The Traditions of the Prophet
This collection of Hadith was found on the net, with ascription of source or copyright. If you have more information please contact halsall@murray.fordham.edu
In the name of ALLAH, the Beneficent, the Merciful
Collection of Al-Hadiths
(1). 'A'isha said that Rasulullah saw said : "The deeds most loved
by Allah swt (are those) done regularly, even if they are small".
( Bukhari, Muslim )
(2). 'Abdullah b. Umar said that Rasulullah saw said : "The muslim is
he from whose tongue and hand a Muslim is safe, and the muhajir
he who gives up what Allah has prohibited for him ".
( Bukhari, Muslim )
(3). Abu Hurairah said that Rasulullah saw said : "Beware of envy,
for envy devours good (deeds) like fire devours firewood".
( Abu Dawud )
(4). Jabir b. Abdullah said that Rasulullah saw said : "Allah is not
merciful to whim who is not merciful to people ".
( Bukhari, Muslim )
(5). Abdullah b. Umar said that Rasulullah saw said :"The Merciful One
shows mercy to those who are themselves merciful (to others).
So show mercy to whatever is on earth, then He who is in heaven
will show mercy to you "
( Abu Dawud, Tirmidhi )
(6). From Abu Hurairah : Rasulullah saw said : "He who does not thank
people, does not thank Allah".
( Ahmad, Tirmidhi )
(7). From Anas : Rasulullah saw said : "By Him in whose hand is my
soul, a servant (of Allah) does not believe (truly) until he
likes for his brother what he likes for himself ".
( Bukhari, Muslim )
(8). From al-Miqdam b. Ma'dikarib : Rasulullah saw said : " When a man
loves his brother he should tell him that he loves him "
( Abu Dawud, Tirmidhi )
(9). From Abu Ayyub al-Anshari : Rasulullah saw said : " It is not
right for a man to abandon his brother for more than three days".
( Bukhari, Muslim )
(10).Jabir said that Rasulullah saw said : " If one makes excuses to
his brother, but he does not excuse him, or accept his apology,
he is as sinful as one who takes an unjust tax "
( Baihaqi )
(11).From Abu Hurairah : Rasulullah saw said : " The strong man is not
the one who is strong in wrestling, but the one who controls
himself in anger "
( Bukhari, Muslim )
(12).Abu Muhammad al-Hasan ibn Ali b. Abu Talib said : I preserved
the following words from Rasulullah saw : "Leave what you have
doubt about for that you have no doubt about; for it is truth
that brings peace of mind and it is falsehood that brings doubt".
( Ahmad, Tirmidhi, Nasa'i )
(13).Abu Yahya Suhaib b. Sinan said that Rasulullah saw said :
" Wondrous are the believer's affairs. For him there is good
in all his affairs, and this is so only for the believer.
When something pleasing happens to him, he is grateful, and that
is good for him; and when something displeasing happens to him,
he is enduring (sabar), and that is good for him "
( Muslim )
(14).From Uthman ra : Rasulullah saw said : "The best of you is
he who has learnt the Qur'an and then taught it "
( Bukhari )
(15).Ibn Umar ra said that Rasulullah saw said : "Each of you is
a guardian, and each of you will be asked about your guardian-
ship. The leader is a guardian, and the man is a guardian over
the people of his house, and the woman is a guardian over her
husband's house and children. So each of you is a guardian, and
each of you will be asked about your guardianship".
( Bukhari, Muslim )
(16).Abdullah b. Amr b. al-As ra said that Rasulullah saw never used
obscene talk nor did he listen to it.
( Bukhari, Muslim )
(17).On the authority of Abu Hurayrah ra, who said that Rasulullahsaw
said : Allah swt said :
"Whosoever shows enmity to someone devoted to Me,
I shall be at war with him.
My servants draws not near to Me with anything more loved by Me
than the religious duties I have enjoined upon him,
and My servant continues to draw near to Me with
supererogatory works so that I shall love him.
When I love him,
I am his hearing with which he hears,
his seeing with which he sees,
his hand with which he strikes,
and his foot with which he walks.
Were he to ask (something) of Me,
I would surely give it to him,
and were he to ask Me for refuge,
I would surely grant him it.
