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People with a History: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Trans* History Sourcebook

Homosexuality and Catholicism Bibliography:
Section VII: LesBiGay Other Christian

© Paul Halsall

A: Relations with Church Government

"98 Percent of evangelicals oppose "gay rights" bill", Fundamentalist Journal 3 No 7 p64 July-August 1984

"ABC on Sexuality", Christian Century Jul 24, 1991; 108:22 p. 713
[Abstract from electronic database]:Delegates at the Jun 1991 biennial meeting of the American Baptist Church affirmed a statement of concern on human sexuality and appointed a task force to develop a Christian perspective on sexuality.

"Bishop asked to resign", The Christian Century 100 (March 2 1983), 176

"Boy Scouts can't bar gays says court", Fundamentalist Journal, 3 No 3, 65 March 1984

"Chilstrom: Read the sexuality report", Christian Century Nov 17, 1993; 110:33 p. 1154
[Abstract from electronic database]:Herbert Chilstrom, a bishop in the Evangelical Lutheran Church of", America, has urged members to read for themselves the proposed statement on human sexuality. Chilstrom says that the news media has misrepresented what the document actually means.

"Church leaders on gay issue", Christian Century Mar 3, 1993; 110:7 p. 233
[Abstract from electonic database]: The controversy among religious leaders over the proposal to allow gays to serve in the military is discussed. Fundamentalists and conservative evangelicals have condemned the proposal, while liberal Jewish and mainline church leaders generally support it. Catholic leaders took different positions on the issue.

"Court allows Boy Scouts to bar gays as leaders", Chronicle of Philanthropy, 3 p33 June 4 1991

"Court tells church what to do", Christianity Today, 32 p48 April 8 1988

"Dr. Carey's letter may quash gay prayerbook"., The Tablet 246:355-356 (March 14, 1992)

"ELCA prepares sex statement", Christian Century Nov 3, 1993; 110:31 p. 1080-1081
[Abstract from electronic database]:A proposed statement on human sexuality by the Evangelical Lutheran Church, entitled "The Church and Human Sexuality: A Lutheran Perspective," is discussed.

"Evangelist James Robinson will appeal a Mr 6 decision by FCC", Christianity Today, 24 p53 May 2 1980

"Gay issue in Norway", The Christian Century 102 p1089 November 27 1985

"Homosexuality debate: dangers and desires", Lutheran Forum 20 No 4 p5 1986

"Lutherans critical of sexuality report Illustration", Christian Century Mar 23, 1994; 111:10 p. 306
[Abstract from electronic database]:Reaction to a Evangelical Lutheran Church in", America statement on human sexuality is discussed. Among both lay people and clergy, reaction to the statement has been quite negative.

"Lutherans hail, dismiss, sexuality task force", Christian Century Apr 13, 1994; 111:12 p. 377-378
[Abstract from electronic database]:A task force that drafted a statement on human sexuality for the Evangelical Lutheran Church was dismissed from any further work on the document. A conservative outcry led church officials to appoint a new consulting group to oversee preparation of a second draft.

"Methodists rule on homosexuality in the ministry", Christianity Today 26 p44 July 16 1982

"More reaction to ELCA sexuality report", Christian Century Dec 22, 1993; 110:37 p. 1295-1296
[Abstract from electronic database]:The controversy surrounding the Evangelical Lutheran Church in", America's draft of a report on human sexuality is discussed. The furor over the report illustrates that the subject of sexuality is a great struggle for Lutheran churches. CORP : Evangelical Lutheran Church in", America

"NCC leaders consider a gay denomination for membership", Christianity Today 27 No 10 p44-46 June 17 1983

"Policy statements and recommendations: 188th gen assem (1976) - United Presbyterian Church in the USA", Church and Society 66 p11-28 July-August 1976 Contents: Economic justice; Task force on homosexuality; Family farmers and small growers; U.S. food policy objectives and guidelines; Hunger program report; Relations between Panama and the U.S.A.; C.I.A. contacts with American missionaries; Korea; Property policy.

"Presbyterians are forming a ministry to gays", Christianity Today 29 No 7 p64-65+ April 19 1985

"Salvation Army loses city funds over a gay rights disagreement", Christianity Today 28 No 8 p79 May 18 1984

"Salvation Army refuses to hire homosexuals", Fundamentalist Journal 3:6 (June 1984), 63

"The Reformed Churches in the Netherlands have decided homosexuals should be accepted", Christianity Today 24 p53 February 22 1980

"The Unitarian Universalist Association has resolved to promote the hiring of openly homosexual and bisexual persons", Christianity Today 24 p52 August 8 1980

"UCC admits gay church", The Christian Century 107 p563 May 30-June 6 1990

"UMC and gay unions", The Christian Century 107 p626-627 June 27-July 4 1990

"UMC gay controversy", The Christian Century 107 p1056 November 14 1990

"UMC on homosexuality", The Christian Century 108 p289-290 March 13 1991

"UMC on Homosexuality", Christian Century Mar 13, 1991; 108:9 p. 289-290
[Abstract from electronic database]:The United Methodist Committee to Study Homosexuality recently approved a resolution recommending that the denomination drop its condemnation of homosexuality as "incompatible with Christian teaching."

