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People with a History: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Trans* History Sourcebook

Homosexuality and Catholicism Bibliography:
Section V: Lesbian and Gay Theological Issues

© Paul Halsall

A: Homosexuality and Theology

"A New Theology of Sex:", Harper's Aug 1988; 277:1659 p. 28-31

[Abstract from electronic database]:An excerpt from the Episcopal Church Center sees sexuality as a gift from God.

Ansaldi, Jean. "Entre l'interdit et la complicite: la place de l'homosexualite dans l'ethique chretienne", Etudes theologiques et religieuses 62:2 (1987)

Acevedo Marrero, Carlos A. (Carlos Anibal), Cristianismo y homosexualidad : una perspectiva puertorriquena, (Vega Alta, P.R. : C.A. Acevedo Marrero, 1992)

Aerwyn, Tom, "Law Morality and Religion in a Christian Society", Religious Studies 20 (March 1984), 70-98

"Anniversary Waltz", Commonweal Jul 15, 1988; 115:13 p. 387-388

[Abstract from electronic database]:The encyclical "Humanae vitae" caused Catholics to question the Church's whole teachings on marriage and sexuality. The Church failed to develop a fuller understanding of the subjects and lost control of the moral ground.

Arthur, Robert L. Homosexuality and the Conservative Christian, (Los Anegeles: Universak Fellowship Press, 1982)

By a member of the Metropolitan community Church.

Barnhorn, J.A.J. et al., Het vrangstuk der homosexualitat, (Roermund: Romen, 1941)

Papers from a largely negative Dutch Roman Catholic conference held just after the start of World War II.

Batchelor Jr., Edward, ed., Homosexuality and Ethics, (New York: The Pilgrim Press, 1980)

Selections from a variety of authors, inlcuding Aquinas, Barth, Pittenger and Ruether.

reviewed by:-

Jones, C. R., in Saint Luke's Journal of Theology 24 (September 1981), 295-296

Bajema, C. E., in Calvin Theological Journal 17 (November 1982), 248-252

Scroggs, R. in Chicago Theological Seminary Register, 73:3 (Fall 1983), 47

Mollenkott, V. R., in The Christian Century, 97, (May 21 1980), 585-586

Baum, Gregory, "A letter from the Pope", Canadian Forum Dec 1993; 72:825 p. 21-24

[Abstract from electronic database]:Pope John Paul II's encyclical, "Veritatis splendor," which deals with ethics or moral theology, has a disciplinary purpose. The letter alerts Catholic bishops to the "crisis" within the Church, namely the ever growing dissent of the faithful and of moral theologians with the Church's official ethical teaching on sexuality.

Baumann Paul, "An Incarnational Ethic: Listening to One Another", Commonweal 121:2 (Jan 28 1994), 17-22

Longest article in an infamous Commonweal special on homosexuality which had no openly lesbian or gay contributors. Baumann, associate editor of Commonweal. Argumen is that "Catholicism teaches that the conjugal act, by its very nature, both unites man and wife [sic] and ties sexual love to procreation. Homosexual acts, by definition and in principle, sever the connection between sexuality and procreation. Can that be reconciled to Catholicism's sacramentalization of sexual love in marriage? I Don't think so. Such a development seesm beither likely nor sound. Nor can I envision how it might be made theologically coherent". Earlier on, and unsurpringly, Baumann had said "Appeals to experience...will not suffice".

Benson, E.O.D., In Defense of Homosexuality, Male and Female: A Rational Evaluation of Social Prejudice, repr. as What Every Homosexual Knows, (New York: Julian Press, 1965)

Secular discussion and argument that homosexuality is ethically correct.

Berliner, Arthur K., "Sex, sin, and the church: the dilemma of homosexuality", Journal of Religion and Health 26 (Summer 1987), 137-142

Blair, Ralph, ed. Homosexuality and Religion, (New York : National Task Force on STudent Personnel Services and Homosexuality, 1972)

Four papers from various traditions.

Blair, Ralph, Holier-than-Thou: Hocus Pocus and Homosexuality, (New York : the author, 1977)

Blair, Ralph, An Evangelical Look At Homosexuality, rev. ed. (New York : Homosexual Community Counseling Center, 1977, 1972), originally published as the Gay Evangelical in Homosexuality and Religion (No. 13) in the Otherwise Monograph series

Blamires, David, "Recent Christian perspectives on homosexuality: the context for the debate", in Towards a theology of gay liberation; ed by M Macourt (London: SCM, 1977), 9-23

Blix, D.S., "Homosexuality and the American Churches", Integrity Forum 8:2 (May June, 1979), 1-7

Blueher, Edward, ed. Die Aristie des Hesus von Nazareth: Philosophische Grundlegung der Lehre und Erscheinung Christi, (Prien: Kampmann unds Schnabel, 1921)

Early German views.

Bochmuehl, Klaus, "Homosexuality in Biblical Perspective", Christianity Today 17 (Feb 16, 1973), 12-18

Interview with Helmut Thielke - see below for his book.

Boyd, Malcolm, "Was Jesus gay?", Advocate: Dec 4, 1990; :565 p. 90

[Abstract from electronic database]:The subject of Jesus's sexuality is discussed. Denying Jesus' sexuality has led the church to create an unholy abyss between the human body and the soul.

Browing, Don. S., "Homosexuality, Theology, the Social Sciences and The Church, Encoounter 40 (1979), 223-43

Looks at statements by RC Church, Disciples of Christ and The UCC.

Browning, Don, "Rethinking Homosexuality", The Christian Century, 106 p911-916 October 11 1989

Brussard, A.J.A. et al, Een mens hoeft niet alleen te bleven: een evangelische visie op homofilie, (Baarn: Ten Have, 1977)

Burr, Chandler, "Homosexuality and Biology", The Atlantic Monthly 271:3 (March 1993), 47-63, repr. in Jeffrey S. Siker, ed., Homosexuality in the Church: Both Sides of the Debate, (Louisville KY: Westminster John Knox Press, 1994), 116-136

Caffarra, Carlo, Declaration on certain questions concerning sexual ethics, Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, 1975, and commentaries, (ashington DC: United States Catholic Conference 1977) Contents: Declaration on Certain Questions Concerning Sexual Ethics [document]. Commentaries: The Church and the moral order, Carlo[K Caffarra. Human and Christian values of sexuality, Philippe Delhaye. The Christian view of sexuality, Salvatore Garofalo. Liberating truths, Raimondo Spiazzi. The instincts of love, Jerome Jejeune. Sexuality and asceticism, Guzman Carriquiry. Premarital relations and the moral norm, Paolo Sardi. Reflections on the points concerning homosexuality, Domenico Capone. Autoerotism, Miguel Benzo. Christian holiness and chastity, Barnabas Mary Ahern. Moral doctrine is indispensable, Hermann Volk. Comments and polemics on the declaration "Persona Humana", Raimondo Spiazzi and Jan Visser.

Cahalan, John C., "The Liberal case Against Gay and Lesbian Rights: Enabling Children to Find Long-Term Happiness", New Oxford Review Dec 1994, 8-15

Only "liberal" if you count persecuting utilitarianism as a "liberal" philosophy. This article argues that the law should attempt to keep gay people closeted as open homosexuality will invite more people to try it. This is a problem for the author as he proposes that only in marriage can most people find happiness. He argues that marriage, seeming a weak institution for one based on "universal natural law", will fall unless society promotes only sex in heterosexual marriage as the "norm".

Cahill, Lisa Sowle, "Moral Methodology: A Case Study", Chicago Studies (1980), 171-87, repr. in Robert Nugent, ed., A Challenge to Love: Gay and Lesbian Catholics in the Church, (New York: Crossroad, 1987), and as "Homosexuality: A Case Study in Moral Argument" in Jeffrey S. Siker, ed., Homosexuality in the Church: Both Sides of the Debate, (Louisville KY: Westminster John Knox Press, 1994), 61-75

In 1994 reprint, Cahill qualifies some of her earlier statements which had been taken too negatively.

Cahill, Lisa Sowle, "Sexual issues in Christian Theological Ethics", Religious Studies Review 4 (1978), 1-14

Looks over 1970's scholarship.

Cahill, Lisa Sowle, Between the Sexes: Foundations for a Christian Ethics of Sexuality, (Philadelphia: Fortress, 1985)

Cahill, Lisa Sowle, "Catholic sexual ethics and the dignity of the person: a double message", Theological Studies 50 March 1989, 120-50

Cahill, Lisa Sowle, "Sex and Gender: The Universal Catechism's Presentation America Mar 3, 1990; 162:8 p. 197-200+

[Abstract from electronic database]:The proposed "Catechism for the Universal Church" tries to uphold high ideals of sex and marriage as part of a total communion of persons, but seems uninterested in a dialogue about the value of the Catholic vision with the Catholic Church as a whole.

Cahill, Lisa Sowle, Women and sexuality, (New York : Paulist Press, 1992)

Cahill, Lisa Sowle, "Abortion, sex and gender: The church's public voice", America May 22, 1993; 168:18 p. 6-11

[Abstract from electronic database]:The Catholic "message" on issues of abortion and sexuality is discussed. Catholicism's ambivalence about both sex and women cripples its call to", Americans to support the unborn.

Carey, Jonathan Sinclair, "D S Bailey and "the name forbidden among Christians"", Anglican Theological Review, 70 p152-173 April 1988

Carey, John, ed., The Homosexuality Debate in North American Churches, 1988-1993: Controversies, Unresolved Issues. Future Prospects, (Lewiston NYL Edwin Mellen Press, 1994)

Capone, Domenico, "Reflections on the points concerning homosexuality", in Declaration on sexual ethics; by C Caffaro, et al, 1977 p97-106

Christian 4:2 (Annuciation, 1977), special volume devoted to homosexuality.

Christianity and Crisis 37:9 & 10 (May 30 & June 13, 1977), special volume devoted to homosexuality.

Clark, J. Michael, , A Place To Start : Toward An Unapologetic Gay Liberation Theology, (Dallas : Monument Press, 1989)

Clark, J. Michael, Defiant Celebration
A companion piece to A Place To Start, he calls for a tolerance among believers.

Clark, J. Michael, A Lavender Cosmic Pilgrim: Further Ruminations on Gay Spirituality, Theology, & Sexuality, (Garland, TX : Tangelwuld Press, 1990)

Clark, J. Michael, "Prophecy, subjectivity, and theodicy in gay theology: developing a constructive methodology", in Constructing gay theology; ed by M Stemmeler and J Clark, 1990 p27-44

Clark, J. Michael . Beyond Our Ghettos : Gay Theology in Ecological Perspective, (Cleveland, Ohio : Pilgrim Press, 1993)

Clark, J. Michael, Gay Affirmative Ethics
The latest volume in the Gay Men's Issues in Religious Studies series, leads the way into a new direction in Gay theology. No more homosexual apologetics, but Gay being and theologizing are at the center of its concern. The essays in this volume enter into a conversation about critical themes for Gay ethics in Buddhism and Judaism, in the HIV/AIDS complex, and with regard to male socialization.

Clark, J. Michael, Gay Being, Divine Presence: Essays in Gay Spirituality (The Ganymede Papers)
Michael Clark analyzes the writing of major American theologians as they apply to gay people, and offers constructive criticism on the role organized religion must take in meeting the tragedy of AIDS.

Clark, J. Michael, Theologizing Gay
The author argues that theology (the study of GOD) was never meant to be the monopoly of priests or pastors; instead, faith, worship and salvation are the rights of everyone. This includes the right of people to love and be loved as Jesus did. The author concludes that as long as homophobia exists within the ranks of the religious, faith will be nothing more than a public exercise---never a truly inward conversion.

Cleaver, Richard, Know My Name: A Gay Liberation Theology, (Louisville KY: Westminster John Knox, 1995)
An effort to apply the insights of liberation theology to gay male Christians.

Coffin, William Sloane, "Homosexuality revisited: whose problem", Christianity and Crisis, 41, p290,300-302 November 2 1981

Coffin, William Sloane, "Some issues for the 80's" Thesis Theological Cassettes, 11 No 10 November 1980

Coleman, Gerald D., Homosexuality - An Appraisal, (Chicago: Franciscan Herald, 1978)

Favors civil rights, but calls homosexuality a moral disorder/

Coleman, Gerald, "The Vatican Statement on Homosexuality", Theological Studies 48 (1987), 727-34

Coleman, John, "Revolution homosexuaelle et hermeneutique", Concilium 193 (June 1984), 95-110, trans as "The homosexual revolution and hermeneutics", in The sexual revolution; ed by G Baum and J Coleman, 1984 p55-64

Coleman, John A., "The unanswered questions", In The Vatican and Homosexuality; ed by J Gramick and P Furey, 1988 p59-65

Coleman, Peter, Christian Attitudes to Homosexuality, (London: SPCK, 1980)


Sheehan, M. M., in The Journal of Ecclesiastical History, 33 July 1982, 438-446

Mathers, J., in Theology, 84 March 1981, 154-156

Atkinson, D., in The Expository Times, 92 p156 February 1981

Keeling, M., in Scottish Journal of Theology, 35:6 p550-551 1982

Comstock, Gary David, "Theological and ethical implications of homophobic violence", in Homophobia and the Judaeo-Christian tradition; ed by M Stemmeler 1990 p95-114

Comstock, Gary David, ed. Religion, homosexuality, and literature, (Las Colinas, Tex. : Monument Press, 1992)

Comstock, Gay David, Gay Theology Without Apology, (Cleveland, OH: The Prilgrim Press: 1993)
Comstock is a UCC minister and chaplain at Weslyan University. These essays are thoroughly pro-gay and he is willing to attack Biblical homophobia. Inter alia, there are interesting discussions of Biblical bias, Leviticus as a harsh book, Jonathan and David, and so on.

Cook, E. David, "Homosexuality: a review of the debate", Churchman: Journal of Anglican Theology, 94 No 4 p297-313 1980

Cooper, Wilmer A. (ed.) ; Fraser, Bob (ed.), Sexual ethics: some Quaker perspectives, Quaker Theological Discussion Group 1990

Contents: Sexual ethics in the restoration, B Richmond. Response, B Fraser. Sexuality and spirituality: the dance of life, M Graham. Response, L Mammel. Sex, society, and Quaker theology, R Pitman. Response, J Shafer. Without apology: reflections on Quaker theology and sexual morality, H Pyper. Response, H Lape.

Curran, Charles, A New Look a Christian Morality, (Notre Dame IN: Fides, 1968)

Curran, Charles, Contemporary Problems in Moral Theology,(Notre Dame IN: Fides, 1970)

Curran, Charles, "Homosexuality and Moral Theology: Methodological and Substantive Considerations", The Thomist 35:3 (July 1971), 447-81

Curran, Charles, Catholic Moral Theology in Dialogue, (Notre Dame IN: Fides, 1972)

Curran, Charles E., "Moral Theology and Homosexuality" in Jeaninne Grammick, ed., Homosexuality and the Catholic Church,(Mt. Ranier, MD: New Ways Ministry, 1983)

Curran, Charles E., "Moral Theology and Homosexuality" in Critical Concerns in Moral Theology, (Notre Dame, IN : University of Notre Dame Press, 1984

Curran, Charles E., Toward An American Catholic Moral Theology, (Notre Dame, IN : University of Notre Dame Press, 1987)

Curran, Charles E, "Roman Catholic Sexual Ethics: A Dissenting View", Christian Century Dec 16, 1987; 104:38 p. 1139-1142

[Abstract from electronic database]:The official teachings of the Roman Catholic Church on sexuality are called to question. It is recommended that the church become more liberal in accepting the sexual behavior of varioous Catholics.

Curran, Charles E., Tensions in moral theology, (Notre Dame, Ind. : University of Notre Dame Press, 1988)

Curran, Charles E., "Catholic social and sexual teaching: a methodological comparison", Theology Today 44 January 1988, 425-440

Curran, Charles E.,The Living Tradition Of Catholic Moral Theology, (Notre Dame, Ind. : University of Notre Dame Press, 1992)

Curran, Charles E., Faithful Dissent

Dallas, Joe, Desires in conflict, (Eugene, OR : Harvest House Publishers, 1991)

Daly Anthony C., in The Thomist, 56, (1992).
A study of Aquinas' views on homosexuality, and specifically on whether Aquinas understood or would have understood the concept of homosexual orientation, and whether he did or would have regarded such an orientation as disordered.

Day, David, Things they never told you in Sunday school : a primer for the Christian homosexual, (Austin : Liberty Press, c1987)

"Debate on homosexuality: we vote for change", Christianity and Crisis, 37, p114-144 May 30-June 13 1977

Contents: Continuing the discussion: "Homosexuality and the church", by John W.Espy and James B.Nelson; The struggle in the denominations: Shall gays be ordained? By Tracy Early; Homosexual counseling as a learning ministry, by Peggy Way; Woman, lesbian, feminist, christian, by Nancy E.Krody; The dynamics of sexual anxiety, by James Harrison; At St. Luke's Parish: The peace of Christ is not for gays,by Louie Crew.

Derrick, Christopher, "Our Great Blind Spot", America May 30, 1987; 156:21 p. 437-439+

[Abstract from electronic database]:The inordinate attention given to the morality of sexuality by the Catholic church, and the ignoring of the morality of violence by the same, are given historical perspective in a discussion.

Doughty, Darrell J., "Homosexuality and obedience to the gospel", Church and Society, 67 p12-23 May-June 1977

Doherty, Denis, eds., Dimensions of Human Sexuality, (Garden City NY: Doubleday, 1979)

A reaction to the Catholic Theological Association report edited by Kosnik.

Dominian, Jack, The Church and the Sexual Revolution, (London: Darton, Longman and Todd, 1973)

Dominian, Jack, Proposals for a New Sexual Ethic, (London: Darton, Longman and Todd, 1977)

Dominian, Jack and Hugh Montefiore, God, Sex and Love
From an Anglican and a Roman Catholic, originally presented as the Margaret Harris lectures on religion at the Univ. of Dundee, Scotland, this book provides the differences of opinion and strong disagreements over what is sexually moral. (This title must be checked to see if it is positive or negative!)

Douma, Jochen, Homophilie, 5th ed. (Kampen: Uitgeverij van den Berg, 1984)

Dutch Reformed view.

Drakeford, John W., A Christian View of Homsoexuality, (Nashville: Broadman, 1977)

Baptist view.

"Issues in sexual ethics" in Duffy, Martin (ed.), United Church People for Biblical Witness 1979

Dynes, Wayne R., and Stephen Donaldson, eds., Homosexuality and religion and philosophy, (New York : Garland, 1992)

Durand, Guy, La sexualité et la foi: synthèse de théologie morale, (Montreal: Foides, 1983)

See chapter 10 on homosexuality.

Dwyer, John C., Human Sexuality: A Christian, (1989)


Gudorf, Christine, Cross Currents Summer 1989; 39:2 p. 213-217

Eichrodt, Walther, "Homosexualitat: Andersartigkeit oder Perversion", Reformatio (Zurich) 12 (1963) 67-82

Discusses Helmut Thielicke's book - see below

Eichrodt, Walther, et al., Homosexualitat in evangelischer Sicht, (Wuppertal: Aussaat-Bucherie, 1965)

Four German Protestant papers.

Ellison, Marvin M. "Theology born in resistance", Christianity and Crisis, 49 p185-186 June 12 1989

Engler, Robert Klein, Stings of the Flesh: The Christian Homosexual
A Penetrating and erudite assessment of the congruence of homosexuality and Catholicism.

explor Vol 1: 2 (Fall 1975) - entire issue on homosexuality.

Farley, Margaret, "An Ethic for Same Sex Love" in Robert Nugent, ed., A Challenge to Love: Gay and Lesbian Catholics in the Church, (New York: Crossroad, 1987)

Fairbanks, Rollin J., "A Christian view of homosexuality", The Journal of Pastoral Care, 3 No 2 p14-16 1949

Fassnacht, Dieter, "Sexuelle Abweichungen", in Handbuch der christlichen Ethik, Bd 2; ed by A Hertz, et al, 1978 p177-194

Fede cristiana ed omosessualità, (Prali, Italy: Edizioni Centro Ecumenico di Agape, 1981)

Acts of a conference held in 1980 on Christianity and homosexuality.

Feinberg, Paul D.; others [Homosexuality: a Christian response; 4 papers], Fundamentalist Journal 4 No 3 p17-27 March 1985
Contents: Homosexuality and the Bible, by P D Feinberg. Counseling homosexuals, by P D Meier. Such were some of you: a Christian response to homosexuals, by M Braun. Helping children grow up straight, by G A Rekers.

