend, David and Andrew Taylor. Eds. The tongue of the fathers : gender and ideology in the twelfth-century Latin. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1998.

Weeks, Jeffrey, "In days of yore when knights were gay?", History Today 30 (July, 1980), p. 49

D: Christian Attitudes to Homosexuality

Bailey, Derrick S., Sexual Relations in Christian Thought, (New York: Harper & Brothers, 1954)

Bailey, Derrick S., Homosexuality and the Western Christian Tradition, (London: Longmans, Green, 1955;repr. Hamden, Ct.: Archon/Shoestring Press, 1975)
Absolutely standard work by Anglican priest. No bibliography but text gives best overview of Church and secular legislation

Bailey, Derrick S., "Homosexuality and Christian Morals", in J. Tudor Rees & H.V. Usill They Stand Apart: A Critical Study of the Problems of Homosexuality, (London: Heinemann, 1955), pp. 36-63

Barber, Malcom, The Trial of the Templars, (Cambridge Cambridge University Press, 1978)
Says sodomy Charges of 1308 are unproven. Use of "sodomy charges in late medieval politics examined.

Bleibtrau-Ehrenbergm Gisela, Tabu Homosexualitaet: die Geschicte enies Vorurteils, (Frankfort am Main: S. Fischer, 1978)
Stresses German history of anti-homosexuality from earliest times.

Bleibtreu-Ehrenberg, Gisela, Der Weibmann : kultischer Geschlechtswechsel im Schamanismus : eine Studie zur Transvestition und Transsexualitat bei Naturvolkern, (Frankfurt am Main : Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag, 1984)

Bloch, Iwan, "Die Homosexualitaet in Koeln am Ender des 15, Jahrhunderts", JFZ 1 (1908), 528-35
Sodomite sub-culture n 15th century Cologne.

Bond, Gerald, "`locus Amoris': The Poetry of Baudri of Bougueil and the Formation of the Ovidian Subculture", Traditio 42 (1986)m 143-93
Sees the subculture as not-homosexual and criticizes Boswell

Boswell, John, Christianity, Social Tolerance and Homosexuality, (Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press, 1980)
STILL single most important work by a serious scholar. Proposes that homosexuals were accepted before the 13th century, and then intolerance sets in. Criticised by gay radicals for letting the Church off the hook. Boswell rejects idea that homosexual subcultures are a recent development. Nevertheless, at this stage virtually all of Boswell's specific conclusions have been called into question. Students of the period must look at later scholarly publications.

Boswell, John, "The Origins of Christian Intolerance of Homosexuality", (in Spanish), Cuadernos del Norte 8:44 (1987), pp. 18-23

Boswell, John, Rediscovering Gay History : Archetypes of Gay Love in Christian History, (London : Gay Christian Movement, 1982)
Early presentation of the themes later developed in Same Sex Unions.

Boswell, John, "Revolutions, Universals, Categories", Salmagundi 58-59 (Fall1982-Winter 1983), 89-113
reprinted, and more easily accessible in, Martin Bauml Duberman, Martha Vincus and Ceorge Chauncey, eds. Hidden From History, New York: NAL, 1989, 17-36)
Boswell's extended discussion of the method and theory behind his researches and interpretations.

Boswell, John, interview by Lawrence Mass, "Sexual Categories, Sexual Universals: An INterview with John Boswell", Christopher Street 151 (1990), 23-40
Boswell discusses with Mass the implications and controversies over his work.

Boswell, John., "Battle-worn.", The New Republic v. 208 (May 10 '93) p. 15+
ABSTRACT: In ancient times, homosexuality had a hallowed relationship to democracy and military valor, even though modern military officials tend to find this improbable or even unbelievable. Many persons who might now be considered "gay" played prominent roles in the military, and some observers of the times argued that gay men would make ideal soldiers because they would wish to behave admirably while those they loved were present. In 378 B. C., the Theban leader Gorgidas created a company of 300 men, known as the "sacred band" of Thebes, composed of pairs of lovers; according to Plutarch. The troop played a crucial role in many military engagements and was never beaten until the battle of Chaeronea in 338

Boswell, John, Same-Sex Unions in Pre-Modern Europe, (New York: Villard, 1994)
A groundbreaking study of the "Adelphopoiia" liturgy, which Boswell argues, was for centuries used as a public liturgy to celebrate erotic relationships between people of the same sex.

Brooten, Bernardette J, Love Between Women: Early Christian Respones to Female Homoeroticism, (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1996)
The most important book on the classical and early Christian history of Lesbianism. She attacks the idea that there was no general idea of "homosexuality" in these periods.

Brown, Peter R. L., Augustine of Hippo : a biography, (London: Faber; Berkeley: University of California Press, 1967)

Brown, Peter, The Body and Society: Men Women, and Sexual Renunciation in Early Christianity, (New York: Columbia UP, 1988)
Important book by the foremost scholar of late antiquity on the emergence of Christian sexual ethics and thought about the body. Vital.

Brown Peter., Le renoncement à la chair. Virginité, célibat et continence dans le christianisme primitif, Paris, 1995) French trans of above item. The title indicates content more than the English version.

Brundage, James, "Let Me Count the Ways: Canonists and Theologians Contemplate Coital Positions", Journal of Medieval History 10:2 (1984), pp. 81-93

Brundage, James, Law, Sex, and Christian Society in Medieval Europe, (Chicago & London: University of Chicago Press, 1987)
Now the standard work on the subject.

Bullough, Vern L. & James Brundage, Sexual Practices and the Medieval Church, (New Concepts in Human Sexuality Series) (Prometheus Books, 1982)
Brundage is a major canon lawyer. Uses quantative methods that are hair-raising at times

Bullough, Vern L., "Byzantium and Eastern Orthodox Christianity", in Sexual Variance in Society and History, (Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press, 1976. pp, 317-346

Bullough, Vern, "Transvestites in the Middle Ages", American Journal of Sociology, 79 (1974), 1381-94
Stresses female saints. reprinted in his Sexual Practices.

Castelli, Elizabeth, "`I Will Make Mary Male': Pieties of the Body and Gender: Transformation of Christian Women in Late Antiquity", in Julia Epstein and Kristina Straub, eds. , Body Guards: The Cultural politics of Gender Ambiguity, (New York: Routledge, 1991), 29-39

Cleugh, James, Love Locked Out: A Survey of Love, License, and Restriction in the Middle Ages, (London: Anthony Blond, 1963)

Coleman, Peter, Christian Attitudes to Homosexuality, (London: SPCK, 1980)

Compton, Thomas, "Sodomy and Civil Doom: The History of an Unchristian Tradition", Vector (Nov, 1975), pp. 23-27, 57-58
Looks at Christian hostility in OT, NT, the Fathers, Justinian, Charlemagne and Church Councils

Daniel, Marc, 'Was St. Thomas a Becket a Homosexual?", Homophile Studies: ONE Institute Quarterly, 19 (1963), 68-71
Discusses play by Jean Anouilh which portaryed Becket and Henry II as gay. Concludes that there is not sufficient evidence.

Dynes, Wayne, "Christianity and the Politics of Sex", in Warren Johansson et al., Homosexuality, Intolerance and Christianity, A Critical Examination, (New York: Scholarship Committee, Gay Academic Union, 1981)
Less obessively anti-Christian than his colleagues in this collection of attacks on Boswell.. Clearly defines, apparently for all gay people, Christianity as "our enemy".

Eekhoud, Georges, "Saint Sebastien dans la peinture", Akdemos 1 (Feb 15 1909), 171-75

Eilberg-Schwartz, Howard, "People of the Body: The Problem of the Body for the People of the Book", Journal of the History of Sexuality 2:1 (1991), 1-24

Evans, Arthur, Witchcraft and the Gay Counterculture: A Radical View of Western Civilization and Some of the People it Tried to Destroy, (Boston: Fag Rag Books, 1978)
Blames attacks on gays on Christianity, which needs to be replaced with socialism.

Forsyth, Ilene, "The Ganymede Capital at Vezelay", Gesta: International Center of Medieval Art 15:1-2 (1976), pp. 241-246

Friedlander, Benedict, "Der Untergang des Eros im Mittlealter und seine Ursachen ", Der Eigene (1903), 441-455, trans. as "The Decline of Eros in the Middle Ages and its Causes" in Oosterhuis, Harry, ed. (translations by Hubert Kennedy), Homosexuality and male bonding in pre-Nazi Germany : the youth movement, the gay movement, and male bonding before Hitler's rise : original transcripts from Der Eigene, the first gay journal in the world, (New York : Harrington Park Press, c1991)[ "Simultaneously issued by the Haworth Press, Inc., under the same title, as special issues of Journal of homosexuality 22:1/2, 1991], 99-108

Gauthier, Albert, "La sodomie dans le droit canonique medieval" in L'Erotisme au Moyen Age: Etudes presentees au IIe Colloque de l'Institut d'Etudes Medievales, 3-4 Avril 1976, ed. Roy, Bruno (Montreal: Ed. Aurore, 1977), pp. 109-122

Gilmour-Bryson, Anne, The Trial of the Templars in the Papal States and the Abruzzi, (Vatican: Biblioteco Apostolica Vaticana, 1982)

Goodich, Michael, "Sodomy in Ecclesiastical Law and Theory", Journal of Homosexuality 1:3 (1976), pp. 427-434 Looks at penitentials, patristics, canons, episcopal instructions to the clergy.

Greenberg, David E. & M.H. Bystrin, "Christian Intolerance of Homosexuality", American Journal of Sociology 88 (1982), pp. 515-548

Hays, R.B., "Relations Natural and Unnatural: A Response to John Boswell's Exegesis of Romans I", Journal of Religious Ethics 14 (1986), pp. 184-215
A attempt to defend natural law condemnation of homosexuality.

Herter, Hans, "Effeminatus" in Reallexikon fuer Antike und Christentum: Sachworterbuch zur Auxeinandersetzung des Christentums mit der antiken welt, ed. Theodor Klauser., (Stuttgart : Hiersemann, 1950- ) Issued in parts.
Looks at history of Christian condemnation of homosexuality.

Horn, Walter, and Ernest Born, The Plan of St. Gall, (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1979), 3 vols.
Discusses Benedictin efforts to prevent sexual contacts with young monks.

Ide, Arthur Frederick, Sex, Women and Religion, (Dallas: Monument Press. 1984)
Discusses lesbianism in Byzantine convents (p 121).

Ide, Arthur Frederick, Lesbianism in the Eearly Religious Order of the Christian Church, (Dallas: Monument Press. 19??)
This and the following were reported as "forthcoming" in the 1985 bibliography by Nancy Manahan in Lesbian Nuns: Breaking the Silence. Nothing by Ide is cited by other scholars, and I have not read anything that impresses.

Ide, Arthur Frederick, Lesbianism in the Medieval Nunnery, (Dallas: Monument Press. 19??)

Johansson, Warren, "Ex parte Themis: The Historic Guilt of the Christian Church", in Homosexuality, Intolerance and Christianity, A Critical Examination, (New York: Scholarship Committe, Gay Academic Union, 1981)

Johansson, Warren, "London's Medieval Sodomites", Cabiron 10 (1984), 6-7, 34
Based on a text of Richard of Devizes

Johnson, Penelope D. , Equal in Monastic Profession: Religious Women in Medieval France, (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1991)
pp 112-130, a discussion of the vow of chastity, including a rare discussion of lesbianism among medieval nuns. There are rare indications of such activity, but very "rare" indeed.

Jordan Mark, The Invention of Sodomy, (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1997)
A critique of John Boswell's work as "social history", Jordan traces the development of the the idea of "sodomy" in theological,canonical, and philosophical texts.

Lauritsen, John, "Culpa Ecclesiae: Boswell's Dilemma",in Homosexuality, Intolerance and Christianity: A Critical Examination, (New York: Scholarship Committe, Gay Academic Union, 1981)
Attack on Boswell's theory that the Church did not create hatred of gays, by a leading proponent of the theory that the Church was responsible.

Laeuchli, Samuel, Power and Sexuality: The Emergence of Canon Law at the Synod of Elvira, (Philadelphia:

Lea, H.C., A History of the Middle Ages, 3 vols., (New York: Harper, 1887)
See Vol 1: 32-34, 85, 101; vol 2, 150, 335, 408; vol 3, 639

Lea, H.C., "Unnatural Crime", in A History of the Inquisition in Spain 4 vols., (New York: Macmillan, 1922)
Vol 4, pp. 361-377 (Chapter 16) 1497-1123, finds 20 persons burned at the stake and 48 "relaxed'.

Legman, Gershon, The Guilt of the Templars, (New York: Basic, 1966)
Argues that the Templars were a homosexual warrior order and were resistant to medieval Christianity. Poppycock.

Le Targat, Francois, Saint-Sebastien dans l'histoire de l'art depuis le XVe siecle, (Paris: Paul Vermont, 1977)

Le Targat, Francois, Saint-Sebastien: Adonis et martyr, (Paris: Editions Persona, 1983)

Levin, Eve, Sex and Society in the World of the Orthodox Slaves, 900-1700, (Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press, 1989)
Discusses homosexuality - emphasises that anal sex was the major problem. Also discusses "same-sex unions" 149-150 , but seems serioudly misinformed in seeing a Slavic blood brotherhood origin and thinking that manuscriots go back to "at least the 14th century". Boswell has shown much earlier origins. Shows the general confusion over this issue.

Little, Lester K., "Pride Goes Before Avarice: Social Change and Vices in Latin Christendom", American Historical Review 76 (1971), pp. 16-49
Discussion of the changes in the relative seriousness of sins and why this happens.

McLauglin, E.C., "Equality of Souls, Inequality of Sexes: Women in Medieval Theology", in Rosemary R. Ruether, ed., Religion and Sexism: Images of Women in Jewish and Christian Tradition, (New York: 1974), 213-60

McNeill, John Thomas, and Helena Gamer, eds., Medieval Handbooks of Penance, (New York: Colimbia UP, 1938)
Extensive selection in English. See Payer for analysis.

Martin, D., "The Perennial Canaanites: the Sin of Homosexuality", Etc 41 (1984), pp. 340-361

Matter, E. Ann, "My Sister, My Spouse: Women Identified Women in Medieval Christianity", Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion 2 (Fall 1986), 81-93
One of the very few articles on medieval female same-sex relationships.

Miles, Margaret, Carnal Knowing: Female Nakedness and Religious Meaning in the Christian West, (Boston: Beacon Press, 1989; pb New York: Vintage, 1991), 53-77

Moos, Peter von, Hildebert von Lovardin 1056-1133: Humanitas an der Schwelle des hofischen Zetalters, (Stuttgart: 1965)
pp. 236-239 on the cult of Ganymede

Naecke, Paul, "On Homosexuality in Albania", International Journal of Greek Love 1:1 (1965), 39-47, translated by Warren Johansson from Jahrbuch fuer sexuelle Zwischenstufen 9 (1908), 325-327
Important now for discussion of the meaning of brotherhood ceremonies.

Noonan, John T., Contraception: A History of its Treatment by Catholic Theologians and Canonists, (Cambridge, Mass.: Belknap Press, 1966)
Looks at all forms of "non-procreative" sexuality and Church attitudes to it.

Meeks, Wayne A., The Origins of Christian Morality: The First Two Centuries, (New Haven CT: Yale UP, 1993)
Meeks does not really address homosexuality, but he does discuss the origins of the overall sexual ethic with some verve and interest.

Olsen, Glenn, W., "The Gay Middle Ages: a response to Professor Boswell", Communio: International Catholic Review (summer 1981), pp. 119-138
Highly critical discussion of Boswell's discussion of natural law by a conservative Catholic.

Olsen, Glenn W., "St. Anselm and Homosexuality", Anselm Studies (1988)

Pagels, Elaine, Adam, Eve and the Serpent, (New York: Random House, 1988; pb New York: Vintage, 1989)
A discussion of the various reinterpretations of the Adam and Eve myth and its repercussions on Western views of sex. Pagels thinks Augustine is largely responsible for the idea that original sin is carried in semen. The book has been criticised by many.

Payer, Pierre J., Sex and the Penitentials: Formation of a Sexual Code 550-1150, (Toronto: Univ. of Toronto Press, 1984)
Much more negative than Boswell, but then part of Boswell's argument is the concentration on laws and official documents has substantially misrepresented the history of homosexuality in the middle ages.

Partner, Peter, The Murdered Magicians: The Templars and Their Myth,(London: Oxford UP, 1982)
Suggests the Templats were homosexual.

Ranke-Heinemann, Ute, Eunuchs for the Kingdom of God: Women, Sexuality, and the Catholic Church, trans Peter Heinegg, (New York: Doubleday, 1990, German ed. 1988)
Although Ranke-Heinemann is somewhat selective in her views, she marshals much evidence about the history of Roman Catholic attitudes towards sex, boty those that have changed and those that have not. She is much more pessimistic than Boswell. Chapter 27 address homosexuality directly, but it is her other chapters that are most interesting.


Berry, Jason, "One Angry Catholic", New York Times Book Review Dec 30, 1990; p. 7, 8:1
Cahill, Susan, "Books: Critics' Choices for Christmas ", Commonweal Dec 7, 1990; 117:21 p. 730-731
Chadwick, Henry, "Celibacy Slated", Times Literary Supplement Jun 22, 1990; :4551 p. 663
Chittister, Joan, "If Bashing Is Backed by the Facts, Beware", National Catholic Reporter Feb 8, 1991; 27:15 p. 19-20
Genovesi, Vincent J, Theological Studies Dec 1991; 52:4 p. 770-773
Gleason, Elisabeth G, Catholic Historical Review Oct 1991; 77:4 p. 659-660
Hardy, Linda, "Cardinal Bashes Book, Makes It a Best-Seller -- Eunuchs for the Kingdom of Heaven: Women, Sexuality, and the Catholic Church by Uta Ranke-Heinemann and translated by Peter Heinegg Photograph ", National Catholic Reporter Feb 8, 1991; 27:15 p. 19-20
Maitland, Sara, "Blind Mouths", New Statesman & Society Apr 20, 1990; 3:97 p. 37
Porter, Jean, America Mar 30, 1991; 164:12 p. 350
Read, Piers Paul, "When Sex Is Not a Sin", Spectator May 12, 1990; 39-40
Stuttaford, Genevieve, "Nonfiction: Eunuchs for the Kingdom of Heaven ", Publishers Weekly Oct 19, 1990; 237:42 p. 45
Watts, Richard S, "Religion: Eunuchs for the Kingdom of Heaven", Library Journal Dec 1990; 115:21 p. 130
Weeks, Jeffrey, History Today Nov 1992; 42 p. 57
Wright, A D, History Feb 1993; 78:252 p. 65-66

Roby, Douglass, "Early Medieval Attitudes to Homosexuality", Gai Saber 1 (1977), 67-79

Russell, Kenneth C., "Aelred, the Gay Abbot of Rievaulx", Studia Mystica 5:4 (Winter 1982), 51-64

Salisbury, Joyce E., "The Latin Doctors of the Church on Sexuality", Journal of Medical History 12:4 (1986), pp. 279-290
Augustine, Ambrose, Jerome - After Augustine a change in view and celibacy seen as essential.

Saslow, James M, "The Tenderest Lover: Saint Sebastian in Renaissance Painting: A proposed Iconology for North Italian Art, 1450-1550", Gai Saber 1:1 (Spring 1977), 58-66, and response by Wayne Dynes, Gai Saber 1:2 (Summer 1977), 150-51

Sheehan, M.M., "Christianity and Homosexuality", Journal of Ecclesiastical History 33 (1982), pp. 438-446
Reviews Boswell, Social Tolerance, Goodich, Unmentionable Vice, and Coleman, Christian Attitudes. Critical of Boswell.

Shiels, W.J., ed., Persecution and Tolerance. Studies in Church History 21, (1984)

Squire. A., Aelred of Rievaulx: A Study, Cistercian Studies Series 50, (Kalamazoo, MI: 1981)

Tannahill. Reay, Sex in History, (Briarcliff Manor NY: Stein and Day, 1980; pb New York: Scarborough Books, 1982)
Extended journalistic account of sex in history. Nevertheless useful and the easiest place to find information such as how castration was performed. Discusses the effects of Christianity, and the Sodom story, p. 153ff, p.285ff and p.375ff.

Tentler, Thomas T., Sex and Confession on the Eve of the Reformation, (New York: 1979)

Watkins, Renee Neu, "Mythology as Code: Lapo da Castiglionchio's View of Homosexuality and Materialism at the Curia", Journal of the History of Ideas Jan 1992; 53:1 p. 138-144
Abstract from electronic database :In 1438, Lapo da Castiglionchio wrote a lengthy Latin dialogue defending the service of the Pope and the tone of life at the Curia. He also made three references to homosexuality. His views toward homosexuals are discussed.

Wetherbee, Winthrop, "The Function of Poetry in `De Planctu Naturae" of Alain de Liile", Traditio 25 (1969), pp. 86-125 Unsympathetic to homosexuality. See pp. 102-105

Venarde, Bruce L. Women's monasticism and medieval society : nunneries in France and England, 890-1215 Ithaca : Cornell University Press, 1997.

Wright, David, "Homosexuality" in Encyclopedia of Early Christianity. ed. Everett Ferguson et al., (New York: Garland Pub., 1990)
Contains this gem "The conclusion must be that for all the interest and stimulus Boswell's book provides in the end of the day NOT ONE PIECE OF EVIDENCE that the teaching mind of the early Church countenanced homosexual activity." See entry under Biblical studies on an earlier Wright article.

E: Local Studies

a) Italy (see also bibliography on Dante)

Brucker, Gene, ed., The Society of Renaissance Florence: A Documentary Study, (New York: Harper and Row, 1971)
Florentine anti-sodomy magistracy pp. 201-206. Now see Michael Rocke's work on this subject.

Gilmour-Bryson, Anne, The Trial of the Templars in the Papal States and the Abruzzi, (Vatican: Biblioteco Apostolica Vaticana, 1982)

Gundesheimer, Werner, "Crime and Punishment in Ferrara", in L. Martines, Violence and Civil Disorder in Italian Cities 1200-1500, (Berkeley: Univ. Of California Press, 1972)
pp. 144 ff. - 8 executions of sodomites 1440-1500. 4% of all capital punishments.

Hergemoeller, Bernd-Ulrich. "Sodomiter: Schuldzuschreibungen und Repressionsformen im sp"aten Mittelalter." In Hergemowller, ed., Randgruppen der Spaetmittelalterlichen Gesellschaft, (Warendorf: Fahlbusch Verlag, 1990), 316-56.
Has a lot of Italian material, including a transcription of a Venice case from 1368.

Herlihy, David, "Veillir a Florence au Quattrocento", Annales E.S.C 24 (1969), pp. 1338-1352

Herlihy, David, "The Tuscan Town in the Quattrocento", Medievalia et Humanistica 1 (1970), pp. 81-100

Labalme, Patricia H., "Sodomy and Venetian Justice in the Renaissance", Revue d'histoire du droit 52:3 (1985), pp. 217-254

Munster, Ladislao, "Un processo per sodomia a Venezia e una perizia medica relitiva ad esso", in Frascastro: Studi e Memories per il IV Centenario della Marte, (Verona: Ghidini Fiorini, 1954), pp. 82-84

Pavan, Elizabeth, "Police des moeurs, societe et politique a Venise a la fin du moyen age", Revue Historique 264:2 (1986), pp. 241-288

Posner, Donald, "Caravaggios Homo-erotic Early Works", Art Quarterly 34 (1971), 301-24

Rocke, Michael, Male homosexuality and its regulation in late medieval Florence, (Thesis (Ph. D.)--State University of New York at Binghamton, 1989)
Use police records to examine hundreds of arrests of men for sodomy.

Rocke, Michael, Forbidden Friendships: Homosexuality and Male Culture in Renaissance Florence, (New York : Oxford University Press, 1996)
Derived from Rocke's dissertation. He argues that homosexual activity was a normal part of male life activities in Florence, and not deviant.

Ruggierio, Guido, "Sexual Criminality in the Early Renaissance: Venice 1338-1358", Journal of Social History 8:4 (1975), pp. 18-37
Documents 16 young nobles burnt for sodomy in 1406­1407.

Ruggiero, Guido, The Boundaries of Eros: Sex, Crime and Sexuality in Renaissance Venice, (New York: Oxford UP, 1985)

Saslow, James M., Ganymede in the Renaissance: Homosexuality in Art and Society, (New Haven: Yale UP, 1986)

Saslow, James. M, "Homosexuality in the Renaissance: Behavior, Identity, Artistic Expression" in Martin Bauml Duberman, Martha Vincus and George Chauncey, eds. Hidden From History, New York: NAL, 1989), 67-75

Cassio, A.C., "Post Classical Lesbiai", Classical Quarterly 33:1 (1983), 90-105

Shevill, F., Medieval and Renaissance Florence 2nd ed., (New York, 1961)

Shreve, Jack, "Homosexuality in Renaissance Italy", Gay Literature 2 (Spring, 1972), pp. 10-14

Trexler, R.C., "La Prostitution Florentine au XVe Siecle: Patronage et Clienteles", Annales ESC 36:6 (1981), pp. 983-1015
Discusses Florentine institution of brothels in 1403 as an antisodomy move.

Wittkower, Rudol and Margot Wittkower, Born Under Saturn, (London: Weidenfield and Nicolson, 1962)
On homosexual artists.

b) France

Courouve, Claude, "Sodomy Trials in France", Gay Books Bulletin 1 (1978), pp. 22-23, 26
Documents 30 executions in France 1317-1783. Author may also have a book called Archives de l'homosexualite.

Coward, D.A., "Attitudes to Homosexuality in Eighteenth Century France", Journal of European Studies 10, pp. 236 ff.

Duby, Georges, "Youth in Aristocratic Society: Northwestern France in the Twelfth Century", in The Chivalrous Society, (1977), pp. 112-122
Suggests some aristocratic homosexuality, drawing on opinions of Ordericus Vitelis.