"View from a gay person's pew", The Witness, 66 No 8 p16-18 August 1983

"Wavering on homosexuality (special study comm of United Methodist Church)", Chr Cent 108:800 (Spring 4-11 1991)

Ackerman, Todd. "Friction between gays and church at a high point", Register 66:1+, (May 13 1990)

Arthur H.. "United Presbyterian Church: deciding the homosexual issue", Christianity Today 22 p38-41 June 23 1978

Barton, Stephen C., "Homosexuality and the Church of England: perspectives from the social sciences", Theology 92 (May 1989), 175-181

Bennett, Gail, "Church of England Synod Reaffirms Sexual Morality", Christianity Today Jan 15, 1988; 32:1 p. 46-48
[Abstract from electronic database]:The Church of England has reaffirmed its support for biblical sexual morality. This has raised opposition from the Gay Christian Movement.

Borhek, Mary, ."Can the NCC accept a gay denomination", The Christian Century 99 (April 14 1982), 461-462

Bowman, Jim, "Lavender & Purple: the bishops with the gays.", Comm 119:5-6 April 24 1992

Boyd, Malcolm, "On Bishop Tutu, gays, Christmas and belonging together", The Witness, 69 No 12, 16-18 December 1986

Braaten, Carl E., "Lutherans Concerned issue call for dialogue", Dialog, 25 No 2, 83-84 Spring 1986

Brash, Alan A., FACING OUR DIFFERENCES: The Churches and their Gay and Lesbian Members, "Risk Books Series", (Geneva: World Council of Churches, 199?)
A SHORT book, written by an hetero for heteros, stating honestly the issues of the lesbigay community of belivers. A FAIR outlook of the debates in the churches, outlining the shadow of the history and the recent winds of change. A MODERN and honest reading of the Scripture which raises relevant questions as "How is it possible to determine that some verses are to be taken as having divine authority while rejecting so many others alongside it as not applicable for us today?" From the back cover: "Few issues in recent years have caused as much controversy in so many churches as homosexuality. Because of the pain created by these debates within the churches, the oecumenical movement has been reluctant to take the issue onto its agenda, even though one of its essential roles is precisely to enable the churches to encounter one another in dialogue at points where they tend to be separated from one another in sharply contradictory convictions." "In this book, Alan A. Brash seeks to encourage just such a dialogue on homosexuality. What he has to say reflects his experiences in a local congregration in Aotearoa New Zealand as well as a familiarity with churches around the world that comes from many years of international oecumenical service. He points the way towards a respectful understanding of divergent interpretations of the Bible, theology and ethics in order to help Christians to reflect on their own convictions and to face together a sensitive topic which has profound consequences for the lives of many peopole and for the unity of the church of Jesus Christ." "Alan A. Brash, a Presbyterian minister from Aotearoa New Zealand, was deputy general secretary of the World Council of Churches from 1974 to 1978. The book grows out of an effort of the staff of the World Council of Churches to come to a better understanding of the issues at sake in the debate of homosexuality."

Browning, Edmond L, Bp., "Bridge-building in a divided church", The Witness, 70 p2-3 January 1987

Brussaard, A. J. R., "Een mens hoeft niet alleen te blijven: een evangelische visie op homofilie", Ten Have 1977 179P
Contents: Onze afkeer, A J R Brussaard. Homofilie: geen zaak voor de psychiater, J L Grubben. Homofilie en maatschappij, H P M Goddijn. Oom Peter en Oom Jaap, A Kamphuisen-Jaburg and H A C Kamphuisen. Ouder-zijn van een homofiel kind, G J Strikwerda-van Klinken. Huwelijk en homofilie, A Klamer. Homoseksualiteit als gekozen bestaansvorm, C O Jellema. Wat zegt de bijbel over homofilie?, Jan van Veen. Gaat heen en boodschapt wat ge hoort en ziet: armen ontvangen het evangelie (Enige ethisch-theologische notities bij het verschijnsel homofilie), A L M Wouters. Pastorale benadering, Pater A van Heusden. Wat is er gebeurd sinds 1958: De werkzaamheden van de C trale Pastorale Werkgroep Homofilie, J J M Vriend. Wat is er gebeurd sinds 1958 De werkzaamheden van de Werkgroep Homofilie van de Raad van Kerken in Nederland, H A C Kamphuisen.

Burgess, John P, "An interminable debate? Can't stop talking about sex", Christian Century Jul 28, 1993; 110:22 p. 732-734
[Abstract from electronic database]:When the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (USA) met at the beginning of Jun 1993, two matters were especially pressing: a major restructuring of the denominational offices and a slew of presbytery overtures dealing with the ordination of homosexuals.

Callam, Daniel, C.S.B., "The United Church", Can Cath Rev 6:322-3 October 1988

Carey, John J, "Body and Soul: Presbyterians on Sexuality", Christian Century May 8, 1991; 108:16 p. 516-520
[Abstract from electronic database]:The chairman of the Presbyterian Church (USA)'s Special Committee on Human Sexuality discusses the group's Feb 1991 report, "Keeping Body and Soul Together: Sexuality, Spirituality, and Social Justice." The controversial report repudiates the hegemony of white middle-class culture and advocates the ordination of homosexuals.

Carey, John J, "Sexuality: What We Couldn't Say", Christianity & Crisis Aug 19, 1991; 51:12 p. 258-259
[Abstract from electronic database]:The Special Task Force on Human Sexuality for the US Presbyterian Church discussed many issues regarding the complexities of human sexuality. Many issues, however, were too problematic for the task force to address with church audiences, including sex and singleness, gay and lesbian issues, monogamy, bisexuality and others.

