Crusade Sources in Translation
COLLECTIONS [All Crusades]
Recueil des historiens des Croisades
Recueil des historiens des Croisades, (Paris, Imprimerie
royale, 1841-1906), 16 Vols
Historiens occidentaux. t. 1-5, 1844-95.--
Historiens orientaux, t. 1-5, 1872-1906.--
Documents armeniens. t. 1-2,1869-1906.
Historiens grecs, t. 1-2, 1875-81.
Lois. Assises de Jerusalem ... t. 1-2, 1841-43.
---For arrangement of contents see:
Lasteyrie du Saillant., Bibliographie generale des travaux
historiques et archeologiques publies par les societes savantes
de la Francem t. 3, p. 464-467.
The whole set was reissued in photofacsimilie - Farnborough (Hants.)
Gregg Press, 1967-) 5 ser. in 16 v. in plates (maps) 33 cm.
Facsim. reprint of the 1st ed., Paris, Imprimerie royale, 1841-1906.
-This is the major collection of crusade texts. For the most part
they are edited in original languages and have a modern French
translation underneath.
Collected Accounts
Arab Sources
English trans. F. Gabrieli and E. J. Costello, Arab Historians
of the Crusades, (Berkeley: University of California Press,
Irwin, Robert, "The Image of the Byzantine and the Frank
in Arab Popular Literature of the Late Middle Ages", Mediterranean
Historical Review 4 (1989)
Damascus Chronicle
English trans. H.A.R. Gibb, The Damascus Chronicle of the Crusades,
(London: Luzac, 1932)
Collected Translated Accounts
A.C. Krey, The First Crusade: The Accounts of Eye-Witnesses
and Participants, (Princeton NJ: Princeton University Press,
1921, rep. Gloucester MA: P. Smith 1958)
Dana C. Munro, "Urban and the Crusaders", Translations and Reprints from the Original Sources of
European History, Vol 1:2, (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania,
Fulcher of Chartres
English trans. Martha E. McGinty, Fulcher of Chartres: Chronicle
of the First Crusade, (London: Oxford University Press; Philadelphia:
University of Pennsylvania Press, 1941)
English trans. Frances R. Ryan, and H.S. Fink, Fulcher of Chartres:
A History of the Expedition to Jerusalem, 1095-1127, (Knoxville:
University of Tennessee Press, 1969)
Gesta Francorum
Gesta Francorum et aliorum Hierosolymitanorum.
English trans.
The first crusade, The deeds of the Franks and other Jerusalemites;
"Gesta Francorum et aliorum Hierosolimitanorum",
translated into English for the first time by Somerset de Chair,
(London: The Golden Cockerel Press, 1945)
The deeds of the Franks and the other pilgrims to Jerusalem,
trans. Rosalind Hill, Latin text and English translation, (London:
New York: T. Nelson, 1962)
Ordericus Vitalis
Histoire eccleciasticae libri
The ecclesiastical history of England and Normandy, trans
Thomas Forester, 4 vols. (London, H. G. Bohn, 1853-56; reissued
New York: AMS, 1968),
[Translation was made from the edition of Auguste Le Prevost,
Paris, 1838-55]
The ecclesiastical history of Orderic Vitalis, edited and
translated with introduction and notes by Marjorie Chibnall, (Oxford,
Clarendon Press, 1969-1980)
Raimundus de Agiles (Raymond D'Aguilers)
Historia Francorum qui ceperunt Iherusalem [by] Raymond D'Aguilers,
trans. John Hugh Hill and Laurita L. Hill., (Philadelphia: American
Philosophical Society, 1968)
Petrus Tudebodus (Peter Tudebode).
Historia de Hierosolymitano itinere [by] Peter Tudebode,
trans. John Hugh Hill and Laurita L. Hill, (Philadelphia: American
Philosophical Society, 1974)
William of Tyre
A History of Deeds Done Beyond the Sea, trans. Emily A.
Babcock and A.C. Krey, (New York: Columbia University Press, 1943)
Odo de Deuil, Abbot of Saint Denis, d. ca. 1162.
De profectione Ludovici VII in orientem, ed., with an English
translation, by Virginia Gingerick Berry, (New York, Columbia
Univ. Press, 1948)
Otto I, Bishop of Freising, d. 1158.
The deeds of Frederick Barbarossa, by Otto of Freising and
his continuator, Rahewin; translated and annotated with an
introd. by CharlesChristopher Mierow (with the collaboration of
Richard Emery), (New York: Columbia University Press, 1953)
The two cities; a chronicle of universal history to the year
1146 A.D., by Otto, Bishop of Freising, trans. Charles Christopher
Mierow, (New York: Columbia University Press, 1928)
Jacques de Vitry
ca. 1170-1240.