Fisher, David H. "The homosexual debate: a critique of some critics", Saint Luke's Journal of Theology 22 June 1979, 176-184

Fowler, Richard A.; House, H. Wayne, Civilization in Crisis: A Christian Response to Homosexuality, Feminism, Euthanasia, and Abortion,
Eichman, Phillip in Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith: Journal of the American Scientific Affiliation 41 September 1989, p.188

Fox, Thomas, Sexuality and Catholicism, (New York: George Braziller Publishers, 1995)

Foster, Richard J., "Can homosexual behavior be Christian? Probably not", Daughters of Sarah 14 p8+ September-October 1988

Foster, Richard J., "God's gift of sexuality: celebration and warning in the context of faith", Sojourners 14 No 7 p15-19 July 1985

Fuliga, Hose B., "Christian Moral Theological Reflections on the Ethical Issue of Homosexuality", South East Asia Journal of Theology 16:2 (1975), 40-44

Gaiser Frederick J. (ed.), "Sex, intimacy, and limits", Word & World: Theology for Christian Ministry 10 Spring 1990, p114-169 Contents: Sexuality, intimacy, and boundaries, by R Martinson Marriage as a Christian calling, by R Benne. Homosexuality: a pastoral perspective, by W Hulme. Public and private, strong and weak, by T F Lull. Will idolaters, sodomizers, or the greedy inherit the kingdom of God? by D L Tiede. Biblical perspectives on sexuality, by D Jacobson. Homosexuality and the Old Testament by F J Gaiser. Homosexuality and Christian tradition, by D Juel. Gallagher, Rapheal

Gallagher, John, Homosexuality and the Magisterium : documents from the Vatican and U.S. bishops, 1975-1985, (Mt. Rainier, Md. (4012 29th St., Mt. Rainier 20712): New Ways Ministry, c1985).

Anthology of 20 complete or excerpted statements from Roman congegations, National conferences, individual bishops and diocesan organizations. Contributor's include Bashop Francis Mugavero (Brooklyn), Arcbishop John Raoch, Cardinal Humberto Medeiros, Archbishop John Quinn (San Francisco), Archbishop Rembert Weakland (Milwaukee), Bishop Walter Sullivan, Bishop Stanilaus Brzana, Archbishop James Hickey (Washington DC), Archbishop John Whealon, Cardinal Joseph Bernardin, as well as the RC Diocese of Baltimore, Washington State Catholic Conference, San Francisco Senate of Priests, Massachussetts RC Bishops, the National Conference of Catholic Bishops, and two vatican congregations.

Genovesi, Vincent, In Pursuit of Love: Catholic Morality and Human Sexuality, (Wilmington DE: Michael Glazier, 1987)

By a Jesuit priest.

Gill, J., "Homosexuality Today", Human Development 1 (Fall 1980), 16-25

By a Jesuit.

Ginder, Richard, Binding with Briars: Sex and Sin in the Catholic Church, (Englewood Cliffs NJ: Prentice Hall, 1975)

Radical critique by a well-known Catholic writer. Approves of masturbation and homosexuality.

Gordon, Kevin, "The sexual bankruptcy of the Christian traditions: a perspective of radical suspicion and of fundamental trust", in AIDS issues: confronting the challenge; ed by D Hallman, 1989 p169-212

Goss, Robert, Jesus Acted Up: A Gay and Lesbian Manifesto, (San Francisco: HarperSanFrancisco, 1993)

Radical gay theology, wanting to look to Christ the Liberator.


Stuttaford, Genevieve, "Nonfiction -- Jesus Acted Up: A Gay and Lesbian Manifesto by Robert Goss", Publishers Weekly May 31, 1993; 240:22 p. 36

Chase, Elise, "Religion -- Jesus Acted Up: A Gay and Lesbian Manifesto by Robert Goss", Library Journal May 15, 1993; 118:9 p. 72

Gottschalk, Johannes, "Pastorale Betrachtungen und moraltheologische Ueberlegungen zur Frage der Homosexualitat", in W.S. Schlegel, ed., Das grosse Tabu, (Munich: Ruetten und Loening, 1967), 120-46

Grammick, Jeaninne, Homosexuality and the Catholic Church,(Mt. Ranier, MD: New Ways Ministry, 1983)

A collection of essays by both gay and straight theologians, some addressing traditional moral theology, others addressing liberation and feminist theology. The article writers are both religious, and gay theologians (Gramick is a S.S.N.D., sociologist - lesbian specialization)

Grammick, Jeaninne and Pat Furey, eds., The Vatican and Homosexuality: reflections to the "Letter to the Bishops of the Catholic Church on the Pastoral care of Homosexual Persons", (New York: Crossroad, 1988)
Text of the 1986 letter plus extensive commentary and discussion by a number of lesbian. gay and straight writers.

Griffin, Leslie, "Book Reviews", America Mar 11, 1989; 160:9 p. 227-229
Williams, Bruce, The Thomist: A Speculative Quarterly Review 54 p160-164 January 1990
Weagraff, John, Journal of Ecumenical Studies 26 p555-556 Summer 1989
Rigali, Norbert J., Horizons: The Journal of the College Theology Society 16 p191-192 Spring 1989

Grammick, Jeaninne and Robert Nugent, Voices of Hope: A collection of Positive Catholic Writings on Gay and Lesbian Issues,(Mt. Ranier, MD: New Ways Ministry, 1995) From Blurb: This collection of documents, which represents the best of the Catholic intellectual and moral tradtions, is evidence of pastoral sensitivity, am openness to new data from the sciences, a respect for the experiences of people, and a willingness to employ methologies which could lead to a development of magisterial teaching.

Greene, Michael et al., The Church and Homosexuality: A Positive Answer to Current Questions, (London: Hoddr and Stoughton, 1980)

Attack on the CoE 1979 report on homosexual relationships.

Griffin, Emilie, "Sexism, Sin, & Grace: Responses to the Bishops' Letter", Commonweal Jun 17, 1988; 115:12 p. 364

[Abstract from electronic database]:The greatest value of the bishops' letter is its rejection of aggression, power, dominance, and control in regard to women. There is also a recognition of the goodness of human sexuality.

Guidon, Andre, The Sexual Language: An Essay in Moral Theology, (Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press, 1976)

Homosexuality, pp. 299-377

Guindon, Andre, "Homosexualites et methodologie ethique", Eglise et Theologie (Ottawa) 17 January 1986, p57-84

Guidon, Andre, "Homosexual Acts or Gay Speech", in Jeaninne Grammick and Pat Furey, eds., The Vatican and Homosexuality: reflections to the "Letter to the Bishops of the Catholic Church on the Pastoral care of Homosexual Persons", (New York: Crossroad, 1988), 208-215

Hanigan, James P., Homosexuality : The Test Case For Christian Sexual Ethics, (New York : Paulist Press, 1988)


Cahill, Lisa Sowle in Theological Studies 49 p787-788 December 1988

Grenz, Stanley J., in Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith: Journal of the American Scientific Affiliation 42 p131 June 1990

Vacek, Edward V., inThe Journal of Religion 69 p610 October 1989

Rigali, Norbert J. in Horizons: The Journal of the College Theology Society 16 p191-192 Spring 1989

Muyskens, J. David in Reformed Review 42 p255-256 Spring 1989

Greenfield, Guy, in Southwestern Journal of Theology 32 p70 Fall 1989

Portaro, Sam A., in The Christian Ministry 20 p34-36 September-October 1989

Graham, William C, National Catholic Reporter Sep 9, 1988; 24:40 p. 12-13

Saxon, Randall Lee, Library Journal Jun 1989; 35:10 p. 134

Cooper, Eugene J. in Louvain Studies 14:1 p65-66 1989

Guindon, Andre, in Eglise et Theologie 20:1 p141-144 1989

Haag, Herbert, "Neues zur Homosexualitaet", Theologische Quartalschrift 167:1 p56-57 1987

Haas, Harold L., "Homosexuality", Currents in Theology and Mission 5:2 (April 1978), 82-104

Lutheran view in favourof stable gay relationships.

Harris, Peter E. B., "Speaking the truth in love", iIn The Vatican and Homosexuality; ed by J Gramick and P Furey, 1988 p112-118

Hartfeld, Hermann, Homosexualitat im Kontext von Bibel, Theologie und Seelsorge, (Wuppertal : R. Brockhaus, 1991)

Harvey, John F., "Homosexuality", in The New Catholic Encyclopedia, Vol 7, 117-119 (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1967)

Harvey's article shows that he has not changed his views in the past thirty years. Since this encyclopedia is so widely available in college libraries (in most respects it is excellent), his work here has probably done maximum damage.

Hasbeny, Richard, ed., Homosexuality and Religion, (New York: Harrington Park Press, 1989)

Book format of edition of the Journal of Homosexuality 18:3/4 (1989/90) devoted to this issue. Contents: Preface. Homosexuality: Protestant, Catholic, and Jewish issues; a fishbone tale, R Nugent and J Gramick. Judaism and homosexuality: the traditionalist/progressive debate, Y Kahn. No longer invisible: gay and lesbian Jews build a movement, A Cooper. A critique of creationist homophobia, G Edwards. Discourses of desire: sexuality and Christian women's visionary narratives, E Matter. Aliens in the promised land?: keynote address for the 1986 National Gathering of the United Church of Christ's Coalition for Lesbian/Gay Concerns, G Comstock. A bonding of choice: values and identity among lesbian and gay religious leaders, C Fischer. Psychodynamic theory and pastoral theology: an integrated model, M Garanzini. Pastoral counseling and homosexuality, J Struzzo. [Originally published as Journal of Homosexuality, vol 18, nos 3/4, 1989/90. Indexed in, vol 23].

Haughton, Rosemary, "Cultural imperatives, taboos, and the Gospel alternative" in The Vatican and Homosexuality; ed by J Gramick and P Furey, 1988 p201-207

Hays, Richard B. `Awaiting the redemption of our bodies.' Sojourners. July 20, 1991. Pp. 17-21.

Heyward, Carter, Our Passion for Justice: Images of Power, Sexuality and Liberation, (New York: The Pilgrim Press, 1984)

Heyward, Carter, The Redemption of God: A Theology of Mutual Relation, (Washington, DC: University Press of America, 1984)

Heyward, Carter, Touching Our Strength: The Erotic as Power and the Love of God, (San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1989)

Heyward, Carter and Ellen C. Davis, eds., Speaking of Christ : A Lesbian Feminist Voice, (Pilgrim Press, 1989)
Heyward asks questions about what, whom, and how we love, and what, whom, and how we refuse to love. She pushes the reader to find what among, between, and within us is christic: most fully human and most fully divine. Heyward invites a faithful, radical response to issues which are at the heart of our social, political, personal, and spiritual quandaries.

Heyward, Carter, and Mollenkott, Virginia Ramey, "Church needs new sexual ethic", The Witness 74 (1991): 20-23

Hiltner, S., "Homosexuality and the Churches", in Judd Marmor, ed., Homosexual Behavior: A Modern Reappraisal, (New York: Basic Books, 1980)

"Homosexuality: A Reexamination: E/SA Forum 60", Engage/Social Action 8:3 (March 1980), 9-56

Hoyt, Robert G., "Sex: How Odd of God--The Apparatus & the Ethic Illustration", Commonweal Jul 15, 1988; 115:13 p. 389-390

[Abstract from electronic database]:The anniversary of "Humanae vitae" prompts the author to muse on how the Catholic Church has misinterpreted the sexual act. The current Bishop's letter doesn't really address the issue of sexuality within marriage at all.

Hudson, Billy., Christian homosexuality, (North Hollywood, Calif. : Now Library Press, 1970)

Hunt, Mary, Fierce Tenderness: Towards a Feminist Theology of Friendship, (San Francisco:: Harper & Row, 1989)

Hyde, Clark; Hyde, Janet S, "Homosexuality and the theological uses of social science: a response to Ruth Tiffany Barnhouse", Anglican Theological Review 59 April 1977, 187-190

Jaudon, Brian, "From debate to dialogue: church struggle to address homosexuality and sexual ethics", Sojourners 20:32-35 July 1991

Jeeves, Malcolm (ed.), Behavioural sciences: a Christian perspective, (Inter-Varsity Pr 1984) Contents: Preface, M Jeeves. Christian belief, experience and practice in the light of expanding psychological knowledge, M Jeeves. Brain science and human responsibility, D MacKay. Genes and morals, R Berry. Drug use and abuse, D Vere. Social psychology and Christian faith, D Myers. Behaviour modification, J Court. Homosexuality: a scientific and Christian perspective, J Court. Sensitization techniques and interpersonal relations, G Stanley. Conscience and guilt, R Markillie. Models of pastoral care: medical, psychological and biblical, M Barker. The impact of psychological research on Christian educators: with special reference to the work of Ronald Goldman, R Murphy. Index.

Jennings, Theodore W., "Homosexuality and Christian faith: a theological reflection", The Christian Century 94 p137-142 February 16 1977 ABSTRACT: Sexual life style and sexual preference are not morally neutral but morally ambiguous - that is, heavy with the perils of temptation at the same time that they are, or may be, the good gifts of creation [excerpt].

Jersild, Paul T. (ed.) ; Johnson, Dale A. (ed.), Moral issues and Christian response, (Holt, Rinehart and Winston 197)

Jersild, Paul, "A response to the symposium", Dialog 26 p306-307 Fall 1987

Johnston, Maury, Gays Under Grace: A Gay Christian's Response to Homosexuality
This book is an aggressive attack upon the anti-gay ideology of "Falwellian" fundamentalism as well as an objectively critical review of various life-styles among some gay Christians which only tend to give more credence to the extremist accusations that all gays are immoral and perverted.

Jones, Joe R., "Christian sensibility with respect to homosexuality", Encounter (Indianapolis) 40 p209-221 Summer 1979

Jones, Stanton L., "Homosexuality According to Science".Christianity Today. Aug. 18 1989 v 33:11

Does new evidence about homosexuality mandate a change in the church's historic stance?

Jones, Arthur, "Offshore Moral Theology, or Era of the 'Flying Dutchman", National Catholic Reporter Sep 28, 1990; 26:42 p. 15

[Abstract from electronic database]:A lecture on the Vatican document "Gaudium et Spes," with an emphasis on marriage and family teaching, is discussed. It is said that there is no dialogue between bishops or theologians who could contribute to the evaluation of life issues, like sex and birth control, and the Vatican that is following decades-old documents to judge the value of such issues or ignoring the issues.

Journal of Christian Education 59 (September 1977)

Issue devoted to Christian education and sexuality.

Juel, Donald H., "Homosexuality and church tradition" Word & World: Theology for Christian Ministry 10 , Spring 1990, 166-69

Kaufman, Philip S., Why You Can Disagree and Remain A Faithful Catholic, new. Ed. (1995)

Kelsey, Morton T., "The Homosexual and the Church" in Michael J. Taylor, ed., Sex Thoughts for Contemporary Christians, (Garden City NY: Doubleday, 1972), 221-43

Kelsey, M., "Homosexuality and the Church: Theological Issues", Reflections 80:3 (1983), 9-12

Kelsey, M. and B. Kelsey, Sacrament and Sexuality, (Warwick NY: Amith House, 1986)

Kent, Michael; others, "Homosexuality", Christianity Today 24 June 6 1980, 8-9

Keysor, Charles W, ed., What You Should Know About Homosexuality, (Grand Rapids MI: Zondervan, 1979)

Six conservative Methodist papers.

Kleinig, John, "Reflections on homosexuality", Journal of Christian Education Papers 59 p32-57 September 1977
ABSTRACT: Three labels applied to homosexuality and homosexual behaviour are discussed: perversion, sin, crime. A detailed analysis of the concept of perversion is provided, and the criteria for its application in sexual contexts are discussed. Recent philosophical literature on the topic is taken into account. It is argued that the difficulties in providing criteria for its application are sufficiently formidable to make its association with homosexuality risky. In considering the question of sinfulness, relevant biblical texts and implicit bi blical arguments are discussed, it being concluded tha there appears to be a c onsistent opposition to homosexual practices within the biblical writings, thi s opposition basing itself on a certain conception of the "created order". Var ious arguments for maintaining the criminal status of homosexual practices are discussed and rejected.

Koertege, Noretta, ed., Philosophy and Homosexuality, (New York: Harrington Park Press, 1983), also pub. as Journal of Homosexuality 6:4 (Summer 1981)

Four papers addressing sociobilogical issues by Michael Ruse, Lynda I.A. Birke, John P. DeCecco and Frederick Suppe.

Kopp, Lillanna, "A problem of manipulated data ", in The Vatican and Homosexuality; ed by J Gramick and P Furey, 1988 p40-47

Kosnik, Anthony, et al, Human Sexuality: New Directions in American Catholic Thought: A Study Commissioned by the Catholic Theological Society of America, (New York: Paulist Press, 1977)
Important overview by professional Catholic thrologians in the US. Does not see homosexuality as perfect. Sees Sodom story as nothing to do with homosexuality, but historically much more important than either Leviticus 18 or Romans 1 in influenciing the tradition. In "Pastoral Guidlines" looks at some forms of acceptance. See Doherty above for a book written in rebuttal.

Kreeft, Peter John, "Homosexuality: A Search for some common sense ", NC Register 68:5 N 15 1992

Krody, N.E., 'Human Sexuality and the Christian Churches", Ecumenical Trends 8:9 (1979), 129-35

LaMacchia, Jim, "The morality of homosexual acts: a reconsideration", Saint Luke's Journal of Theology 34 December 1990, 19-27


Lawrence, Irene, "Can homosexual behavior be Christian? Yes, if", Daughters of Sarah 14 p9+ September-October 1988

Lewis, Dean H., "Homosexuality: resources for reflection", Church and Society 67 p3-40 & 59-79 May-June 1977
: A newly revealed Christian experience, by C.Glaser; Homosexuality and obedience to the Gospel, by D.J.Doughty; The active homosexual lifestyle and the church, by R.F.Lovelace; Ordination and ministry, by UPCUSA General Assembly; Diversity and inclusiveness: theological notes, by R.M.Brown; What we don't know about homosexuality, by R.E.Gould; Homosexuality and the family, by H.Hendin; Homosexuality: some neglected issues, by J.W.Turnbull.

Logan, James C., "Theological/ethical perspectives on homosexuality", in Homosexuality; ed by L Smith 1981 p22-33

Looser, Gabriel, Homosexualitat: menschlich - christlich - moralisch, (Frankfurt: P. Lang, 1985)

By a Roman Catholic theologian

Lovelace, Richard, "Homosexuality and the church"


Hollinger, D. in Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 23 p78-79 March 1980

Murray, S. W., in The Evangelical Quarterly 53 p189-190 July-September 1981

McBrien, Richard, Catholicism, rev ed., (New York; Harper, 1994)

Excellent overview - well over 100o pages - of Roman Catholic faith and history. Much more broadly balanced than any official work, and useful to refer intelligent inquirers towards.

McCaffrey, Joseph Anthony., Homosexuality. Toward a moral synthesis. Pontificia Studiorum Universitas a Sancto Thoma Aquinate in Urbe. (Rome: Catholic book agency, 1969)

McCarthy, Colman, "Pope's new encyclical has little to do with real world", National Catholic Reporter Oct 29, 1993; 30:2 p. 22

[Abstract from electronic database]:The Pope's Veritatis Splendor is discussed. The encyclical reviews the Catholic Church's stand on birth control, homosexuality, masturbation and premarital sex.

McCourt, Malcom, ed., Towards a Theology of Gay Liberation, (London: SCM Press, 1977)
A series of articles, with some very angry arguments between contributors, on gay theology.

Contents: Recent Christian perspectives on homosexuality - the context for the debate, David Blamires. Towards a theology of gay liberation - the framework for the debate, by Malcolm Macourt. Biblical roots of homophobia, Rictor Norton. Old Testament scholar replies, James Martin. The gay challenge to traditional notions of human sexuality, Jim Cotter. What it means to be human, by Norman Pittenger. Gay liberation in relation to Christian liberation, Giles Hibbert. A Christian basis for gay relationships, Michael Keeling.

McNeill, John, "The Christian Male Homosexual", Homiletic and Pastorial Review 70 (1970), 667-77, 747-58, 828-36

McNeill, John, The Church and the Homosexual 4th ed., (Boston: Beacon, 1993, first ed. 1976)
Classic work by a former Jesuit priest, and a former frequent celebrant with Dignity/NY. Looks at scripture, moral theology, and pastoral ministry to lesbian and gay people. The fourth edition (1993), and the revised introduction include an analysis of the 1992 Republican Party Convention, along with analyses of recent documentation from the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF - Vatican).

McNeill, John, "Homosexuality, lesbianism, and the future: the creative role of the gay community in building a more humane society" in A challenge to love; ed by R Nugent 1983 p52-64

McNeill, John J, "Homosexuality: Challenging the Church to Grow Illustration", Christian Century (Mar 11, 1987), 104:8, 242-246, repr. in Jeffrey S. Siker, ed., Homosexuality in the Church: Both Sides of the Debate, (Louisville KY: Westminster John Knox Press, 1994), 49-60

[Abstract from electronic database]:The role of the church and clergy in ministering to homosexuals is discussed. Information is given that should give every Christian community serious reasons to reconsider its understanding of homosexuality.

