People with a History: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Trans* History Sourcebook
Homosexuality and Catholicism Bibliography:
Section XII: Christianity and AIDS
© Paul Halsall
"Consulting Stephen's Experience: Pastoral
Care of Homosexuals", America Nov 22, 1986; 155:15
p. 313-314
[Abstract from electronic database]:An editorial discussing pastoral
care and the role of the church in the life of homosexuals with
AIDS is presented. SUBJT: Christianity ; Acquired immune deficiency
syndrome ; AIDS ; Homosexuality
"Filipinos battle church, ignorance to fight
AIDS", : Health Works--CNN Dec 4, 1993; TV Program :197
p. --
[Abstract from electronic database]:The Roman Catholic Church
is adamant in its opposition to the Philippine government's attempts
to educate its people on AIDS prevention. The Church strongly
stands against the use of condoms, a key to safe sex.
"Forty Hours", U.S. Catholic, Nov
1 1989 v 54:11 , p.20
By night and by day parishioners of one San Francisco parish pray
for an end to the AIDS epidemic. A new look at an old devotion
with text by Tom McGrath and drawings by Franklin McMahon.
"How to heal a church with AIDS, " U.S.
Catholic, Jan 1 1990 v 55: 1, p. 18
When people ask Lou Tesconi how he got AIDS, he tells them. But
first he tells them a thing or two about judgment. The editors
interview the founder of Damien Ministries.
"On Reading Documents and Making Distinctions", America Feb 13, 1988; 158:6 p. 131
[Abstract from electronic database]:An editorial addresses the
need to read documents carefully to avoid confusing the church's
stand on one issue with its stand on another. Particular reference
is given to recent statements on AIDS and on homosexuality.
"One of Our Own: One Man's Struggle with AIDS", Christianity Today Feb 3, 1989; 33:2 p. 56
[Abstract from electronic database]:Scott Cox, a Christian who
is gay and a former IV drug user, has tested positive for the
human immuno-deficiency virus (HIV). His comments on AIDS are
featured in an interview.
"The church's response to AIDS: is compassion
waning in light of a so-called gay disease", Christianity
Today, 29 No 17 p50-51 November 22 1985
Adams, Sandra C., AIDS and the Black church,
"May 1989." Thesis (M.S.W.)--Southern Connecticut State
University, 1989. (Ann Arbor, MI : University Microfilms International,
AIDS Ministry Program, the Archdiocese of Saint
Paul and Minneapolis. For those we love : a spiritual perspective
on AIDS, 2nd ed., expanded. (Cleveland, Ohio : Pilgrim Press,
AIDS Ministry Program of the Catholic Archdiocese
of St. Paul and Minneapolis, For Those We Love: A Spiritual
Perspective on AIDS; AIDS Ministry Program
Produced by the, this book can be used as a handbook or a
sourcebook by the caregiver or the person with AIDS. It provides
a composite of reflections, prayers, and thoughts that may nurture
Amos, William E., When AIDS comes to church,
(Philadelphia: Westminster Press, c1988)
Based on personal experiences, this book describes how a pastor
and his church responded when AIDS did in fact come into their
congregation. This book deals with the inner preparation, both
educational and emotional, that is required if pastors and congregations
are going to minister effectively to persons with AIDS and their
Arpin, Robert L., Wonderfully, fearfully made
: letters on living with hope, teaching understanding, and ministering
with love, from a gay Catholic priest with AIDS, (San Francisco::
Fr. Arpin died in May 1995.
Arterburn, Jerry; Arterburn, Steve, "How Will
I Tell My Mother: A True Story of One Man's Battle with Homosexuality
and AIDS", reviewed by Higgins, Raymond E, II. in Southwestern
Journal of Theology 31 (Summer 1989), 73
Arterburn, Jerry, How will I tell my mother?,
Rev. and expanded ed., (Nashville : Oliver-Nelson, 1990, 1988)
Barnet, Robert J., "A Catholic Doctor Looks
at AIDS in the U.S.A.", America, Feb 6 1993 v 168:4
, p. 6
Bayer, Ronald, "Gays and the stigma of bad blood", The Hastings Center Report 13 (April 1983), 5-7
ABSTRACT: In 1982 public health officials became concerned that
the deadly diseases associated with AIDS--Acquired Immune Deficiency
Syndrome--could be transmitted unwittingly through blood donations.
