People with a History: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Trans* History Sourcebook
Homosexuality and Catholicism Bibliography:
Section XI: Modern Backlash
© Paul Halsall
A: Roman Catholic
Barnhouse, Ruth T., "Homosexuality", Anglican
Theological Rrevies Suppl. Series, 6 (June 1976), 107-134
ABSTRACT: The method of this essay [is] to review
the evidence of history, anthropology, biology, and psychology
in an attempt to clarify the reasons why some people "remain
permanently incapable" of the usual heterosexual adaptation.
I take issue with Squire, contending that, even though involuntary,
such incapability does have profound moral and theological significance.
That the proper demands of true Christian charity have not been
met in the past treatment of homosexuals will not be denied; but
redressing this wrong in no way requires that homosexuality be
accepted as a normal alternative life style [excerpt].
Barnhouse, Ruth Tiffany, Homosexuality: A Symbolic
Confusion, (New York : Seabury, 1976)
Trickle down psychological myths. A good title.
reviewed by:-
Miller, J., in Christian Scholar's Review 9:3 (1980), 277-278
Touchet, F. H. in The Journal of Pastoral Counseling 17 (Spring-Summer 1982), 86-88
Platt, N. V. D., in Journal of Religion and Health 18 (October 1979), 338-339
Bell, A. P., in Saint Luke's Journal of Theology 21 (March 1978), 140-142
Dixon, J. W., in Anglican Theological Review 60 (January 1978), 126-128
Davidson, V. W., in Theology Today 34 (January
1978), 473-475
Philpott, K., in Christianity Today, 23,
46-47 November 3 1978
Barnhouse, Ruth T. and Urban T. Holmes, eds., Male
and female: Christian approaches to sexuality, (Seabury Press,
Barnhouse, Ruth T, "Response to my critics", Anglican Theological Review 59 (April 1977), 194-197
Bull, Chris, "Catholic officials' opposition
raps Boston partners bill ", Advocate Jun 18, 1991;
:579 p. 19
[Abstract from electonic database]: The opposition
by the Roman Catholic Church to Boston's domestic-partnership
bill, which gives legal recognition to same-sex couples, is discussed.
Church officials said that the extension of the title "family"
to gay and lesbian couples would undermine the family.
Bull, Chris, "Connecticut bishops' silence clears
path for gay rights bill ", Advocate May 21, 1991;
:577 p. 17
[Abstract from electonic database]: Connecticut
recently became the fourth state to pass a gay rights law. Many
believe that because the Roman Catholic church took a neutral
stance in this election the bill passed.
Bull, Chris, "Minnesota court nixes bias award
to gay Catholics", Advocate Jul 30, 1991; :582 p.
[Abstract from electonic database]: A Minnesota
appeals court recently overturned a discrimination award against
the Roman Catholic Church. The court's decision, which is likely
to further confuse the relationship between the church and Dignity,
a gay Catholic group, is discussed.
"Ex Cathedra", New Republic Apr
22, 1991; 204:16 p. 8-9
[Abstract from electonic database]: An editorial
discusses the rift between the Catholic Church and homosexuals.
A gay march in New York City, which was led by Mayor David Dinkins,
resulted in insults from both sides.
Cahalan, John C., "A Liberal Case Against Gay
& Lesbian Rights", New Oxford Review, 61;10 (Dec
1 1994), 8-
Carlin, David R Jr, "Where have the liberals
gone?", Commonweal Mar 25, 1994; 121:6 p. 9-10
[Abstract from electonic database]: Gay rights
activists who charged that the pope, the Catholic church and ancient
Christian teaching are "homophobic" after Pope John
Paul II issued a statement condemning same-sex marriages are implying
that Catholics don't have a right to believe that homosexual conduct
is immoral or to express their belief publicly.
Catholics for A Free Choice, A New Rite: Conservative
Catholic Organizations and their Allies, (Washington DC: Catholics
for a Free Choice, 1994)
"The Church in 1994": Charlie Rose Jun
21, 1994; TV Program :1143 p. --
[Abstract from electronic database]:Cardinal John
O'Connor discusses the difficulties of preaching the beliefs of
the Catholic Church in the context of 1994 US society. Abortion
and homosexuality are issues on which Catholic beliefs remain
Colligan, James P., "What Kind of Mission? Gay
Times at Maryknoll" Crisis : a journal of lay Catholic
opinion, Jan 1 1991 v 9:1, p.14
Conn, Joseph L, "Playing Broadway", Church
& State Jun 1993; 46:6 p. 4-6
[Abstract from electronic database]:With support
and assistance from Cardinal John J. O'Connor and the Archdiocese
of New York, Pat Robertson's Christian Coalition was a significant
force in New York City's recent school board election. AIDS,
sex education and homosexuality were the partnership's galvanizing
Conway, Ronald, "Papal obsessions", World
Press Review Dec 1993; 40:12 p. 45
[Abstract from electronic database]:The papal encyclical
"Veritatis Splendor" is discussed. The encyclical stands
on two fundamental assertions--that certain acts are intrinsically
evil and that the church's moral teachings are not negotiable.
The church's stance on homosexuality is examined.
Cornwell, John, "Dispatches: The infallible
man", Vanity Fair Sep 1993; 56:9 p. 104-122
[Abstract from electronic database]:In Aug 1993,
Pope John Paul II visited the US for the first time in six years.
Criticisms of his papacy are discussed, and his conservative
views on women in the clergy, birth control and homosexuality
are presented.
"Court Tells Church What to Do", Christianity
Today Apr 8, 1988; 32:6 p. 48
[Abstract from electonic database]: A DC court
has ruled that a Roman Catholic church must provide support services
to a student gay-rights group even if the group's purpose conflicts
with the Church's teaching.