McNeill, John, Taking a Chance on God: Liberating Theology for Gays, Lesbians and Their Lovers, Families and Friend, (Boston: Beacon, 1988)

Dignity/New York members recognised much in this book from Fr. McNeill's poweful sermons their over the years. Argues that both tradition and Scripture support same-sex love and a positive gay identity is compatible with Christian faith. Includes an interesting chapter on the relationship between Mary and the gay community.


Gudorf, Christine, Cross Currents Summer 1989; 39:2 p. 213-217

O Donohoe, James A, "Pilgrims of Conscience Illustration", Commonweal Feb 10, 1989; 116:3 p. 90-92

Griffin, Leslie, "Book Reviews", America Mar 11, 1989; 160:9 p. 227-229

McNeill, John, Freedom, Glorious Freedom, (Boston: 1994)

Maguire, Daniel, The Moral Choice, (New York: Doubleday, 1979)

Maguire, Daniel C., "The shadow side of the homosexuality debate" In Homosexuality in priesthood & religious life; J Gramick, ed 1989 p36-55

Malloy, Edward A., "Homosexual Way of Life: Methodological Considerations in the Use of Sociological Considerations in Christian Ethics", Proceedings of the Catholic Theological Society of America 34 (June 1979), 123-40

Malloy, Edward A., Homosexuality and the Christian Way of Life, (Washington: University Press of America, 1981)

By a University of Notre Dame professor opposed to homosexuality, but not visciously so.


Jones, C. R. in Saint Luke's Journal of Theology 26 p238-240 June 1983

Hanigan, J. P., in Horizons: the Journal of the College Theology Society 9 p395-396 Fall 1982

Margolis, Joseph, "Homosexuality", in And justice for all; ed by T Regan and D VanDeVeer 1982 p42-63

Marmor, Judd (ed.), Homosexual behavior: a modern reappraisal, ()New York: Basic Books 1980)

Marney, Carlyle, 1917-1978, "The Christian community and the homosexual", Rel Life 35 No 5 p760-773 Winter 1966, repr. in Moral issues and Christian response; ed by P Jersild 1971 p181-191

Martinez, Demetria, "Madonna Shapes Culture more than the Churches", National Catholic Reporter Nov 13, 1992; 29:4 p. 22

[Abstract from electronic database]:A Catholic woman discusses the discrepancy between what she feels about pornography and what she is supposed to feel. She contends that religion and sexuality are natural allies; both take pleasure in the mysterious.

Mathers, James, "Homosexuality", Theology 83 March 1980, 131-133

Mathers, James; Mullen, Peter; Bowen, Gerald, "Homosexuality", Theology 83 September 1980, 364-367

Matt, Hershel J., "Sin, Crime, Sickness or Alternative Lifestyle", Judaism 27:1 (Winter 1978), 13-24

Maurer, Thomas, "Toward a Theology of Homosexuality - Tried and Found Tragic and Trite", in W. Dwight Oberholzer, ed., Is Gay Good?, (Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1971)

Somewhat early homophobic response.

Melton, J. Gordon, The Churches Speak On - Homosexuality: Official Statements from religious Bodies and Ecumenical Organizations, (Detroit: Gale Research, 1991)

Statements from 1563 to 1990

Ménard, Guy, De Sodome a la Exode. Jalons pour une theologie de la liberation gaie, (Montreal: 1'Aurore, 1980)

Ménard, Guy, "Gay Theology, Which Gay Theology?", in Denis Altman, at al, Homosexuality, Which homosexuality? International Conference on Gay and Lesbian Studies, (Amsterdam: Uitgeverij An Dekker.Schorer; London: GMP, 1989), 127-138

Over view of gay liberation theology and more. Very interesting, but somewhat dense.

Michael, Gary, Jesus Christ Homosexual, (Denver: Church of World Peace, 1980)

Thinks it was possible that Jesus was gay.

Michaels, Judith E., "Homosexuality: steps toward understanding", San Francisco Theological Seminary 1986 ABSTRACT: Project director: Leigh M Roberts. This project is a primer for the heterosexual, church-related person who is not irrevocably opposed to homosexuality and the issues it raises. Its foundational premises are: 1) that homosexuality is a naturally occuring variation of human sexuality, a gift of God no less than is heterosexuality; and 2) that the church is called to be the healer of souls and of society and to speak the word of justice and reconciliation on this sensitive issue. The project features an annotated, practical bibliography and various models and suggestions for workshops with exercises for group work.

Mieth, Dietmar, "Christliche Sexualethik", in Grundlagen und Probleme; ed by W Ernst 1989 p247-269

Milhaven, John Giles, Towards and New Catholic Morality, (Garden City NY: Doubleday, 1970)

esp pp 59-68, which originally appeared as "Homosexuality and the Christian", Homiletic and Pastoral Review 68:8 (1968), 663-69

Milhaven, John G., "Homosexuality and the Christian" In Moral issues and Christian response; ed by P Jersild 1971 p192-198

Milhaven, J. Giles, "How the church can learn from gay and lesbian experience", in The Vatican and Homosexuality; ed by J Gramick and P Furey 1988 p216-223

Millard, M. Kent, "A model for thinking theologically about homosexuality", in Homosexuality; ed by L Smith, 1981 p52-55

Mitchell, Basil, "The Homosexuality Report", Theology 83 (1980), 184-90

On the CoE 1979 report on homosexual relationships.

Moberly, Elizabeth R., Homosexuality : a new Christian ethic, (Cambridge : James Clarke, 1983)
Mendham, P. M., in Saint Mark's Review no 117 p71-72 March 1984
Holloway, D. in Churchman: Journal of Anglican Theology 98:1 p85 1984
Hill, M. in The Reformed Theological Review 42 p95 September-December 1983
Baird, T., The Expository Times 94 p382 September 1983
Coleman, P. E., in Theology 87 p154-156 March 1984
Bird, Lewis P. in Christian Scholar's Review 15 No 2 p179-180 1986
Kenney, Roberta L. in Daughters of Sarah 14 p39-40 May-June 1988

Moore, Gareth, The Body in Context : Sex and Catholicism, (London: SCM, 1992)

The author is a Dominican priest at Oxford. The review in New Blackfriars says that, while he is careful not to reject the Church's teaching itself on these matters, he does reject most of the arguments used to justify it (e.g. the "objective disorder" stuff). Moore's general approach is to come to the most radical conclusions by taking the radical nature of tradition most seriously rather than as a support for current prejudice.

Morey, Ann-Janine, Religion and Sexuality in American Literature, (Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1992)

Moss, Roger, Christians and homosexuality, (Exeter : Paternoster Press, c1977)

Muehl, E. William, "Myth of self-evident truths", The Christian Century 94 p1000-1002 November 2 1977
ABSTRACT: The recent refusal by voters in Florida to give what amounts to legally protected status to homosexuality as an alternate life style" has rightly been interpreted by thoughtful commentators as a representative American judgement rather than an eccentric spasm of regional morality. The forlorn little battle in Dade County raised issues more far-reaching than either side seemed to realize, and demonstrated the necessity for a fresh interpretation of the American doctrine of church-state separation. [Excerpt].

Muller, Wunibald, Homosexualitat, eine Herausforderung fur Theologie und Seelsorge, (Mainz : Matthias-Grunewald-Verlag, 1986)

Nagel, Thomas, "Sexual Perversion", Journal of Philosophy 66 (1969), 1-17

Nappey, Pierre-Claude, "An open letter on homosexuality", in Sex: thoughts for contemporary Christians; ed by M Taylor, 1972 p199-222

Naude, R. M., "Die skeppingsordeninge en homoseksualiteit", Hervormde Teologiese Studies 44 p636-649 September 1988

Nault R. A., "Christian attitudes to homosexuality", St Mark's Review no 137 p32-33 Autumn 1989

Nelson, James B., "Homosexuality: An Issue for the Church", Theological Markings 5:2 (Winter 1975), repr. in Christianity and Crisis 37:5 (April 4, 1977), reprinted in idem. Embodiment

Nelson, James B., "Homosexuality and the church", Saint Luke's Journal of Theology 22 p197-211 June 1979

Nelson, James B., Embodiment: An Approach to Sexuality and Christianity, (Minneapolis: Augsburg, 1978)

Nelson, James B., "Questions surrounding gay-lesbian spirituality and life-style", in Being single; B O'Donnell; J Nelson; G Regiger, et al 1986 p34-37

Nelson, James B., The Intimate Connection: Male Sexuality, Masculine Spirituality, (Louisville KY: Westminster/John Knox Press, 1988)


Graham, William C, , National Catholic Reporter Sep 9, 1988; 24:40 p. 12-13

Gudorf, Christine, Cross Currents Summer 1989; 39:2 p. 213-217

Nelson, James B., Body Theology, (Louisville KY: Westminster/John Knox Press, 1992), the chapter "Sources for Body Theology", pp. 55-71, repr. in Jeffrey S. Siker, ed., Homosexuality in the Church: Both Sides of the Debate, (Louisville KY: Westminster John Knox Press, 1994), 76-92

Nelson, James B., and Sandra P. Longfellow, Sexuality and the Sacred: Sources for Theological Reflection, (Louisville KY: Westminster John Knox Press, 199?)

Nelson, R A., "Homosexuality and Social Ethics" in Dennis H. Ormseth, (ed.) Gender across generations Word & World: Theology for Christian Ministry 5 Fall 1985 351-413 ABSTRACT: Homosexuality is an issue deserving the attention of the Christian community. It can be addressed most adequately when data about it is drawn from cultural sources, the Christian tradition and the experience of the Christian community. By recognizing the contextual character of all such data and by allowing the data from each source to enter into dialogue with the data from the other sources, homosexuality is identified as a complex phenomenon that need not be simply condemned. Rather it needs to be seen in the context of human sexuality as one way of being male or female in the world.

Neuhaus, Richard John, "Homosexuality and the churches", First Things no 3 p64-70 May 1990

Noonan, John T., "Genital good", Communio: International Catholic Review 8 p198-228 Fall 1981

Nugent, C. Robert and Jeannine Gramick, eds., A Time to speak : a collection of contemporary statements from U. S. Catholic sources on homosexuality, gay ministry and social justice 2nd ed., (Mt. Rainier, MD : New Ways Ministry, c1982)

This contains statements, recommendations, resolutions, and editorials from Roman Catholic bishops, newspapers, dosocesan agencies, peace and justice groups, lay leaders, liberation theologians, pastors and educators.

Nugent, Robert, "Homosexuality and the Magesterium", Irish Theological Quarterly 53:1 (1987), 66-74

Nugent, Robert, "Sexual Orientation in Vatican Thinking", in Jeaninne Grammick and Pat Furey, eds., The Vatican and Homosexuality: reflections to the "Letter to the Bishops of the Catholic Church on the Pastoral care of Homosexual Persons", (New York: Crossroad, 1988)

Nugent, Robert, and Jeannine Grammick, "Homosexuality: Protestant, Catholic, and Jewish Issues; A Fishbone Tale", in Richard Hasbeny, ed., Homosexuality and Religion, (New York: Harrington Park Press, 1989), book format of the Journal of Homosexuality 18:3/4 (1989/90), 7-46

Looks at Homsoexuality and how it has been discussed in a number of major denominations: the authors say it is like a fishbone stuck in the churches' throat.

Oberholzer, W. Dwight, ed., Is Gay Good?: Ethics, Theology and Homosexuality, (Philadelphia: Westminster, 1971),

Essays on "both" sides of the issue.

Ohanneson, J., And The Felt No Shame: Christians Reclaiming Their Sexuality, (Winston Press MN, 1983)

Oraison, Marc, La question homosexuelle, (Paris: Seuil, 1975), trans as The Homosexual Question, (New York: Harper and Row, 1977)

By a French Catholic priest. Influenced by Overing at al. Progressive.

Orr, Kenneth, "Christians take another look at homosexuality: a review article" Journal of Christian Education Papers 59 p10-31 September,
ABSTRACT: A number of books have been published in recent years in which thoughtful Christians have looked at homosexuality in the light of recent sociological and psychological evidence. Nearly all of them have called for a reconsideration of traditional anathemas. This paper looks at seven of these books and reflects on the variant picture they give concerning the personal experience of Christian homosexuals, exegesis of the relevant biblical texts, theological reconsiderations, and possible forms of churchmanship for homosexuals. It concludes with an appeal to Christian educators to acquaint themselves with the current state of knowledge and to begin their own reappraisals.

Overing, A. et al, Homoseksualiteit,. (Hilversum and Antwerp: Paul Brand, 1961; French translation, Homosexualite, Paris Mame, 1967)

Had the same sort of impact in the Netherlands and France as Canon Bailey's work did in Britain and America.

Paterson, Torquil J. M., "An introduction to the ethics of homosexuality", Journal of Theology for Southern Africa No 48 p45-54 September 1984,
ABSTRACT: The article uses the example of homosexuality as an illustration of a method of ethical enquiry. A distinction is made between homosexual being, act, and relationship. Homosexual being is itself ethically neutral, since it is not culpably caused by the individual nor can it usually be altered, even though it may be contrary to God's plan for creation. Homosexual acts and relationships are analysed as essentially similar to other sexual matters. The article ends by discussing marriage and ordination of homosexuals. Since marriage is an ordinance rooted in creation, marriage of homosexuals is not permitted, whereas, since ordination is rooted in redemption, ordination of homosexuals is possible, provided that there is an awareness of ethical ambiguity and a proper responsibility in the fields of act and relationship.

Payer, Pierre J., "Foucault on penance and the shaping of sexuality" Studies in Religion/Sciences religieuses v14 No 3 p313-320 1985

Peck, Chris, "What is natural?", The Modern Churchman ns 31 no 1 p25-29 1989

Perry, Troy, "God Loves Me Too" in W. Dwight Oberholzer, ed., Is Gay Good?: Ethics, Theology and Homosexuality, (Philadelphia: Westminster, 1971), 116-122

Pittenger, William Norman, "A theological approach to understanding homosexuality", Rel Life 43 p436-444 Winter 1974

Pittenger, Norman, Making Sexuality Human: Love and Control in Sexuality, (Philadelphi: Unite Church Press, 1974)

Pittenger, Norman, Time for Consent: A Christian's Approach to Homosexuality, 3rd ed., (London: SCM Press, 1976)
First major book by an academic theologian arguing for Christian acceptance of gay people. Adopts a "process theology" approach.


Jones, B. E. in The Expository Times 88 p187-188 March 1977

Pittenger, Norman, "A Theological Approach to Understanding Homosexuality", Religion in Life 43:4 (Winter 1974), repr. in Ruth Tiffany Barnhouse and Urabn T. Holmes, eds., Male and Female: Christian Approaches to Sexuality, (New York: Seabury, 1976), also repr. in Kathleen Leopold and Thomas Orians, eds., Theological Pastoral Resources: A Collection of Articles on Homosexuality from a Pastoral Perspective, 6th ed., (Washington DC : Dignity. 1981, repr. 1985), 11-15

Ploscowe, Morris, "Homosexuality, sodomy, and crimes against nature", Pastoral Psychology 2 November 1951, 40-48

Pollock, James R., "Teaching in transition", in The Vatican and Homosexuality; ed by J Gramick and P Furey, 1988 p179-188

Portaro, Sam A, "Homosexuality as vocation", The Witness 74 p18-19,25 June 1991

Pronk, Pim, Against nature? : types of moral argumentation regarding homosexuality, trans. John Vriend, (Grand Rapids, Mich. : W.B. Eerdmans, 1993), original Dutch entitled Tegennatuurlijk?

This book by a gay Christian argues that gay Christians should accept that "homosexuality" is not "natural", but argues instead that "naturalness" has nothing to do with goodness before God. This is an argument which might make more sense in a Protestant rather than Catholic tradition of ethical thinking.

Quinn, Brian D., A different drummer : metaphysics and the homosexual, (San Francisco, Calif. : Brian D. Quinn, 1975

Quinn, John R, Abp, "Toward an understanding of the letter On the pastoral care of homosexual persons", in The Vatican and Homosexuality; ed by J Gramick and P Furey 1988 p13-19

QUEST Journal/ Supplement Number 3 (November 1986) and QUEST Journal/Supplement (February 1987)

This is the publication of QUEST, a British group for gay Catholics. No. 3 prints the 1986 Vatican letter on homosexuality with a paragraph by paragraph critique by Richard Cunliffe, Quest Journal editor. No. 4 prints reaction to the 1986 letter from around the world. Cuneliffe, who follows the standard QUEST line, challenges the Vatican statement, but treats it as if it really were meant to be a "pastoral" letter. He, for instance, agrees with Vatican critiques of the activist gay movement.

Ranck, Lee (ed.), "Homosexuality", Christian Social Action 4 February 1991, 6-31

Ramm, Bernard L., The Right, the Good, and the Happy, (Waco TX: Word Books, 1971)

Fairly liberal evangelical view.

Regan, Tom (ed.) ; VanDeVeer, Donald (ed.), And justice for all: new introductory essays in ethics and public policy, (Rowman & Littlefield 1982)

Religion and gay people, [sound recording] (North Hollywood, Calif.: Pacifica Tape Library, 1973)

"RELIGION: A SEXUAL SHOWDOWN:Will the bishops of the Episcopal Church tacitly embrace the new morality?", Time 8/13/94

Ridderbos, S. J., "Het theologisch aspect van de homosexualiteit; Contra naturam?" in Psychiatrie en theologie in gesprek; ed by S J Ridderbos 1973 p126-156

Rigali, Norbert J., "The moral act", Horizons: the Journal of the College Theology Society 10 Fall 1983, 252-266
ABSTRACT: From the manuals of the classicist period, moral theology inherited an understanding of the moral act that is rooted in the classical concept of the human being as a rational animal. However, the new personalist and relational anthropology characterizing contemporary theology requires a corresponding revised idea of the nature of the moral act. This revision, it appears, cannot be definitively achieved unless a holistic material understanding of the moral life first replaces the merely formal and empty concept of it in the manualist tradition. Fortunately, this replacement seems to be occurring. The areas of sexual morality and social consciousness are those that suffer the greatest distortion in ethics based on classicist anthropology and, similarly, admit the greatest revision when transferred into the context of contemporary theological anthropology. [j].

Roberts, Tom Aerwyn, "Law, morality and religion in a Christian society" Religious Studies 20 p79-98 March 1984
ABSTRACT: The article develops a model by which it is possible to successfully defend the legal enforcement of Christian morality, including its sexual morality. The core of the model is a theological legal moralism, based on the principle of critical morality that morality expresses God's will. Assuming the revelation of God's will, it argues that the coercion or submission of men to that morality by law is a value, an essential element, given the fallen state of human beings, in creating a society of individuals living lives well pleasing to God. The article criticizes Patrick Devlin's attempt to defend the legal enforcement of morality from a secular standpoint and H L A Hart's denial of the value of the legal enforcement f morality. It also challenges those who claim that Christian morality is irrational.

Rostagno, Sergio, "La contraddizione ci fara liberi: l'omosessualita alla luce della teologia", Protestantesimo 45:1 p36-46 1990

Ruse, Michael, Homosexuality : A Philosophical Inquiry, (Oxford: Blackwell, 1988)

Long and detailed enquiry into homosexuality, looking at psychology, sociobiology, theology, and various philosophical approaches.


Murphy, Timothy F., in Journal of Homosexuality 19:1 p132-139 1990

Sailer, William S., "Homosexuality", in L Hynson and L Scott. eds., Christian ethics (1983), 147-76

Samuel, K. Matthew, "A Judeo-Christian Attitude to Homosexuality: An Historical View", AME Zion Quarterly Review 93 (April 1981), 24-31

Sanders, Gerald M., "Questions on exegesis and hermeneutics", in Issues in sexual ethics; ed by M Duffy 1979 p36-42

Schlick, Jean (ed.) ; Zimmermann, Mari (ed.), L'homosexuel(le) dans les societes civiles et religieuses, Cerdic Pubns 1985
Contents: Presentation, J Schlick and M Zimmermann. Homosexualite et pratique judiciaire de l'Eglise: vers un nouveau regard des tribunaux ecclesiastiques, J Grelon. L'homosexualite au tribunal regional de Marseille, P Fontez. L'homosexualite a l'officialite de Rottenburgh-Stuttgart, A Weiss. L'homosexualite dans la jurisprudence rotale, J Vernay. Des ministres homosexuels, P Valdrini. Les gais et la loi civile, C Gury. L'homosexualite et la Convention europeenne des Droits de l'homme J-B Marie. Un proces exemplaire, J Vandemborghe. Le "je" femme (homme), G Pastre. De l'homosexualite, J Douche. Temoignage, M-T Clerc. L'homosexuel est-il "contre-nature"--ou la rencontre entre l'homosexuel et le psychotherapeute, C Vandevyver. Homosexualite et formation au ministere presbyteral, R Strasser. Discours medicaux et homosexualite: de la creation d'une figure, B Lhomond. L'homosexualite comme phenomene social, R Dericquebourg. Perspectives, M Zimmermann.

Schmidt, Thomas E., Straight and Narrow? Compasson and Clarity in the Homosexuality Debate. InterVarsity Press, 1995.
Schmidt, Thomas E., `The Hermeneutics of Homosexuality: Recent Trends.' Catalyst 21. 1. 1994.

