People with a History: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Trans* History Sourcebook
Homosexuality and Catholicism Bibliography:
Section IV: Biblical Studies
© Paul Halsall
A: General
Ackerman, Arlene, Homosexuality and the Bible,
(audio tapes) (Gaithersburg, MD: Chi-Rho Press, 199?)
Inlcudes: "What was the sin of Sodom",
"One out of 636 Laws", "The Sin of Rome - Waht
is Natural?", and "Who will inherit the Kingdom of God?
Could it be You?"
Balz, Horst. "Biblische Aussagen zur Homosexualitaet", Zeitschrift fuer Evangelische Ethik 31:1 (1987), 60-72
Bartlett, David L., "A Biblical Perspective
on Homosexuality", Foundations: Baptist Journal of History
and Theology 20 (1977), 133-46 ABSTRACT: The article suggests
a broader biblical perspective on the issue of homosexuality than
the usual exegetical arguments over texts which make explicit
reference to homosexual behavior. It first looks at those biblical
passages which deal with homosexuality and suggests that none
provides an adequate guide for understanding the issue today.
Then Paul's epistle to the Galatians is taken as an example of
the way in which the mode of Pauline argument and the more pervasive
themes of Paul's theology provide a more adequate way of understanding
the issue.
Barnett, Walter, Homosexuality and the Bible
: an interpretation, Wallingford, PA : Pendle Hill Publications,
Bartlett, David, "A Biblical Perspective of
Homosexuality", Foundations 20:2 (April-June 1977)
Barton, John, "The place of the Bible in moral
debate", Theology 88 (May 1985), 204-209
Becker, Juergen, "Zum Problem der Homosexualitaet
in der Bibel", Zeitschrift fuer Evangelische Ethik,
31:1 (1987), 36-59
Brawley, Robert L., ed., Biblical Ethics and Homosexuality,
(Louisville KY: Westminister John Knox Press, 1996)
Cohen, Martin Samuel, "The biblical prohibition
of homosexual intercourse", Journal of Homosexuality,
19:4 p3-20
Cole, William Graham, Sex and Love in the Bible,
(New York :Julian, 1956)
Chapter 10 on homosexuality. A real nasty one this.
The Bible condemns, but gay people are also psychologically sick.
Edwards, George R, Gay/Lesbian Liberation: A Biblical
Perspective, (New York: The Prilgrim Press, 1984)
Attempts to apply a Liberation Theology perspective
to the issue.
England, The Rev. Michael E., The Bible and Homosexuality,
4th ed, (Gaithersburg MD: Chi-Rho Press, 1994, 1st ed. 1979)
This is produced by the Metropolitan Community Church.
England discusses how to approach the Bible as a source of faith
and revelation. Although he addresses all the standard "proof
texts", he refuses to be bound to these few verses. Rather,
somewhat effectively, he sets them in the context of overall biblical
interpretation, without resorting to special-pleading. Indeed
he argues that wielders of proof-texts against gays have the real
interpretative problem.
Feinberg, Paul D., "Homosexuality and the Bible" Fundamentalist Journal 4 No 3 p17-19 March 1985
Furnish, Victor P., "The Bible and homosexuality",
in Homosexuality; ed by L Smith, 1981 p6-21
Evaluates the texts, and sees ways of pro-gay reading.
Furnish, Victor Paul, "The Bible and Homosexuality:
Reading the Texts in Context", in John Carey, ed., The
Homosexuality Debate in North American Churches, 1988-1993: Controversies,
Unresolved Issues. Future Prospects, (Lewiston NYL Edwin Mellen
Press, 1994), rewritten and reprinted in Jeffrey S. Siker, ed., Homosexuality in the Church: Both Sides of the Debate,
(Louisville KY: Westminster John Knox Press, 1994), 19-37
Goldingay, John E., "Divine ideals, human stubbornness,
and scriptural inerrancy", Transformation: an International
Dialogue on Evangelical Social Ethics 2 No 4 October-December
1985, 1-4
Grippo, Dan, "The Vatican can slight Scripture
for its purpose", in The Vatican and Homosexuality;
ed by J Gramick and P Furey. 1988, 33-39
Hays, Richard B., "Awaiting the Redemption of
Our Bodies: The Witness of Scripture Concerning Homosexuality", Sojourners 20 (July, 1991), 17-21, repr. in Jeffrey S.
Siker, ed., Homosexuality in the Church: Both Sides of the
Debate, (Louisville KY: Westminster John Knox Press, 1994),
See also Hays article under "New Testament".
Hays supports a conservative reading of all the texts, except
Genesis 19, and uses the story of a gay friend with AIDS to attack
the gay community.
Helminiak, Daniel, What the Bible Really Says
about Homosexuality, (San Francisco: Alamo Square Press, 1994)
Gay Roman Catholic priest and biblical scholar summarizes
and presents in easily digestible form for the non-expert the
findings of Boswell, Scroggs and Countryman. Also cites Hays,
Peteren, and Wright [all in this bibliography].
