People with a History: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Trans* History Sourcebook
Homosexuality and Catholicism Bibliography:
Section II: General Lesbian and Gay History
© Paul Halsall
See also the History of Homosexuality Bibliography which is updated more frequently.
[No attempt is made here to be comprehensive:
Just the more important secondary sources on lesbian, gay and
bisexual history are listed]
A: General
Aries, Philippe & Andre Bejin, eds., Western
Sexuality: Practice and Precept in Past and Present, (Oxford:
Blackwell, 1985; orig. pub. as Sexualities Occidentales,
Paris: Editions du Seuil/Communications, 1982)
Bullough, Vern L., Sexual Variance in Society
and History, (Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press, 1976)
Large scale survey of both western and eastern cultures in all
historical periods. Groundbreaking work, but only a beginning.
Has one of few discussions of Byzantine homosexuality. Has good
references and foot notes.
Bullough, Vern L., Homosexuality: A History,
(New York: New American Library, 1979)
Bullough, Vern L. and Bonnie Bullogh, Cross-Dressing,
Sex, and Gender, (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvanis
Press, 1993)
Coote, Stephen, ed., The Penguin Book of Homosexual
Verse, (Harmondsworth: Allen Lane, Penguin, 1983)
Poetry from Homer to today.
Duberman, Martin Bauml, Martha Vincus and George
Chauncey, eds. Hidden From History, New York: NAL, 1989)
An important collection of essays and articles on
a broad stretch of lesbian and gay history. Very informative introduction
on basic parameters.
Foucault, Michel, History of Sexuality, Vol
I: An Introduction, (New York: Pantheon, 1978)
Almost more like a meditation than history. Leading French structuralist
applies his view of human society, already seen in his history
of madness, to sexuality. Argues that sexuality is "constructed"
in each society, in a similar manner to language/grammar. This
goes against Boswell's idea of "homosexuality" as a
continuing part of the human condition. Foucault's ideas, along
with Levi-Strauss's have heavily influenced other modern gay historians
such as Weeks and Katz, who however, set the formation of modern
homosexual consciousness at different periods. The conflict between
Boswell and the others is as much an issue of philosophy as history.
Garber, Marjorie, Vested Interests: Cross-Dressing
and Cultural Anxiety, ( London: Routledge, 1992; pb. New York:
HarperPerenniel, 1993)
Discusses transvestism throughout history. Excellent
references but no bibliography.
Garde, Noel I., Jonathan to Gide: The Homosexual
in History, (New York: Vantage Press, 1964)
Biographical sketches of 303 men in chronological orders. Gives
the refs. that justify each inclusion.
Greenberg, David F., The Construction of Homosexuality,
(Chicago: Chicago UP, 1988)
Recent exposition of the social construction school. Has an extensive
historical survey.
Boswell, John, "Books: Gay History", Atlantic Feb 1989; 263:2 p. 74-78
Brundage, James A, Church History Mar 1991;
60:1 p. 148-149
Browning, Don, The Christian Century 106 p911-916
October 11 1989
Wilcox, Donald J., The Journal of Religion 70 p278-280 April 1990
Religious Humanism 24
p144-145 Summer 1990
Jennings, Kevin, Becoming Visible : A Reader in
Gay and Lesbian History for High School and College Students,
(Boston: Alyson, 1994)
Karlen, Arno, Sexuality and Homosexuality: A New
View, (New York: W.W. Norton, 1971)
Early overview. No footnotes, Superseded by Bullough's Sexual
Lerner, Gerda, The Creation of Patriarchy,
(New York: Oxford UP, 1986)
Licata Salvatore J., & Robert P. Petersen, eds., The Gay Past: A Collection of Historical Essays, (New York;
Haworth, 1985), repr. of Historical Perspectives on Homosexuality (1981), originally Journal of Homosexuality 6:1/2 (Fall/Winter
1980), 11-26
Very useful edition of interdisciplinary journal.
Many of the articles are cited elsewhere. The publishers republish
the issues of this journal as books. The essays cover the early
modern and modern period.