Duby, Georges, William Marshall: The Flower of Chivalry, trans. R. Howard, (New York: Pantheon Books, 1985)

Herman, Gerald, "The `Sin against Nature' and its Echos in Medieval French Literature", Annuale Medievale 17 (1976), pp. 70-87

Le Roy Ladourie, Emmanuel, Montaillou: Village Occitan de 1294-1324, (Paris: Gallimard, 1975), trans. by B. Bray as Montaillou: The Promised Land of Error, (New York: 1978)
Discusses inquisition records including those related to homosexuality.

Leclerq, Jean, Monks and Love in 12th Century France: Psychohistorical Essays, (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1979) {Reviewed: AHR (1982), p.377}

Robin, Gilbert, L'Enigme sexuelle d'Henri III, (Paris: Westamel, 1964)

c) Jewry

Allony, Nehemiah, "The `Zevi', Hebrew Poetry in Spain", Seferad 23 (1963), 311-21

Biale, David, Eros and the Jewus: From Biblical Israel to Contemporary America, (New York: Basic Books, 1992)
General work, but has a good bibliography.

Boyarin, Daniel, Carnal Israel: Reading Sex in Talmudic Judaism, (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1993)

Boyarin, Daniel.. "Literary Fat Rabbis: On the Historical Origins of the Grotesque Body." Journal of the History of Sexuality 1:4 (1991): 551-84.

Boyarin, Daniel. Unheroic conduct : the rise of heterosexuality and the invention of the Jewish man Berkeley : University of California Press, c1997.

Citron, Aaron, "Aspects of Love in the Hebrew Poetry of Moslem Spain", Literature East and West 11 (1967), 119-25

Eilberg-Schwartz, Howard. "People of the Body: The Problem of the Body for the People of the Book." Journal of the History of Sexuality 2:1 (1991): 1-24.

Ibn Sana al-Mulk. Dar al-tiraz.
A collection of Hebrew homoerotic poetry from medieval Spain [Seferad in Hebrew, al-Andalus in Arabic]. Translations of some of the poems can be found in Linda Fish Compton, Andalusian Lyric poetry and Old Spanish Love Songs, (New York: 1976)

Olyan, Saul M. "`And with a Male You Shall Not Lie the Lying Down of a Woman': On the Meaning and Significance of Leviticus 18:22 and 20:13." Journal of the History of Sexuality 5:2 (1994): 179-206.

Satlow, Michael L. "`They Abused Him Like a Woman': Homoeroticism, Gender Blurring, and the Rabbis in Late Antiquity." Journal of the History of Sexuality 5:1 (1994): 1-25.

Roth, Norman, "Satire and Debate in Two Famous Medieval Poems from al-Andulus: Love of Boys vs. Girls, the Pen and Other Themes", The Maghreb Review 4 (1979), 105-13

Roth, Norman, "Deal Gently with the Young Man: Love of Boys in Medieval Hebrew Poetry of Spain", Speculum 57 (1982), 21-50

Roth, Norman., "'My Beloved is Like a Gazelle' - imagery of the beloved boy in Hebrew Religious Poetry", Hebrew Annual Review 8 (1984). 143-65

Roth, Norman, "'The Care and Feeding of Gazelles' - medieval Hebrew and Arabic Love Poetry", in M. Lazar and N. Lacy, eds., Poetics of Love in the Middle Ages, (Fairfax, VA: 1989)

Roth, Norman. "Fawn of My Delights - boy-love in Hebrew and Arabic Verse" in Sex in the Middle Ages, (New York, 1991), 157-72.

Roth, Norman, "Boy-love in Medieval Arabic Verse", PAIDIKA - Journal of Paedophilia 3:3 (Winter 1994), 12-17

Press, Jacob, "`What in the World Is the Sin If I Threill to Your Beauty"?: The Homosexual Love Poems of the Medieval Rabbis ", Mosaic (1999), 12-26

Schirmann, Jefim (Hayyim), "The Ephebe in Medieval Hebrew Poetry", Seferad 15 (1955), pp. 55-68

d) Byzantium

Bailey, Derrick S., Homosexuality and the Western Christian Tradition, (London: Longmans, Green, 1955;repr. Hamden, Ct.: Archon/Shoestring Press, 1975)
Absolutely standard work by Anglican priest. No bibliography but text gives best overview of Church and secular legislation

Beck, Hans-Georg, Byzantinisches Erotikon: Orthodoxie-Literatur- Gesellschaft, (Munich: 1983)

Boswell, John, Christianity, Social Tolerance and Homosexuality, (Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press, 1980) , esp. 137-66

Boswell, John, Same-Sex Unions in Pre-Modern Europe, (New York: Villard, 1994)

Brooten, Bernardette J, Love Between Women: Early Christian Respones to Female Homoeroticism, (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1996)
The most important book on the classical and early Christian history of Lesbianism. She attacks the idea that there was no general idea of "homosexuality" in these periods.

Bullough, Vern L., Sexual Variance in Society and History, (Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press, 1976)
see Chapter 12: Byzantium and Eastern Orthodox Christianity.

Dalla, Danilo. "Ubi Venus mutatur": omosessualità e diritto nel mondo romano. (Milan. 1987)

Dauphin Claudine, Brothels, Baths and Babes Prostitution in the Byzantine Holy Land, Classics Ireland 3, 1996 [At UCD]

Galatariotou, Catia, "Holy Women and Witches: Aspects of Byzantine Conceptions of Gender", Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies 9 (1984/85), 55-94

Galatariotou, Catia, "Byzantine Ktetorika Typika: A Comparative Study", Revue des études byzantins 45 (1987), 77- 138
Despite its odd title, this contains one of the best discussions of Byzantine homosexuality - based on an examination of monastic foundation documents - the "typika" of the title., esp. pp. 121-124

Galatariotou, Catia, "Eros and Thanatos ", Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies 13 (1989), 95-137
esp. pp. 105, 117-124

Harrison, Nonna Verna, The Feminine Man in Late Antique Ascetic Piety, [At Columbia U]

James, Liz. Women, men, and eunuchs : gender in Byzantium. London; New York : Routledge, 1997.

Jenkins, Romilly J.H., "Constantine VII's Portrait of Michael III", in Bulletin de las Classes Des Lettres et des Sciences morales et politiques, Académie Royale de Belgique, 5e série, XXXIV, (1948), 71-77

Koukales, P, The Private Life of the Byzantines
Byzantinon bios kai politismos 8 vols., (Athens: Institut Francais, 1947-57)(in modern Greek) Vol IV, 505-39 on homosexuality: NB sometimes referred to as Vie et Civilisation byzantines - check for French translation.

Laiou, Angeliki, Marriage, Amour et parenté à Byzance aux XIe-XIIIe siècles, (Paris: De Boccard, 1992)
pp. 74 ff. Contains one of the most important modern analyses of Byzantine homosexuality.

Levin, Eve, Sex and Society in the World of the Orthodox Slaves, 900-1700, (Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press, 1989)
Discusses homosexuality - emphasizes that anal sex was the major problem. Also discusses "same-sex unions" 149-150 , but seems seriously misinformed in seeing a Slavic blood brotherhood origin and thinking that manuscriots go back to "at least the 14th century". Boswell has shown much earlier origins. Shows the general confusion over this issue.

Mullet, Margaret, "Byzantium: A Friendly Society?", Past and Present 118 (1988), pp. 3-23
p. 11 on homosexuality.

Pitsakes, Konstantinos, "He thes ton homophylophilon ste Byzantine Koinia" in Chrysa A. Maltezou, ed., Praktika Hemeridas: Hoi Peridoriako sto Byzantio, (Athens: 1993), 171-269
A major article in modern Greek.

Ringrose, Kathryn, "Living in the Shadows: Eunuchs and Gender in Byzantium", in Gilbert Herdt, ed., Third Sex, Third Gender, (New York: Zone, 1994), 85-110

Troianos, Spyros, "Kirchliche und weltliches Rechtsquellen zur Homosexualität in Byzanz", Jahrbuch des Öst. Byzantinistik 39 (1989), 29-48
"Ecclesiastical and secular legal sources on Homosexuality in Byzantium". A vital summary.

Zymaris, Nicholas, "The Rite of `Spiritual Brotherhood', Homosexuality, and the Orthodox Church", Axios (May 1984), 6-8
Zymaris, who is a long term student of Albania, speaks Albanian and has visited as recently as 1993 churches in Albania which perform liturgical same-sex unions.

e) Medieval Islam

Bosquet, G.H. Le morale de l'Islam et son éthique sexuelle, (Paris and Algiers: 1953)

Bosquet, G.H. Le éthique sexuelle de l'Islam, (Paris: 1966)

Burton, Richard Francis, "Terminal Essay" to One Thousand and One Nights,

Christman, Henry. M. , ed., Gay Tales and Verses from the Arabian Nights, (?: Edward-William Publishing Company/Banned Books, 1989)

Daniel, Mark, , "Arab Civilization and Male Love", trans Winston Leyland, in Reclaiming Sodom, ed. Jonathan Goldberg,. (London, New York: Routledge, 1994), 59-65

Ibn Dawud (Muhammed Ibn Dawud Al-Isfahani), Kitab al-zahara (The Book of the Flower) Nykl, Richard (Ed.), (Chicago: Oriental Institute, Chicago, 1932)
Ninth-century Arabicanthology which includes love poetry to boys by several authors.

Lacey, E. A. (translator, The Delight of Hearts: Or, What You Will Not Find in Any Book, (?: Gay Sunshine Press, 1988)
Ahmad Al-Tifashi, compile, An anthology of Arabic gay literature - is a translation of a translation of a translation.

Patai, Rafael, The Arab Mind, Rev. ed. (New York : Scribner, c1983)

Reid, Anthony. ed. The Eternal Flame - a world anthology of homosexual verse, 2000 B.C.- 2000 A.D. Volume 1 - Greece, Italy, Islam, France, (New York, Dyanthus Press, 1992)

Roth, Norman, "Boy-love in Medieval Arabic Verse", PAIDIKA - Journal of Paedophilia 3:3 (Winter 1994), 12-17

Schmitt, Arno and Jehoeda Sofer, eds., Sexuality and Eroticism Among Males in Moslem Societies, (New York : Haworth Press, 1991)
Begin here.

f) Elsewhere (See also bibliography on Chaucer)

Bitel, Lisa M. "`Conceived in Sins, Born in Delights': Stories of Procreation from Early Ireland." Journal of the History of Sexuality 3:2 (1992): 181- 202.

Blackmore Josiah and Gregory S. Hutcheson, eds., Queer Iberia: Crossing Cultures, Crossing Sexualities. (Durham, NC: Duke University Press, Forthcoming [1998?])

CONTENTS: Josiah Blackmore, "The Poets of Sodom"; Benjamin Liu, " 'Affined to love the Moor' : Sexual Misalliance and Cultural Mixing in the Cantigas d'escarnho e de mal dizer"; Roberto Gonzalez-Casanovas, "Male Bonding in Texts of Alfonso X, Ramon Llull, and Juan Manuel: Cultural Constructions of Homosocial Friendship in Medieval Iberia"; Catherine Brown, "Queer Representation in the Arcipreste de Talavera, Or, the maldezir de mugeres is a Drag"; Daniel Eisenberg, "Juan Ruiz's Heterosexual 'Good Love'"; Louise O. Vasvari, "The Semiotics of Phallic Aggression and Anal Penetration as Male Agonistic Ritual in the Libro de buen amor"; Michael Solomon, "Fictions of Infection: Diseasing the Sexual Other in Francesc Eiximenis's Lo llibre de les dones"; Sara Lipton, " 'Tanquam effeminatum' : Pedro II of Aragon and the Gendering of Heresy in the Albigensian Crusade"; Gregory S. Hutcheson, "Desperately Seeking Sodom: The Nature of Queerness in the Chronicles of Don Alvaro de Luna"; Barbara Weissberger, " '!A tierra, puto!': Alfonso de Palencia's Discourse of Effeminacy"; E. Michael Gerli, "Dismembering the Body Politic: Vile Bodies and Sexual Underworlds in Celestina"; Linde Brocato, " 'Tened por espejo su fin' : Mapping Gender and Sex in 15th- and 16th-Century Spain";Israel Burshatin, "Written on the Body: Slave or Hermaphrodite in 16th-Century Spain"; Mary Elizabeth Perry, "From Convent to Battlefield: Cross-Dressing and Gendering the Self in the New World of Imperial Spain"

Camille, Michael. Mirror in parchment : the Luttrell Psalter and the making of medieval England, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1998.

Hanawalt Barbara A. and David Wallace. eds. Bodies and disciplines : intersections of literature and history in fifteenth-century England, Minneapolis, Minn. : University of Minnesota Press, c1996.Gade, K.E., "Homosexuality and the Rape of Males in Old Norse Law and Literature", Scandinavian Studies 58 (1986), pp. 124-141

Hanawalt, Barbara A. Of good and ill repute : gender and social control in medieval England. New York : Oxford University Press, 1998.

Heyworth, D.L., "Jocelin of Brakeland, Abbot Samson and the Case of William the Sacrist" in Middle English Studies; presented to Norman Davis in honour of his seventieth birthday, ed. Douglass Gray & E.G. Stanley, (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1983)
William's fault was sodomy not mismanagement.

Jochens, Jenny. "The Illicit Love Visit: An Archaeology of Old Norse Sexuality." Journal of the History of Sexuality 1:3 (1991): 357-92.

Krekic, B, "Abominandum-Crimen: Punishment of Homosexuals in Renaissance Dubrovnik", Viator 18 (1987), pp. 337-345

Monter, E. William, "Sodomy and Heresy in Early Modern Switzerland", Journal of Homosexuality 6:1/2 (1980), pp. 41-55, trans. and revision of "La sodomie a l'epoque moderne en Suisse Romande", Annales ESC 29 (1974), pp. 1023-1033

Sørensen, Preben M., The Unmanly Man: Concepts of Sexual Defamation in Early Norse Society, (Odense: Odense University Press, 1983)

F: Sexuality and Law

a) Church Law

Brundage, James, Law, Sex, and Christian Society in Medieval Europe, (Chicago & London: University of Chicago Press, 1987)
Must now be the standard work on the subject.

Gauthier, Albert, "La sodomie dans le droit canonique medieval" in L'Erotisme au Moyen Age: Etudes presentees au IIe Colloque de l'Institut d'Etudes Medievales, 3-4 Avril 1976, ed. Roy, Bruno (Montreal: Ed. Aurore, 1977), pp. 109-122

Goodich, Michael, "Sodomy in Ecclesiastical Law and Theory", Journal of Homosexuality 1:3 (1976), pp. 427-434
Looks at penitentials, patristics, canons, episcopal instructions to the clergy.}

Laeuchli, Samuel, Power and Sexuality: The Emergence of Canon Law at the Synod of Elvira, (Philadelphia: 1972)

b) Civil and Secular Law

Gigeroff, Alexis K., Sexual Deviations in the Criminal, (Toronto: Univ. of Toronto Press for the Clarke Institute of Psychiatry, 1968)

Goodich, Michael, "Sodomy in Medieval Secular Law", Journal of Homosexuality 1:3 (1976), pp. 295-302
Criticised by Boswell, (Social Tolerance p.291) for not assessing the meaning of "sodomy", for assuming religious prejudice alone accounts for anti-gay laws, and for lumping all laws in the late medieval period together.

Grande, L., "Laws and Attitudes towards Homosexuality from Antiquity to the Modern Era", Ponte 43:4-5 (1987), pp. 122-129

Labalme, Patricia H., "Sodomy and Venetian Justice in the Renaissance", Revue d'Histoire du Droit 52:3 (1985), pp. 217-254

Reinhard, J.R., "Burning at the Stake in Medieval Law and Literature", Speculum 16 (1941), pp. 190 ff.

Stanley-James, D., "Sexual Inversion and English Law", The Medical Press and Circular 215 (1946), pp. 391-398
Suggests that the introduction of Aristotle into the curriculum at Paris somehow veiled a battle over homosexuality.

G: Homosexual Individuals

Chaplais, Pierre, Piers Gaveston: Edward II's Adoptive Brother, (Oxford: 199?)
Argues that Edward II was not homosexual , and that Gaveston was his adoptive brother.

Cuttino, G.P. & T.W. Lyman, "Where is Edward II?", Speculum 53 (1978), pp. 522-544

Daniel, Marc, "Was St. Thomas a Homosexual", trans. Marcel Martin, Homophile Studies: ONE Institute Quarterly 19 (1963), pp. 68-71
Denies Jean Anouilh's portrayal of Becket and Henry II as lovers.

Gillingham, John, "Richard I and Berengaria of Navarre", Bulletin of the Institute of Historical Research 53:128 (1980), pp. 157-173
The alliance with Navarre vs. France and Richard's supposed homosexuality.

Gilman, Sander L., "Leonardo sees himself: reading Leonardo's first representations of human sexuality", Social Research 54:1 (1987), pp. 149-171

Goldberg, J., "Society and Sodomy: The Case of Christopher Marlowe", Southwest Review 69 (1984?), pp. 371-378

Graham, James, The Homosexual Kings of England, (London: Universal Tandem Pub. Co, 1968)
brief and superficial: William II, Richard I, Edward II, James I and William III.

McGuire, B., "Love, Friendship and Sex in the 11th Century: The Experience of Anselm", Studia Theologia 28 (1974), pp. 11-32
Looks at spiritual/erotic affections. Finds Anselm unobsessed with male sexuality.

Russo, William, "Leonardo: A Brush with Gayness", In Touch no. 37 (Sept-Oct, 1978), pp. 39, 92-95
Published records show 1474 sodomy charge against Leonardo. He later took boys as lovers.

Russo, William, "Caravaggio", In Touch 39 (Jan-Feb 1979), pp. 74-75, 78-79

Russo, William, "Edward II, England's Gay King", In Touch 43 (Sept-Oct 1979), pp. 61-63

Southern, Richard W., St. Anselm and his Biographer, (Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1963)
pp.67-76 on the cult of Ganymede

H: Other Issues

a) Homosexuality, Heresy and Witchcraft

Bullough, Vern L., "Heresy, Witchcraft and Sexuality", Journal of Homosexuality 1 (1974), pp. 183-201, repr. in Vern L. Bullough: Sex, Society and History, (New York: Science History Publications, 1976)
Points out that because sources often do not distinguish between heresy, witchcraft and homosexuality, it can be difficult to deal with medieval homosexuality.

Goodich, Michael, "Sexual Deviation as heresy in the XIIth-XIVth Centuries", Modernite et Non-conformisme en France a travers les ages: Actes du Colloque organisee par l'Institut d'Histoire et de Civilisation Francaise de L'Universite de Haifa, ed. Myriam Yardeni, Studies in the History of Christian Though 28, (Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1983)

Karlen, Arno, "The Homosexual Heresy", Chaucer Review 6:1 (1971), pp. 44-63

Monter, E. William, "Sodomy and Heresy in Early Modern Switzerland", Journal of Homosexuality 6:1/2 (1980), pp. 41-55, trans. and revision of "La sodomie a l'epoque moderne en Suisse Romande", Annales ESC 29 (1974), pp. 1023-1033

Russell, Jeffrey B., Witchcraft in the Middle Ages, (Ithaca: Cornell UP, 1972)

Monter, E. William, "The Pedestal and the Stake: Courtly Love and Witchcraft", in Becoming Visible: Women in European History eds. Renate Bridenthal & Claudia Koonz, (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1977)

Thouzellier, Christine, "Histoire des sectes dans l'occident medieval", Annuaire de L'Ecole Practique des Hautes Etudes Ve section 86 (1978-9), pp. 385-388
A study of the word "bougre" as applied to cathars.

Thouzellier, Christine, "Etude du term bougre, applique aux heretiques cathares", Annuaire de L'Ecole Practique des Hautes Etudes Ve section 87 (1979-80), pp. 419-421

b) Homosexuality, Leprosy and Sickness

Brody, Saul N., The Disease of the Soul, (Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell UP, 1974)
Discusses association of sexuality with leprosy

Bullough, Vern L. & Bonnie Bullough, Sin, Sickness and Sanity: A History of Sexual Attitudes, (New York: 1977)

c) Paedophilia

Eglinton, J.S., Greek Love, (New York: Oliver Layton Press, 1964)
Looks at history of "boy-love" in Greece, Rome, Middle ages and present.

d) Bestiality

Brouillard, R., "Bestialite",in Dictionnaire de droit canonique 7 vols., (Paris: Librairie Letouzey et Ane, 1935-65), pp. 793-799
Bestiality was also seen as a "crime against nature" Nothing beats canon lawyers for being blunt.

e) Transvestism

Bullough, Vern L., "Transvestism in the Middle Ages: A Sociological Analysis", American Journal of Sociology 79 (1974), pp. 1381-1394, modified repr. in Vern L. Bullough & James Brundage, Sexual Practices and the Medieval Church, New Concepts in Human Sexuality Series, (Prometheus Books, 1982)
Uses mainly hagiographical evidence.

Bullough, Vern L. and Bonnie Bullogh, Cross-Dressing, Sex, and Gender, (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvanis Press, 1993)

V: Early Modern Homosexuality - 1500-1800

A: General

Bingham, Caroline, "Seventeenth-century Attitudes toward Deviant Sex", Journal of Interdisciplinary History 1:3, pp. 448 ff.

Boehrer, Bruce Thomas. "Early Modern Syphilis." Journal of the History of Sexuality 1:2 (1990): 197-214.

Brown, Judith, "Lesbian Sexuality in Medieval and Early Modern Europe" in Martin Bauml Duberman, Martha Vincus and George Chauncey, eds. Hidden From History, New York: NAL, 1989), 67-75

Cassio, A.C., "Post Classical Lesbiai", Classical Quarterly 33:1 (1983), 296-97

Crompton, Louis, "The Myth of Lesbian Immunity", in Salvatore J. Licata & Robert P. Petersen, eds., The Gay Past: A Collection of Historical Essays, (New York; Haworth, 1985), originally Journal of Homosexuality 6:1/2 (Fall/Winter 1980), 11-26

Delumeau, Jean, Sin and Fear: The Emergence of Western Guilt Culture in thr 13th-18th Centuries, trans. Eric Nicholson, (New York: St. Martins Press, 1990; French original 1983)
A widely read discussion of the emergence of a "guilt culture" in the Est. Pp 436-45 is a vital discussion of the obsession with impurity, and indeed its equation with sin, in the Counter-Reformation period. Despite modern Roman approval of marriage, Delumeau demonstrates that long after marriage had been accepted as "sacrament" (in the 13th century), Roman Catholic leaders and moralists remained extremely suspicious of any sexuality. The chief point of the book, though, is its discussion of the use of fear and guilt (with phenomena like "sin lists) by religious leaders to terrify and control the laity.

DiGangi, Mario. The homoerotics of early modern drama. Cambridge; NewYork: Cambridge University Press, 1997.

Fradenburg, Louise, and Carla Freccero, eds. The Pleasures of History: Reading Premodern Sexualities, (New York: Routledge, 1996)

Gardiner, James, Who's a Pretty Boy Then? : One Hundred & Fifty Years of Gay Life in Pictures, (?: Serpents Tail,1997)

Gerard, Kent and Gert Hekma, eds., The Pursuit of Sodomy: Male Homosexuality in Renaissance and Englightenment Europe, (New York: Harrington Park Press, 1989)
also issued as Journal of Homosexuality 16:1/2 (1988))

Goldberg, Jonathan, Sodometries: Renaissance Texts, Modern Sexualities, (Stanford: Stanford UP, 1992)
As with many books written by literature scholars it is hard to get over the perception that the author is engaging in a conspicuous display of cleverness, whatever the merit of the work itself.

Goldberg, Jonathan, ed. Reclaiming Sodom, (London, New York: Routledge, 1994)

Goldberg, Jonathan, ed., Queering the Renaissance, (Durham: Duke University Press, 1994)

Gwilliam, Tassie. "Female Fraud: Counterfeit Maidenheads in the Eighteenth Century." Journal of the History of Sexuality 6:4 (1996): 518-48.

Hurteau, Pierre, "Catholic Moral Discourse on Male Sodomy and Masturbation in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries", Journal of the History of Sexuality 4:1 (1993), 1-32

Maccubin, R.P., ed., Tis Nature's Fault: Unauthorized Sexuality during the Enlightenment, (New York: 1987)

Rousseau, G.S. "The Pursuit of Homsexuality in the Eighteenth Century: 'Utterly Confused Category' and/or Rich Repository", Eighteenth Century Life 9 (1985), 132-68

Tentler, Thomas T., Sex and Confession on the Eve of the Reformation, (New York: 1979)

Traub, Valerie, Desire and Anxiety: Circulation of Sexuality in Shakespearean Drama, (New York: Routledge, 1992) Trumbach, Randolph, "The Birth of the Queen: Sodomy and the Emergence of Gender Equality in Modern Culture, 1660-1750" in Martin Bauml Duberman, Martha Vincus and George Chauncey, eds. Hidden From History, New York: NAL, 1989), 129-140

Trumbach, Randolph. "Is There a Modern Sexual Culture in the West; or, Did England Never Change between 1500 and 1900?" Journal of the History of Sexuality 1:2 (1990): 296-309. [REVIEW ESSAY].

Zimmerman, Susan, Erotic Politics: The Dynamics of Desire in the Renaissance Theatre, (New York: Routledge, 1993)

B: Britain

Bentman, Raymond. "Thomas Gray and the Poetry of `Hopeless Love.'" Journal of the History of Sexuality 3:2 (1992): 203-22.

Binns, J.W., "Women or Transvestite on the Elizabethan Stage?: An Oxford Controversy", Sixteenth Century Journal 5 (1974), pp. 95-170
On the fear puritans had about homosexuality in the theatre due to the presence of transvestite boy actors.