The history of Jerusalem. A.D. 1180, trans. Aubrey Stewart,
(London, 1896 [1893?])
Richard of Devizes
Chronicles of the Crusades : being contemporary narratives
of the crusade of Richard Coeur de Lion / by Richard of Devizes
and Geoffrey de Vinsauf ; and of the crusade of St. Louis, by
Lord John de Joinville, (London ; H. G. Bohn, 1848; reissued New
York: AMS, 1969)
Collection - Old French Chronicles
English trans.
Three Old French chronicles of the crusades : the History of the
holy war, the History of them that took Constantinople, the Chronicle
of Reims. Trans. Edward Noble Stone, (Seattle, Wash.: The University
of Washington, 1939)
[Ambroise, fl. ca. 1196. Histoire de la guerre sainte. Clari,
Robert de, 12th/13th cent. Conquete de Constantinople. Recits
d'un menestrel de Reims]
Villehardouin, Geoffroi de, d. ca. 1212.
The Conquest of Cinstantinople
La conquete de Constantinople, Editee et traduite par
Edmond Faral, (Paris, Societe d'edition "Les Belles lettres",
Coulet, Noel, Ceux qui conquirent Constantinople : recits de
la quatrieme Croisade. (Paris : Union general d'editions,
English trans.
Shaw, Margaret R. B. (Margaret Renee Bryers), Chronicles of
the Crusades, (Baltimore: Penguin Books, [1963])
Chronicles of the crusades, by Villehardouin & De Joinville,
translated by Sir Frank Marzials, (London, Dent; New York, Dutton
[introd. 1908])
Available on the Internet at
Robert de Clari, fl 1200-1216.
The Conquest of Constantinople
La conquete de Constantinople, ed. par Phipipe Lauer,
(Paris, E. Champion, 1956)
La Conquete de Constantinople. Traduction par Pierre Charlot.,
(Paris, E. de Boccard, 1939)
Coulet, Noel., Ceux qui conquirent Constantinople : recits
de la quatrieme Croisade. (Paris : Union general d'editions,
English trans.
The Conquest of Constantinople, trans. E. H.McNeal, (New
York: Columbia University Press, 1936)
Three Old French chronicles of the crusades : the History of
the holy war, the History of them that took Constantinople, the
Chronicle of Reims. Trans. Edward Noble Stone, (Seattle, Wash.:
The University of Washington, 1939)
Italian trans.
La conquista di Constantinopoli (1198-1216) [di] Roberto
di Clari. Studio critico, traduzione e note, by Anna Maria Nada
Patrone, (Genova, 1972)
Jean de Joinville
Life of St. Louis.
Histoire de saint Louis. [Ed. revue et presentee par Regine
Pernoud. (Paris: Club des libraires de France [1960])
English trans.
Chronicles of the Crusades : being contemporary narratives
of the crusade of Richard Coeur de Lion / by Richard of Devizes
and Geoffrey de Vinsauf ; and of the crusade of St. Louis, by
Lord John de Joinville, (London ; H. G. Bohn, 1848)
Chronicles of the crusades, by Villehardouin & De Joinville,
translated by Sir Frank Marzials, (London, Dent; New York, Dutton
[introd. 1908])
The history of Saint Louis, translated from the French
text edited by Natalis de Wailly, by Joan Evans, (Newtown, Montgomeryshire
[Wales] : Gregynog Press, 1937)
The life of St. Louis, translated by Rene Hague from the
text edited by Natalis de Wailly, (New York : Sheed and Ward,
Shaw, Margaret R. B. (Margaret Renee Bryers), Chronicles of
the Crusades, (Baltimore: Penguin Books, [1963])
Makrisi, Essulouk li Mariset il Muluk [The Road to Knowledge
of the Return of Kings], in Chronicles of the Crusades,
ed. H.G.B. (London: Henry G. Bohn, 1848: reissued New York: AMS
Press, 1969), pp. 535-556
Assizes of Romania
Liber consuetudinum Imperii Romaniae. Feudal institutions as
revealed in the Assizes of Romania, the law code of Frankish Greece
: translation of the text of the Assizes with a commentary on
feudal institutions in Greece and in medieval Europe, by Peter
W. Topping, (New York : AMS Press, [1980] c1949.) Series title:
University of Pennsylvania. Dept. of History Translations and
reprints from the original sources of history ; ser. 3, v. 3.
(c)Paul Halsall, 1997
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