Hindson, Edward E. , "The inerrancy debate and
the use of scripture in counseling", Grace Theological
Journal 3 No 2 p207-219 Fall 1982
ABSTRACT: To side-step the crucial implications
of the current inerrancy debate, many evangelicals have tried
to suggest that the controversy is nothing more than a semantical
battle of terminologies and definitions. In this article, the
inerrancy debate is viewed as it affects the role of pastoral
counseling. In particular, the author examines the issues of
"Christian" feminism and homosexuality, concluding
that a weak view of the scripture will always lead to a weak
view of morality. Serious problems result from allowing cultural
hermeneutics to redefine clear biblical revelation. [j].
Hirs Franz Joseph, "Homoseksualiteit en theologie:
een oversicht over de afgelopen tien jaar", Tijdschrift
voor theologie 22 (1982), 178-98
Homosexualitaet, Zeitschrift fuer Evangelische
Ethik 31:1 p6-108 1987
'Homosexualitaet und Bible; von eimen katholischen
Geistlichen", JFZ 4 (1902), 199-243
By an anonymous Catholic religious, this publication
in the academic jouranl of the early German gay rights movement
goes over the usual "proof texts" and argues they are
not anti-gay.
Homosexuality controversy, One World No 111
p20 December 1985
"Homosexuality: biblical guidance through a
moral morass", Christianity Today 24 p12-13 April
18 1980
Horner, Tom, Sex in the Bible, (Rutland VT:
Charles E. Tuttle, 1974)
Hynson, Leon O. (ed.) ; Scott, Lane A. (ed.), Christian
ethics: an inquiry into Christian ethics from a biblical theological
perspectiv, (Warner Pr 1983) Contents: Introduction,
L Hynson and L Scott. The ethics of the Old Testament, V Hamilton.
New Testament ethics, R Wall. Counterforce: a review of Wesley's
ethics, J mercer. Christian perfection as love for God, W Johnson.
Abortion, H Kuhn. Homosexuality, W Sailer. Divorce and the remarriage
of divorced persons, L Scott. The economy of God and the ecology
of the Church, H Snyder. The Church: tomorrow's people for today's
world, B Callen. The ordered state and Christian responsibility,
L Hynson. A Christian view of the arts, R Thompson.
Ide, Arthur Frederick., Zoar & her sisters
: homosexuality, the Bible, and Jesus Christ, (Oak Cliff,
Tex. : Minuteman Press, 1991)
Jensen, Joseph, "Human sexuality in the scriptures",
in Human sexuality and personhood; by J Gill, et al 1981
Johnson, Paul R., Homosexuality and the Biblical
Texts; new version of Gays and the Bible. newly expanded
and updated and includes all those passages and interpretations
used to keep gays out of the mainstream churches.
Kinlaw, Dennis F., "A biblical view of homosexuality",
in The secrets of our sexuality; ed by G R Collins 1976
Kotva, Joseph J., "Scripture, ethics, and the
local church: homosexuality as a case study.", The Conrad
Grebel Review 7 p278-280 Fall 1989
Lance, H. Darrell, "The Bible and homosexuality", American Baptist Quarterly 8 p140-151 June 1989
Linscheid, John, "Our story in God's story:
reading the Bible with gay eyes", The Other Side 23
p32-35+ July-August 1987
Mollenkott, Virginia R., Women, Men, and the Bible;
Mount, Eric, and Joanne W. H. Bos, "Scriptures
on Sexuality: Shifting Authority", Journal of Presbyterian
History 59 (Summer 1981), 219-42 ABSTRACT: The article determines
what views of biblical authority have informed statements concerning
human sexuality by the General Assemblies of the United Presbyterian
Church, USA and the Presbyterian Church, US between 1930 and 1980.
Using five positions on biblical authority delineated by a 1980
Presbyterian Panel questionnaire, the survey of Assembly studies
and stands finds that the Bible has been increasingly viewed as
inspired, yet thoroughly human and as trustworthy in ethics though
not in science. Although the possibility that "portions of
the Bible, including some of its theological and ethical positions,
may not be the inspired Word of God" has been entertained
by some studies (for instance those on homosexuality), no adopted
positions have taken that line. The authors finally raise a question
concerning the adequacy of options concerning biblical authority
which merely quibble over how much of the biblical content to
make prescriptive instead of stressing a living dialogue of the
contemporary community of faith with the whole of scripture through
the life-giving spirit.
Muehl, William, "The gay cause and the biblical
faith", Christianity and Crisis 39, July 23 1979,
- Novak, D., `Before Revelation: The Rabbis, Paul,
and Karl Barth.' Journal of Religion 71, 1. 1991. Pp. 50-66.
- Antigay voice.