Bray, Alan, Homosexuality in Renaissance England, with new afterword and bibliography, (New York: Columbia UP, 1995; London: Gay Men's Press, 2nd ed. 1988; 1st ed. 1982)
Mainly concerned with 17th and 18th centuries. Believes modern homosexual identity was constructed in this period - opposing views of both Boswell, who held to the view of a fairly constant gay identity, and those eho see homosexual identity emerging in the 19th century. Despite his constructionist approach, Bray eschews the more recherche pomo jargon of some writers.

Bredbeck, Gregory W. Sodomy and interpretation: Marlowe to Milton,(Ithaca : Cornell University Press, 1991)

Bray, Alan, "Homosexuality and the Signs of Male Friendship", History Workshop Journal 29 (1990)

Bristow, Edward J, Vice and Vigilence: Purity Movements in Britain since 1700, (Totowa NJ: Rowman and Littlefield, 1977)

Burg, Richard, "Ho Hum, Another work of the Devil" Buggery and Sodomy in Early Stuart England", Journal of Homosexuality 6 (1980/81), pp. 69-78

Comensoli, Viviana. "Homophobia and the Regulation of Desire: A Psychoanalytic Reading of Marlowe's Edward II." Journal of the History of Sexuality 4:2 (1993): 175-200.

Donoghue, Emma, Passions Between Women: British Lesbian Culture 1668-1801, (London: Scarlett, 1993: New York: HarperCollins, 1995)

Gilbert, A.N., "Buggery and the British Navy, 1700-1861", Journal of Social History 10 (1976-77), 72-98

Goldberg, Jonathan., "Society and Sodomy: The Case of Christopher Marlowe", Southwest Review 69 (1984?), pp. 371-378

Harris, John, The Destruction of Sodom: A Sermon Preached at the Public Fast, before the Honourable Assembly of the House of Commons of Parliament, (London: C. Latham, 1628)
Example of 16th century sins of sodom litearture.

Harris, Tim, "The Bawdy House Riots of 1668", Historical Journal 29:3 (1986), pp. 537-556
p. 543 on the homosexual bishop of Rochester. Ref. Pepys Diary VIII 585, 586

Katz, Jonathan, ed., Miss Marianne Woods and Miss Jane Pirie against Dame Helen Cumming Gordon, (New York: Arno Press, 1975)
Repr. of Authorities with Regard to the Practice of Tribadism, (1811) - a collection of authorities on lesbianism for a Scots libel case.

McCormick, Ian, ed., Secret Sexualities : A Sourcebook of 17th and 18th Century Writing, (New York: Routledge, 1997)

Morris, Polly, "Incest or Survival Strategy? Plebeian Marriage within the Prohibited Degrees in Somerset, 1730-1835." Journal of the History of Sexuality 2:2 (1991): 235-65.

Nicholl, Charles, The Reckoning: The Murder of Christopher Marlowe, (New York: Harcourt, 1992)

Norton, Rictor, Mother Clap's Molly House: The Gay Subculture in England 1700-1830, (London: GMP, 1992)

Oaks, Robert, "Things fearful to name: Sodomy and Buggery in Seventeenth Century New England", Journal of Social History 12 (1978), pp. 268 ff.

Rollison, D., "Property, Ideology and Popular Culture in a Gloucestershire Village 1660-1740", Past and Present 93 (1981), pp. 70-91
Discusses sodomy.

Perry, Ruth. "Colonizing the Breast: Sexuality and Maternity in Eighteenth-Century England." Journal of the History of Sexuality 2:2 (1991): 204-34.

Senelick, Laurence. "Mollies or Men of Mode? Sodomy and the Eighteenth-Century London Stage." Journal of the History of Sexuality 1:1 (1990): 33-67.

Stone, Lawrence. "Libertine Sexuality in Post-Restoration England: Group Sex and Flagellation among the Middling Sort in Norwich in 1706-1707." Journal of the History of Sexuality 2:4 (1992): 511-26.

Smith, Bruce R., Homosexual Desire in Shakespeare's England: A Cultural Poetics, (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1991)

Stewart, Alan, Close readers : humanism and sodomy in early modern England. Princeton: N.J.: Princeton University Press, c1997.

Thorssen, Marilyn, J., "Varieties of Amourous Experience: Homosexual and Heterosexual Relationships in Marlowe and Shakespeare", in Human Sexuality in the Middle Ages and Renaissance, ed. D. Radcliff-Umstead, (Pittsburgh: Univ. of Pittsburgh Publications on the Middle Ages and Renaissance, 1978), pp. 135-152

Trumbach, Randolph, "London's Sodomites: Homosexual Behaviour and Western culture in the Eighteenth Century", Journal of Social History 11:1 (1977), pp. 1-33
Believes in a continuous homosexual subculture. Monter, "Modern Switzerland" discusses and criticises this view.

Trumbach, Randolph, "Sodmitical Subcultures, Sodomitical Roles and the Gender Revolution of the Eighteeenth Century" Eighteenth Century Life 9 (1985), 109-121, repr. in 'Tis Nature's Fault: Unauthorized Sexuality during the Enlightenment, ed. R. P. Maccubin, (New York: 1987)

Trumbach, Randolph, "The Birth of the Queen: Sodomy and the Emergence of Gender Equality in Modern Culture, 1660-1750" in Martin Bauml Duberman, Martha Vincus and George Chauncey, eds. Hidden From History, New York: NAL, 1989), 129-140

Trumbach, Randolph. "Sex, Gender, and Sexual Identity in Modern Culture: Male Sodomy and Female Prostitution n Enlightenment London." Journal of the History of Sexuality 2:2 (1991): 186-203.

Trumbach, Randolph, Sex and the Gender Revolution Volume 1: Heterosexuality and the third Gender in Enlightenment London, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1998

Warnicke, R.M., "Sexual Heresy at the Court of Henry VIII", Historical Journal 30, (1987), pp. 247-268

Wunderli, Richard M., London Church Courts and Society on the Eve of the Reformation, (Cambridge, Mass.: 1981)
pp. 83-84, on the English anti-buggary statute

C: France

Birken, Lawrence. "Madame Bovary and the Dissolution of Bourgeois Sexuality." Journal of the History of Sexuality 2:4 (1992): 609-20 [RESEARCH ESSAY].

Copley, A. R. H. (Antony R. H.), Sexual moralities in France, 1780-1980 : new ideas on the family, divorce, and homosexuality : an essay on moral change, (London ; New York : Routledge, 1989)

Courouve, Claude, "Sodomy Trials in France" , Gay Books Bulletin 1:1 (1979), 22-23, 26

Courouve, Claude , Les assemblees de la manchette : documents sur l'amour masculin au XVIIIe siecle(Paris : C. Courouve, 1987)

Coward, D.A., "Attitudes to Homosexuality in Eighteenth Century France", Journal of European Studies 10, pp. 236 ff.

Daniel, Marc, "A Study of Homosexuality in France during the Reigns of Louis XIII and Louis XIV", ONE Institute Quarterly 4 (1961), pp. 77-93 & 125-136

Delon, Michel, "The Priest, the Philosopher, and Homosexuality in Enlightenment France", Eighteenth Century Life 9 (1985), 122-131

Dickerman, Edmund H. "Henry III's Devotions: A Study in Sex and Religion", Journal of Psychohistory 5:3 (1978), 429-42
Tries to link Henry's religious activity to his "feminine nature".

Dubois-Desaulle, G., Les infames pretres et moines non-conformistes en amour, (Paris: Editions de la raison, 1902)
An example of French anti-clerical literature of the late 19th/early 20th century. This one, claimiing to draw its sources from police records, list and descibes a lrage number of homosexual French clergymen. This mainly concerns records from the early and mid 18th century.

Duperray, Michel., De l'etat et de la capacité des ecclésiastiques pour les ordres et bénéfices, (Paris: P. Emery et M. Brunoet, 1703)
For clerical homsexuals see pp. 312-20 (III, 8)

Hekma, Gert. "Rewriting the History of Sade." Journal of the History of Sexuality 1:1 (1990): 131-36. [REVIEW ESSAY].

Hervez, Jean (pseud. of Raoul Vèze), Les sociétés d'amour au xviiie siècle, (Paris: Daragon, 1906)

Jarrige, Pierre, Les jesuites mis sur l'eschaufard, (Leiden: J. Nicolas, 164)
By a Jesuit who converted to Calvinism. See Chapter 5 on homosexuality.

Jurrieu, Pierre, Prèjugés legitimes contre le papisme, (Amsterdam: H. Desbordes, 1685)
Attacks sodomy amongst the Catholic clergy.

Merrick, Jeffrey. "Sexual Politics and Public Order in Late Eighteenth-Century France: The Mémoires secrets and the Correspondance secrète." Journal of the History of Sexuality 1:1 (1990): 68-84.

Merrick, Jeffrey & Bryant T. Ragan, Jr., eds., Homosexuality in Modern France, (New York: Oxford University Press, 1996)

Nouveau, Pierre, "La péché philosophique au de l'homosexualité du xviiie siècle", Arcadie, nos. 254-259/60 (Feb-Oct 1975)

Rivers, Christopher. "Safe Sex: The Prophylactic Walls of the Cloister in the French Libertine Convent Novel of the Eighteenth Century." Journal of the History of Sexuality 5:3 (1995): 381-402.

Robinson, Christopher, Scandal in the ink : male and female homosexuality in twentieth-century French literature, (London ; New York, NY: Cassell, 1995)

Rey, Michel, "Police et Sodomie a Paris au XVIII siecle", Revue d'histoire moderne et contemporaire 29 (1982), pp. 116 ff.

Rey, Michel, "Paris Homosexuals Create a Lifestyle, 1700-1750", Eighteenth Century Life 9 (3) (1985), pp. 179 ff.

Stone, Donald, Jr. "The Sexual Outlaw in France, 1605." Journal of the History of Sexuality 2:4 (1992): 597-608 [RESEARCH ESSAY].

Teaseley, D., "The Charge of Sodomy as a Political Weapon in Early Modern France - The Case of Henry III in Catholic League Polemic, 1585-1589", Maryland Historian 18:1 (1987), pp. 17-30

D: Netherlands

[See Articles in Gerard and Hekma]

Agnos, Peter, ed., The Queer Dutchman: True Account of Sailor Castaway on a Desert Island for 'Unnatural Acts" and Left to Gods' Mercy, (New York: Green Eagle Press, 1978)

Hussen, Arend H., "Sodomy in the Dutch Republic During the Eighteenth Century" in Martin Bauml Duberman, Martha Vincus and George Chauncey, eds. Hidden From History, New York: NAL, 1989), 141-152

Leboutte, René. "Offense against Family Order: Infanticide in Belgium from the Fifteenth through the Early Twentieth Centuries." Journal of the History of Sexuality 2:2 (1991): 159-85.

Meer, Theo van der. De wesentlijke sonde van sodomie en andere vuyligheeden: sodomietenvervolgingen in Amsterdam 1730-1811, (Amsterdam : Tabula, 1984)

Noordam, D.J., "Homosocial Relations in Leiden (1533-1811), in Among Men, Among Women: Sociological and Historcial Recognition of Homosocial Arrangements, (Gay Studies and Women's Studies Conference, University of Amsterdam, 22-26 June 1983), collected papers, (Amsterdam: Sociological Institute, University of Amsterdam, 1983), 218-23

Roemer, L. S. A. M. von., Uranism in the Netherlands till the nineteenth century with special emphasis on the numerous persecutions of Uranians in 1730 : an historic and bibliographic study, trans. Michael A. Lombardi, (Los Angeles : Urania Manuscripts, 1978)

E: Spain/Iberia

Anabarbite Rivas, Hector and Ricardo Lorenzo Sanz, Homosexualidad: el asunto esta caliente, (Madrid: Queimada, 1979)
Looks at data from the Inquisition and then modern Spanish gay movement.

Blackmore Josiah and Gregory S. Hutcheson, eds., Queer Iberia: Crossing Cultures, Crossing Sexualities. (Durham, NC: Duke University Press, Forthcoming [998?])
CONTENTS: Josiah Blackmore, "The Poets of Sodom"; Benjamin Liu, " 'Affined to love the Moor' : Sexual Misalliance and Cultural Mixing in the Cantigas d'escarnho e de mal dizer"; Roberto Gonzalez-Casanovas, "Male Bonding in Texts of Alfonso X, Ramon Llull, and Juan Manuel: Cultural Constructions of Homosocial Friendship in Medieval Iberia"; Catherine Brown, "Queer Representation in the Arcipreste de Talavera, Or, the maldezir de mugeres is a Drag"; Daniel Eisenberg, "Juan Ruiz's Heterosexual 'Good Love'"; Louise O. Vasvari, "The Semiotics of Phallic Aggression and Anal Penetration as Male Agonistic Ritual in the Libro de buen amor"; Michael Solomon, "Fictions of Infection: Diseasing the Sexual Other in Francesc Eiximenis's Lo llibre de les dones"; Sara Lipton, " 'Tanquam effeminatum' : Pedro II of Aragon and the Gendering of Heresy in the Albigensian Crusade"; Gregory S. Hutcheson, "Desperately Seeking Sodom: The Nature of Queerness in the Chronicles of Don Alvaro de Luna"; Barbara Weissberger, " '!A tierra, puto!': Alfonso de Palencia's Discourse of Effeminacy"; E. Michael Gerli, "Dismembering the Body Politic: Vile Bodies and Sexual Underworlds in Celestina"; Linde Brocato, " 'Tened por espejo su fin' : Mapping Gender and Sex in 15th- and 16th-Century Spain";Israel Burshatin, "Written on the Body: Slave or Hermaphrodite in 16th-Century Spain"; Mary Elizabeth Perry, "From Convent to Battlefield: Cross-Dressing and Gendering the Self in the New World of Imperial Spain"

Carrasco, Rafael, Inquisicion y represion sexual en Valencia : historia de los sodomitas, 1565-1785,. (Barcelona : Laertes, 1985)

Bunch, Charlotte, Passionate Politics, (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1987)
Pp. 168-173 on a 17th century Spanish Lesbian nun.

Mott, Luiz, and Aroldo Assuncao, "Love's Labors Lost: Five Letters from a Seventeenth Century Portuguese Sodomite" in Kent Gerard and Gert Hekma, eds., The Pursuit of Sodomy: Male Homosexuality in Renaissance and Englightenment Europe, (New York: Harrington Park Press, 1989)
also issued as Journal of Homosexuality 16:1/2 (1988)), 91-104
The oldest homoerotic love letters in a European vernacular - sent by the sacristan of Silves Cathedral in 1664. Preserved courtesy of the inquisition.

Perry, Mary Elizabeth, Crime and Society in Early Modern Seville, (Hanover NH: University Presses of New England, 1980)
The spectacle of over 300 sodomites burned to death, and an account by Pedro de Leon, who attended them beforehand. See chapter six for Catalina de Erauso, the "nun-lieutenant" of 17th-century Spain, who said that she had used a concoction to dry up her breasts after she ran away from the convent so that she could live as a man.

Perry, Mary Elizabeth, "The Manly Woman," American Behavioral Scientist 31:1 (Sept-Oct 1987)(special issue on New Gender Scholarship: Breaking Old Boundaries, edited by Harry Brod and Walter Williams).

Perry, Mary Elizabeth, "The 'Neferious Sin' in Early Modern Seville" in Kent Gerard and Gert Hekma, eds., The Pursuit of Sodomy: Male Homosexuality in Renaissance and Englightenment Europe, (New York: Harrington Park Press, 1989) also issued as Journal of Homosexuality 16:1/2 (1988)), 67-90
Unlike Italy, where secular governments ran the sodomy prosecutions, in Spain the Inquisition was in charge. This is a statistical account from 17th century Seville.

F: Italy

Brown, Judith C., "Lesbian Sexuality in Renaissance Italy: The Case of Sister Benedetta Carlini", Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 9:4 (Summer 1984), pp. 751-758; repr. in The Lesbian Issue: Essays from Signs, ed. Estelle B. Freedman et al (Chicago & London: Univ. of Chicago Press, 1985), pp. 271-278

Brown, Judith C., Immodest Acts - The Life of a Lesbian Nun in Renaissance Italy, (New York: Oxford UP, 1986)
Discusses life and trials of Sister Benedetta Carlini in the 17th century. A rather late idead of "Renaissance". Expansion of an earlier article in Signs 9:4 (1984), 751-58


Bell, R.M., "Renaissance Sexuality and the Florentine Archives; the "lesbian nun" of Judith Brown", Renaissance Quarterly 40 (1987), 485-511 -Review article and discussion.

Boswell, John, "Old Habits, New Habits", New Republic Jan 6, 1986; 194:1 p. 36-39

Randall, Frederika, "Divine Visions, Diabolical Obsessions", New York Times Book Review Jan 19, 1986; p. 27

Jnl Mod Hist 60(1988), 172-174

Cath Hist Rev 73(1987), 619-620

Histoire 108(1988), p.66

American Journal of Sociology 93(1987), 324-336;

Posner, Donald, "Caravaggio's Early Homo-erotic Works", Art Quarterly 24 (1971), 301-26
Discusses Caravaggio's milieu, that around the homosexual Cardinal del Monte.

G: Other European

Eriksson, Brigitte, "A Lesbian Execution in Germany, 1721: The Trial Records", Journal of Homosexuality 6:1/2 (1980), pp. 27-40
Trial records of two lesbians tired in 1721. Based on a report in a 19th Century German medical periodical.

H: Colonial Americas

Brown, Kathleen. "`Changed . . . into the fashion of man': The Politics of Sexual Difference in a Seventeenth-Century Anglo-American Settlement." Journal of the History of Sexuality 6:2 (1995): 171-93.

Crompton, Louis, "Homosexuals and the Death Penalty in Colonial America", Journal of Homosexuality 1 (1976), pp. 277-293

Dorn, Georgette M, "Latin", American -- Sexuality and Marriage in Colonial Latin America edited by Asuncion Lavrin", Catholic Historical Review Apr 1991; 77:2 p. 346-348

Katz, Jonathan Ned, "The Age of Sodomitical Sin, 1607-1740", in Reclaiming Sodom, ed. Jonathan Goldberg,. (London, New York: Routledge, 1994), 43-58

Oaks, Robert F., "Defining Sodomy in Seventeenth-Century Massachusetts", Journal of Homosexuality 6:1/2 (1980), pp. 79-84

Talley, Colin L. "Gender and Male Same-Sex Erotic Behavior in British North America in the Seventeenth Century." Journal of the History of Sexuality 6:3 (1996): 385-408.

Trexler, Richard C., Sex and conquest : gendered violence, political order, and the European conquest of the Americas, (Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, c1995)

VI: Modern Western Homosexuality 1750-1980

A: General

Adam, Barry D., The Rise of a Gay and Lesbian Movement, 2nd ed. (Boston: Twayne, 1995; 1st ed. 1987)
Good textbook. Main concern is modern period. Discusses some theoretical issues

Aldrich. R.,The Seduction of the Mediterranean: Writing, Art and Homosexual Fantasy (Routledge 1993)
About modern homosexual intellectuals - from Winckelman on - and their obsession with the liberation offered by Mediterranean cultures.

Arguelles, Lourdes & B. Ruby Rich, "Homosexuality, Homophobia, and Revolution", Signs 9:4 (1984)

Atkinson, Ti-Grace, "Lesbianism and Feminism" in Phyllis Buckley et al, eds., Amazon Expedition, (Washington, N.J.: Times Change Press, 1973)

Baldurson, Guthni, "From Sexual Abberration to Sexual Inversion", in IGA Pink Book, edited by the International Gay Association, (Amsterdam: COC-magazijn, 1985)

Binhammer, Katherine. "The Sex Panic of the 1790s." Journal of the History of Sexuality 6:3 (1996): 409-34.

Bland, Lucy and Laura Doan, editors. Sexology Uncensored: The Documents of Sexual Science. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1998
-[from the blurb] ..brings together, for the first time, many of the key documents of the modern science of sexuality that emerged in the late nineteenth century.  The extracts (which date from the 1880s to the 1940s) cover a variety of topics including gender and sexual difference; homosexuality; transsexuality and bisexuality; heterosexuality; marriage and sex manuals; reproductive control; eugenics; race; and various sexual proclivities.

Bland, Lucy and Laura Doan, editors. Sexology in Culture: Labelling Bodies and Desires. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1998
[from the blurb] The key founders of sexology, the "science of desire," were Havelock Ellis, Richard von Krafft-Ebing, and Magnus Hirschfeld. This volume examines the impact of their writings on English-speaking culture from the 1880s to the early 1940s. How influential a field was sexology during this period, and how much power did sexologists wield? What was the impact of their work on popular and official attitudes to sex?

Bleys, Rudi C., The Geography of Perversion: Male-To-Male Sexual Behaviour Outside the West and the Ethnographic Imagination, 1750-1918, (New York: New York University Press, 1995)
[from the blurb] A thorough, cross-cultural history of sexual categories, focusing on such subjects as puritanism, sodomy, and ethnicity in colonial North America; cross-gender behavior and hermaphroditism; and the semiotics of genitalia. The author also demonstrates that representation of cultural"otherness," as found in European thought from the Enlightenment through modern times, is closely related to modern constructions of homosexual identity.

Bronski, Micheal, Culture Clash - The making of gay sensibility, (Boston (USA), South End Press, 1984)

Burton, Richard, "Terminal Essay, Part IV, Social Conditions - Pederasty", in The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night, 10 vols., (privately printed, 1886), Vol 10, pp. 205-254
Burton thinks homosexual acts are endemic between 30 and 43 degrees latitude.

Chauncey, Jr., George , "From Sexual Inversion to Homosexuality: The Changing Medical Conceptualization of Female `Deviance'," in Passion and Power: Sexuality in History, ed. Kathy Peiss and Christina Simmons with Robert A. Padgug, (Philadelphia : Temple University Press, 1989),87-117.

Cooper, Emmanuel, The Sexual Perspective: Homosexuality and Art in the Last 100 Years in the West, 2nd ed., (New York: Routledge, 1994)

De Jongh, Nicholas, Not in Front of the Audience: Homosexuality on Stage, (New York: Routledge, 1992)

Faderman, Lilian, Surpassing the Love of Men, (New York: William Morrow, 1981)
History of Lesbians based on literary sources.

Gill, John, Queer Noises : Male and Female Homosexuality in Twentieth Century Music, Minneapolis: Univ of Minnesota Press, 1995)

Hausman, Bernice L. "Demanding Subjectivity: Transsexualism, Medicine, and the Technologies of Gender." Journal of the History of Sexuality 3:2 (1992): 270-302.

Hewitt, Andrew, Political Inversions : Homosexuality, Fascism, & the Modernist Imaginary, Stanford CA: Stanford Univ Press, 1996)

IGA Pink Book, edited by the International Gay Association, (Amsterdam: COC-magazijn, 1985)
Contemparary Gay Life in countries around the world: Legal position, social expectations etc.

Irvine, Janice M. "Reinventing Perversion: Sex Addiction and Cultural Anxieties." Journal of the History of Sexuality 5:3 (1995): 429-50.

Parikas, Udo, and Teet Veispak., Sexual minorities and society : the changing attitudes toward homosexuality in the 20th century Europe; papers presented to the international conference in Tallinn, May 28-30, 1990, (Talinn, Estonia: Eesti TA Ajaloo Instituut, 1991)

Plummer, Ken, ed. Modern Homosexualities: Fragments of Lesbian and Gay Experiences, (New York: Routledge, 1993)

Peiss, Kathy, and Christina Simmons with Robert A. Padgug, eds., Passion and Power: Sexuality in History, (Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1989),87-117.

Robb, George. "The Way of All Flesh: Degeneration, Eugenics, and the Gospel of Free Love." Journal of the History of Sexuality 6:4 (1996): 589-603.

Snitow, Ann, Christin Stansell, and Sharon Thompson, eds, Powers of Desire: The Politics of Sexuality, (New York: 1983)
Contains a number of classic articles.

Somerville, Siobhan. "Scientific Racism and the Emergence of the Homosexual Body." Journal of the History of Sexuality 5:2 (1994): 243-66.

B: Britain

Bartkowski, Frances, and Catherine Stearns. "The Lost Icon in The White Hotel." Journal of the History of Sexuality 1:2 (1990): 283-95.

Berg, Charles, Fear, Punishment, Anxiety, and the Wolfenden Report, (London: Allen & Unwin,1959)

Bristow, Joseph, Effeminate England: Homoerotic Writing after 1885, (New York: Columbia University Press, c1995)

Bourne, Stephen, Brief Encounters: Lesbians and Gays in British Cinema 1930-1971, (London: Cassell, 1996)
reviews over 150 films.

Castle, Terry, Noel Coward & Radclyffe Hall: Kindred Spirits, (New York: Columbia University Press, 1996)

Chedgzoy, Kate.Shakespeare's Wueer Children: Sexual Politics and Contemporary Culture, (Manchester ; New York : Manchester University Press ; New York : [Distrib.] St. Martin's Press, 1995)

Clark, Anna. "Anne Lister's Construction of Lesbian Identity." Journal of the History of Sexuality 7:1 (1996): 23-50.

Cowan, James C. "D. H. Lawrence's Sexual Fallacies." Journal of the History of Sexuality 5:1 (1994): 115-41.

Craft, Christopher, Another Kind of Love: Male Homosexual Desire in English Discourse, 1850-1920, (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1994)

Croft-Cooke, Rupert, Feasting With Panthers, (New York: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, 1967)
Late Victorian homosexuals: Wilde, Swinbourne, Symonds.

Croft-Cooke, Rupert, The Verdict of You All, (London: Secker and Warburg, 1965)
An account of the author's arrest and trial for homosexual offenses in 1953, and his prison experiences.