Taylor, G. Rattray, Sex in History, (pb. New
York; Harper and Row, 1973)
Based on a too easy dichotomy between women-esteeming
and women-denying societies. Argues that the latter are the ones
which denigrate homosexuality.
Vanggaard, Thorkil, Phallos: A Symbol and Its
History in the Male World, (New York: International Universities
Press, 1974)
B: Ancient and Medieval
Cantarella, Eva, Bisexuality in the Ancient World,
(New Haven: Yale UP, 1992)
Covey, Herbert C, "Perceptions and Attitudes
toward Sexuality of the Elderly during the Middle Ages", Gerontologist Feb 1989; 29:1 p. 93-100
[Abstract from electronic database]:The proposals
that thoughts on the ages of life excluded the elderly from having
normal sex lives and that the church of the Middle Ages defined
sexual behavior by the elderly as immoral are examined.
Dover, Kenneth J., Greek Homosexuality, Updated
ed. (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard UP, 1989, c1978; paperback, New
York: Random House)
Standard work on ancient Greek homosexuality.
Downing, Christine, "Diotima and Alcibiades:
an alternative reading of the Symposium", Soundings: An
Interdisciplinary Journal 72 Winter 1989, 631-655
Goodich, Michael, The Unmentionable Vice: Homosexuality
in the Late Medieval Period, (Santa Barbara, Ca.: ABC-Clio,
Much criticised book that attempts an overview. It actually does
quite a good job, and has an extensive bibliography and a 30 page
translation/extract from inquisition records of Jacques Fournier
in the 13th century.
Reviews -
AHR 1980, p.375;
Speculum (1980), pp. 121-122;
Journal of Homosexuality 6:1/2 (2 separate reviews)}
Sheehan, M. M., The Journal of Ecclesiastical History 33
July 1982, 438-446
Halperin, David M., One Hundred Years of Homosexuality
: And Other Essays on Greek Love, The New Ancient World Series,
(London: Routledge Chapman & Hall, 1989)
Griffin, Jasper, New York Review of Books 37 p6,8-12 March 29 1990
Nussbaum, Martha, Times Literary Supplement:4548
p571-573 June 1-7 90
Herman, Gerald, "The `Sin against Nature' and
its Echos in Medieval French Literature", Annuale Medievale 17 (1976), pp. 70-87
Hermann, Alfred, "Antinous infelix: Zur Typologie
des Heiligen-Unheiligen in der Spaetantike", in Mullus;
Festschrift T Klauser; ed by A Stuiber1964 p155-167
Kuster, Harvey J., "Gelijkgeslachtelijke liefde
in de middeleeuwen", Spiegel Historiael 10 (1975),
pp 232-237
Kuster, Harvey J., "L'Amour physique unisexuel
au moyen age", Arcadie, (Paris: 1976), pp. 665-670
Kuster, Harvey J., "Homoerotik in de middeleewse
poezia", Maatstaf 24 (1976), pp. 40-48
Kuster, Harvey J., Over Homoseksualiteit in Middeleeuws
West-Europa, (Utrecht: Univ. of Utrecht Dissertation, 1977)
Reviewed criticlly by A.H. Bredero, Tijdschrift
voor Geschiedenie 91 (1978), 256-62
Kuster, Harvey J., "Homoseksualiteit in de middeleeuwen", Huisarts en Praktijk, (Utrecht: 1980), pp. 13-16
Kuster, Harvey & Raymond J. Cormier, "Old
Views and New Trends: Observations on the Problem of Homosexuality
in the Middle Ages", Studii Medievali 25:2 (1985)
[Overview of recent work, based on Boswell and Kuster's dissertation.]
Leonhardt, W., "Die Homosexualitat der altesten
deutschen Literatur", JFZ 12 (1911-12), 153-65
Lilja, S., Homosexuality in Republican and Augustan
Rome, (Helsinki: Commentationes Humanorum Litteratum [Societas
Scientarum Fennica] 74, 1983)
Miller, Stella G., "Eros and the arms of Achilles", American Journal of Archaeology 90 No 2 p159-170 April
Moody, Howard, "Pleasure, too, is a gift from
God: sex, sin, and the Judaeo-Christian tradition", Christianity
and Crisis 45 June 10 1985, 227-231
Moore, R.I., The Formation of a Persecuting Society,
(Oxford: Blackwell, 1987)
Briefly discusses homosexuality, but sets it in the wider context
of Jews, lepers, heretics and other persecuted groups.
