People with a History: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Trans* History Sourcebook
Section IX LGBT History Links
Editor: Paul Halsall
[Note this was once quite an extensive section, but guides to the web turned out to be very hard to maintain because links go bad so often..Good advice now is to look up LGBT history topics on Wikipedia and consult the further resources links at the bottom of many articles. Wikipedia is never a place to end research but it is a good place to start. In 2023 bad links were cleared, but this part of the site will not be updated in the future.]
Section IX: LGBT History Links
Go to the following pages for other parts of People with a History
LGBT History Related Web Sites
If a text or source exits at another site, I have merely linked
to that site. The fact it is an off-site link is marked every
time by square brackets and some indication of where the site
There are now a fair number of LGBT history sites, although none
have the reach of People with a History. Here are the ones
I know about:-
General LGBT History Pages
- OutHistory [At OutHistory] [Internet Archive backup here]
This is a major resource for American LGBT histories. Founded ub 2008 by Jonathan Ned Katz, who has been a major contributorot gay historical studies since
the publication of his compilation of related texts in Gay American History (1976). The TimeLine feature is a usefual way to access the material hosted there.
- Lesbian and Gay History Page (CMU) by Scott Safier - links marked [At CMU] [Internet Archive version here]
- Stonewall and Beyond: Lesbian and Gay Cultur Online Exhibition 1994 [At Columbia University] [Internet Archive version here]
- GLBTQArchive [At glbtqarchive] [Internet Archive version here]
glbtq project went online in 2003, but closed in 2015 as its adversiting model failed. Howeve all the articles it mounted, many written by good scholars, are available online via this archive.
Rowse History Centre/Knitting Circle [Now Internet Archive]
General guide, but with emphasis on British gay and lesbian history.
- Reclaiming History [Was At UIC, now Internet Archive]
Homosexuality in Film 1997 [At Internet Archive]
- Gay and Lesbian Historical Society of Northern California
Still great in 2023.
- FONDAZIONE [Now Internet Archive]
The Foundation was established in Turin in July, 1980, with the
aims of developing cultural activities aimed to support and spread
research, knowledge and information on male and female homosexuality.
- Gay History and Literature [At Rictor Norton's website] [Internet Archive version here]
Gateway to Rictor Norton's
site, one of the very best for Lesbian and Gay history.
- Queer History Links [At Rictor Norton's website] [Internet Archive version here]
- Russian Gay Culture by Kevin Moss, [At Middlebury] [Internet Archive version here]
Fairly developed site, with Russian gay links.
- Same Gender Loving, Bi and Transgendered People of the African Diaspora [At QRD]
- Journal of the History of Sexuality: Homepage [Periodical]
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Collections of LGBT Textual Material
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LGB Museums and Archives - US
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LGB Museums and Archives - Canada
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LGB Museums and Archives - Europe
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Lesbian Specific Sites
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People with a History: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Trans* History Sourcebook is part of the Internet History Sourcebooks Project. Date of inception was 1997. People with a History is a www site presenting
history relevant to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgendered people, through primary
sources, secondary discussions, and images. Links to files at other site are indicated by [At some indication of the site name or location]. WEB indicates a link to one of small number of high quality web sites which provide either more texts or an especially valuable overview.
The Internet History Sourcebooks Project is located at the History Department of Fordham University, New York. The Internet
Medieval Sourcebook, and other medieval components of the project, are located at
the Fordham University Center
for Medieval Studies.The IHSP recognizes the contribution of Fordham University, the
Fordham University History Department, and the Fordham Center for Medieval Studies in
providing web space and server support for the project. The IHSP is a project independent of Fordham University. Although the IHSP seeks to follow all applicable copyright law, Fordham University is not
the institutional owner, and is not liable as the result of any legal action.
© Site Concept and Design: Paul Halsall created 26 Jan 1996: latest revision 15 February 2025 [CV]