Crompton, Louis, Byron and Greek Love: Homophobia in 19th Century England, (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1985)

Davenport-Hines, R. P. T. (Richard Peter Treadwell), Sex, death, and punishment : attitudes to sex and sexuality in Britain since the Renaissance, (London : Collins, 1990)

Davidson, Roger. "Venereal Disease, Sexual Morality, and Public Health in Interwar Scotland." Journal of the History of Sexuality 5:2 (1994): 267-94.

Dellamora, Richard, Masculine Desire: The Sexual Politics of Victorian AEstheticism, (Chapel Hill NC: University of North Carolina Press, 1990)

Dowling, Linda, Hellenism and Homosexuality in Victorian Oxford, (Ithaca and London: Cornell, 1994)
Although her interests are more general, Dowling devotes a chapter to examining the Tractarian, or Oxford movement in the Church of England, which led to many converts to Roman Catholicism as well as the modern Anglo-Catholic movement. She discusses the homosexuality in the lives of figures such as Gerard Manly Hopkins, Fr. William Faber and John Henry Newman, relying at times on Geoffrey Faber's book cited here below,

Faber, Geoffrey, The Oxford Apostles, (London: 1933)
Discusses homosexuality in the Anglo-Catholic movement, and of such Roman converts as Newman, Richard Hurrell Froude, Fr. Frederick Faber. Faber's book was the first to name names.

Faderman, Lilian, Scotch Verdict: Miss Pirie and Miss Woods v. Dame Cumming Gordan, (New York: William Morrow, 1983)
Dramatisation of Scottish trial involving lesbians in 1792: No footnotes or bibliography but see also Jonathan Katz, ed., Miss Marianne Woods and Miss Jane Pirie against Dame Helen Cumming Gordon, (New York: Arno Press, 1975), a repr. of Authorities with Regard to the Practice of Tribadism, (1811) - a collection of authorities on lesbianism for a Scots libel case.

Fone, Byrne R. S., A Road to Stonewall: Male Homosexuality and Homophobia in English and American Literature, 1750-1969, (New York : TwaynePublishers ; Toronto : Maxwell Macmillan Canada ; New York : Maxwell Macmillan International, 1995)

Galloway, Bruce, ed., Prejudice and Pride, (London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1983)
Modern British gay concerns,

Gay Left Collective, eds., Homosexuality: Power and Politics, (London: Allison & Busby, 1978)
Theoretical treatment of gays and lesbians in a capitalist society.

Gilbert, Arthur N., "The `Africaine' Courts-Martial: A Study of Buggery in the Royal", Journal of Homosexuality 1 (1974), pp. 111-122

Gilbert, Arthur N., "Buggery and the British Navy", Journal of Social History (1976), pp. 72-98

Gilbert, Arthur N., "Doctor, Patient, and Onanist Diseases in the Nineteenth Century", Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences (1975)

Gilbert, Arthur N., "Sexual Deviance and Disaster during the Napoleonic Wars", Albion 9 (Spring, 1977), pp. 98-113

Gilmore, Leigh. "Obscenity, Modernity, Identity: Legalizing The Well of Loneliness and Nightwood." Journal of the History of Sexuality 4:4 (1994): 603-24.

Gleckner, Robert F.Gray Agonistes: Thomas Gray and Masculine Friendship¸(Baltimore, Md. : Johns Hopkins University Press, 1997)

Hall, Lesley A. "Forbidden by God, Despised by Men: Masturbation, Medical Warnings, Moral Panic, and Manhood in Great Britain, 1850-1950." Journal of the History of Sexuality 2:3 (1992): 365-87.

Hanscombe, Gillian and Andew Lumsden, Title Fight: The Battle for GAY NEWS, (London: Brilliance Books, 1983)
Account of the first British LGB paper, its problems and its demise. Hanscombe and Lumsden were participants in the struggle, so this is hardly an unbiased account.

Harvey, A.D., "Prosecutions for Sodomy in England at the Beginning of the Ninetheenth Century", Historical Journal 21 (1978), 939-48

Healey, Emma, and Angela Mason, eds. Stonewall 25: The Making of the Lesbian and Gay Community in Britain, (London : Virago Press, 1994)

Healy, Murray, Gay Skins : Class, Masculinity and Queer Appropriation, (London: Cassell Academic, 1996)
[From blurb] Murray Healy contests the myths of masculinity that constitute and are seemingly evidenced by the skinhead, and challenges assumptions about class, queerness and real men. He deconstructs the authentic masculinity of the skinhead, drawing parallels between the extreme masculinization of the skinhead and homoerotic desire and fantasy. He suggests that straight and gay skinss lifestyles are radically similar. Healy assesses what gay men have done to the hardest youth cult of them all, and how it has transformed the gay scene.

Higgins, Patrick, Heterosexual Dictatorship: Male Homosexuality in Postwar Britain, (London : Fourth Estate, 1996)

Hillard, David, "UnEnglish and Unmanly: Anglo-Catholicism and Homosexuality", Victorian Studies 25 (Winter 1982), 181-210
Very interesting account of homosexuality and the Anglo-Catholic movement in the Anglican Church.

Hyde, H. Montgomery, The Cleveland Street Scandal, (New York: Coward-McCann and Geoghegan, 1976)
A Homosexual scandal in Victorian Britain

Hyde, H. Montgomery, The Love that Dared Not Speak Its Name: A Candid History of Homosexuality in Britain, (Boston: Little, Brown, 1970)
Hyde is careful to proclaim his own heterosexual status.

Hyde, H. Montgomery, The Three Trials of Oscar Wilde, (New York: University Books 1956)
These trials marked the onset of an anti-homosexual rage in Britain that was take as "tradition" when the long night was broken in the 1970s.

Jeffrey-Poulter, Stephen, Peers, Queers and Commons: The Struggle for Gay Law Reform from 1950 to the Present, (New York: Routledge, 1991)

Katz, Jonathan, ed., Miss Marianne Woods and Miss Jane Pirie against Dame Helen Cumming Gordon, (New York: Arno Press, 1975)
repr. of Authorities with Regard to the Practice of Tribadism, (1811) - a collection of authorities on lesbianism for a Scots libel case.

Lane, Christopher, The Ruling Passion : British Colonial Allegory and the Paradox of Homosexual Desire, (Durham: Duke University Press, 1995)

Lane, Christopher. The Burdens of Intimacy: Psychoanalysis and Victorian Masculinity. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1999

Maynard, John, Victorian Discourses on Sexuality and Religion, (Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 199?)

Macnicol, John. "The Voluntary Sterilization Campaign in Britain, 1918-1939." Journal of the History of Sexuality 2:3 (1992): 422-38.

Mahood, Linda, and Barbara Littlewood. "The 'Vicious' Girl and the `Street-Corner' Boy: Sexuality and the Gendered Delinquent in the Scottish Child-Saving Movement, 1850- 1940." Journal of the History of Sexuality 4:4 (1994): 549-78.

Matus, Jill L. "Saint Teresa, Hysteria, and Middlemarch." Journal of the History of Sexuality 1:2 (1990): 215-40.

Meyers, Jeffery, Homosexuality and Literature, 1890-1930, (London: The Athlone Press, 1977)

Newton, Esther, "The Mythic Mannish Lesbian: Radcliffe Hall and the New Woman" in Martin Bauml Duberman, Martha Vincus and George Chauncey, eds. Hidden From History, New York: NAL, 1989), 281-293

Plummer, Douglas, pseud., Queer People: The Truth About Homosexuals. (London, W. H. Allen, 1963)
Early plee for toleration.

Porter Kevin and Jeffrey Weeks, eds., Between the Acts: Lives of Homosexual Men, 1885-1967, (London: New York: Routledge, 1991)
Personal stories.

Reade, Brian, ed., Sexual Heretics: Male Homosexuality in English Literature from 1850-1900, (London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1970)
The introduction contains a discussion of homosexuality and Anglo-Catholicism, as well as homosexuality and Roman Catholicism. Discusses Newman, Froude and Faber. Mostly consists of extracts from prose works and poems. Includes works by Catholic authors Oscar Wilde, Gerard Manley Hopkins, Marc Andre Raffalovich, A.C. Benson, and Fredrick William Rolfe.

Russell, George W.E., Saint Alban the Martyr, Holborn: A History of Fifty Years, (London: George Allen and Co., 1913)
Account of a famous Anglo-Catholic ritualist church in London which even in 1913 was, as the book says, "a young man's church". The Church in over 150 years never seems to have had anything other than homosexual clergy. Its annual St. Alban's Day dedicatory mass is one of the campest events in Britain's ecclesiastical calendar, only matched by the annual Anglo-Catholic pilgrimmage to Walsingham.

Sargant, Tom, Buggers Talk: A Social History of British Gay Life 1900-1975, (London: Millivres Books, Publication date: October 1,1997)

Senelick, Laurence.. "The Homosexual as Villain and Victim in Fin-de-Siècle Drama." Journal of the History of Sexuality 4:2 (1993): 201-29.

Sinfield, Alan, The Wilde Century: Effeminacy, Oscar Wilde, and the Queer Moment, (New York : Columbia University Press, 1994: London: Cassell, 1994)

Sheets, Robin Ann. "Pornography, Fairy Tales, and Feminism: Angela Carter's `The Bloody Chamber.'" Journal of the History of Sexuality 1:4 (1991): 633- 57.

Shefer, Elaine. "The `Bird in the Cage' in the History of Sexuality: Sir John Everett Millais and William Holman Hunt." Journal of the History of Sexuality 1:3 (1991): 446-80.

Smith, Patricia Juliana, Lesbian Panic : Homoerotics in Modern British Women's Fiction, (New York: Columbia Univ Press, 1997)

Smith, Timothy D'Arch, Love In Earnest; some notes on the lives and writings of English 'Uranian' poets from 1889 to 1930, (London: Routledge, 1970).
Study of the Uranian paederastic tradition in England.

Smith-Rosenberg, Carroll, "Discourses of Sexuality and Subjectivity: The New Woman, 1870-1936 " in Martin Bauml Duberman, Martha Vincus and George Chauncey, eds. Hidden From History, New York: NAL, 1989), 264--281

Simpson, Colin, Lewis Chester & David Leitch, The Cleveland Street Affair, (Boston: Little Brown, 1976)
A Homosexual scandal in Victorian Britain.

Summers, Claude J., ed, Homosexuality in Renaissance and Enlightenment England : literary representations in historical context, (New York : Haworth Press, 1992), also pub as Journal of homosexuality, 23:1/2 (1992)

Smith, Timothy d'Arche, Love in Earnest: Some Notes on the Lives and Writings of English "Uranian" Poets from 1889 to 1930, (London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1970)

Stokes, John, Oscar Wilde: Myths, Miracles, and Imitations, (Cambridge:; New York: Cambridge University Press, 1996)

Vanita, Ruth, Sappho and the Virgin Mary: Same-Sex Love and the English Literary Imagination, (New York : Columbia University Press, 1996)

Vicinus, Martha, "Distance and Desire: English Boarding School Friendships, 1870-1920" in Martin Bauml Duberman, Martha Vincus and George Chauncey, eds. Hidden From History, New York: NAL, 1989), 212-232

Walter, Aubrey, ed., Come Together: the years of gay liberation (1970-1973), (London: Gay Men's Press, 198 )
Articles form the London Gay Liberation Front's paper Come Together

Weeks, Jeffrey, Coming Out: Homosexual Politics in Britain From the Nineteenth Century to the Present, rev. ed. (New York & London: Quartet, 1990)
first ed. 1977 {Rev. in Jnl.Homo 6 (1980), pp. 214-219}
Weeks is the prime UK exponent of high social constructionist approaches.

Weeks, Jeffrey, Sex, Politics and Society, (London: Longman, 1981)

Weeks, Jeffrey, Sexuality and its Discontents, (London: 19 )

Weeks, Jeffrey, "Inverts, Perverts, and Mary-Annes: Male Prostitution and the Regulation of Homosexuality in England in the Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries", Journal of Homosexuality 6:1/2 (1980), reprinted in Martin Bauml Duberman, Martha Vincus and George Chauncey, eds. Hidden From History, New York: NAL, 1989), 195-211

Wildeblood, Peter, Against the Law, (London: Weidenfield and Nicolson, 1956; paperback, Harmondsworth: Penguin)
First-hand account of one of the five men charged in the "Lord Montagu" case in 1954.

C: France

Barbadette, Gilles & Michel Carassou, Paris Gay 1925, (Paris: Presses de Renaissance, 1981)

Benstock, Shari, , "Paris Lesbianism and the Politics of Reaction, 1900-1940" in Martin Bauml Duberman, Martha Vincus and George Chauncey, eds. Hidden From History, New York: NAL, 1989), 332-46

Bonnet, Marie-Jo, Un choix sans équivoque, (Paris: Editions Denoel, 1981)

Boisson, Jean, Le triangle rose: la deportation des homosexuels, 1933-1945, (Paris : R. Laffont, c1988)

Brassai, The Secret Paris of the 30's, (New York: Pantheon, 1981)

Bory. Jean-Louis & Guy Hocquengham, Comment nous appelez vous déja?, (Paris: Calmann-Levy, 1977)

Copley, A. R. H. (Antony R. H.), Sexual moralities in France, 1780-1980 : new ideas on the family, divorce, and homosexuality: an essay on moral change, (London ; New York : Routledge, 1989)

Erber, Nancy. "The French Trials of Oscar Wilde." Journal of the History of Sexuality 6:4 (1996): 549-88.

Girard. Jacques, Le mouvement homosexuel en France, 1945-1980, (Paris: Editions Syros, 1981)

Hahn, Pierre, ed. Nos ancêtres les pervers: la vie des homosesuels sous le second empire, (Paris: Oliver Orban, 1971)
Selection of texts on 1852-70 period, with an introduction.

Huas, Jeanine, L'homosexualite au temps de Proust, (Dinard : Editions Danclau, c1992)

Huddleston, Sisley, Paris Salons, Cafés, Studios, (New York: Lippincott, 1928)

Kraakman, Dorelies. "Reading Pornography Anew: A Critical History of Sexual Knowledge for Girls in French Erotic Fiction, 1750-1840." Journal of the History of Sexuality 4:4 (1994): 517-48.

Lever, Maurice. Les buchers de Sodome : histoire des "infames", (Paris: Fayard, c1985)

Martel, Frederic, Le rose et le noir : les homosexuels en France depuis 1968, (Paris: Seuil, c1996)

Merrick, Jeffrey & Bryant T. Ragan, Jr., eds., Homosexuality in modern France, (New York : Oxford University Press, 1996)

Mitzman, Arthur. "Michelet and the Republican Mission, 1868- 1870: The Policing of Eros." Journal of the History of Sexuality 3:1 (1992): 1-32.

Seel, Pierre, I, Pierre Seel, Deported Homosexual: A Memoir of Nazi Terror, (New York: Basic Books, 1995)

Schehr, Lawrence R. Alcibiades at the door : gay discourses in French literature, (Stanford, Calif. : Stanford University Press, 1995)

Schehr, Lawrence R., The shock of men : homosexual hermeneutics in French writing, (Stanford, Calif. : Stanford University Press, 1995)

Weiss, Andrea, Paris was a Woman: Portraits from the Left Bank , (New York: HarperCollins, 1996)
The literary lesbian subculture in Paris at the turn of the century: Colette, Djuna Barnes, Gertrude Stein and Alice B. Toklas.

D: Spain/Iberia

Alonso Tejada, Luis, La represion sexual en la Espana de Franco, (Barcelona: Caraly, 1977)
On gays see pp 217-24.

Fluvia, Armand de, "El movimento homosexual en el estado espanol", In José Ramon Enriquez, El Homsexual ante la Sociedad Enferma, (Barcelona: Tusquets, 1978)

Mirabet I Mullol, Antoni, Homosexualidad Hoy, (Barcelona: Editorial Herder, 1985)
An important reference in Spanish to homosexuality. Looks at theories and the emerging gay movement. in Spanish and Catalan.

Sahuquillo, Angel, Federico Garcia Lorca y la cultura de la homosexualidad : Lorca, Dali, Cernuda, Gil-Albert, Prados y la voz silenciada del amor homosexual, ( Stockholm : Romanska Institutionen, Stockholms universitet, c1986)

E: Germany/Austria

Allen, Ann Taylor. "Feminism, Venereal Diseases, and the State in Germany, 1890-1918." Journal of the History of Sexuality 4:1 (1993): 27-50.

Asprey, Robert, The Panthers Feast, (New York: Putnam's Sons, 1959)
Biography of Colonel Alfred Redl, Austro-Hungarian Deputy Chief of Intelligence in the First World War. Uses novel techniques.

Asprey, Robert, Frederick the Great: The Magnificent Enigma, (1988)

Balser, Kristof. [et al.], eds. Himmel und Holle: das Leben der Koelner Homosexuellen 1945-1969, (Koeln: Emons, 1994)

Baumgardt, Manfred, "Berlin, ein Zentrum der entstehenden Sexualenwissenschaften und dir Vorlaufer der Homosexualitat-Bewegung", "Das Institut fur Sexualwissenschaft und die Homosexuelle Bewegung in der Wiemarer Republik", and "Die Homosexuellen-Bewegung bis zum Ende des Erstern Weltkreiges", in Eldorado, ed. by the Berlin Museum, (Berlin: Frolich & Kaufmann, 1984)

Bei, Neda. [et al.], eds.,Das Lila Wien um 1900: zur Asthetik der Homosexualitaten. (Vienna: Edition Spuren, Promedia, c1986)

Benkert (Kertbeny), K.M., Paragraph 143 des preussichen Strafgesetzebuches vom14.4.1851 und seine Aufrechterhaltung als Paragraph 152 im Entwurf eines Strafgesetzbuches fur den Norddeutschen Buns..., (Leipzig: 1869); repr. in Jahrbuch fur sexuelle Zwischenstufen 7 (1905), pp. 1-66
first use of the word "homosexual"

Documents in the Homosexual Rights Movement in Germany, 1836-1927, (New York: Arno Press, 1975)

Eldorado, ed. by the Berlin Museum, (Berlin: Frolich & Kaufmann, 1984)
Illustrates history of gay men and lesbians in Germany before 1950, based on a 1984 exhibition.

Fout, John C. "Sexual Politics in Wilhelmine Germany: The Male Gender Crisis, Moral Purity, and Homophobia." Journal of the History of Sexuality 2:3 (1992): 388-421.

Eissler, W. U., Arbeiterparteien und Homosexuellenfrage : zur Sexualpolitik von SPD und KPD in der Weimarer Republik, (Berlin : R. Winkel, 1980).

Evans, Richard, The Feminist Movement in Germany, 1894-1933, (London: Sage, 1976)

Faderman, Lilian & Brigette Erikson, Lesbian-Feminism in Turn-of the Century Germany, (Weatherby Lake, Mo.: Naiad Press, 1980)
History of Lesbianism in Germany 1895-1921, including Anna Rulings address to the Scientific-Humantarian Commitee.

Got, Ambroise, "Le vice organisé en Allemagne", Mercure de France 161 (1923)

Grumbach, Detlef, ed., Die Linke und das Laster: schwule Emanzipation und linke Vorurteile, (Hamburg: MannerschwarmSkript Verlag, 1995)

Herzen, W., "Antithetical Sexual Sentiment and Section 175 of the Imperial Penal Law, 1898", in Bernstein on Homosexuality, trans. Angela Clifford, (Belfast: Athol Books, 1984)

Herzer, Manfred, "Nazis, Psychiatrists, and Gays", Cabirion 12 (Spring/Summer, 1985)

Herzer, Manfred, "Kertbeny and the Nameless Love", Journal of Homosexuality, 12:1 (1985), 1-26
On the man who first used the words "homosexual" and "homosexuality".

Hirschfeld, Magnus, "Berlins drittes Geschlecht", & "Sappho und Socrates", in Documents of the Homosexual Rights Movement in Germany, 1836-1927, (New York: Arno, 1985)

Hohman, Joachim, Keine Zeit fur gute Freunde, (Berlin: Foerster Verlag, 1982)

Hull, Isabel, The Entourage of Kaiser Wilhelm II. 1888-1918, (Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1982)

Jones, James W., "We of the third sex": literary representations of homosexuality in Wilhelmine Germany. (New York : P. Lang, c1990)

Kennedy, Hugh, Ulrichs: The Life and Works of the Karl Heinrich Ulrichs, Pioneer of the Modern Gay Movement, (Boston: 1988)

Kokula, Ilse, Der Kampf gegen Unterdruckung, (Munich: Verlag Frauenoffensive, 1975)
Development of modern German Lesbian movement.

Kowalski, Gudrun von. Homosexualitat in der DDR: ein historischer Abriss, (Marburg : Verlag Arbeiterbewegung und Gesellschaftswissenschaft, c1987)

Kuzniar, Alice, ed., Outing Goethe and His Age, (Stanford: Stanford University Press, forthcoming)

Lauritsen, John & David Thorstad, The Early Homosexual Rights Movement (1864-1953), (New York: Times Change Press, 1974)
First book on the subject in 1970s.

Lautmann, Rudiger, and Angela Taeger, eds., Mannerliebe im alten Deutschland : sozialgeschichtliche Abhandlungen, (Berlin : Rosa Winkel, 1992)

Lemke, Jurgen, ed., Gay Voices from East Germany, (Bloomington IN: Indiana Univ Press, 1991)

Moeller, Robert G. "`The Homosexual Man Is a "Man," the Homosexual Woman Is a "Woman"': Sex, Society, and the Law in Postwar West Germany." Journal of the History of Sexuality 4:3 (1994): 395-429.

Muller, Klaus, Aber in meinem Herzen sprach eine Stimme so laut : homosexuelle Autobiographien und medizinische Pathographien im neunzehnten Jahrhundert, (Berlin : Verlag Rosa Winkel, c1991)

Oosterhuis Harry, ed. (translations by Hubert Kennedy), Homosexuality and male bonding in pre-Nazi Germany : the youth movement, the gay movement, and male bonding before Hitler's rise : original transcripts from Der Eigene, the first gay journal in the world, (New York : Harrington Park Press, c1991)[ "Simultaneously issued by the Haworth Press, Inc., under the same title, as special issues of Journal of homosexuality 22:1/2, 1991)

Richter, Simon. "Wet Nursing, Onanism, and the Breast in Eighteenth-Century Germany." Journal of the History of Sexuality 7:1 (1996): 1-22.

Richter, Simon, "Winckelmann's Progeny: Homosocial Networking in Eighteenth-Century Germany", in Alice Kuzniar, Ed., Outing Goethe and His Age, (Stanford: Stanford University Press, forthcoming)

Steakley, James, The Homosexual Emancipation Movement in Germany, (New York: Arno, 1975)
Most important text on the issue.

Steakley, James, "Gays under Socialism: Male Homosexuality in the German Democratic Republic", The Body Politic 29 (Dec 1976-Jan 1977), pp. 15-18

Steakley, James, "Iconography of a Scandal: Political Cartoons and the Eulenberg Affair in Wilhelmin Germany", in Martin Bauml Duberman, Martha Vincus and George Chauncey, eds. Hidden From History, New York: NAL, 1989), 433-463

Stumke, Hans-Georg & Rudi Finkler, Rosa Winkel, Rosa Listen: Homosexuelle und "Gesundes Volksempfinden" von Auschwitz bis heute, (Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1981)
Most comprehensiev treatment of gay movement in Germany, from Hirshcfeld until now.

Stumke, Hans-Georg, Homosexuelle in Deutschland : eine politische Geschichte, (Originalausg. Munchen : C.H. Beck, c1989).

Toepfer, Karl. "Nudity and Modernity in German Dance, 1910-30." Journal of the History of Sexuality 3:1 (1992): 58-108.

Ulrichs, Karl Heinrich, Forschungen uber das Ratsel der mannmannlichen Liebe 12 vols. in 1, (Liepzig: 1898; repr. New York: Arno Press, 1975) Now available in English translation The Riddle of 'Man-Manly' Love : The Pioneering Work on Male Homosexuality, trans Michael A. Lombardi-Nash (?:Prometheus Books, 1994)

F: The Gay Holocaust

Bleuel, Hans Peter, Sex and Society in Nazi Germany, (Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1974)
Discusses inter alia, Roehm's murder, and the view that homosexuals should be drowned in bogs as amongst the ancient Germans.

Bock, Gisela, "Racism and Sexism in Nazi Germany", Signs 8:3 (1993)

Boisson, Jean, Le triangle rose : la deportation des homosexuels, 1933-1945, (Paris : R. Laffont, c1988)

Brand, Adolf, "Political Criminals: A Word About the Roehm Case", Journal of Homosexuality 22:1/2 (1991),

Fischer, Erica, Aimee & Jaguar: A Love Story, Berlin 1943, (New York: HarperCollins, 199?)
A story of women in love: Felice, a young Jewish lesbian, and Elizabeth, a gentile married woman.. Felice was deported firs to Czechoslavaki, then to a concentration camp where she died. Elizabeth, now over 80, tells her story.

Grau, Gunter, Hidden Holocaust : Lesbian and Gay Persecution in Nazi Germany, (London: Cassell, 1995),
translated from German. Collection of documents and accounts of the persecution of gays and lesbians by the Nazis.

Haeberle, Erwin J., "Swastika, Pink Triangle and Yellow - the Destruction of Sexology and the Persecution of Homsexuals in Nazi Germany", Journal of Sex Research 17 (1981), 270-87, repr. in Martin Bauml Duberman, Martha Vincus and George Chauncey, eds. Hidden From History, New York: NAL, 1989), 365-382

Hamilton, Richard, Who Voted for Hitler?, (Princeton N.J.: Princeton UP, 1982)

Heger, Hans, ed., The Men With the Pink Triangles, (London: GMP, 1980)
Account of a gay man's experience of Nazi concentration camps. Note that Heger was the reporting journalist, not the anonymous prisoner.