Hemophiliacs were also concerned because of the potential contamination
of Factor VIII taken to aid in clotting. Gays--suffering the greatest
impact of AIDS--feared that this issue would be used to stigmatize
their community. This article traces the controversy that surrounded
efforts to bar blood donations by gay men. It concludes with a
discussion of the proposed guidelines on blood donations issued
in March 1983 by the Public Health Service.
Berrigan, Daniel , Sorrow Built a Bridge: Friendship
and AIDS
Blumenfield, Warren J. and Scott W. Alexander, AIDS
and Your Religious Community: A Hands-On Guide
Designed for anyone considering AIDS ministry, this guide
offers detailed information on social action issues, features
profiles of 27 working models---from monthly suppers to pastoral
care---, plus tips on community needs assessment, program planning,
and volunteer management.
Bohne, John, "AIDS: ministry issues for chaplains", Pastoral Psychology, 34 No 3, 173-192 Spring 1986
Bonneau , Normand, AIDS And Faith, (Ottawa
: Novalis, 1993)
Callen, Michael. Surviving Aids, (New York:
HarperCollins, 1990, pb New York: HarperPerennial, 1991)
Book by a long term AIDS survivor [died 1994], which disscusses
the importance of spirituality in the lives of those with AIDS.
Cherry, Kittredge; Mitulski, James, "We are
the church alive, the church with AIDS:, The Christian Century,
105 p85-88 January 27 1988
Christensen, Michael J, Samaritan's Imperative:
Compassionate Ministry to People Living with AIDS
A complete guide to serving individuals and families living
with HIV/AIDS, the book also sensitively and affirmatively advocates
including---without judgement---gays in the Body of Christ. Aren't
those Methodists just the nicest people!
Churches speak on: Aids: official statements from
religious bodies and ecumenical organizations,
Detroit: Gale Research Inc., 1989.
Ciannella, Domenic K., "Requiem for an AIDS
Victim", The Witness, 68 No 9 p10-11 September 1985
Clark, J. Michael, "AIDS, death, and God: gay
liberational theology and the problem of suffering", The
Journal of Pastoral Counseling, 21 No 1 p40-54, Spring-Summer
Clark, J. Michael, "Special considerations in
pastoral care of gay persons with AIDS", The Journal of
Pastoral Counseling, 22:1 p32-45 1987
Cockrum, Peggy L., "AIDS: an issue for the church", Austin Seminary Bulletin: Faculty Edition, 105 p3-64 Fall
Contents: Introduction by Jack L Stotts. One congregation's
response ability to persons with AIDS, by H Tyas. AIDS: the church's
response, by R H Sunderland. Keeping our nerve: AIDS and the doctrine
of sin, by A E Lewis. Reflections on the ethics of AIDS, by I
Garcia. Hope for the sick, segregation for the unclean: medieval
Christian attitudes toward victims of plague and leprosy, by E
L Babibsky. AIDS: the disease and our young people--how can the
people of faith respond? by J E Holper.
