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People with a History: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Trans* History Sourcebook

Homosexuality and Catholicism Bibliography:
Section IX: Lesbian and Gay Clergy and Religious

© Paul Halsall

A: Roman Catholic

1: Women

Baldwin, Monica, I Leap Over the Wall, (New York; Signet, 1950)

A nun describes 28 years in the cloister (1913-41). Pp 82-84, 87, 187-88 and chapter 14 all mention particular freindships and love between women.

Berstein, Marcell, ed., The Nuns, (New York: Bantam, 1976)

Based on conversation with 500 nuns. Discusses lesbianism p 108.

Brownsworth, Victoria, "Lesbian Nuns: Closted in the Cloister", Philadelphia Gay News, May 2-15 1980, pp 16-17 and May 30-June 12 1980, pp. 12, 15

First discussion to appear in print.

Cruikshank, Margaret, "Cloister Convents: Breaking Silence" , Gay Community News (Boston), April 30 1983, 8-9

Cruikshank, Margaret, ed, The Lesbian Path, (San Francisco: Double Axe Books, 1981)

Includes essays by four lesbian ex-nuns.

Curb, Rosemary and Hannah Blue Heron, "Sister Mystics", WomenSpirit (Fall 1984), 41

Describes how asceticism and Catholic mysticism have been transformed inro lesbian spirituality.

Curb, Rosemary, "Lesbian Nuns: Patriarchal Suppression or Matriarchal Comunity", Womens Studies Quarterly (Summer 1985)

Curb, Rosemary and Nancy Manahan, eds, Lesbian Nuns: Breaking Silence, (Naiad Press, 1985)
Accounts by former and current Lesbian nuns of their lives and experiences. Great pictures. Good bibliography by Nancy Manahan, largely included here, apart from newspaper articles


Boswell, John, "Old Habits, New Habits", New Republic Jan 6, 1986; 194:1 p. 36-39

Kennedy, Eugene, "Books: Homosexual Priests & Nuns--Two Assessments", Commonweal Jan 26, 1990; 117:2 p. 56-58

"From Abomination to Blessing: The Gift of Being Gay - Reflections of a Gay Woman Religious", in n Kathleen Leopold and Thomas Orians, eds., Theological Pastoral Resources: A Collection of Articles on Homosexuality from a Pastoral Perspective, 6th ed., (Washington DC : Dignity. 1981, repr. 1985), 69

"Gaily Ministering: A Conversation between Gay Women Religious", (1981), n Kathleen Leopold and Thomas Orians, eds., Theological Pastoral Resources: A Collection of Articles on Homosexuality from a Pastoral Perspective, 6th ed., (Washington DC : Dignity. 1981, repr. 1985), 51-52

Gramick, Jeannine, "Lesbian nuns: identity, affirmation, and gender differences", in Homosexuality in priesthood & religious life; J Gramick, ed, 1989 p219-236

Griffin, Mary, The Courage to Choose: An American Nun's Story, (Boston: Little, Brown, 1975)

Discuses fear of lesbian relationships behind "particular friendship rules.

Nuscera, Maria, "Lesbian and Celibate: Journeys in the Dark", Images 2:1 9March 1984), 2-3

A nun's struggles with sexual relationships and celibacy.

Pecoraro, Jo Louise, "Supporting our lesbian sisters", in Homosexuality in priesthood & religious life; J Gramick, ed. 1989 p194-199

Sherman, Sarah M., "Lesbianism and the Vatican: free to be ministers of the Gospel?", In The Vatican and Homosexuality; ed by J Gramick and P Furey, 1988 p157-162

Wong, Mary Gilligan, Nun, (San Diego: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1983)

Memoir of covent years (1961-1968). Accounts of particular friends 119-125, and 224-226 and a discussion of gay men and lesbians in religiou life (380-382)

2: Men

Becker, Jane F., "Formation for priestly celibacy: pertinent issues", The Journal of Pastoral Counseling 22:1 (1987), 65-76

Berry, Jason, "Homosexuality in the Priesthood Said to Run High", National Catholic Reporter 23,18 (27 Feb 1987), 1, 16-20

Bootsma, Emiel, "Catholic Bishop Ordains Openly Gay Dutchman ", Advocate Nov 3, 1992; :615 p. 31
[Abstract from electonic database]: The ordination of Antoine Bodar, who is openly gay, by Dutch Roman Catholic bishop Hei Bomers is discussed. The ordination comes only three months after the Vatican sent an antigay message to its clergy worldwide.

