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People with a History: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Trans* History Sourcebook

Homosexuality and Catholicism Bibliography:
Section VI: LesBiGay Catholics

© Paul Halsall

A: Relations with the Hierarchy

"3 Bishops Join Opposition to Vatican Policy", Los Angeles Times 10/31/92 ; sec. A p. 24 c. 3
ABSTR: Three Roman Catholic bishops have joined more than 1,500 Catholics in signing a statement repudiating a Vatican document that supports legal discrimination against gays and lesbians in some cases.

"Angry reaction to Vatican observations on homosexuals", The Tablet 246:967 (August 1, 1992)

"Archdiocese Opens Door to Gay Group", Chicago Tribune 05/25/89 ; sec. 3C p. 6 c. 3
ABSTR: The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Chicago has formally recognized Archdiocesan Gay and Lesbian Outreach-Chicago, a group representing gay Catholics. The Roman Catholic Archdiocese has announced it will extend its services to the group in attempt to make peace with the organization.

"Dignity wins suit", The Christian Century, 107 p1191 December 19-26 1990

"Georgetown does not have to recognize a gay student group", Christianity Today 27 No 18 p49 November 25 1983

"McNeill leaves Jesuits", The Christian Century 103 No 35 p1025 November 19 1986

"Outrage! protests outside Catholic School", The Tablet 246 (Jan 25 1992): 241

"Protest Outside Cathedral", New York Times 12/14/92 ; sec. B p. 2 c. 6
ABSTR: About members of Act-Up and other AIDS advocacy groups protested outside New York City's St Patrick's Cathedral on Dec 13, 1992, saying that the Roman Catholic Church has lobbied against gay-tolerance education in schools.

"The Vatican statement on homosexuality", Christianity Today 30 No 18 p48 December 12 1986

"Vatican document on gays is not Christian (editorial)", National Catholic Reporter 28:24 (July 31, 1992)

"Vatican questions laws to protect homosexuals", The Tablet 246:935 (July 25, 1992)

"Vatican strikes at legal protection to protect homosexuals", The Tablet 246:935 (July 25, 1992)

"A Retrospective Look at Gay Rights Coalition of Georgetown Univ. Law School v. Georgetown Univ", George Mason University civil rights law journal, 1:1 (Sprg 1990), 121-

Ackerman, Todd. "Gay group is recognized at CUA", Register 65:1+ Feb 12 1989

Adams, Jane Meredith, "Gay Group Lashes Out at Church Sex Stance", Boston Globe 09/05/89 ; p. 3 c. 1
ABSTR: According to a new statement of sexual ethics by Dignity, a national organization of homosexual Catholics, the Roman Catholic teachings on sexuality are not in touch with human experience of heterosexuals or homosexuals.

Anerich, John Paul., "Jesuit-run university just says no to gay group", Register 66:1+ (March 11 1990)

Baldwin, Louis, Pope and the Mavericks
How infallible is the pope of Rome? According to Baldwin, many theologians have been troubled by some disconcerting historical data and have found it difficult to reconcile modern-day problems with age-old mandates, and he recounts the experiences of several noted theologians who have questioned papal infallibility.

Berrigan, Daniel, "The Leveling of John McNeill", Commonweal 104 (1977), 778-83
On the mistreatment of Fr. John McNeill SJ over his book The Church and the Homosexual.

Black, Chris, "BC creates a panel to focus on gay campus life", Boston Globe 05/05/93 ; p. 29 c. 1
ABSTR: Despite the Catholic Church's position that homosexual activity is sinful, Boston College, the third largest Catholic university in the nation, has established a special committee to provide support to gay and lesbian students, faculty and staff.

Boxall, Bettina, "Gay Catholics Urge Clergy to Denounce Letter", Los Angeles Times 08/01/92 ; sec. B p. 2 c. 4
ABSTR: Condemning a recent Vatican statement defending discrimination against homosexuals, several gay Catholics called on church members and clergy on Jul 31, 1992 to denounce the document.