Olson, Mark, "Untangling the web: a look at
what Scripture does and does not say about homosexual behavior", The Other Side No 151 p24-29 April 1984
Orr, Kenneth; Ross, Michael W.," Homosexuality
in clinical and biblical context", Journal of Christian
Education Papers 69 p37-48 December 1980
Patai, Raphael, Sex and Family in the Bible and
the Middle East, (Garden City NY: Doubleday, 1959)
Uses modern reports to interpret the Bible. An illegitmate
assumption of continuity is made. Pp. 168-176 deal with homosexuality.
Pennington, Sylvia, Good News for Modern Gays
: a Pro-Gay Biblical Approach, (Hawthorne, CA : Lambada Lite
Productions, Lambda Christian Fellowship, c1985)
Pope, Marvin, "Homosexuality" in Interpreter's
Dictionary of the Bible, Supplementary Volume, (Nashville",
Abingdon Press, 1976), 415-17
Ridd, Carl, "Homosexuality and the Bible" Touchstone: Heritage and Theology in a New Age 6 p44-48
May 1988
Ridderbos, Simon Jan, Der homosexuelle Naechste,
(Hamburg: Fusche Verlag, 1963),
See "Bibel und Homosexualitat", 50-73
Schoeps, Hans-Jaochim, "Homosexualitat und Bibel", Zeitschrift fuer evangelische Ethik 6 (1962), 369-74
One of the first people to look at the issue.
Soards, M., "The Biblical Understanding of Homosexuality", ReNews 4:1 (Feb 1993), 6/1-6/4, repr. wwith minor changes
in Presbyterian Outlook 175:18 (10 May 1993), 8-15
Sheppard, Gerard, T., "The Use of Scripture
within the Christian Ethical debate Concerning Same-Sex Oriented
Persons", Union Theological Seminary Quarterly Review 40 (1985), 13-55
Siker, Jeffrey S. "How to Decide? Homosexual
Christians, the Bible and Gentile Exclusion", Theology
Today July 1994
The author is a Presbyterian Asst. Prof. of Theology
at Loyola Marymount University. He proposes two models by analogy
for considering the Christian view of homosexuality. The traditional
view is analogized to alcoholism, in the sense that one is dealing
with an aspect of fallen humanity in which an individual's predisposition
is genetic, and the question is one of behavior. The modern (for
lack of a better term) view is that one is dealing with a problem
similar to that which the first Jewish Christians had in accepting
Gentiles into the church. There is an interesting argument that
Paul condemned only certain forms of exploitive forms of homosexual
behavior, and not homosexuality per se [comment by Harmon Dow
Smith, Leon, ed, Homosexuality: in search of a
Christian understanding: Biblical, theological, ethical and pastoral
care perspectives, Discipleship Resources 1981 55P
Contents: Introduction, by L Smith. The Bible and homosexuality,
by v furnish. Theological/ethical perspectives on homosexuality,
by J Logan. Pastoral care and homosexuality, by D Switzer. A
model for thinking theologically about homosexuality, by M Millard.
Spong, John S. Rescuing the Bible for Fundamentalists,
(San Francisco: HarperSanFranciso, 1991)
The Anglican bishop of Newark looks, inter alia,
at issues of the Bible and homosexuality. Suggest St. Paul was
a repressed homosexual
Springett, Ronald M., "Homosexuality in History
and the Scriptures: Some Historical and Biblical Perspectives
on Homosexuality", reviewed by Matthews, Temple G, III, Military
Chaplains' Review p92-93 Spring 1990
Streecker, Georg, "Homosexualitat in biblischer
Sicht", Kerygma und Dogma 28 (1982), 127-41
Condemned in Bible, but Bible cannot erase God's
judgement and grace. ABSTRACT: Homosexuality, forbidden in the
OT, was widespread in the ancient world and could be looked upon
as a characteristic element of pagan immorality. Though overcomeby
baptism (1 Cor 6 11), it was still a problem within and therefore
attacked by NT communities. Today, the biblical prohibition of
homosexuality must not be repeated legalistically, but has to
be reflected upon in iew of God's judgment and grace. The question
of whether a homosexual person may have access to a pastoral or
pedagogical position should be answered within the context of
agape and righteousness. [ed fr j].
Sweetin, Ellen M., Called out of our closets :a
lesbian/gay biblical ethic of liberation, Thesis 1986. GTU
Swidler, Leonard, Biblical Affirmations of Women,
(Philadelphia: Westminster, 1979),
Look especially at pp. 118-123 for a discussion
of the story of Ruth and Naomi.
Taylor, G. Rattray, "Historical and Mythological
Aspects of Homosexuality" in Judd Marmor, ed., Sexual
Inversion: The Multiple Roots of Homosexuality, (New York:
Basic Books, 1965), 140-64
Treese, Robert L., Homosexuality: a contemporary
view of the Biblical perspective; prepared for the Consultation
on Theology and the Homosexual ; sponsored by Glide Urban Center
and the Council on Religion and.Homosexuality, (San Francisco,
Calif. : Glide Urban Center, 1966?), repr. in Sally Gearhart and
William R. Johnson, eds., Loving Women/Loving Men: Gay Liberation
and the Church, (San Francisco: Glide Publications, 1974),
Very early study sponsored by the Clerical organization
wihc was so important in early San Francisco gay activism.