Secor, Neale A., "A Brief for a New Homosexual Ethic", In Ralph W. Weltge, ed., The Same Sex: An Appaisal of Homosexuality, (Philadelphia: The Pilgrim Press, 1969), 67-82

Segers, Mary C., "Morality and the law: a feminist critique of the Vatican letter", in The Vatican and Homosexuality; ed by J Gramick and P Furey, 1988 p81-89

Seow, Choon-Leung, ed., Homosexuality and the Christian Community, (Louisville KY: Westminister John Knox Press, 1996)

Seubert, Xavier John, "The Sacramentality of Metaphors: Reflections on Homosexuality", Cross Currents Spring 1991; 41:1 p. 52-68

[Abstract from electronic database]:The use of metaphors is closely related to the Roman Catholic church's difficulty with homosexuality. A contemporary example of a metaphorical process in which an understanding of sexuality was allowed to develop to the point that an established metaphor became a new metaphor is examined.

Shannon, William H., "A response to Archbishop Quinn", in The Vatican and Homosexuality; ed by J Gramick and P Furey, 1988 p20-27

Sinistrari, Ludovico Maria, Peccatum mutum : the secret sin, (Paris : Collection "Le ballet de muses", 1958)

Siker, Jeffrey, ed., Homosexuality in the Church: Both Sides of the Debate, (Louisville, KY: Westminster John Knox Press, 1994)

The editor is basically sympathetic towards gays and lesbians, but this book is direct primarily towards study groups of heterosexual non-experts looking for a resource.

Sims, Bennett J.. "Sex and homosexuality", Christianity Today 22 p23-30 February 24 1978

Sipe, A. W. Richard, Sex, Priests and Power, (Bruner/Mazel Publishers, 1995)

Sloyan, Gerard S. Catholic Morality Revisited, (1990)


Flynn, Eileen P, America May 19, 1990; 162:19 p. 507-508

Smith, Gary Scott, "Abortion, euthanasia, and homosexuality", in Building a Christian world view, 2; W Hoffecker & G Smith, eds 1988 p413-446

Smith, Herbert F. and Joseph A. Dilenno, Sexual Inversion: The Questions and Catholic Answers, (Boston: Daughters of St. Paul, 1979)

Predictably negative.

Sobel, Alan, ed., Philsophy of Sex: Contemporary Readings, (Totowa NJ: Littlefield and Adams, 1980)

Includes articles by Thomas Nagel and so on - to work out what "perversion" means.

Spijker, Antonius van de, Die gliechgeschlechtliche Zuneigung: Homotropie - Homosexualitat, Homoerotik, Homophilie - und die katholische Moraltheologie, (Olten: Walter, 1968)

Views of a fairly liberal Dutch Catholic priest - in German. Many references.

Spong, John S. Living in Sin: A Bishop Rethinks Human Sexuality, (San Francisco: HarperSanFrancisco, 1990)


Flynn, Eileen P, , America May 19, 1990; 162:19 p. 507-508

Gudorf, Christine, , Cross Currents Summer 1989; 39:2 p. 213-217

Stackhouse, Max L., "Thirty-eight theses on Christian social ethics and sexualitywith particular reference to", This World no 25 p119-125 Spring 1989

Stemmeler, Michael L., & J. Michael Clark, Constructing gay theology : proceedings of the Gay Men's Issues in Religion Consultation of the American Academy of Religion, Fall 1989, (Las Colinas, Tex. : Monument Press, 1991, 1990) Contents: Introduction: a call for constructivity, M Stemmeler. Gay theology of liberation and the hermeneutic circle, T Thurston. Prophecy, subjectivity, and theodicy in gay theology: developing a constructive methodology, J Clark. A special window an anthropological perspective on spirituality in contemporary US gay male culture, E Gorman.

Stemmeler, Michael L. & Jose Ignacio Cabezon, eds., Religion, homosexuality, and literature, (Las Colinas, Tex. : Monument Press, 1992)

Studies in Christian ethics 4:2, special edition on sexual ethics.
Contents include: Undertakings and promises or promises and undertakings? : The anatomy of an argument about sexual ethics / Philip Turner. - A response to Philip Turner / Christopher D. Wiltsher. - Feminist reflections on embodiment and sexuality / Susan Parsons. - Same-sex relationships / Jim Cotter. - A response to Jim Cotter / David Atkinson. - Sexuality and the family / Jack Dominian. - A response to Jack Dominian / Richard Franklin.

Swomley, John M, "Homosexuality is a part of God's creation", St. Louis Journalism Review Nov 1993; 23:161 p. 2

[Abstract from electronic database]:Many Christian ministers and churches believe homosexuality is wrong and needs to be punished. The view that homosexuality should be tolerated as a part of God's creation is offered.

Swidler, Arlene (ed.)., Homosexuality and World Religions, (Valley Forge, PA: Trinity Press International, 1993)

Taylor, Michael J., Sex : Thoughts for Contemporary Christians, (Garden City, N.Y. : Image Books, 1973, c1972.)

Contains, inter alia essays: "Sexuality and sin: a current appraisal" by Charles. E. Curran; "A word about pornography" by Jack Dominian.; "An open letter on homosexuality", by P. C. Nappey; and "The homosexual and the church", by M. T. Kelsey.

Theology and Sexuality (Sheffield Academic Press) - a journal beginsing in September 1994 to address the issues of its title.

Thevenot, Xavier., Homosexualites masculines et morale chretienne, 2e ed., (Paris : Cerf, 1985)

Thielicke, Helmut, The Ethics of Sex, trans. John W. Doberstein, (New York: Harper and Row, 1964)

German Protestant opposed homosexuality, but though some relationships allowable. See Bochmuehl and Eichrodt above.

Thielicke, Helmut, "The Problem of Homosexuality", Theological Ethics 3, Sex, trans. John W. Doberstein, (Grand Rapids MI: Eerdmans, 1979)

Timmerman, J., The Mardi Gras Syndrome: Rethinking Christian Sexuality. (New York: Crossroad, 1984)

Timmerman does not directly address homosexuality, but she does address problems with "natural law" approaches.

Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologiae, (New York & London: Blackfriars with McGraw-Hill & Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1968)
On sodomy Aquinas rates it worse than fornication, incest or rape, but better than bestiality.

Thorson-Smith, S., Reconciling the Broken Silence: The Church in Dialogue on Gay and Lesbian Issues, (Louisville KY: Christian Education Work Area, Congregational Ministeries Division, Presbyterian Church (USA), 1993)

Thurston, Thomas M., Homosexuality and contemporary Roman Catholic ethical discussion 1988. Typescript. Thesis (Ph.D.)-Graduate Theological Union (Berkeley)

Thurston, Thomas M., "Gay theology of liberation and the hermeneutic circle", in Constructing gay theology; ed by M Stemmeler and J Clark 1990 p7-26

Timmerman, Joan H. "Thoughts while reading over the bishops' shoulders", in The Vatican and Homosexuality; ed by J Gramick and P Furey, 1988 p165-172

Towards a Quaker View of Sex: An Essay By a Group of Friends, rev. edition, (London: Friends Home Service Committee, 1964)
An important early re-assessment of homosexuality bu a Christian group.

Tuohey, John F., "The CDF and homosexuals: rewriting the moral tradition", America 167:136-138 (Spring 12, 1992) Critically examines the 1992 letter calling for legal discrimination against homosexuals.

Turnbull, John W., Homosexuality: some neglected issues", Church and Society 67 May-June 1977, 72-78

Twiss, Harold, ed., Homosexuality and the Christian Faith: A Symposium, (Valley Forge PA: Judson, 1978)

Articles fr5om a variety of views.


McNicol, A. in Restoration Quarterly: Studies in Christian Scholarship 24:2 p125-127 1981

Unsworth, Richard P., "Theological table-talk: human sexuality", Theology Today 36 April 1979, 58-65

Valente, Michael, Sex: The Radical View of a Catholic Theologian, (Milwaukee: Bruce, 1970)

Libertarin views. He later left the Roman Church.

Vallet, Odon, "Eros et agape", Etudes theologiques et religieuses 59 No 1 p91-94 1984

Van Dyke, Annette Joy, The Search for a Woman-Centered Spirituality, The Cutting Edge : Lesbian Life and Literature, (New York: NYU Press, 1992)

Vaughn, Rob, "The sounds of silence on sexuality: sexuality is God's good gift to humankind, but church views have not always affirmed that good news", E/SA 10 p18-23 November 1982

Vickerman, Sue, Christianity and homosexuality : a resource for students, (London: Lesbian and Gay Christian Movement, 1992)


Haigh, Gerald, "Thoughtful Confrontation -- Christianity and Homosexuality by Sue Vickerman", Times Educational Supplement Jul 3, 1992; :3966 p. 46

Wallis, Jim (ed.), "Is anyone listening: the need for a better dialogue in the churches on gay and lesbian sexuality", Sojourners 20 p10-28 July 1991

Walsh, Mark, "Prelates Approve Theological Guidelines for Sex Education", Education Week Nov 21, 1990; 10:12 p. 8

[Abstract from electronic database]:A set of detailed guidelines on Catholic education in human sexuality was approved by the nation's Roman Catholic bishops.

Ware, Ann Patrick. "The Vatican letter: presuppositions and objections", in The Vatican and Homosexuality; ed by J Gramick and P Furey, 1988 p28-32

Weltge, Ralph W. , "The Paradox of Man & Woman", In Ralph W. Weltge, ed., The Same Sex: An Appaisal of Homosexuality, (Philadelphia: The Pilgrim Press, 1969), 55-66

West, W. Peter, "Homosexuality and the church: a format for church leaders dealing with the issue by group discussion" DMin Northern Baptist Theological Seminary 1990
ABSTRACT: Project director: Emma Justes. The premise of the project is that pastors and church leaders can change negative attitudes towards gays and lesbians if they are presented with adequate, nonjudgemental material and discuss all issues in a devotional framework. The methodology included a 60-minute videotape documentary dealing with historical, psychological, medical, ethical, and biblical material broken into seven study periods. Booklets for leader and students give additional information. Discussion starters and open-ended questions are provided to facilitate dialogue. Two groups were studied. Measurements before and after the course indicate significant positive shifts in attitudes, perceptions, and value systems by all participants. It was determined that less hostility was registered and more understanding demonstrated.

Wiedemann, Hans-Georg, Homsexuelle Libe: Fuer eine Neuorientirung in der christlichen Ethik, (Stuttgart: Kreuz Verlag, 1982)

By a Catholic parish priest. Positive.

Wigney, Trevor J., "Mates and lovers: theological perspectives on gay relationships in Australia, 1981", Saint Mark's Review No 106 p24-35 June 1981,
ABSTRACT: The article discusses the churches' attitudes to homosexuality in Australia, arguing that they have reinforced untenable stereotypes in society which are not justified by the biblical evidence. The author outlines an agenda for action" which includes the development of a more positive theology at all levels in the Australian context, open acceptance of gay people in the church, including ordination, and the provision of better pastoral concern and support for gays, cluding action on civil rights. He also advocates that the churches' use their disciplinary structures against those within them who propagate hate against homosexuals using inadequate theological iews to support such activities.

Williams, Bruce, "Homosexuality: The New Vatican Statement", Theological Studies 48:2 (June 1987), 259-77

Williams, Robert, "Re-Visioning Christianity for Radical Gay Men and Lesbians", Christopher Street Mar 1990; 13:1 p. 23-27

[Abstract from electronic database]:A Christian priest believes that Christianity can be compatible with being a healthy gay man or lesbian, but only when one does a radical reconstruction of traditional Christian theology and spirituality. Five landmarks that will be characteristic of the emergence of gay Christian spirituality are offered.

Whitehead, James, and Evelyn Whitehead, Christian Life Patterns, (Garden City NY: Doubleday, 1982)

Whitehead, James, and Evelyn Whitehead, "The Shape of Compassion: Reflections on Catholics and Homosexuality", Spirituality Today 39 (1987), 126-36

Criticizes the 1986 Vatican letter.

Zanca, Kenneth J., Social justice and sexual ethics : an evaluation of official Church teachings on homosexuality using principles of social justice derived from the Papal encyclicals and documents of Vatican II, Thesis (Ph.D.)--Fordham University, 1988. (Ann Arbor, Mich. : University Microfilms International. UMI number 87-18483, 1987)

Catholic priest's doctoral dissertation.

Zullo J., and James Whitehead, "The Chirstian Body and Homosexual Maturing", Robert Nugent, ed., A Challenge to Love, (New York: Crossroad, 1983)

Subsection: AA: Homophobia and Theology

Blair, Ralph, Homophobia in the Church, (New York : the authoer, 1979)

Brown, Robert McAfee, "The religious right and political/economic conservatism", Radical Religion 5: 4 (1981), 37-43

ABSTRACT: The position of Falwell and his constituents grows out of a v ery narrow economic/political perspective; biblical materials and items from th e Christian tradition are selectively used to bolster the already established i deology. It is also argued that the message comes from, and appeals to, a certain class in society, upwardly mobile whites, who want their presuppositions affirmed and not challenged. The position is only bad news to the poor and members of minority groups The Moral Majority is a theology and ethic designed tobuttress the status quo as perceived by the middle class.

Caraway, Carol, "Romantic love: neither sexist nor heterosexist", Philosophy and Theology, 1 p361-368 Summer 1987

Church and Society 73 (Nov-Dec 1982), 3-71, special issue on "Homophobia: The Overlooked Sin"

Clark, J. Michael, "Patriarchy, dualism, and homophobia: marginalization as spiritual challenge", in Homophobia and the Judaeo-Christian tradition; ed by M Stemmeler, 1990 p51-66

Cleaver, Richard and Patricia Myers, eds., A Certain Terror: Heterosexism, Militarism, Violence and Change, (Chicago: Great Lakes Region, American Friends Service Committee, 1993)

Colson, Charles, "A Remedy for Christian "Homophobia": Coercive Enlightenment Illustration", Christianity Today Jul 15, 1988; 32:10 p. 72

[Abstract from electronic database]:The recent court ruling requiring Georgetown University to fund a gay student organization is examined in terms of the implications for churches and religious groups.

Comstock, Gary David, "Aliens in the promised land", Union Seminary Quarterly Review, 41:3-4 p93-104 1987

Davies, Christie, "Religious boundaries and sexual morality", The Annual Review of the Social Sciences of Religion, 6 p45-77 1982

ABSTRACT: Most religions are concerned both with the maintenance of an orderly distinction between their members and outsiders and with the promulgati on of moral rules restricting and regulating sexual behaviour. The moral conde mnation of homosexuality, bestiality, and transvestism by religious leaders bri ngs these two concerns together, for it is the result of attempts to maintain o r defend religious and ethnic boundaries. Those forms of sexual behaviour whic h appear to destroy boundaries or collapse fundamental categories such as male and female, humans and animals are condemned and punished because they are a metaphor of social "implosion", i.e., a collapse of the religious group's own bou ndaries and identity.... Fears of social "implosion" are to be found when a rel igious or ethnic group...lives in a social situation where its positions and id entity are precarious or where the members of a priestly hierarchy feel that th eir special and separate identity and power may be successfully challenged and destroyed. Thus the persecution of those detected in homosexual, transvestite, or bestial acts is likely to be most intense during times when vital boundarie s and identities are felt to be in danger of extinction. [abr fr j].

Dawson, "Putting a face on homosexuality: Why don't Christians treat homosexuals like human beings?", The Other Side No 149 p8-10+ February 1984

DeWitt, Robert L., "Seeding hope in soil of intolerance", The Witness, 64 p3+ February 1981

Fortunato, John E., "Gay ministry vital as violence escalates", The Witness 65 No 5 p10-11 May 1982

Gibson, Boyd, "Experiential teaching designs for discerning and addressing fears about homosexuality" in Annual of the Society of Christian Ethics, 1987; ed by D Yeager, 1987 p203-217

Hardesty, Nancy A., "Evangelical women face their homophobia", in The Christian Century 103 No 26 p768 September 10-17 1986

Harrison, Beverly Wildung, "Misogyny and homophobia: the unexplored connections" Church and Society 73 No 2 p20-33 November-December 1982, repr. In "Misogyny and Homophobia: The Unexplored Connections" in Making the Connections, (Boston: Beacon Press, 1985), 135-151
ABSTRACT: This essay explores the relationship of homophobia and misogyny in the present life of the church. The dualisms of mind over body and of males superior to females are identified as sources of intense homophobia in the churches. The suggestion is that the church has both excluded females from full social standing and been the ideological/institutional source of enforced heterosexuality. Intense male bonding at the core of the ecclesial system has reinforced female inferiority, while the ideology of heterosexual marriage as sacramental or blessed covenant has required denial of the homoerotic element among males. The thesis is that strong women and gay men--i.e., self-affirming homosexual males--expose this historical contradiction.

Heyward, I. Carter, "Heterosexism: enforcing male supremacy", The Witness 69 No 4 p18-20 April 1986

Heyward, Carter, "Heterosexist theology: being above it all", Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion 3 p29-38 Spring 1987

Hilton, Bruce, Can Homophobia Be Cured? Wrestling with Questions That Challenge the Church
Focuses on such questions as what if the real sin is homophobia and not homosexuality; what will the church do with the growing scientific evidence that same-sex orientation is neither an illness nor a matter of choice; and what will the church do with the increasing realization that gays and lesbians are not a "they" but a WE?

Hoffman, Richard J., "Vices, gods, and virtues: cosmology as a mediating factor in attitudes toward male homosexuality", Journal of Homosexuality 9 No 2-3 p27-44 Winter 83-Spring 1984

"Homosexuality, discrimination and a Vatican Document", Doctrine and Life 42:435-440 S 1992

Howard, Evan Drake, "Extremism on campus: symbols of hate, symbols of hope", The Christian Century 104 p625-628 July 15-22 1987

Johnson, Paul R. and Thomas F. Eaves, Gays and the New Right: A Debate on Homosexuality
This written debate is an attempt to determine what the Bible, God's inspired word, teaches about homosexuality.

Jung, Patricia Beattie and Ralph F. Smith, Heterosexism: An Ethical Challenge, (New York: State University of New York Press, 1993)
Argues that the prevailing contemporary sexual ethic is no longer useful. The authors investigate scripture and tradition along with the experiences of gay and lesbian Christians and emerging social groups regarding sexual identity. Their investigation supports the view that reformation of the Christian sexual ethic is both possible and necessary.

Lauritsen, John, Religious Roots of the Taboo on Homosexuality: A Materialist View, (New York: the author, 1974)

Atheist attack which sums up a certain strand of anti-religious thought in the Gay Liberation movement.

Mason, Raz, "The price we pay for homophobia (with hetrosexual questionnaire reversing questions frequently asked of homosexuals)", The Witness 74:26-27 (May 1991)

Millar, William R., "Liberation theology and homophobia" American Baptist Quarterly 8 p124-139 June 1989

Mollenkott, Virginia Ramey, Sensuous Spirituality: Out from Fundamentalism
There are many varieties of fundamentalism. This is the story of a journey from one such closed world to a view of the self and the Divine that is sensuous and mystical, that recognizes the beauty and goodness of the human core, and that works for social change from a centered self.

Mollenkot, Virginia, "Overcoming Heterosexism: A Challenge to Ecumenical Solidarity", in M. May. ed., Women and Church, (Grand Rapids MI: Eerdmans, 1991), 38-42, repr. as "Overcoming Heterosexism - To Benefit Everyone", in Jeffrey S. Siker, ed., Homosexuality in the Church: Both Sides of the Debate, (Louisville KY: Westminster John Knox Press, 1994), 145-49

Rice, Howard R., "Homophobia: the overlooked sin", Church and Society 73 No 2 p5-13 November-December 1982

Rosan, Laurence J., "Philosophies of Homophobia and Homophilia", in Louie Crew, ed,m The Gay Academic, (Palm Springs CA: ETC publications, 1978), 255-81

Ruether, Rosemary Radford, "Homophobia, heterosexism, and pastoral practice", in Homosexuality in priesthood & religious life; J Gramick, ed 1989 p21-35

Shafer, Byron, "The problem of homophobia", Church and Society 73 No 2 p42-48 November-December 1982

Smidt, Corwin; Penning, James M., "Religious commitment, political conservatism, and political and social tolerance in US: longitudinal analysis", Sociological Analysis: A Journal in the Sociology of Religion v43 p231-246 Fall 1982
ABSTRACT: This paper clarifies certain theoretical and empirical aspects of the nature of the relationships between political conservatism and religious commitment on the one hand and political and social intolerance of the other. Several conceptual problems associated with previous studies of the topic are noted, and data which circumvent such problems are analyzed in order to assess more adequately the true nature of the relationships under study. [j].

Smith, Nadine, "Homophobia: Will it divide us?", Essence Jun 1994; 25:2 p. 128

[Abstract from electronic database]:Organizations around the US are soliciting blacks to align themselves with right-wing groups against gays and lesbians of all colors. The rift that homophobia could cause in the black community is discussed.