Cramer, Jerome, "Academic Freedom and the Catholic
Church", Educational Record Spring 1986; 67:2-3 p.
[Abstract from electronic database]:Charles Curran,
who was recently banned from teaching theology at Roman Catholic
colleges and universities, is profiled. Curran was expelled because
of his liberal teachings on homosexuality, abortion and divorce.
Dannemeyer, William, Shadow in the Land : Homosexuality
in America, (San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 1989)
Homophobic congressman published by the leading
publisher, along with TAN books, of the Catholic right.
Du Mas, Frank M., Gay is Not Good, (Nashville:
Thomas Nelson, 1979),
A variety of arguments by a psyhchologist.
Edwards, Robin, "Vatican teaching underpins
anti-gay efforts", National Catholic Reporter 30:38
(Sept 12, 1994), p.4
Fahey, John F., "It's time to stop parading
our prejudices". U.S. Catholic, Aug. 01 1991 v. 56:8,
Catholic gay and lesbian activists may have stirred
up some trouble, but can't the Catholic Church understand
Gallagher, John, "Vatican Statement Condones
Antigay Discrimination ", Advocate Aug 25, 1992; :610
p. 21
[Abstract from electonic database]: A document
from the Vatican that condones discrimination against lesbians
and gays is discussed. The document urges bishops to take an
active position against nondiscrimination laws, and activists
say that this document represents a new level in Roman Catholic
leaders' stance toward gay rights.
Goldstein, Richard, "My Sin", Village
Voice Apr 9, 1991; 36:15 p. 42
[Abstract from electonic database]: When Baptist
minister Calvin Butts accused John Cardinal O'Connor of failing
to speak out against antigay violence, he was saying much more.
Butts was affirming that gay people are entitled not just to
physical safety but to full civil rights. The churches' stances
on gay rights are examined.
Gray, Malcolm, "Conflict with the Vatican', Maclean's Dec 1, 1986; 99:48 p. 70-72
[Abstract from electronic database]:The Washington
DC meeting of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops debated
some hot topics--including political activism and the needs of
homosexuality--highlighting the distancing of American Bishops
from the Pope.
Harding, Rick, "Minneapolis panel: Catholic
officials violated bias law ", Advocate Jan 1, 1991;
:567 p. 20
[Abstract from electonic database]: The Minneapolis
Civil Rights Commission of Minnesota ruled Nov 26, 1990 that the
Roman Catholic archdiocese of Minneapolis-St Paul violated a municipal
gay rights ordinance when it expelled the Minneapolis chapter
of the gay group Dignity from a church-owned facility. The ruling
is discussed.
Hirschorn, Michael W., "Georgetown U. Won't
Appeal Ruling Requiring Equal Treatment of Homosexuals", Chronicle of Higher Education Apr 6, 1988; 34:30 p. A27-A28
[Abstract from electronic database]:Georgetown University
has agreed not to appeal a DC Court of Appeals ruling that grants
homosexual groups equal treatment at the Roman Catholic institution.
Hirschorn, Michael W, "Homosexual Groups Granted
Equal Treatment but Not Official Recognition at Georgetown U.", Chronicle of Higher Education Dec 2, 1987; 34:14 p. A33-A36
[Abstract from electronic database]:The District
of Columbia Court of Appeals ruled that Georgetown University,
a Catholic school, must give equal treatment to homosexual student
groups, but need not recognize them officially.
Lefevere, Patricia, "Gay, Catholic Struggle
Moves into N.Y. Courts ", National Catholic Reporter Apr 15, 1988; 24:25 p. 4
[Abstract from electonic database]: The struggle
between gay Catholics and the church is discussed. The Catholic
church does not accept homosexuality, a stance that has resulted
in courtroom battles in New York.
Leo, John, "The Gay Tide of Catholic-Bashing", US News & World Report Apr 1, 1991; 110:12 p. 15
[Abstract from electonic database]: Attacks on
the Roman Catholic Church by gay activists should be condemned
the way that attacks on gays are. Savage mockery of Christianity
is now a conventional part of the public gay culture.
Leo, John, "Is Anti-Catholicism Becoming Respectable?", Reader's Digest (Canadian English Edition) Dec 1991; 139:836
p. 43-44
[Abstract from electonic database]: Gay rights
activists have launched what appears to be a hate campaign against
the policies of the Roman Catholic Church. The press is accused
of sympathizing with these actions instead of condemning them.
Lernoux, Penny, People of God: The Struggle for
World Catholicism, (New York: Viking, 1989)
Contains and interesting chapter on "The Roman
Restoration in the United States, and Cardinal Raztzinger's attack
on Dignity.
Main, William, "Gay But Unhappy: A New Approach
May Offer Hope for Homosexuals", Crisis : a journal
of lay Catholic opinion. Mar 1 1990 v 8:3, p.32
McMillen, Liz, "Liberal Theologian May Sue Catholic
University over Suspension", Chronicle of Higher Education Jan 21, 1987; 33:19 p. 13, 16
[Abstract from electronic database]:The Reverend
Charles E. Curran, a liberal theologian under fire from the Vatican,
is considering a lawsuit against Catholic University, which has
temporarily suspended him and canceled his courses. The controversy
over Curran's teachings about sexuality is presented.
Minkowitz, Donna, "The time for self-hate on
the gay and lesbian Left is over. ", Advocate Dec
3, 1991; :591 p. 31
[Abstract from electonic database]: Many lesbians
and gays have worked hard for the Committee in Solidarity With
the People of El Salvador (CISPES), only to be silenced by heterosexual
comrades afraid of offending Salvadorans or the Catholic Church.
A look at the need for straight Leftists to work on homosexual
needs is presented.