Chandler, Russell, "Catholic Bishops Prohibit Masses for Gay, Lesbian Group", Los Angeles Times 06/23/89 ; sec. I p. 3 c. 4
ABSTR: Archbishop Roger M. Mahony of Los Angeles and 12 other bishops from Southern and Central California have firmly prohibited Roman Catholic priests from celebrating Masses sponsored by Dignity, an organization of gay Catholics.

Clines, Francis X, "Gay and green and the gulf in between". New York Times 03/13/94 ; sec. 1 p. 29 c. 1
ABSTR: Francis X. Clines comments on the attitude of Mildred S. Kennedy, who came to America for the first time in 1988 on an alms-seeking mission to stabilize her integrated public school for Protestant and Catholic youngsters in Belfast Northern Ireland, concerning the celebration of St Patrick's Day by Irish-Americans.

Dillon, Sam, "Liberals cooperating in New York school races", New York Times 04/21/93 ; sec. A p. 1 c. 2
ABSTR: In response to the alliance of the Roman Catholic Church, evangelist Pat Robertson and conservative community groups to influence New York City's May 4, 1993 school board elections, gay-rights advocates, liberal clergy and some parents and teachers groups are themselves organizing to fight the conservative agenda. The social-policy battles erupted after the ouster of Schools

Formicola, Jo Renee, "The gays, Georgetown, and the government", in Church polity and American politics; ed by M Segers, 1990 p233-249

Franklin, James L, "Catholic group asks gay panelist's ouster", Boston Globe 06/02/93 ; p. 20 c. 2
ABSTR: The Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights has called on Gov Weld to dismiss David LaFontaine as chairman of the Governor's Commission on Gay and Lesbian Youth because LaFontaine took part in two 1990 demonstrations the group said were marked by "hatred, bigotry and obscenity."

Franklin, James L, "Weld stands by gay panel appointee despite complaints", Boston Globe 06/03/93 ; p. 25 c. 1
ABSTR: Massachusetts Gov Weld "has no plans" to fire David LaFontaine as chairman of the Governor's Commission on Gay and Lesbian Youth, a Weld spokeswoman said, despite complaints that LaFontaine took part in two 1990 demonstrations that a Catholic group says denied the rights of others.

Fried, Joseph P, "O'Connor says Catholic groups may shun St. Patrick's parade", New York Times 02/16/93 ; sec. B p. 5 c. 1
ABSTR: Cardinal John O'Connor of New York City has said that Catholic groups may shun the St Patrick's Day parade if the Irish Lesbian and Gay Organization is allowed to march under its banner.

Fuerbach, Peter, "Gays and the law", National Catholic Reporter 68:1+ August 9 1992

Garcia, Rick, "Poor Response", Chicago Tribune 05/22/91 ; sec. 1 p. 16 c. 6
ABSTR: In a letter to the editor, Rick Garcia of the Catholic Advocates for Lesbian & Gay Rights says that the Chicago Human Relations Commission and Mayor Richard Daley's administration should forgo its public relations ploys and concentrate on serious issues, such as AIDS and hate crimes.

Goldman, Ari L, "Brooklyn Bishop Is Installed Amid Pomp and Harmony", New York Times 04/19/90 ; sec. B p. 1 c. 4
ABSTR: Thomas Vose Daily was installed Apr 18, 1990 as Roman Catholic Bishop of Brooklyn in a ceremony that avoided controversy. Daily challenged Mario Cuomo and gay-rights advocates in his first press conference in Feb 1990.

Goldman, Ari L, "Catholics Meet on Gay Role in Clergy", New York Times 09/28/89 ; sec. B p. 2 c. 4
ABSTR: More than 100 people from Roman Catholic institutions in the New York area gathered at the one-day conference entitled "Our Lesbian and Gay Religious and Clergy" to discuss homosexuality among priests, nuns and religious brothers.