Stemmeler, Michael L. & J. Michael Clark, eds. Homophobia and the Judaeo-Christian tradition, (Dallas : Monument Press : Distributed by Publishers Associates, 1990) Contents: Stemmeler. Leviticus 18:22 and the prohibition of homosexual acts, T Thurston. Early Jewish and Christian attitudes toward male homosexuality as expressed in the Testament of Naphtali, L Eron. Patriarchy, dualism and homophobia: marginalization as spiritual challenge, J Clark. Gays - a threat to society? social policy in Nazi Germany and the aftermath, M Stemmeler. Theological and ethical implications of homophobic violence, G Comstock. The evolution of pastoral thought concerning homosexuality in selected Vatican and American documents from 1975-1986, C Pilant. The AIDS crisis: legitimation of homophobia or catalyst for change?, M Kowalewski. Fear and passion: a psychological reflection on the construction of homophobia in the context of AIDS, B Mills. "Coming out": discovering empowerment, balance, and wholeness, J Clark.

Stemmeler, Michael L., "Gays - a threat to society? social policy in Nazi Germany and the aftermath", in Homophobia and the Judaeo-Christian tradition; ed by M Stemmeler 1990 p69-93

Stine, Esther C. (ed.), "Homophobia: the overlooked sin", Church and Society 73 No 2 p3-71 November-December 1982
Contents: Introduction, by E C Stine. Homophobia: the overlooked sin, by H Rice. From the pulpit: homosexuality, by W S Coffin. Misogyny and homophobia: the unexplored connection, by B Harrison. Sexual preference: a postscript, by A P Bell. Presbyphobia, by C Glaser. The problem of homophobia, by B Shafer. Gays and straights learning together, by G Svoboda II. One response to homophobia in the Midwest, by J Tolley. Statements adopted by More Light Churches. Resources: Presbyterians for Lesbian & Gay Concerns; More Light Churches; other denominations and organizations; bibliography. A short study guide to this issue, by E C Stine.

Tolley, John, "One response to homophobia in the Midwest: reflections on a process", Church and Society 73 No 2 p52-58 November-December 1982

Wagenaar, Theodore C.; Bartos, Patricia E., "Orthodoxy and attitudes of clergymen towards homosexuality and abortion", Review of Religious Research 18 p114-125 Winter 1977

Yancey, Philip, "We have no right to scorn", Christianity Today 32 (January 15 1988), 72

Yeager, Diane M. (ed.), The Annual of the Society of Christian Ethics, 1987 Society of Christian Ethics 1987 viii,257P
Experiential teaching designs for discerning and addressing fears about homosexuality, B Gibson. Additional resources for experiential teaching, R Warne, C Gudorf, J Nelson, et al. Homophobia/heterosexism and Lesbian/Gay experience: an annotated bibliography, R Blaney.

Zanotti, Barbara, "Overcoming the structured evil of male domination and heterosexism", in Jeannine Gramick, ed., Homosexuality and the Catholic Church, (1983), 80-88

B: Homosexuals and Christianity

Aardweg, Gerald J. M. van den, Homosexuality and Hope

reviewed by

Pace, D. K. in Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith: Journal of the American Scientific Affiliation 39:1 (March 1987), 61-62

Hayton, Bradley P., in Journal of Psychology and Christianity 5:3 (Fall 1986), 113

Harvey, John F., in Homiletic and Pastoral Review 86: 7 (April 1986), 74-76

Adell, Arvid, "Process thought and the liberation of homosexuals", The Christian Century 96 (January 17 1979), 46-48

Andolsen, Barbara, "Loyal dissent of the faithful: report from USA", in Gregory Baum and John Coleman, eds., The Sexual Revolution, (1984), 88-92

Anthony, James and Ian C. Dunn, The Pitlochry Papers: Report of the First Pastoral Approaches to Homosexuality Conference, 18-20 April 1980, (Edinburgh: Scottish Homosexual Rights Group, 1981)

Ashley, Benedict M., "Compassion and sexual orientation", in J Gramick and P Furey, eds, The Vatican and Homosexuality, (1988), 105-11

Atkinson, David John, Homosexuals in the Christian fellowship, (Grand Rapids, Mich. : Eerdmans, 1981, 1979)

Conservative views, based on Biblical texts.

Barnwell, William, "Gays and the divorced: similar scars", The Christian Century, 95, (January 4-11 1978), 29-30

Bawer, Bruce, A Place at the Table: The Gay Individual in American Society, (New York: Simon & Shuster, 1993; pb. Touchstone, 1994)

Bawer is a gay Episcopalian and a "conservative" voice in the gay movement. The book is wide-ranging, and includes much discussion of Christianity and homosexuality.

Baars, Conrad, The Homosexual's Search for Happiness, (Chicago: Franciscan Herald, 1977)

Babuscio, Jack, We speak for ourselves : experiences in homosexual counselling, (London : S.P.C.K., 1976)

Bell, Don, Religion and spirituality : a checklist of resources for lesbians & gay men, (Chicago : Gay and Lesbian Task Force, American Library Association, 1992)

Berger, William and Jacques Janseen, [The Catholics and their psychology], Tijdschrift voor Psychologie en haar Grensgebieden 35 (1980), 451-65

Berkstresser, Charles Frank, Christian Gay Men's Understanding Of The Relationship Between Their Gayness And Their Spirituality, Typescript. Thesis (M.A.)--Pacific School of Religion, 1991.

Berry, C. Markham, "The Christian Homosexual", Journal of Psychiatry and Christianity 1 (1982) 33-38

Bessler, J., review, Archdiocese of San Francisco (ed.), Homosexuality and social justice, in Currents in Theology and Mission 10 (October 1983)

Blair, Ralph, Wesleyan Praxis and the Homosexual, (New York : the author, 1983)

Blue, Rabbi Lionel., Godly and gay (London : Gay Christian Movement, 1981)

Bouchard, Charles E., O.P., "Sexual Identity and religious identity: closing the gap", RRel 49:86-98 Jan/Feb 1990

Bouldrey, Brian, ed., Wrestling with the Angel: Faith and Religion in the Lives of Gay Men, ( New York: Riverhead, 1995)

Contains Jewish, Hindu, Muslim and Mormon, as well as Christian accounts.

Boyd, Malcolm, "Crosses to bear -- In God's Image: Christian Witness to the Need for Gay/Lesbian Equality in the Eyes of the Church by Robert Warren Cromey / Rescuing the Bible from Fundamentalism: A Bishop Rethinks the Meaning of Scripture by John Selby Spong ", Advocate: Mar 26, 1991; :573 p. 77

Braun, Michael, "Such were some of you: a Christian response to homosexuals", Fundamentalist Journal, 4 No 3, 22-24 March 1985

Buckley, Michael J., Morality and the homosexual; a Catholic approach to a moral problem. With foreword by John C. Heenan. (Westminster, Md., Newman Press, 1960)

Homophobic. Manual for Roman Catholic priests. Attacks Bailey's refutation of homosexual interpretation of the Sodom story.

Charles, Guy, "Gay liberation confronts the church", Christianity Today, 19 p14-17 September 12 1975

Charles, Guy, "The Church and the homosexual", in The secrets of our sexuality; ed by G R Collins, 1976 p117-131

Clark, J. Michael, Gay being, divine presence : essays in gay spirituality : the Ganymede papers, (Garland, Tex. : Tangelwuld Press, 1987)

Clemens, James T., "Towards a Christian Affirmation of Human Sexuality", Religion in Life 43:4 (Winter 1974)

Coffin, William Sloane, The Courage to Love, (San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1984)

Coleman, Peter Everard, Gay Christians : A Moral Dilemma, (London: SCM Press ; Philadelphia : Trinity Press International, 1989)

Collins, Gary R. (ed.), Secrets of our sexuality: role liberation for the Christian, (Word Books 1976)

"A Colloquy on Homosexuality and the Church", The Circuit Rider 4:3 (March 1980), 3-13

Sic articles in United Methodist Clergy publication.

Conner, Randy P., Blossom of Bone: Reclaiming the Connection Between Homoereoticism and the Sacred, (San Francsico: HarperSanFrancisco, 1993)

A cross-cultural melange on gender and same-sex desire. Immensely popular among readers.

Cooney, Nacy Hennessey with Anne Bingham, Sex, Sexuality and You, (?: William C. Brown, 1998?),

High school textbook. Part on homosexuality repr. n Kathleen Leopold and Thomas Orians, eds., Theological Pastoral Resources: A Collection of Articles on Homosexuality from a Pastoral Perspective, 6th ed., (Washington DC : Dignity. 1981, repr. 1985), 38-39

Cory, Donald Webster [pseud. for Edward Sagarin], The Homosexual in America: A Subjective Approach, (New York: Greenberg, 1951)

Famous book which addressed homosexuality openly and with a good deal of personal knowledge. Discusses religious justifications of hostility to gays. Contains extracts from the contemporary law code in all the 48 states on "sodomy". Also a list of novels with gay and lesbian themes.

Cotter, Jim, "The Gay Challenge to Traditional Notions of Human Sexuality", Christian 4:2 (1977)

Cromey, Robert Warren., In God's image : Christian Witness to the Need for Gay/Lesbian Equality in the Eyes of the Church, (San Francisco : Alamo Square Press, 1991)

Cunliffe, C.Richard .A., "The homosexual and the Vatican: an American attempt at dialogue.", New Blackfriars 69:392-9 Summer 1988 [Cunliff is as of 1995, Chairman of QUEST, the British Gay and Lesbian Group.

Dallas, Joe, "Another Option: Christianity and Ego-Dystonic Homosexuality", in Jeffrey S. Siker, ed., Homosexuality in the Church: Both Sides of the Debate, (Louisville KY: Westminster John Knox Press, 1994), 137-144

Basically looks at ways of "reforming" unhappy homosexuals.

Davidson, Alex., The Returns of Love : Letters of a Christian Jomosexual, (Downers Grove, Il. : Inter Varsity P., 1977, 1970)

Davies, Susan E., "Oppression and resurrection faith", Lutheran Forum, 25 p16-19 February 1991, in The church with AIDS; ed by L Russell, 1990 p90-103

Dean, Amy, Proud to Be : Daily Meditations for Lesbians and Gay Men, (New York: Bantam Doubleday Dell Pub, 1994)

DeCosse, David E, "The Catholic case for inclusion", America May 8, 1993; 168:16 p. 15-16

[Abstract from electonic database]: The Catholic church's reponse to the exclusion of the Irish Lesbian and Gay Organization (ILGO) by the Ancient Order of Hibernians (AOH) in New York City's St Patrick's Day parade is discussed. A close look at this affair reveals the strength of the Catholic case for inclusion.

Elred, Stephen, "Gay Rights/Gay Plight: An Open Letter to Cardinal Bernardin--& a Response", Commonweal Dec 26, 1986; 113:22 p. 680-682

[Abstract from electronic database]:In an open letter, Stephen Elred responds to Joseph L. Bernardin's comments against gay rights legislation by proclaiming the support of gay and lesbian persons by God. Bernardin defends his position by relating homosexuality to US culture, theology and spirituality.

Espy. James W., "Continuing the Discussion `Homosexuality and the Church'", Christianity and Crisis 37:9 & 10 (May 30 & June 13, 1977), 116-117

Ferm, Dean W., Alternative Lifestyles Confront the Church, (New York: Seabury, 1983)

Churches which fail to meet needs no people who are not part of the traditional family.

Field, David, The Homosexual Way, A Christian Option?, (Bramcote : Grove Books, 1976; rev.ed, (Leicester: Inter-Varsity Press, 1979))

Fink, Peter, "Homosexuality: A Pastoral Hypothesis", Commonweal (April 6, 1973), n Kathleen Leopold and Thomas Orians, eds., Theological Pastoral Resources: A Collection of Articles on Homosexuality from a Pastoral Perspective, 6th ed., (Washington DC : Dignity. 1981, repr. 1985), 24-27

Fisher, David H. "The Homosexual Debate: A Critique of Some Recent Critics", St. Luke's Jouraal of Theology 22 (1979), 176-84

Floerke, Jill D. "Ministering to gay Christians", The Christian Century 93 p854-856 October 13 1976

Ford, Clyde S., "Ecumenism reaches out to gays", The Witness 65 No 8 p12-15 August 1982

Fox, Tom, "Inside NCR: On Celebrating Gay Gifts ", National Catholic Reporter Jul 31, 1992; 28:35 p. 2

[Abstract from electonic database]: A Vatican document that seems to discriminate against gay and lesbian members of the Roman Catholic Church is discussed. US Catholics seem to have come a lot further and a lot faster than the Vatican in dealing with homosexuals.

Franklin, Patrick, "Religion: Bond or Bondage for Gays", The Advocate 306 (1980), 21-23

Gays should avoid religions with a record of persecution, inc. Judaism and Christianity.

Garvey, John, "Gays & Straights Together", Commonweal Mar 22, 1991; 118:6 p. 186-187

[Abstract from electronic database]:Traditional Christianity has been right to say that outside of marriage people should not have sexual intercourse. However, for Christians to judge homosexuals is to miss what is meant by humanity's fall.

Gay Christian: the bulletin of the Gay Christian Movement, (London, 1978-)

Gearhart, Sally "The Lesbian and God the Father or All the Church Needs is a Good Lay", Radical Religion 1 (Spring 1974)

Geis, Sally B. and Donald Messer, eds., Caught in the Crossfire : Helping Christians Debate Homosexuality, (:Abingdon Pr, 1994)


Lambda Book Report May 1994; 4:4 p. 46

Gennip, P. A. van, "Pastoral care and homosexual persons: whose definitions?", In The Vatican and Homosexuality; ed by J Gramick and P Furey 1988 p66-80

Geyer, Marcia Lee, Human Rights and Homophobia, (Los Angeles: Universal Fellowship, 1977)

Advice on coping with homophobia from MCC.

Giurlanda, Paul, "What about our church's children?", America May 8, 1993; 168:16 p. 12-14

[Abstract from electonic database]: Some experts believe that youth who think they are gay are three times more likely to kill themselves, although once they are dead, they cannot be questioned about it. The need to teach children in the Catholic church about homosexuality is discussed.

Gottschalk, J. B., "Kirche und Homosexualitaet"; tr by A Wewel in Kirche und Homosexualitaet; ed by J Gottschalk 1973 p71-97

Gould, Robert E., "What we don't know about homosexuality", Church and Society 67 p59-68 May-June 1977

Grammick, Jeanine. "The Myths of Homosexuality", Intellect (Nov 1973), repr. n Kathleen Leopold and Thomas Orians, eds., Theological Pastoral Resources: A Collection of Articles on Homosexuality from a Pastoral Perspective, 6th ed., (Washington DC : Dignity. 1981, repr. 1985), 40-43

Gramick, Jeannine, "New sociological theory on homosexuality", in Homosexuality and the Catholic Church; ed by J Gramick 1983 p60-79

Grammick, Jeanine, "Social Discrimination of Lesbians and the Church", Concilium 194 (1987), 72-78

Green, Michael; Holloway, David; Watson, David, The church and homosexuality
Chave-Jones, M., Churchman: Journal of Anglican Theology 95:1 p83-84 1981

Harrison, James, "Building bonds: the church and gays", The Christian Century 96 p500-504 May 2 1979

Harvey, John F., "The Controversy Concerning the Psychology and Morality of Homosexuality", American Ecclesiastical Review (November 1973)

Harvey, John F., "Chastity and the Homosexual", The Priest (July -Aug 1977)

Harvey, John F., "The Effect of Gay Propaganda on the Adolescent Boy or Girl", The Priest (March 1980)

Helminiak, Daniel A., "The trinitarian vocation of the gay community", Pastoral Psychology 36 p100-111 Winter 1987

Hencken, Joel D, "Homosexuals and heterosexuals: we are all apologists", Anglican Theological Review 59 p191-193 April 1977

Henry, Patrick, "Homosexuals: identity and dignity", Theology Today 33 p33-39

Hilton, Bruce., Can homophobia be cured? : wrestling with questions that challenge the church, (Nashville : Abingdon Press, 1992)

Halloran, Joe, Understanding Homosexual Persons: Straight Answers from Gays

Holton, Robert, "A hard line on homosexuals (editorial)", Tablet 246:947 (August 1, 1992)

"Homosexuality and the church", Christianity Today 23 p28-30 July 20 1979

Houck, Douglas A., "Neglected by mission: the homosexual person", Urban Mission 4 p13-20 May 1987

Hubbuch, Cornelius, "Gay men and women and the owed life", in Homosexuality and the Catholic Church; ed by J Gramick, 1983 p129-137

Hunt, George W, "Of Many Things", America Nov 11, 1989; 161:14 p. 310

[Abstract from electronic database]:Results of the "U.S. Catholic" October 1989 issue's readers' poll regarding public policy towards homosexuals betray a consistent pattern of positive and generous sentiments. Some of the results are presented.

Hunt, Mary, "On Religious Lesbians: Contradictions and Challenges", in Denis Altman, at al, Homosexuality, Which homosexuality? International Conference on Gay and Lesbian Studies, (Amsterdam: Uitgeverij An Dekker.Schorer; London: GMP, 1989), 97-138

Itkin, Mikhail., The Radical Jesus & Gay Consciousness : Notes For A Theology Of Gay Liberation. 2d ed., (Long Beach CA: Communiversity West, 1972)

By a counter-culture Syrian Orthodox priest.

Jaekel, Hans Georg, Ins Hetto gedraengt - Homosexuelle berichten, (Hamburg: Lutherisches Verlagshous, 1978)

Inlcudes 10 personal accounts by gays and lesbians.

Johnson, Bill, 'The good news of Gay liberation", In Loving women/loving men; ed by S Gearhart 1974 p91-117

Johnston, Maury, Gays Under Grace : A Gay Christian's Response To The Moral Majority, (Nashville, Tenn. : Winston-Derek, c1983)

Jones, Clinton, Understanding Gay Relatives and Friends, (New York: Seabury, 1978)

By an Episcopal priest from Conneticut.

Jones, H. Kimball. Toward a Christian understanding of the homosexual, (New York, Association Press,1966)

Jones, Joe R., "Christian Sensibility with Respect to Homosexuality", Encounter 40 (1979), 209-21

Kavanaugh, Julia (pseud.), "My Son is Gay", US Catholic, (date?), repr. n Kathleen Leopold and Thomas Orians, eds., Theological Pastoral Resources: A Collection of Articles on Homosexuality from a Pastoral Perspective, 6th ed., (Washington DC : Dignity. 1981, repr. 1985), 67-68

Moving account, including thoughtlessness of the clergy.

Kelly, George A. , The Political Struggle of Active Homosexuals to Gain Social Acceptance, (Chicago: Franciscan Herald, 1975)

Kratt, Mary, "The church: always resistant to change", The Christian Century 97 p237-238 February 27 1980

Krody, Nancy E. "An Open Lesbian Looks at the Church", Foundations: Baptist Jornal of History and Theology 20:2 (April-June 1977), 148-62

Kuhn, Donald. The Church and the Homosexual: A Report on a Consultation, (San Francisco: Glide Urban Center, 1965)

Early positive statement from the early clerical support days of the gay movement in San Francisco.

Leopold, Kathleen and Thomas Orians, eds., Theological Pastoral Resources: A Collection of Articles on Homosexuality from a Pastoral Perspective, 6th ed., (Washington DC : Dignity. 1981, repr. 1985)

A collection of articles from various sources.

Lindsell, Harold, 'Homosexuals and the Church", Christianity Today 17:15 (Sept 1973), 8-12

Negative view.

Lucas, Donald S., ed., The Homosexual and the Church, (San Francisco: Mattachine Society, 1966)

Responses from 40 gay men about religion.

McGuire, Daniel, "The Morality of Homosexual Marriage" in Robert Nugent, ed., A Challenge to Love: Gay and Lesbian Catholics in the Church, (New York: Crossroad, 1987)

McGuire, Kenneth, "Shifting attitudes toward homosexuality", in Homosexuality and the Catholic Church; ed by J Gramick 1983 p169-174

McNaught, Brian, "The Sad Dilemma of the Gay Catholic", n Kathleen Leopold and Thomas Orians, eds., Theological Pastoral Resources: A Collection of Articles on Homosexuality from a Pastoral Perspective, 6th ed., (Washington DC : Dignity. 1981, repr. 1985), 73-77

McPherson, Jim, "Second best in a broken world: Christian attitudes to homosexuality", Saint Mark's Review no 136 p10-14 Summer 1989

Maddocks, Lewis I., "The Law & the Church vs. the Homosexual", In Ralph W. Weltge, ed., The Same Sex: An Appaisal of Homosexuality, (Philadelphia: The Pilgrim Press, 1969), 95-112

Macgregor, Alan, "Dilemmas, Disappointments", Times Literary Supplement Mar 9, 1990; :4536 p. 260

[Abstract from electronic database]:Alan Macgregor reviews "Gay Christians: A moral dilemma," by Peter Coleman.