I do not hesitate about anything as much as
I hesitate about (seizing) the soul of My faithful servant :
he hates death and I hate hurting him "
( Bukhari, hadist qudsi )
(18).From Anas : Rasulullah saw said : " Make thing easy, and do not e
make them difficult, and give good tidings and do not make people ay "
run away
( Bukhari )
(19).From Abu Mas'ud al-Badri : Rasulullah saw said : " When a man spends to
support his famili hoping (for Allah's reward) it is counted for
him as sadaqah "
( Bukhari, Muslim )
(20).From Amr b. Shu'aib, from his father, from his grandfather :
Rasulullah saw said : "He is not of us who has no compassion for r
our little ones and does not honour our old ones "
( Abu Dawud, Tirmidhi )
(21).On the authority of Abu Hurairah ra, who said that Rasulullah saw
said : Allah swt said :
" I am as My servant thinks I am.
I am with him when he makes mention of Me.
If he makes mention of Me to himself,
I make mention of him to Myself.
And if he makes mention of Me in an assembly,
I make mention of him in an assembly better than it.
And if he draws near to Me a hand's span,
I draw near to him an arm's length.
And if he draws near to Me an arm's length,
I draw near to him a fathom's length.
And if he comes to Me walking,
I go to him at speed "
(Hadist Qudsi: Bukhari, Muslim, Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah )
(22). Ibn 'Umar ra said that Rasulullah saw said : "Do not talk for
long without remembering Allah swt, for talking much without
remembering Allah swt is hardness of the heart. The most distant
among man from Allah swt is one with a hardened heart".
( Tirmidhi )
(23). From 'Iyad b. Himar al-Mujashi'i ra : Rasulullah saw said :
Allah swt has revealed to me : "You should be humble so that
no one boasts over his neighbour nor anyone oppresses his
neighbour "
( Muslim )
(24). From Bahz b. Hakim ra, from his father, from his grandfather :
Rasulullah saw said: "Woe to him who tells lies to make people
laugh -- Woe to him -- Woe to him "
( Ahmad, Tirmidhi )
(25). From Abdullah bin Mas'ud ra : Rasulullah saw said " Try to earn
a lawful livelihood is (also) an obligation like the other
obligation (in Islam) ".
( Baihaqi )
(26). Abu Abdullah, who was called Abd al-Rahman Thaubah b Yujdud ,
the maula of Rasulullah saw said : Rasulullah saw said :
" The best dinar a man spends is the dinar he spends on his
family, and the dinar he spends on his riding beast in the
path of Allah swt, and the dinar he spends on his companions
in the path of Allah swt ".
( Muslim )
(27). On the authority of Abu Said ra, who said that Rasulullah saw
said : " Let not any one of you belittle himself. They said :
O Rasulullah saw, how can any one of us belittle himself ?
He (Rasulullah) said : He finds a matter concerning Allah swt
about which he should say something, and he does not say (it),
so Allah swt says to him on the Day of Resurrection : What
prevented you from saying something about such-and-such ?
He says : (It was) out of fear of people. Then Allah swt says
: Rather it is I whom you should more properly fear "
(Hadist Qudsi, related by Ibn Majah with a sound chain of
(28). On the authority of Abu Hurayrah ra, who siad that Rasulullah saw
said : Allah swt said :
" Spend (i.e. on charity), O son of Adam,
and I shall spend on you "
(Hadist Qudsi, related by Bukhari and Muslim)
(29). From Ibn Umar ra : Rasulullah saw said : "The muslim who meets
with people and endures any harm they may do is better than he
who does not mix with them and does not endure any harm they
may do".
( Tirmidhi )
(30). From Sufyan b. Asad al-Hadrami ra : I heard Rasulullah saw say :
" It is a great treachery that you tell your brother something he
accepts as truth from you, but you are lying"
( Abu Dawud )
(31). Abdullah b. Amr ra said that Rasulullah saw said : "There are
four traits; he who has all of them is a certain hypocrite and
has one of them has some hypocrisy, until he gets rid of it :
when being given a trust, he betrays; when he speaks, he lies;
when he promises (something), he breaks it; and when he quarrels
he commits excesses"
( Bukhari )
(32). Ibn Mas'ud ra said that Rasulullah saw said : "Abusing a Muslim
is sinful, and fighting (making war, qital) with him is
(tantamount to) kufr."