Gramick, Jeannine (ed.), Homosexuality and the Catholic Church, Thomas More Pr 1983 176P
Contents: Preface, J Gramick. Reflections of a gay Catholic, B McNaught. Growing up lesbian and Catholic, A Borden. New sociological theory on homosexuality, J Gramick. Overcoming the structured evil of male domination and heterosexism, B Zanotti. Homosexuality, celibacy, religious life and ordination, R Nugent. Civil rights in a church of compassion, T Kane. Gay men and women and the vowed life, C Hubbuch. Moral theology and homosexuality, C Curran. Shifting attitudes toward homosexuality K McGuire.

Gramick, Jeannine., "Can gays and lesbians come out to be faithful Catholics?", US Catholic August 1992 57:6-13

Greeley, Andrew, The Catholic Myth: The Behavior and Beliefs of American Catholics, (New York : Collier/Macmillan, 1990)
Greeley has been reported issuing homophobic comments about the "Lavendar Culture" in seminaries. Still, this is a very interesting discussion of what American Roman Catholics actually believe, with some discussion of attitudes towards gay people.

Griffin, Jean Latz, "Gays, Women Look to Bernardin for Aid", Chicago Tribune 11/09/92 ; sec. 2C p. 3 c. 5
ABSTR: Members of Dignity, one of two organizations for gay and lesbian Catholics in Chicago, will join with several other Catholic women's and social justice groups around the US to hold a candlelight vigil at the home of Cardinal Joseph Bernardin. The prayer vigil will ask Bernardin to repudiate a letter from the Vatican that says homosexuality is a "disorder" and suggests that gay men and lesbians should not be allowed to be teachers or adopt children.

Kane, Theresa, "Civil rights in a church of compassion", In Homosexuality and the Catholic Church; ed by J Gramick, 1983 p121-128

Kenkelen, Bill, "Protesting gay activists up the ante", National Catholic Reporter 26:3-4 Dec 22 1989

Kenkelen, Bill, "San Francisco Archbishop Expels Dignity Chapter from City Church ", National Catholic Reporter Dec 2, 1988; 25:7 p. 21
[Abstract from electonic database]: Nearly every Dignity chapter, a national organization of gay Catholics, including San Francisco and New York chapters, has been expelled. Though Dignity publicly questioned church sexual teachings, they never boldly opposed teachings. Reactions to the expulsion are discussed.

Lueck, Thomas J, "Homosexuals turn mass into silent protest of pastoral letter", New York Times 08/30/93 ; sec. B p. 4 c. 3
ABSTR: A group of gay and lesbian protestors demonstrated on Aug 29, 1993 during Mass at St James Cathedral in Brooklyn NY, condemning a pastoral letter by Bishop Thomas V. Daily that opposed laws that would "legitimize homosexual activity."

Lynch, Father Bernard, Priest On Trial
A priest from New York discusses his coming out and charges of sexual of misconduct that were brought against him then eventually dropped.

Masters, Kim, "Here Is 'the Church'", Washington Post 08/14/91 ; sec. C p. 1 c. 1
ABSTR: The film "Stop the Church," which contains a "pervasive tone of ridicule" of the Roman Catholic Church by AIDS, gay rights and pro-choice activists, is discussed.

McBrien, Richard P., "Church's view of homosexuals needs straightening.", National Catholic Reporter 28:2 (March 13, 1992)

McCarthy, Tim, "Vatican goes public with revised document concerning homosexuality", National Catholic Reporter 28:9 (July 31, 1992)

McClory, Robert, "Bishops Buck Criticism, Attend Gay Symposium in Chicago ", National Catholic Reporter Apr 10, 1992; 28:23 p. 6
[Abstract from electonic database]: Three US bishops attended a symposium in Chicago sponsored by New Ways Ministry, an educational and research organization on homosexuality and the Catholic church. The bishops voiced their support for the gay community.