Truluck, Rev. Rembert , Invitation To Freedom:
Bible Studies in Personal Evangelism; A guidebook to accompany
the enclosed brochure The Bible as Your Friend: A Guide for
Lesbians and Gays.
This book provides tips on personal evangelism, using the enclosed
brochure as a resource, and including chapters on a number of
Bible passages that explain and encourage the work of the Great
Commission for everyone.
Von Rohr, John. Homosexuality: Biblical and theological
perspectives; a paper for the Pacific Coast Theological Group.
[n. p.] 1965. Papers (Pacific Coast Theological Society)
Weber, Joseph C., "Does the Bible Condemn Homosexual
Acts?", engage/social action 3:5 (May 1975), 28-31,
34-35, repr. in INTREGRITY: Gay Episcopal Forum, Vol 1:8
(June-July 1975), 5-6
Westermarck, Edward, The Origin and Development
of Moral Ideas, 2d ed, (London: Macmillan, 1917)
Chaoer 43 on "Homosexual Love".
White, Andrew Dickson, A History of the Warfare
of Science with Theology in Christendom, (New York: D. Appleton,
1890), 2 vols.
Capter 18 (vol 2: 209-63), shows that the Sodom
story is without historical basis, but is a myth arising from
the geography of the Dead Sea region.
Willcoxx. R.R., 'Venereal Diseases in the Bible", British Journal of Venereal Diseases 25 (1949), 28-23
Suggests such diseases may be background to Job
and Romans 1:26.
Wilkening, Norma; others, "Tracing a biblical
sex ethic" The Christian Century 97 p20-27 January
2-9 1980
Wink, Walter, "Biblical Perspectives on Homosexuality", Christian Century 96:36 (Nov 7 1979), 1082-86 ABSTRACT:
There is no biblical sex ethic. The Bible knows only a love ethic,
which is constantly being brought to bear on whatever sexual
mores are dominant in a given country, culture or period.[Excerpt].
Wood, Robert W. , "Homsexual Behavior in the
Bible", ONE Institute Quarterly 5:1 (1962), 10-19
Woogon, Harry A., "A Biblical and Historical
Study of Homosexuality", Jouranl of Religious Health 20 (1981), 156-73 ABSTRACT: This study is a synthesis of biblical
and historical material regarding the place of homosexuality in
the Christian churches. The author argues that all sexual activity,
both hetero-sexual and homosexual in orientation, should be judged
appropriate for Christians when it is a responsible, mutually
respectful and loving act between adult persons that is intended
to enhance the building and maintaining of whole persons. Therefore,
if a person is in all other ways qualified for membership and
its contingent responsibilities in the Christian community (or
any other community), his or her sexual orientation and behavior
should not be a barrier.
Wright, David F., "Homosexuality: the relevance
of the Bible", The Evangelical Quarterly 61 (October
1989), 291-300
B: Jewish Scriptures (Old Testament)
[Standard commentaries on the various books of
the Jewish Bible are not cited here. Clearly further research
requires that such volumes be consulted.]
Alpert, Rebecca T., "In God's image: coming
to terms with Leviticus", in C. Balka, ed. Twice Blessed:
On Being Lesbian, Gay, and Jewish, (1989), 61-70
Astor, Michael, "Tamar the Hierodule", Journal of Biblical Literature 85 (1966), 185-96
Argues the "kedeshim" were indeed male
cult prostitutes.
Barton, George A, "Sodom", in James Hastings,
ed., Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics, (New York: Charles
Scribner's and Sons, 1921), Vol 10, p672
Early denial of homosexual interpretation of Sodom
Bird, Phyllis A., "Genesis 1-3 as a Source for
a Contemporary Theology of Sexuality", Ex Auditu 3
(1987), 31-44
Brunner, Hellmut, "Gen 19 und das "Frauenverbrechen"", Biblische Notizen: Beitraege zur exegetischen Diskussion,
no 44, 1988, 21-22
Comstock, Gary David, "Jonathan as covenant
maker and nurturer" (title inexact) in Michael L. Stemmeler,
& Jose Ignacio Cabezon, eds., Religion, homosexuality,
and literature, (Las Colinas, Tex. : Monument Press, 1992)
A paper which focuses on the role of Jonathan in
the story of David and Jonathan. Jonathan has often been dismissed
as an uninteresting character, but Comstock argues that this misses
several important aspects of Jonathan's role.
"David und der heilige Augustin, zwei Bisexuelle", JFZ 2 (1900), 288-94
Early German discussion of David's bisexuality,
along with St. Augustine's.
De Young, James B., "The contributions of the
Septuagint to biblical sanctions against homosexuality", Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society, 34 p157-177,
June 1991
De Young, James B., "A critique of prohomosexual
interpretations of the Old Testament apocrypha and pseudepigrapha", Bibliotheca Sacra, 147 October-December 1990, 437-454
Douglas, Mary, Purity and Danger, (London:
Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1966)
Vastly influential book by an anthropologist who
examined the Levitical code and argued that it is a purity code.