Christian, H. M, pseud, "A response to "Homosexuality, sexual ethics and ordination", Touchstone: Heritage and Theology in a New Age, 3 No 2 p15-21, May 1985

Cobb, John B., "Is the church ready to legislate on sex: question for United Methodists", Christianity and Crisis, 44, p182-185 May 14 1984

Coleman, Gerald D., "Homosexuality and the churches: an overview", Ecumenical Trends, 13 No 8 p113-116 September 1984
ABSTRACT: In light of the four methodological perspectives originally enunciated by James B Nelson--rejecting-punitive; rejecting-non-punitive; qualified acceptance; full acceptance--this article situates the varied ways which the modern churches address the question of homosexuality and homosexual activity. The article is rooted within the social science discoveries as exemplified in Bell and Weinberg's Homosexualities.

Crew, Louie, "At St. Luke's Parish: The Peace of Christ is Not for Gays", Christianity and Crisis 37:9-10 (May 30- June 13, 1977)
Founder of the Anglical group Intregrity on his harrassment at a local church.

Crew, Louie, "Equal Rites", Christianity and Crisis: 49 p161-163 may 22 1989 [22;32H

Crew, Louie, "Gays and God's love: compulsions and affirmations", Christianity and Crisis, 46:4 p78-81 March 17 1986

Crew, Louie, "Gays as an occasion of grace", Christianity and Crisis, 41, p290,302-304 November 2 1981

Crew, Louie, "Pabulum is pabulum is pabulum", Christianity and Crisis, 48, p79-80 March 2 1988

Crew, Louie, "The church and the gays", Christianity and Crisis, 40 p2+, February 4 1980

Crew, Louie, "The Episcopal Church as Voyeur", The Witness, 71 p14-16 June 1988

Cromey, Robert W., "A clerical fantasy", The Witness, 64 p13 March 1981

Cromey, Robert W., "Trinity welcomes homosexuals", The Witness, 70 p19+ April 1987

Culp, Kris, "The Disciples Vote: Discovering Politics", Christianity & Crisis Jan 13, 1992; 51:19 p. 406-408
[Abstract from electronic database]:The recent defeat of Michael Kinnamon, the nominee for general minister and president of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), is discussed. The election became the context in which the Disciples considered issues of sexuality and sexual orientation that have recently been divisive for other mainline Protestant denominations.

Danzig, Michael, and Danzig, Roberta, "Repressive tolerance at Holden Village (Lutheran couple shocked by retreat center's gay liberation agenda)", Lutheran Forum, 25 p16-19 February 1991

Dicker, Gordon S. (ed.), Homosexuality and the Church: Responses,
Mendham, Peter M. St Mark's Review, no 136 p42-43 Summer 1989

Driver, Tom F, "Presbyterians, Pagans, and Paglia", Christianity & Crisis Feb 3, 1992; 52:1 p. 19-21
[Abstract from electronic database]:Camille Paglia's assault on the Presbyterian Church's report on human sexuality is discussed. Paglia is against a feminist analysis of sexuality and attacks it broadside in arguments as full of fury as they are empty of substance and sense.

Duffy, Martin, "Civil rights for homosexual persons", in Issues in sexual ethics; ed by M Duffy 1979 p172-178

Edwards, James R, "Eros Deified Illustration", Christianity Today May 27, 1991; 35:6 p. 14-15
[Abstract from electronic database]:An examination of the report of the General Assembly Special Committee on Human Sexuality of the Presbyterian Church (USA) is presented. According to an editorial, the report is a wholesale departure from the heritage of the Christian church.

Egge, Doris Cline (ed.) [Homosexuality--the congregation's ministry], Brethren Life and Thought, 36 p9-51 Winter 1991

Ellison, Marvin M. The NCC on the hook The Christian Century, 100 p981-982 November 2 1983

Engage/Social Action Forum, 87., Human sexuality: God's good gift, E/SA, 10 p9-46 November 1982 Contents: Sexuality, love and wholeness, by W Yates. The sounds of silence on sexuality, by R Vaughn. Human sexuality education: a conference model. Ministry in human sexuality: an E/SA intervie [J Benjamin Roe]. Fifteen years old and three months pregnant, by S Ulvedal. Study document on human sexuality [1980 General Conference of e United Methodist Church]. Three books on homosexuality. The parenthood time bomb, by F Widutis.

Engage/Social Action General Conference report E/SA, 8 p1-46 June 1980 Contents: The 1980 General Conference: A oneness of spirit" amidst intellectual differences. A call for reconciliation: conference acts on Iran crisis. "We have heard your cries for freedom", by Bp Dale White. Delegation to White House. Message to President Carter from the General Conference of the United Methodist Church, April 23, 1980. Message to the General Conference from President Carter. Message to President Carter, April 25, 1980. Message to the Ayatollah Imam, Khomeini, President Abolhassan Bani-Sadr, and the people of Iran. A policy base for action in the world: the pervasive homosexuality issue; Statement of Kenneth Greet, president, British Methodist Church; Actions on program and structure; Statements on social issues; referrals to Church and Society. Changes in the social principles. God's plumbline of justice: where does it fall today, by Thelma Stevens. "The gift of new life": caucuses impact General Conference.[14;22HForum Homosexuality: a re-examination p9-56 March Reflections on the gay life, by Edward W Bauman. How would Jesus relate to homosexu s, by John D Wolf. Searching for a place to stand, by James A Harnish. I came to know lesbians Sally Geis. Ethnic voices must address the issue of homosexuality,

Erdey, Susan 1991 "General Convention in Arizona: lots of heat, not much light", Witness 74:22-24, 26 (July-August 1991)

Espy, John W.; Nelson, James B., "Continuing the discussion: homosexuality and the church", Christianity and Crisis, 37 p116-118 May 30-June 13 1977

Farrell, Edward., "What are we doing to our gay people?", Furrow 41:26-33 Jan 1990

Feuerherd, Joe, "AACC Takes Own Tack on Clergy, Sexuality, Sacraments ", National Catholic Reporter Feb 16, 1990; 26:17 p. 5
[Abstract from electronic database]:The doctrines of the African-American Catholic Congregation (AACC) are given. These doctrines differ from those of the Roman Catholic church with respect to celibacy, race, sex and birth control.

