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People with a History: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Trans* History Sourcebook

Homosexuality and Catholicism Bibliography:
Section VIII: Lesbian and Gay Marriages

© Paul Halsall

Arza, Antonio, "Los "homosexuales" incapaces para contraer matrimonio?", in J. Arias et al, eds., La chiesa dopo il Concilio, II, (1972), 25-92

Ayers, Tess, and Paul Brown, The Essential Guide to Gay and Lesbian Weddings, (San Francisco: Harper San Francisco, 1994).

"Blessing gay relationships", The Christian Century, 106, 1112 November 29 1989

Boyd, Malcolm, "Blessing gay relationships", The Witness, 70, 14-15 October 1987

Butler, Becky. ed., Ceremonies of the Heart : Celebrating Lesbian Unions, (:Publishers Group West/Seal Press/Feminist Press, 1990)

Callahan, Sidney, "Why I changed my mind: Thinking about gay marriage", Commonweal Apr 22, 1994; 121:8 p. 6-8

[Abstract from electonic database]: A Catholic discusses what led him to change his mind on gay marriage. Once oppossed to the idea, he later came to accept it.

Cherry, Kittredge and James Mitulski, "Committed Couples in the Gay Community", The Christian Century. Feb. 28 1990 v 107:7, p.218

Kittredge Cherry and James Mitulski, pastor of MCC/San Francisco, report on the "holy unions" that the Universal Fellowship of Metropolitan Community Churches performs for same-sex couples.

Coleman, Gerald D., S.S., "Living together not equal to marriage", Church 6:45-46 Summer 1990

Cotter, Jim, Exploring Lifestyles: An Introduction to the Service of Blessing for Gay Couples, (London: Lesbian and Gay Christian Movement, 1980)

Digitale, Robert, "San Francisco Set to Define 'Family'", Christianity Today Oct 20, 1989; 33:15 p. 44-46

[Abstract from electonic database]: The November 7, 1989 referendum on San Francisco CA's proposed "domestic partners" law is opposed by the Roman Catholic Church as well as evangelicals. The proposed law, which is supported by the gay community, would afford legal recognition to unmarried heterosexual and homosexual couples.

Elshtain, Jean Bethke, "Against gay marriage--II", Commonweal., 118:20, (Nov 22 1991), 685-

Hartinger, Brent, "A case for gay marriage", Commonweal, 118:20, (Nov 22 1991), 681-

Hasty, Richard Spencer, "A program of pre-covenantal counseling for gay men" Andover Newton Theological School 1988
ABSTRACT: Project director: J Earl Thompson, Jr. The hypothesis of this paper is that gay men who seek to celebrate their relationship in a covenantal union service should have the benefit of pre-covenantal counseling. The differences between marriage and covenant and the covenants of God with Abram, Jonathan with David, God with humanity in the Christ event, and the covenant of being in the prodigal son story provide the theological basis. A ritual of union and a homosexual case study show the psychological basis to be the family of origin, generational patterning and systems approach. The project emphasizes the role of the participating clergy and the importance of the doctoral program to the author.

Kingma, Daphne Rose, Weddings from the Heart: Ceremonies for an Unforgettable Wedding
A book for those who do not want a traditional wedding, comes complete with five different ceremonies. Couples can use one ceremony in its entirety, mix and match parts of the five, or incorporate selections into their own church's ceremony. Also helps deepen the emotional, psychological, and spiritual aspects of the ceremony.

McGuire, Daniel, "The Morality of Homosexual Marriage" in Robert Nugent, ed., A Challenge to Love: Gay and Lesbian Catholics in the Church, (New York: Crossroad, 1987)

O'Brien, Dennis. "Against gay marriage--I", Commonweal., 118:20, (Nov 22 1991), 684-

O. O'Donovan `Transsexualism and Christian Marriage.' Journal of Religious Ethics 11, 1. 1983. Pp. 135-162.

Pierce, Susan E., "Same-sex marriage is nothing new", The Witness 71 p20-21 October 1988

"Pope deplores gay marriage", New York Times 02/23/94 ; sec. A p. 2 c. 3

[Abstract from electonic database]: Pope John Paul II on Feb 22, 1994 fueled the debate over homosexual matrimony by chastising such unions as a threat to the family and society and said they could not be recognized as a marriage. The Pope's comments were made in a letter on family values.

Shannon-Thornbery, Milo, ed., The Alternative Celebrations Catalogue (New York: Pilgrim Press, 1982)

Sherman, Suzanne, Lesbian and Gay Marriage : Private Committements, Public Ceremonies, (Philadelphia: Temple Univ Press, 1992)

Stott, John R. W., "Homosexual marriage: why same sex partnerships are not an option" Christianity Today 29 No 17 p21-28 November 22 1985

Sweden [Family laws] New Swedish family legislation : the Marriage Code : the Cohabitees (Joint Homes) Act : the Homosexual Cohabitees Act : the Inheritance Code, chapters 1-3 and 7, (Stockholm : Ministry of Justice, 1988)
"... translations of ... Swedish legislation published in the Swedish Code of Statutes (SFS)".

Uhrig, Larry J., The two of us : affirming, celebrating, and symbolizing gay and lesbian relationships, (Boston : Alyson Publications, 1984)

Uhrig, Larry J., Sex positive : a gay contribution to sexual and spiritual union, (Boston : Alyson Publications, 1986). New edition due 1994.

Unitarian Universalist Association, Same-Gender Services of Union, (Boston: n.d.)

Williams, J. Robert, "Toward a theology for lesbian and gay marriage", Anglican Theological Review 72 p134-157 Spring 1990


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