Brown, Howard, Familiar Faces, Hidden Lives: The Story of Homosexual Men in America Today, (New York: Harvest/HBJ, 1977)

Chapter 10 "Religion" contains interesting interviews with a gay Roman Catholic priest and a gay Rabbi.

Coleman, D., "The Homosexual Question in Preisthood and Religious Life", Priest 40 (Dec 1984), 12-19
Tolerant about accepting gay clergy.

DeBlassie, R., "Affirming the Homosexual Preist", Priest 40 (Dec 1984), 34-36

DeStefano, George, "Gay under the Collar: The Hypocrisiy of the Catholic Church", The Advocate 439 (Feb 4 1986), 43-48
Partially an interview with from Christian Brother, Kevin Gordon. Estimates gay priests, nuns, and brothers at 30-60% of total.

Dlugos, Tim, "A Cruel God: The Gay Challenge to the Catholic Church", Christopher St 4:9 (Sept 1979), 20-39
Long article which argues that there is much homosexual activity going on in Church institutions. Based on on interviews and personal experience.

Gallagher, John, "Forgive me father", Advocate: Apr 6, 1993; :626 p. 36-41
[Abstract from electronic database]:James Harry Reyos is profiled. Reyos confessed to killing Patrick Ryan, a Catholic priest, with whom he allegedly had sexual relations. Some believe he is innocent and only confessed because of his guilt feelings about his homosexuality, which is forbidden in Native American culture.

"Gay Catholic priest with AIDS (R-3683) Television Program: Donahue Aug 23, 1993; Program :3800 p.
[Abstract from electonic database]: A priest discusses the priesthood, the Roman Catholic Church, sin and other topics.

Garneau, George, "Reverend Targeted in Story Charges Racism, Editor & Publisher Sep 30, 1989; 122:39 p. 16-17+
[Abstract from electronic database]:The "Washington Post" story alleging that George A Stallings Jr, the Roman Catholic priest that broke away to establish his own Afro-American congregation, had sex in 1977 with a then 16-year-old altar boy has drawn a great deal of criticism. The paper had no named sources and the altar boy waited 12 years to report it.

Gittings, Jim, "Clergy and Sexuality: The Pot Still Simmers", Christianity & Crisis Jul 20, 1992; 52:11 p. 250-252
[Abstract from electonic database]: Many different Methodist, Baptist and Presbyterian churches are wrestling with the problem of deciding how to deal with gays and lesbians in their congregations. Roman Catholic bishops seem to be split almost in half as far as deeming gay and lesbian committed relationships morally acceptable is concerned.

Goergen, Donald, The Sexual Celibate, (New York: Seabury Press, 1974)

Gramick, Jeannine, ed. Homosexuality in the priesthood and the religious life, (New York : Crossroad, 1989)
Contents: Homosexuality and religious life: a historical approach, J Boswell. Homophobia, heterosexism, and pastoral practice, R Ruether. The shadow side of the homosexuality debate D Maguire. The lost coin, Sister Mary. At home, J Whitacre. Home by way of roundabout, Sister Raphaela. Gifts given, Sister Linda. Speaking my truth, E Brady. The mirror child, Sister Vickie. Patient weavers, M St John. A priest forever, W McNichols. Inheritance for the disinherited, Brother Amos. We shall not cease from exploration, Father Paul. The land I love in, M Kelty. Lord, make me an instrument of your peace, R Cardarelli. You are my people, Brother Jonathan. Without shame, Father Aelred. The sycamore is not the only kind of tree outside my window, J Hilgeman. Supporting our lesbian sisters, J Pecoraro. Homosexuality and seminary candidates, R Nugent. Lesbian nuns: identity, affirmation and gender differences, J Gramick. God calls, religious orders respond, J Schweickert.
Kaganoff, Penny, Publishers Weekly Aug 11, 1989; 236:6 p. 453
Kennedy, Eugene, , Commonweal Jan 26, 1990; 117:2 p. 56-58
McNeill, John J, , Advocate Jan 2, 1990; :541 p. 61

Griffin, David R., "Ordination for Homosexuals, Yes", Encounter 40 (1979), 265-72

Greeley, Andrew, and R. Schoener, The Catholic Priest in the United States: Sociological Investigations, (Washington DC: United States Catholic Conference, 1972)

Greeley, Andrew, "Bishops Paralyzed over Heavily Gay Priesthood ", National Catholic Reporter Nov 10, 1989; 26:4 p. 13-14
[Abstract from electonic database]: A double standard on celibacy is one result of the development of a heavily homosexual priesthood. The Roman Catholic church leadership is not responding to the issue, and it is said that this makes the church guilty of destroying everything for which the Catholic priesthood once stood.