Neumeister, Larry, "NYC parade can exclude gays, US judge rules", Boston Globe 02/27/93 ; p. 3 c. 1
ABSTR: The Ancient Order of Hibernians, the Roman Catholic group that traditionally sponsors the St Patrick's Day parade, has a right to exclude a gay group from marching and the city of New York cannot interfere, a federal judge ruled.

Newman, Maria, "Mahony Vows Not to Be Intimidated by Gays", Los Angeles Times 12/05/89 ; sec. B p. 1 c. 2
ABSTR: The day after four Roman Catholic churches were spattered with red paint by gay activists angry over the church's condemnation of the use of condoms for safe sex, Archbishop Roger M. Mahony said he would not be intimidated by threats or attacks.

Niebuhr, Gustav, "2 Bishops Sign Ad Backing Gay Rights", Washington Post 11/01/92 ; sec. A p. 4 c. 1
ABSTR: Two Roman Catholic bishops, Walter F. Sullivan of Richmond VA and Thomas J. Bumbleton, auxiliary bishop of Detroit, signed a statement taking issue with the Vatican on the question of civil rights for homosexuals. The statement will appear as an ad in the Nov 13, 1992 National Catholic Reporter.

Nugent, Robert (ed.), A challenge to love: gay and lesbian Catholics in the Church, (New York: Crossroad, 1983)
Contents: Introduction, Bishop Walter F Sullivan. Prejudice, religion, and homosexual people, J Gramick. The Christian body and homosexual maturing, J Zullo and J Whitehead. The homosexual condition and political responsibility, G Baum. Homosexuality, lesbianism, and the future: creative role of the gay community in building a more humane society, J McNeill. Homosexuals: a Christian pastoral response now, M Guinan. Moral methodology: a case study, L Sowle Cahill. An ethic for same-sex relations, M Farley. Point-counterpoint, E Malloy. The morality of homosexual marriage, D Maguire. Lovingly lesbian: toward a feminist theology of friendship, M Hunt. Education: sexual and religious, G Moran. Three passages of maturity, J Whitehead and E Eaton Whitehead.[ The spiritual journey of the homosexual - and just about everybody else, M Fox. Gay Catholics and Eucharistic Communion: theological parameters, B Williams. Gay and Lesbian ministry during marital breakdown and the annulment process, P Thomas. Vocation discernment and the homosexual, M Basil Pennington. Homosexuality and religious life, M Kropinak. Priest, celibate and gay: you are not alone, R Nugent.

Nunley, Jan, "Church silence on gay-bashing deadly", The Witness 73 p12-13,21 November 1990

O'Connell, Paul E. "Gay rights coalition . Georgetown University: failure to recognize a Catholic University's religious liberty", Catholic Lawyer 32:170-84 (no.2, 1988)

Olmstead, Robert, "Catholic gays meet; three bishops present.", Register 68:1+ (April 12, 1992)

Ostling, Richard N., "Gays vs. the Vatican" Time Dec 5, 1988; 132:23 p. 60
[Abstract from electronic database]:The Vatican has targeted the US organization Dignity in its directive that withdraws support from organizations that oppose the Church's teachings on homosexuality. ; Dignity

Poust, Mary Ann; Costello, Gerald M., "Desecration of cathedral outrages New Yorkers.", OSV 78:17 (December 24, 1989)

Rosenstiel, Thomas B, "O'Connor Renews Issue of Bias against Catholicism", Los Angeles Times 04/04/91 ; sec. A p. 5 c. 1
ABSTR: John J. O'Connor, the Cardinal of New York, accused the media of exhibiting an anti-Catholic bias in its coverage of attempts to keep gay rights activists out of the city's St Patrick's Day parade. Other analysts have noted that anti-Catholic bias has deep cultural roots in the US.

Rosser, B. R. Simon, Gay Catholics Down Under: Journeys in Sexuality & Spirituality of Gay Men in Australia and New Zealand.
It examines how men of Roman Catholic background have come to understand and integrate their homosexuality into daily life.