Floyd, Morris L., "Fear wins a round: an Affirmation perspective", ESA: Engage/Social Action 12 p35-36 June-July 1984

Frame, Randall L., "Methodist report offers split decision (on homosexuality)", Christianity Today 35:49 (October 7, 1991)

Frame, Randy, "Presbyterian Assembly Rejects Sexuality Report Photograph", Christianity Today Jul 22, 1991; 35:8 p. 37-38
[Abstract from electronic database]:The Presbyterian Church USA is sending mixed signals. Although the Church has rejected gay ordination, a report by a denominational task force on human sexuality has discarded traditional norms by disallowing the idea that sex be confined to the institution of marriage.

Frame, Randy, "Sexuality Report Draws Fire Photograph", Christianity Today Apr 29, 1991; 35:5 p. 37-38
[Abstract from electronic database]:Controversial report "Keeping Body and Soul Together: Sexuality, Spirituality and Social Justice" has provoked quite a stir among Presbyterian Church (USA) members. The report ", Advocates full acceptance, including ordination, of practicing homosexuals.

Fuerst, Wesley; others, "A symposium on the LCA's study of issues concerning homosexuality", Dialog 26 p142-148 Spring 1987 Contents: A flawed study, by W Fuerst. On the scriptural evidence, John Reumann. The one-sidedness of the report, by Franklin Sherman. The waffle that isn't, by Robert Benne. Is it really Lutheran?, by Gilbert Meilaender. Did God say, "You shall not eat of any tree of the garden"?, by Blanche A Jenson.

Fukuyama, Yoshio, "The United Church of Christ and human sexuality: the life cycle of a social concern", Chicago Theological Seminary Register 76 No 3 p1-10 Fall 1986

Gay, Calvin, Pseud, "To the Presbyterians on homosexuality: you spoke from ignorance", Christianity and Crisis 38 (October 30 1978), 254-259

General Board of Church; Society, United Methodist Church, "One of the grave, pain-filled issues of our time", Christian Social Action 1 p6-9 January 1988

Gessell, John M, Bishops should "come out" for gays [Episcopal Church].,The Witness 74 (1991): 18-19

Gittings, Jim, "A Bonfire in Baltimore Illustration", Christianity & Crisis May 27, 1991; 51:8 p. 172-177
[Abstract from electronic database]:In 1987, a Presbyterian Special Task Force on Human Sexuality published a 173-page, 7,779-line report on the subject and has recommended that the General Assembly approve it for study and response within two years. The report is discussed.

Goss, Kristin A., "Boy Scouts challenged in 3 lawsuits", Chronicle of Philanthropy 3 p22-23,25 March 26 1991

Gros, Jeffre, "Gay Church in the NCC", Christianity and Crisis 43 (May 2 1983), 167-71
On the long running attempt by MCC to join the National Council of Churches. See also Christianity Century 99 (April 14 1982), 461-62, (December 1 1982), 122-23, 100 (April 6 1983) 299-300, (June 1 1983), 539-40

Harper, Ruth E.; Harper, George Lea, Jr., "Homosexuality: UMC's turn to..", The Christian Century 105 p356-358 April 13 1988

Hawkins, B. Denise, Homosexuality policy changes suggested at public hearings", Christian Social Action 4 p33 February 1991

Heddendorf, David, "A Pagan Protests Presbyterian Sex", Christian Century Feb 26, 1992; 109:7 p. 213-215
[Abstract from electronic database]:An editorial notes that a human sexuality report by the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) in 1991 created an uproar within the denomination. Camille Paglia dissects the sexual ethics report created by the church's liberal academic theologians.

Herring, Reuben, "Southern Baptist Convention resolutions on the family", Baptist History and Heritage 17 p36-45+ January 1982
ABSTRACT: This summary of resolutions and other actions of the Southern Baptist Convention from 1845 through 1981 that have a bearing on family life, taken from Convention Annuals, shows an accelerated interest in family concerns during the past decade.

Hunter, Kenneth E., "When nice people do bad theology (old and new Episcopalians).", First Things no. 12:12-15 (April 1991)

Ide, Arthur Frederick , Evangelical Terrorism -
Dr. Ide exposes the religious right's duplicity in limiting First Amendment rights in this hard-hitting, timely book.

Irel, Roger D., "Minority Ministry: A Definition of Territory", International Review of Modern Sociology 9 (1979), 193-209
Four kinds of gay religious groups: gay churches, gay caucuses, gay interdenominational groups, ex-gay groups.

Johnson, Paul R., Gays and Fundamentalism;
A dialogue between the two extremes of fundamentalism and gay militancy. Demonstrates the flaws and the meeting places for both sides and lays the groundwork for further dialogue in this realm.

Klein, Ralph W., "Dialog with gay and lesbian Lutherans: a response", Currents in Theology and Mission 13 No 5 p304-306 0 1986 and Lutherans Concerned, "Response to: "Dialogue with gay and lesbian lutherans"", Currents in Theology and Mission 13 No 6 p358-360 December 1986

Langston, Maxine M., "A UCC church struggles toward a ministry with gay Christians", Engage/Soc Act 3 p36-37 May 1975

Lebacqz, Karen, "Sex: Justice in Church and Society", Christianity & Crisis May 27, 1991; 51:8 p. 174-175
[Abstract from electronic database]:Kudos are given to the report on human sexuality prepared by the Presbyterian Church. The report, offered as a guide to reflection and decision, is discussed.