Marchand, Philip, "Sexism and the Church", Chatelaine Sep 1988; 61:9 p. 122-125+

[Abstract from electronic database]:Attitudes of five Canadian church denominations on the topics of women in the church, sexual equality, contraception, abortion and homosexuality are discussed. The denominations examined are the United Church, Jewish, Anglican, Baptist and Roman Catholic.

Meeks, John E., "Should homosexuals lead youth groups?", Engage/Soc Act 3 p32-33 May 1975

Mickey, Paul A., Of Sacred Worth, (Nashville : Abingdon Press, 1991)

Mickley, Richard R., Christian sexuality : a reflection on being Christian and sexual, 2d. ed. (Los Angeles : Universal Fellowship Press, 1975)

Manual for local Church groups,

Mollenkott, Virginia R., Sensuous Spirituality : Out From Fundamentalism, (New York : Crossroad, 1992)

Monette, Paul, The Last Watch of the Night, (1993)

Monette, whose books on his lover's death from AIDS have been widely read, was virulently anti-Catholic in his biography Becoming a Man. In these essays, he discusses some of his experiences with gay clergy during his illness. His attitude now seems more positive.

Moore, Arthur J., "Gay rights and the churches: social pluralism and Christian order", Christianity and Crisis 46 No 6, p127-130 April 21 1986

Moore, Paul, Take a Bishop Like Me, (San Francisco: Harper and Row, 1979)

By the former Anglican bishop of New York, and a winner of the Dignity/New York Gormley Prize. Discusses his ordination of Mother Ellen Barret, the first openly lesbian priest.

Nash, James L., "On the Air: No Room for Dialogue", Commonweal 121:2 (Jan 28 1994), 8-11

Catholic University theologian complains that gay rights advocates will not talk to him as he questions their existence. Article in an infamous Commonweal special on homosexuality which had no openly lesbian or gay contributors.

National Catholic Reporter 30:38 (Sept 12, 1994)

Special issue on gays and antigay attacks. Contains editorial attacking the Christian right entitled "They'll know we are Christians by our sexual orientation".

Neuhaus, Richard John, "Notes on the culture wars (encouraging and discouraging signs in American culture)", First Things 9:59-63 (January 1991)

Nickel, Jeffrey, "On Sodom and Gomorrah", Christopher Street Mar 2, 1992; 14:17 p. 9-12

[Abstract from electronic database]:In the 20th century, the dilemma facing Christianity is whether or not to accord full respect to gay people. The refusal of Christians to accept homosexuality is discussed.

Nugent, Robert, Jeannine Grammick and Thomas Oddo, Homosexual Catholics: New Primer for Discussion, (Washington DC: Dignity, , 1980)

On Church teaching, scripture, civil rights and ministry.

Nugent, Robert, "Gay Ministry", Ministries Magazine, (1980), n Kathleen Leopold and Thomas Orians, eds., Theological Pastorial Resources: A Collection of Articles on Homosexuality from a Pastoral Perspective, 6th ed., (Washington DC : Dignity. 1981, repr. 1985), 28-33

Nugent, Robert, "Homosexual Catholics: Very Near to God", Priest 37 (Dec 1981), 31-36

Nugent, Robert, "Homosexuality and the Hurting Family", America 144 (Feb 18 1981), 3154-57, repr. n Kathleen Leopold and Thomas Orians, eds., Theological Pastoral Resources: A Collection of Articles on Homosexuality from a Pastoral Perspective, 6th ed., (Washington DC : Dignity. 1981, repr. 1985), 62-66

Nugent, Robert, "Homosexuality and the Vatican", The Christian Century 101 p487-489 May 9 1984

Nugent, Robert, "Courage Curbs Gays", National Catholic Reporter 21 (Han 18, 1985), 10

Nugent, Robert, ed., A Challenge to Love: Gay and Lesbian Catholics in the Church, (New York: Crossroad, 1987)

Important and indepth essays on social, theological and pastoral perspectives on homosexuality. Articles by Gregory Baum, Margaret farely, Matthew Faix, John McNeill, Daniel Maguire, Gabriel Moran, Evelyn and james Whitehead, Mary Hunt and Basil Pennington.

New Blackriars July/August 1990, Special Issue: Christians and AIDS: An Anglo-French assessment
A series of article on Christians and AIDS, largely by Dominican thinkers.

O'Brien, Dennis., "How Big is the Table: Choice & Sexuality", Commonweal 121:2 (Jan 28 1994), 14-16

Review of Bruce Bawer, A Place at the Table: The Gay Individual in American Society, (New York: Poseidon: 1993) in an infamous Commonweal special on homosexuality which had no openly lesbian or gay contributors. The reviewer, president of the University of Rochester, concludes that "heterosexuality...symbolizes a larger, perhaps even darker and more mysterious scenario of humankind". Sees homosexuals as "straights light".

O'Brien, Thomas. "A Survey of Gay/Lesbian Catholics Concerning Attitudes Toward Sexual Orientation and Religious Beliefs". Journal of Homosexuality. 21:4, (1991), 291-

Odenwald, Robert, The Disappearing Sexes, (New York: Random House, 1973)

Oddo, Tom, "The Minister's Challenge to Guilt", in Kathleen Leopold and Thomas Orians, eds., Theological Pastoral Resources: A Collection of Articles on Homosexuality from a Pastoral Perspective, 6th ed., (Washington DC : Dignity. 1981, repr. 1985), 34-35

Oddo, Tom, "Tempering the Myth of Gay Ministry", in Kathleen Leopold and Thomas Orians, eds., Theological Pastoral Resources: A Collection of Articles on Homosexuality from a Pastoral Perspective, 6th ed., (Washington DC : Dignity. 1981, repr. 1985), 36-37

Olson, Mark, "A commitment to hope, a commitment to justice: how readers responded to our questionnaire on homosexuality", The Other Side No 153 p26-27 June 1984

Olson, Mark, "Where to turn: a guide for gay and lesbian Christians", The Other Side No 151 p16-20 April 1984

Osiek, Carolyn, "Rights, responsibilities, and homosexuality", in The Vatican and Homosexuality; ed by J Gramick and P Furey, 1988 p126-132

The Other Side: A Magazine of Christian Discipleship, 81 (June 1978),

Issue devoted to "the gay person's lonely seacrh for answers".

Pattison, Fred L., Handbook for gay Christians, (Phoenix, Ariz. : Agape Pub., 1960-1975)

Pennington, Sylvia, But Lord, they're Gay : a Christian Pilgrimage, (Hawthorne, CA : Lambda Christian Fellowship, 198?)

Pilant, Craig Wesley, "The evolution of pastoral thought concerning homosexuality in selected Vatican and American documents from 1975-1986", in Homophobia and the Judaeo-Christian tradition; ed by M Stemmeler 1990 p117-145

Pittenger, W. Norman , Gay Lifestyles : A Christian Interpretation of Homosexuality and the Homosexual, (Los Angeles, Calif.: Universal Fellowship Press, 1977)

Preston, D., The Gay Bible, (s.l. : s.n., 1978)

Pruitt, Dusty, "Get me to the church on time ", Advocate: Jul 27, 1993; :634 p. 5

[Abstract from electronic database]:The conflict between many Christian clergy and the gay population is discussed. Attending church can give gays the strength to battle prejudice; God created gays and lesbians in His image.

Redding, M., "Catholic and Lesbian", The Tablet (London) 237 (Jan 15 1983), 30-31

Roos, Joe, "A matter of justice", Sojourners 11 p6 July-August 1982

Sanders, Don, "Is gay spritiuality really masochism", The American Atheist, 31:6, (Jun 1 1989), 16-

Should gays fight for acceptance in the church: The president of American Gay Atheists has a simple answer: no.

St. John-Stevas, Norman, "Homosexuality, prostitution and the law, a Catholic memorandum - The function of punishment, the Discourse of His Holiness Pope Pius XII to the Catholic jurists of Italy, 1954". The Dublin Review 471 (Summer 1956)

Scanzoni, Letha, and Virginia Ramey Mollenkott, Is the Homosexual My Neighbor? Another Christian View, (San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1978)

This book lists 4 pages of titles of recommended reading.

Scanzoni, Letha, and Virginia Ramey Mollenkott, Is the Homosexual My Neighbor? A Positive Christian Response, revised and updated, (San Francisco: HarperSanFrancisco, 1994)

Updated, and retitled, version of classic 1978 book.

Sherman, Sarah, "Lesbianism and the Vatican" Free to Be Ministers of the Gospel", in Jeaninne Grammick and Pat Furey, eds., The Vatican and Homosexuality: reflections to the "Letter to the Bishops of the Catholic Church on the Pastoral care of Homosexual Persons", (New York: Crossroad, 1988)

Shin, Roger, "Homosexuality: Christian Conviction and Inquiry", In Ralph W. Weltge, ed., The Same Sex: An Appaisal of Homosexuality, (Philadelphia: The Pilgrim Press, 1969), 43-54

Siker, Jeffrey, "Homosexual Christians, the Bible and Gentile Inclusion: Confession of a Repenting Heterosexist", Theology Today, (July 1994), repr. in Jeffrey S. Siker, ed., Homosexuality in the Church: Both Sides of the Debate, (Louisville KY: Westminster John Knox Press, 1994), 178-190

Smith, Leon, ed., Homosexuality, in search of a Christian understanding : Biblical, theological-ethical, and pastoral care perspectives, (Nashville : Discipleship Resources, c1981)

Spong, John Shelby, Bp., "Understanding the gay reality", The Christian Century 103 No 3 p62-63 January 22 1986

Springer, Robert, "Holy God, Gays Want In!", Today's Parish (Jan 1980), repr. n Kathleen Leopold and Thomas Orians, eds., Theological Pastoral Resources: A Collection of Articles on Homosexuality from a Pastoral Perspective, 6th ed., (Washington DC : Dignity. 1981, repr. 1985), 70-72

Stafford, Tim, "What about the homosexual?", Christianity Today 31 p28 October 2 1987

Stowe, W. McFerrin, Bp; others, "The church and homosexuals", Christianity and Crisis 39 p206-208 August 20 1979

Sullivan, Andrew, "The Catholic Church and the Homosexual: Alone Again, Naturally", The New Republic, 11/28/94

Sullivan is the gay British Catholic editor The New Republic. This articel is both a personal history and a major critique of Catholic teaching.

Svoboda, Gordon, "Gays and straights learning together", Church and Society 73 No 2 p49-51 November-December 1982

Thompson, Mark, ed. Gay Spririt: Myth and Meaning, (New York: St Martins Press, 1987)

Takes the view that gay people's spirit has always worked in culture, generating creative and soulful energy. An anthology from mnay points of view.

Thompson, Margaret Susan, "A view from the pews", In The Vatican and Homosexuality; ed by J Gramick and P Furey, 1988 p149-156

Thumma, Scott, "Negotiating a Religious Identity: The Case of the Gay Evangelical",Sociological Analysis Winter 1991; 52:4 p. 333-347

[Abstract from electronic database]:The process by which persons reconstruct their Evangelical religious identity to include the formerly incongruent homosexual identity is examined. Members of one gay conservative Christian organization, Good News, are profiled in the way they come to desire, construct and solidify a gay Evangelical identity.

Tivnan, Edward, "Homosexuals and the Churches", New York Times Magazine Oct 11, 1987; p. 2

[Abstract from electronic database]:The debate between various Christian denominations on the issue of homosexuality is examined.

Trombos, Cornelius J.B.J., ed., Pastorale zorg voor homofielen, (Utrecht: Spectrum, 1968)

Wagenaar, Theodore C. and Patricia E. Bartos, "Orthodoxy and Attitudes of Clergymen towards Homosexuality and Abortion", Review of Religious Research 18:2 (Winter 1977), 114-25

Wagner, Ramon, "Moving into Uncharted Territory", Couselling and Values, (?: American Personnel and Guidance Association, 1978), repr. in in Kathleen Leopold and Thomas Orians, eds., Theological Pastoral Resources: A Collection of Articles on Homosexuality from a Pastoral Perspective, 6th ed., (Washington DC : Dignity. 1981, repr. 1985)

Wakelee-Lynch, Joe, "Should I Stay or Should I Go?", Utne Reader Jan 1992; :49 p. 40-42

[Abstract from electronic database]:The question of whether or not gays and lesbians have a home in the Christian churches is not a narrow conflict: Homosexuality has become one of the most hotly debated issues in almost every denomination.

Weakland, Rembert, "Who is Our Neighbor", Catholic Herald Citizen (1980), repr. n Kathleen Leopold and Thomas Orians, eds., Theological Pastoral Resources: A Collection of Articles on Homosexuality from a Pastoral Perspective, 6th ed., (Washington DC : Dignity. 1981, repr. 1985), 49-50

Wiedemann, Hans Georg, "Schwul und dennoch Christ: Homosexuell liebende Menschen in der Katholischen Kirche", in Katholisch und rebellisch; ed by S Dunde 1984 p155-166

Willis, Elaine and Ian C. Dunn, The Dunblane Papers: Pastoral Approaches to Lesbian and Gay People, (London: Institute for the Study of Christianity and Sexuality, 1990)

Windal, Claudia L., "A way of the cross for the lesbian and gay community", The Witness 74 p18-19 March 1991

Williams, Don, The bond that breaks: will homosexuality split the church
Hunter, W. F.,Journal of Psychology and Theology 8 p81 Spring 1980
Horner, T., N R Bk Rel 3 p7-8 January 1979

Woods, Richard, Another Kind of Love: Homosexuality and Spirituality, 4th ed., (Ft. Wayne IN: Knoll, 1988, first ed. 1977)

By a Dominican priest.


Moore, Gareth, in New Blackfriars 70 (July-Aug 1989), 354

Wood, Robert, Christ and the Homosexual, (New York: Vantage Press, 1960)

Wright, Elliott, "The Church and Gay Liberation", The Christian Century, 88:9 (March 3, 1971), 281-85

Early post-Stonewall effects.

Wright, Helen, "Lesbian...Prophetess...Church: Some Theological Reflections", Insight: A Quarterly of Lesbian/Gay Catholic Opinion (Spring 1980), repr. n Kathleen Leopold and Thomas Orians, eds., Theological Pastoral Resources: A Collection of Articles on Homosexuality from a Pastoral Perspective, 6th ed., (Washington DC : Dignity. 1981, repr. 1985), 53-54

Zahn, Gordon C, "Let's Support Civil Rights for Homosexuals", US Catholic Oct 1989; 54:10 p. 13-18

[Abstract from electronic database]:Given that homosexuals are still persons, despite their behavior, it verges on scandal that the Catholic Church is one of the last major opponents of legislation that protects the basic human rights of homosexuals. This issue is examined

Zimmerman, Marie', "L'homosexuel(le), un(e) incapable "juridique": ou du caractere pernicieux du c. 1095; pt 1", Praxis Juridique et Religion: Semi-Annual Review of Law and Religion 3: 2 (1986), 238-241

C: Homosexuality and Psychology

Andersen, W. E and B. V. Hill, "Homosexuality and the education of persons", Journal of Christian Education Papers 59 (September 1977), 3-82

Contents: Editorial: sexuality and education, by W E Andersen and B V Hill. Christians take another look at homosexuality: a review article, by Kenneth Orr. Reflections on homosexuality, by John Kleinig. Of homosexuality: the current state of knowledge, by A W Steinbeck.

Berry, C. Markham, "The Christian homosexual", Journal of Psychology and Christianity 1:1 ( Spring 1982), 33-38
ABSTRACT: This is a discussion of the special concepts which are central to the author's work with this sensitive and controversial situation. It is his conviction that the legalistic interpretations of the various scripture passages bearing on this condition are in error, both theologically and psychologically. He believes that the homosexual who is a Christian can find his condition, however he chooses to handle it a gift, rather than a curse. The church has much to gain from accepting these brethren openheartedly and expectantly, profiting from the peculiar perspective on life and relationships which is theirs. [ed fr j].

Booth, Father Leo, When God Becomes a Drug: Breaking the Chains of Religious Addiction and Abuse
Drawing on the 12 steps of AA and using case histories of people treated personally by him in recovery centers and the stories of others around the country, Father Leo offers a clear cut program for recovery.

Browning, Don S., "Toward a practical theology of care", The Drew Gateway 53 (Winter 1983), 1-22

ABSTRACT: These lectures set forth a methodology for a practical theology of care. The methodology is public and philosophical. It argues that all care, religious or secular, depends upon an implicit or explicit ethic. The lecture sets forth a theory of the five levels of practical moral thinking. All practical moral thinking contains implicitly or explicitly a 1) metaphorical level, 2) an obligational level, 3) a tendency-need level, 4) a contextual level, and 5) a rule-role level. The problem of homosexuality is analyzed from the perspective of these five levels. In addition, these five levels are given a characterlogical or aretaic expression. Seen from this perspective, the five levels constitute perspectives on 1) faith development, 2) moral development, 3) emotional development, 4) reality-perceptual development, and 5) rule-role development.

Cameron, Paul; Ross, Kenneth P., "Social psychological aspects of the Judeo-Christian stance toward homosexuality", Journal of Psychology and Theology, 9 p40-57 Spring 1981

ABSTRACT: To test the possible validity of the Judeo-Christian charge that homosexuality, and the support of granting equivalence to homosexuality, tends toward lethality (evil) and away from social cohesion and respect for human life (the good), 2,251 participants from a series of area samples and 40 out-of-closet" homosexuals were administered a questionnaire regarding social policy recommendations, practices that involve the endangerment of self, practices that might involve the endangerment of others, and the number and quality of intimates in their life-space. Results suggest a) a Judeo-Christian bias is a powerful wellspring of discrimination against homosexuality b) the incidence of exclusive homosexuality approximates 1 of the population for both men and women, c) support of equating homosexuality and heterosexuality is associated with both self- and other-endangerment, d) a less than exclusively heterosexual orientation is associated with both self- and other-endangerment, and e) a less than exclusively heterosexual orientation is associated with lower levels of social cohesion. [ed fr j].{Note: Paul Cameron is a suspended therapist with a long track record of anti-gay political activity}

Cavanaugh, John R., Counseling the Homosexual, (Huntington IN: Our Sunday Visitor Press, 1977)

Conservative approach - recommends abstinence.

Corrigan, James; Myler, David C., "Supervising gay and lesbian students in CPE", Journal of Supervision and Training in Ministry, 6 p187-204 1983

ABSTRACT: In this article, written for clinical pastoral education supervisors and students and for supervisors and students in any clinically supervised program of learning, the authors reflect both on their own experience as gay men who have been both students and supervisors of clinical pastoral education and on the experience of other gay supervisors and students who have shared their experience of the same learning process. The authors begin by inviting the reader to enter into a fantasy in order to develop a sensitivity as to what it might be like to experience life as a homosexual person. The authors then identify some common myths about homosexuality and identify specific issues that frequently arise in the context of clinical learning or supervision. An annotated bibliography addresses both the gay and lesbian experience.

Cotter, Jim, "Homosexuality", in First aid in pastoral care; ed by L Virgo 1987 p81-91

Court, John H.; Johnston, O. Raymond, "Psychosexuality: a three-dimensional model", Journal of Psychology and Theology, 6 p90-97 Spring 1978

ABSTRACT: An adequate understanding of psychosexuality requires a conceptual model from which conclusions can be drawn. Most contemporary sex research and counseling adopts secular and humanistic assumptions about relationships. While such research is factually valuable, it disregards the spiritual aspects of man and fails to allow a moral dimension by which to evaluate behavior. A three-dimensional model, therefore, proposed to represent the continuum of homosexuality-heterosexuality, of orientation and activity is examined in the light of this model.

Court, J. H., "Homosexuality: A Scientific and Christian Perspective", Interchange 13 (1973)
Australian commentary. and in Behavioural sciences: a Christian perspective; ed by M Jeeves 1984 155-190

Curran, Charles E., "Moral Theology: Psychiatry and Homosexuality", in Transition and Tradition in Moral Theology, (Notre Dame, IN : University of Notre Dame Press, 1979)

Evans, Ted D., "Homosexuality: Christian ethics and psychological research", Journal of Psychology and Theology, 3 Spring 1975, 94-98 ABSTRACT: A proposal for a Christian ethic on homosexuality is presented through the use of the relevant biblical passages and psychological studies. Distinction is made between the homosexual condition, which is the result of an early and complex learning pattern brought about most typically by a pathogenic family pattern, and homosexual behavior which is the willful engagement in homosexual activity. In the former, the recipient of the condition is passive and involuntary, while in the latter, the individual is voluntarily practicing homosexual behavior. With this distinction in mind, the ethical implications for the Christian community and society at large are discussed.

Franasiak, E. J. (ed.), Belonging, issues of emotional living in an age of stress for clergy and religious, Affirmation Books 1979
Contents: Belonging and creativity, B Bush. Where do I belong? by K Kelley. Belonging to a punitive God, A Campbell-Wray. Homosexuality and related myths of Unbelonging, E Franasiak. Belonging: longing to be, A Polcino. Belonging to self: rootedness through the process of mid-life individuation, V O'Reilly.