( Bukhari, Muslim )
(33). Abu Hurairah ra said that Rasulullah saw said :
"Beware ofsuspicion,
for suspicion is the greatest falsehood.
Do not try to find fault with each other,
do not spy on one another,
do not vie with one another,
do not envy one another,
do not be angry with one another,
do not turn away from one another,
and be servants of Allah,
brothers to one another, as you have been enjoined.
A Muslim is the brother of a muslim,
he does him no wrong,
nor does he let him down,
nor does he despise him.
Fear of God is here, fear of God is here,
and he pointed to his chest.
It is evil enough thata Muslim should look down on his brother.
For every muslim is sacred to one another :
his blood, his honour, and his property.
Allah does not look at your bodies or your forms, or your deeds,
but He looks at your hearts".
( Bukhari, Muslim )
(34) Abu Musa ra said that Rasulullah saw said : "Visit the sick,
feed the hungry and free the captives".
( Bukhari )
(35) From Abu Hurairah ra : Rasulullah saw said :"One who visits a sick
person, or visits a brother of his for the sake of Allah swt,
a caller calls him (saying) :"May you be well, and may your
passage be well, and may you occupy a place in paradise "
( Tirmidhi )
(36) Muadh b. Jabal ra said that he heard Rasulullah saw say :
Allah swt said : "My love is due to those who love each other
for my sake, who sit with each other for my sake, who visit one
another for my sake, who spend on each other for my sake"
( Malik )
(37) Abu Musa al-Ashari ra said that Rasulullah saw said :
"Permission to enter is to be asked three times. If permission
is given to you, then enter, otherwise leave"
( Bukhari, Muslim )
Abu Dzar ra goes on saying that he asked for more advice.
Rasulullah saw advised that he should cultivate fear of Allah swt,
because it is the root and basis of all spiritual actions.
Abu Dzar ra then begged for more advice.
Rasulullah sawsaid : "Be consistent in recitation of Al-Qur'an
and remembrance of Allah, because it is 'nur' in this world and
'zakhirah' in the heaven.
Abu Dzar ra again sought further advice and was told :
"Abstain from too much of laughter, because it causes the heart
to wither, and the faceloses its lustre".
Abu Dzar ra sought further advice, whereupon Rasulullah saw said :
"Stick to jihad, because this is the 'ruhbaniat' (monasticism)
for my ummah.
Abu Dzar ra asked for more advice, and Rasulullah saw said :
"Associate yourself with the poor and the needy,
be friendly with them and sit in their company".
When Abu Dzar ra requested further advice, Rasulullah saw said :
" Look towards those who rank below you, so that you may get used
of being thankful, and do not look at those who rank above you
lest you should despise the favours of Allah swt upon you ".
When Abu Dzar ra again asked for more advice, Rasulullah saw
said : "Let your own faults prevent you from criticizing others
and do not try to find fault with others, because you commit those
faults yourself. It is enough to prove you guilty that you should
find in others such faults as you yourself posess, though you may
not be aware of them, and that you should find in others such
misdeeds as you yourself commit".
After this Rasulullah saw patted the chest of Abu Dzar ra with his
loving hand and said :
"O, Abu Dzar, there is no wisdom better than prudence,
nor any piety better than refraining from the unlawful,
nor any nobility better than polite manners"
(Narrated by Ibn Hibban)
(39) It has been narrated on the authority of the authority of 'Abdullah
ibn 'Amr ibn al-'As ra that Rasulullah saw said : "The world is but
a provision and the best provision of the world is a pious and
virtous woman ". (Muslim)
(40) It has been narrated on the authority of Abu Hurairah ra that he
heard Rasulullah saw as saying : "The believers who show the most
perfect faith are those who have the best character, and the best
of you are those who are best to their wives". (Tirmidhi)
(41) It has been narrated on the authority of Ibn 'Umar ra that
Rasulullah saw said : "All of you are guardians and are respon-
sible for your wards. The ruler is a guardian of his subjects and
the man is a guardian of his family, the lady is a guardian and
is responsible for her husband's house and his offspring; and so
all of you are guardians and responsible for your wards".