LeBlanc, Doug, "Episcopal seminary opens housing to same-sex couples", Christianity Today Mar 7, 1994; 38:3 p. 45
[Abstract from electronic database]:The General Theological Seminary of the Episcopal Church recently revised a housing policy to permit "committed same-sex couples" to live in seminary housing. However, cohabitating heterosexuals will find no room in seminary housing.

Lee, Ron, "National Council of Churches refuses to decide on admitting a homosexual denomination" Christianity Today 27 No 19 p42 December 16 1983

Leech, Kenneth, "Crisis for gays in Church of England", The Christian Century 105 p678-679 July 20-27 1988

Leuze, Robert (ed.), "Each of us inevitable" Friends for Lesbian and Gay Concerns 1989
Contents: Each of us inevitable, E Watson. Eros and the life of the spirit, J Hoffman. Nurturing our relationships within an often hostile community, D Spann-Wilson. Nurturing friendship and lover relationships, A Kelly. On wholeness, E Watson. The challenge of nonconformity: reweaving the web of family life for gays and lesbians, E Boulding. Caring matters most, T Bodine. To listen, to minister, to witness, J Hoffman. What should be the Quaker response to bias-related violence?, D Wertheimer. Helping and healing, A Lavana. Tending the fire, E Hodge.

Lewis, Dean H. (ed.), "UPCUSA general assembly 1978", Church and Society 68 p3-78 May-June 1978
Contents: introduction. I: homosexuality. II: the family farm. III: resolutions: South Africa; The Middle East negotiations; Support of Youngstown, Ohio; Supporting the rights of J P Stevens employees to organize for collective bargaining; United Nations Disarmament Session 1978; Huma rights observances; Bolivia; Human rights on Taiwan; Vieques; Kampuchea (Cambodia); Federal Criminal Code; Equal Rights Amendment, freedom of choice.

Lindermayer, Vivian, "Presbyterian Bravery Under Fire", Christianity & Crisis May 27, 1991; 51:8 p. 163
[Abstract from electronic database]:A two-year study and report of the Presbyterians' Special Committee on Human Sexuality has been tabled because informal coalitions of presbytery and synod executives have decided that Presbyterians were not ready. The committee's lack of courage is discussed in an editorial.

Lyles, Jean C., "Chicago plan: Presbyterian ad-hocracy", The Christian Century 95 p259-260 March 15 1978

Mackey, Lloyd, "Canadians barely united on homosexual issue", Christianity Today 32 p50 October 7 1988

Marcum, John P, "Family, Birth Control, and Sexuality in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ): 1880-1980", Encounter Spring 1991; 52:2 p. 105-145
[Abstract from electronic database]:The positions, views and concerns regarding birth control, childbearing, marriage, divorce, the family and sexuality found in the Disciples of Christ Christian Church are examined. Resistance to change has been strongest toward sexuality.

Mickelson, Michael; Niebanck, Richard, "The new gnosticism: a call for candor", Lutheran Forum 21:1 p15-17 1987

Mitchell, Basil, "The homosexuality report", Theology 83 (May 1980), 184-190
ABSTRACT: The article claims that the report of the Church of England's working party on homosexual relationships does not, as some of its critics allege, represent a departure from the moral theory and method of previous Church of England reports. In this instance, as in the others, a norm is discerned and defended by appeal to scripture, tradition, reason and experience. Consideration then given to possible exceptions to the norm. Thus the claims made on behalf of homosexual equality are rejected; but it is argued, nevertheless, that, in certain circumstances, an active homosexual relationship may be justified.

Moody, Howard, "Baptists and freedom: some reminders and remembrances of our past for the sake of our present", American Baptist Quarterly 3 No 1 p4-15 March 1984

Moore, Allen J, "Teen-age Sexuality and Public Morality", Christian Century Sep 9, 1987; 104:25 p. 747-750
[Abstract from electronic database]:The church must play a role in helping youth find constructive solutions to the ambiguities and confusions of sex. Sexual activity among teenagers and the spread of AIDS instead of the spread of morality is discussed.

National Council of Churches in the USA, "A call to responsible ecumenical debate on abortion and homosexuality", E/SA 7 p41-44 October 1979, repr in Abortion: the moral issues; ed by E Batchelor 1982 p48-52

Neff, David, "How Lutherans justify sex Illustration", Christianity Today Dec 13, 1993; 37:15 p. 16-17
[Abstract from electronic database]:An editorial discusses the response by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) to homosexuality. In its statement on religious ethics, the ELCA condemned homosexuality by advocating same-sex relationships.

Ostling, Richard N, "What Does God Really Think About Sex?", Time Jun 24, 1991; 137:25 p. 48-50
[Abstract from electronic database]:By a 534-to-31 vote the General Assembly of the Presbyterian church voted in Jun 1991 to reject a controversial report that would ask the church, for the first time, to bestow acceptance upon sex outside of marriage. Issues of religion and sexuality are discussed.

Paglia, Camille, "The Joy of Presbyterian Sex", New Republic Dec 2, 1991; 205:23 p. 24-27
[Abstract from electronic database]:The Presbyterian Church's 200-page report, "Keeping Body and Soul Together," is far from being a liberal manifesto on sexuality; in fact, it is a repressive, reactionary document which sounds like something out of "Father Knows Best."

