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People with a History: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Trans* History Sourcebook

Homosexuality and Catholicism Bibliography:
Section X: Sexual Abuse in the Roman Catholic Church

© Paul Halsall

Bergman, Brian, "Sex, Gays and Religion", Maclean's Feb 17, 1992; 105:7 p. 16-17

[Abstract from electronic database]:Anglican minister James Ferry, Lutheran minister Stan Richards and former United Church minister John Howard discuss the discrimination they have faced as gay men of the cloth. The debate surrounding the views of these churches on homosexuality is addressed.

"Bernardin lawsuit begs serious questions ", National Catholic Reporter Dec 3, 1993; 30:6 p. 24

[Abstract from electronic database]:An editorial notes that internal church reaction to charges of sexual abuse by clerics has bred external action against the church. Some immediate observations that Steven J. Cook's sexual abuse lawsuit against Joseph Bernardin plays out are examined.

Blaine, Barbara, "Abused by Priest, She Sought Healing Process ", National Catholic Reporter Nov 3, 1989; 26:3 p. 7

[Abstract from electronic database]:A woman who was sexually abused as a child by a priest relates her difficulties in trying to resolve situation. After fighting with the religious community, she finally received a satisfactory solution.

Berry, Jason, Lead us not into temptation : Catholic priests and the sexual abuse of children, (New York : Doubleday, c1992)

Berry, a New Orleans journalist, claims not to be anti-gay and blames child abuse on repression. Nevertheless he repeatedly comes back to the large number of gay seminarians as the cause of the problem. In doing so he also recounts much of recent Dignity history.


Steinfels, Peter, "Needed: A firm purpose of amendment", Commonweal Mar 12, 1993; 120:5 p. 16-18

Shupe, Anson, Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion Mar 1994; 33:1 p. 93-94

Berry, Jason, "Investigating child sexual abuse in the Catholic Church", IRE Journal Jan 1993; 16:1 p. 10-11

[Abstract from electronic database]:The investigation of the indictment of Father Gilbert Gauthe in Lafayette LA on charges that he sexually molested 11 altar boys is discussed. The attempts of the church to coverup the facts made the case difficult.

Berry, Jason, "Listening to the survivors: Voices of people of God", America Nov 13, 1993; 169:15 p. 4-9

[Abstract from electronic database]:The need for the Roman Catholic Church to listen to the stories of parishioners who as children became victims of priest sexual improprieties is discussed. Most survivors of priest sexual abuse simply want a dialogue of truth and desire the church to respond sympathetically to their suffering.

"Bishops conference to address issue of sexual abuse", Radio Program: All Things Considered--NPR Nov 15, 1993; Program :1302 p. --

[Abstract from electronic database]:Victims of sexual abuse by Catholic priests say they want the Church to stop treating them like pariahs. The Church says policies and attitudes are changing, but admits the process has been slow and painful.

Buckley, William F Jr, "The church's newest cross", National Review Apr 26, 1993; 45:8 p. 63

[Abstract from electronic database]:Sex scandals in the church are discussed. The Vatican needs to speak out on the issue of Catholic priests guilty of sexual abuse.

Burbank, James, "New Mexico reels in wake of sex allegations against Santa Fe prelate", National Catholic Reporter Mar 19, 1993; 29:20 p. 5-6

[Abstract from electronic database]:Five women in the Santa Fe NM archdiocese say they had sexual relations with Archbishop Robert F. Sanchez, the first US-born Hispanic archbishop. The allegations are detailed, and New York Cardinal John O'Connor's comments on the Sanchez case and other allegations of sexual misconduct by Catholic clergy are included.

Bull, Chris, "Hustler's Story: Apocrypha Or Gospel Truth? Famed New York Priest Enters the Shadow of the Valley of Scandal ", Advocate Feb 13, 1990; :544 p. 14-15`

[Abstract from electonic database]: Roman Catholic priest Bruce Ritter was accused by 26-year-old gay hustler Kevin Lee Kite of paying him for sex. The controversy surrounding this allegation is discussed.

Burkett, Elinor and Frank Bruni, A gospel of shame : children, sexual abuse and the Catholic Church, (New York, N.Y., U.S.A. : Viking, 1993)

More critical than Berry.


