Medieval Sourcebook:
Symeon Metaphrastes (10th Century):
Lives of the Saints: Index
Historians interested in the "real lives" of individual
saints value the earliest texts above all others. But for assessing
the cult of saints in Byzantium the tenth-century "Metaphrastic"
(rewritten) collection of saints' lives dominate the manuscript
record. There are about 700 surviving manuscripts of the
10th-century Byzantine "re-phraser" known St. Symeon
Metaphrastes. As a result his work dominates the later Byzantine
conception of sanctity.
By far the easiest way to locate the collection today is through
the version published in J.P. Migne's Patrologia Graeca.
In Vols. 114-116, Migne published an almost complete collection
accompanied by a Latin translation. The table below summarizes
both the saints in the collection, giving their feast day and
location in the Patrologia Graeca. Also added, as it becomes
available, is information on later editions, since the Migne collection
was based on a limited number of manuscripts, and information
on translations of particular lives.
Note: this is not a complete list of the Metaphrastic corpus,
but rather of the texts in Migne. Migne simply did not include
all the lives. For a more extensive listing, based on a sampling
of 29 manuscripts, see Hippolyte Delehaye, "Synopsis Metaphrastica",
in Bibliotheca Hagiographica Greaca, 2nd ed., (Brussels:
1909), 267-292,
See also:
Symeon Logotheta Metaphrastes,
Saec X., PG, Vols 114-116:
Menologium seu Vitæ Sanctorum, 11416
(Graece et latine editio princeps: quae graece nondum edita
erant stellula notantur, lt = latine tantum.)
Base list is from the index volume of PG., cols. 96-99
Each entry contains:
- Date given. Usually one saint for each day, occasionally two
or three
- Name of saint in standard Latin. If marked with a *, indicates
the PG text is first edition. If I have thought the Latin unclear
I have given in brackets the usual English form]
- Source of PG text if not first edition given in parentheses:
AA.SS = Acta Sanctorum
- Source of PG Latin translation, also given in parentheses
- Surius is the most common source.
- Page location. Take volume number from number after name of
month. Some texts are out of order, in which case the volume number
is given highlighted.
- Source of preface, usually taken from AA.SS, but occasionally
other authors.
- Additional notes on more modern editions or translations.
Januarius, 114.
1. *Euphrosyne Alex. (latine Surius), 30522.
3. Apollinaris, virgo (Surius, 1t), 3218.
5 *Symeon Stvlita 33592.
AA.SS. praefatio, 32936.
7. *I,ucianus, martyr, 397416.
AA.S.S. praefatio, 3938.
9. *Polyeuctus (Surius), 41730.
10. *Marcianus. presbyter (Surius), 4295G.
11. *Theodosius cenobiarcha, 469554.
AA.SS. praefatio, 43368.
13. *Hermylus et Stratonicus (Surius), 55366.
15. *Joannes Calybita (Surius), 56782.
21. *Euthymius hegumenus (Cottelerius), 595734,
prolgus genuinius Cyrilli Scythopoleos, latine, 594.
AA.SS praefatio, 58394.
*Sebastianus et socii (Surius), 116, 793816.
22. *Vincentius, martyr (Surius), 114, 73556.
Timothous, apostolus, 76174.
AA.SS. praefatio, 75760.
23. *Anastasius persa (Surius), 773812.
*Clemens Ancyranus, 81594.
AA.SS. praefatio, 8134.
*Joannes Eleemosynarius [John the Merciful, or the Almoner] ,
AA.SS. praefatio, 8934.
24. *Babylas, martyr, 96782.
AA.SS. praefatio, 965ó.
25. Eusebia (Surius), 9811000.
*Ananias, apostolus, 100110.
AA.SS. praefatio, 10012,
26. *Xenophon et filii, 101344.
AA.SS. praefatio, 101112.
27. .Joannes Chrysostomus (Savilius), 10451210
28. *Jacobus, monachus, 121330 (n. 16 33 lt).
AA.SS. praefatio, 12112.
31. Cyrus et Joannes, 123150.
AA.SS. praefatio, 122932.
Februarius , 114.
1. Ephræm Syrus (ex Nysseno), 125368.
Assemani. praefatio, 12512.
*Ignatius Deifer [Ignatius of Antioch] (Surius), 126986.
2. *Cornelius, centurio, 12931312.