"Newspaper report: Gay pol compared cleric
to Hitler ", Advocate Apr 10, 1990; :548 p. 19
[Abstract from electonic database]: Ernest Reaugh,
the gay liaison to New York state senate Democratic leader Manfred
Ohrenstein, was called on by state Republican legislators to apologize
or face suspension after comparing Roman Catholic cardinal John
O'Connor to Adolf Hitler.
Oliphant, Lincoln C., "What Churches Can Expect
From "Gay Rights" Laws: A Preview Of Iowa's
Sexual Orientation Bill", The Catholic Lawyer, 1990
v 33:2, p.87
"Pope Backs Hate Crimes", Nation Aug 17, 1992; 255:5 p. 157
[Abstract from electonic database]: An editorial
discusses the Vatican's recent directive instructing US bishops
to oppose laws protecting gay rights. Once again the news media
has been silent on the Church's latest hate crime.
Rodkin, Dennis, "Tales out of school ", Advocate Apr 10, 1990; :548 p. 40-42
[Abstract from electonic database]: Librarian Mark
Henderson was fired by a Catholic high school because his name
was allegedly on a "gay swap list." Henderson is pursuing
a breach of privacy case against the school to find out more about
the mysterious list, which may have been a list found by police
in a murdered friend's apartment.
"Rome on Gay Rights", Christian Century Aug 12, 1992; 109:24 p. 739
[Abstract from electonic database]: A new Vatican
document that opposes civil rights legislation for homosexuals
is discussed. The Roman Catholic Church asserts that restricting
the rights of homosexuals is sometimes necessary to protect the
common good as represented by the traditional family.
"Rome's New Catechism", Christian Century Dec 9, 1992; 109:36 p. 1126-1127
[Abstract from electronic database]:The recently
released "Catechism of the Catholic Church," which outlines
Roman Catholic doctrinal positions, is discussed. The positions
articulated in the document cover issues such as capital punishment
and homosexuality.
Potts, Timothy C., "Joseph Ratzinger and the
New Inquisition", European Gay Review 2 (1987), 90-104
An account of the 1986 "Letter on the Pastoral
Care of Homosexual People", with a discussion of Cardinal
Ratzinger's changing attitudes.
Ratzinger, Joseph Cardinal withVittorio Messori, The Ratzinger report : an exclusive interview on the state
of the Church, trans.Salvator Attanasioand Graham Harrison,
(San Francisco : Ignatius Press, 1985)
Fascinating interview with formerly liberal theologian
who has lead Roman Catholic crackdown under John Paul II and head
of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. Ratzinger's
views on the American Catholic community are very interesting.
He sees massive departures, and the survival of a rump of about
15 million "faithful". He seems to view this with equanimity.
"Resolution riles pontiff", Advocate:
Apr 5, 1994; :652 p. 18
[Abstract from electronic database]:In his Feb 20,
1994 homily at the Vatican, Pope John Paul II attacked a nonbinding
European Parliament resolution recommending that gay and lesbian
couples be allowed to marnr ry and adopt children.
Rueda, Enrique F., "The Homosexual Network:
Private Lives and Public Policty, (Old Greenwich CT: Devin
Adair, 1982)
By a Cuban Roman Catholic priest, at 680 pagee this
is the largest assemblage of anti-gay arguments. But it is also
useful in citing addresses of every Dignity chapter and the names
of bishops and clergy who have helped Dignity. He consistenetly
talks about "infiltration".
Spaeth, Robert L, "Cloud over St. Cloud: What
Are the Issues?", Commonweal Dec 5, 1986; 113:21 p.
[Abstract from electronic database]:George Speltz,
Minnesota diocesan bishop, reacted in two ways to William Dorn,
a member of the pastoral staff of Christ Church Newman Center
in St Cloud MN who wrote an article entitled "How Should
the Church Minister to Homosexuals?". The issue and the
Catholic church attitude toward homosexuality are discussed in
an editorial.
Steichen, Donna, Ungodly Rage: The Hidden Face
of Catholic Feminism, (San Francisico: Ignatius, 1991)
Avicious and disgusting booke, issued by one of
the Catholic right gutter-presses, which attempts at times to
equate feminism with witchcraft. Steichen is willing to slur Catholic
women with no evidence [for instance Sr. Elizabeth Johnson of
Fordham University is simply included in Stiechen's lists with
no comment as to what she did "wrong"]. Predictably
attacks St. Jeannine Grammick, New Ways Ministry, (pp. 341ff),
Mary Hunt and WATER (pp 343ff.).
Tuller, David, "New Country, Old Problems ", Advocate Aug 13, 1992; :609 p. 44-45
[Abstract from electonic database]: Gays and lesbians
in Lithuania report that their situation may be getting worse
instead of improving despite the new independence of the country.
The reemergence of the Catholic Church may be the barrier. Gay
rights in Lithuania are discussed.
Vanauken, Sheldon, "The undermining of friendship:
homosexuality's hidden cost", Crisis 10:39-42 (Spring
Vidulich, Dorothy, "Vatican Strikes at Legal
Protection for Gays ", National Catholic Reporter Jul 31, 1992; 28:35 p. 9
[Abstract from electonic database]: Many gays and
lesbians have called a statement from the Vatican discriminatory
toward them. This may result in the public revelation of names
of gay Catholic bishops.
Woodward, Kenneth L, "Mixed blessings", Newsweek Aug 16, 1993; 122:7 p. 38-41
[Abstract from electronic database]:Pope John Paul
II's visit to the US will be met with opposition to Catholic Church
policies concerning abortion, birth control, women's equality
and homosexuality. The disagreement of US Catholics with
Church policy is discussed.