Abrahms, Sally, New York Times Book Review Nov 7, 1993; p. 7, 20:4

Messer, Donald E, Christian Century Apr 6, 1994; 111:11 p. 361-363

Shupe, Anson, Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion Mar 1994; 33:1 p. 93-94

Stuttaford, Genevieve, , Publishers Weekly Oct 4, 1993; 240:40 p. 62

Cage, Mary Crystal, "Seminaries review screening of applicants in wake of sex scandals involving priests Photograph", Chronicle of Higher Education Jul 28, 1993; 39:47 p. A29-A30

[Abstract from electronic database]:In order to reassure their parishioners and the public in the wake of sex scandals involving priests, the Roman Catholic Church is scrutinizing its procedures for screening applicants to seminaries and theology schools. These schools already require an in-depth psychological examination before admission, but the Church wants

"Cardinal Bernardin's defense", National Catholic Reporter Dec 3, 1993; 30:6 p. 7-8

[Abstract from electronic database]:Excerpts from a news conference held on Nov 15, 1993 at which Joseph Bernardin, a popular and respected Catholic cardinal, defended himself against sexual abuse charges are presented.

Castelli, Jim, "Abuse of faith Illustration", US Catholic Sep 1993; 58:9 p. 6-15

[Abstract from electronic database]:There are hundreds of known cases of Catholic priests having sex with minors, and church members are angered and confused by reports. Efforts by the church to punish and treat offending priests and to prevent further sexual abuse are discussed.

"Catholicism and sexual abuse", Christian Century Jan 27, 1993; 110:3 p. 77-78

[Abstract from electronic database]:Felony charges have been filed against two Wisconsin friars accused of sexually abusing students at St. Lawrence Seminary. Some church leaders have betrayed parishioners' trust by covering up such misconduct.

"Catholic bishops sued under RICO act", Christian Century Jul 14, 1993; 110:21 p. 707-708

[Abstract from electronic database]:Three men, including a Roman Catholic priest, have filed suit against the", US Catholic bishops, charging them with obstruction of justice and racketeering in their response to allegations of sexual abuse. The suit is believed to be the first brought by a Catholic priest against bishops of his church as well as the first suit against bishops under RICO.

Charlie, Robert, La chastete clericale, (Brussels: Librarie Socialiste de Henri Kistemaeckers, 1878)

Attack on vices of clergy in France and belgium - including supposed attacks on boys. Typical anticlerical writing.

Chua-Eoan, Howard, "After the fall", Time May 9, 1994; 143:19 p. 56-58

[Abstract from electronic database]:Faced with lawsuits and struggling to treat clerics accused of sexual abuse, the Catholic Church lags behind in forging a policy on priestly pedophilia. The lawsuits and the Church's remedies are discussed.

"Church acting to stop sex abuse, says bishop", Christian Century Aug 25, 1993; 110:24 p. 811

[Abstract from electronic database]:Archibishop William Keeler recently told members of the Knights of Columbus that the Catholic Church has done more than any other institution to deal with the problem of child sex abuse.

"Church bankruptcy may be a hidden blessing ", National Catholic Reporter Jan 14, 1994; 30:11 p. 20

[Abstract from electronic database]:An editorial discusses the possibility that the Santa Fe NM archdiocese may go bankrupt in light of Lloyds of London and Interstate Insurance's refusal to pay around $50 million in claims to child sex abuse victims who were violated by archdiocese clergy. Bankruptcy might be a hidden blessing for the archdiocese.

"Clergy sex abuse widespread, says priest", Christian Century Apr 14, 1993; 110:12 p. 392-393

[Abstract from electronic database]:Andrew M. Greeley, a priest-sociologist, believes that child sexual abuse by Roman Catholic clergy is much more pervasive than had been previously thought. Greeley's projections for the magnitude of clergy sex abuse are discussed.

Corry, John, "Roman scandals Illustration", American Spectator Feb 1994; 27:2 p. 76-77

[Abstract from electronic database]:The mainstream press and the Catholic Church are not getting along, with a church official charging that the media's presentation of the church amounted to "caricature." The media's coverage of allegations of Joseph Bernardin, a Catholic cardinal in Chicago, is a glaring example.

Dolan, Jay P, "Betrayed by their protectors", New York Times Book Review Feb 28, 1993; p. 7, 20:2

[Abstract from electronic database]:Jay P. Dolan reviews the book "Lead Us Not Into Temptation: Catholic Priests and the Sexual Abuse of Children" by Jason Berry.

Dreese, John J, "The other victims of priest pedophilia: An inheritance squandered Illustration", Commonweal Apr 22, 1994; 121:8 p. 11-14

[Abstract from electronic database]:Those Roman Catholic priests who have misused their positions to defile children have brought shame upon the whole priesthood. Priests who have not committed the crimes are deeply hurt.

Edwards, Robin T, "Bishops weather storm, address family issues ", National Catholic Reporter Dec 3, 1993; 30:6 p. 3-4

[Abstract from electronic database]:The charges against Cardinal Joseph Bernardin of Chicago, the most senior active bishop and a prominent leader in the church's efforts to deal with clergy sex abuse, overshadowed the annual fall meeting of the", US Catholic bishops. However, the bishops kept to their agenda, touching on issues likely to hit close to home for many Catholics.