Coleman, Gerald D, "Can a Person With AIDS Marry
in the Catholic Church?", The jurist, 1989 v 49:1,
p. 258
Collum, Danny, "Addressing the AIDS crisis", Sojourners, 15 No 2 p6 February 1986
Consejo Episcopal Latinoamericano, Consejo Episcopal
Latinoamericano SIDA, - (Bogota : Seccisn de Pastoral Familiar,
1989). (Coleccisn Documentos CELAM ; 110)
Papers of a conference organized by CELAM, and held in Sao Paulo,
Brazil, November 1988. -
Cosstick, Vicky, "Speaking personally: four
people with Aids", in AIDS: meeting the community challenge;
ed by V Cosstick 1987 p45-52
Costick, Vicky, ed., AIDS: Meeting the Community
Challenge, (Slough, England: St. Paul Publications, 1987)
Cotter, Jim, Healing - More or Less, (Sheffield:
Cairns Publications, 1987)
Crowther, Colin E., AIDS ; a Christian handbook,
(London : Epworth, 1991)
Cullen, Trevor, AIDS, a Christian response,
(Malawi? : s.n., 1991? (Balaka, Malawi : Montfort Missionaries)
Dobbels, William Josef , Epistle of Comfort: Scriptural
Meditations and Passages for a Person with AIDS
Drane, James F., "Condoms, AIDS and Catholic
ethics", Commonweal. Mar 22 1991 v 118:6 , p. 188
Flynn, Eileen P., AIDS : a Catholic Call for Compassion,
(Kansas City, MO : Sheed & Ward, 1985)
Fortunato, John E., "AIDS: the plague that lays
waste at noon", The Witness 68 No 9 p6-9 September
Fortunato, John, AIDS: The Spiritual Dilemma,
(San Francisico: Harper and Row, 1987)
Franks, Kent and others, "Exploration of death
anxiety as a function of religious variables in gay men with and
without AIDS", Omega 22:1: 43-50 1990-1991
Frew, Randolph Lloyd, Praying with HIV/AIDS: Collects,
Prayers and Litanies in a Time of Crisis, (Cincinnati: Forward
Movement, 199?)
Fumento, Michael., "The myth of heterosexual
AIDS: the hazard of using misinformation to restore morality", Christianity and Crisis 6:34-5 October 1988
Gallagher, Joseph, Voices of Strength and Hope
for a Friend with AIDS
Father Joseph Gallagher, a Catholic priest who has served
as hospital chaplain and as a volunteer "buddy" for
AIDS patients, offers a book to bring consolation and peace, serenity
and acceptance to those suffering from AIDS.
Glaser, Chris, "AIDS and A-bomb disease: facing
a special death", Christianity and Crisis 47 p311-314
September 28 1987
Goodhue, Tom, "Parting glances, directed by
B Sherwood", The Other Side 22 No 5 p60 June 1986
Grummon, Panels of Love
A man diagnosed with AIDS turns to art and spirituality to
transcend his suffering, and give the world his personal statement
of faith and love.
Hallman, David G, AIDS Issues: Confronting the
The material was drawn from the proceeding of an international
consultation of 150 theologian, social ethicists, PWA's, healthcare
professionals and others sponsored by the World Council of Churches,
the National Council of Churches of Christ in the U.S.A. and the
Canadian Council of Churches. What is discussed herein are the
social consequences of AIDS, Illness and health, and sexuality.
The purpose stated is to have a caring theological response to
the AIDS crisis and to promote education and guide for ministering
to PWA's.
Hawkins, Richard T., "AIDS ministry: curing
the sickness of homophobia", The Witness 71 p19-21
March 1988
Howell, Leon, "Churches and AIDS: responsibilities
in mission", Christianity and Crisis 45 p483-484 December
9 1985
Iles, Robert H., The Gospel imperative in the
midst of AIDS, (Wilton, Conn. : Morehouse Pub., 1989)
Jarvis, Debra, Journey Through AIDS: A Guide
for Loved Ones and Caregivers
A compassionate and practical guide for everyone caring for
a loved one with AIDS. Jarvis, hospital chaplain, brings years
of counseling and speaking experience to the subject of caring
for people with AIDS. Offering practical advice and resources
in a nondenominational manner.
Jarvis, Debra, HIV Positive
A spiritual yet nondenominational meditation book for those
coping with the experiences of being HIV positive. Includes words
of wisdom from the author and others who are HIV positive.
Kavar, Louis F, Pastoral Ministry in the AIDS
Kavar is Project Coordinator of Lazarus Ministries, a special
work of the Universal Fellowship of Metropolitan Community Churches'
Mid-Atlantic District. Lazarus Ministries provides residential
programs for people with AIDS, and congregationally based training
for lay ministers in a six state area.