B: Other Christian
Anderson, William L, "Onward, Christian soldiers?", Reason Jan 1994; 25:8 p. 28-34
[Abstract from electronic database]:The Christian
Coalition is risking offending its base membership by trying to
attract new members. Executive director Ralph Reed says too much
emphasis has been placed on abortion and homosexuality, and the
organization must expand to other areas, including free trade,
line-item veto and taxes.
Ard, Roger H. "Why the conservatives won in
Miami", The Christian Century (August 3-10 1977),
94, 677-679
Armstrong, Herbert, The Missing Dimension in Sex,
(Pasadena: Ambassador College Press, 1971)
Anti-gay views of founder of Worldwide Church of
God (publishes the Plain Truth)
Bahnsen, Greg L., Homosexuality, a Biblical view,
(Grand Rapids, Mich. : Baker Book House, 1978)
Reportedly a "standard" Evangelical account.
Calls for criminal anctions against gays and legal discrimination
in housing and employment.
Hunter, W. F., in Journal of Psychology and Theology 8 (Spring 1980), 81
Harm, F. R., in Concordia Journal 5: 2 (March
1979), 81
Grudem, W., in The Westminster Theological Journal 42 (Fall 1979), 247-251
Bajema, C. E., in Calvin Theological Journal 14 (November 1979), 221-224
Bauer, Gary, "The American Church--Challenges
for the 1990's: Family Challenges", Christian Herald Jan 1990; 113:1 p. 20-21
[Abstract from electronic database]:The 1990s will
see a growing clamor for redefining "family" as "domestic
partnerships" so homosexuals and unmarried homosexual couples
can receive the same benefits as traditional families. A prominent
Christian offers suggestions on ways the broken family can meet
the challenge of restoring itself.
Brookheiser, Richard, "Are There Episcopalians
in Foxholes?", National Review. Jul
29 1991 v 43:13, p.24
The Episcopal Church has everything-homosexual and
women priests, the occasional Shinto shrine-but it is
running out of people. Richard Brookhiser asks whether a church
more anxious about niceness than sin can offer food for the soul.
Brown, Stephen, "Welcoming the sexually tempted", Christianity Today Apr 5, 1993; 37:4 p. 17
[Abstract from electronic database]:An editorial
argues that Christians must hate the sin of homosexuality but
still have love towards the homosexual, not hate. Christians
need more grace from God to love those who don't know Christ as
Bryant, Anita., The Anita Bryant Story, (Old
Tappan, N.J. : Revell, 1977)
Bryant, Anita., At Any Cost, (Old Tappan,
N.J. : Revell, 1978)
Account by the woman who began the anti-gay backlash
with her attack on Dade County equal rights laws in 1977.
See Also: Cliff Jahr, "Anita Bryant's Startling
Reversal", Ladies Home Journal 97 (December 1980),
Bauder, Thomas D.; others, "Homosexuality editorial", Christianity Today, 24 (May 23 1980), 6+
Beeson, Trevor, "Sexuality issues: no edifying
debate", The Christian Century, 96 (November 21 1979),
Bull, Chris, "Christian Church rejects candidate
over pro-gay views", Advocate: Dec 3, 1991; :591 p.
[Abstract from electronic database]:The selection
of pro-gay biblical scholar Michael Kinnamon as president and
general minister of the Christian Church was rejected by the denomination's
general assembly. The decision is discussed.
Bull, Chris, "Reading, 'riting, and Robertson", Advocate: Jun 29, 1993; :632 p. 36-37
[Abstract from electronic database]:Three gay or
lesbian candidates were elected to local school boards in New
York City during May 1993 elections, much to the dismay of the
Christian Coalition's Pat Robertson. It is said that the election
results may advance acceptance of the multicultural Children of
the Rainbow curriculum.
Cameron, Paul and Kenneth P. Ross, "Social Psychological
Aspects of the Judeo-Christian Stance toward Homosexuality", Journal of Psychology and Theology 9 (1981), 40-57
Early articleb by a psychologist, later disbarred,
who has become a mainstay of recent Radical Religious Right bile
against gay people.
Chandler, Russell, "Christian activists help
kill a California gay rights bill", Christianity Today,
28 No 7 p42 April 20 1984
"Christian right's set of strategies may obscure
a more sinister goal Illustration ", National Catholic
Reporter Mar 4, 1994; 30:18 p. 20
[Abstract from electronic database]:An editorial
notes that the Christian rights battles on public issues may hide
a hidden agenda. Library bashing and gay bashing may be strategies
of domination.
Clendinen, Dudley, "The righteous stuff", Lear's May 1993; 6:3 p. 54-59+
[Abstract from electronic database]:Faith, family
and community form an incendiary mix at the Tabernacle Baptist
Church in Virginia Beach VA, fueling the battle against abortion,
homosexuality and a so-called pagan president. The church's born-again
fundamentalist Christian approach is discussed.
"Commendations on the investigative hearing
on accusations against Bishop Wheatley", E/SA, 10
p2-3 July-August 1982
"Constitutional limits on anti-gay-rights initiatives", Harvard Law Review Jun 1993; 106:8 p. 1905-1925
[Abstract from electronic database]:In Nov 1992,
Colorado voters approved Amendment Two, a measure promoted by
right-wing, Christian fundamentalist groups that repealed existing
gay-rights laws and banned all future such laws. It is argued
that Amendment Two and similar measures violate the federal constitution.