Flaherty, Sandra, Woman Why Do You Weep? Spirituality for Survivors of Church Sexual Abuse (Paulist, 1992)

Fox, Thomas C, "As nation discusses pedophilia, even pope admits it's a problem", National Catholic Reporter Jul 2, 1993; 29:33 p. 2-3

[Abstract from electronic database]:The problem of pedophilia among US clergy of the Roman Catholic Church is discussed. Pope John Paul II is aware of the problem and issued a statement announcing the formation of a joint committee of Vatican and US experts to examine how church law can better deal with the problem.

Fox, Thomas C, "Bernardin: 'I have never abused anyone' ", National Catholic Reporter Dec 3, 1993; 30:6 p. 3,

[Abstract from electronic database]:The news media's response to litigation filed against Chicago Cardinal Joseph Bernardin in which Steven J. Cook alleges that Bernardin sexually abused him between 1975 and 1977 is discussed.

Fox, Thomas C, "Accuser's counsel a critic of Bernardin ", National Catholic Reporter Dec 3, 1993; 30:6 p. 6

[Abstract from electronic database]:The involvement of Wisconsin priest Charles Fiore in the sex abuse case against Joseph Bernardin is discussed. Fiore counseled Steven J. Cook, who claims that Bernardin sexually molested him when he was a teen, and has been a bitter critic of the Chicago prelate for many years.

Fraze, Barb, "Canadian bishops move vigorously on sex abuse problems ", National Catholic Reporter Jul 2, 1993; 29:33 p. 3

[Abstract from electronic database]:Bishops in Canada have moved quickly and vigorously to address child sex abuse problems among its clergy. A list of recommendations made to Canadian bishops for properly addressing the problem is presented.

Giles, Thomas S, "Coping with sexual misconduct in the church", Christianity Today Jan 11, 1993; 37:1 p. 48-49

[Abstract from electronic database]:The issues surrounding clerical misconduct and sexual abuse are discussed. Victims find clear-cut policies are only a place to start.

Glass, Charles, "Betrayed by perverts and crooks", Spectator Feb 12, 1994; 272:8640 p. 16-18

[Abstract from electronic database]:The Roman Catholic priesthood is in a state of crisis unprecedented in its history, and the institution as it is known may be dying out. Recent sex scandals and other problems besetting the priesthood are discussed.

Greeley, Andrew M, "Contraception a baby among church's sins", National Catholic Reporter Oct 15, 1993; 29:44 p. 18-21

[Abstract from electronic database]:The history of the Roman Catholic Church's response to the contraceptive revolution is discussed. The church had lost the support of the majority of Catholic women in their attitudes toward birth control and the purpose of sex in 1963--and arguably long before that--and was losing the support even of the most devout women, especially those born in the 1940s.

Hansen, Mark, "Church wins ruling", ABA Journal Feb 1993; 79 p. 38

[Abstract from electronic database]:The Catholic Archdiocese of Chicago has been involved in a bitter battle with Cook County State's Attorney Jack O'Malley over the confidentiality of church files dealing with accusations of sexual abuse against priests. The archdiocese has won the first round as a circuit judge ruled that subpoenaed files are protected by pastoral privilege.

Harris, Michael, Unholy Orders. Tragedy at Mt Cashel (1990)

"'I trusted him": Sally Jessy Raphael Apr 19, 1994; TV Program :1465 p. --

[Abstract from electronic database]:Women talk about having been sexually molested by their pastors. They allege that pastors tried to engage them in acts from fondling to intercourse at a church in Georgia. Critics say it is the women's fault.

Johnston, Rosemary, "Parents of molested sons tell of alienation from the church", National Catholic Reporter Dec 17, 1993; 30:8 p. 6

[Abstract from electronic database]:The parents whose sons were molested by Franciscans are disappointed by the response to the charges and have become alienated from the church. The parents found later that the St. Anthony's seminary friar had been accused of child abuse in another case 12 years earlier.

Kaganoff, Penny, "Paperbacks -- Paper Dolls: A True Story of Childhood Sexual Abuse in Mormon Neighborhoods by April Daniels and Carol Scott", Publishers Weekly May 31, 1993; 240:22 p. 46

It seems the issue is not only with Roman Catholics.

Loftus, John Allan, "A Question of Disillusionment: Sexual Abuse among the Clergy", America Dec 1, 1990; 163:17 p. 426-429

[Abstract from electronic database]:Sexual abuse among the Roman Catholic clergy is discussed. Sexual orientation, homosexuality and mandatory celibacy among the clergy are discussed in relation to sexual abuse.