Kavar, Louis F., Families Remembered: Pastoral
Support for Friends and Families living with HIV/AIDS, (Gaithersburg
MD : Chi Rho Press, 199?)
This is a much expanded second edition of Pastoral Minsitry
in the AIDS Era, (College of Chaplains, 1988)
Kavar, Louis F., Living With Loss: Experienceing
Bereavment, with Special Attention to HIV/AIDS, (Gaithersburg
MD : Chi Rho Press, 199?)
Kavar, Louis F., To Celebrate and Mourn: Liturgical
Resources for Worshipping Communities Living with AIDS, (Gaithersburg
MD: Chi Rho Press, 1989)
Kayal, Philip M., ""Morals," medicine,
and the AIDS epidemic", Journal of Religion and Health 24 p218-238 Fall 1985
ABSTRACT: It is the assumption of this article that when the
etiology of an illness is framed in a "moral" language
and the illness in question affects religiously stigmatized and
legally proscribed minorities, the victims of the illness will
be blamed for their ill health. Evidence is given of the connection
between moralizing about a medical issue and the response of
the medical establishment. The role of religion in the definition
and interpretation of AIDS is emphasized as well as its effects
on gay people and gay life. A political analysis of AIDS and
its assumed causes is also given. These homophobic explanations
are viewed as attempts to disenfranchise and discredit gay life
further. Responsibility for containing AIDS is discussed in the
context of "brokenness" between and among gay people.
"Healing" is given as a necessary solution. [j].
Kenkelen, Bill, "Sister Rises Above New York
Homophobia", National Catholic Reporter Jun 30, 1989;
25:34 p. 14
[Abstract from electronic database]:Patrice Murphy is a nun living
in New York City whose work with AIDS patients has gone a long
way in dispelling some of the myths associated with the disease.
Murphy and her work are profiled.
Kirkpatrick, Bill, AIDS: Haring the Pain: Pastoral
Guidelines, (LondonL Darton, Longman and Todd, 1988)
Koch, Kurt, 1950-, AIDS, eine traurige Chance?
: christlich-ethische Orientierungen, (Freiburg Switzerland
: Kanisius, 1987)9
Koop, C. Everett, "Addressing the AIDS threat", Christianity Today 29 No 17 p52 November 22 1985
Contains: interview with US Surgeon General C E Koop
Kowaleski, Mark R., "The AIDS crisis: legitimation
of homophobia or catalyst for change?" in Homophobia and
the Judaeo-Christian tradition; ed by M Stemmeler, 1990 p147-163
Kowaleski, Mark, All Things to All People: The
Catholic Church Confronts the AIDS Crisis, (?: SUNY Press,
A sociological and theological look at Catholic responses to AIDS.
He points out how local pastoral care has the ironic effect of
legitimizing higher power structures.
Lebacqz, Karen; Blake, Deborah, "Safe sex and
lost love", Religious Education 83 p201-210 Spring
Levine, Carol (ed.) ; Bermel, Joyce (ed.), AIDS:
the emerging ethical dilemma: The Hastings Center Report 15
No 4 p1-32 August 1985
Contents: Introduction, by A S Relman. AIDS: the challenge
to science and medicine, by M Krim. Screening blood: public health
and medical uncertainty, by C Levine and R Bayer. The epidemiological
investigation of AIDS, by K H Mayer. Clinical care and research
in AIDS, by P Volberding and D Abrams. AIDS and the threat to
public health, by M F Silverman and D B Silverman. AIDS: public
policy and biomedical research, by S Panem. Public education
on AIDS: not only the media's responsibility, by W Check. Selected
Levine, Carol (ed.) ; Bermel, Joyce (ed.), AIDS:
public health and civil liberties, The Hastings Center Report 16 No 6 p1-36 1986
Long, Ronald E., AIDS, God, and faith : continuing
the dialogue on constructing gay theology, (Las Colinas,
TX : Monument Press, 1992)
A masterful insight into the issues of AIDS and religious faith
details the intimate relationship of the PWA with his or her God.