Corley, Kathleen E.; Torjesen, Karen J., "Sexuality,
hierarchy and Evangelicalism", TSF Bulletin, 10 p23-27 March-April
Dallas, Julia, "Born Gay? How politics have
skewed the debate over the biological causes of homosexuality"
, Christianity Today. Jun. 22 1992 v 36:7, p. 20
Dann, Steve, "That Ye Be not Judged", Advocate:
Aug 29, 1989; :532 p. 40-42
[Abstract from electronic database]:Letters between
a gay man and his born-again Christian aunt are offered. Their
differing views of life and love are discussed. S
Diamond, Sara, "Change in strategy", Humanist Jan 1994; 54:1 p. 34-36
[Abstract from electronic database]:Concerns over
the Christian right's efforts to recruit new members outside of
its traditional all-white base of support are examined. Central
to the Christian right's new quest for racial diversity within
its ranks is the drive to split gay-rights ", Advocates from
their natural allies in communities of color.
Diamond, Sara, "Watch on the right: The Christian
right's anti-gay agenda", Humanist Jul 1994; 54:4
p. 32-34
[Abstract from electronic database]:The Christian
right's agenda for the Nov 1994 elections is discussed. Right-wing
Christians are keeping gay-rights groups on the defensive by introducing
ordinances and statutes that pre-empt existing antidiscrimination
Dixon, John W., "Incompleteness in Homosexuality", The Living Church, July 24, 1994.
Duncan, Richard F, "Who Wants to Stop the Church:
Homosexual Rights Legislation, Public Policy, and Religious Freedom", The Notre Dame Law Review. 1994 v 69:3, p.393
Flaell, Jerry, Listen America, (Garden City
NY: Doubleday, 1980)
On homosexuality pp.181-86.
Faris, Donald L., Trojan horse : the homosexual
ideology and the Christian church, (Burlington, Ont. : Welch
Publishing, 1989)
Fleming, Richard, "The most christian coach
in the land", Village Voice Dec 29, 1992; 37:52 p.
[Abstract from electronic database]:Bill McCartney,
head coach of the University of Colorado football team, has repeatedly
declared that homosexuality is an abomination. McCartney's religious
fervor is discussed.
Frame, Randy, "Christians Discover All Politics
Is Local Illustration", Christianity Today Dec 14,
1992; 36:15 p. 50
[Abstract from electronic database]:The top political
issues of the church in 1992 are discussed. Efforts to address
homosexuality and the church/state debate ranked among the top
"Gay Clout Assailed", Christianity Today Mar 5, 1990; 34:4 p. 36
[Abstract from electronic database]:Rep William
Dannemeyer has assailed the homosexual community for launching
an assault on traditional family values. Dannemeyer urges the
Christian community to fight the growing political homosexual
Gay, Craig M, "The Rise and Fall of the New
Christian Right ", American Journal of Sociology Jan
1990; 95:4 p. 1107-1109
[Abstract from electronic database]:Craig Gay reviews
"The Rise and Fall of the New Christian Right: Conservative
Protestant Politics in", America, 1978-1988," by Steve
Bruce. NAMES: Bruce, Steve
Gowers, Mark, "Homophobia as a Family Value?", Christopher Street Apr 27, 1992; :177 p. 11-12
[Abstract from electronic database]:The way that
right wing groups such as the Traditional Values Coalition promote
a family values message filled with homophobia is discussed.
Listening to those who espouse homophobia as a "family value"
assures only one thing: straight kids will be raised as bigots,
and gay kids will grow up to hate themselves.
Goldberg, Steven, "Is Homosexuality Normal", Policy Review 21 (1982), 119-38
Tries to argue that "abnormality" is fine
as a judgemental concept. A Seculae backlash.
Haffner, Debra W, "My Family Values", SIECUS Report Aug 1992; 20:6 p. 12
[Abstract from electronic database]:Many who claim
to be Christian and pro-family express hatred and intolerance
toward people with family values that differ from theirs. Anti-abortion,
anti-homosexuality and anti-sexuality education forces must not
be allowed to define the dialogue on family values.
Hardesty, Nancy A, "Evangelical Women Face Their
Homophobia", Christian Century Sep 10, 1986; 103:26
p. 768
[Abstract from electronic database]:An editorial
discusses the recent meeting of the Evangelical Women's Caucus
International--a controversial meeting at which the members took
a pro-gay rights stance.
Hays, Charlotte, "Chaplains back ban on gays
in the armed forces", Register 68:1+ S 13 1992
Herman, Didi, "The Christian right and the politics
of morality in Canada", Parliamentary Affairs Apr
1994; 47:2 p. 269-279
[Abstract from electronic database]:Liberalism has
dominated public debate and policy concerning such issues as abortion,
education, public health and homosexuality in Canada. Right-wing
Christian groups and their role in Canadian abortion and homosexuality
issues are discussed.
Hoffman, Martin, The Gay World: The Social Creation
of Evil, (New York: Bantam, 1969)
Hunt, Scott A, "American Christendom and Gay
Rights", Christopher Street Sep 30, 1991; 14:6 p.
[Abstract from electronic database]:Homosexuality
and the Christian church in the US are discussed. The power of
the Christian faith in the US contributed greatly to the promulgation
of the laws and social attitudes against homosexuality in the
critical period of the creation of the US.
Johnson, Barbara F. Where Does a Mother Go To
Resign, (Minneapolis: Bethany Fellowship, 1979)
Anti-gay statement by some poor kid's parent.
Jones, Arthur, "Christians want right books
in libraries ", National Catholic Reporter Mar 4,
1994; 30:18 p. 5
[Abstract from electronic database]:Fairfax County
VA's library system has purchased over 100 books that offer the
conservative Christian perspective that homosexuality can be cured.
Christian activists had suggest the acquisition.
Jones, Arthur, "Christian right sees Clinton
as top target", National Catholic Reporter Mar 4,
1994; 30:18 p. 6
[Abstract from electronic database]:Pres Clinton
has placed himself in opposition to conservative Christians who
disagree with many of his pro-gay policies. The Christian Coalition
is prepared to fight many of Clinton's policies.