Sheehan, Pete. "A little bit o' Irish - a lot of controversy", OSV 80 (Feb 23 1992): 4

Soble, Ronald L, "4 Catholic Churces Defaced in AIDS Protest", Los Angeles Times 12/04/89 ; sec. B p. 1 c. 2
ABSTR: Gay activists claim they splattered red paint on four Los Angeles Catholic churches to protest city Archbishop Roger M. Mahony's condemnation of the use of condoms to fight the spread of AIDS.

Stammer, Larry B, "Catholics name gay, lesbian to advisory board", Los Angeles Times 01/12/94 ; sec. B p. 1 c. 4
ABSTR: The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Los Angeles said on Jan 11, 1994 that a new advisory board that includes a gay man and a lesbian woman has been appointed to assist the church's outreach to homosexuals. However, the archdiocese made it clear that it still disapproves of sex between unmarried people.

Stankiewicz, Elizabeth, "Activists Hit Vatican Support of Some Bias Against Gays", Boston Globe 07/18/92 ; p. 8 c. 1
ABSTR: Gay activists reacted with anger and dismay to the Vatican's declaration that it will support discrimination against gays in certain circumstances, saying the church's position reaffirms stereotypes and ignores gays' basic rights.

Steinfels, Peter, "Vatican Condones Gay-Rights Limits", New York Times 07/18/92 ; sec. A p. 7 c. 1
ABSTR: The Vatican's Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith has sent a statement to Roman Catholic bishops in the US urging them to scrutinize laws intended to protect homosexuals and to oppose them if they promote public acceptance of homosexual conduct.

Stepp, Laura Sessions, "Vatican Supports Bias Against Gays", Washington Post 07/17/92 ; sec. A p. 1 c. 1
ABSTR: The Vatican has declared its support for discrimination against gay people in such areas as public housing, family health benefits and the hiring of teachers, coaches and military personnel. In a Jun 1992 statement to US Catholic bishops, the Vatican described homosexuality as "an objective disorder."

Twomey, Steve, "Gay-Rights Activists Turn Out at Mass", Washington Post 01/07/91 ; sec. B p. 7 c. 4
ABSTR: Gay rights activists demonstrated quietly at St Mary's Catholic Church in Washington DC as a follow-up to an altercation at the church at the same mass on Christmas morning.

Wilson, Nancy L., "A gay witness to Pope John Paul II", The Christian Century 104 p845-846 October 7 1987

B: Organizations

"A Better Course", Commonweal Sep 23, 1988; 115:16 p. 485-486

[Abstract from electonic database]: Cardinal Bernadin of Chicago is commended by an editorial for moving sponsorship of the gay mass to a broad based parochial group.

Baum, Gregory ,"Catholic Homosexuals", Commonweal 99 (1974): 147-81, repr. in Kathleen Leopold and Thomas Orians, eds., Theological Pastoral Resources: A Collection of Articles on Homosexuality from a Pastoral Perspective, 6th ed., (Washington DC : Dignity. 1981, repr. 1985), 7-10

Caglieri, Kevin, "Dignity: A Basic Ecclesial Community", Creation, (Sept/Oct 1990), 18-24

Article looking at the nature of Dignity, the lesbian and gay Catholic group, by a former national president of the organization, and a theologian in his own right.

Calendar, A Publication of Dignity New York, "The Cathedral Project: A Special Issue", Vol 14:4, May-Jun 1988

Best published source material on the Dignity/New York campaign against the exclusion of lesbian and gay Catholics by the Archdiocese of New York. Includes statements from the leaders of the protests, and submitted court documents.

"Can Gays and Lesbians Come out to Be Faithful Catholics?", US Catholic Aug 1992; 57:8 p. 6-13

[Abstract from electonic database]: In an interview, Jeannine Gramick discusses how she began working with gay and lesbian Catholics, Catholic church teaching on homosexuality, the needs of gay and lesbian parishioners and homophobia in the Catholic Church.