McCann, Eamonn, "Northern exposure", New Statesman & Society May 27, 1994; 7:304 p. 12-13

[Abstract from electronic database]:Derry Northern Ireland has been devastated by revelations of child sex abuse involving about 90 children in two series of incidents that may be unrelated. Many of the incidents involved children from Catholic-run schools and a Catholic-managed youth club, and the Catholic Church has been implicated in a cover-up of the abuse.

MacLoughlin, James, "Just following orders: The politics of pedophilia ", National Catholic Reporter Apr 16, 1993; 29:24 p. 15

[Abstract from electronic database]:The internal failure of the Roman Catholic Church to deal with the problem of pedophilia by its clergy is discussed. The church has tolerated pedophilia for centuries and has shaped its policy on it based on canon law rather than on conscience.

Martinez, Demetria, "'60 Minutes' sex-abuse investigation raises speculation in Albuquerque ", National Catholic Reporter Mar 12, 1993; 29:19 p. 5

[Abstract from electronic database]:Catholics in Albuquerque NM were very concerned over a sex-abuse scandal after attorneys for the Catholic Church tried to silence an attorney involved in 28 sexual abuse cases. The concern of Catholics there became more intense after a crew from "60 Minutes" tried to interview those who were victims of sexual abuse by the clergy.

"Moving beyond denial, sex abuse examination begins", National Catholic Reporter Jul 2, 1993; 29:33 p. 24

[Abstract from electronic database]:An editorial discusses the need to deal with clergy child sexual abuse in the Catholic church. It is possible that Catholic church structures and its clerical state, its isolation of priests and its sexuality teachings contribute to the problem.

"Pedophilia Crisis", Christian Century Jan 20, 1988; 105:2 p. 48

[Abstract from electronic database]:Priestly pedophilia is a growing crisis in the Catholic Church according to the ", National Catholic Reporter. The NCR also accuses the church of covering up the problem.

"Pilarczyk Supports PR Move, Nay-Says Eucharist Concerns", National Catholic Reporter Jun 15, 1990; 26:33 p. 8-9

[Abstract from electronic database]:In an interview, Cincinnati Archbishop Daniel Pilarczyk talks candidly about public relations, women's issues, the celibate priesthood, homosexuality and sexual child abuse.

Press, Aric, "Priests and abuse", Newsweek Aug 16, 1993; 122:7 p. 42-44

[Abstract from electronic database]:The Catholic Church is facing its worst clerical scandal in modern times as allegations of sexual abuse by priests destroy the moral authority of the Church. The charges of sexual abuse by Catholic priests is examined, and the subsequent reaction by the Church is discussed.

"Priests & Sex", Commonweal Nov 20, 1992; 119:20 p. 3-4

[Abstract from electronic database]:An editorial discusses the sexual molestation accusations against Catholic priests and asserts that Church teaching must modify its ways of dealing with the topic of sexuality. The Church hierarchy has failed to address the causes of such behavior.

"Priests sexually abusing kids and getting away with it" : Donahue Mar 24, 1993; TV Program :3692 p. --

[Abstract from electronic database]:Experts and victims of sexual abuse by Roman Catholic priests discuss the problems of pedophile priests, their personal experiences and the Catholic church's inappropriate responses to the problem.

Rigali, Norbert J, "Church responses to pedophilia", Theological Studies Mar 1994; 55:1 p. 124-139

[Abstract from electronic database]:Major responses to the Catholic Church in Canada and the US to the recently uncovered instances of sexual abuse of minors by priests and brothers are examined.

Reese, Thomas J, "Bishops speak in public session of sexual abuse", America Jul 3, 1993; 169:1 p. 4-6

[Abstract from electronic database]:At their spring general meeting held Jun 17-19, 1993, US bishops discussed sexual abuse by priests, liturgy and health-care reform, among other topics. A think tank of 31 experts and sexual abuse victims called for standardized and improved methods of screening candidates for the priesthood.

Rosetti, Stephen, Slayer of the Soul. Child Sexual Abuse and the Catholic Church (Twenty-third Publications, 1990)

"Sex More Controversial Than Drugs at Bishops' Meeting ", National Catholic Reporter Nov 23, 1990; 27:5 p. 5

[Abstract from electronic database]:A bishops' meeting in Washington DC, at which their document on human sexuality was discussed, produced more debate on the topic of sex than it did on substance abuse. The controversial document is discussed, as are other topics voted on by the bishops.

"Sins of a father", America Jun 19, 1993; 168:21 p. 3

[Abstract from electronic database]:An editorial discusses increased incidences of child sex crimes committed by Catholic priests and details efforts to remedy the problem. The idea that such crimes cannot happen has been dispelled.


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