Phillips, Jennifer M., "Gay lives and common morality: in the church, tolerance is not enough", Christianity and Crisis 50, p191-194 June 18 1990

Pierce, Susan E.. "Anglican church launches witch-hunt against gays", The Witness 71 p22-23 November 1988

Rayner, DeCourcey H., "Anglicans: defining without judging", Christianity Today 23 p49-50 April 6 1979

Scanzoni, Letha, "Conservative Christians and gay civil rights", The Christian Century 93 p857-862 October 13 1976

Schaeffer, Pamela, "Presbyterians Reach Consensus", Christian Century Jul 20, 1988; 105:22 p. 662-663
[Abstract from electronic database]:The Presbyterian Church (U. S. A.) was able to reach consensus on a number of controversial issues at its 200th General Assembly. The issues included nuclear arms, civil disobedience, abortion, and human sexuality.

Schaibley, Robert W., "Evaluation of the Australian Lutheran "Statement on homosexuality", Concordia Theological Quarterly 42 p1-7 January 1978

Slack, Kenneth, "Methodist limits", The Christian Century 99 p1009 October 13 1982

Smith, Daniel E., "Gay and lesbian Christians: issues of concern", Church and Society 80 p48-68 November-December 1989

Smith, Dwight C., "Studying others", finding self: Presbyterians on homosexuality" Christianity and Crisis 38 p22-27 February 20 1978

Suhor, Mary Lou, "In the matter of Sherwood and Gilson", The Witness 69 No 1 p4 January 1986

Trost, Frederick R., "Church without pretense [UCC and homosexuals]", Chicago Theological Seminary Register v81 p8-16 Spring 1991

Walker, Richard L, "Churches at Odds over Theory and Practice of Sexuality ", National Catholic Reporter Oct 4, 1991; 27:43 p. 5
[Abstract from electronic database]:Decisions by top policy-making bodies of several major US Protestant denominations had a heavier-than-usual airing recently because of the contentious nature of proposals to alter official church teaching on sex-related issues. The controversy over the theory and practice of sexuality in the Protestant church is discussed.

Wall, James M., "Methodists face the homosexual issue",The Christian Century 92 p243-244 March 12 1975

Wall, James M., "NCC's next dilemma: doctrine or justice", The Christian Century 100 p299-300 April 6 1983

Watts, Gary L, "A Critique of 'Keeping Body and Soul Together': An Empty Sexual Ethic", Christian Century May 8, 1991; 108:16 p. 520-521
[Abstract from electronic database]:The Presbyterian Church's recent report "Keeping Body and Soul Together" is criticized for rejecting a 2,000-year tradition of Christian sexual ethics and offering no alternative ethic.

Williams, J. Robert, "Choosing integrity over Integrity", The Witness 73 p14-17 June 1990

Williams, Peter, "The report on homosexuality", Churchman: Journal of Anglican Theology 94 No 1 p4-6 1980

Woodward, Kenneth L, "Roll over John Calvin", Newsweek May 6, 1991; 117:18 p. 59
[Abstract from electronic database]:The Presbyterian Church (USA) is set to discuss a paper at its upcoming convention which could change how the church views human sexuality. Many concepts such as fornication and homosexuality may be accepted.

York, Richard H., "How gay issues fared at general convention", Saint Luke's Journal of Theology 20 (December 1976), 34-38

Zion, Basil, "Elizabeth Moberly: Orthodox theologian", St Vlad Th Q 32:1 (1988), 43-60

B: Organizations

Affirmation, Gay and Lesbian Mormons, After Marriage What, (Los Angeles: Affirmation, 1980)

Personal testimonies.

Anderson, Scott, "Gay Religious Groups Call for Acceptance", The Advocate 288 (Mar 20 1980), 22-23,47

Looks at various groups that grew up after Stonewall.

Birchard, Roy, "Metropolitan Community Church: Its Development and Significance", Foundations: Baptist Journal of History and Theology 20:2 (April-June 1977), 127-32

A short account of MCC's history.

DeBaugh, R. Adam, Writing to Congress, (?: Chi-Rho Press, 199?)

Advice on gay Christian activism.

Enroth, Ronald M., and Gerlad E. Johnson, The Gay Church, (Grand Rapids MI: Eerdmans, 1974)

From a fundamentalist negative point of view.

FitzGerald, Frances, Cities on a Hill : a Journey through Contemporary American Cultures, (New York : Simon and Schuster, 1986).

Gearhart, Sally & Bill Johnson, "The Gay Movement in the Church", in Sally Gearhart & Bill Johnson, eds., Loving Women/Loving Men: Gay Liberation and the Church, (San Francisco: Glide Foundation, 1974)
Contents: The church and the homosexual, by D Kuhn, Homosexuality: a contemporary view of the biblical perspective, by R Treese. The Gay movement in the church, by S Gearhart and B Johnson. The good news of Gay liberation, by B Johnson. The miracle of Lesbianism, by S Gearhart. Selected bibliography, resources, organizations.

Gittings, Barbara G. , " The Homosexual and the Church", In Ralph W. Weltge, ed., The Same Sex: An Appaisal of Homosexuality, (Philadelphia: The Pilgrim Press, 1969), 145-156

Glaser, Chris, "The Love That Dare Not Pray its Name: The Gay and Lesbian Movement in America's Churches", repr. in part from Frontiers Magazine in Jeffrey S. Siker, ed., Homosexuality in the Church: Both Sides of the Debate, (Louisville KY: Westminster John Knox Press, 1994), 150-160

Gralley, Jean, The Whole Church Body Book: A Manual of Lay Ministry, (Gaithersburg, MD: Chi-Rho Press, 199?)

Resource published by the MCC, with discussion of the history of lay ministry, and how to do it now!