She explores what this means. See Countryman for one use of her
Edwards, George R., "A Critique of Creationist
Homophobia", in Richard Hasbeny, ed., Homosexuality and
Religion, (New York: Harrington Park Press, 1989), book format
of the Journal of Homosexuality 18:3/4 (1989/90), 93-118
Looks at issues arrsign from Genesis 1-3
Engelsing, Rolf, Wie Sodom und Gomorrha : d. Zerstorung
d. Stadte, (Berlin : Mann, 1978)
Epstein, Louis M., Sex Laws and Customs in Judaism,
rev. ed., (New York: KTAV, 1967)
Not sympathecti to gays, but good on the history
of prohibtions. Stresses that "to'evah" ('abomination')
is related to idolatry.
Fields, Weston W., Sodom and Gomorrah : tradition,
motif, and message : a traditio- literary study of Genesis 19
and related Biblical narratives, (Israel : h. mo. l., 1992,
Thesis (Ph. D.)--ha-Universitah ha-Ivrit bi-Yerushalayim, 1992)
Gaiser, Frederick J., "Homosexuality and the
Old Testament", Word & World: Theology for Christian
Ministry 10 Spring 1990, 161-165
Gangel, Kenneth, The Gospel and the Gay, (Nashville:
Nelson, 1978)
Sees homosexuality as "tragic". Mainly
looks at the Old Testament (Jewish Scriptures),
Goldberg, Jonathan, ed., Reclaiming Sodom,
Collection of articles on the use of the term Sodom,
mostly in European literature, but also looking at Islam. First
article addresses Sodom as a biblical nexus.
Graves, Robert and Raphael Patai, Hebrew Myths:
The Book of Genesis, pb. (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1966).
Tells Genesis stories usiing *all* theavailable
historical material.
Hay, Henry, "The Moral Climate of Canaan at
the Time of the Judges", ONE Institute Quarterly 1
(Spring 1958), 8-16 and 2 (Summer 1958), 50-59
By one of the founders of the modern gay movement.
Hoffner, Harry A., "Incest, sodomy and bestiality
in the ancient Near East", in Orient and Occident: essays
for C H Gordon; ed by H Ahoffner, 1973 81-90
Horner, Tom, Jonathan Loved David: Homosexuality
in Biblical Times, (Philadelphia: Westeminster, 1978)
Long and thorough discussion of all the important
Biblical texts. Argues that David did love Jonathan. Horner holds
a Ph.D. from Columbia and Union Theological Seminary and is an
Anglican priest.
Hunter, W. F., Journal of Psychology and Theology 8 p81
Spring 1980
Furnish, Victor, Perkins Journal 32 p48-49 Fall 1978
Barre, M. L., The Catholic Biblical Quarterly 41 p463-465
July 1979
Ide, Arthur Frederick., Gomorrah & the Rise
of Homophobia, (Las Colinas : Liberal Press, 1985)
This author publishes a great deal of what look
like relevent material, but does not seem to be reffered to by
other authors.
Ide, Arthur Frederick., The City of Sodom &
Homosexuality in Western Religious AThought to 630 CE, (Dallas
: Monument Press, 1985)
Ide, Arthur Frederick., Noah and the Ark: The
Influence of Sex, Homophobia and Heterosexism in the Flood Story (1992)
Johnson, Paul, Homosexuality and the Biblical
Texts, (?:?, 1994) , revised version of Gays and the Bible
Kyle, Melvin Grove, Explorations at Sodom : the
story of ancient Sodom in the light of modern research, (New
York : Arno Press, 1977, 1928., reprint of the 1928 ed. published
by F. H. Revell Co., New York).
Linscheid, John, "Prophets in our midst (reflection
on Ezekial, homosexuality, and "being prophetic", The
Other Side 27:50-54 (January-February 1991)
Loader, J. A., A Tale Of Two Cities : Sodom And
Gomorrah In The Old Testament, Early Jewish And Early Christian
Traditions, (Kampen : J.H. Kok Pub. House, 1990)
Martin, Damien, "The Perennial Canaanites: the
Sin of Homosexuality", Etc 41 (1984), pp. 340-361
Niditch, Susan, "The `Sodomite' Theme in Judges
19-20: family, Community, and Social Disintegration", Catholic
Biblical Quarterly 44 (1982), 365-78
Oswalt, John N., "The Old Testament and Homosexuality"
in Charles W. Keysor, ed., What Your Should Know About Homosexuality,
(Grand Rapids MI: Zondervan, 1979), 69-71
Parker, Simon B., "The Hebrew Bible and Homosexuality", Quarterly Review, 11:3 (1991),
Phillps, Antony, "Uncovering Father's Skirt". Vetus Testamentum 30 (1980), 38-43
On Deut. 23:16, Lev 18:7 and Gen 9:20 ff - sees
them as prohibitions against sones seducing fathers. ABSTRACT:
Deut 23:1b is not to be interpreted in the light of Deut 23:1a.