Supplemental Vol. 2 to the Gay Men's Issues in religious studies
Lynne (pseud.)., "Are You Having Trouble Understanding
Them", Body Positive (August 1994), 22-23
A young straight woman with HIV is attracted by the seeming welcome
of a Jehovah's Witness Church, but then describes the "attacks"
she feels at the "religious" attitude of the group becomes
more apparent.
Marty, Martin E., "Tears", Christian
Century Nov 30, 1988; 105:36 p. 1111
[Abstract from electronic database]:A commentary expresses hope
that the christian church will eventually learn to understand
and embrace homosexuals dying of AIDS rather than shunning them.
McGehee, H. Coleman, Jr., "AIDS: what is our
response", The Witness 68 No 8 p4 August 1985
Mills, Bruce L., "Fear and passion: a psychological
reflection on the construction of homophobia in the context of
AIDS", in Homophobia and the Judaeo-Christian tradition;
ed by M Stemmeler 1990 p165-187
National Conference of Catholic Bishops, Called
to compassion and responsibility : a response to the HIV/AIDS
crisis, (Washington, D.C.: United States Catholic Conference,
Nel, Francois Pierre, "AIDS agency's board would
mask gay role, North Carolinians say ", Advocate Aug
13, 1991; :583 p. 19
[Abstract from electonic database]: A brouhaha focuses on a Roman
Catholic nun's leadership of a Charlotte NC AIDS services group.
The city's gays and lesbians feel the board is trying to downplay
the role that gay men play in the group.
Nelson, James B., "Responding to, learning from
AIDS", Christianity and Crisis 46 No 8 p176-181 May
19 1986
Nothing Can Separate Us from the Love of God:
Help From the Scriptures for Coping With AIDS,
(New York: American Bible Society, 199?)
Nugent, Robert, Prayer Journey For Persons With
Ostling, Richard N, "The Bishops' Split on AIDS" Time Dec 28, 1987; 130:26 p. 64
[Abstract from electronic database]:US Catholic bishops released
a position paper on AIDS. Conservatives and liberals debated
issues of condom use and homosexuality. SUBJT: Acquired immune
deficiency syndrome ; AIDS ; Christianity ; Birth control ; Condoms
; Homosexuality ; Clergy
Overbers, Kenneth, AIDS, Ethics and Religion:
Embracing a World of Suffering;
Carefully selected articles and essays by those on the front lines:
doctors, pastoral ministers, scientists and specialists, who clearly
state the challenges and emphasize the requirements for medical,
social, and religious ministry.
Perelli, Robert J., 'Family system heory and the
family with AIDS" ; Perelli, Robert J, Andover Newton
Theological School 1989
ABSTRACT: Project directors: J Earl Thompson, Jr and Henry C Brooks.
This project is comprised of three basic parts. The first is a
survey of literature illustrating how the AIDS crisis constellates
an overwhelming array of psychosocial stressors on the person
infected by HIV and his or her's "family of origin"
and "family of choice". The second applies three tenets
of family systems theory (Bowen theory) and shows how it is an
effective and appropriate mode of intervention into the "family"
with AIDS. The last section is an analysis of the resulting "double-bind"
message to the homosexual community.
Perelli, Robert J, Ministry to Persons With AIDS:
A Family Systems Approach
Perelli describes the key role that the pastoral counselor
or caregiver can play in ministry to persons with AIDS and their
families. He describes family systems theory & shows how it
is particularly effective for counseling.
Perry, Shireen, In sickness and in health. His
name was Mark : a story of love in the shadow of AIDS, (Leicester,
England : Frameworks, 1990; orig. pub.Downers Grove, Ill. : Intervarsity
Press, 1989)
Pieters, Stephen, I Am Still Dancing: A Gay Man's
Health Experience, (Gaithersburg MD: Chi-Rho Press, 1994)
By a Metropolitan COmmunity Church minister.