Gralley, Jean, What a Fellowship, (Gaithersburg, MD: Chi-Rho Press, 199?)

Cartoon book about the MCC

Gros, Jeffrey. "The church, the churches and the Metropolitan Church", The Ecumenical Review 36 p71-81 January 1984
ABSTRACT: In 1982 the Universal Fellowship of Metropolitan Community Churches applied for membership to the National Council of Churches of Christ in the USA. For many communions in the NCC the application of a community founded initially to minister to those excluded from their own denomination because of sexual preference created serious problems. The Commission on Faith and Order was asked to provide a dialogue in which each communion would be given the opportunity to give its positions on the issues from whatever perspectives seemed appropriate to them: ecclesiological, anthropological, justice, sacramental, and pastoral. This article is a summary of the discussions of the three dialogues: among the NCCCUSA member communions, between representatives of this dialogue and representatives of the UFMCC and among the members of the Commission on Faith and Order. The Commission gave no recommendation. It did point out serious items for discussion in the areas of anthropology, ecclesiology, and pastoral care. The study pointed out significant areas for renewal in the life of the NCC that need attention if it is to become an instrument for forming community among member communions.

Gros, Jeffrey. "A gay church in the NCC: ecumenism, ecclesiology and human sexuality", Christianity and Crisis v43, p167-171 May 2 1983
ABSTRACT: In May, 1982, the Metropolitan Community Churches (UFMCC), a Christian community formed in 1968 to minister to those alienated from their churches because of sexual orientation applied for membership in the National Council of Churches of Christ in the USA (NCCC). Before a vote of eligibility or membership was taken the Governing Board of the NCCC asked the Commission on Faith and Order to provide its member churches the opportunity to do a study of the ecclesiological and ecumenical fellowship issues raised by this application. This article chronicles the two dialogues, the Commission meeting and the final report produced for the May, 1983, Governing Board meeting. The conclusions indicated that there were churches in the Council whose vote no or yes could be indicated within the preamble and purpose of the NCCC, and that theological and constitutional consistency was clear in either case. Furthermore the Commission recommended further dialogue, study of theological anthropology, the limits of legitimate diversity and pastoral care to gay and lesbian Christians. The article includes summaries of positions taken by key members of the Council and the press. [ed and abr].

Johnson, William B., "Protestantism and Gay Freedom", in Betty Berzon and Robert Leighton, eds, Positively Gay, (Millbrae, CA: Celestial Arts, 1979), 65-78

Miles, Virginia G., and R. Adam DeBaugh, The UFMCC Mission Statement, (?: Chi-Rho Press, 199?)

About the Metropolitan Community Church.
This five part booklet adapts sermons on the Mission Statement adopted by the UFMCC General Council in March of 1989. The first chapter tells the inspiring story of the creation of the Mission Statement and the other four examine elements of the statement itself.

Perry, Troy D. and Thomas L.P. Swicegood, Don't Be Afraid Anymore : The Story of Reverend Troy Perry and the Metropolitan Community Churches, (New York: St Martins Press, 1990)

A recent history of MCC.

Price, Peter, "The unwelcome community, the expulsion of the Lesbian and Gay Christian Movement from St. Botolph's Church, Aldgate Sanctuary", in Sanctuary ed. Ken Leech. (details?)

Swicegood, Thomas L.P., Our God Too, (Pyramid Books, 1974)

Early history of MCC.

Tobin Kay and Randy Wicker, The Gay Crusaders, (New York: Paperback Library, 1972)

Includes an account of Troy Perry and the MCC.

Wickliff, James, ed., In Celebration, (Oak Park IL: Integrity, 1975)

Papers fronm Integrity from first national convention. First half is and opening address by Norman Pittenger.

Williams, H. A. (Harry Abbott), The Gay Christian Movement and the education of public opinion, Michael Harding memorial address; 2, (London: Gay Christian Movement, 1979)

C: Spirituality

Ackerman, Arlene, In Search of Intimacy, (audio tapes) (Gaithersburg, MD: Chi-Rho Press, 199?)

Ackerman, Arlene, Restoring Spiritual Passion, (audio tapes) (Gaithersburg, MD: Chi-Rho Press, 199?)

Bauer, Paul F. "Homosexual subculture at worship: a participant observation study", Pastoral Psychology 25 (Winter 1976), 115-127

ABSTRACT: The author worked for ten months as Director of Christian Education at a church serving the homophile community of a large metropolitan area. Using the method of participant observation, he concluded that the group is attempting to solve two problems centering on their sexual orientation and their religious needs. Past social conditioning has told the group that they cannot be both Christian and homosexual. The group resolves this cognitive dissonance by emphasizing the message that God loves all men, including homosexuals. This religious message is, contrary to expectations, expressed in theologically conservative language.

Alexander Bennett, Marilyn and James Preston, We Were Baptized Too: Claimg God's Grace for Lesbians and Gays, (Louisville KY: Westminister John Knox Press, 1996)

Barzan, Robert, Sex and Spirit: Exploring Gay Men's Spirituality, (San Francisco, CA: White Crane Newsletter, 1995)

Bawer, Bruce, A Place at the Table: The Gay Individual in American Society, (New York: Poseidon Press, 1993)

Bawer presents the case for gay conservatism. he is an active Anglican and discusses, religion, gay marriage, and the churches as concerns for gay people.

Bogle, Darlene., Strangers in a Christian land, (Old Tappan, N.J. : Chosen Books, 1990)

Brock, James T., An Alien in a Foreign Land: The Collected Sermons of James. T. Brock, (Gaithersburg MD: Chi-Rho Press, 199?)