Davidson, David, "Dignity, Inc.: an alternative experience of Church", New Blackriars (1987) [No?], 192-201

Dignity Speaks to Bishops, n Kathleen Leopold and Thomas Orians, eds., Theological Pastoral Resources: A Collection of Articles on Homosexuality from a Pastoral Perspective, 6th ed., (Washington DC : Dignity. 1981, repr. 1985), 55-56

Text of a document Dignity presented to the US bishops in 1975. pp 57-58, give texts of bishops' report, plus positive resolutions passes by the National Federation of Priest's Councils (March 1974), the National Association of Religiou Brothers (June 1977), the National Coalition of American Nuns (1974), the National Association of Women Religious 9August 1978).

Gogin, Kevin R, Changing images : women and gay men in the Catholic Church, Typescript. Thesis (M. S. T.)--Jesuit School of Theology at Berkeley, 1984.

Grippo, Dan, "Why lesbian and gay Catholics stay Catholic", .U.S. Catholic,. Sep 1 1990 v 55:9, p.18

Even though they may not always be welcome, lesbian and gay Catholics believe their place in the church is worth holding on to

Halloran, Joe, Understanding Homosexual Persons, (Hicksville NY:, Exposition Press, 1979)

By a RC priest, on a years work with Dignity in the SF Bay area.

"Healy Says He Regrets Dignity Ban", National Catholic Reporter Jun 15, 1990; 26:33 p. 7

[Abstract from electonic database]: Jesuit priest Timothy S. Healy is deeply troubled over the memory of having to tell the Georgetown University chapter of Dignity, an organization for homosexuals, that they could no longer hold Mass on campus. Healy feels that the Roman Catholic Church's ban on Dignity was "obscene."

Holton, Robert, "Homosexuals with the courage to be different", OSV 81:21 August 30 1992
about the anti-gay "gay group" Courage.

Insight (New York, N.Y. : 1976) New York, Dignity New York, inc. Dignity New York, P.O. Box 1554, FDR Station, New York, NY 10022. 4 v. ill. 29 "A quarterly of gay Catholic opinion."

Jacquet, Louis F., "Courage: a support group for Catholic Homosexuals", Liguorian 77:16-20 May 1989
[Courage is actually a group which seeks to deny that Gay Catholics can have moral sexual relationships.]

Johnson, Daniel; Nicosia, Carolyn; Krody, Nancy, "International Dignity convention", Journal of Ecumenical Studies 18 p726-728 Fall 1981

Kenkelen, Bill, "Dignity Proposes New Sexual Ethic ", National Catholic Reporter Sep 8, 1989; 25:40 p. 6

[Abstract from electonic database]: At a recent meeting, Dignity, an organization of gay Catholics, passed a sexual-ethics manifesto. Dignity asserts that gay relationships, including sex, can be morally good.

Kenkelen, Bill, "Dignity Considers Bolder Approach", National Catholic Reporter Sep 15, 1989; 25:41 p. 3

[Abstract from electronic database]:Dignity, a gay Catholic organization that has been increasingly ostracized from Catholic dioceses, is considering taking bolder action. Dignity branches all over the US are considering outing gay clergy who hide their sexual orientation while attacking gay people who do not.

McNaught, Brian, "Gay and Catholic" in Betty Berzon and Robert Leighton, eds, Positively Gay, (Millbrae, CA: Celestial Arts, 1979), 56-64
This collection also has articles on Protestantism, Judaism and a host of non-religious issues.

Maher, Donald, A Catholic Parish's Response to Gay and Lesbian Presence: A report on the Gay and Lesbian Ministry of St. Paul the Apostle and the survey of its membership, (New York: the author, 1994)

Miller, Neil, In Search of Gay America: Women and Men in a Time of Change, (New York: The Atlantic Monthly Press, 1989; pb New York: Harper & Row/Perennial)

Miller has four chapters on religion and gays: on a United Methodist minister; on Fr. Bill Dorn, a Dignity priest in Minneapolis ; on More Light Presybyterian churches; and on Washington DC Metropolitan COmmunity Church.