Porter, David, "AIDS Epidemic Grows, But Is
The Church Ready?", Christianity Today Feb 17, 1989;
33:3 p. 42
[Abstract from electronic database]:Churches are advised to prepare
to deal with an increasing number of AIDS cases despite reports
that the spread of the disease is leveling off.
Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference:
to live: why? AIDS : Church and health in the world.,
November 13-15, 1989, Vatican City Synod Hall / organized by the
Pontifical Council for Pastoral Assistance to Health Care Workers.
(Vatican City : Vatican Polyglot Press, 1990), pecial issue of Dolentium hominum no. 13 (5th year, no. 1, 1990).
Quinn, John R, "The AIDS Crisis: A Pastoral
Response Illustration", America Jun 21, 1986; 154:24
p. 504-506
[Abstract from electronic database]:The role of the Catholic clergy
as counselors and confidants for AIDS patients is discussed.
The AIDS problem evokes a theological conflict between the necessity
for Christian compassion and the Church's traditional condemnation
of homosexuality.
Reed, Paul, Serenity: Challenging the Fear of
AIDS 2nd edition
Reed presents a realistic and comforting approach to confronting
the realities of AIDS, a difficult and taxing challenge. SERENITY
offers coping strategies that can help anyone who is struggling
to find peace of mind, mental energy and emotional balance in
the midst of the pain and anguish that living with the AIDS epidemic
can bring.
Rodriguez, Richard. "Late Victorians: San Francisco,
AIDS, and the homosexual stereotype", Harper's 281
(October 1990), 57-66
Rueda, Enrique T. and Michael Schwartz, Gays,
AIDS, and You, (Old Greenwich, Conn. : Devin-Adair Co., c1987)
Rueda is a notably antigay Catholic priest [his other book is
long expose called The Homosexual Network]
Russell, Letty M., ed., The Church with AIDS:
Renewel in the Midst of Crisis, (1991)
Towne, Edgar A, Encounter Spring 1991; 52:2 p.
Russell, Letty M., ed.,Church With AIDS: Renewal
in the Midst of Crisis
Shares the experience and ministry of those living with AIDS,
and asks how the traditional church might be seen differently
by those struggling with AIDS.
Shelp, Earl E., Ronald H. Sunderland, and Peter W.
A. Mansell, AIDS: Personal Stories in a Pastoral Perspective
AIDS confronts the church and its disciples to reflect on
ways to minister to PWA's and to meet their special needs. Populations
associated with the illness have long been ostracized and alienated
from mainstream society. The church is called upon to create a
compassionate response to the AIDS crisis.
Shelp, Earl E.; Sunderland, Ronald H., "Houston's
clergy consultation on AIDS: uniting for a compassionate reconciliation", Christianity and Crisis 47, p64-66 March 2 1987
Sider, Ronald J., "AIDS: an evangelical perspective", The Christian Century 105 p11-14 January 6-13 1988
Smith, Richard, AIDS, Gays and the American Catholic
Church, (Cleveland OH; Pilgrim Press, 1994)
Snow, John, Mortal Fear: Meditations on Death
and AIDS
This book is directed at pastors and counselors who must address
the needs of AIDS Ñ and other terminally ill Ñ patients,
and who must lend comfort to those of us struggling with mortality
in our lives. This brief, readable volume contains excellent sermon
material on the important and difficult subject of AIDS.
Sorrentino, Mary Ann, "AIDS May Splint Church's
Fractured View of Sexuality", National Catholic Reporter Apr 7, 1989; 25:24 p. 32
[Abstract from electronic database]:The implications of AIDS for
Catholic priests are discussed. It is said that the church has
a long history of denial where human frailties are concerned,
and that the inclusion of priests in the ranks of those suffering
with AIDS may be a call for Catholics to try to understand sexuality
and its consequences.