Guidon, Andre, The Sexual Creators, (Lanham MD: The University Press of America, 1986)
See chapters 7 and 8.

Guirdham, Arthur, Christ and Freud: A Study in Religious Experience and Observance, (London: Allen and Unwin, 1959)
"Homosexuality in Clericalism", pp 122-28

Hilgeman, John P., "The sycamore is not the only kind of tree outside my window", in Homosexuality in priesthood & religious life; J Gramick, ed 1989 p181-193

Hogman, John, 'Homosexuality, sexual ethics and ordination", Touchstone: Heritage and Theology in a New Age 3 No 2 p4-14, May 1985
ABSTRACT: There are a small number of persons in the church and society who find a homosexual orientation to be a given in their lives. This does not negate, however, the principal of complementarity and of a heterosexual structure for human sexuality. The basic norm within the Christian tradition governing sexual relationships is heterosexual marriage. This norm is based on three interconnecting arguments: the reading of the will of the creator for creation, an understanding of the possibilities and limitations of people for life commitments and relationships; and an understanding of the needs of our social structures, particularly those related to child bearing. The first and third of these preclude the development of Christian understanding of homosexual marriage. However, there are some guidelines that can be identified for socially tolerable homosexual relationships. The ordained person within the Christian church serves in a representative role not only for the words and liturgy of the church but also of its value and the shape of its discipleship. Therefore, since the church has a basic norm governing sexual relationships all those ordained should be prepared to follow that pattern of behaviour.

Honeffer, August, Der Priester, seine Vergangenheit und sine Zukunft, 2 vols. (Jena: Euegn Diederichs, 1912)
Vol. 2 discusses homosexuality among priests.

Hooydunk, Jan van, ed., Homo en pastor, (Amersfoort: De Horstink, 1983)
Based on a survey of 350 Utrecht diocese priests.

Huddleston, Mary Anne, "Sex, Sense and the Celibate Priesthood America Dec 1, 1990; 163:17 p. 422-425
[Abstract from electronic database]:The issue of celibacy in the priesthood is analyzed. Optional marriage will not necessarily resolve the clerical vocation crisis. Many normal men do find peace in celibate priesthood.

"'If you don't know what hurts me, how can you truly love me?' ", National Catholic Reporter Dec 18, 1992; 29:8 p. 14-15
[Abstract from electonic database]: An unsigned open letter to the pope from a gay priest who is on a leave of absence from the ministry is presented in light of the pope's letter of Jun 25, 1992 to the", US Catholic bishops. In that letter, the pope urged the", US Catholic Bishops to ", Advocate legal discrimination against gays and lesbians under certain circumstances. The anonymous gay priest shares his own personal

Johnson, Toby, "Monks, Mystics & Men's Communities", OUT-LOOK Summer 1988; 1:2 p. 75-79
[Abstract from electronic database]:Celibacy, a word borrowed from the monastic tradition, has come to mean among gay men the decision not to be sexually active. Christian sex-negative attitudes in the culture cause people to view celibacy as a great sacrifice.

Kenkelen, Bill, "Gay Ordination no flash in the pan", National Catholic Reporter 26:8 F 2 1990

Kenkelen, Bill, "Gay Rights Efforts Embroiling Church and Gay Priests ", National Catholic Reporter Oct 5, 1990; 26:43 p. 6
[Abstract from electonic database]: Gay rights and the involvement of the Catholic church in issues of homosexuality are explored. While acceptance of homosexuality is increasing, hate crimes and violence is growing. Reaction to gay priests is discussed.

Kenkelen, Bill, "For Philly's Gay Priests, Life in the Shadows ", National Catholic Reporter Oct 5, 1990; 26:43 p. 5-7
[Abstract from electonic database]: Gay priests in the Philadelphia archdiocese, the nation's fourth-largest, are profiled. Sociologists estimate that 20% of the nation's priests are homosexual if Philadelphia is typical. Gay priests must hide their identity outside the city's gay subculture, which is explored from the priests's perspective.