Hoess, Rudolf, Commandant of Auschwitz, (London: Pan Books, 1959)

Jellonnek, Burkhard, Homosexuelle unter dem Hakenkreuz: Die Verfolgung von Homosexuellen im Dritten Reich, (Paderborn: Ferdinand Schöningh, 1990)
Vital German account of the whole period. The basic text on the subject. This needs to be translated into English!

Lautmann, Rudiger, "The Pink Triangle: The Persecution of Homosexual Males in Concentration Camps in Nazi Germany ", Journal of Homosexuality 6:1/2 (1980), pp. 141-160

Lautmann, Rudiger & E. Vismar, Pink Triangle: The Social History of Antihomosexual Persecution in Nazi Germany, (forthcoming, ref. in Jnl.Homo 6 (1980), p. 160)

Meve, Jorn., Homosexuelle Nazis : ein Stereotyp in Politik und Literatur des Exils, (Hamburg : MannerschwarmSkript, 1990)

Moreck, Curt., Fuhrer durch das "lasterhafte" Berlin, (Berlin: Nicolaische Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1996).

Mueller, Christine, Refutation of Radical Right claims Connecting Gays and Nazis, [At Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Catholic Handbook]
See also the Table of Contents and homophobic introduction to Scott Lively: The Pink Swastika discussed by Professor Mueller. . [At Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Catholic Handbook]

Plant, Richard, "The Men with the Pink Triangles", Christopher Street (Feb. 1978) pp. 4-10

Plant, Richard, The Pink Triangle: The Nazi War Against Homosexuals, (New York: Owl/New Republic/Henry Holt, 1986)
Probably the best book in English on the Nazi treatment of gays, but far from perfect. Useful bibliography.

Porter, Jack Nusan, Sexual Politics in the Third Reich: The Persecution of the Homosexuals during the Holocaust: A Bibliography and Introductory Essay, (Newton, Mass.: The Spencer Press :8 Burnside Rd., 02161:, 1991), ISBN 0-932270, 21 p.

Rector, Frank, The Nazi Extermination of Homosexuals, (1981)
An account by a journalist who did not read German. Read Plant instead.

Schilling, Heinz-Dieter, ed., Schwule und Faschismus, (Berlin (West) : Elefanten Press, 1983)

Schoppmann, Claudia, Nationalsozialistische Sexualpolitik und weibliche Homosexualitat, (Pfaffenweiler: Centaurus, 1991).

Schoppmann, Claudia, Zeit der Maskierung: Lebensgeschichten lesbischer Frauen im "Dritten Reich", (Berlin : Orlanda Frauenverlag,1993) trans as next item.

Schoppmann, Claudia.Days of Masquerade: Life Stories of Lesbians during the Third Reich, translated by Allison Brown. (New York : Columbia University Press, c1996)

Seel, Pierre, I, Pierre Seel, Deported Homosexual: A Memoir of Nazi Terror, (New York: Basic Books, 1995)

Steakley, James, "Homosexuals and the Third Reich", in Ed Jackson & Stan Persky, eds., Flaunting It: A Decade of Gay Journalism from The Body Politic, (Vancouver: New Star Books; Toronto: Pink Triangle Press, 1982), pp. 84-90
First English account of gays in Nazi Germany, TBP 11 (Feb, 1974), but see item under Venema.

Venema, Adriaan, The persecution of homosexuals by the Nazis, trans. Michael A. Lombardi, (Los Angeles : Urania Manuscripts, 1978.)

G: The Netherlands

Hekma, Gert Hekma ... [et al.], eds. Goed verkeerd: een geschiedenis van homoseksuele mannen en lesbische vrouwen in Nederland, (Amsterdam : Meulenhoff, 1989)

Hekma, Gert. "Homosexual Behavior in the Nineteenth-Century Dutch Army." Journal of the History of Sexuality 2:2 (1991): 266-88.

Leboutte, René. "Offense against Family Order: Infanticide in Belgium from the Fifteenth through the Early Twentieth Centuries." Journal of the History of Sexuality 2:2 (1991): 159-85.

Oosterhuis, Harry, Homoseksualiteit in katholiek Nederland : een sociale Geschiedenis 1900-1970, (Amsterdam : Sua, 1992)

Teilman, Rob, Homosexualiteit in Nederland, (Amsterdam: Boom, Meppel, 1982)

van der Meer, Theo. "Tribades on Trial: Female Same-Sex Offenders in Late Eighteenth-Century Amsterdam." Journal of the History of Sexuality 1:3 (1991): 424-45.

H: Other European Countries

Baktis, Dr., Die Sexualrevolution in Russland, (Berlin: Verlag der Syndikalist; repr. Osnabruck: Atchive Antiautoritare, n.d.)

Brockman, Jurgen, "Antihomosexualitat in den sozialistischen Landern Osteuropas", in Rudiger Lautmann, ed., Seminar: Gesellachaft und Homosexualitat, (Frankfurt: Suhrkamp, 1977)

Burgin, Diana Lewis. "Mother Nature versus the Amazons: Marina Tsvetaeva and Female Same-Sex Love." Journal of the History of Sexuality 6:1 (1995): 62-88.

Ginsberg, Terri. "Nazis and Drifters: The Containment of Radical (Sexual) Knowledge in Two Italian Neorealist Films." Journal of the History of Sexuality 1:2 (1990): 241-61.

Grupa de Accion Gay, "Liberacion sin Aqualane", Sodoma 2 (Italy: 1955)

Hauer, Gudrun et al., Rosa Liebe unterem roten Stern, (Hamburg: Fruhlings Erwachen, 1984)

Horner, Tom, Eros in Greece: A Sexual Inquiry, (New York: Aegean Books, 1978)
Looks at modern Greede. Pp. 54-74 on gays.

Iaroslavskij, Eme;'ian Mikhailovich, Biblia dlia veruiuschchikh i neveriuiushchikh. Chast' Il. Kniga Bytiia (The Bible for Believers and Unbelievers, Part II. The Book of Genesis), (Moscow and Leningrad: Gosudarstvennoe izdatel'stvo, 1925), 34-39
Tries to link "sodomy" to vices practiced in Christian monasteries. Ofetn reprinted in the former Soveit Union as anti-religious propaganda.

Järvinen, Margaretha. "Prostitution in Helsinki: A Disappearing Social Problem?" Journal of the History of Sexuality 3:4 (1993): 608-30.

Karlinsky, Simon, "Russia's Gay Literature and History (11th-20th centuries)", Gay Sunshine 29-30 (Summer-fall 1976), 1-7
Mainly on late 19th and early 20th century literature.

Karlinsky, Simon, "Russia's Gay Literature and Culture: The Impact of the October Revolution" in Martin Bauml Duberman, Martha Vincus and George Chauncey, eds. Hidden From History, New York: NAL, 1989), 347-364

Liliequist, Jonas. "Peasants against Nature: Crossing the Boundaries between Man and Animal in Seventeenth- and Eighteenth-Century Sweden." Journal of the History of Sexuality 1:3 (1991): 393-423.

Kieran Rose, Fintan O'Toole, Diverse Communities : The Evolution of Gay and Lesbian Politics in Ireland Undercurrents Volume 6, (?: Intl Specialized Book Service, 1995)

O'Carroll, Ide, and Eoin Collins, eds., Lesbian and Gay Visions of Ireland : Towards the Twenty-First Century, (London?: Cassell Academic,1996)

Moss, Kevin, Tender Lads: A Gay Russian Anthology, (?:Gay Sunshine Press, 1996)

Rosen, Wilhelm von, Manens kulor : Studier i dansk bossehistorie, 1628-1912, (Kobenhavn : Rhodos, 1993)
On Danish homosexuality, with English summary.

Trueb, Kuno and Stephan Miescher, Mannergeschichten: Schwule in Basel seit 1930, (Basel: Buchverlag Basler Zeitung, 1988)

Watton, Lindsay F. "Constructs of Sin and Sodom in Russian Modernism, 1906-1909." Journal of the History of Sexuality 4:3 (1994): 369-94.

I: North America: Pre-"Movement"

Adams, Mary Louise. "Youth, Corruptibility, and English-Canadian Postwar Campaigns against Indecency, 1948-1955." Journal of the History of Sexuality 6:1 (1995): 89-117.

Alexander, Jeb, Jeb and Dash: A Diary of Gay Life, 1918-1945, ed. Ina Russell., (Boston : Faber and Faber, c1993)

Battan, Jesse F. "`The Word Made Flesh': Language, Authority, and Sexual Desire in Late Nineteenth-Century America." Journal of the History of Sexuality 3:2 (1992): 223-44.

Bayer, Ronald, Homosexuality and American psychiatry: the politics of diagnosis, with a new afterword on AIDS and homosexuality, (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1987)
On the complicity of the American psychiatric profession in the oppression of homosexuals.

Beemyn, Brett, ed., Creating a Place for Ourselves : Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Community Histories, (New York: Routledge, 1997)
[from blurb] Using oral history and rich narrative voices, this groundbreaking collection of essays brings to life the vibrant lesbian, gay and bisexual communities that existed all over the country in days before Stonewall. Contributors include Brett Beemyn, George Chauncey, Allen Drexel, John Howard, David Johnson, Liz Kennedy, Marc Stein, and Roey Thorpe.

Berubé, Allan and John D'Emilio, "The Military and Lesbians During the McCarthy Years", Signs 9 (1986), 759-75

Berubé, Allan, "Coming Out Under Fire",Mother Jones, Feb-Mar 1983, 23-29, 45

Berubé, Allan, "Marching to A Different Drummer: Lesbian and Gay Gis in World War II" in Martin Bauml Duberman, Martha Vincus and George Chauncey, eds. Hidden From History, New York: NAL, 1989), 383-394

Berubé, Allan, Coming Out Under Fire: the history of gay men and women in World War Two, (New York : Free Press, 1990)

Blackmer, Corinne E. "African Masks and the Arts of Passing in Gertrude Stein's `Melanctha' and Nella Larsen's Passing." Journal of the History of Sexuality 4:2 (1993): 230-63.

Brumberg, Joan Jacobs. "`Something Happens to Girls': Menarche and the Emergence of the Modern American Hygienic Imperative." Journal of the History of Sexuality 4:1 (1993): 99-127.

Burnham, John, "Early References to Homosexual Communities in American Medical Writings", Medical Aspects of Human Sexuality 7 (August, 1973):36, pp. 40-49

Carpenter, C. Tyler and Edward H. Yeatts, Stars Without Garters : The Memoirs of Two Gay Gi's in WWII, (San Francisco: Alamo Square Press,1996)

Chauncey Jr., George, "Christian Brotherhood of Sexual Perversion? Homosexual Identities and the Construction of Sexual Boundaries in the World War I Era", Journal of Social History 19 (1985), 189-212, repr. in Martin Bauml Duberman, Martha Vincus and Ceorge Chauncey, eds. Hidden From History, (New York: NAL, 1989), 294-317

Chauncey, George, Gay New York: Gender, Urban Culture, and the Making of the Gay Male World 1890-1940, (New York: Basic, 1994)
Outstanding book by a University of Chicago historian on gay male life in New York before World War II. Based on many interviews and heavy documentary research. Challenges the notion that it all came together only after WWII. Argues persuasively that, especially among the working class, the distinction between "homosexual" and "heterosexual" persons originated only between the 1930s and 1950s: before that "queer" meant much more than just "homosexual" sex, it meant a more radical gender inversion. A good discussion of sources for lesbian and gay history. A book on the succeeding period is underway.

Cooney, John, The American Pope: The Life and Times of Francis Cardinal Spellman, (New York: Times Books, 1984)
Diocesan pressure reportedly reduced the discussion of "Franny's" homosexuality in this book. Cooney cautiously mentions it on p. 91 and p.109 - and gives sources for his information. As Gore Vidal is quoted as saying "The serious crimes of Spellman were not sexual."

Cooper, Robyn. "Definition and Control: Alexander Walker's Trilogy on Woman." Journal of the History of Sexuality 2:3 (1992): 341-64.

Corber, Robert J. "Representing the `Unspeakable': William Godwin and the Politics of Homophobia." Journal of the History of Sexuality 1:1 (1990): 85- 101.

Davis Madeline and Elizabeth Lapovsky Kennedy, "Oral History and the Study of Sexuality in the Lesbian Community of Buffalo, New York, 1940-1960 " in Martin Bauml Duberman, Martha Vincus and George Chauncey, eds. Hidden From History, New York: NAL, 1989), 426-440

D'Emilio, John, "Capitalism and Gay Identity" in Ann Snitow, et al, eds, Powers of Desire: The Politics of Sexuality, (New York: 1983), 100-13 [And much anthologised since.]

Dixon, Joy. "Sexology and the occult: Sexuality and Subjectivity in Theosophy's New Age." Journal of the History of Sexuality 7:3 (1997): 409-33.

Duberman, Martin Baumi, "`Writhing Bedfellows': Two Young Men from Antebellum South Carolina's Ruling Elite Share `Extravagent Delight'", Journal of Homosexuality 6:1/2 (1980), pp. 85-102, reprinted in Martin Bauml Duberman, Martha Vincus and George Chauncey, eds. Hidden From History, New York: NAL, 1989), 153-168

duCille, Ann. "`Othered' Matters: Reconceptualizing Dominance and Difference in the History of Sexuality in America." Journal of the History of Sexuality 1:1 (1990): 102-27.

duCille, Ann. "Blues Notes on Black Sexuality: Sex and the Texts of Jessie Fauset and Nella Larsen." Journal of the History of Sexuality 3:3 (1993): 418-44.

Emery, Kim. "Steers, Queers, and Manifest Destiny: Representing the Lesbian Subject in Turn-of-the-Century Texas." Journal of the History of Sexuality 5:1 (1994): 26-57.

Erkkila, Betsy and Jay Grossman, eds., Breaking Bounds : Whitman and American Cultural Studies, (New York: Oxford University Press, 1996)

Flannigan-Saint-Aubin, Arthur. "`Black Gay Male' Discourse: Reading Race and Sexuality between the Lines." Journal of the History of Sexuality 3:3 (1993): 468-90.

Fone, Byrne R. S., A Road to Stonewall: Male Homosexuality and Homophobia in English and American literature, 1750-1969, (New York : TwaynePublishers ; Toronto : Maxwell Macmillan Canada ; New York : Maxwell Macmillan International, 1995)

Friedman, Andrea S. "`The Habitats of Sex-Crazed Perverts': Campaigns against Burlesque in Depression-Era New York City." Journal of the History of Sexuality 7:2 (1996): 203-238.

Garber, Eric, "A Spectacle in Color: The Lesbian and Gay Subculture of Jazz Age Harlem ", in Martin Bauml Duberman, Martha Vincus and George Chauncey, eds. Hidden From History, New York: NAL, 1989), 318-331

Gullette, Margaret Morganroth. "Male Midlife Sexuality in a Gerontocratic Economy: The Privileged Stage of the Long Midlife in Nineteenth-Century Age-Ideology." Journal of the History of Sexuality 5:1 (1994): 58-89.

Gustav-Wrathall, John Donald. Take the Young Stranger by the Hand: Same-Sex Relations and the YMCA. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1998

Haag, Pamela S. "In Search of `The Real Thing': Ideologies of Love, Modern Romance, and Women's Sexual Subjectivity in the United States, 1920-1940." Journal of the History of Sexuality 2:4 (1992): 547-77.

Hatten, Charles. "The Crisis of Masculinity, Reified Desire, and Catherine Barkley in A Farewell to Arms." Journal of the History of Sexuality 4:1 (1993): 76-98.

Hodes, Martha. "The Sexualization of Reconstruction Politics: White Women and Black Men in the South after the Civil War." Journal of the History of Sexuality 3:3 (1993): 402-17.

Iversen, Joan Smyth. "A Debate on the American Home: The Antipolygamy Controversy, 1880-1890." Journal of the History of Sexuality 1:4 (1991): 585- 602.

Jagose, Annamarie. "Way Out: The Category `Lesbian' and the Fantasy of the Utopic Space." Journal of the History of Sexuality 4:2 (1993): 264-87.

Jiller, John, Dark Wind: A True Account of Hurrican Gloria's Assault on Fire Island, (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1994)

Joffe, Carole. "Portraits of Three `Physicians of Conscience': Abortion before Legalization in the United States." Journal of the History of Sexuality 2:1 (1991): 46-67.

Katz, Jonathan, Coming Out: A Documentary Play about Gay Life and Liberation in the United States of America, (New York: Arno Press, 1975)

Katz, Jonathan, Gay American History: Lesbians and Gay Men in the USA - A Documentary, (New York: Thomas Y. Crowell, 1976; paperback, New York: Avon Discus)
Katz was one of the earliest pioneers of rigorous examintion of the LGB past. Anthology of 168 documents with some analysis. Gives half of its space to lesbians.

Katz, Jonathan, The Gay/Lesbian Almanac, (New York: Morrow, 1983)

Kinsman, Gary William. The Regulation of Desire: Homo and Hetero Sexualities, 2nd ed., rev., (Montreal, Que., Canada ; Cheektowaga, N.Y., USA : Black Rose Books, c1996),
On Canadian homosexuality..

Krug, Kate. "Women Ovulate, Men Spermate: Elizabeth Blackwell as a Feminist Physiologist." Journal of the History of Sexuality 7:1 (1996): 51-72.

Lindquist, Lisa J. "Images of Alice: Gender, Deviancy, and a Love Murder in Memphis." Journal of the History of Sexuality 6:1 (1995): 30-61.

Lloyde, Robin, For Money or Love: Boy Prostitution in America, (New York: Vanguard Press, 1976; paperback, New York: Ballantine)
Superficial discussion of boy prostitution through history.

Martin, Robert K., "Knights-Errant and Gothic Seducers: The representation of Male Friendship in Mid-Ninetheenth Century America " in Martin Bauml Duberman, Martha Vincus and George Chauncey, eds. Hidden From History, New York: NAL, 1989), 169-182

Maynard, Steven. "Through a Hole in the Lavatory Wall: Homosexual Subcultures, Police Surveillance, and the Dialectics of Discovery, Toronto, 1890-1930." Journal of the History of Sexuality 5:2 (1994): 207-42

McLaren, Angus. "Sex Radicalism in the Canadian Pacific Northwest, 1890-1920." Journal of the History of Sexuality 2:4 (1992): 527-46.

Minton, Henry L. "Community Empowerment and the Medicalization of Homosexuality: Constructing Sexual Identities in the 1930s." Journal of the History of Sexuality 6:3 (1996): 435-58.

Mumford, Kevin J. "`Lost Manhood' Found: Male Sexual Impotence and Victorian Culture in the United States." Journal of the History of Sexuality 3:1 (1992): 33-57.

Nardi, Peter, Growing Up Before Stonewall: Life Stories Of Some Gay Men, (New York: Routledge, 1994)

Newton, Esther. Mother Camp: Female Impersonators in America, (Chicago : University of Chicago Press, 1979, first. ed. 1972)
Examines the lives and mores of drag queens - queens who were not in the life to demonstrate their 'postmodern sensibilities'.

Newton, Esther, Cherry Grove, Fire Island: Sixty Years in America's First Gay and Lesbian Town, (Boston: Beacon Press, 1993)

O'Connor, Erin. "Pictures of Health: Medical Photography and the Emergence of Anorexia Nervosa." Journal of the History of Sexuality 5:4 (1995): 535-72.

Parent, Anthony S., Jr., and Susan Brown Wallace. "Childhood and Sexual Identity under Slavery." Journal of the History of Sexuality 3:3 (1993): 363-401.

Parsons, Gail Pat, "Equal Treatment for All: American Medical Remedies for Male Sexual Problems, 1850-1900", Jouranl of the History of Medicine 32 (1977)

Quinn, D. Michael, Same-Sex Dynamics Among Nineteenth-Century Americans: A Mormon example, (Urbana : University of Illinois Press, 1996)

Rupp, Leila J., "Imagine My Surprise: Women's Relationships in Mid Twentieth-century American " in Martin Bauml Duberman, Martha Vincus and George Chauncey, eds. Hidden From History, New York: NAL, 1989), 395-410

Saillant, John. "The Black Body Erotic and the Republican Body Politic, 1790-1820." Journal of the History of Sexuality 5:3 (1995): 403-28.

San Francisco Lesbian and Gay History Project, "'She Even Chewed Tobacco': A Pictorial Narrative of Passing Women " in Martin Bauml Duberman, Martha Vincus and George Chauncey, eds. Hidden From History, New York: NAL, 1989), 183-194

Sangster, Joan. "Incarcerating `Bad Girls': The Regulation of Sexuality through the Female Refugees ASct in Ontario, 1920- 1945." Journal of the History of Sexuality 7:2 (1996): 239-75.

Seidman, Steven, Romantic Longings: Love in America 1830-1980, (New York: Routledge, 199?)

Shand-Tucci, Douglas, Boston Bohemia, 1881-1900, (Boston: The University of Massachusetts Press, 1995)

Simmons, Christina. "African Americans and Sexual Victorianism in the Social Hygiene Movement, 1910-1940." Journal of the History of Sexuality 4:1 (1993): 51-75.

Smith-Rosenberg, Carroll, "The Female World of Love and Ritual: Relations between women in nineteenth century America", Signs 1 (1973), 1-29
Seminal (?!) article in women's history. Use of this article may by now have gotten out of hand, but Smith Rosenberg's insistence that historians' search for women's agency cannot only be a concerned with public life has proved to be an important key in conceptualizing women's history. (As important, in its way, as the realization that the Temperance movement was important in understanding women's participation in American public life.)

Smith-Rosenberg, Carroll, "Discourses of Sexuality and Subjectivity: The New Woman, 1870-1936 " in Martin Bauml Duberman, Martha Vincus and George Chauncey, eds. Hidden From History, New York: NAL, 1989), 264--281

Steward, Samuel, Bad Boys and Tough Tattoos: A Social History of the tattoo with Gangs, Sailors and Street Corner punbks, 1950-1965, (Binghamton NY: Haworth, 1990)

Steward, Samuel, Understandingt the Male Hustler, (Binghamton NY: Haworth, 1991)

Sylvestre, Paul Francois, Bougrerie en Nouvelle-France, (Hull, Quebec: Editions Asticou, 1983)
About. Quebec.

Ullman, Sharon R. "`The Twentieth Century Way': Female Impersonation and Sexual Practice in Turn-of-the-Century America." Journal of the History of Sexuality 5:4 (1995): 573-600.

Vicinus, Martha. "The Adolescent Boy: Fin de Siècle Femme Fatale?" Journal of the History of Sexuality 5:1 (1994): 90-114.

Waugh, Thomas, Hard to Imagine: Gay Male Eroticism in Photography and Film from Their Beginnings to Stonewall, (New York: Columbia University Press, 1996)

Wiegman, Robyn. "The Anatomy of Lynching." Journal of the History of Sexuality 3:3 (1993): 445- 67.

J: North America: "Movement and After"

A Gay News Chronology: January 1969-May 1975, (New York: Arno Press, 1975)
562 abstracts of all NY Times articles on homosexuality during the period covered

Abbott, Sidney, "Lesbians and the Women's Movement", in Ginny Vida, Our Right to Love, (Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1978)

Abbott, Sidney, & Barbara Love, Sappho Was a Right-On Women, (New York: Stein & Day, 1972)
Lesbian liberation 1969-1972

Adair, Nancy & Casey Adair, Word is Out: Stories of Some Of Our Lives, (San Francisco: New Glide, 1978)

Adam, Barry D., "A Social History of Gay Politics", in Martin Levine, ed., Gay Men, (New York: Harper & Row, 1979)

Adam, Barry D., "Age, Structure and Sexuality", Journal of Homosexuality 11:3/4 (1985)

Adam, Barry D., "Sexual Outlaws", Canadian Journal of Political and Social Theory 4 (1980)

Adam, Barry D., "Structural Foundations of the Gay World", Comparative Studies in Society and History 27:4 (1985)

Adam, Barry D., "Where Gay People Come From", Christopher Street 64 (1982)

Altman, Denis, "The State, Repression and Sexuality", Gay Left 6 (Summer, 1978)

Altman, Denis, "What Changed in the Seventies", in Gay Left Collective, eds., Homsexuality: Power and Politics, (London: Allison & Busby, 1978)

Altman, Denis, Homosexual Oppression and Liberation, (New York: Outerbridge & Dienstfrey, 1971: recently reissued)
Classic gay lib. philosophy.

Altman, Denis, Coming out in the Seventies, (Sydney: Wild and Wolley, 1979)

Altman, Denis, The Homosexualization of America, (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1982)
Gay life in the 1970s

Amsel, Amsel: A Walk on the Wild Side (The Advocate, Sept 15, 1987), [At CMU]
A discussion of the importance of the "Stonewall Myth"

Barton, Crawford, Days of Hope : 70's Gay San Francisco, (London: Gay Mens Press, 1994)

Bell Arthur, Dancing the Gay Lib Blues: A Year in the Homosexual Liberation Movement, (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1971)
Looks at Gay Activists Alliance in New York in particular.

Bell Arthur, Kings Don't Mean a Thing: The John Knight Murder Case, (New York: William Morrow, 1978)
Looks at murder case of 1975

Blasius, Mark and Shane Phelan, eds, We are everywhere : a historical sourcebook of gay and lesbian politics, (New York : Routledge, 1997)
Massive compilation of documents. In fact, its is too big for its paperback covers.

Blincoe, Deborah, and John Forrest, Prejudice and Pride: Lesbian and Gay Traditions in America, (New York: New York Folklore Society, 199?)

Brown, Howard, Familiar Faces, Hidden Lives: The Story of Homosexual Men in America Today, (New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1976)

Bryant, Anita, The Anita Bryant Story, (Old Tappan, N.J.: Fleming H. Revell, 1977)
Bryant's version of her anti-gay crusade of 1977.