Sermons of an MCC minister.

Called Out: The Voices and Gifts of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgendered Presbyterians, (Gaithersburg, MD: Chi-Rho Press, 1994?)

Comstock, Gary David. "Aliens in the Promised Land?: Keynote Address for the 1986 National Gathering of the United Church of Christ's Coalition for Lesbian/Gay Concerns", Journal of Homosexuality 18: 3/4 (1989), 133

Cotter, Jim, Prayer at Night: A Book for the Darkness, (Exeter: Cairns Publications, 1988)

Cotter, Jim, Prayer in the Morning: A book for Day's Beginning, (Sheffield: Cairns Publications, 1989)

Cotter, Jim, Pleasure, Pain and Passion: Some Perspectives on Sexuality and Spirituality, (Exeter: Cairns Publications, 1988)

Cotter, Jim, By Stony Paths: A Version of Psalms 51-100, (Sheffield: Cairns Publications, 1991)

Davidson, Alex, The returns of love: letters of a Christian homosexual, (London, Inter-Varsity P., 1970)

DeBaugh, R. Adam, Christian Social Action: Bible Study on Matthew 25:31-46, (Gaithersburg, MD: Chi-Rho Press, 1994?)

DeBaugh, R. Adam, Burnout, (Gaithersburg, MD: Chi-Rho Press, 1994?)

Fortunato, John, Embracing the Exile: Healing Journeys of Gay Christians, (New York: Seabury Press, 1982)

Gearhart, Sally, "The Spiritual Dimension: Death and Resurrection of a Hallelujah Dyke", in Ginny Vida, ed.,, Our Right to Love: A Lesbian Resource Book, (Englewood Cliffs NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1978)

Glaser, Chris., Come Home! : Reclaiming Spirituality and Community as Gay Men and Lesbians, (San Francisco : Harper & Row, 1990)

Glaser, Chris., Coming Out to God: Prayers for Lesbians and Gay Menm Their Families and Frined, (Louisvill KY: Westminster/John Knox Press, 199?)

Glaser, Chris, The Word is Out - The Bible Reclaimed for Lesbians and Gay Men, (1994)

A year-lomg book of biblical meditations.

Glaser, Chris, Uncommon Calling: A Gay Christian's Struggle to Serve the Church, extended edition. (Louisville KY: Westminister John Knox Press, 1996)

Highwater, Jamake, Myth and Sexuality, (?: Grove/Atlantic, 199?)

Highwater, Jamake, The Language of Vision: Meditations on Myth and Metaphor, (?: Grove/Atlantic, 199?)

About the ways artists have found to manifest dreams.

Houle, Joseph. W., ed., The Road to Emmaus: Daily Encounters With the Risen Christ - An Inclusive Devotional, (Gaithersburg, MD: Chi-Rho Press, 1994)

Perry, Troy D. and Thomas L.P. Swicegood, Profiles in Gay and Lesbian Courage, (New York: St Martins Press, 1991)

Piazza, Michael, Holy Homosexuals, (Dallas: 1994)

The minister of the MCC Cathedral of Hope writes a book about the largest lesbian and gay Christian congregation in the world (in top 1% of American congegations according to the cover). Interesting for the extremely Anglican/Catholic appearence (vestments, altars, candles etc) of this church.

Reinhardt, Madge., The year of the silence, (St. Paul, Minn. : Back Row Press, 1978)

Thompson, Mark, "Getting in the Habit to `Give Up Guilt'", The Advocate 311 (Feb 19 1981), T11-13

On the "Sisters of perpetual indulgence.

Thumma, Scott, "Negotiating a Religious Identity: The Case of the Gay Evangelical", SA. sociological analysis, 52:4 (Wint 1991), 333-

Truluck, Rembert, Invitation to Freedom: Bible Studies in Personal Evangelism, (Gaithersburg MD: Chi-Rho Press, 199?)

Webster, Alison, Just Love: A Resource Book for Exploring the Theology of Sexuality, (London: SCM: 1989)

D: Biography

Boyd, Malcolm and Nancy L. Wilson, eds. Amazing grace : stories of lesbian and gay faith, (Freedom, CA : Crossing Press, c1991)

Crew, Louie, ed., A Book of Revelations, (New York?: Integrity, 1991)

52 biographies of lesbigay Episcopalians. There is study guide is intended primarily for heterosexual Episcopalians. The guide comes with copies of A Book of Revelations~ and may be ordered from any bookstore, e.g., Trinity Bookstore, 175 Ninth Avenue, NYC 10011, 212-645-1984.

Integrity/Canada, Our Stories, (no details)

biographies of lesbigay Episcopalians.

Marcus, Eric, Making History : The Struggle for Gay and Lesbian Equal Rights, (New York: Harper Collins, 1992)

Includes interviews with an ex-nun (Jean O'Leary), Bishop Spong, and Damien Martin, who was involved in Dignity/New York in its early years. Has some interesting comments on early Dignity history.

White, Mel, Stranger at the Gate : To Be Gay and Christian in America, (New York : Simon & Schuster, c1994)

Autobiography and more of one of the leading speechwriters for right-wing evangelicals, who recently came out as gay.


Arnold, Lee, Library Journal May 1, 1994; 119:8 p. 114

Boyd, Malcolm, Lambda Book Report May 1994; 4:4 p. 17-18

Murchison, William, National Review Jun 27, 1994; 46:12 p. 65

Olson, Ray, Booklist Apr 1, 1994; 90:15 p. 1409

Sims, Patsy, "Going public", New York Times Book Review May 8, 1994; p. 7, 7:2


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