ANONYMOUS: Lives of Sts. Robert (Rupert) and Erendruda
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Translated by Karen Rae Keck
Recently more and more people have come to know and to love the Orthodox
saints of the West. We would like to introduce two such saints, Rupert of
Salzburg and the nun Erendruda, whose lives have apparently not previously
appeared in English. (``Rupert'' is the German spelling of ``Hrodibert'',
rendered ``Robert'' in French and English.)
While the Roman provinces of Noricum and Pannonia had been strongholds of
the early church - St. Martin of Tours,for example, was a native of Burgen-
land - the barbarian invasions hit them with such violence that Christianity
eventually almost disappeared. The re-introduction of the faith was due
largely to Theodo I, Duke of Bavaria in the late 600s. St. Rupert was not the
only Frankish missionary whom Theodo brought into his territory; another, St.
Emmeramus, met a martyr's death when, to help a distressed princess, he pre-
tended to be the father of her illegitimate child, thus permitting her lover
to escape the vengeance of the clan.
Although Rupert was a Frank, tradition also associates him with Ireland;
certainly the old Roman city of Juvavia (Salzburg), which he refounded
as his headquarters, quickly became a center of Irish missionary activity
in Central Europe. The Austrian church was pervaded with Celtic influence,
and was even organized on Celtic lines under ``abbot-bishops'' in succession
from Rupert. The most famous was St. Virgil the Geometer, otherwise Feargal
O'Neill from Leinster. St. Virgil is remembered today mostly as an astronomer
who shocked his more intellectually staid contemporaries by speculating
about the habitibility of the Antipodes; he was also an outstanding Orthodox
hierarch who evidently tolerated the use of the vernacular at baptismal
services and launched, in Carinthia and Slovenia, one of the first attempts
to evangelize the Slavs.
The Austrian Church did not long retain its free-spirited identity. Four
years after St. Virgil's passing, the Austro-Bavarian duchy was conquered by
Charlemagne and rapidly integrated into the European mainstream. The
abbot-bishops gradually changed from spiritual leaders into worldly poten-
tates, Electors of the Western Empire. By a terrible irony, the inheritors of
the mantle of St. Virgil became the chief opponents and persecutors of Cyril
and Methodius whom he had foreshadowed. Nevertheless, although Austria and
Bavaria have not been Orthodox for a thousand years, the saints of the
Orthodox period still live in Christ, interceding for their countries and all
humanity. May the reader of the following Lives be saved through the prayers
of Saints Rupert and Erendruda!
--N. Redington
(March 27)
1. Today is the feast of St. Rupert, a most holy and blessed man. This feast
reminds us of his passing into joyful paradise; it shows forth mystical
gladness to devout minds. It renews delight in our hearts while the course of
years runs. As the Scriptures say, "The righteous shall be in everlasting
remembrance." He who passes into the angels' joy is made worthy of men's
remembrance: as the Scriptures say, "A wise son is the glory of the father",
and how great is his glory, who redeemed so many barbarian nations by the
knowledge of God in Christ Jesus through the Gospel!
2. When Childebert the king of the Franks was in the second year of his reign,
the Bishop of Worms was the Holy Confessor Rupert, who was born into the ranks
of the Frankish nobility, but was nobler in faith and piety. He was gentle and
chaste, simple and prudent, devout in praise of God, full of the Holy Spirit.
He was also provident in his plans and righteous in his judgement. He was
secure in the strength of both his right and left arms, and his good deeds
shaped his flock in his own image, because he admonished them with his words
and the example of his works confirmed them. He frequently kept vigils; then
he weakened himself with fasting. He adorned his work with compassion. He gave
away his riches that the poor might enrich themselves, because he believed
himself to be one who should receive the naked and poor.
3. Therefore, when the exceeding fame of this most venerable man had spread
to the ends of the universe, very famous men, not only in that region but from
other nations, poured in to hear his most holy teaching. Some in anxious
sorrow came to receive consolation through his pious conversation, and others
from the church came to hear pure truth from him. Many were freed from the
snares of the ancient enemy by his loving dedication, and they started out
on the way to eternal life. But the unfaithful, who were often numerous in the
vicinity of Worms, not understanding his sanctity, exiled him from the city
in great shame. They afflicted him with terrible sufferings and beat him with
rods. At that time Theodo, the Duke of Bavaria, hearing about the miracles
which this most holy holy man had done, and about his blessedness, desired to
see him, and, having sent resolutely his very best men, he summoned him: how
long might he consent to visit the regions of Bavaria, and could he instruct
him in the way of life-giving faith? The blessed bishop, when he saw such a
legion of questions, and knew that these came from Divine dispensation,
thanked the Merciful One, because " those who sat in the darkness and the
shadow of death" longed to know the author of life, Jesus Christ.