Richlin, Amy, "Not Before Homosexuality: The
Materiality of the Cinaedus and the Roman Law against Love Between
Men", Journal of History of Sexuality 3:4 (1993),
A significant attack on the Foucault/Halperin/Winkler
thesis that "homosexuality" is an irrelevant category
for the Roman past. Good up to date bibliography on the issues.
Approves of Boswell.
Ruggiero, Guido, The Boundaries of Eros: Sex,
Crime and Sexuality in Renaissance Venice, (New York: Oxford UP,
See pp 109-45 on sodomy.
Saslow, James .M., Ganymede in the Renaissance:
Homosexuality in Art and Society, (New Haven: Yale UP, 1986)
Source 6:3 (1987), pp. 34-35;
Art Bulletin 69:4 (1987), pp. 653-57;
AHR 93:1 (1988), p.185}
Hope, Charles, "Jupiter's Boy", New
York Review of Books May 29, 1986; 33:9 p. 7-10
Sergent, Bernard, Homosexuality in Greek Myth,
(Boston: 1986)
Stanley, Phillip V., Journal of Homosexuality 15 No 3-4
1988, 160-164
King, Helen, Times Literary Supplement No 4390 May 22
1987, p. 546
Boswell, John, The Journal of Religion 68 July 1988, p485-487
Stehling, Thomas, trans., Medieval Latin Poems
of Male Love and Friendship, (New York: Garland, 1984)
Gay medieval literature from the Roman Empire to 1300. Alcuin,
Ausonius, Luxorius, Abelard, Baudri or Bourgueil, Hilderbert of
C: Modern (Since 1500)
Adam, Barry D., The Rise of a Gay and Lesbian
Movement, (Boston: Twayne, 1987)
Good textbook. Main concern is modern period. Discusses some theoretical
Alonso Tejada, Luis, La represion sexual en la
Espana de Franco, (Barcelona: Caraly, 1977)
On gays see pp 217-24.
Bérubé, Allan, Coming Out under
Fire: The History of Gay Men and Women in World War II, (New
York: NAL-Dutton-Plume, 1991)
Bingham, Caroline, "Seventeenth-Century Attitudes
Towards Deviant Sex", Journal of Interdisciplinary History 1 (1971), 447-68
Bleuel, Hans Peter, Sex and Society in Nazi Germany,
(Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1974)
Discusses inter alia, Roehm's murder, and the view that homosexuals
should be drowned in bogs as amongst the ancient Germans.
Bray, Alan, Homosexuality in Renaissance England,
(London: GMP, 1988, c. 1982)
Boswell, J. E., in The American Historical Review 89 (April
1984), 421-422
Bronski, Michael, Culture Clash: The Making of
Gay Sensibility, (Boston: South End, 1984)
Chauncey, George, Gay New York: Gender, Urban
Culture, and the Making of the Gay Male World 1890-1940, (New
York: Basic, 1994)
Outstanding book by University of Chicago historian
on gay male life in New York before World War II. Based on many
interviews and heavy documentary research. Challenges the notion
that it all came together only after WWII. Argues persuasively
that, especially among the working class, the distinction between
"homosexual" and "heterosexual" persons originated
only between the 1930s and 1950s: before that "queer"
meant much more than just "homosexual" sex, it meant
a more radical gender inversion. A good discussion of sources
for lesbian and gay history.
Committee on Homosexual Offences and Prostitution, Report of the Committee on Homosexual Offences and Prostitution,
(London : H.M.S.O., 1957)
Also known as: Wolfenden report.