Kraft, William F., Sexual Dimensions of the Celibate Life, (Kansas City KN: Sheed, Andrews and McMeel, 1979)
See, "Homogenitalism", pp 151-62

Kraft, William F., "Homosexuality and Religious Life", Review for Religious 40 (1981), 370-81
Negative opinions.

Kropinak, W., "Homosexuality and Religious Life" in Robert Nugent, ed., A Challenge to Love, (New York: Crossroad, 1981)

Lefevere, Patricia, "Religious Gather to Discuss Gay Issues", National Catholic Reporter Oct 20, 1989; 26:1 p. 3-4
[Abstract from electronic database]:The Friars of the Atonement Novitiate conference organized by the Catholic Coalition drew 125 people to discuss homosexuality among Catholic clergy and nuns. The conference was characterized as open and educational with a focus on human dignity.

Lynch, Bernard, A priest on trial, (London : Bloomsbury, 1993)
Account by Fr. Bernard Lynch SMA, of the efforts, aided by the Arcdiocese of New York, to have him charged with child molestation, a charge he defeated in court, and after which the judge reprimanded the District Attorney's office for its part in the witchhunt.

McBrien, Richard P, "Homosexuality & the Priesthood", Commonweal Jun 19, 1987; 114:12 p. 380-383
[Abstract from electonic database]: An examination of the questions that have been brought to light concerning gay priests and gay seminarians is provided. Among the list of questions that need to be answered are how many gay priests/seminarians there are and how many are sexually active.

Nugent, Robert, "Homosexuality, celibacy, religious life and ordination", in Homosexuality and the Catholic Church; ed by J Gramick, 1983 p89-120

Nugent, Robert, "Homosexuality and seminary candidates", in Homosexuality in priesthood & religious life; J Gramick, ed, 1989 p200-218

Osborn, Ronald E.,, "Ordination for Homosexuals: A Negative Answer Qualified by Some Reflections", Encounter 40 (1979), 245-63

Osting, Richard N, "The Battle Over Gay Clergy", Time Nov 13, 1989; 134:20 p. 89-90
[Abstract from electonic database]: Demands for toleration of homosexuality in the clergy is shaking many North", American churches. A lesbian couple is about to be ordained in the Lutheran Church and reports of homosexuality in the Roman Catholic clergy are widespread.

Pennington, Basil, OCSO, "Vocation Discernment and the Homosexual" in Robert Nugent, ed., A Challenge to Love, (New York: Crossroad, 1981), 235-44

Rabinowitz, Seymour, "Developmental Problems in Catholic Seminarians", Psychiatry 32 (1969), 107-17
Sees homsexuality as a psychopatholgy of seminary life.

Ryland, Tim, "Therapist says gay ministries subvert doctrine ", National Catholic Reporter May 7, 1993; 29:27 p. 14-15
[Abstract from electonic database]: In an interview, Joseph Nicolosi discusses homosexuality, the priesthood and his work as a psychotherapist of homosexual priests. Nicolosi says gay ministry offices, such as the one in Los Angeles, subvert Catholic teachings.

Salm. L. FSC, "The Vow of Chastity and Moral Theology Today", in Martin Helldorfer, ed., Sexuality: A Seminar on Sexuality and Brotherhood, (Lockport IL: Christian Brothers Conference, 1977)
Argues for acceptance of "genital sexual activity as morally justified".

Schweickert, Jeanne, "God calls, religious orders respond", In Homosexuality in priesthood & religious life; J Gramick, ed, 1989 p237-245

Sipe, A. W. Richard, A Secret World : Sexuality and the Search for Celibacy, (New York : Brunner/Mazel, c1990)
A study of celibacy in the Roman Catholic Church. The " Practice Versus the Profession" section delves into the specific areas of celibacy/sexuality among priests: heterosexuality, homosexuality, masturbation, pedophilia, etc.
Gill, James J, Commonweal Feb 8, 1991; 118:3 p. 109-110
Kelly, James R, Contemporary Sociology Jul 1991; 20:4 p. 634-635

Sipe, A. W. Richard, "Celibacy and imagery: 'Horror story' in the making ", National Catholic Reporter Jul 2, 1993; 29:33 p. 5
[Abstract from electronic database]:Muddled and distorted thinking and practice in the areas of celibacy and sexuality have caused much heartache for Catholic clergy. The argument that celibacy is required for the priest because he offers the Eucharist is criticized.