Garanzini, Michael J., "Psychodynamic Theory and Pastoral Theology: An Integrated Model", Journal of homosexuality, 18: 3/4 (1989), 175

Gross, Alfred A., "The homosexual in society: the minister has a primary obligation to relieve guilt feelings and restore the homosexual's self-respect", Pastoral Psychology 1 p38-45 April 1950

Harvey, John F., Pastoral Care and the Homosexual, (?: The Knights of Columbus, No. 85, 1978)

Harvey, John F., "Reflections on a Retreat for Clerics with Homosexual Tendancies", Linacre Quarterly 46 (May 1979)

One of the worst people to lead such a retreat, discusses it. Prolific anti-gay writer and Catholic priest in New York.

Harvey, John F., "The Controversy Concerning the Psychology and Morality of Gay Propaganda on the Adolescent Boy or Girl", The Priest (March 1980)

Harvey, John, "Group Support in Helping the Homosexual To Live a Fully Integrated Life", in Kathleen Leopold and Thomas Orians, eds., Theological Pastoral Resources: A Collection of Articles on Homosexuality from a Pastoral Perspective, 6th ed., (Washington DC : Dignity. 1981, repr. 1985), 21-23

Typical views of a priest whose main experience has been in counseling ill-adjusted homosexual men, which he generalized to an overall view.

Harvey, John F., The Homosexual Person : New Thinking in Pastoral Care, (San Francisco : Ignatius Press, 1987)
Harvey is the founder of Courage, an organization which attemptes to persuade its members to forego sexual relations. He represents Current Catholic conservtive views on homosexuality. He does not believe, by the way, that homosexuals can be changed into heterosexuals. He has been saying the same things since the 1950s.

Harvey, John F., OSFS, "Support for homosexual Catholics", Guild CPsych 32:59-63 1988

Henry, George W., "Pastoral counseling for homosexuals", Pastoral Psychology 2 p33-39 November 1951

Herrman, Bert, Being, Being Happy, Being Gay, (San Francisco: Alamo Square Press, 1990)

Hill, Anita C.; Treadway, Leo, "Rituals of healing: ministry with and on behalf of gay and lesbian people", in Lift every voice: constructing Christian theol; S Thistlethwaite 1990 p231-244

Hochstein, Lorna M., " Pastoral counselors: their attitudes toward gay and lesbian clients" , The Journal of Pastoral Care 40:2 p158-165 June 1986

Hopcke, Robert H., Karen Lofthus Carrington and Scott Wirth, Same-Sex Love: And the Path to Wholeness;
The first book to examine the unique ways gay men and lesbians make the journey toward psychic wholeness and balance needed in everyday life. Here eighteen prominent therapists and writers offer thought-provoking insights into the inner meaning of homosexuality.

Hulme, William E., "A pastoral perspective on homosexuality", Word & World: Theology for Christian Ministry 10 p131-139 Spring 1990

Ide, Arthur Frederick., Homosexuals anonymous : a psychoanalytic & theological analysis of Colin Cook & his cure for homosexuality, (Garland, Tex. : Tangelwuld, 1987)

Johnson, Johnnie Louis, "The minister and the homosexual parishioner "; Johnson, Johnnie Louis, Dmin United Theological Seminary (Dayton) 1984
ABSTRACT: Project director: John Civille. Based on the assumption that a correlation exists between persons' feelings and attitutdes toward homosexuals and their knowledge concerning the nature of homosexuality, this program sought: 1) to develop a body of factual data from scientific research, history, culture and theology that would assist in disspelling misconceptions regarding homosexuality, 2) to develop a theological rationale for Christian ministry to homosexuals, 3) to provide practical aids for ministry to homosexual persons. Workshops were conducted with black conservative clergy and are described and the attitudinal changes are reported. ton, Robert K.

Jones, Clinton R., Homosexuality and counseling

Johnson, A. E., The Journal of Pastoral Care 31 p67-68 March 1977

Jones, Stanton L.; Workman, Don E., "Homosexuality: the behavioral sciences and the church" Journal of Psychology and Theology 17 p213-225 Fall 1989

Jones, Stanton L. and Don. E. Workman, "Homosexuality and Biology".Journal of Psychology and Theology 17:3 (1989), 213-25, repr. with addendum in Jeffrey S. Siker, ed., Homosexuality in the Church: Both Sides of the Debate, (Louisville KY: Westminster John Knox Press, 1994), 93-115

Discusses whether homosexuality is a psychopathology. Comes to conclusion that it is not, but is still wrong for Biblical reasons. Authors are conservative Christians.

L'Homond, Brigitte, "Discours medicaux et homosexualite: de la creation d'une figure", in L'homosexuel(le) dans les societes; J Schlick & M Zimmermann 1985 p125-143

Martin, Enos D., and Ruth K. Martin, :Developmental and Ethical Issues in Homosexuality: Pastoral Implications", Journal of Psychology and Theology 9 (1981), 58-68
ABSTRACT: The contemporary church has been challenged to legitimize homosexuality and even to ordain homosexual persons. Yet scriptural concepts lead the church to approve sexual expression only within the framework of heterosexual marriage. By exploring concepts of sexual development and examining the church's ethical stance on homosexuality, the authors show how homosexual orientation can be approached within a supportive Christian ministry while adhering to the church's traditional alues. Specific pastoral guidelines on the issue of homosexuality are offered. [j].

Meier, Paul D., "Counseling homosexuals", Fundamentalist Journal 4 No 3 p20-21 March 1985

Moberly, Elizabeth, "The Conservative Case", Salmagundi 58-69 (Fall 1982- Winter 1983), 281-299

Article mixing psychoanalysis and "Christian" ethics. Confused, but this women is called on repeatedly to address clerical groups, and is particulalry popular with the Orthodox CChurch in America.

Moberly, Elizabeth R., Psychogenesis: The Early Development of Gender Identity, (London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1983)

Moberly, Elizabeth R., "First aid in pastoral care, 15: counselling the homosexual", The Expository Times 96 p261-266 June 1985
ABSTRACT: A new approach to homosexuality reassesses the traditional data of psychoanalysis to indicate that same-sex love is a legitimate developmental drive. Developmental needs may not be bypassed, but must be done justice to. Increased opposite sex contact cannot fulfill same-sex developmental deficits. Gender-specific counselling is recommended: with a same-sex counsellor; to fulfill needs for same-sex love and identification; and, equally important, to resolve unconscious negative emotions towards members of the same sex. For further details of developmental resolution, see the author's Psychogenesis (Routledge, 1983) and Homosexuality: A New Christian Ethic (James Clarke/Attic Press, 1983).

Moore, Gareth, O.P., "Are Homosexuals Sick?", New Blackfriars 69:15-19 (January 1989), and Moore, Gareth, O.P. "Are Homosexuals Sick; reply by B. Williams and rejoinder", New Blackfriars 70:249 (May 1989)

Nugent, Robert, "Married homosexuals", The Journal of Pastoral Care 37 p243-251 December 1983

OBrien, Charles R.; Johnson, Josephine, "A counseling pastoral approach to the homosexual client", Pastoral Psychology 29 p262-269 Summer 1981
ABSTRACT: This article focuses on a practical approach to dealing with homosexual concerns within a pastoral context. The manner in which a church worker and a mental health professional can practice co-therapy is detailed with some of the limitations and advantages associated with such a team outlined. [j].

O'Brien, Thomas W., "A survey of gay/lesbian Catholics concerning attitudes toward sexual orientation standards and religious beliefs", Journal of Homosexuality 21/4:29-44, 1991

Pattison, E. Mansell; Hauerwas, Stanley; Patton, John, "Understanding homosexuality: a symposium", Pastoral Psychology 24 p231-244 Spring 1976
ABSTRACT: A psychiatrist, an ethicist, and a pastoral counselor comment on the ways in which they conceive of homosexuality in their work, reflection, and efforts at counseling. Although each writes in isolation from the others, a surprising degree of consensus emerges. All three cite the problem of unclear terms and the peril of labeling. Each distinguishes between homosexuality as a st e of being and homosexual acts or behavior. Mansell Pattison, the psychiatrist, comments on prejudice, norms, sickness, and deviancy and their relevance for understanding homosexuality, before suggesting a model himself. Stanley Hauerwas, the ethicist, seeks a context that will allow us to think seriously about homosexuality from an ethical point of view. John P ton, the pastoral counselor, argues that the major contribution of a counselor is to avoid labeling and preconceived notions about homosexuality and to relate to the counselee in such a way as to help him clarify what he seeks.

Peterson, Michael R., "Psychological aspects of human sexual behavior (figs)", in Human sexuality and personhood; by J Gill, et al 1981 p86-110

Roberts, David E., "On homosexuality: the related function of the church, the psychiatrist, and society", Pastoral Psychology 6 p43-45 June 1955

Roe, J. Benjamin, "Ministry in human sexuality: an E/SA interview", E/SA 10 (November 1982), 24-29

Sanford, Theo; Brongersma, Edward; Naerssen, Alex van, editors, "Male intergenerational intimacy: historical, socio-psychological, and legal perspectives", Journal of Homosexuality 20/1-2:1-295 (1990)

Shelp, Earl E., ""Pastor, I think I'm gay"", The Christian Ministry 10 No 2 p18-19 March 1979

Stanton L. Jones & Don E. Workman, "Homosexuality: the behavioral sciences and the church",' Journal of Psychology and Theology 17. 3. 1989. Pp. 213-225.

Steinbeck, Alfred W., "Of homosexuality: the current state of knowledge", Journal of Christian Education Papers 59 September 1977, 58-82, ABSTRACT: The state of knowledge is assessed after defining homosexuality and homosexual persons. Questions for Christians are reviewed and cultural factors, human sexuality in terms of body features and development, hormone features and the effect of biological abnormality are discussed. Distinctions are made between the ordinary homosexual person and those with psychosis, suffering from alcoholism or deprivation. Facts brought forward suggest that the homosexual disposition is a reflex of education in the home, school and elsewhere that predisposes to homosexuality. Man's first error was to deny destiny (and, in a sense, anatomy is destiny) and to deny the supremacy of mind-brain over body.

Strong, Stanley R., "Christian counseling with homosexuals", Journal of Psychology and Theology 8 p279-287 Winter 1980
ABSTRACT: This article presents a theological rationale and a therapeutic method for helping homosexuals change orientation through Christian counseling. Homosexuality is no longer seen as a psychological dysfunction by many professionals nor by emerging social standards. While research has not isolated the etiology of sexual preference, it seems clear that the pattern of sexual arousal is not a matter of personal choice. Theologically, homosexuality as other sins is an expression of the corruption of the fall and another example of need for redemption. Christian counseling to change homosexual behavior begins by helping the client accept God's love for him or her as a homosexual. As the client accepts God's love, the way is opened for change. Trusting in the power of the Holy Spirit, the client is freed from resentments, desensitized to heterosexual aversions, and systematically helped to develop a heterosexual life-style using cognitive, behavioral and spiritual methods.

Switzer, David K., "Pastoral care and homosexuality", in Homosexuality; ed by L Smith 1981 p34-51

Topper Charles J., "Spirituality as a component in counseling lesbians-gays", The Journal of Pastoral Counseling 21 No 1 p55-59, Spring-Summer 1986

Villeggiante, Sebastiano, "Rilevanza giuridica dell'omosessualita nel consenso matrimoniale" in La chiesa dopo il Concilio, II; by J Arias, et al 1972 p1345-1368

Way, Peggy, "Homosexual counseling as a learning ministry", Christianity and Crisis 37 p123-131 May 30-June 13 1977

Wilson, Earl D., Counseling and Homosexuality; ed by Gary R Collins
Greenfield, Guy, Southwestern Journal of Theology 33 p74-75 Fall 1990
Jansen, Wayne, Reformed Review 42 p252-253 Spring 1989

Subsection: CA: Ex-Gay Movements and "Curing" Homosexuality

i: Neutral

Dallas, Joe, "Born Gay?", Christianity Today Jun 22, 1992; 36:7 p. 20-23

[Abstract from electronic database]:The issue of whether homosexuality is inborn and should therefore be treated as a morally acceptable alternative to heterosexuality is explored, focusing on biblical treatment of the subject. Despite the conclusions research offers, genetic origins don't justify sinful behavior.

Frame, Randall L., "The evangelical closet conservative Christianity's struggle with homosexuality may be more common than many like to admit", Christianity Today 34 p56-57 November 5 1990

Frame, Randall L., "The homosexual lifestyle: is there a way out", Christianity Today 29 No 11 p32-34+ August 9 1985

Neff, David (ed.), "Ex-gay: can homosexuals really change?", Christianity Today 33 p16-29 August 18 1989

Neff, David, "The New Ex-Gay Agenda", Christianity Today Mar 9, 1992; 36:3 p. 21

[Abstract from electronic database]:An editorial discusses the most misunderstood and mistrusted segment of the evangelical parachurch network, ex-gay ministries. Andy Comiskey, the founder of a Venice CA ex-gay ministry, discusses the new directions that these ministries need to take.

Pattison, E. Mansell; Durrance, Gala S., "Religious contexts for change in sexual orientation", In Psychiatry and religion: overlapping concerns; L Robinson, ed 1986 p133-154

Stafford, Tim, "Coming Out", Christianity Today Aug 18, 1989; 33:11 p. 16-21

[Abstract from electronic database]:After a decade of helping homosexuals leave the gay lifestyle, ex-gay ministries are still trying to determine the true extent of their effectiveness.

ii: Pro "Cure"

Bethell, Tom, "Exodus Illustration", American Spectator Oct 1991; 24:10 p. 9-11

[Abstract from electronic database]:Interest in Exodus, a Christian group which aims to counsel homosexuals from the gay lifestyle through therapy, prayer and Bible references, is rising. Bret Lutz and Jim Johnson, two men who repudiated their gay lifestyle, are profiled.

Bradford, Brice, et al, Healing for the Homosexual, (Oklahoma City: Presbyterian Charismatic Communion, 1978)

Argues homosexuality can be and should be changed.

Cook, Colin, ""I found freedom": one Christian's struggle with homosexuality and how he found healing through God's grace", Christianity Today, 33 p22-24 August 18 1989

[Abstract from electronic database]:One Christian shares his struggle with homosexuality and how he found heterosexual desire through God's healing grace.

Consiglio, William., Homosexual no more, (Wheaton, Ill. : Victor Books, 1991)

Davies, Bob and Lori Rentzel, Coming Out of Homosexuality : New Freedom for Men and Women, (?: Intervarsity Pr, 1994)

"Gays turning straight": Donahue Oct 29, 1993; TV Program :3849 p. --

[Abstract from electronic database]:Christian fundamentalists who claim they used to be gay but changed their sexual orientation tell their stories.

Golwyn , Daniel H. & Carol P. Sevlie, `Adventitious change in homosexual behavior during treatment of social phobia with phenelzine.' Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 54. 1. January 1993. Pp. 39-40.
King , Michael & Elizabeth McDonald, `Homosexuals who are twins; a study of 46 probands.' British Journal of Psychiatry 160. 1992. Pp. 407-409.

Koornstra, Andy, Homosexuality : Getting Free, Staying Free, (Shippensburg, PA : Destiny Image Publishers, 1991)

Nicolosi, Joseph, and Lucy Freeman, Healing Homosexuality : Case Stories of Reparative Therapy, (:Jason Aronson Inc, 1993)

Main, William., "Gay but unhappy: a new approach may offer hope for homosexuals", Crisis 8:32-7 (March 1990)

Minnery, Tom, "Homosexuals can change", Christianity Today 25 p36-41 February 6 1981

Rekers, George A. Growing up straight: what families should know about homosexuality
Blair, R., Review: Quarterly of Evangelicals Concerned 7 p1 Fall 1982
Hindson, Fundamentalist Journal 4 No 3 p48 March 1985

Rekers, George A., "Helping children grow up straight" Fundamentalist Journal 4 No 3 p25-27 March 1985

Socarides, Charles W., "Homosexuality is not just an alternative life style", in Male and female; ed by R T Barnhouse, 1976 p144-156

Socarides, Charles W., `Sexual politics and scientific logic: the issue of homosexuality.' The Journal of Psychohistory 10. 3. Winter 1992. Pp. 307-329.
Socarides, Charles W. Homosexuality: a Freedom too far. (Phoenix AZAdam Margrave Books. 1995)
Recent book by a psyschologist who has claimed to be able to cure homosexuality. He claims it is caused by bad parents. His son, a senior official in the Clinton administration, turned out to be a gay activist/

Spring, Beth, "These Christians are helping gays escape from homosexual lifestyles: ex-gays set up own ministries", Christianity Today 28 No 13 p56-58 September 21 1984

iii: Anti "Cure"

Blair, Ralph, [Rejoinder to] "Changing the homosexual" by R K Johnston, The Reformed Journal, Mr 1981, Review: Q of Evangelicals Concerned, Inc 1981 5 No 4, Sum 1981

ABSTRACT: Address: 30 E 60th st, New York, NY, 10022. Is it possible for another Christian publication to milk yet one more anti-gay article from the ill-conceived and misleading Pattison report? (cf. Review, Winter 1981 and Spring 1981) Sadly, The Reformed Journal seems to hope so. The Pattison article has now been denounced in letters in the American Journal of Psychiatry as "harmful", "rosy", "irrelevant", "inappropriate", "misleading" employing "questionable or inaccurate psychiatric concepts" and, even by a Pattison supporter, as using "less than rigorous methodology" and being potentially alienating or destructive for the patient". [excerpt].

Blair, Ralph, Ex-Gay (New York: HCC, ,1982)

A booklet that unequivocally repudiates the claim that sexual orientation can be changed through ministries to "ex-gays." Dr. Blair is a psychotherapist and the founder of the pro-gay Evangelicals Concerned.

Harvey, John F., OSFS, "The Catholic Homosexual", New Covenant 19:22-25 March 1990

Harvey, John F., "Treatment of homosexuality in the CTSA report on sexuality", Communio: International Catholic Review 4 p389-391 Winter 1977

Millen, Frederic, "Exodus cofounders tell ex-gay movement to get real", Advocate: Dec 4, 1990; :565 p. 39

[Abstract from electronic database]:Exodus, the most successful "ex-gay" fundamentalist organization in the US, is a nationwide coalition of evangelical ministries that embrace gays and lesbians wanting to change their sexuality. Two of Exodus's cofounders, Michael Bussee and Gary Cooper, have fallen in love and now say that Exodus is "homophobia with a happy face."

Scanzoni, Letha Dawson, "Can homosexuals change: understanding the nature of homosexual orientation", The Other Side No 148 p12-15 January 1984
ABSTRACT: "Sexual orientation is a complex set of feelings that are part of a person's core being, directing his or her yearnings for romantic and erotic expression and bonding". For homosexually- oriented persons, those feelings focus on someone of the same sex. Current behavioral science research shows the deep-rooted nature of a person's unchosen sexual orientation and why it is so resistant to change. Understanding the homosexual orientation can assist homosexual Christians in self-acceptance and can help heterosexual Christians to appreciate homosexually-oriented Christians as sisters and brothers in Christ with much to contribute to the church.

D: Sexuality in Other Religious Traditions

i: General/Multiple Traditions

Bouldrey, Brian, ed., Wrestling with the Angel: Faith and Religion in the Lives of Gay Men, ( New York: Riverhead, 1995)

Contains Jewish, Hindu, Muslim and Mormon, as well as Christian accounts.

Grahn, Judy, Another Mother Tongue, (Boston: Beacon Press, 1984)

LaChapelle, Dolores, Sacred Land, Sacred Sex, (Durango: Kivaki Press, 1988)

White Crane:

A quarterly journal exploring gay men's spirituality. Includes articles on mythology, lifestyles, ritual, and philosophy. Issue, #21, looks at Sex and Spirit.

ii: Judaism

"AIDS activism", Tikkun 5 (July-August 1990), 22-24,84-87

Allony, Nehemiah, "The `Zevi', Hebrew Poetry in Spain", Seferad 23 (1963), pp. 311-321

Artson, Bradley Shavit, "Judaism and homosexuality", Tikkun 3, (March-April 1988), 52-54+

Citron, Aaron, "Aspects of Love in the Hebrew Poetry of Moslem Spain", Literature East and West 11 (1967), pp. 119-125

Balka, Christie and Andy Rose, Twice Blessed : On Being Lesbian, Gay, and Jewish, (Boston : Beacon Press, 1989)

Of cognate interest.

Beck, Evelyn Torton, eds., Nice Jewish Girls: A Lesbian Anthology, 2nd ed., (Trumansburg, NY: The Crossing Press, 1984, c. 1982)

Biale, David, Eros and the Jews: From biblical Israel to Contemporary America, ( New York: BasicBooks, 1992)

Cooper, Aaron, "No Longer Invisible: Gay and Lesbian Jews Build a Movement", in Richard Hasbeny, ed., Homosexuality and Religion, (New York: Harrington Park Press, 1989), book format of the Journal of Homosexuality 18:3/4 (1989/90), 83-94

Looks at the mergence of the Lesbian and Gay synagogue movement.