Cooper, Emmanuel, "The Sexual Perspective: Homosexuality
and Art in the Last 100 Years in the West", reviewed by Saslow,
James M., Journal of Homosexuality, 19:1 p139-143 1990
Courouve, Claude, "Sodomy Trials in France"
, Gay Books Bulletin 1:1 (1979), 22-23, 26
Coward, D.A., "Attitudes to Homosexuality in
Eighteenth Century France", Journal of European Studies 10, 231-55
Crompton, Louis, "The Myth of Lesbian Immunity",
in Salvatore J. Licata & Robert P. Petersen, eds., The
Gay Past: A Collection of Historical Essays, (New York; Haworth,
1985), originally Journal of Homosexuality 6:1/2 (Fall/Winter
1980), 11-26
Crompton, Louis, Byron and Greek Love: Homophobia
in 19th Century England, (Berkeley: University of California
Press, 1985)
Cruikshank, Margaret, The Gay and Lesbian Liberation
Movement, Revolutionary Thought/Radical Movements, (London:
Routledge Chapman Hall, 1992)
Daniel, Marc, " A Study of Homosexuality in
France During the Reigns of Louis XIII and Louis XIV", ONE
Institute Quarterly 14 (Summer 1961), 77-93 and 15 (Fall
1961), 125-36
Based on French language articles in Arcadie.
D'Emilio, John, Sexual Politics, Sexual Communites,
(Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1983)
Most complete account of US homophile movement in 1950s and 1960s.
D'Emilio, John & Estelle Freedman, Intimate
Matters: A History of Sexuality in America, (New York: Harper
& Row, 1988)
Documents in the Homosexual Rights Movement in
Germany, 1836-1927, (New York: Arno Press,
Duberman, Martin, About Time : Exploring the Gay
Past, rev. ed. (New York: Penguin USA/Meridian, 1991)
Duberman, Martin, Stonewall, (New York: 1993)
Faderman, Lilian and Brigitte Erikson, Lesbian/Feminism
in Turn of the Century Germany, (Weatherby Lake: MO: Naiad
Press, 1980)
Faderman, Lilian, Surpassing the Love of Men,
(New York: William Morrow, 1981)
History of Lesbians based on literary sources.
Faderman, Lilian, Odd Girls and Twilight Lovers:
A History of Lesbina Life in Twentieth-Century America, (New
York: Columbia UP, 199?)
Gerard, Kent and Gert Hekma, eds., The Pursuit
of Sodomy: Male Homosexuality in Renaissance and Englightenment
Europe, (New York: Harrington Park Press, 1989) [also issued
as Journal of Homosexuality 16:1/2 (1988))
Haeberle, Erwin J., "Swastika, Pink Triangle
and Yellow - the Destruction of Sexology and the Persecution of
Homsexuals in Nazi Germany", Journal of Sex Research 17 (1981), 270-87
Hahn, Pierre, ed. Nos ancêtres les pervers:
la vie des homosesuels sous le second empire, 9Paris: Oliver
Orban, 1971)
Selection of texts on 1852-70 period, with an introduction.
Heger, Hans, ed., The Men With the Pink Triangles,
(London: GMP, 1980)
Account of a gay man's experience of Nazi concentration
camps. Note that Heger was the reporting journalist, not the anonymous
Hervez, Jean (pseud. of Raoul Vèze), Les
sociétés d'amour au xviiie siècle, (Paris:
Daragon, 1906)
Huussen, Arend H, Jr., "Sodomy in the Dutch
Republic during the 18th century", Eighteenth Century
Life ns 9 No 3 May 1985, 169-178
Hyde, H. Montgomery, The Love that Dared Not
Speak Its Name: A Candid History of Homosexuality in Britain,
(Boston: Little, Brown, 1970)
Hyde, H. Montgomery, The Three Trials of Oscar
Wilde, (New York: University Books 1956)
These trials marked the onset of an anti-homsexual
rage in Britain that was take as "tradition" when the
long night was broken in the 1970s.
Jauregui, Carlos Luis, La homosexualidad en la
Argentina, (Buenos Aires: Ediciones Tarso, 1987)
Karlinsky, Simon, "Russia's Gay Literature and
History (11th-20th centuriess)", Gay Sunshine 29-30
(Summer-fall 1976), 1-7
Mainly on late 19th and early 20th century literature.