It is drafted not as an explanation of the prohibition of marriage
with a step-mother, but as a separate command, and laws do not
repeat themselves. It prohibits some kind of sexual immodesty
or act with one's father and is a deliberate enactment of the
Deuteronomist being part of his anti-Canaanite material, for
it reflects Ham's immodest treatment of Noah (Gen 9:20ff). It
was added at the head of the list of prohibited sexual relations
in Lev 18:7ff which the Canaanites, the former inhabitants of
the land, were held to have committed (Lev 18:24ff) because no
relationship was more abhorrent to the Israelites than that associated
with Ham, father of Canaan.
Roth, Wolfgang, "What of Sodom amd Gemorrah?
Homosexual Acts in the Old Testament", Explor 1:2
(Fall, 1975), 7-14
Makes good use of Mary Douglas' appraoch to the
Stager, Lawrence E., "Eroticism and infanticide
at Ashkelon", Biblical Archaeology Review 17 p34-43,45-53,72
July-August 1991
Stott, John R.W., "Homosexual Partnerships?",
in Involvement, vol 2. Social and Sexual Relationships
in the Modern World, (Old Tappan NJ: Revell, 1985)
Thompson, J.A., "The Significance of the word
`love' in the David-Jonathan Narratives in 1 Samuel", Vetus
Testamentum 24 (1974), 334-38
Thurston, Thomas, "Leviticus 18:22 and the Prohibition
of Homosexual Acts", in Michael L. Stemmeler, & J.
Michael Clark, eds. Homophobia and the Judaeo-Christian tradition,
(Dallas : Monument Press : Distributed by Publishers Associates,
1990), 7-23
Ukleja, P. Michael, "Homosexuality and the Old
Testament", Biblia sacra 104 (1983), 259-66
Wood, Robert W., "Homosexual Behavior in the
Bible", ONE Institute Quarterly 5:1 (1962), 10-19
Sees both David and Jonathan, and Ruth and Naomi
stories as probably homosexual.
Yamauchi, Edwin M. "Was Nehemiah the Cupbearer
a Eunuch?",Zeitschrift fuer die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 92:1 (1980) 132-142
[Abstract from database]. According to Neh 1:11
Nehemiah was a cupbearer to the Persian king. Extrabiblical texts
and artistic representations reveal the importance of this office.
From a variety of argument, chiefly references in Ctesias, most
scholars have concluded that Nehemiah was probably a eunuch. A
critical examination of these arguments, however, reveals that
many of them are untenable or less than convincing. Though Nehemiah
may have been a eunuch, we cannot assert that this was more than
a possibility.
C: New Testament
Allison, Dale C. "Eunuchs Because of the Kingdom
of Heaven (Matt 19-12)", TSF Bulletin 8: 2 November-December
1984, 2-5
Argues that the original meaning of the Lord's words
in Matt 19:12 is to be gained through 1) knowledge of the status
and classification of eunuchs in ancient Judaism; 2) awareness
of the existence of a common proverbial sentence pattern (see,
for example, Prov 20:15; 27:3; 30:33; Matt 8:20; 12:25-26) and
3) reflections on the polemical context of Jesus' ministry. All
this leads to the conclusion that Matt 19:12 was the carefully
formulated response to the derogatory jeer that Jesus was a eunuch".
Borg, Marcus, "Homosexuality and the New Testament",
Bible Review, 10:6 (1994)
Brooten, Bernadette J, "Paul's Views on the
Nature of Women and Female Homoeroticism", in Clarissa W.
Atkinson et al, eds, Immaculate and Powerful: The Female in
Sacred Image and Social Reality, (Boston: Beacon Press, 1985)
Brooten, Bernadette J., "Patristic interpretations
of Romans 1:26", in Studia Patristica 18: 1, (1985),
Coffin, William Sloane, "Homosexuality; text:
Acts 10:1-20", Church and Society, 73 No 2 p14-19
November-December 1982
Cote, Pierre-Rene, "Les eunuques pour le Royaume", Eglise et Theologie (Ottawa) 17:3 (1986) 321-334
Countryman, L. William, Dirt, Greed & Sex:
Sexual Ethics in the New Testament and Their Implications for
Today, (Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1988)
Countryman, L. William, The Bible and Sex: How
St Paul Faced New Moral Questions, (Cinncinnati: Forward
Movement Publications, 1989)
Pamphlet which examines 1 Corinthians 7, and suggests
that St. Paul's approach was complex and non-dogmatic.