Bunch, Charlotte, Passionate Politics, (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1987)
Articles by leading early lesbian feminist

Burston, Paul and Colin Richardson, A Queer Romance: Lesbians, Gay Men and Popular Culture, (New York: Routledge, 1995)

Cain, Roy. "Disclosure and Secrecy among Gay Men in the United States and Canada: A Shift in Views." Journal of the History of Sexuality 2:1 (1991): 25- 45.

Cruikshank, Margaret, The Gay and Lesbian Liberation Movement, Revolutionary Thought/Radical Movements, (London: Routledge Chapman Hall, 1992)
Well intentioned, but not thrilling...

D'Emilio, John & Estelle Freedman, Intimate Matters: A History of Sexuality in America, (New York: Harper & Row, 1988)

D'Emilio, John, "Dreams deferred: the early American homophile movement", in Ed Jackson & Stan Persky, eds., Flaunting It: A Decade of Gay Journalism from The Body Politic, (Vancouver: New Star Books; Toronto: Pink Triangle Press, 1982), pp. 127-137
Account of the founding of the Mattachine Society by the communist Harry Hay in 1950. Abbreviated verison of the following three articles: "Radical Beginnings, 1950-1951, TBP 48 (Nov, 1978), pp. 19-24, "Public Actions Private Fears", TBP 49 (Dec, 1978-Jan, 1979) pp. 24-29, "Dreams Deferred", TBP 50 (Feb, 1979), pp. 22-27

D'Emilio, John, "Gay Politics and Community in San Francisco Since World War II", in Martin Bauml Duberman, Martha Vincus and George Chauncey, eds. Hidden From History, New York: NAL, 1989), 456-476

D'Emilio, John, Sexual Politics, Sexual Communites, (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1983)
Most complete account of US homophile movement in 1950s and 1960s. Based on D'Emilio's dissertation.

D'Emilio, John. "The Stuff of History: First-Person Accounts of Gay Male Lives." Journal of the History of Sexuality 3:2 (1992): 314-19 [REVIEW ESSAY].

Duberman, Martin Baumi, "The Therapy of C.M. Otis", Christopher Street (Nov, 1977), pp. 33-37
Discusses uses of sources to uncover history of homosexuality.

Duberman, Martin, About Time : Exploring the Gay Past, rev. ed. (New York: Penguin USA/Meridian, 1991)

Duberman, Martin, Stonewall, (New York: 1993)
Novelistic approach based on the lives of six participants.

Duggan, Lisa and Nan D. Hunter, Sex Wars: Sexual Dissent and American Political Culture, (New York: Routledge, 199?)

Einstadter, Werner J., and Karen P. Sinclair. "Lives on the Boundary: Armistead Maupin's Complete Tales of the City." Journal of the History of Sexuality 1:4 (1991): 682-89. [REVIEW ESSAY].

Faderman, Lilian, Odd Girls and Twilight Lovers: A History of Lesbian Life in Twentieth-Century America, (New York: Columbia UP, 199?)

Faderman, Lillian. "The Return of Butch and Femme: A Phenomenon in Lesbian Sexuality of the 1980s and 1990s." Journal of the History of Sexuality 2:4 (1992): 578-96.

Fellows, Will, ed. Farm Boys : Lives of Gay Men from the Rural Midwest, (Madison WI: University of Wisconsin Press, 1996)
[from a post on Dignity Maillist] The first 60 or so pages of the book include a preface, acknowledgements, "How these stories were discovered," a farming glossary for those not from the rural midwest, and an introduction. The rest of the book is divided into 3 parts: "Coming of age before the mid-1960s," "Coming of age between the mid-1960s and mid-1970s" and "Coming of age between the mid-1970s and mid-1980s." The first section contains 11 narratives, the second has 13, and the last has 13. The narratives are presented in chronological order of the birth of the man it is about, ranging from Cornelius Utz (1909) to Todd Ruhter (1967). About half of the men used pseudonyms, and all were of European (mostly German Catholic) descent. Each section includes an introduction as well, and there is an afterword at the end of the book.

Gay Freedom 1970, (New York: Queens Quaterly Publishing Co., 1970)
A 32 page booklet of photos of the first Gay Pride/Christopher Street Liberation Day Rally in 1970 "prepared by the editors of QQ Magazine. Incidentally the "lambda" sign was on many of the t-shirts worn in 1970.

Gearhart, Sally & Bill Johnson, "The Gay Movement in the Church", in Sally Gearhart & Bill Johnson, eds., Loving Women/Loving Men: Gay Liberation and the Church, (San Francisco: Glide Foundation, 1974)

Gerassi, John, The Boys of Boise: Furor, Vice and Folly in an American City, (New York: Macmillan, 1966; paperback, New York: Collier)
Homosexual scandal and witchhunt in Idaho in 1950s

Gibson, E. Lawrence, Get Off My Ship: Ensign Berg vs, the U.S. Navy, (New York: Arno Press, 1978)
Court case in US Navy 1975-1976.

Gluckman, Amy and Betsy Reed, eds., Homo Economics: Capitalism, Community and Lesbian and Gay Life, (New York: Routledge, 1997)
[From blurb] Homo Economics is the first honest account of the tense relationship between gay people and the economy. This groundbreaking collection brings together a variety of voices from the worlds of journalism, activism, academia, the arts, and public policy to address issues including the recent economic history of the gay community, the community's response to its changing economic circumstances, and the risks inherent in a narrow definition of liberation. For the first time in U.S. history, gay men and lesbians live open lives. From nightclubs in gay city districts to political rallies and Caribbean cruises, this new community continues to reveal itself throughout the nation. However, with this growth, there are also signs of fracturing as economic forces key to its development are now threatening its future. Homo Economics illustrates the ways in which modern capitalism has eroded the rigid sexual division of labor that deterred gay couples from setting up households in the past. But the book also shows how this economic system has created divisions within the gay community, channelled lesbians and gay men into particular professions, and discriminated against them in the workplace. After a century of neglect, we have now reached the point where suddenly gay consumers are being courted by corporations, gay money is fueling political campaigns, and gay and lesbian neighborhoods are expanding. The essays in Homo Economics warn us however, that contrary to popular stereotypes, only a narrow segment of the gay community is enjoying economic success and the majority of gay men and lesbians actually earn less than straight men and women. Homo Economics brings together contributors including Jeffrey Escoffier, Donna Minkowitz, Tony Kushner, Julie Matthaei, Dorothy Allison, Sean Strub, Dan Baker and Lee Badgett among others, to address the views of the gay community towards capitalism.

Goodwin, Joseph P., More Man Than You'll Ever Be : Gay Folklore and Acculturation in Middle America, (Bloomington IN: Indiana Univ Press, 1989)

Government versus Homosexuals, (New York: Arno Press, 1975)
3 government reports on homosexuals: 1921 US Senate, "Alleged immoral conditions at Newport (R.I.) Naval Training Station; 1950 US Senate, "Employment of Homosexuals and other perverts in government"; 1966 Florida Legislature, "Homosexuality and citizenship in Florida".

Grier, Barbara & Coletta Reid, eds., Lesbian Lives: Biographies of Women from The Ladder, (Oakland, Ca.: Diana Press, 1976)
Sketches of over 60 women who may have been lesbians.

Grier, Barbara & Coletta Reid, eds., The Lavender Herring, (Baltimore: Diana Press, 1976)
Journalism from the early lesbian magazine, The Ladder

Gross, Larry, and James D. Woods, Columbia Reader on Lesbians and Gay Men in American Society, Politics and the Media, (New York: Columbia University Press, 1997) [forthcoming]

Gunnison, Foster, "The Homophile Movement in America", in Ralph W. Weltge, ed., The Same Sex: An Appraisal of Homosexuality, (Philadelphia: United Church Press, 1969)

Halperin, David, Saint Foucault: Towards a Gay Hagiography, (Oxford: 1995)
Foucault said, in 1975, "My work has had nothing to do with gay liberation."

Hamilton, Wallace, Christopher and Gay: A Partisans View of the Greenwich Village Scene, (New York: Saturday Review Press, 1973)
Gay life in Greenwich Village.

Harper, Phillip Brian, Are We Not Men? : Masculine Anxiety and the Problem of African-American Identity, (New York: Oxford Univ Press, 1996)

Hart, Lynda. "'Til Death Do Us Part: Impossible Spaces in Thelma and Louise." Journal of the History of Sexuality 4:3 (1994): 430-46.

Hawkeswood, William G., One of the Children : Gay Black Men in Harlem, (Berkeley: Univ of California/Princeton Press, 1997)

Herdt, Gilbert, ed., Gay Culture in America: Essays from the Field, (Boston : Beacon Press, c1992)
contains some historical accounts.

Herman, Didi, Rights of Passage: Struggles for Lesbian and Gay Equality, (TorontoL UNiversity of Toronto Press, 1994)

Herzog, Mark, The Lavender Vote : Lesbians, Gay Men, and Bisexuals in American Electoral Politics, (New York: New York Univ Press, 1996)

Hogeland, Lisa Maria. "Sexuality in the Consciousness-Raising Novel of the 1970s." Journal of the History of Sexuality 5:4 (1995): 601-32.

Humphreys, Laud, "Organizing for Change", in Out of the Closets: The Sociology of Homosexual Liberation, (Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1972; papberback, Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Spectrum)

Humphreys, Laud, Out of the Closets, (Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall, 1972)
Sociology of early days of gay lib by a socioligsit clergyman.

Jackson, Ed, & Stan Persky, eds., Flaunting It: A Decade of Gay Journalism from The Body Politic, (Vancouver: New Star Books; Toronto: Pink Triangle Press, 1982)
Covers the years when this Canadian Journal followed the emergence of the Gay movement.

Kantrowitz, Arnie, Under the Rainbow: Growing Up Gay, (New York: William Morrow, 1977; paperback, New York: Pocketbooks)
Growing up gay and Jewish. Involvement in gay lib.

Kennedy, Elizabeth Lapovsky and Madeline D. Davis, Boots of Leather, Slippers of Gold : The History of a Lesbian Community, (London: Routledge Chapman Hall, 1993)

Kennedy, Joe, Summer of `77: Last Hurrah of the Gay Activists Alliance, (New York: PPC Books, 1994)
Account by an activist of the GAA/New Yor actions against Aniat Bryant's anti-gay crusade. After 1977 and until AIDS, Lesbian and Gay activism went into a period of dormancy.

Legg, W. Door, Homophile Studies, (?: GLB Publishers, 199?)
Look at the history of the ONE institute from 1953.

Levay, Simon and Elisabeth Nonas, City of Friends : A Portrait of the Gay and Lesbian Community in America, (Cambridge Mass: MIT Press, 1996)

Leong, Russell, ed. .Asian American Sexualities: Dimensions of the Gay and Lesbian Experience, (New York: Routledge, 1996)

Leyland, Winston, ed, Gay Roots : 20 Years of Gay Sunshine : An Anthology of Gay History, Sex, Politics, and Culture, Vol 1. (?: Gay Sunshine Press, 1991), Vol 2, (?: Gay Sunshine Press, 1993)

Licata, Salvatore J., "Gay Power: A History of the American Gay Movement", (Ph.D dissertation, History, University of Southern California, 1978)

Licata, Salvatore J., "The Emerging Gay Presence", The Advocate, 245 (Jul 12, 1978) pp. 7-8,43, 246 (July 26, 1978), pp. 7-8, 247 (August 9, 1978), pp. 17-18, 20
Optimistic account of 20th century gay movements.

Licata, Salvatore J., "The Homsexual Rights Movement in the United States: A Traditionally Overlooked Area of American History", Journal of Homosexuality 6:1/2 (1980), pp. 161-190

Marcus, Eric, Making History : The Struggle for Gay and Lesbian Equal Rights : 1945-1990 : An Oral History, (New York: Harper, 1993)

Marrotta, Toby, The Politics of Homosexuality, (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1981)
Integrated and more distant narrative of early gay lib. in New York

Martin, Del & Phyllis Lyon, Lesbian/Women, (San Francisco: Glide Publications, 1972)
by the co-founders of the Daughters of Bilitis. 1950s homophile movement.

Masters, Robert E.L., The Homosexual Revolution: A Challenging Expose of the Social and Political Directions of a Minority Group, (New York: Julian Press, 1962; paperback, New York: Belmont)
Looks at Mattachine, DOB, and political demands.

McDarrah, Fred, and Tim McGarrah, Gay Pride: Photgraphs from Stonewall to Today, (?: A Cappella Books, 1994)

Melson, James Kenneth, The Golden Boy, (Binghamton NY: Haworth, 1992)
Autobiography of a rich "A" list gay man about his life in the 1970s. A sort of factual counterpart to Andrew Holleran's Dancer from the Dance.

Michel, Sonya. "Danger on the Home Front: Motherhood, Sexuality, and Disabled Veterans in American Postwar Films." Journal of the History of Sexuality 3:1 (1992): 109-28.

Miller, Merle, On Being Different: What It Means to BE a Homosexual, (New York: Random House, 1971; paperback, New York: Popular Library)

Murphy, John, Homosexual Liberation: A Personal View, (New York: Preager, 1971)
By an early GLF activist.

Murray, Stephen O., American Gay, (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1996)
Collected essays by a curmudgeonly sociologist.

Myron, Nancy & Charlotte Bunch, Women Remembered: A Collection of Biographies form the "Furies", (Baltimore: Diana Press, 1974)
Sketches of famous lesbians.

National Lesbian and Gay Survey, Proust, Cole Porter, Michelangelo, Marc Almond and Me: Writings by Gay Men on their Lives and Lifestyles, (New York: Routledge, 1993)

Nicholl, Charles, The Reckoning: The Murder of Christopher Marlowe, (Chicago: 1995)

Olsen, Jack, The Man with the Candy: The Story of the Houston Mass Murders, (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1974: paperback, New York: Pocketbooks)
Murders of 27 boys between 1971-1973

Onge, Jack, The Gay Liberation Movement, (Chicago: Alliance Press, 1971)
Looks at 1950's plus 1969-71 in NY, SF and Chicago.

Oppenheimer, Mark. "`The Inherent Worth and Dignity': Gay Unitarians and the Birth of Sexual Tolerance in Liberal Religion." Journal of the History of Sexuality 7:1 (1996): 73-101.

Question of Equality: Lesbian and Gay Politics in America Since Stonewall, (New York: Scribner, 1995)

Pettiway, Leon E., Honey, Honey, Miss Thang : Being Black, Gay, and on the Streets< (Philadelphia: Temple Univ Press, 1966)

Pronger, Brian, The Arena of Masculinity : Sports, Homosexuality, and the Meaning of Sex, (New York: St. Martins Press, 1991)

Reid, John (pseud.), The Best Little Boy in the World, (New York: Putnam's Sons, 1973)
Successful businessman complains about society's attitude.

Ridinger, Robert B. Marks, The gay and lesbian movement : references and resources, (New York : G.K. Hall: London : Prentice Hall International, [1996]).

Roscoe, Will, ed. Radically Gay: Gay Liberation In The Words Of Its Founder, (Boston: Beacon, 1996)
The first collection of the work of Harry Hay: interviews, speeches, papers. Hay's role is now subject to some serious myth-making.

Rule, Jane, Lesbian Images, (Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1975)
Looks at writings of famous lesbians.

Russo, Vito, The Celluloid Closet, (New York: 198 )

Sadownick, Douglas, Sex Between Men: An Intimate History of the Sex Lives of Gay Men Postwar to Present, (San Francisco:: HarperSan Francisco, 1996)

Sagarin, Edward, "Historical Precedents", and "The Mattachine Society and its Predecessors", in Structure and Ideology in an Association of Deviants, (New York: Arno Press, 1975: reprint of Ph.D dissertation, Sociology and Anthropology, New York University, 1966)

Sears, James T., ed. Growing up Gay in the South: Race, Gender, and Journeys of the Spirit, (New York: Haworth Press, 1991)

Seidman, Steven, Embattled Eros: Sexual Politics and Ethics in Contemporary America, (New York: Routledge, 199?)

Sherman, Phillip, Uncommon Heroes, (?: Fletcher Press, 1994)
Lives of lesbian and gay Americans.

Shilts, Randy, Conduct Unbecoming: Gays and Lesbians in the US Military, (New York: 1993)

Streitmatter, Rodger, Unspeakable: The Rise of the Gay and Lesbian Press in America, (New York: Faber & Faber, 1996)

Stryker, Susan and Jim Van Buskirk, Gay by the Bay: a history of queer culture in the San Francisco Bay Area¸ (San Francisco, : Chronicle Books, 1996)

Suarez, Juan Antonio, Bike Boys, Drag Queens, and Superstars: Avant-Garde, Mass Culture, and Gay Identities in the 1960s Underground Cinema, (Bloomington IN: Indiana Univ Press, 1996)

Sylvestre, Paul Francois, Les homosexuels s'organisent, (Ottawa: Editions Homeureux, 1979)
Growth of gay movement in Canada

Teal, Donn, The Gay Militants, (New York, Stein & Day, 1971)
Early documentary history of Stonewall Rebellion. Many original sources used to convey what happened.

Thompson, Mark, The Long Road to Gay Freedom: The Advocate History of the Gay and Lesbian Movement, (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1994)
Large scale illustrated history draen from the files of the Advocate, the leading gay paper since 1967.

Timmons, Stuart, The Trouble With Harry Hay, Boston, Alyson Publications, 1990)

Tobin, Kay & Randy Wicker, The Gay Crusaders, (New York; Paperback Library, 1972)
Sketches of leaders of US gay rights movement: inc. Troy Perry, Frank Kameny, Barbara Gittings, Jack Baker, and Jim Owles.

Toledo, Rebeca, Armed and Dangerous: Why the Pentagon Declared War on Lesbians and Gays. (?: World View Forum, 1994)

Tripp, Clarence A., The Homosexual Matrix, (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1975: paperback, New York: Signet)

Tyler, Parker, Screening the Sexes: Homosexuality in the Movies, (New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1972; paperback, Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday & Anchor)

Van Leer, David, The queening of America : gay culture in straight society, (New York : Routledge, 1995)

Vida, Ginny, Our Right to Love, (Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1978)
Covers Lesbian issues in the 1970s

Winter, Alan D., The Gay Press: A History of the Gay Community and Its Publications, (Austin, Tex.: self-published, typewritten, 1977)

Young, Ian, The Stonewall Experiment: A Gay Psychohistory, (London: Cassell, 1995)
A "psychohistory: of the gay movement.

Zeeland, Steven, Barrack Buddies and Soldier Lovers, (Binghamton NY: Haworth, 1993)
One of the major issues of post-gay liberation gay history concerns homosexual sex as practised by men who idenitify as "straight". Zeeland's books, which contain long interviews, are a source for one of the most important arenas of such sexual activity, the military.

Zeeland, Steven, Sailors and Sexual Identity: Crossing the Line Between "Straight" and "Gay" in the US Navy, (Binghamton NY: Haworth, 1993)

Zeeland, Steven, The Masculine Marine: Homoeroticism in the US Marine Corps, (Binghamton NY: Haworth, 1996)

K: Australia and New Zealand

Davies, Susanne. "Sexuality, Performance, and Spectatorship in Law: The Case of Gordon Lawrence, Melbourne, 1888." Journal of the History of Sexuality 7:3 (1997): 389-408.

Lake, Marilyn. "The Desire for a Yank: Sexual Relations between Australian Women and American Servicemen during World War II." Journal of the History of Sexuality 2:4 (1992): 621-33 [RESEARCH ESSAY].

VII: Works on History of Homosexuality after AIDS

All the books below must be considered provisional. One of the side effects of the epidemic was the funding of huge studies of gay men (although, typically, far less was spent on women). These studies tracked gay men throughout the years of the epidemic with yearly, or more frequent, extended interviews. These interviews were factual, narrative, and involved the repeated use of standatd physical and psychological tests. The data collected represents a huge, as yet scarcely used, resource.

A: General

Altman, Denis, AIDS in the Mind of America, (Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1986)

Bech, Henning, When Men Meet : Homosexualiity and Modernity, trans. Teresa Mesquit and Tim Davies, (Chicago: Univ of Chicago Press, 1997)

Blasius, Mark, Gay and Lesbian Politics : Sexuality and the Emergence of a New Ethic, (Philadelphia: Temple Univ Press, 1995)

Bransford, Stephen, Gay Politics Vs. Colorado and America : The Inside Story of Amendment 2, (?: Sardis Press, 1994)
Right-wing view of events surrounding the attempt to deprive LGB people in Colorado of legal protections.

Crimp, Douglas and Adam Rolston, AIDS Demo Graphics, (Seattle: Bay Press, 1990)
Ostensibly a discussion of ACT UP's graphics, in reality a short history of ACT UP/NY demonstrations 1987-1990. Includes a chapter (pp 130-141) on the 1989 "Stop the Church" demonstration directed against Cardinal O'Connor ("Know Your Scumbags").

Cummings, Katherine. "Of Purebreds and Hybrids: The Politics of Teaching AIDS in the United States." Journal of the History of Sexuality 2:1 (1991): 68-94.

Escoffier, Jeffrey, American Homo : Essays on Sexuality, Cultural Politics, and Capitalism, (Berleley: Univ of California/Princeton Press, Publication date: June 1998)

Feinberg, David B., Queer and Loathing : Rants and Raves of a Raging AIDS Clone, (New York: Penguin, 1995)

Gamson, Joshua, "Rubber Wars: Struggles over the Condom in the United States." Journal of the History of Sexuality 1:2 (1990): 262-82.

Gross, Larry, Contested Closets: The Politics and Ethics of Outing, (Minneapolis: Univ of Minnesota Press, 1993)

Herman, Didi, The Antigay Agenda : Orthodox Vision and the Christian Right, (Chicago: Univ of Chicago Pr, 1997)

Jones, James W. "Discourses on and of AIDS in West Germany, 1986-1990." Journal of the History of Sexuality 2:3 (1992): 439-68.

Kayal, Philip M., Bearing Witness; Gay Men's Health Crisis and the Politics of AIDS, (Boulder CO: Westview Press, 1993)

Kettelhack, Guy, Dancing Around the Volcano : Freeing Our Erotic Lives : Decoding the Enigma of Gay Men and Sex, (New York: Crown, 1996)

Lewis, Lynette A. and Michael W. Ross, A Select Body : The Gay Dance Party Subculture and the Hiv-AIDS Pandemic, (London: Cassell Academic, 1996)

Odets, Walt, In the Shadow of the Epidemic : Being Hiv-Negative in the Age of AIDS, (Durham NC: Duke Univ Press, 1995)

Phelan, Shane, ed., Playing With Fire : Queer Politics, Queer Theories, (New York: Routledge, 1997)

Pressman, Jack D. "AIDS and the Burdens of Historians." Journal of the History of Sexuality 1:1 (1990): 137-43. [REVIEW ESSAY].

Shilts, Randy, And The Band Played On: People Politics and the AIDS Epidemic, (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1987)
Based on interviews with most important players in unfolding of first few years of AIDS.

Schulman, Sarah, My American History: Lesbian And Gay Life During the Reagan/Bush Years,(New York: Routledge, 1994)
Collected columns from a New York-based lesbian writer.

Signorile, Michaelangelo., Queer In America, (New York: Random House, 1993)

Wilson, Carter, Hidden in the Blood: A Personal Investigation of AIDS in the Yucatan, (New York: Columbia Univ Press, 1996)

B: Anti-Gay: Criticism of Gay Male Culture by Gay Writers

Bawer, Bruce, ed. Beyond Queer : Challenging Gay Left Orthodoxy, (New York: The Free Press, 1996)
Bawer, Andrew Sullivan and co.

Harris, Daniel, The Rise and Fall of Gay Culture, (New York: Hyperion, 1997)
A defender of the traditions of [American] gay male culture.

Kramer, Larry, Faggots, (New York: Random House, 1978)
One of the few novels in this bibliography, but it is important. Kramer attacked the gay bath-house culture, even as he continued -- unsucessfully -- to take part in it. (See Lawrence Mass' comments on Kramer in his intro. to James Melson, The Golden Boy.)

Rotello, Gabriel, Sexual Ecology: AIDS and the Destiny of Gay Men, (New York: 1997)
Ostensibly a book about AIDS epidemiology (the first part of the book), but in the later part an all out attack on gay male sexual culture.

Signorile, Michaelangelo., Life Outside, (New York: HarperCollins 1997)
Fashionable mid-1990's attack on gay male culture. Claims to be part of a "self-critique".

Simpson, Mark, ed. Anti-Gay, (London: Freedom Editions, 1996)
A collection of essays, some worthwhile (Peter Tatchell, Lisa Powers), but others showing deep disdain for gay male and lesbian cultures. Simpson's opening essay is among the most class-ridden self-satisfied pieces of writing ever produced by a homosexual writer. Tatchell's more idealistic essay looks forward to a time when sexual identity will not be an issue, as all forms of consensual sexual desire will be acknowledged. He sees this as the goal of the LGB movement. Tatchell is indulging in a pipe dream, but more, it is not clear that such "normalization" is any more desirable than "assimilation" is for Jews. Difference is not only a matter of individual differance, but group difference. It is at least concievable that outside status, along with the double vision it gives, is desirable.

VIII: Homosexual Individuals - After 1750

Ackerley, Joe R., My Father and Myself, (New York: Coward-McCann, 1968)
Discusses inter alia homosexuality in inter-war London. It is hard to say if Ackerly was homosexual, since his major emotional tie was to his dog Queenie.

Acosta, Mercedes de, Here Lies The Heart, (New York: Reynal and Company, 1960)

Austen, Roger, Genteel Pagan: The Double Life of Charles Warren Stoddard, (Massachusetts: 1995 [1991])

Bartlett, Neil, Who Was That Man?, London, Penguin, 1993)

Benkovitz, Miriam J., Frederick Rolfe: Baron Corvo, (New York: G. P. Putnams Sons, 1977)

Bogarde, Dirk, An Orderly Man, (New York: E. P. Dutton, 1984)

Borer, Alain, Rimbaud In Abyssinia, (New York: William Morrow, 1993)

Bosworth, Patricia, Montgomery Clift, (New York: Harcourt Brace, 1978)

Bowen, Catherine, Francis Bacon, The Temper of A Man, (New York: Little Brown, 1963)

Boyd, Malcolm, Gay Priest, (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1986)

Boyd, Malcolm, Take Off the Masks, (Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1978)
Gay Episcoplian priest.