Jones, Stanton L, "Homosexuality According to
Science Illustration", Christianity Today Aug 18,
1989; 33:11 p. 26-29
[Abstract from electronic database]:Recent research
in the area of homosexuality is examined in order to better understand
Christianity's current position on the issue and how that position
might have to be altered.
Kirk, Jerry R., The Homosexual Crisis In The Mainline
Church : A Presbyterian Minister Speaks Out, (Nashville :
T. Nelson Inc., 1978)
Kirkpatrick, Curry, "Devilishly Different", Sports Illustrated Nov 25, 1991; 75:23 p. 62-73
[Abstract from electronic database]:Duke Blue Devils'
Christian Laettner combines good looks with a hunger for competition
and attention that has created some bizarre rumors about him.
Laettner enjoys the notoriety, and admits to having started the
talk about his being gay as a joke to startle some football players.
Koskela, Roger, "San Jose voters rally to defeat
gay rights measure", Christianity Today 24 p57+ June
27 1980
La Haye, The Unhappy Gays: What Everyone Should
Know About Homosexuality, (Wheaton IL: Tyndale House, 1978)
Includes a plan for overcoming homosexuality!
Levin, Michael, "Why Homosexuality is Abnormal", The Monist 67 (1984), 1251-83
Tries to argue that homosexuality is a misuse of
bodily parts. Perhaps he also opposes typing?
Lovelace, Richard F., Homosexuality and the Church,
(Old Tappan, N.J. : F. H. Revell, 1978)
Martz, Larry, "Trouble on the Far Right", Newsweek Apr 14, 1986; 107:15 p. 24-25
[Abstract from electronic database]:Enemies ranging
from gay activists to Norman Lear's People for the", American
Way are scoring hits on evangelical politicians. Organizations
such as the Christian Broadcasting Network and the", American
Coalition for Traditional Values are making budget cuts and becoming
more commercial.
Maudlin, Michael G., "John Stott Speaks Out.", Christianity Today, Feb. 08 1993 v 37:2, p.37
The evangelical elder statesman talks about Third
World Christians, Charismatics, gender roles, and homosexuality.
McGraw, James R., "Anita and the gays", Christianity and Crisis 37 p147-149 June 27 1977
McNaught, Brian, "Welcome home, Anita", The Witness 64 p8-9 February 1981
Minkowitz, Donna, "The Christian right's antigay
campaign", Christianity & Crisis Apr 12, 1993;
53:4 p. 99-104
[Abstract from electronic database]:Although the
Clinton Administration appears to support the gay rights movement,
its enemies are organized to an unprecedented degree on the state
and local levels. The political tactics of Pat Robertson's right-wing
Christian Coalition are discussed.
Mooney, Carolyn J, "Attack on homosexuality
angers divinity students", Chronicle of Higher Education May 11, 1994; 40:36 p. A38
[Abstract from electronic database]:Yale University's
Divinity School associate dean Philip Turner was among 21 Christian
and Jewish scholars who signed a statement condemning homosexuality.
This has prompted anger among gay-rights groups and some divinity
school students.
Morris, Paul, Shadow of Sodom: Homosexuality and
the Church, (Wheaton IL: Tyndale House, 1978)
Nash, Ian, "Sex Is not Safe in the Classroom", Times Educational Supplement Dec 6, 1991; :3936 p. 6
[Abstract from electronic database]:Christian fundamentalists
are pressuring schools to restrict sex education, especially anything
to do with AIDS and homosexuality.
"NEA Seeks Dialogue", Christian Century Jul 29, 1992; 109:23 p. 708
[Abstract from electronic database]:Anne-Imelda
Radice, acting chairman of the National Endowment for the
Arts (NEA), is seeking to establish a dialogue with Christian
leaders who are seeking the NEA's abolition. Christian groups
have denounced the NEA for making grants to artists whose work
they consider blasphemous or pro-homosexual.
Nickel, Jeffrey, "On pseudo family values", Christopher Street Sep 14, 1992; :187 p. 7-9
[Abstract from electronic database]:Despite the
fact that Republicans profess "family values," their
attitudes toward gays have been perverted into an atmosphere in
which gay children can see absolutely no future for themselves.
The homophobia of the conservatives is discussed.
North, William, "Wisconsin boys ranch says no
to hiring homosexuals", Christianity Today 31 p48
March 6 1987
Peterson, Robert W, "Blinded by Christian science?", Advocate: Apr 10, 1990; :548 p. 14
[Abstract from electronic database]:Officials at
the Christian Science Church's publishing company promised not
to discriminate against gay employees of their "Monitor Radio"
public radio news program, but they would not say whether the
promise will apply at the church's other media properties. The
promise seems to end a long battle between gay
Philpott, Kent., The Gay Theology, (Plainfield,
N.J. : Logos International, 1977)
Testimonies from people who supposedly changed their
Piccone, Paul, "The actuality of traditions", Telos Winter 1992; :94 p. 89-102
[Abstract from electronic database]:The "new
politics" that have emerged since the 1960s are discussed.
Radical gay politics is only a part of a broader and tendentially
totalitarian phenomenon expressed in the resurgence of Christian
and Muslim fundamentalism as well as various nationalisms.
Plantinga, Cornelius, Jr., "The justification
of Rock Hudson: AIDS has a dual message for Christians", Christianity Today 29 No 15 p16-17 October 18 1985
Plowman, Edward E., "Gays: marching as to war", Christianity Today 23 p48+ November 16 1979
Poland, Larry W, "Persecution", Christian
Herald Sep 1990; 113:5 p. 5
[Abstract from electronic database]:In the US, persecution
of Christians comes from verbal attacks of homosexual and lesbian
communities, radical civil libertarians, the pornography industry,
TV and film industries and the political left. The ACLU's position
on sex education and anti-Christian litigation are discussed.