Craddock, Fred, "How does the New Testament
deal with the issue of homosexuality?", Encounter (Indianapolis), 40 p197-208 Summer 1979
Devor. Richard, C., "Homosexuality and St. Paul", Pastoral Psychology 23 [no. 224] (Mar 1972), 50-58
De Young, James B., "The meaning of "nature"
in Romans 1 and its implications for biblical proscriptions of
homosexual behavior", Journal of the Evangelical Theological
Society, 31, December 1988, 429-441
Doughty, Darrell, "Homosexuality and Obedience", Church and Society 67:5 (May-Jun 1977), 12-23
Insists on looking at theology, not a new New Testament
law for answers.
Eron, Lewis J., "Early Jewish and Christian
attitudes toward male homosexuality as expressed in the Testament
of Naphtali", in Homophobia and the Judaeo-Christian tradition;
ed by M Stemmeler 1990, 25-49
Furnish, Victor Paul, The Moral Teaching of Paul;
Selected Issues, 2nd ed. (Nashville:Nelson, 1985)
Pp 52-83 sees St. Paul as condemning "exploitative
Hays, R.B., "Relations Natural and Unnatural:
A Response to John Boswell's Exegesis of Romans I", Journal
of Religious Ethics 14 (1986), pp. 184-215
Widely cited attack on one aspect of Boswell's argument.
Criticised by William Countryman in Dirt Greed and Sex .
Ide, Arthur Frederick, Battling with beasts :
sex in the life and letters of St. Paul : the issue of homosexuality,
heterosexuality, and bisexuality, (Garland, Tex. : Tangelwuld
Press, 1991)
Jeremias, Joachim, "Zu Rm I 22-32", Zeitschrift
fuer die nuetestamentliche Wissenschaft 45 (1954), 119-121
Johansson, Warren, "Whoever Shall Say to His
Brother Racha (Matthew 5:22)", Cabirion and Gay
Books Bulletin 10 (1984), 2-4
Argues that "racha" is a loan word meaning
"passive" effeminate homosexual. Since "moros"
(which means "fool") can also mean "active"
homosexual, Johansson is arguing here that Jesus is saying something
like 'Don't call your brother "queer" or "faggot"'.
Johnson, Luke Timothy, "Scripture and Spirit", Commonweal 121:2 (Jan 28 1994), 11-14
Sole "pro-gay" voice in an infamous Commonweal special on homosexuality whihc had no lesbian or gay contributor.
Concludes by asking "are there narratives of homosexual holiness
to which we must begin to listen?'
Kahler, Else, "Exegese zweier neutestamentlicher
Stellen" in Theodor Bovet, ed., Probleme der Homophilie
in medizinischer, theologischer und juristischer Sicht, (Bern:
Haupt, 1695), 12-43.
Looks at Romans 1:18-32 and I Cor 6:9-11.
Krauss, Samuel, Das Leben Jesu nach juedishen
Quellen, (Berlin: S. Calvary, 1902)
Mentions sources for a combat in the air betweem
Jesu and Judas in which Judas sodomizes his opponent! pp. 8, 268
Linscheid, John, ed., Christians and Homosexuality
- A Discussion of Biblical and Ethical Issues, 2nd ed., (Philadelphia:
the Other Side, 1990)
O'Donovan, Alice, "Lesbian and gay: the gospel
and the church", in Theology and identity; ed by D
Johnson, 1990, 164-170
Petersen, William L."Can arsenokoitai be translated
by "homosexuals" (1 Cor 6:9; 1 Tim 1:10)", Vigilae
Christianae: A Review of Early Christian Life andLanguage 40:2 June 1986, 187-191
Petersen, William L., "On the Study of "Homosexuality"
in Patristic Sources", Studia Patristica 20 (1989),
Criticises both Boswell and David Wright [misnamed
as "John Wright"] on the issue of "arsenokoitai",
especially Wright's defence of the RSV translation as "homosexuals".
Argues that the word does not mean "all male-male sexual
acts", although he does a general Christian aversion to all
Robin Scroggs, The New Testament and Homosexuality:
Contextual Background for Contemporary Debate, (Philadelphia:
Fortress Press: 1983)
reviewed by:-
Blair, R., in Review: Quarterly of Evangelicals
Concerned 8 (Fall 1983)
Blair, R., The Other Side 149 (February
1984), 50
Boswell, John, in The Journal of Religion 67:3 (July 1987), 365
Brooks, Oscar S., in Pastoral Psychology 34:4 (Summer 1986), 288-290
Charles, Howard H., in The Conrad Grebel Review 5 (Fall 1987), 272-274
Countryman, L. William, in Anglican Theological
Review 67 (January 1985), 100-101
Greenfield, Guy, in Southwestern Journal of Theology 27:2 (Spring 1985), 68-69
Guinan, M. D., in Biblical Theology Bulletin 14 (October 1984), 168-169
Hanigan, J. P., in Horizons: the Journal of the
College Theology Society 11 (Spring 1984), 203-204
Hanson, John S., in Journal of Ecumenical Studies 22 (Winter 1985), 148-149
Horner, T., in Saint Luke's Journal of Theology 27 (March 1984), 147-148
Houlden, J. L., in The Expository Times 95
(February 1984), 154-155
Jennings, J. A., in The Christian Century 101 (May 23 1984), 556-557
Jewett, Paul K., in Interpretation: A Journal
of Bible and Theology 39 (April 1985), 208-210
Malina, Bruce J., in The Catholic Biblical Quarterly 47 (January 1985), 173-174
Omanson, R. L., in Review and Expositor: A Baptist
Theological Journal 81 (Winter 1984), 142-143
Timm, R. E. in Dialog 23 (Summer 1984), 226-228
Wall, R., in TSF Bulletin 8:2 (November-December
1984), 24-25
Wright, D. F., in Scottish Journal of Theology 38:1 (1985), 118-120
Rossman, Parker, Sexual Experience Between Men
and Boys: Exploring the Pederast Underground, (New York; Association
Press, 1976)
Looks, inter alia, at background of Roman pederesty
to certain NT passages.