Sipe, A. W. Richard, Sex, Priests and Power, (New York: Bruner/Mazel Publishers, 1995)

Spohn, Gustav, "Gay Priests, Nuns Weigh How to Reconcile Sexuality with Demands of Church", Washington Post 10/14/89 ; sec. C p. 16 c. 1
ABSTR: The growing number of homosexuals in Catholic religious orders who are admitting to their sexual orientation are trying to acknowledge their own sexuality and still remain faithful servants of the church.

"Stallings Denies Charge of a Homosexual Relationship", Jet Sep 25, 1989; 76:25 p. 38
[Abstract from electronic database]:George A. Stallings Jr, the Black Catholic priest who had his priestly functions suspended when he defied orders not to establish an unauthorized "African-American Catholic congregation," has denied charges of a homosexual relationship with a 16-year-old altar boy.

Stuart, Elizabeth, Chosen : Gay Catholic Priests Tell Their Stories, (London ; New York, NY : G. Chapman, 1993).

Unsworth, Tim, "In the 1990s, seminaries still struggling to come to terms with sexuality issues", National Catholic Reporter May 13, 1994; 30:28 p. 9-12
[Abstract from electronic database]:Catholic seminaries continue the struggle to come to terms with the issues surrounding sex. Many seminaries have become up to 50% homosexual, and there is a great deal of tension between the homosexual and heterosexual factions.

Wagner, Richard, OMI Gay Catholic Priests : A Study of Cognitive and Affective Dissonance, (San Francisco CA: Specific Press, c1981)

Windsor, Pat, "Study: 'Half of U.S. Priests Slipped on Celibacy' ", National Catholic Reporter Aug 24, 1990; 26:38 p. 6
[Abstract from electronic database]:A study on priesthood and celibacy reports that half of US Catholic priests have been sexually active during their priesthood. The study characterized the church's view of sexuality as immature and underdeveloped. It is said that the celibacy issue will not be resolved until it is openly discussed in the Christian community.

Wolf, James G., ed. Gay priests, (San Francisco : Harper & Row, c1989).
The book consists of a long chapter discussing the results of a survey of 101 gay priests, followed by four chapters, written anonymously, by gay priests. Wolf estimates 40-60% of the American RC clergy are gay, with a higher percentage among seminary students.
Blauner, Bob, American Journal of Sociology May 1991; 96:6 p. 1602-1603
Kennedy, Eugene, Commonweal Jan 26, 1990; 117:2 p. 56-58
MacLeod, James Michael, "Religion: Gay Priests", Library Journal Jan 1990; 115:1 p. 115
McNeill, John J, , Advocate Jan 2, 1990; :541 p. 61

Woods, Richard, Gay Christians,Theology, Ministry and Spirituality, (Chicago, Ill. : Thomas More Association, [between 1970 and 1979]). 2 sound cassettes.

Woods, Richard, OP,"Gay Candidates, the Religious Life and the Priesthood", Call to Growth/Ministry IV:4 (Summer 1979), 24-34
Says their is no intrinsic reason gay and lesbian candidates should not be admitted to the ministry and religious life.

Woodward, Kenneth L, "Gays in the Clergy", Newsweek Feb 23, 1987; 109:8 p. 58-60
[Abstract from electronic database]:Catholic and Protestant churches are being forced to acknowledge that some of their clergy are not only practicing homosexuals but in need of church support. The controversy over the issue is described.

B: Anglican

Boyd, Malcolm, Look back in joy: A Celebration of Gay Lovers, (San Francisco : Gay Sunshine Press, 1981)

Boyd, Malcolm, Gay Priest: An Inner Journey, (New York: St. Martins Press, 1986)
Autobiography of a gay Episcopalian Priest.