Branderth, Gyles, John Gielgud: A Celebration, (Boston, Little Brown, 1984)

Braybrooke (Editor), Neville, The Ackerley Letters, (New York: Harcourt Brace, 1975)

Brian, Denis, Tallulah, Darling, (New York: Macmillan, 1972)

Britten, Vera, Radclyffe Hall, A Case of Obscenity?, (London: Femina, 1968)

Carpenter, Humphrey, Benjamin Britten, A Biography, (New York: Scribner's, 1993)

Chalon, Jean, Portrait of A Seductress: The World of Natalie Barney, (New York: Crown, 1976)

Cocteau, Jean, Opium: Diary Of A Cure, (New York: Grove Press, 1980)

Crisp, Quentin, The Naked Civil Servant, (New York: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, 1968; paperback, New York: Signet)
Famous autobiography by one of the "stately homos" of England. Crisp's later books do not measure up.

Croft-Cooke, Rupert, Bosie: The Story of Lord Alfred Douglas, His Friends, and Enemies, (London: W.H. Allen, 1963)
Sympathetic to Douglas. Hard to say why.

Croft-Cooke, Rupert, The Unrecorded Life of Oscar Wilde, (New York: David McKay, 1972)

Davie, Michael, The Diaries of Evelyn Waugh, London, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1976)

Deford, Frank, Big Bill Tiden: The Triumph and Tragedy, (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1975)
Account of a homosexual tennis player, eventually charged with sex with young boys.

De-La-Noy, Michael, (ed.) The Journals of Denton Welch, (New York: E. P. Dutton, 1984)

Driberg, Tom, Ruling Passions: The Autobiography of Tom Driberg, (London: Jonathan Cape, 1977)
Posthumous autobiography of a gay Labour MP.

Duberman, Martin, Cures: A Gay Man's Odyssey, (New York: 199?)
Duberman's history as a victim of psychotherapy.

Duberman, Martin, Midlife Queer, (New York: 1996)
New York gay life 1971-1981. Duberman's autobiographies may be useful to later historians of the period. He functions as a participant-observer with a good idea of what was going on. Some find his books too self-indulgent, but a real problem is that he does not footnote his factual content. That may be the norm for autobiographies, but he is, after all, a historian!

Dunaway, David King, Huxley In Hollywood, (New York: Harper and Row, 1989)

Dunbar, Janet, J. M. Barrie, The Man Behind the Image, Boston, Houghton Mifflin, 1970)

Ellerman, Richard, Oscar Wilde, (1987)

Farnan, Dorothy J., Auden in Love, (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1984)

Field, Andrew, Djuna, (New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1983)

Fitch, Noel Riley, Anais: The Erotic Life of Anais Nin, Boston, Little Brown, 1993)

Forster, Margaret, Daphne du Maurier: The Secret Life, (New York: Doubleday, 1993)

Fryer, Jonathan, Isherwood: A Biography, (Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1978)

Furbank, P. N., E. M. Forster: A Life, London, Secker and Warburg, 1978)

Gaines, Steven, Simply Halston, (New York: Jove, 1992)

Goodman, Paul, "Memoirs of an Ancient Activist", in Joseph A. McCaffery, ed., The Homosexual Dialectic, (Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1972)

Grosskurth, Phyllis, Memoirs of John Addington Symonds, (New York: Random House, 1984)

Halperin, David, Saint Foucault: Towards a Gay Hagiography, (Oxford: 1995)
Foucault said, in 1975, "My work has had nothing to do with gay liberation."

Hanson, L. & E., Verlaine: Fool of God, (New York: Random House, 1957)

Hayman, Ronald, Thomas Mann, (New York: Scribner, 1995)

Hebblethwaite, Peter, Paul VI, (New York: 199?)
Extensive and well-received biography of Pope Paul VI. Gives a good insight into the history of Catholicism in the early and mid 20th century. Discusses, in somewhat subdued terms, Paul's homosexuality.

Higham, Charles and Moseley, Roy, Cary Grant, The Lonely Heart,(New York: Avon, 1989)
Grant had a long affair with Randolph Scott. ALl his biographer's overlook it.

Higham, Charles, Howard Hughes: The Secret Life, (New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1993)

Hippler, Mike, Matlovich, the Good Soldier, (Boston: Alyson, 1989)

Hockney, David, That's The Way I See It, (New York: Chronicle Books, 1993)

Hodges, Andrew, Alan Turing: The Enigma of Intelligence, (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1984)
Genuinely tragic account of Turing, a mathematician who aided in the British decoding of the Nazi's enigma coding machines, and thus enabled the British to know what the Germans were doing throughout the War. Turing also laid the intellectual foundations for modern computing. But he was gay, and his report of a burgalry by a youth he brought home, lead to his enforced hormone 'treatment' (or he faced prison). In 1954 he apparently committed suicide by taking cyanide.

Holiday, Billie, Lady Sings The Blues, (New York: Viking Penguin, )

Holroyd, Michael, Lytton Strachey: The New Biography, (New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1995, rev. of 1968 edition),
When Strachey, a conscientious objector, was asked what he would do if a German attempted to rape his mother, he came up with the best possible answer - he would, he said, 'interpose my body'. This was the man who brought bitchiness to biography.

Hurston, Zora Neale, Dust Tracks On A Road: An Autobiography, (New York: Harper, 1992)

Hyde, H. Montgomery, Oscar Wilde: A Biography, (New York: Farrar, Straus, Giroux, 1975; paperback, London: Magnum)
Superceded by Ellerman. q.v.

Hyde, H. Montgomery, The Three Trials of Oscar Wilde, (New York: University Books, 1956; paperback, New York: Dover)

Hyde, H. Montgomery, The Trial of Sir Roger Casement, (London: William Hodge, 1964)

Hyde, H. Montgomery, The Trials of Oscar Wilde, (London: William Hodge, 1948)

Inglis, Brian, Roger Casement, (London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1973)

Isherwood, Christopher, Christopher and His Kind, (London: Eyre Methuen, 1977; pb, Magnum, 1978)
Autobiography - vivid account of gay life in 1930s Berlin and the Mediterranean.

Jarman, Derek, At Your Own Risk, Woodstock, The Overlook Press, 1993)

Johnson, W. S., W. H. Auden, (New York: Continuum, 1990)

Kantrowitz, Arnie, Under the Rainbow: Growing Up Gay, (New York: Morrow, 1977: reissued since)
Kantrowitz biography, explicitly compared by Kantrowitz to James Kenneth Melson's The Golden Boy [q.v.], is an account of his life as a doubly invisible outsider - as a Jew and a gay man. Kantrowitz biograohy was an important early gay lib bio, especially as his solution to the "problem" of being gay was to engage in gay activism (especially the gay Activists Alliance). The question poses itself - whose was the central gay experience of the 1970s, Melson's or Kantrowitz'?

Kopay, David and Perry D. Young, The David Kopay Story: An Extraordinary Self-Revelation, (New York: Arbor House, 1977; paperback, New York: Bantam)
Coming out by a professional football player.

Kurth, Peter, American Cassandra: The Life Of Dorothy Thompson, Boston, LIttle, Brown and, 1990)

Lahr, John, Prick Up Your Ears, (New York: Limelight, 1986)
Straight writer Lahr's fascination with gay playwright Joe Orton, beaten to death by his lover, forms the basis of this account of Orton, and necessarily London's gay scene in the 1960s. Islington was never the same.

Lambert, Gavin, On Cukor, (New York: Putnam, 1972)

Lawrence, T. E., Seven Pillars of Wisdom: A Triumph, (New York: Doubleday, 1935)

The dedicatory poem is to a lost Arab boyfriend. It is questionable how many readers ever finish the book itself.

Lieb, Sandra, Mother Of The Blues; A Life of Ma Rainey, Boston, Univ, 1981)

Marr, David, Patrick White: A Life, (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1992)

Mass, Lawrence, Confessions of a Jewish Wagnerite : Being Gay and Jewish in America, (New York: Cassell Academic, 1995)

Maugham, Robin, Escape from the Shadows, (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1973)

McCann, Graham, Rebel Males: Clift, Brando, and Dean, Trenton, Rutgers University, 1993)

McCorvey, Norma, I Am Roe, (New York: HarperCollins, 1994)

McGilligan, Patrick, Cukor: A Double Life, (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1991)

Melson, James Kenneth, The Golden Boy, (New York: Haworth, 1992)
Melson was a Catholic Iowa boy who arrived in NY in 1975 and took part in the A-Gay life of the period. He died from AIDS in 1992. Before he died he resolved to write an account of his own life. The result is a factual counterpart to Andrew Holleran's Dancer From the Dance. This edition has an interesting prologue by Lawrence Mass (explaining 'gay narcissism'), and a self-indulgent epilogue by Arnie Kantrowitz (who assures us that despite being 'ugly', he had just as much sex as Melson).

Merrill, James, A Different Person, (New York: Knopf, 1993)
Merrill, a very rich, very talented poet, helped out a whole generation of gay writers.

Miller, James, The Passion of Michel Foucault, (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1992)
Not as bad as its reviews suggest. It does enagage in scandal-mongering about Foucault's participation in San Francisco bathhouses. See Eribon, q.v., for a more standard account, or Halperin [q.v.] for sheer laudation.

Moggridge, D. E., Maynard Keynes, London, Routledge, 1992)

Nin, Anais, Incest: From A Journal of Love, (New York: HBJ, 1992)

O'Brien, Sharon, Willa Cather: The Emerging Voice, (New York: , 1993)

O'Hara, Scott,Autopornography : A Life in the Lust Lane, (Binghamton NY: Haworth, May 1997
O'Hara is (or at least was) a leading sex radical.

Parker, Peter, Ackerley, (New York: Farrar Straus Giroux, 1989)

Payn (Editors), Sheridan Morley and Graham, The Noel Coward Diaries, Boston, Little, Brown, 1982)

Perry, Troy and Charles Lucas, The Lord is My Shepherd and He Knows I'm Gay, (Los Angeles: Nash Publishing Co., 1972; paperback, New York: Bantam)
How the Metropolitan Vommunity Church was founded, by the founder.

Read, B.L., The Lives of Roger Casement, (New Haven: Yale UP, 1976)

Reid, Doris Fielding, Edith Hamilton: An Intimate Portrait, (New York: W. W., 1967)

Reynolds, David, Walt Whitman's America: A Cultural Biography, (Knopf: 1995)

Richardson, Joanna, Colette, (New York: Franklin Watts, 1984)

Rivers, Larry, Autobiography, (New York: Harper Collins, 1992)

Rose, Phyllis, Jazz Cleopatra: Josephine Baker In Her Time, (New York: Vintage, 1992)

Russo, William, "Hart Crane", In Touch 41 (May-June 1979), pp. 69-72, 75

Russo, William, "Horatio", In Touch 38 (Nov-Dec 1978), pp. 30-31,
On Horatio Alger.

Russo, William, "Lawrence of Arabia", In Touch 44 (Nov-Dec 1979), pp. 61-62, 64

Schonberg, Harold, Horowitz: A Musical Biography, (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1992)

Schwartz, Barth, Pasolini Requiem, (New York: Pantheon, 1992)

Servadio, Gaia, Luchino Visconti: A Biography, (New York: Franklin Watts, 1983)

Shilts, Randy, The Mayor of Castro Street, (New York: St. Martin's Press, 198 )
About Harvey Milk.

Simon, Randy, Edward D. Wood Jr., A Man And His Films, Los Angeles, Wood Film, 1981)

Sinclair, Andrew, Francis Bacon: His Life and Violent Times, (New York: Crown Publishers,, 1993)

Smith, A.E., "Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky: His Life and Loves Re-examined", ONE Institute Quarterly 12 (1961), pp. 20-36
Argues Tch. was well-adjusted and his life was not tragedy.

Souhami, Diana, Gertrude and Alice, (New York: Pandora, 1992)

Spoto, Donald, Olivier, (New York: Harper Collins, 1992)

Stuart, Otis, Perpetual Motion: The Private Lives of Rudolf Nureyev, (New York: Simon and, 1995)

Swicegood, Thomas L.P., Our God Too, (Pyramid Books, 1974)
Troy Perry and the founding of the Metropolitan Community Church.}

Timmons, Stuart, The Trouble With Harry Hay, Boston, Alyson Publications, 1990)

Vickers, Hugo, Loving Garbo, (New York: Random House, 1994)

Weatherby, W. J., Artist on Fire, (New York: Donald I Fine Inc, 1992)

Wells, Anna. M., Miss Marks and Miss Wolley, (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1978)
Lesbian faculty at Mount Holyoke College.)

White White: on Jean Genet: Once a Sodomite: Twice a Philosopher, Harvard Gay and Lesbian Review 3:1 (Winter 1996) [At Harvard Gay and Lesbian Review]

Williams, Tennesee, Memoirs, (Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1975: paperback, New York: Bantam)

Ziegler, Philip, Mountbatten, (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1985)

IX: Anthropological and Sociological Works

No Attempt to be comprehensive here.

A: General

Adam, Barry D., "The Construction of a Sociological Homosexual in Canadian Textbooks", Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology 23:3 (1986)

Bell, Alan P. & Martin S. Weinberg, Homosexualities: A Study of Diversity Among Men and Women, (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1978)

Boissevain, J. & J.C. Mitchell, eds., Network Analysis: Studies in Human Interaction, (The Hague and Paris: 1973)

Boissevain, J., Friends of Friends: Networks, Manipulators and Coalitions, (Oxford: 1974)

Churchill, Wainwright, Homosexual Behaviour Among Males: A Cross-Cultural and Cross-Species Investigation, (New York: Hawthorn Books, 1967; p.b. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall)

Cohen, Albert, "The Study of Social Disorganization and Deviant Behavior", in Robert Merton, Leonard Brown & Leonard Cothell, Sociology Today, (New York: Basic Books, 1959)

Dynes, Wayne, and Stephen Donaldson, eds., Ethnographic studies of homosexuality, (New York : Garland Pub., 1992)
Collected articles.

Erikson, Kai, "Notes on the Sociology of Deviance", in Howard Becker, The Other Side Perspectives on Deviance, (New York: Free Press, 1964)

Evans-Pritchard, E.E., "Sexual Inversion among the Azande", American Anthropologist 72:6 (1970)
Classic article, often used for comparative purposes.

Greenberg, David F., The Construction of Homosexuality, (Chicago: Chicago UP, 1988)
Recent exposition of the social construction school. Has an extensive historical survey plus bibliography.

Harry, Joseph, "On the Validity of Typologies of Gay Males", Journal of Homosexuality 2:2 (1976/77)

Harry, Joseph, "Derivative Deviance", Criminology 19:4 (1982)

Harry, Joseph & William Devall,The Social Organization of Gay Males, (New York: Praeger, 1978)

Leinhardt, S., Social Networks: A Developing Paradigm, (New York: 1977)

Mitchell, J.C., ed., Social Networks in Urban Situations, (Manchester: 1969)

B: North American Native Cultures

Allen, Paula Gunn, "Lesbians in American Indian Cultures" in Martin Bauml Duberman, Martha Vincus and George Chauncey, eds. Hidden From History, New York: NAL, 1989), 106-117

Blackwood, Evelyn, "Sexuality and Gender in Certain Native American Tribes", in Signs 10:1 (1984)

Callender, Charles & Lee Kochens, "The North American Berdache", Current Anthropology 24:4 (1983)

Heinicke, Patricia L., Exploring inclusivity : formation and call in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and Native American berdache traditions, [Thesis (M.A.)--Graduate Theological Union, 1994.]

Roscoe, Will, ed. Living the spirit : a gay American Indian anthology, (compiled by Gay American Indians, Will Roscoe, coordinating editor), (New York : St. Martin's Press, 1988)

Roscoe, Will, The Zuni Man-Woman, (Albuquerque, Univ of New Mexico, 1991)

Whitehead, Harriet, "The Bow and the Burden Strap: A New Look at Institutionalized Homosexuality in Native North America," in Lesbian and Gay Studies Reader, ed. Henry Abelove, Michele Aina Barale, and David Halperin, (New York: Routledge: 1993) 498-527.

C: Pacific Cultures

Herdt, Gilbert H., Symbolic and behavioral attachments in Sambia ritualized homosexuality [Calif? : s.n., 1980?].

Herdt, Gilbert H., Guardians of the flutes : idioms of masculinity : with a new preface, (University of Chicago Press ed. Chicago : University of Chicago Press, 1994: first ed. 1882).

Herdt, Gilbert, Ritualized Homosexuality in Melanesia, (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1984)

Herdt, Gilbert H., The Sambia : ritual and gender in New Guinea, (New York : Holt, Rinehart and Winston, c1987

Knauft, Bruce M. "The question of ritualised homosexuality among the Kiwai of south New Guinea." The Journal of Pacific history. 1990. v 25 n 2. 188.

D: Africa Cultures

'Abd Allah, Mahmud Mohammed, "Siwan Customs", Harvard African Studies, 1:7 (1917)

E: Other

X: Lesbians

Works specifically on lesbians collected from all periods above. Other books cover lesbianism as part of homosexuality in general.

A: General

Foster. Jeannette H., Sex Variant Women in Literature: A Historical and Quantative Survey 2nd ed., (New York: Vantage Press, 1956)(repr. Baltimore: Diana Press, 1975)

Grier, Barbara & Coletta Reid, eds., Lesbian Lives: Biographies of Women from The Ladder, (Oakland, Ca.: Diana Press, 1976)
Sketches of over 60 women who may have been lesbians.

Ide, Arthur Frederick, Sex, Women and Religion, (Dallas: Monument Press. 1984)

Jennings, Kevin, Becoming Visible : A Reader in Gay and Lesbian History for High School and College Students, (Boston: Alyson, 1994)

Thadani, Giti, Sakhiyani, lesbian desire in ancient and modern India, (London: Cassell, 1996)

B: Ancient and Medieval

Bell, R.M., "Renaissance Sexuality and the Florentine Archives; the "lesbian nun" of Judith Brown", Renaissance Quarterly 40 (1987), pp. 485-511
Review article and discussion

Brooten, Bernardette J, Love Between Women: Early Christian Respones to Female Homoeroticism, (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1996)
The most important book on the classical and early Christian history of Lesbianism. She attacks the idea that there was no general idea of "homosexuality" in these periods.

Brown, Judith C., "Lesbian Sexuality in Renaissance Italy: The Case of Sister Benedetta Carlini", Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 9:4 (Summer 1984), pp. 751-758; repr. in The Lesbian Issue: Essays from Signs, ed. Estelle B. Freedman et al, (Chicago & London: Univ. of Chicago Press, 1985), pp. 271-278

Brown, Judith C., Immodest Acts - The Life of a Lesbian Nun in Renaissance Italy, (New York: Oxford UP, 1986)

Brown, Judith, "Lesbian Sexuality in Medieval and Early Modern Europe" in Martin Bauml Duberman, Martha Vincus and George Chauncey, eds. Hidden From History, New York: NAL, 1989), 67-75

Cassio, A.C., "Post Classical Lesbiai", Classical Quarterly 33:1 (1983), 296-97

Crompton, Louis, "The Myth of Lesbian Impunity: Capital Laws from 1270 to 1791', Journal of Homosexuality 6:1/2 (1980), pp. 11-26
Interesting account of laws against lesbianism. Also includes an updated, referenced list of number of gay males killed in the past. See Judith Brown 'Lesbian Sexuality in Medieval …" for a rebuttal.

Devereaux, George, "The Nature of Sappho's Siezure in FR 31 LP as Evidence of her Inversion", Classical Quarterly 20 (1970), pp. 17-31

duBois, Page, "Eros and the Woman," Ramus 21 (1992) 97-

Hallett, Judith P. "Female Homoeroticism and the Denial of Roman Reality in Latin Literature." Yale Journal of Criticism 3: (1989a), 209-227.

Huxley, G.L., "Onomakles and the Alopekonnesians (Lesbian Antiquities in the Oxyrhyncus-Papyrus 3711)", Journal of Hellenic Studies 107 (1987), pp. 187-188

Ide, Arthur Frederick, Lesbianism in the Eearly Religious Order of the Christian Church, (Dallas: Monument Press. 19??)

Ide, Arthur Frederick, Lesbianism in the Medieval Nunnery, (Dallas: Monument Press. 19??)

Johnson, Penelope D. , Equal in Monastic Profession: Religious Women in Medieval France, (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1991)
pp 112-130, a discussion of the vow of chastity, including a rare discussion of lesbianism among medieval nuns. There are rare indications of such activity, but very "rare" indeed.

Kroll, Wilhelm. "Lesbische Liebe." RE 23 (1924) 2100-2102.

Lardinois, M. "Lesbian Sappho and Sappho of Lesbos" in J. Bremmer (ed.), From Sappho to de Sade: Moments in the History of Sexuality (1991)

Martos Montiel, Juan Francisco.  Desde Lesbos con amor: homosexualidad femenina en la antiguedad. Madrid: Ediciones Clasicas, 1996 (=_Supplementa Mediterranea_ 1 (1996)).

Matter, E. Ann, 'My Sister, My Spouse: Women Identified Women in Medieval Christianity", Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion 2 (Fall 1986), 81-93

Pomeroy, S, Goddesses, Whores, Wives, Slaves: Women in Classical Antiquity, (New York: 1975)

Snyder, Jane McIntosh.  Lesbian Desire in the Lyrics of Sappho.  New York: Columbia University Press, 1997.

Williamson, Margaret.  Sappho's Immortal Daughters. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1995.

C: Early Modern and Modern - Pre-"Movement"

Allen, Paula Gunn, "Lesbians in American Indian Cultures" in Martin Bauml Duberman, Martha Vincus and George Chauncey, eds. Hidden From History, New York: NAL, 1989), 106-117

Balser, Kristof. [et al.], eds. Himmel und Holle : das Leben der Kolner Homosexuellen 1945-1969, (Koln: Emons, 1994)

Benstock, Shari, , "Paris Lesbianism and the Politics of Reaction, 1900-1940" in Martin Bauml Duberman, Martha Vincus and George Chauncey, eds. Hidden From History, New York: NAL, 1989), 332-46

Berubé, Allan and John D'Emilio, "The Military and Lesbians During the McCarthy Years", Signs 9 (1986), 759-75

Berube, Allan, "Marching to A Different Drummer: Lesbian and Gay GIs in World War II" in Martin Bauml Duberman, Martha Vincus and George Chauncey, eds. Hidden From History, New York: NAL, 1989), 383-394

Blackmer, Corinne E. "African Masks and the Arts of Passing in Gertrude Stein's `Melanctha' and Nella Larsen's Passing." Journal of the History of Sexuality 4:2 (1993): 230-63.

Britten, Vera, Radclyffe Hall, A Case of Obscenity?, (London: Femina, 1968)

Brown, Kathleen. "`Changed . . . into the fashion of man': The Politics of Sexual Difference in a Seventeenth-Century Anglo-American Settlement." Journal of the History of Sexuality 6:2 (1995): 171-93.

Brumberg, Joan Jacobs. "`Something Happens to Girls': Menarche and the Emergence of the Modern American Hygienic Imperative." Journal of the History of Sexuality 4:1 (1993): 99-127.

Burgin, Diana Lewis. "Mother Nature versus the Amazons: Marina Tsvetaeva and Female Same-Sex Love." Journal of the History of Sexuality 6:1 (1995): 62-88.

Chauncey, Jr., George , "From Sexual Inversion to Homosexuality: The Changing Medical Conceptualization of Female `Deviance'," in Passion and Power: Sexuality in History, ed. Kathy Peiss and Christina Simmons with Robert A. Padgug, (Philadelphia : Temple University Press, 1989),87-117.

Clark, Anna. "Anne Lister's Construction of Lesbian Identity." Journal of the History of Sexuality 7:1 (1996): 23-50.

Cooper, Robyn. "Definition and Control: Alexander Walker's Trilogy on Woman." Journal of the History of Sexuality 2:3 (1992): 341-64.

Davis Madeline and Elizabeth Lapovsky Kennedy, "Oral History and the Study of Sexuality in the Lesbian Community of Buffalo, New York, 1940-1960 " in Martin Bauml Duberman, Martha Vincus and George Chauncey, eds. Hidden From History, New York: NAL, 1989), 426-440

Donoghue, Emma, Passions Between Women: British Lesbian Culture 1668-1801, (London: Scarlett, 1993: New York: HarperCollins, 1995)

duCille, Ann. "Blues Notes on Black Sexuality: Sex and the Texts of Jessie Fauset and Nella Larsen." Journal of the History of Sexuality 3:3 (1993): 418-44.

Emery, Kim. "Steers, Queers, and Manifest Destiny: Representing the Lesbian Subject in Turn-of-the-Century Texas." Journal of the History of Sexuality 5:1 (1994): 26-57.

Eriksson, Brigitte, "A Lesbian Execution in Germany, 1721: The Trial Records", Journal of Homosexuality 6:1/2 (1980), pp. 27-40
Trial records of two lesbians tired in 1721. Based on a report in a 19th Century German medical periodical.

Evans, Richard, The Feminist Movement in Germany, 1894-1933, (London: Sage, 1976)

Faderman, Lilian & Brigette Erikson, Lesbian-Feminism in Turn-of the Century Germany, (Weatherby Lake, Mo.: Naiad Press, 198o)
History of Lesbianism in Germany 1895-1921, including Anna Rulings address to the Scientific-Humantarian Commitee.