Katz, Jonathan, Gay American History: Lesbians
and Gay Men in the USA - A Documentary, (New York: Thomas
Y. Crowell, 1976; paperback, New York: Avon Discus)
Anthology of 168 documents with some analysis. Gives half of its
space to lesbians. Established two importan aspects of modern
lesbian and gay history: first that the sources were available;
second the "constructionist" idea that the category
of "homosexual" is a late 19th century invention.
Katz, Jonathan, The Gay/Lesbian Almanac, (New
York: Morrow, 1983)
Katz, Steven T, "Quantity and interpretation:
issues in the comparative historical analysis of the holocaust", Holocaust and Genocide Studies 4:2 p127-148 1989
Katz, Steven T., "Quantity and interpretation:
issues in the comparative historical analysis of the Holocaust", Remembering for the future, ol 3; Y Bauer, et al, 1989
Kennedy, Elizabeth Lapovsky and Madeline D. Davis, Boots of Leather, Slippers of Gold : The History of a Lesbian
Community, (London: Routledge Chapman Hall, 1993)
Licata, Salvatore J. & Robert P. Petersen, eds., The Gay Past: A Collection of Historical Essays, (New York;
Haworth, 1985), originally Journal of Homosexuality 6:1/2
(Fall/Winter 1980)
Lauritsen, John and David Thorstad, The Early
Homosexual Rights Movement (1864-1935), (New York: Times Change
Press, 1974)
Lautmann, Rudiger. "Categorization in concentration
camps as a collective fate: a comparison of homosexuals, Jehovah's
Witnesses and political prisoners" Journal of Homosexuality 19:1 p67-88 1990
Martin, Del & Phyllis Lyon, Lesbian/Women,
(San Francisco: Glide Publications, 1972)
by co-founders of the Daughters of Bilitis. 1950s homophile movement.
Miller, Neil, Out in the World : Gay and Lesbian
Life from Buenos Aires to Bangkok, (New York: Vintage, 1993)
Miller, Neil, Out of the Past: Gay and Lesbian
History from 1869 to the Present, (New York: Vintage, 1995)
Readable, and extensive (over 600 pages), account
of modern lesbian and gay history in Europe and the Americas.
Based on much of the academic research of recent years.
Newton, Esther, Cherry Grove, Fire Island : Sixty
Years in America's First Gay and L esbian Town, (Boston:
Beacon Press, 1993)
Norton, Rictor, Mother Clap's Molly House : Gay
Subculture in England, 1700-1830, (London : Gay Men's P.,
Nouveau, Pierre, "La péché philosophique
au de l'homosexualité du xviiie siècle", Arcadie,
nos. 254-259/60 (Feb-Oct 1975)
Rousseau, G.S. "The Pursuit of Homsexuality
in the Eighteenth Century: 'Utterly Confused Category' and.or
Rich Repository", Eighteenth Century Life 9 (1985),
Plant, Richard, The Pink Triangle: The Nazi War
Against Homosexuals, (New York: Owl/New Republic/Henry Holt,
Probably the best English language book on the Nazi treatment
of gays, but far from perfect. Points out that homosexuality
charges were often brought against Catholic clergy.Useful bibliography.
For readers of German, see Burkhard Jellonek, Homosexuelle
unter dem Hakenkreuz.
Teal, Don, The Gay Militants, (New York: Stein
and Day, 1971)
Detailed account of first two years of the Gay Liberation
movement in NYC. Prints many early leaflets verbatim.
Tripp, C. The Homosexual Matrix, (New York:
McGraw-Hill, 1975)
Widely cited book on the gay scene.
Sahuquillo, Angel, Federico Garcia Lorca y la
cultura de la homosexualidad : Lorca, Dali, Cernuda, Gil-Albert,
Prados y la voz silenciada del amor homosexual, ( Stockholm
: Romanska Institutionen, Stockholms universitet, c1986)
Schmitt, Arno and Jehoeda Sofer, eds., Sexuality
and eroticism among males in Moslem societies, (New York
: Haworth Press, 1991)
Steakley, James D., The Homosexual Emancipation
Movement in Germany, (New York: Arno Press, 1975)
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