Stuttaford, Genevieve, "Nonfiction--Gay Priest Publishers Weekly Aug 29, 1986; 230:9 p. 381

Boyd, Malcolm, "Telling a Lie for Christ" in Mark Thompson, ed. Gay Spririt: Myth and Meaning, (New York: St Martins Press, 1987), 78-87

Boyd, Malcolm, Take off the masks : the classic spiritual autobiography : revised, with a new epilogue, (San Francisco: HarperSanFrancisco, 1993)

Bull, Chris, "Judas Priest? Gay Cleric's Coarse Talk About Mother Teresa Lands Him in Hot Water", Advocate: Mar 13, 1990; :546 p. 8-10

[Abstract from electronic database]:Robert Williams, a newly ordained gay Episcopal priest, was forced to resign his ministry for challenging church teachings about sexuality. The controversy surrounding his remarks is discussed.

Clark, Joe, "Gay Priest Fights the Anglican Church", Advocate: Mar 24, 1992; :599 p. 53

[Abstract from electronic database]:The internal church court trial of Jim Ferry, a 39-year-old Anglican priest who is charged with violating church guidelines by maintaining a gay relationship while in the priesthood, is discussed. Ferry claims that the church is punishing him for being open about his sexuality and is perpetrating a "conspiracy of silence".

Ferry, James, In the Courts of the Lord: A Gay Priest's Story, (1994)


Kriz, L, Library Journal Feb 15, 1994; 119:3 p. 164

Fletcher, Ben C., Clergy under stress : a study of homosexual and heterosexual clergy in the Church of England, (London : Mowbray, 1990)

"Gay Priest Resigns", Christian Century Feb 7, 1990; 107:5 p. 119

[Abstract from electronic database]:J. Robert Williams, a self-avowed practicing homosexual, has resigned from the Oasis, the Diocese of Newark's ministry to gays and lesbians. Williams' ordination in Dec 1989 had been denounced by traditionalist Episcopalians.

"Gay Ordination Criticized", Christian Century Mar 7, 1990; 107:8 p. 240-241

[Abstract from electronic database]:Presiding Bishop Edmond Browning and the top leaders of the Episcopal Church criticized the ordination of Robert Williams, an openly homosexual noncelibate priest. Williams was ordained by Bishop John Spong on Dec 16, 1989.

Heyward, Carter, "Coming Out: Journey wothout Maps", Christianity and Crisis 39:10 (June 22 1979), 153-56

By a Lesbian faculty member and priest at the Episcopal Divinity School.

Kratt, Mary, "Church 'Always Resistant to Change'", Christian Century 97 (1980), 237-38

Lesbian priest visits home church.

Michaud, Christopher, "Hot Under the Collar: Dissident Episcopal Priest Raises More Cain ", Advocate: Mar 27, 1990; :547 p. 12-14

[Abstract from electronic database]:The ordination of Robert Williams as the first openly non-celibate gay Episcopal priest sparked waves of controversy. He discusses his views on sexual behavior and church doctrine in an interview.

Petrow, Steven, "A Book of Common Sense", Advocate: Jul 14, 1992; :607 p. 77

[Abstract from electronic database]:Robert Williams, an openly gay, sexually active Episcopal priest who was discharged from his duties after some highly inflammatory remarks about monogamy and sex, is profiled, and his new book on gay Chrisitianity, "Just as I Am: A Practical Guide to Being Out, Proud, and Christian," is discussed.

"Princeton declaration opposes ordaining gays", Christian Century Jun 2, 1993; 110:18 p. 592-593

[Abstract from electronic database]:More than 100 people affiliated with Princeton Theological Seminary, including three top administrators, have signed a declaration supporting the Presbyterian Church USA's stand against the ordination of practicing homosexuals. Christian ministry is not a civil right; therefore, ordination of homosexuals is not a civil right.

Scott, David. A., "Ordaining a Homosexual Person: A Policiy Proposal", St. Luke's Journal of Theology 212:3 (June 1979), 185-96

ABSTRACT: The author states and defends a policy concerning the ordination of homosexuals in the Episcopal Church. The author's proposed policy is three-fold: not to ordain practising and advocating homosexuals; to ordain otherwise qualified non-practising or advocating homosexuals; that decisions regarding ordination be made at the church's diocesan, not national, level. The author defends the proposed policy by resulting arguments alleging loss of able clergy, promotion of homophobia, denial of civil rights. He defends the proposed policy by appeal to scientific opinion about homosexuality, by appeal to clergy as role models, and by appeal to the Bible's authorization of heterosexual love. OK if cleric remains in the closet!