(Muttafaquun 'alayh)
(42) It has been narrated on the authority of Abu Hurairah ra that he
heard Rasulullah saw as saying : "Act kindly towards woman, for
they were created from a rib and the most crooked part of a rib
is its top. If you attempt to straighten it you will break it, and
if you leave it alone it will remain crooked; so act kindly toward
women ". (Bukhari and Muslim)
(43) It has been narrated on the authority of Abu Hurairah ra that he
heard Rasulullah saw as saying : "A believer must not bear enmity
against a believing woman; if he dislikes one of her characteristics
he will be pleased with another ". (Muslim)
(44) It has been narrated on the authority of Usama bin Zaid ra that
Rasulullah saw said :"I am not leaving behind me a more harmful
tribulation for men than women ". (Muttafaquun 'alayh)
(45) It has been narrated on the authority of 'Amr ibn Ahwas Jashni ra
that he heard Rasulullah saw say in his sermon on the occasion of
the Farewell Pilgrimage. After praising and glorifying Allah swt,
he admonished people :
" Treat woman kindly, they are like captives in your hands, you do
not owe anything else except them. In case they are guilty of
open indecency, you may leave them alone in their beds and
inflict slight punishment. If they are obedient to you,do not
have recourse to anything else against them. You have your rights
over your wives and they have their rights over you. Your rights
is that they shall not permit anyone you dislike to enter your
and their rights is that you should treat them well in the matter
food and clothing ". (Tirmidhi)
(46) Al-Aswad ra said : I asked A'isha ra : "What did Rasulullah saw
used to do in his house ?". She said : "He used to work for his
family, and when prayer (time) came, he went out for prayer ".
(47) It has been narrated on the authority of Umm Salama ra that
Rasulullah saw said : "If a woman dies in a state when her husband
is pleased with her, she will enter Paradise '. (Tirmidhi)
(48) It has been narrated on the authority of Abu Huraira ra that he
heard Rasulullah saw as saying :" If I were to order anyone to
prostate himself before another, I would order a woman to prostate
herself before her husband ". (Tirmidhi)
(49) It is reported that Abdllah bin Mas'ud ra had thin, weak legs.
Once, upon seeing his leg uncovered, some people laughed,
whereupon Rasulullah saw said : "Are you laughing at the frailty
of his legs ? By Him in Whose hand is my soul, in the scale of
Allah they are weightier than Mount Uhud."
( Ahmad and al-Tiyalisi )
(50) Ibn Umar ra narrated Rasulullah saw said : "O you who declare
Islam with your tongues but whose hearts have not been reached
by faith, do not annoy the Muslims nor seek out their faults,
for he who seeks out the faults of his brother Muslim will
have his faults sought out by Allah, and when Allah seeks out
someone's faults, He exposes them, eventhough he should be in
the interior of his house."
( Bukhari, Muslim )
(51) Abdullah b. Umar ra said that Rasulullah saw said :
" The best companion with Allah swt
is he who behaves best to his companion, and
the best neighbour with Allah swt
is he who behaves best to his neighbour "
( Tirmidhi )
(52) Abu Hurairah ra said that Rasulullah said :
" By Allah, he does not (truly) believe !
By Allah, he does not (truly) believe !
By Allah, he does not (truly) believe !
Some one asked : " Who, o Rasulullah ? "
He (Rasulullah saw) said :
" He whose neighbour is not safe from his mischief".
( Bukhari, Muslim)
In Muslim's report (it says) : "He will not enter paradise
whose neighbour is not safe from his mischief".
(53) From Abu Dzar ra : Rasulullah saw said :
" When you cook soup add more water,
remembering your neighbours "
( Muslim )
(54) Ibn. Abbas r.a says that Rasulullah SAW was the most generous per-
among all the men, particularly during the month of Ramadhan he
rasulullah SAW) used to be extraordinarily benevolent and generous
when he met Gabriel. And during this month Angel Gabriel used to
visit every night and recite the holy Qur'an to him. At this time
the normal generosity of Rasulullah SAW(peace be upon him) used to
be very much increased, faster than the rain-bearing wind.