"Ralph Reed" Meet the Press Nov 29, 1992;
92 p. 1-13
[Abstract from electronic database]:Tim Russert,
David Broder and Albert Hunt interview Ralph Reed, executive director
of the Christian Coalition, about whether the organization is
political or religious, the role religion plays in US politics
and the organization's position on homosexual rights.
Rebeck, Victoria A, "Southern Baptists Draw
Line on Local Autonomy", The Christian Century, Jul
1 1992 v 109:21, p.636
Surveys the mood at the Southern Baptist Convention,
which enacted its first nonfinancial test of membership
when it voted to exclude churches that endorse homosexual
"Religious right rallies for gay-rights battles", Christianity Today 35 p38-39 July 22 1991
Roberts, Tom, "Right takes new aim at gays", National Catholic Reporter 30:38 (Sept 12, 1994), 4-6
Description of tapes of a radical religious right
convention held in Colorado in Mayy 1994 with a specific anti-gay
Robinson, David, "Sodomy and the Supreme Court", Commentary 82:4 (October 1986), 57-61
Rodgers, William D. The Gay invasion : a Christian
look at the spreading homosexual myth, (Denver: : Accent Books,
Written by a lay advertizing executive.
Rose, Terence B. "Emerging Social Problems in
Jamaica and Their Pastoral Implications", Carribbean Journal
of Religious Studies 6 (1985), 29-45
Complains of acceptance of gays in Jamaica! Odd
because this remains one of the most homophobic of countries.
Rust, Michael, "Gay rights in bottom of 9th", Insight Nov 9, 1992; 8:45 p. 10-13+
[Abstract from electronic database]:In Oregon, a
measure to prohibit government from promoting homosexuality has
voters on both sides saying individual rights are at stake. The
battle that has ensued over the referendum's passage or defeat
by both gay rights activists and Christian fundamentalists is
Scanzoni, Letha, "Conservative Christians and
Gay Civil Rights", Christian Century 93:32 (October
13, 1976), 857-62
Looks ta 1975 conflict in Bloomington IN over a
gay rights law.
Schoonover, Melvin E., "Miami: cycles of fear", Christianity and Crisis 46 No 8, p174-175 May 19 1986
"Speaking out: Don't lie to homosexuals", Christianity Today May 17, 1993; 37:6 p. 17
[Abstract from electronic database]:Christians do
a disservice to homosexuals if they condone their lifestyles.
The church should not focus solely on acceptance of the person
without recognizing the sinfulness of his or her behavior.
Stackhouse, Max L., "Thirty-eight Theses on
Christian Social Ethics and Sexuality with Particular
Reference to Issues Posed by Gay and Lesbian Advocates in Church-related
Institutions", This World., Sprg 89:25, p.119
Suhor, Mary L., "Witness author loses NC parish", The Witness 68 No 12 p20-21 December 1985
Sullivan, Robert, "An army of the faithful", New York Times Magazine Apr 25, 1993; p. 6, 33:2
[Abstract from electronic database]:The growing
political power of the Christian Coalition, a conservative group
that is trying to force a halt to what it sees as a militant homosexual
agenda and the decline of traditional morality, is discussed.
Though it claims tax-exempt status as a religious-education organization,
its critics argue that its political-training seminars, fund-raising
techniques and support
Tapia, Andres, "Homosexuality debate strains
campus harmony", Christianity Today Nov 22, 1993;
37:14 p. 38-40
[Abstract from electronic database]:Christian college
campuses have become the setting for a struggle over homosexuality,
involving free-speech rights, academic freedom and theological
Thomas, Susan, "Everybody, it seemed, supported
the homosexuals in Palo Alto: everybody except the oters, that
is", Christianity Today 26 p39 January 1 1982
Tingle, R., Gay lessons : how public funds are
used to promote homosexuality among children and young people,
This is an item in University of London catalog,
but with no more info.
"UMC Evangelicals Dissent", Christian
Century Feb 5, 1992; 109:5 p. 120
[Abstract from electronic database]:The gap between
evangelicals and liberals in US Protestant churches shows no signs
of closing. A group of prominent United Methodist evangelicals
recently issued a statement on Christian sexual morality that
specifically condemns homosexuality.
"UMC on Homosexuality", Christian Century May 20, 1992; 109:18 p. 536-537
[Abstract from electronic database]:At its quadrennial
meeting in Louisville KY recently, the governing body of the United
Methodist Church has reaffirmed that the practice of homosexuality
is "incompatible with Christian teaching."
Webster, Alexander F C, "Homosexuals in uniform?", Christianity Today Feb 8, 1993; 37:2 p. 23
[Abstract from electronic database]:An editorial
challenges military chaplains' support of Pres Clinton's proposal
to lift the ban on homosexuals who want to serve in the military.
Homosexuality is morally wrong, and it is not homophobic or discriminatory
to say so.
White, Gayle, "Episcopalians Stand Pat on Homosexuality", The Christian Century, 108:23 (Aug7 1991), 740-
Summary: After intense debate on issues relating
to homosexuality--including ordination of gay people and blessing
of same-sex unions--the Episcopalians at their General Convention
in Phoenix largely reaffirmed the ambiguous status quo.
White, John, Eros Defiled, (Downers Grove
IL: Inter-Varsity Press, 1977)
Pp. 105-39 on his (regretted) gay past.
Young, Perry Dean, God's Bullies: Native Reflections
on Preachers and Politics, (New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston,
Looks at religious right lies. See esp 36-54, and
132-52 on gay issues.