"St Paul speaks: "no" to gays", Christianity Today, 22 p65-67 May 19 1978
Smith, Don, Early Christianity and 'the homosexual':
a postscript to a blasphemy trial and a challenge to Mrs Whitehouse
(in 'measured tones'), (London: Quantum Jump Publications,
Response to Mary Whithouse, a British anti-gay and
anti-sex activist, who brought a successful "blasphemous
libel" prosecution against "Gay News" in the mid
1970's over its publication of a poem by James Kirkup in which
a soldier fantasises about having sex with the dead Christ.
Smith, Morton, Clement of Alexandria and a Secret
Gospel of Mark, (Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1973)
Tries to show a gospel fragment about Jesus' nocturnal
initiation of a young man.
Smith, Morton, The Secret Gospel: The Discovery
and Interepretation of the Secret Gospel of Mark, (New York:
Harper and Row, 1973)
Smith, Morton, "Clement of Alexandria and the
Secret Mark: The Score at the End of the First Decade", Harvard
Theological Review 75 (1982), 449-61
Reviews ten years of controversy.
Tarachow, Sidney, 'St. Paul and early Christianity:
A Psychoanalytic and Historical Study", in W. Muensterberge,
ed., Psychoanalysis and the Social Sciences, (New York:
International Universities press, 1955), vol 4: 223-81
Argues that Paul had a need for male companionship
and that his life and ethcis bear "a strong latent homosexuality."
Ukleja, P. Michael, "The Bible and homosexuality,
pt 2: homosexuality in the New Testament", Bibliotheca
Sacra 140 October-December 1983, 350-358
Tiede, David L., "Will idolaters, sodomizers,
or the greedy inherit the kingdom of God? A pastoral exposition
of 1 Cor 6:9-10", Word & World: Theology for Christian
Ministry 10, Spring 1990 147-155
Vischer, Lukas, Die Auslegungsgeschicte von I
Kor 6, 1-11: Rechtsverzicht und Schlichtung, Beitaege zur
Geschichte der neutestamentlichen Exegese 1, (Tuebingen: J.C.B.
Mohr, 1955)
Wengst, Klaus, "Paulus und die Homosexualitaet:
uEberlegungen zu Roem 1:26f" Zeitschrift fuer Evangelische
Ethik 31:1 p72-81 1987
Wright, David F., "Homosexuals or Prostitutes?
The Meaning of Arsenokoitai (1 Cor 6:9, 1 Tim 1:10", Vigiliae
Christianae 38 (1984) 125-53
Serious attack on Boswell's argument that this word
does not mean "homosexual". Wright, a conservative evangelical
historian at the University of Edinburgh, notes he origin of the
word in the Greek of the Septuagint of Leviticus 18:22. Boswell
responds in Same-Sex Unions. When Wright first presented these
ideas, which are significant, at a University of Edinburgh Faculty
Synposium, he began by making a series of homophobic jokes about
Boswell's use of the word "gay". ABSTRACT: This article
[attempts to] shows that John Boswell's claim (Christianity, Social
Tolerance and Homosexuality, 1980) that arsenokoitai means male
prostitutes, not male homosexuals, is groundless. The word probably
originated in Hellenistic Judaism, based on the very close parallel
in Lev 18:22, 20:13 LXX. Levitical influence apparently underlies
its use in Or.Sib. 2:73. Evidence is adduced from the early NT
versions, occurences in early Christian literature, where it
often parallels paidophthoria, and the linguistic structure of
this and similar compounds.
Wright, David F., "Translating arsenokoitai
(1 Cor 6:9; 1 Tim 1:10)", Vigilae Christianae 41:4
(1987), 396-398
Wright, David F., "Early Christian Attitudes
to Homosexuality", Studia Patristica 18:3 (1989)
Critic of Boswell, again. Calls Ausonius a "half-baked
Christian. quite.
Zaas, Peter, "Was Homosexuality Condoned in
the Corinthian Church?", in P. J. Achtemeier, ed., Society
of Biblical Literature 1979 Seminar Papers, (Missoula: SBL,
1979), vol 2, 205-12
Looks at comparative material from ancient texts.
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