( Bukhari and Muslim )
(55) Anas bin Malik r.a relates that Rasulullah SAW said : Take "sahri"
(i.e eating, drinking before dawn and commencement of the fast)
because, there is blessing in this "sahri". (Bukhari&Muslim)
Amr bin Al Aas r.a says that Rasulullah SAW said: Only distinguish
-ing factor between our fasting that the other people of the Book
is "sahri". (Bukhari & Muslim)
(56) Sahl bin Sa'd r.a relates that Rasulullah SAW said: The people
will remain on the right path as long as they make haste in break-
ing the fast (immediately after the sun has set and the time to
pray after breaking of fast has arrived). (Bukhari & Muslim)
Abu Hurairah r.a reports that Rasulullah SAW said: Allah the Al-
mighty and Master of Glory says: Among my servants I like most the
person who hasten in breaking his fast. (Tirmidzi)
Anas bin Malik r.a relates that Rasulullah SAW used to break his
fast before offering Maghrib prayer with some pieces of fresh dates
, failing which, with dry dates, and failing that too, he would
drink a few mouthfuls of water. (Abu Daud, Tirmidzi)
(57) Abu Hurairah r.a relates that Rasulullah SAW said: Anybody who
gets up to offer voluntary prayer during the month of Ramadhan
with deep sense of iman and self scrutiny will have his previous
sins remitted(forgiven).
(Bukhari & Muslim)
(58) From Abu Sa'id al-Khudri ra : Rasulullah s.a.w said : "If one
of you sees (something) bad, he should change it with his
his hand; and if he is not capable of that, then with his tongue;
and if he is not capable of that, then (he should detest) it
with his heart; and that is the weakest faith".
( Muslim )
(59) Abu Hurairah ra said that Rasulullah s.a.w said : "He who calls
to the right guidance, has the same reward as those who follow
him. It will not lessen their rewards. And he who calls to wrong,
burdens himself with the same sin as the sins of those who follow
him. It will not lessen their sins."
( Muslim )
(60) Abu Dharr ra said that Rasulullah s.a.w said to him : "Fear God
wherever you are; let an evil deed (be) followed by a good deed
so that you blot it out; and be well-behaved towards people".
( Ahmad, Tirmidhi )
(61) From Anas ra : A man said to Rasulullah s.a.w : "Give me some
advice", and he said : "Judge each matter by its disposition.
If you see good in its outcome, carry on with it; but if you
fear transgressing the limits set by Allah swt, then abstain
from it".
( Sharh al-Sunna )
(62) From Ali b. al-Hussain ra : Rasulullah s.a.w said : "It is (part)
of the beauty of a man's Islam to leave what does not concern him"
( Malik, Ahmad )
(63) Nu'man b. Bashir r.a. said that Rasulullah s.a.w said : "What is
lawful is clear and what is unlawful is (also) clear. But between
the two are doubtful matters of which many people do not know.
He who protects himself from doubtful matters clears himself
in regard to his faith and honour. But he who falls into doubtful
matters is like a shepherd who grazes (his sheep) around a
sanctuary, and (liable) to graze therein. Surely, every King has
a sanctuary. Surely, the sanctuary of Allah swt is his
prohibitions. Surely, in the body is a piece of flesh, and if it
is sound, the whole body is sound; and if it is damaged, the
body is deseased. Surely, it is the heart.
( Bukhari, Muslim )
(64) Abu Hurairah ra said that Rasulullah s.a.w said : "He who truly
believes in Allah and the last Day, should speak good or keep
( Bukhari, Muslim )
(65) Sufyan b. Abdullah ra said : "I said : O Rasulullah s.a.w,
tell me something that I should adhere to". Rasulullah said
: "Say : My Lord is Allah, then remain steadfast (istiqamah)."
I said : "O, Rasulullah, what do you fear most for me ? "
Thereupon Rasulullah took hold of his own tongue and said : This".
( Tirmidhi )
(66) Abu Hurairah ra said that Rasulullah s.a.w said : "Do you know
backbitting ?". They said : "Allah and his Rasul know best."
He said : "When you speak about your brother, what he would
dislike it is backbiting." Someone asked: "What if my brother
is as I say ?" Rasulullah said :" If he is as you say, you have
been backbiting; and if he is not as you say, you have
slandered him".
( Muslim )
(67) From al-Miqdad b. Ma'dikarib ra : Rasulullah s.a.w. said :
"No one has ever eaten better food than what he eats from
the work done by his hands ..".