Nugent, Robert, "Courage Curbs Gays", National Catholic Reporter 21 (Han 18, 1985), 10

Nugent, Robert, and Jeannine Grammick, Building Bridges : Gay & Lesbian Reality and the Catholic Church, (Mystic, Conn. : Twenty-Third Publications, c1992.)


Lambda Book Report Mar 1992; 3:3 p. 47-48

Levesque, Irma, SIECUS Report Apr 1992; 20:4 p. 22

Primiano, Leonard Norman, "Normative Religion vs. Vernacular Religion: Notes on the Study of Philadelphia's Gay Catholics", Paper presented at American Folklore Society Annual Meeting, Alberquerque New Mexico 23 October 1987.

Dignity/Philadelphia served as a case study of "vernacular religion".

Rashke, R., "Dignity like a Fishbone Lodgeed in the Churchs Throat", National Catholic Reporter (April 6, 1976), 28

Stephens, Michael., Gay Catholics in Britain : the story of Quest, 1973-83, (London : Quest, 1983)

Quest is a British Lesbian and Gay Catholic group which has maintained good relations with the British hierarchy - at the expense of not forthrightly saying "Gay is God". This account of its first ten years is a short, detailed, but adequately told narrative. The biggest crisis was the 1976 Vatican Declaration on Sexual Ethics - until then it seems, activists had thought change would be rather rapid. Micheal Stephens was the founder (?) and major figure in Quest during these years.

Unsworth, Tim, "Gay Catholics at Mass Clinging to Hem of Worn Garments ", National Catholic Reporter Aug 16, 1991; 27:37 p. 8

[Abstract from electonic database]: A mass held for gays and lesbians in a Tudor Gothic church brings 200 Christians who pray to a God who accepts them as they are. Homosexual Catholics who are seeking expression of their beliefs are discussed.

Vidulich, Dorothy, "Gay Group Says 'Outing' Bishops Is out of Bounds ", National Catholic Reporter Aug 14, 1992; 28:36 p. 3

[Abstract from electonic database]: Dignity/USA, the national organization for gay and lesbian Roman Catholics, has challenged recent threats by gays and lesbians to reveal the names of gay Catholic bishops. The threats came in response to a recently publicized Vatican document on homosexuality and civil law that rationalizes church opposition to laws forbidding discrimination based on sexual preference.

Wagner, Glenn, "Integration of one's religion and homosexuality: A weapon against internalized homophobia?" Journal of Homosexuality 1994; 26:4 p. 91-110

[Abstract from electonic database]: A study looks at the relationship between internalized homophobia and the process of integrating one's religious faith and homosexuality by comparing levels of internalized homophobia among male participants of Dignity, an organization of Catholic gay men and lesbians, with a community of gay men with Catholic

Wilson, Nancy L, "A Gay Witness to Pope John Paul II", Christian Century Oct 7, 1987; 104:28 p. 845-846

[Abstract from electonic database]: In an editorial, a member of Dignity International discusses why the Catholic gay-rights group accepted an invitation to attend a recent prayer service in the presence of Pope John Paul II, known for his negative attitude toward homosexuals.

Windsor, Pat, "Dignity, Church Find Ways to Peacefully Coexist ", National Catholic Reporter Aug 16, 1991; 27:37 p. 7-8

[Abstract from electonic database]: All but a handful of US dioceses and archdioceses have expelled Dignity, a national Catholic gay organization, from church buildings. The healing of the rift between the church and Dignity is discussed.

C: Spirituality

Dignity Region V, An Anthology for the Gay and Lesbian Community, (Grand Rapids MI: Dignity Region V, 1985)

Hunt, Mary E., "Valuing the Widow's Mite: The Contributions of Lesbian and Gay People to the Church Throughout the Ages", Empathy 1990 v 2:2, p.70

O'Neil, Thomas, Sex with God, new. ed. (New York: Wexford Press, 1994)

Poems discussing faith, AIDS, gay love and the Catholic Church's condemnations.