C: Secular Gay Political Activity Against the
Religious Right
Ackerman, Todd., "Gay activist group ACT-UP", Register 66:7 (May 13 1990)
Brown, Rich, "P.O.V. Pulls Film Criticizing
Catholic Church", Broadcasting Aug 19, 1991; 121:8
p. 34-35
[Abstract from electronic database]:Controversy
over the airing of "Tongues Untied," a program about
black homosexuals, has caused the PBS documentary series "P.O.V."
to drop plans to air "Stop the Church," a program criticizing
the Roman Catholic Church.
Brown, Rich, "P.O.V. Gets More Money, More Flak", Broadcasting Nov 18, 1991; 121:21 p. 26-31
[Abstract from electronic database]:The controversial
documentary series "P.O.V." has received two large grants
that will enable the program to continue despite outcry from many
sectors against the subjects it portrays. The show has dealt
with homosexuality in the black community and has criticized the
Catholic Church.
Buckley, William F Jr, "Mayor Dinkins's discovery" National Review Feb 15, 1993; 45:3 p. 63
[Abstract from electonic database]: New York City
mayor David Dinkins' decision to permit a gay and lesbian group
to march in a parade sponsored by a Catholic organization sparked
a lot of controversy. Reasons why this was a politically and
morally wrong move on the mayor's part are discussed.
Bull, Chris, "Mass Action: A Raucous Disruption
at St. Patrick's Cathedral Divides New York Gays ", Advocate Jan 16, 1990; :542 p. 6-10
[Abstract from electonic database]: The US's largest
AIDS demonstration was staged in front of St Patrick's Cathedral
in Manhattan NY to protest Roman Catholic Cardinal John O'Connor's
opposition to gay rights, abortion and AIDS eduction. The events
leading up to the demonstration and
Crimp, Douglas and Adam Rolston, AIDS Demo Graphics,
(Seattle: Bay Press, 1990)
Ostensibly a discussion of ACT UP's graphics, in
reality a short history of ACT UP/NY demonstrations 1987-1990.
Includes a chapter (pp 130-141) on the 1989 "Stop the Church"
demonstration directed against Cardinal O'Connor.
Cunneen, Joseph, "'Stop the Church,' on ACT-UP
Stoppage, Stopped by PBS", National Catholic Reporter Aug 30, 1991; 27:38 p. 15
[Abstract from electronic database]:Cunneen reviews
the documentary "Stop the Church," directed by Robert
Hilferty, a controversial film that will probably be shown on
PBS depsite being canceled the first time around.
Dawson, Robert, "Report from Boston Cathedral:
Act-Up Acts Out--Crossing the 'Revulsion Threshold'", Commonweal Sep 14, 1990; 117:15 p. 476-477
[Abstract from electonic database]: ACT-UP's protest
against the ordination of Cardinal Bernard Law at Boston MA's
Holy Cross Cathedral is discussed. ACT-UP says it was protesting
Law's anti-gay policies, but it was actually attacking Catholicism
Gallagher, John, "Greeted with a yawn", Advocate: Sep 21, 1993; :638 p. 24-27
[Abstract from electronic database]:Few gay rights
protesters showed up in Denver when Pres Clinton meet Pope John
Paul II. Several groups were expected, but they failed to show
Gibeau, Dawn, "Pope to meet thousands of youths
in Denver", National Catholic Reporter Mar 19, 1993;
29:20 p. 10
[Abstract from electronic database]:Pope John Paul
II will join thousands of young people in Denver for World Youth
Day in Aug 1993, despite a plea by gay-rights organizations to
boycott Colorado. Several events that will take place on World
Youth Day and plans for funding them are discussed.
Kenkelen, Bill, "Protesting Gay Activists Up
the Anti ", National Catholic Reporter Dec 22, 1989;
26:10 p. 3-4
[Abstract from electonic database]: Protest actions
against the Catholic church were simultaneously held in Los Angeles,
New York City and Washington DC by gay activists on Dec 10, 1989.
These protests were sparked by the US bishops' refusal to endorse
dissemination of information about the role of condoms in preventing
AIDS transmission.
Peterson, Robert W, "Seattle is split over "kiss-in"
that went wild", Advocate: Oct 9, 1990; :561 p. 20
[Abstract from electronic database]:A lighthearted
"kiss-in" protest by gays and lesbians in Seattle sparked
a weeks-long debate about tactics used among Seattle's gay and
lesbian activists. The protest, aimed at members of the fundamentalist
Christian youth group Go '90, is discussed.
Rapp, Sandy ,God's Country: A Case Against Theocracy
A grassroots gay/lesbian and women's rights activist attacks
with spleen and wit the Fundamentalists and their political organizations
that are forever using their own views to denigrate and suppress
gays and women/lesbians. She constantly is at odds with the "gender/politics"
and "sexism dignified by religion.
Unsworth, Tim, "Irish gays busy dodging croziers
and shillelaghs", National Catholic Reporter Apr 23,
1993; 29:25 p. 16
[Abstract from electronic database]:The trials of
being an Irish Catholic homosexual are discussed. The Irish Lesbian
and Gay Organization was founded in 1988 to promote community
among Irish homosexuals.
Woods, Chris, "Activists exorcise Church of
England", Advocate: Sep 24, 1991; :586 p. 51
[Abstract from electronic database]:Gay and lesbian
protesters calling themselves the Whores of Babylon, an affinity
group of OutRage, staged a mock exorcism of evil spirits outside
the ancestral home of the archbishop of Canterbury to expel the
demon of homophobia. The group was set up to battle religious
homophobia and has mainly targeted the Church of England.
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