( Bukhari )
(68) From Jabir b. Abdullah ra : Rasulullah s.a.w. said :" May Allah
have mercy on a man who is kind when he buys, when he sells,
and when he makes a demand"
( Bukhari )
(69) Rafi'i b. Khadij said that someone asked: "O Rasulullah which
gain is best ?". He said :"A man's work by his hand, and every
honest business"
( Ahmad )
(70) From Abdullah b. Umar r.a. : Rasulullah s.a.w. said : " Give
the labourer his wages before his sweat dries ".
( Ibn Majah )
(71) From Anas r.a. : Rasulullah s.a.w said : "O, my son, when you
enter to where your family is, say salam. It is a blessing on
and on the people of your house".
( Tirmidhi )
(72) Abu Hurairah r.a. said : A man came to Rasulullah s.a.w. and
said : "O Rasulullah, who of mankind is most entitled to the best
of my companionship ?". Rasulullah said : "Your mother".
He said :"Then who ?". Rasulullah said : "Your mother".
He said :"Then who ?". Rasulullah said : "Your mother".
He said :"Then who ?". Rasulullah said : "Your father".
( Bukhari, Muslim )
(73) Aisha r.a. said : A desert Arab came to Rasulullah s.a.w. and
said : "Do you kiss children ?, We do not kiss them".
Rasulullah s.a.w said : "What can I do for you if Allah has taken
away mercy from your heart ? "
( Bukhari, Muslim )
(74) From Amr b. Shu'aib, from his father, from his grandfather, who
said : Rasulullah s.a.w said :"Prescribe prayers to your children
when they are seven years of age, and punish them (if they do
not say them) when they are ten years old of age, and separate
their beds (at that age)".
( Abu Dawud )
(75) From Abu Hurairah r.a. : Rasulullah s.a.w. said : "The best house
among Muslim is the house which orphan is well treated and the
worst house among the Muslim is the house in which an orphan is
badly treated".
(76) Abu Huraira r.a. reported that Rasulullah s.a.w. said : It is not
lawful for a believer to forsake a believer beyond three days,
and whosoever does so more than three days and then dies, shall
enter the Hell.
( Abu Dawud )
(77) Abu Khirash Hadard bin Abi Hadard Aslami r.a. reported that he
heard Rasulullah s.a.w as saying : Whoever forsakes his brother
for a year is like one who sheds his blood.
( Abu Dawud )
(78) Ibn Mas'ud r.a. reported that Rasulullah s.a.w as saying :
When three of you are together, two of you must not converse
privately ignoring the other till the number increases lest
the third should be grieved.
( Muttafaqun alayih )
(79) Abu Huraira r.a. reported that Rasulullah s.a.w said :
Beware of suspicion, for suspicion is the worst of false tale.
( Muttafaqun alayih )
(80) Abdullah bin 'Amr bin 'As ra reported that Rasulullah s.a.w
said : He who desires to be rescued the fire of Hell and to
enter Paradise should die when he believes in Allah and the
Last Day, and should deal with others as he wishes to be deal
( Muslim )
(81) Ibn Mas'ud r.a. reported that Rasulullah s.a.w. as saying :
None except men only be envied : A man to whom Allah has given
property, empowering him to dispose of it (on what is right)
and a man to whom Allah has given wisdom by which he judges and
teaches it.
( Muttafaqun alayih )
(82) Sahl bin Sa'd r.a. reported that Rasulullah s.a.w. said to
Ali r.a. : By Allah, if a single person is guided by Allah
through you, it will be better for you than red camels.
( Muttafaqun alayih )
(83) Abu Hurairah r.a. reported that Rasulullah s.a.w. said :
Allah makes the way to Paradise easy for him who treads
the path in search of knowledge.
( Muslim )
(84) Abu Said al Khudri r.a. reported Rasulullah s.a.w. as saying :
A believer is never satisfied with acquiring of knowledge till
he reaches Paradise.
( Tirmidhi )
(85) Abu Hurairah r.a. reported that Rasulullah s.a.w. said :
He who does not acquire knowledge with the sole intention
of seeking the pleasure of Allah and does not impart it
but for gaining the frailties of the world, shall not smell
the fragrance of Paradise on the Day of Resurrection.
( Abu Dawud )
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(c)Paul Halsall Jan 1996
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