AA.SS. praefatio, 128792.
*Trypho, 131128.
3. *Blasius (Surius), 116, 81730
5. Agatha, virgo et martyr, 114, 1331-14
AA.SS. praefatio,, 1329-46
7. *Parthenius, episcopus (auctore Crispino), 1347-66
AA.SS. praefatio, 134546.
-note: this is not metaphrastic according to BHG.
9. *Nicephorus, martyr, 136776.
AA.SS. praefatio, 1365-66
14. *Auxentius, 1377436.
AA.SS. praefatio, 137578.
16. *Juliana (Surius), 143752.
18. *Leo et Paregorius, 145162.
Martius, 115.
12. Theophanes, 930 (AA.SS.).
16. *Longinus, centurio (Surius), 3144.
*Abramius et neptis (id.), 4378.
Aprilis, 115.
1. Agape et sociæ (Surius, It), 7782.
4.. *Ambrosius, 116, 86182.
5. Theodora, 115 (Surius, It), 8388,
Therme et sociæ (Surius, lt), 8790
7. Calliopius (Surius, It), 9194.
10, *Terentius et socii, 95106 (Surius).
13. *Carpus et socii (id.), 10526.
Jam. in AA. SS.
18, Eleutherius (greace AA.SS., latine Surius)
22. Acepsimas et socii (AA.SS.), 116, 83160.
Georgius, 115 (AA.SS.), 14162.
*Marcus, apostolus et evangelista (Surius)
27. *Anthimus, 17184 (id.).
Maius, 115.
1. Philippus, apostous, 18798.
AA.SS. praefatio, 18388.
Jacobus, frater Domini, 1992í8 (id.).
8. *Acacius, 21740 (Surius).
Bonifacius, 24158 (graece AA.SS., Surius).
14. *Victor et Corona (Surius), 25768.
Junius, 115.
7. Paulus CP [Paul, an early bishop Constaninople]. (Surius), 116, 88396.
19. Nazarius et socii (id.) 116, 895908.
27. Sampson, 277308.
AA.SS. praefatio,, 26778.
Julius, 115.
11. Stephanus et socii, 3178.
AA.SS., 30916.
17. XLV Martyres [Forty Martyrs of Sebasteia], 32340.
AA.SS., 31922.
*Eugenitls et Maria filia (AA. SS.), 34756.
18. *Mauricius et socii (Surius), 35572.
21. *Daniel, propheta (id.), 371404
22. *Plato (id.), 40328.
27. *VII Dormientes [Seven Sleepers of Ephesus] (id.), 42748
*Panteleemon (id.), 44778.
29. *Caninicus (id.), 47788.
Eudocimus (Surius, It), 48798.
Augustus, 115.
1. Sophia et filiæ (Surius), 497514.
2. Stephanus, papa et martyr (latine Surius)
12. Euplus, martyr (Cotelerius), 52330
15. S. Maria Deipara [Mary, Mother of God], latine (Surius), cum
fg. graecis (M.), 52966.
17. Mamas, martyr (auctore Neophytos, latine Surius), 513-24
Paulus et Juliana, martyres (latine ,Surius)
19. *Andreas et socii, 595610.
AA.SS. praefatio, 58796,
September, 115.
5. Eudoxius et socii, martyres, 61734.
AA.SS. praefatio, 60918.
7. *Sozon, martyr (Surius), 63340.
9. *Severianus, martyr (id.), 63952.
*Menodora et sociæ, martyres (id.), 65366,
11. *Theodola Alex. (id.), 66590.
12. *Autonomus, martyr (id.), 69198.
15. Nicetas Gothus, martyr, 70312.
AA.SS. praefatio, 697704.
16. *Euphemia, martyr (Surius), 71332
19. Trophimus et socii, martyres (id.), 73349
21. *Matthæus, evangelista, 81320.
AA.SS. praefatio, 749814.
23. Thecla, martyr (Pantinus), 82146.
24. Cyprianus Ant., 84782.
Blampignon Monitum 845 8.
27. *Callistratus, martyr (Surius), 881900
28. *Chariton (id.) 899918.
29. Cyriacus (Montfaucon), 91944.
31. *Gregorius illuminator (Surius), 94396.
October, 115.
5. Charitina, martyr (AA.SS.), 9971006.
7. Sergius et Bacchus, martyr (id.), 100532.
8. *Pelagia Antiochena (Surius), 116, 10720.