Sherwood, Zalmon O., "On being a gay priest", The Witness 68 No 9 p20+ September 1985

Sherwood, Zalmon O, Kairos, confessions of a gay priest, (Boston : Alyson Publications, 1987)


Mutter, John, Publishers Weekly Feb 27, 1987; 231:8 p. 160

Spong, John S, "A Priest Dies of AIDS", Christian Century Oct 24, 1990; 107:30 p. 959-960

[Abstract from electronic database]:An editorial notes that Christians should be aware that as a society and a church our words, deeds, denial, rejection, dishonesty and violence kill our gay and lesbian brothers and sisters every day. The experience of a gay priest is recounted.

Walter, Dave, "Losing Faith in a Gay Priest", Advocate: Mar 13, 1990; :546 p. 30

[Abstract from electronic database]:Episcopal priest Robert Williams sparked controversy by attacking the church's views on sexuality. The position that this kind of scandal was uncalled for and unproductive is argued.

White, Gayle, "Episcopalians Stand Pat on Homosexuality", The Christian Century. Aug 7 1991 v 108:23, p.740

After intense debate on issues relating to homosexuality--including ordination of gay people and blessing of same-sex unions--the Episcopalians at their General Convention in Phoenix largely reaffirmed the ambiguous status quo. Reporting on that debate is Gayle White, who covers religion for the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

Williams, Robert, Just As I Am : A Practical Guide to Being Out, Proud, and Christian, (New York: Farrar Straus & Giroux, 1993)

Combined biography and essays by the openly gay man ordained a priest by Bishop John Spong of the Anglcan diocese of Newark.


Stuttaford, Genevieve, Publishers Weekly Apr 6, 1992; 239:17 p. 42

Olson, Ray, , Booklist May 1, 1992; 88:17 p. 1565

Woodward, Kenneth L, "The Fall of a Gay Priest", Newsweek Feb 12, 1990; 115:7 p. 61

[Abstract from electronic database]:Robert Williams, a gay priest in the Episcopal Church, has resigned from his post as executive director of The Oasis. His remarks about celibacy and monogamy got him into trouble.

Younger, Jeremy, "The Freedom to Love", New Statesman Feb 26, 1988; 115:2970 p. 14-15

[Abstract from electronic database]:Jeremy Younger, a gay priest of the Church of England, writes about the factors involved in his decision to resign as a priest.

C: Other Christian

Anderson, Mary Williams, "Chaplain to a Priesthood", Christian Century Sep 19, 1990; 107:26 p. 824-825

[Abstract from electronic database]:The experience of a minister who served as co-chaplain of the North American Assembly of Lutherans Concerned, a ministry of gay and lesbian people, is reported in an editorial.

Aquino, Jorge, "Gay Issues Kept Alive for Presbyterians", The Christian Century, Feb. 05 1992 v 109:5, p.117

In calling a gay pastor, a Rochester, New York, church has put the ordination of homosexuals on the front burner for the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).

Bieber, Kenneth P.; Bond, Dale R., "Homosexuality and ordination", Engage/Soc Act, 4 (February-March 1976), 6-11

"Big church battles over gay clergy" Time, Nov13 1989 v 134:20, p.89

As Lutherans brace for the ordination of a lesbian couple, Catholics face new reports indicating widespread homosexuality among priests. Can-and should-the age-old barrier be dropped In:

Bewster, Ralph Henry, The 6000 Beards of Athos, (London: L and V Woolf, 1935)

Contains info on the exclusively male Monastic republic in Greece.

Braun, Theodore A, "When a Church Supports a Lesbian Seminarian", Christian Century May 17, 1989; 106:17 p. 516-517

[Abstract from electronic database]:A lesbian seminarian had her stipend from the church taken away when she admitted her homosexuality. Her local church supported her in compliance with the spirit of the national policy of the United Church of Christ.

Burton, Garlinda, "Statement defines "self-avowed practicing" (W Penn conf clarifies ordination standards re: homosexuality).", Chr Social Action 4:34-35 (February 1991)

Carroll, William, "God as Unloving Father", Christian Century Mar 6, 1991; 108:8 p. 255-256

[Abstract from electronic database]:In an editorial, a gay clergyman says that his conversion experience required that he accept himself as God created him and not as something he was not.