Faderman, Lilian, Scotch Verdict: Miss Pirie and Miss Woods v. Dame Cumming Gordan, (New York: William Morrow, 1983)
Dramatisation of Scottish trial involving lesbians in 1792: No footnotes or bibliography but see also Jonathan Katz, ed., Miss Marianne Woods and Miss Jane Pirie against Dame Helen Cumming Gordon, (New York: Arno Press, 1975), a repr. of Authorities with Regard to the Practice of Tribadism, (1811) - a collection of authorities on lesbianism for a Scots libel case.

Faderman, Lilian, Surpassing the Love of Men, (New York: William Morrow, 1981)
History of Lesbians based on literary sources.

Gilmore, Leigh. "Obscenity, Modernity, Identity: Legalizing The Well of Loneliness and Nightwood." Journal of the History of Sexuality 4:4 (1994): 603-24.

Gwilliam, Tassie. "Female Fraud: Counterfeit Maidenheads in the Eighteenth Century." Journal of the History of Sexuality 6:4 (1996): 518-48.

Haag, Pamela S. "In Search of `The Real Thing': Ideologies of Love, Modern Romance, and Women's Sexual Subjectivity in the United States, 1920-1940." Journal of the History of Sexuality 2:4 (1992): 547-77.

Jagose, Annamarie. "Way Out: The Category `Lesbian' and the Fantasy of the Utopic Space." Journal of the History of Sexuality 4:2 (1993): 264-87.

Katz, Jonathan, ed., Miss Marianne Woods and Miss Jane Pirie against Dame Helen Cumming Gordon, (New York: Arno Press, 1975)
Repr. of Authorities with Regard to the Practice of Tribadism, (1811) - a collection of authorities on lesbianism for a Scots libel case.

Katz, Jonathan, Gay American History: Lesbians and Gay Men in the USA - A Documentary, (New York: Thomas Y. Crowell, 1976; paperback, New York: Avon Discus)
Anthology of 168 documents with some analysis. Gives half of its space to lesbians

Katz, Jonathan, The Gay/Lesbian Almanac, (New York: Morrow, 1983)

Kennedy, Elizabeth Lapovsky and Madeline D. Davis, Boots of Leather, Slippers of Gold : The History of a Lesbian Community, (London: Routledge Chapman Hall, 1993)

Kraakman, Dorelies. "Reading Pornography Anew: A Critical History of Sexual Knowledge for Girls in French Erotic Fiction, 1750-1840." Journal of the History of Sexuality 4:4 (1994): 517-48.

Krug, Kate. "Women Ovulate, Men Spermate: Elizabeth Blackwell as a Feminist Physiologist." Journal of the History of Sexuality 7:1 (1996): 51-72.

Lindquist, Lisa J. "Images of Alice: Gender, Deviancy, and a Love Murder in Memphis." Journal of the History of Sexuality 6:1 (1995): 30-61.

Mahood, Linda, and Barbara Littlewood. "The `Vicious' Girl and the `Street-Corner' Boy: Sexuality and the Gendered Delinquent in the Scottish Child-Saving Movement, 1850- 1940." Journal of the History of Sexuality 4:4 (1994): 549-78.

Matus, Jill L. "Saint Teresa, Hysteria, and Middlemarch." Journal of the History of Sexuality 1:2 (1990): 215-40.

Moeller, Robert G. "`The Homosexual Man Is a "Man," the Homosexual Woman Is a "Woman"': Sex, Society, and the Law in Postwar West Germany." Journal of the History of Sexuality 4:3 (1994): 395-429.

Newton, Esther, "The Mythic Mannish Lesbian: Radcliffe Hall and the New Woman" in Martin Bauml Duberman, Martha Vincus and George Chauncey, eds. Hidden From History, New York: NAL, 1989), 281-293

Newton, Esther, Cherry Grove, Fire Island : Sixty Years in America's First Gay and L esbian Town, (Boston: Beacon Press, 1993)

Perry, Ruth. "Colonizing the Breast: Sexuality and Maternity in Eighteenth-Century England." Journal of the History of Sexuality 2:2 (1991): 204-34.

Rivers, Christopher. "Safe Sex: The Prophylactic Walls of the Cloister in the French Libertine Convent Novel of the Eighteenth Century." Journal of the History of Sexuality 5:3 (1995): 381-402.

Rupp, Leila J., "Imagine My Surprise: Women's Relationships in Mid Twentieth-century American " in Martin Bauml Duberman, Martha Vincus and George Chauncey, eds. Hidden From History, New York: NAL, 1989), 395-410

San Francisco Lesbian and Gay Histor Project, "'She Even Chewed Tobabbo': A Pisctorial Narrative of passing Women " in Martin Bauml Duberman, Martha Vincus and George Chauncey, eds. Hidden From History, New York: NAL, 1989), 183-194

Sangster, Joan. "Incarcerating `Bad Girls': The Regulation of Sexuality through the Female Refugees ASct in Ontario, 1920- 1945." Journal of the History of Sexuality 7:2 (1996): 239-75.

Smith Rosenberg, C., "The Female World of Love and Ritual: Relations between women in nineteenth century America", Signs 1 (1973), 1-29

Smith-Rosenberg, Carroll, "Discourses of Sexuality and Subjectivity: The New Woman, 1870-1936 " in Martin Bauml Duberman, Martha Vincus and George Chauncey, eds. Hidden From History, New York: NAL, 1989), 264--281

van der Meer, Theo. "Tribades on Trial: Female Same-Sex Offenders in Late Eighteenth-Century Amsterdam." Journal of the History of Sexuality 1:3 (1991): 424-45.

Vicinus, Martha, "Distance and Desire: English Boarding School Friendships, 1870-1920" in Martin Bauml Duberman, Martha Vincus and George Chauncey, eds. Hidden From History, New York: NAL, 1989), 212-232

Wells, Anna. M., Miss Marks and Miss Wolley, (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1978)
Lesbian faculty at Mount Holyoke College.

D: Modern - Post-"Movement"

Abbott, Sidney, "Lesbians and the Women's Movement", in Ginny Vida, Our Right to Love, (Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1978)

Abbott, Sidney, & Barbara Love, Sappho Was a Right-On Women, (New York: Stein & Day, 1972)
Lesbian liberation 1969-1972

Atkinson, Ti-Grace, "Lesbianism and Feminism" in Phyllis Buckley et al, eds., Amazon Expedition, (Washington, N.J.: Times Change Press, 1973)

Crier, Barbara & Coletta Reid, eds., The Lavender Herring, (Baltimore: Diana Press, 1976)
Journalism from the early lesbian magazine, The Ladder

Cruikshank, Margaret, The Gay and Lesbian Liberation Movement, Revolutionary Thought/Radical Movements, (London: Routledge Chapman Hall, 1992)

D'Emilio, John, Sexual Politics, Sexual Communites, (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1983)
Most complete account of US homophile movement in 1950s and 1960s. Covers male and female organzations.

Faderman, Lilian, Odd Girls and Twilight Lovers: A History of Lesbian Life in Twentieth-Century America, (New York: Columbia UP, 199?)

Faderman, Lillian. "The Return of Butch and Femme: A Phenomenon in Lesbian Sexuality of the 1980s and 1990s." Journal of the History of Sexuality 2:4 (1992): 578-96.

Grier, Barbara & Coletta Reid, eds., The Lavender Herring, (Baltimore: Diana Press, 1976)
Journalism from the early lesbian magazine, The Ladder

Hart, Lynda. "'Til Death Do Us Part: Impossible Spaces in Thelma and Louise." Journal of the History of Sexuality 4:3 (1994): 430-46.

Kennedy, Elizabeth Lapovsky and Madeline D. Davis, Boots of Leather, Slippers of Gold : The History of a Lesbian Community, (London: Routledge Chapman Hall, 1993)

Kokula, Ilse, Der Kampf gegen Unterdruckung, (Munich: Verlag Frauenoffensive, 1975)
Development of modern German Lesbian movement.

Martin, Del & Phyllis Lyon, Lesbian/Women, (San Francisco: Glide Publications, 1972)
by co-founders of the Daughters of Bilitis. 1950s homophile movement.

Myron, Nancy & Charlotte Bunch, Women Remembered: A Collection of Biographies form the "Furies", (Baltimore: Diana Press, 1974)
Sketches of famous lesbians.

Rule, Jane, Lesbian Images, (Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1975)
Looks at writings of famous lesbians.

Shilts, Randy, Conduct Unbecoming: Gays and Lesbians in the US Military, (New York: 1993)

Vida, Ginny, Our Right to Love, (Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1978)
Covers Lesbian issues in the 1970s

XI: Homosexuality Outside Europe and North America

A: General

Bullough, Vern. L., Sexual Variance in Society and History, (Chicago, 1976)

Dynes, Wayne R. and Stephen Donaldson, eds. Asian homosexuality, (New York : Garland Pub., 1992)
Collected articles

Bleys, Rudi, The geography of perversion : male-to-male sexual behaviour outside the West and the ethnographic imagination, 1750-1918, (New York University Press, 1995; London ; New York, NY : Cassell, 1996)

Yukiko Hanawa, ed. Circuits of desire, Vol. 2:1 (Durham, NC : Duke University Press, 1994)
Contents: A world of corpses : From Hiroshima and Nagasaki to AIDS / William Haver -- Three sexes and four sexualities : redressing the discourses on gender and sexuality in contemporary Thailand / Rosalind C. Morris -- Oscar Wilde in Japan : aestheticism, orientalism, and the derealization of the homosexual / Jeffrey Nunokawa -- With chaos in each kiss / Timothy Liu -- Four acrylic paintings / Martin Wong --(Dis)Orienting the body : locating symbolic resistance among Filipino gay men / Martin F. Manalansan IV -- Masturbation, themperor, and the language of the sublime in Oe Kenzaburo / Hosea Hirata -- The discourse on male marriage : Li Yu's "A male mencius's mother" / Sophie Volpp -- Desire at cross(-cultural) purposes : Hiroshima, Mon amour and Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence / Earl Jackson Jr.

Miller, Neil, Out in the World : Gay and Lesbian Life from Buenos Aires to Bangkok, (New York: Vintage, 1993)

Murray, Stephen O. "Southwest Asian and North African Terms for Homosexual Roles." Archives of sexual behavior. December 01, 1995. v. 24. n. 6. 623.

Sullivan, Gerard, ed., Gays and Lesbians in Asia and the Pacific: Social and human Services, (Binghamton NY: Haworth, 1996)

B: China

[Note: Mostly items in Western languages]

Altman, Dennis. "Asian Gays." Outrage: a magazine for lesbians and gay men. 137. Oct 1 1994. 14.

Dikötter, Frank.  Sex, Culture and Modernity in China. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1995

Fang-fu Ruan and Yung-mei Tsai, "Male Homosexuality in Traditional Chinese Literature", Journal of Homosexuality 14 (1987), 21-33

Furth, Charlotte. "Androgynous Males and Deficient Females: Biology and Gender Boundaries in Sixteenth- and Seventeenth-Century China." Late Imperial China (1988) 9.2:1-27.

"Has The Wedding Banquet helped Taiwan gays?" Asiaweek. 1993. v 19 n 48. 45

Gulick, Robert H. Van, Sexual Life in Ancient China, (Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1974).

Hershatter, Gail. "Courtesans and Streetwalkers: The Changing Discourses on Shanghai Prostitution, 1890-1949." Journal of the History of Sexuality 3:2 (1992): 245-69.

Hinch, Brent, Passions of the Cut Sleeve: The Male Homosexual Tradition in China, (Berkeley: 1990)

Kapac, Jack Steven, Chinese male homosexuality : sexual identity formation and gay organizational development in a contemporary chinese population, [Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Toronto, 1992.; Ann Arbor, MI : University Microfilms International, 1993)

Law Reform Commission of Hong Kong. Report on Laws Governing Homosexual Conduct. (Hong Kong: The Commission, 1983. In Chinese and English.)

Mackerras, Colin. The Rise of the Peking Opera, 1770-1870. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1972

Meijer, M.J. "Homosexual Offenses in Ch'ing Law", T'oung Pao 71 (1985), 109-133

McGough, James.  "Deviant Marriage Patterns." In Arthur Kleinman and Tsung-Yi Lin, eds., Normal and Abnormal Behaviour in Chinese Culture. Dordrecht, Holland: D. Reidel. 1981

McMahon, Keith. Misers, Shrews, and Polygamists: Sexuality and Male-Female Relations in Eighteenth-Century Chinese Fiction. Durham: Duke University Press, 1995

Murray, Dian. Pirates of the South China Coast, 1790-1810. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1987.

Murray, Dian,  "The Practice of Homosexuality Among the Pirates of Late 18th and Early 19th Century China." International Journal of Maritime History (1992) 4.1:121-30.

Ng, Vivien. "Ideology and Sexuality: Rape Laws in Qing China." Journal of Asian Studies 1987 46:51-70.

Ng, Vivien. "Homosexuality and the State in Late Imperial China" in Hidden From History eds. Martin Duberman, Martha Vicinus, and George Chauncey Jr. Meridian (New York: 1989), 76-89

Sommer, Matthew. "The Penetrated Male in Late Imperial China: Judicial Constructions and Social Stigma." Modern China 23.2 (1997):140-80 .

Szonyi, Michael,  "The Cult of Hu Tianbao and the Eighteenth-Century Discourse of Homosexuality," Late Imperial China 19.1 (1998) 1-25
-About the cult of a god  who supported homosexual relationships. Witha very useful up-to-date bibliography.
-online at [but only if your college pays for acess to Johns Hopkins University Journals.]

"Taiwan: Lesbian Organizing: Culture, Sexuality, Politics." Connexions. 1994. n 46. 20.

van Gulik, Robert. 1961. Sexual Life in Ancient China: A Preliminary Survey of Chinese Sex and Society from ca. 1500 BC till 1644 A.D.. Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1961, reprinted 1974

Vitiello, Giovanni.  "The Dragon's Whim: Ming and Qing Homoerotic Tales from The Cut Sleeve." T'oung Pao 78 (1992):341-72

Volpp, Sophie. 1994. "The Discourse on Male Marriage: Li Yu's 'A Male Mencius's Mother'," Positions 2.1:113-32.

Wawrytko, Sandra. "Homosexuality and Chinese and Japanese Religions." In Arlene Swidler, ed., Homosexuality and World Religions. Valley Forge: Trinity. 1993

Weixingshi guanzhaizhu (pseud.)  Zhongguo tongxinglian mishi (Secret History of Homosexuality in China). Hong Kong: Yuzhou, 1964.

Xiaomingxiong (pseud).  Zhongguo tongxingai shilu (Historical Record of Homosexual Love in China). Hong Kong: Pink Triangle Press, 1984

C: Japan

[Note: Only items in Western languages included]

Ihara, Saikaku, (1642-1693), The great mirror of male love, translated, with anintroduction, by Paul Gordon Schalow. (Stanford, Calif. : Stanford University Press, 1990)

Leupp, Gary P.Male colors : the construction of homosexuality in Tokugawa Japan, (Berkeley : University of California Press, 1995)

Schalow, Paul Gordon. "Male Love in Early Modern Japan: A Literary Depiction of the 'Youth'" in Martin Bauml Duberman, Martha Vincus and George Chauncey, eds. Hidden From History, New York: NAL, 1989), 118-128

Cassio, A.C., "Post Classical Lesbiai", Classical Quarterly 33:1 (1983), 118-128

Schalow, Paul Gordon and Janet A. Walker, eds., The woman's hand : gender and theory in Japanese women's writing, (Stanford, Calif. : Stanford University Press, c1996)

Mathers, E. Powys, Comrade Loves of the Samauri, (Tokyo: Charles E. Tittle, 1972)
Partial trans. of Ihara Saikaku. Now see Schalow translation.

Miller, Stephen D. ed., Partings at dawn : an anthology of Japanese gay literature, with introduction by Paul Gordon Schalow. 1st ed., (San Francisco : Gay Sunshine Press, 1996)

Uchida, Kinzo. "A reproduction of "Yoshiwara Junitoki Ekotoba" by Kuwagata Keisai -relation with the works of Chobunsai Eishi and a background of handscroll paintings of the Edo period" Museum Myujiamu. 505. Apr 01 1993. 5.

Watanabe, Tsuneo and Jun'ichi Iwata, The love of the Samurai : a thousand years of Japanese homosexuality, translated by D. R. Roberts. (London : Gay Men's Press ; Boston, MA, USA : Alyson [distributor], 1989.)

Wawrytko, Sandra. "Homosexuality and Chinese and Japanese Religions." In Arlene Swidler, ed., Homosexuality and World Religions. Valley Forge: Trinity. 1993

D: South Asia

[Note: Only items in Western languages included]

AIDS Bhedbhav Virodhi Andolan [organization], Less than gay : a citizens' report on the status of homosexuality in India, (New Delhi, India: AIDS Bhedbhav Virodhi Andolan, 1991)

Balasubrahmanyan, Vimal. "Gay Rights in India." Economic and political weekly. 1996. v 31 n 5. 257.

Hansen, Waldemar, "Naked to his Enemies", in The Peacock Throne, (New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1972), pp. 396-421
Account of a Sufi mystic, Sarmad, a convert from Judaism, in Mogul India.

Levine, Philippa. "Venereal Disease, Prostitution, and the Politics of Empire: The Case of British India." Journal of the History of Sexuality 4:4 (1994): 579-602.

Ratti, Rakesh, ed., A Lotus of another color : an unfolding of the South Asian gay and lesbian experience, 1st ed., (Boston : Alyson Publications, 1993)

Kala, Arvind. Invisible minority : the unknown world of the Indian homosexual, (New Delhi : Dynamic Books, 1992)

Khan, Surina. "India and Pakistan: Sexual Politics and Oppression." The Harvard gay & lesbian review. 1995. v 2 n 4. 27.

Ramakrishnan: "Bisexuality: identities, behaviors, and politics", Trikone April 1996 [At Utextas]

Seabrook, Jeremy. "Out in India." New statesman society. 320:7. SEP 16 1994. 12.

Sweet, Michael J., and Leonard Zwilling. "The First Medicalization: The Taxonomy and Etiology of Queerness in Classical Indian Medicine." Journal of the History of Sexuality 3:4 (1993): 590- 607.

Thadani, Giti, Sakhiyani, lesbian desire in ancient and modern India, (London: Cassell, 1996)

Tull, Herman W. "The Tale of `The Bride and the Monkey': Female Insatiability, Male Impotence, and Simian Virility in Indian Literature." Journal of the History of Sexuality 3:4 (1993): 574-89.

Zwilling, Leonard, and Michael J. Sweet. "`Like a City Ablaze': The Third Sex and the Creation of Sexuality in Jain Religious Literature." Journal of the History of Sexuality 6:3 (1996): 359-84.

E: Latin America

Arboleda, Manuel, "Gay Life in Lima", Gay Sunshine 42/43 (1980)

Arguelles, Lourdes and B. Ruby Rich, "Homosexuality, Homophobia and Revolution: Notes Towards and Understanding of Cuband Lesbian and Gaye Male Experience ", in Martin Bauml Duberman, Martha Vincus and George Chauncey, eds. Hidden From History, New York: NAL, 1989), 441-455

Botero, Ebel, "Our Sisters and Brothers in Columbia", in Gay Community News (Boston: 8:25, 1981)

Carrier, Joseph, "Cultural Factors Affecting Urban Male Homosexual Behavior", Archives of Sexual Behavior 5:2 (1976)

Carrier, Joseph, De Los Otros : Intimacy and Homosexuality Among Mexican Men, (New York: Columbia Univ Press, 1995)

Coro, Barbara, "A Cuban Lesbian's Story", Chicago Gay Life March 13, 1981, 17-19

Defensa de los religiones de Convento de la Merced conta el proyecto de ley sobre supression de las communidades en el Peru, (Lima: 1886)
Defense of a monastery accused of "unnatural practices.

Ellis, Robert Richmond, The Hispanic Homograph : Gay Self-Representation in Contemporary Spanish Autobiography, (Champaign-Urbana: Univ of Illinois Press, 199?)

Epps, Brad. "Proper Conduct: Reinaldo Arenas, Fidel Castro, and the Politics of Homosexuality." Journal of the History of Sexuality 6:2 (1995): 231-83.

Foster, David William, ed., Latin American Writers on Gay and Lesbian Themes: A Bio-Critical Sourcebook, (?: Greenwood, 1994)

Foster, David, Ed., Encyclopedia of South American Lesbian and Gay Literature, (?:Greenwood, 1994)

Green, James Naylor, Beyond Carnival : homosexuality in twentieth-century Brazil, [Thesis (Ph. D.)--UCLA, 1996]

Herrick, Thaddeus, "A View of Venezuelan Homosexuality", Habari-Daftari 4 (1984)

Jauregui, Carlos Luis, La homosexualidad en la Argentina, (Buenos Aires: Ediciones Tarso, 1987)

Lumsden, Ian, Machos, maricones, and gays : Cuba and homosexuality, (Philadelphia, PA : Temple University Press, 1996)

Mott, Luiz R. B. (Luiz Roberto de Barros), Escravidao, homossexualidade e demonologia, (Sao Paulo, SP: Icone Editora, 1988)

Murray, Stephen O,, ed., Male homosexuality in Central and South America, (San Francisco, CA : Instituto Obregon, c1987)

Murray, Stephen O., Latin American male homosexualities, (Albuquerque : University of New Mexico ress, c1995)

Salessi, Jorge. "The Argentine Dissemination of Homosexuality, 1890-1914." Journal of the History of Sexuality 4:3 (1994): 337-68.

Trevisan, Joao S., Perverts in Paradise, trans. Martin Foreman, (London: GMP, 1986)
A historical account of gays in Brazil. Trevisan, who is a pioneer in the rich field of Brazilian gay history, recounts the activities of the Inquisition on Brazil against "sodmites".

Ugarteche, Oscar, Historia, sexo y cultura en el Peru, (Lima, Peru: Movimiento Homosexual de Lima, 1993)

Wilson, Carter, Hidden in the Blood: A Personal Investigation of AIDS in the Yucatan, (New York: Columbia Univ Press, 1996)

Young Allen, Gays Under the Cuban Revolution, (San Francisco: Grey Fox Press, 1981)

F: Middle East

[Note: Only items in Western languages included]

Combs-Schilling, M. Elaine. "Etching Patriarchal Rule: Ritual Dye, Erotic Potency, and the Moroccan Monarchy." Journal of the History of Sexuality 1:4 (1991): 658-81.

Daniel, Marc, "Arab Civilisation and Male Love". trans Winston Leyland, in Jonathon Goldberg, Ed. Reclaiming Sodom, (London: Routledge,1994) pp. 59-65.

Joseph, Suad, "Women, War, and History: Debates in Middle Eastern Women's Studies." Journal of the History of Sexuality 4:1 (1993): 128-36. [REVIEW ESSAY].

Patai, Rafael, The Arab Mind, Rev. ed. (New York : Scribner, c1983)

Roth, Norman, "Boy-love in Medieval Arabic Verse", PAIDIKA - Journal of Paedophilia 3:3 (Winter 1994), 12-17

Schmitt, Arno and Jehoeda Sofer, eds., Sexuality and eroticism among males in Moslem societies, (New York : Haworth Press, 1991)

Wormhoudt, Arthur, "Classic Arab Poetry, 600-1299", Gay Books Bulletin 4, (Autumn 1980), 23-27

G: Africa

Dunton, Chris, and Mai Palmberg. Human rights and homosexuality in Southern Africa, [Uppsala: Nordiska Afrikainstitutet, 1996)

Gevisser, Mark, and Edwin Cameron, eds..Defiant desire: gay and lesbian lives in South Africa, (New York : Routledge, 1994)
On South African gays and lesbians

Isaacs, Gordon, and and Brian McKendrick, Male homosexuality in South Africa : identity formation, culture, and crisis, (Cape Town ; New York : Oxford University Press, 1992)

Krouse, Matthew, assisted by Kim Berman, The invisible ghetto : lesbian and gay writing from South Africa, (Johannesburg, South Africa : COSAW Pub., 1993; London : Gay Men's Press ; East Haven, CT : Inbook [distributor], 1995.)

Moodie T. Dunbar, et al, "Migrancy and Male sexuality on the South African Gold Mines", in Martin Bauml Duberman, Martha Vincus and George Chauncey, eds. Hidden From History, New York: NAL, 1989), 411-425

Murray, Stephen O. and Will Roskam, From Boy Wives and Female Husbands: Studies in African Homosexualities, New York: St. Martins Press, 1998?
Preprint online at

Spaulding, Jay, and Stephanie Beswick. "Sex, Bondage, and the Market: The Emergence of Prostitution in Northern Sudan, 1750-1950." Journal of the History of Sexuality 5:4 (1995): 512-34.

Sweet, James H. "Male Homosexuality and Spritism in the African Diaspora: The Legacies of a Link." Journal of the History of Sexuality 7:2 (1996): 184-202.

Vance, Carol, "Social Construction Theory: Problems in the History of Sexuality", in Homosexuality. Which Homosexuality?, ed. Theo van der Meer and Anja van Kooten Niekerk, (London: 1989)
Discusses "lesbian" experience in Nigeria.

H: Other

Manderson, Lenore. "Colonial Desires: Sexuality, Race, and Gender in Colonial Malaya." Journal of the History of Sexuality 7:3 (1997): 372-71.

Murray, Stephen O., Oceanic homosexualities, (New York : Garland Pub., 1992)
Asia and Australasia.

Hart, Donn, Hart, Harriett. "Visayan Swardspeak: The language of a gay community in the Philippines." Crossroads. 5.2 1990 27.

Manalansan IV, Marti. "(Dis)Orienting the Body: Locating Symbolic Resistance among Filipino Gay men." Positions : East Asia cultures critique. 1994. v 2 n 1. 73.

"Vietnam's next battle." Outrage: a magazine for lesbians and gay men. 120. May 01 1993. 8.

Young, C. H. "Behind Gay Bars in Korea." KoreAm Journal. August 1993. 12.

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