9. Dionyslus Areopagita, 103150 et 4, 589608.
Andronicus et conjux (latine Surius), 104954.
10. *Eulampius et Eulampia, martyres (Surius) 105366.
11. *Probus et socii, martyres (id.), 106780,
20. Andreas Cretensis, 11091128.
AA.SS. praefatio,10811110.
Lucas, evangelista (editio Paris., 1631)
*Varus, martyr (Surius), 114160.
Artemius, martyr (id.), 11591212,
22. *Abercius (id.), 121148
-Later ed. S. Abercii vita. Supplementum, Abercii titulus sepulcralis
qua ratione sit traditus exposuerunt Guilelmus Ludtke et Theodorus
Nissen. Lipsiae, inaedibus B.G. Teubneri, 1910.
24. *Arethas et socii (id.), 124990.
25. *Marcianus, martyr (id.), 128994.
28. *Anastasia romana (id.), 12931308.
30. *Zenobius et Zenobia, martyres (id.)., 130918.
31. *Epimachus, martyr (id.), 131926.
November, 116.
2. *Acyndinus et socii, martyres (Surius), 936
4. *Joannicius, abbas (id.), 3592.
5. *Galactio et Episteme (id.), 93108.
7. *Hiero et socii, martyres (id.), 109120.
8. *Matrona, Martyr (id.), 91954.
-this is not, in fact the life of a martyr, but of Matrona of
-English trans. by Khalifa Bennasser, Gender and Sanctity in Early Byzantine
Monasticism: A Study of the Phenomenon of Female Ascetics in Male
Monastic Habit, (University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 1984)
9. *Orestes, martyr (id.), 11928.
15. Gurias, Samonas et Abibus, martyres (id.),
English trans.
in Ante-Nicene and Nicene Fathers Series
22. *Cecilia et socii (latine Surius) 16380
23. Clemens, martyr (latine Surius), 17990 cum narratione
S. Ephræm, quæ est græce et latine 2,
61732; 63146.
*Gregorius Agrigentinus (Surius), 189270
Amphilochius Iconii, 955970.
25. Mercurius (latine Surius), 26976.
*Æcaterina [Katherine of Alexandria] (Surius), 275302.
December, 116.
4. *Barbara (Surius), 30116.
6. *Nicolaus Myrensis (id.), 31756
8. *Patapius, 35768 (id.).
10. *Menas et socii (id.), 367416.
11. *Daniel Stylita (id.), 9691038.
12. *Spyridon (id.), 41768.
13. *Eustratius et socii (id.), 467506.
14. *Thyrsus et socii, martyres (id.), 507560.
21. Thomas, apostolus (latine Surius), 55966.
23. X Martyres cretenses (græce Cornelius, latine Surius),
25. Anastasia junior et sociæ, martyres(Surius)
*Eugenia (id.), 60952.
26. Theodorus Graptus (Combefis) 65384
11. *Indas, Domna et socii (Surius), 103782.
27. Joannes Evangelista (editio Paris., 1631), 683
29. *Marcellus Archimandrita (Surius), 70546
30. Anysia Thessalonicensis, martyr (latine Surius)
31. *Melania Romana (Surius), 753794.
Supplementum; de S. Demetrio (AA.SS.),
AA SS. Commentarius prævius de S. Demetrio, 10811168.
Honoratus a S. Maria, de auctoritate et testimonio Metaphrastae,
gallice, 114 15784.
Allatius. Diatriba, 114, 19li8, cum indicibus:
- 1. Alli hagiographi certi, 14752.
- 2. Vitæ sanctorum his certis hagiographis tribuendæ,
- 3. Index analyticus in diatribam, 1558.
Hanckius. Catalogus vitarum a S. M. compositarum, 293300.
Nessel. Calalogus alter, 299304.
Editoris Patrologiae praefatio, 114. 918.
See also:
BHG 1667: Vita di S. Stefano Minore/ Simeone Metafraste
; introduzione, testo critico, traduzione e note a cura di Francesca
Iadevaia., (Messina : Edizioni Dr. A. Sfameni, 1984)
BHG 1686: Symeon Stylites the Elder - vita by Symeon Metaphrastes
Fr. tr. in preparation by Anne Bertrand
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texts related to medieval and Byzantine history.
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(c)Paul Halsall, December 1997
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