Spong, John Shelby, Bp. "A priest dies of AIDS", The Christian Century 107 p959-960 October 24 1990
St Clair, Thomas F., "Pastoral education regarding
gay and lesbian Christians including persons with AIDS" ;
St Clair, Thomas F, DMin United Theological Seminary 1988
ABSTRACT: Project director: Carolyn J Bohler. This project assumes
that ministry is a part of the church's mission. The two main
objectives of the study are to minister to the spiritual needs
of the gay/lesbian person and his/her family, and to design and
implement a method of instruction which can help others better
understand the needs of gay/lesbian persons and minister to them
in the community of believers. The latter objective is addressed
through the design and testing of a workshop format which included
general information on homosexuality, social issues, AIDS, Scripture
and theology and general ministry to and with homosexual persons.
The workshop format is judged to be an effective method for broadening
the church's ministry through education.
Stiles, B. J., "AIDS and the churches: belated,
growing response", Christianity and Crisis 45 No 22
p534-536 January 13 1986
Stulz, James, "Toward a Spirituality for Victims
of AIDS Illustration", America Jun 21, 1986; 154:24
p. 509-511
[Abstract from electronic database]:Comparisons between dying
AIDS patients and Jesus Christ are offered. The trauma of AIDS
has brought many homosexuals, once rejected by the Catholic church,
back to a religious life.
Sunderland, Ronald and Earl E. Shelp, AIDS and
the church, (Philadelphia : Westminster Press, 1987), rev.
ed. 199?
Sunderland, Ronald H. and Earl E. Shelp, AIDS:
A Manual for Pastoral Care
Thomas, Lillian, "In Short: Good-Bye, I Love
You", New York Times Book Review Sep 21, 1986; p.
Tilleraas, Perry, Color of Light: Meditations
for All of Us Living with AIDS
From the Hazeldan Meditation series, this offers daily meditations
that affirm individual worth. Drawing from such diverse sources
as the Bible, the Upanishads, the writings of Lao-tzu, and the
words of people with AIDS themselves, this inspirational resource
brings Twelve-Step wisdom and spirituality to those who have the
symptoms of AIDS, those who have been diagnosed HIV-positive,
and those who love and support the afflicted.
Tilleraas, Perry, Spiritual Response To AIDS:
The Twelve Steps
This powerful yet simple pamphlet illustrates how each of
the twelve steps can be applied to AIDS. It guides the way to
overcoming the fear and learning to change and develop spirituality.
Tillman, William M., AIDS, a Christian response,
(Nashville, Tenn. : Convention Press, 1990)
Todd, Peter , AIDS: A Pilgrimage to Healing
After working as an AIDS caregiver for the last ten years,
the author has compiled his extensive research and experience
and developed a therapy that promotes well-being and serenity
in the face of anxiety and dread provoked by HIV. This accessible
account gives the details of his approach and offers practical
suggestions for all those effected by AIDS.
United States Catholic Conference. Administrative
Board, The many faces of AIDS: a Gospel response : a statement,
(Washington D.C.: The Conference, c1987)
Unsworth, Tim, "We come here to live, not to
die", U.S. Catholic, Sep 1 1991 v 56: 9, p. 28
Faced with death, the AIDS patients at Bonaventure House turn
to their faith for comfort.
Walter, Alfred., AIDS als Versuchung : christliche
Existenz und schwere Krankheit, (Munchen : Kaiser, 1989)
Windsor, Pat, "Dioceses Differ on AIDS Education
", National Catholic Reporter Jun 2, 1989; 25:32 p.
[Abstract from electronic database]:AIDS education in Catholic
schools in Boston and Milwaukee demonstrates the variety of approaches
different dioceses are using. While both dioceses affirm church
teaching on sexuality and promote abstinence as the best way to
prevent transmission of AIDS, Boston schools do not teach about
condom use, but Milwaukee schools do.
Wood, Glenn G., The AIDS epidemic : balancing
compassion & justice, (Portland, Or. : Multnomah, 1990)
Woodward, James, Embraciing the Chaos: Theological
Responses to AIDS, (London:SPCK, 1990)
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