Stuart. Elizabeth, "Coming out of the Tomb", Lesbian and Gay Christian Movement, Roman Catholic Caucus Newsletter, (1990)

Stuart. Elizabeth, Daring to Speak Love's Name: A Gay and Lesbian Prayer Book, (London: Hamish Hamilton, 1992)

A collection of prayers and liturgies for gay people, with prayers for celebrating gay relationships, housewarmings, coming-out, partings, healings and death.


Boyd, Malcolm, Lambda Book Report Jul 1993; 3:11 p. 35

Woods, Richard, et al., "Towards a Gay Christian Ethic", Insight: A Quarterly of Lesbian/Gay Catholic Opinion 3:2 (spring-Summer 1979), 5-12

Zanotti, Barbara, ed., A Faith of One's Own: Explorations by Catholic Lesbians, (New Ways Ministry?)

D: Biography

Alves, Julio, "Recollections of a Young Catholic Sodomite", Christopher Street Jun 8, 1992; :180 p. 8-9

[Abstract from electonic database]: A gay man who grew up in Portugal discusses being banished from the Catholic Church when he laughed at the parishoners who were kissing a papier-mache likeness of Jesus Christ.

Duffy, Michael, "A Flagship Heels to Starboard", Time Oct 14, 1991; 138:15 p. 82

[Abstract from electonic database]: The appointment of the conservative Andrew Sullivan as the editor of the traditionally liberal "New Republic" is discussed. The outspokenly gay English Catholic conservative is profiled.

"Gay Men and Lesbians Describe Spiritual Journeys", National Catholic Reporter 30:38 (Sept 12, 1994), 7-10.

Accounts by Mary Hunt, Scott Trepania, Howard Warren Jr., Marianne Duddy, Marc S. Blumenthal and Kevin Calegari.

Giovanni, Leo, Gay and Still Catholic: A Journey Home, (1992)


Craft, Carolyn, , Library Journal Feb 1, 1992; 117:2 p. 99

Deeley, Mary, Booklist Mar 1, 1992; 88:13 p. 1181

Holtz, Raymond C., Listen to the stories : gay and lesbian Catholics talk about their lives and the church, . (New York : Garland, 1991)

McNaught, Brian., A Disturbed Peace : Selected Writings of an Irish Catholic Homosexual, Washington, DC : Dignity, c1981.

McNaught, Brian., On being gay, (New York : St. Martin's Press, 1988)

Merrett, Jim, "Confessions of a Lapsed Catholic", Advocate: May 9, 1989; :524 p. 48-49

[Abstract from electronic database]:A man recalls a childhood friend's encounter with a priest during confession in which the priest asked questions that elicited candid responses. Alhthough the priest never molested the boy, it was not for a lack of interest. SUBJT: Clergy ; Homosexuality

Stahel, Thomas H, "'I'm here': An interview with Andrew Sullivan", America May 8, 1993; 168:16 p. 5-11

[Abstract from electonic database]: During an interview, Andrew Sullivan, editor of "The New Republic," discusses what it is like to be gay in the Catholic church.

Tucker, Scott, "True confessions", Humanist Sep 1993; 53:5 p. 45-46

[Abstract from electonic database]: A gay activist who was once a member of the Catholic church discusses his experience with the church. Even where gays must differ sharply with religious people, certain tactical alliances are possible.

Walter, Dave, "Battling the Church ", Advocate May 9, 1989; :524 p. 25

[Abstract from electonic database]: A homosexual describes how he came to sever his relationship with the Catholic Church because of the Vatican's homophobia. Religion's inordinate influence over society and individuals is the most serious threat to gay people and others.

Rosser, B. R. Simon., Gay Catholics down under : the journeys in sexuality and spirituality of gay men in Australia and New Zealand, (Westport, Conn. : Praeger, 1992)

Accounts of the lives of lesbian and Gay Catholics in Australia and New Zealand.


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