Dresner, Samuel H., "Homosexuality and the order of creation", Judaism: A Quarterly Journal of Jewish Life and Thought, 40 Summer 1991, p309-321

Eisenstein, Ira, "Discrimination is wrong", Judaism: A Quarterly Journal of Jewish Life and Thought, 32 Fall 1983, 415-416

Feldman, David M., "Homosexuality and Jewish law", Judaism: A Quarterly Journal of Jewish Life and Thought 32, Fall 1983, 426-429

Felman, Jyl Lynn, "Report from the gay movement: for love and for life, we're not going back", Tikkun: A Bimonthly Jewish Critique of Politics, Culture & Society 3 January-February 1988, 64-65

Finger, Reta Halteman (ed.), Feminists - straight and lesbian: called to a new land?, special issue of Daughters of Sarah 14 p3-45 May-June 1988
Contents: A rearranged alphabet, by J Showers Rich. Lesbians and the church: bridging the gap, by J Gramick. "Who can we ask? Are we lesbians?", by J Orost. Mix at our own risk - should lesbianism and feminism mix? by P Gundry. "What was that you just called me?", by V Ramey Mollenkott. Is our problem sexuality - or hierarchy? by K J Torjesen and K E Corley. When there are no answers, by B Taylor. Paul, sex and the immoral majority, by C Kroeger. A burden or a gift? by R Halteman Finger. A world without men? by C Maple. Answering some questions about homosexuality (pt 1), by L Dawson Scanzoni. Editorials: Signposts in a foreign land, by R Halteman Finger. Walking a tightrope, by S Baker-Johnson. Resources on homosexuality.

Gordis, Robert (ed.), "Homosexuals and homosexuality: psychiatrists, religious leaders and laymen compare notes", Judaism: A Quarterly Journal of Jewish Life and Thought 32 Fall 1983, 390-443 Contents: Homosexuality and traditional religion, by R Gordis. Homosexuality and Judaism: are they compatible? by N S Lehrman. Homosexuality: a counselling perspective, by S Gordon. Homosexuality --today, by N Shainess. Discrimination is wrong, by I Eisenstein. Is there a Reform response to homosexuality? by R A Soloff. Preferences are not practices, by W S Wurzburger. Homosexuality and Jewish law, by D M Feldman. A call for compassion, by H J Matt. Talmud class in a gay synagogue, by H Rabinowitz. [for absts see dual auths].

Hirsh, Jody, "In search of role models", i Twice Blessed: On Being Lesbian, Gay, and Jewish; ed by C alka, 1989. 83-91

Jewish Communal Affairs Dept., the American Jewish Committee , Homosexuality, the Jewish perspective, (New York : The Dept., 1977)

Kahn, Yoel H., "Judaism and Homosexuality: The Traditionalist/Progressive Debate", in Richard Hasbeny, ed., Homosexuality and Religion, (New York: Harrington Park Press, 1989), book format of the Journal of Homosexuality 18:3/4 (1989/90), 47-82

Argues for a positive evaluation of homosexual persons.

Kellner, Menachem M. (ed.), Contemporary Jewish ethics (reprints). Sanhedrin Press 1978 x, 452P

Kirschner, Robert, "Halakhah and homosexuality: a reappraisal", Judaism: A Quarterly Journal of Jewish Life and Thought 37 Fall 1988, 450-458

[Edward I] Koch excommunicated [rabbinical court; gay rights; news], The Christian Century, 102 p1088 November 27 1985

Lamm, Norman., "The new dispensation on homosexuality: a Jewish reaction to a developing Christian attitude", Jewish life 35::3 (1968) ,11-16.

Lamm, N., "Judaism and the Modern Attitude to Homosexuality", in Jewish Bioethics, ed. F. Rosner & J.D. Bloch, (New York: Sanhedrin Press, Hebrew Publishing Co, 1979), 197-218

Lehrman, Nathaniel S., "Homosexuality and Judaism: are they compatible", Judaism: A Quarterly Journal of Jewish Life and Thought 32, Fall 1983, 392-404

Lerner, Michael (ed.), Rethinking sexuality, Tikkun: A Bimonthly Jewish Critique of Politics, Culture & Society 3 p41-57+ March-April 1988 Contents: What's the matter with sex today? J B Elshtain. Thinking about sex, by J Levine. Down-to-earth Judaism: sexuality, by A Waskow. Judaism and sexuality, by D Landes. Judaism and homosexuality, by B S Artson.

Marx Tzvi, "A Blessing over Differences: We need to look at Jewish texts that appear to exclude homosexuals", The Jerusalem Report, April 6, 1995
An Orthodox rabbi rexamines traditional texts in Torah and Talmud.

Matt, Hershel J., "Sin, crime, sickness or alternative life style: a Jewish approach to homosexuality", Judaism: A Quarterly Journal of Jewish Life and Thought 27 Winter 1978, 13-24
ABSTRACT: Traditional Jewish prohibition of homosexuality assumed availabity of a heterosexual option. Near-unanimity among contemporary experts that most hom ls cannot change their sexual orientation calls for reformulation of the Jewish stand. Homosexuality should be considered as neither sin, crime, nor sickness (in many of its negative connotations); nor as an equally acceptable alternative life style"; but as a malfunctioning, one of "God's exceptions". There should be no legal disabilities or penalties, nor discrimination in housing or employment; gay synagogues should be permitted, though membership and welcome in existing synagogues is preferable; even the rabbinate should be open to those homosexuals who can in conscience teach that heterosexuality is the normal and pref red state.[9;5Hhews,

Melanie, Kaye-Kantrowitz and Irena Klepfisz, eds., Tribe of Dina: A Jewish Women's Anthology

Novak, David, "Before revelation: the rabbis, Paul, and Karl Barth", The Journal of Religion 71 p50-66 January 1991

Novak, David, "Some aspects of the relationship of sex, society, and God in Judaism", in Contemporary ethical issues; ed by F Greenspahn 1986 p140-166

Prager, Dennis Prager `Judaism, Homosexuality and Civilization.' Ultimate Issues 6. 2. April-June 1990.

Prager, Dennis, "Homosexuality, the Bible, and us--A Jewish perspective", Public Interest Summer 1993; :112 p. 60-83

[Abstract from electronic database]:Jewish principles on homosexuality are addressed, and Judaistic and Christian opposition to this sexual orientation is discussed. The question of whether or not homosexuality is inborn is presented.

Rabinowitz, Henry, "Talmud class in a gay synagogue", Judaism: A Quarterly Journal of Jewish Life and Thought 32, Fall 1983, p433-443

Roth, Norman, "Deal Gently with the Young Man: Love of Boys in Medieval Hebrew Poetry of Spain", Speculum 57 (1982), pp. 21-50
ABSTRACT: Medieval Hebrew secular poetry developed in Spain, patterned after Arabic poetry and using many of the same motifs. One of these was love and praise of the beautiful boy, often a slave or a cup-bearer at a wine party. This article demonstrates the existence of such a theme, the actuality of the love of boys among Jews of medieval Spain, and discusses examples of the poetry, in comparison with similar Arabic (and also Christian) poems. While not as scatalogical in content as the Arabic poems, there is no doubt as to the erotic nature of the poems and the emotions aroused by the physical beauty of boys. This subject is not allegorical", as sometimes argued, but very real indeed.

Roth, Norman, "Satire and Debate in Two Famous Medieval Poems from al-Andulus: Love of Boys vs. Girls, the Pen and Other Themes", The Maghreb Review 4 (1979), pp. 105-113

Saslow, J.M., "Hear O Israel", The Advocate (Feb 3 1987), 38-41,44-48, 108-111

Schindler, Ruben, "Homosexuality, the Halacha, and the helping professions", Journal of Religion and Health 18 p132-138 April 1979, ABSTRACT: Overt homosexuality, child homosexuality, and lesbianism are examined in the light of Jewish Halacha (law). Though Talmudic writings view homosexuality with severe disapproval, a spirit of tolerance and compassion is also voiced in them. It is suggested that Jewish law placed overt homosexuality in the category of illness to evoke compassion for it. Halachic insights also suggest that homosexualities be viewed differentially. Activities involving minors and lesbians are not given equal weight in the realm of retribution. There are efforts to obviate social stigma. Prevention and rehabilitation are given major concern. The role of the Jewish religious practitioner and his responsibilities vis-a-vis the homosexual client are given a brief examination.

Schirmann, Jefim (Hayyim), "The Ephebe in Medieval Hebrew Poetry", Seferad 15 (1955), pp. 55-68

Shainess, Natalie, "Homosexuality - today", Judaism: A Quarterly Journal of Jewish Life and Thought 32 Fall 1983, p410-414

Shokeid, Moshe, A Gay Synagogue in New York, (New York: Columbia University Press, 1995)
A sympathetic participant observation account of New York's Congregation Beth Simchat Toarah by a noted - straight - Israeli anthropologist.

Show, H.W., "Homosexuality, Mormon Doctrine, and Christianity: A Father's Perspective", Sunstone Magazine (May 1990)

Gordon, Sol, "Homosexuality: a counselling perspective", Judaism: A Quarterly Journal of Jewish Life and Thought 32 Fall 1983, 405-409

Soloff, A.R., "Is There a reform response to Homosexuality", Judaism 32 (1983), 417-24 ABSTRACT: It is more than seven years since passage of a Central Conference of American Rabbis resolution that supported civil rights and civil liberties for homosexuals and encouraged "legislation which decriminalizes homosexual acts between consenting adults and prohibits discrimination against them as persons". The writer's impression is that there is decreasing controversy among Reform rabbis on this subject, though he cites current conflicting interpretations of the classic, Jewish texts dealing with homosexuality. He presents a draft statement on the subject, prepared for a future Central Conference of American Rabbis book of guidance for families.

Stein, Judith, New Haggadah: A Jewish Lesbian Seder

Stein, Judith, Jewish Lesbian Chanukah

Tucker, Gordon and Barry Freundel, "Homosexuality and Halachic Judaism--Two Views", Moment, Jun 1 1993 v 18 n 3, p. 40

A Conservative rabbi advocates expanding Jewish law to accommodate new understandings of homosexuality. An Orthodox rabbi rejects homosexual acts, but accepts individual homosexuals, whom he urges to change.

iii: Islam

Bellamy, James A., "Sex and society in Islamic popular literature", in A Al-Sayyid-Marsot, ed.,, Society and the sexes in medieval Islam, (1979), 23-42

Goitein, Shelomo Dov. "The sexual mores of the common people" in Society and the sexes in medieval Islam; A Al-Sayyid-Marsot, ed 1979 p43-61

Schimmel, Annemarie, "Eros - heavenly and not so heavenly - in Sufi literature and life", in Society and the sexes in medieval Islam; A Al-Sayyid-Marsot, ed 1979 p119-141

Schmitt. Arno, and Jehoeda Sofer, eds. Sexuality and eroticism among males in Moslem societies, (New York : Haworth Press, 1991) Acollection of articles facts and references.

iv: Buddhism/Hinduism/Chinese Religions

Cabezon, Jose Ignacio, ed., Buddhism, Sexuality and Gender, (Albany NY: SUNY, 1992)

Articles by Leonard Zwilling and Paul Gordn Schalow look at homosexuality in Buddhist writings and practice.

Schneider, David, Street Zen: Life And Work of Issan Dorsey

Story of a drag artist who became a Zen priest.

DuPrau, Jeanne, The Earth House, (New York: Fawcett Columbine, 1992)

A personal account of a Zen Buddhist Lesbian couple and the building of a house.

Isherwood, Christopher, My Guru and His Disciple

Mishima, Yukio, Sun and Steel

Nanda, Serena, "The hijras of India: cultural and individual dimensions of an institutionalized 3d gender role", Journal of Homosexuality 11 No 3-4 p35-54 Summer 1985

Stein, Diane, Kwan Yin Book of Changes

Walker, Barbara G., I Ching of the Goddess

v: Mormonism

Feliz, Antonio, Out of the Bishop's Closet

A classic work of the coming out of a Mormon priest.

New friends, Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought 19 No 1 p133-141 Spring 1986

Prologue: An Examination of the Mormon Attitude towards Homosexuality, (Salt Lake City: Prometheus Enterprises, 1979)

Show, Wayne and Marybeth Raynes, Mormons and Same-Sex Orientation, (199?)

Stout, R. Jan, "Sin and sexuality: psychobiology and the development of homosexuality", Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought 20 Summer 1987,29-41

vi: Other

Blackwood, Evelyn (ed.), "Anthropology and homosexual behaviour", Journal of Homosexuality, 11 No 3-4, ix-Xiii,1-200 Summer 1985

Contents: Preface, by J P De Cecco. Foreword, by J M Carrier. Breaking the mirror: the construction of lesbianism, by E Blackwood. Age, structure, and sexuality: reflections on the anthropological evidence on homosexual relations, by B D Adam. The hijras of India: cultural and individual dimensions of an institutionalized 3d gender role, by S Nanda. Growing yams and men: an interpretation of Kimam male ritualized homosexual behavior, by J P Gray. Sisters and brothers, lovers and enemies: marriage resistance in Southern Kwangtung, by A Sankar. The lesbian community: an anthropological approach, by D Lockard. "Mummies and babies" and friends and lovers in Lesotho, by J Gay. Mexican male interaction in public contexts, by C L Taylor. Male homosexuality and spirit possession in Brazil, by P Fry. Masculinity, femininity, and homosexuality, by R Parker. Men and not-men: male gender-mixing statuses and homosexuality, by C Callender, and L M Kochems. Why was the berdache ridiculed? by D F Greenberg. Persistence and change in the berdache tradition among contemporary Lakota Indians, by L Williams. [selectively indexed].

Davis, Kortright and Elias Farajaje-Jones, eds., African Creative Expressions of the Divine,

Fry, Peter, "Male homosexuality and spirit possession in Brazil", Journal of Homosexuality 11 No 3-4 p137-153 Summer 1985

Gray, J. Patrick, "Growing yams and men: an interpretation of Kiman male ritualized homosexual behavior", Journal of Homosexuality 11 No 3-4 Summer 1985, 55-68

Herdt, Gilbert H. (ed.), Ritualized Homosexuality in Melanesia

Flanagan, James G., American Anthropologist 88 No 2 p489-490 June 1986
Knauft, Bruce M., American Ethnologist 14 p401-404 May 1987

Knauft, Bruce M., "Imagery, pronouncement, and the aesthetics of reception in Gebusi spirit mediumship", in The religious imagination in New Guinea; eds G Herdt & M Stephen, 1989 p67-98

Knauft, Bruce M., "The question of ritualised homosexuality among the Kiwai of south New Guinea" Pacific History 25:188-210 (December 1990)

Kramer, Larry, and Hauser, Raymond E. "The berdache and the Illinois Indian tribe during the last half of the seventeenth century", Ethnohistory 37:1 p45-65 1990

Tinker, George E.. "American Indian berdaches and cross-cultural diversity", Journal of the American Academy of Religion 57 p607-615 Fall 1989

E: Feminist Theology/Goddess Worship/Neo-Pagan Spirituality

i: Christian and Post-Christian

Christ, Carol P. and Judith Plaskow, eds., Womanspirit Rising: A Feminist Reader in Religion

Daly, Mary, Beyond God the Father: Toward a Philosophy of Women's Liberation

Daly, Mary, Gyn/ecology: The Metaethics of Radical Feminism

Daly, Mary, Pure Lust: Elemental Feminist Philosophy

Frymer-Kensky, Tikva, In the Wake of the Goddess: Women, Culture, and the Biblical Transformation of P

Hunt, Mary, Fierce Tenderness: A Feminist Theology of Friendship

Loades, Ann, ed. , Feminist Theology: A Reader.

Mollenkott, Virginia , Divine Feminine: The Biblical Imagery of God As Female

Ruether, Rosemary Radford, Gaia and God: An Ecofeminist Theology of Earth Healing,, (San Francisco: HarperSanFrancisco, 1994)

Looks at destructive and constructive beliefs in the Western heritage.

Ruether, Rosemary Radford, Mary-Feminine Face of God

Ruether, Rosemary Radford, Sexism and God-Talk: Toward a Feminist Theology

Ruether, Rosemary Radford, Womanguides: Readings Toward a Feminist Theology

ii: Non-Christian

Adler, Margot, Drawing Down the Moon: Witches, Druids, Goddess-Worshippers, and other Pagans in America Today

Allen, Paula Gunn , Grandmothers of the Light: A Medicine Woman's Sourcebook

Allen, Paula Gunn, Sacred Hoop: Recovering the Feminine in American Indian Traditions

Aurora , Lesbian Love Signs

Budapest, Zsuzsanna E., Grandmother Moon: Lunar Magic in Our Lives

Budapest, Zsuzsanna E., Grandmother of Time: A Women's Book of Celebrations...

Budapest, Zsuzsanna, Goddess In the Office: A Personal Energy Guide for the Spiritual Warrior At Work

Budapest, Zsuzsuanna, Holy Book of Women's Mysteries

Canan, Janine, She Rises Like the Sun

Carson, Anne, Feminist Spirituality and the Feminine Divine

A bibliography of over 700 entries - covers articles, fiction, poetry, and other works. Goddesses, priestesses, and numerous other aspects of spirituality over time are covered.

Daly, Mary, Websters' First New Intergalactic Wickedary of the English Language

Deming, Barbara, Humming Under My Feet

Downing, Christine Psyche's Sisters: Re-Imagining the Meaning of Sisterhood

Downing, Christine, Goddess: Mythological Images of the Feminine

Eiker Diane and Sapphire, eds., Keep Simple Ceremonies

Evans, Arthur, Witchcraft and the Gay Counterculture, (New York: Fag Rag Books,1978)

Evans, Arthur, The God of Ecstasy: Sex Roles and the Madness of Dionysus, (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1988)

Evans, Shawn, Goddess Remembered

Farrant, Sheila, Symbols For Women: A Matrilineal Zodiac

Garcia, Jo, ed., Walking on the Water: Women Talk About Spirituality

George, Demetra, Asteroid Goddesses

Gimbutas, Marija, Language of the Goddess

Grey, Morgan and Julia Penelope, Found Goddesses: Asphalta to Viscera

Hall, Nor, Those Women

Hanon, Geraldine Hatch, Sacred Space: A Feminist Vision of Astrology

Hart, Nett, ed., Dreaming: An Almanac of Lesbian Lore and Vision, Vol. 2

Jay, Michael, Gay Love Signs: The New Astrology Guide for Men Who Love Men

Johnson, Sonia, From Housewife to Heretic

Laura, Judith, She Lives!

Marchessault, Jovette, Lesbian Triptych

A novel in three parts tells of the lesbian prophet of a new cycle which will unseat the destructive karma of a male-dominated world.

Mariechild, Diane, Crystal Visions: Nine Meditations for Personal and Planetary Peace

Mariechild, Diane, Inner Dance: a Guide to Psychological and Spiritual

Mariechild, Diane, Mother Wit: A Guide to Healing and Psychic Development

Mountainwater, Shekhinah, Ariadne's Thread: A Workbook of Goddess Magic

Noble, Vicki and Karen Vogel, Motherpeace Round Tarot

Plaskow, Judith and Carol Christ, ed., Weaving the Visions: New Patterns in Feminist Spirituality

Rosenwasser, Penny, ed., Visionary Voices: Women on Power

Salmonson, Jessica Amanda and Jules Remedios Faye, Wisewomen & Boogy-boos: A Dictionary of Lesbian Fairy Lore

Savage, John, Gay Astrologer

Sewell, Marilyn ed., Cries of the Spirit: Celebration of Women's Spirituality

300 plus readings poems and prose celebrates women's spirituality and the sacredness of women's everyday lives.

Spretnak, Charlene, Lost Goddesses of Early Greece: A Collection of Pre-Hellenistic Myths

Starhawk , Dreaming the Dark: Magic, Sex, and Politics;

Starhawk, Spiral Dance: A Rebirth of the Ancient Religion of the Great Goddess

Starhawk, Truth or Dare: Encounters with Power, Authority & Mystery

Stein, Diane, Women's Spirituality Book

Stein, Diane, Casting the Circle A Women's Book of Ritual

Stein, Diane, Dreaming the Past, Dreaming the Future: A Herstory of the Earth

Stein, Diane, ed., Goddess Celebrates: An Anthology of Women's Rituals

Stone, Merlin , When God was a Woman

Stone, Merlin, Ancient Mirrors of Womanhood

Thorsten, Geraldine, Goddess in Your Stars: The Original Feminine Meanings of the Sun Signs

Van Dyke, Annette, Search for a Woman-Centered Spirituality

Walker, Barbara G., Woman's Dictionary of Symbols and Sacred Objects

Walker, Barbara G., Woman's Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets

Walker, Barbara G., Women's Rituals: A Sourcebook

Warren, Patricia Nell, One Is the Sun [novel]

Williams, Walter L., The Spirit and the Flesh: Sexual Diversity in American Indian Culture, (New York: Beacon Press, 1987)


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