Churchill, Allen D., "A second response to "Homosexuality, sexual ethics and ordination", in Touchstone: Heritage and Theology in a New Age, 3 No 2 p22-27, May 1985

Denman, Rose Mary, Let my people in : a lesbian minister tells of her struggles to live openly and maintain her ministry, (New York : Morrow, 1990)


Hovey, Gail, Christianity & Crisis Jul 2, 1990; 50:10 p. 230-231

Taylor, Maurice, Library Journal Dec 1989; 114:20 p. 128-129

DiMaria-Kuiper, Johannes W. , Hot under the collar : self-portrait of a gay pastor, (Columbia, Mo. : Mercury Press, 1983)

Early, Tracy, "The Struggle in Denominations: Shall Gays Be Ordained?", Christianity and Crisis 37:9/10 (May 30 1977), 118-22

Survey of Protestant churches.

Glaser, Chris., Uncommon Calling : a gay man's struggle to serve the Church, (San Francisco : Harper & Row, 1988)

Gaul, Barbara; Moore, Robert M., "Climate of readiness for gay ordination", The Christian Century 95 ( May 3 1978), 475-76

Howie, Bill, "Video Reviews -- God, Gays, and the Gospel / A Lesbian in the Pulpit", Library Journal Mar 1, 1992; 117:4 p. 131

Huws, Glenys, "A third response to "Homosexuality, sexual ethics and ordination", Touchstone: Heritage and Theology in a New Age 3 No 2 p28-31 May 1985

Johnson, William B., "The Saga of Bill Johnson", Trends 5 (July-August 1973), 3-9

By first openly ordained gay pastor of the United Church of Christ.

Johnson, Dick, "Homosexuals and the seminaries", E/SA 6 p44-45 August 1978

Johnson, Dick, "Ordination of homosexuals", Engage/Soc Act 3 p53-54 May 1975

McManus, Chris, "God and Man at Harvard", Christopher Street May 25, 1992; :179 p. 10-12

[Abstract from electronic database]:In an interview, Peter J. Gomes, minister of the Memorial Church at Harvard College, discusses the reasons he spoke out against the ideas published by "Peninsula," coming out and being gay and Christian.

"Ministry and Sexuality", Christian Century May 4, 1988; 105:15 p. 449

[Abstract from electronic database]:Three gay candidates for ordination in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America have ingnited a controversy that has resulted in a ruling that in the future candidates will be asked more explicit questions about their sexual lives.

Perry, Troy, with Charles L. Lucas, The Lord is My Shepherd and He Knows I am Gay, (Austin TX: Liberty Press, 1987, first ed. Nash Press, 1972)

Autobiography and account of his organizational activities by founder of the Metropolitan Community Church.

Pifer, John, "A Church Divided" Maclean's Sep 5, 1988; 101:37 p. 56

[Abstract from electronic database]:The issue of whether or not to ordain homosexuals as ministers has divided the United Church of Canada.

Plowman, Edward E., "Sexuality and ministry", Christianity Today 19 p28-30 January 31 1975

Rogers, Jack, "Sex, Philosophy, and Politics: How and What the Church Must Decide in the Debate over the Ordination of Homosexuals", in Jeffrey S. Siker, ed., Homosexuality in the Church: Both Sides of the Debate, (Louisville KY: Westminster John Knox Press, 1994), 161-177

Schaper, Donna, "Stepping stones: sex and secrets in Sackville (search committee conceals pastor's sexual orientation)", Christianity and Crisis 51:35-36 (February 18, 1991)

Schroder, Jorge, "Celibato; Homosexualidad; Comunidades; La comunidad "Tierra"" In Familia y sociedad; by R Couch, et al, 1975 p343-354;371-374

"Seminarian expelled", The Christian Century 108 p617 June 12-19 1991

"Seminaries: glum over "gays"", Christianity Today 23 p42-43 December 15 1978

Ward, W. Ralph, "United Methodists Won't Ordain Homosexuals", United Methodist Today 2:6 (June 1975), 77-83

By the bishop of the New York area - opposed to gay pastors.

Williamson, Clark M. (ed.), "Disciple theology: ordination and homosexuality", Encounter (Indianapolis) 40 p197-272 Summer 1979

Wolff, Derek, "Keepers of the Keys", Maclean's May 1, 1989; 102:18 p. 20

[Abstract from electronic database]:Thirty-five of Canada's 4,200 United Church congregations have seceded since the United Church's general council decided to allow the ordination of homosexuals.


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