4. Consequently, he sent his own priests, as if they were rays of faith, with
the ambassadors before him to the Duke, and he himself, after a short time,
undertook the journey to Bavaria. When the Duke heard the news, he was
overcome with great joy, and he and a large retinue hastened to meet St.
Rupert. In the city of Regensburg, he with the greatest zeal overtook the
saint. Then St. Rupert, not saying he was hungry, instructed the Duke in the
mysteries of the heavens, and he strengthened him in the true faith. He made
the Duke renounce the cult of idols, and he baptized him in the name of the
Holy and Indivisible Trinity. The nobles and the people, whether gentry or
plebians, were baptized with him, praising Jesus Christ the Saviour of the
world, who considered them worthy to be called wonderously into His light
from their darkness through His own confessor, the most blessed Rupert.
Through his word, their darkened hearts were lit up, and the breasts of the
unfaithful thirsted for the fountain of life.
5. When the saint had demonstrated the Divine grace by baptizing the Duke and
his people, Theodo understood the sacrament of saving baptism. He begged the
saint, and Rupert boarded a ship and sailed up the River Danube. Through the
towns, villas, and forts, he declared the gospel of Christ in a free voice.
To the ends of Noricum, into the lower parts of Pannonia, he himself brought
the light of Christ's ministry, placed as it were like a bright lamp above a
candelabra. Then, having returned through the land, he entered Lauriacum
(Lorch on the River Enns), in whose water he converted many who were regener-
ated in baptism from the cult of idols. In the name of the Lord he cleansed
more who had been oppressed by various weaknesses. After he had left Lauriacum,
he saw with fervor the errors of the race in that region; he boldly undertook
to destroy idols, to smash images, to proclaim everywhere the divinity of the
Lord Jesus Christ as well as His sacred incarnation, that they might believe
Him to be at once God and man; who was truly begotten of the Father before the
Morning Star; who is the Word of God truly born of a virgin mother in the
latter days for the salvation of humanity; who illumines all men who come
into the world.
6. But when the man of God considered whether to become the Bishop according
to the entreaties of the Duke and his people, he went to the stagnant waters
of the Wallersee, where a church had been built in honor of the chief apostle
Peter. He moved from there to the Juvavian (Salzach) River where once the
city of Juvavia stood, which had been erected in ancient, miserable times.
Among the Bavarian cities it had held noble eminence, but by this time it
had been overrun by thickets and few people lived in the near-ruins. The
servant of God considered this suitable for his episcopal cathedral, because
being among the mountains it was remote from the tumult of the crowds. He
entrusted himself with propriety to the Duke, and recounted to him with great
enthusiasm his plan to build a basilica there in honor of the blessed Peter,
Chief of the Apostles, and endowed with all the splendors necessary by the
generosity of Theodo. Afterward having ordained priests, he made all of them
celebrate the daily offices in an agreeable order. The holy man of God wished
to supplement his site, so he asked the Duke for more money, and with the
appropriate legal formalities bought the manor of Piding for thousands of
solidi. Thus, successively, by the aid of God and the bequests of kings or
dukes or faithful men, the establishment began to grow.
7. Later after a certain number of days worthy men told the blessed hierarch
something of great wonder which had happened when they had gone into the
unnamed wilderness area now called Bongotobum (Pongau). Three or four times
they had seen heavenly portents of fiery lamps, and they had experienced the
smell of sweet and wonderful aromas there. So the pious bishop sent the
priest Domingus to that same place, because of all the marvels which were
present on top of these portents. He hoped that the priest would diligently
test the truth of such signs by setting in that place a wooden cross which
the holy one had blessed and constructed with his own hand. Domingus, when he
arrived, at once began the First Hour with the religious who had come with
him. They saw a bright lamp emitted from the sky descend and light up the
entire region as if it were the sun. Domingus saw this vision on three
nights, accompanied with the sweetness of a wondrous odor. He erected the
blessed cross in that same place, and it moved back above the hut toward St.
Rupert, confirming the first assertion with a sure report! St. Rupert,
communicating his design to Theodo, went away into the wilderness to the very
same place, and seeing that it was suitable for human habitation he began to
cut down aged oaks, and to bring heavy material back into the plain of level
ground, that he might build a church with dwellings for the servants of God.
8. At that time, Theodo fell into ill health, and as he felt the end of his
life approaching, he called to his bedside his son Theodobert. He appointed
him to be the Duke of Noricum, admonishing him to obey St. Rupert and to aid
him conscientiously in his divine work, as well as to raise up aptly the
sacred place of the Juvavian church with love, honor, and dignity. He adjured
him also to honor it and exalt it. When he had instructed his son with these
doctrines and all that he desired, he closed his last day and fell asleep in
the Lord. After this, the Duke Theodobert continued to go with his best men
to St. Rupert, because his sanctity was worth seeing. Coming to the saint in
his far hermitage, the Duke showered him with pious affection, and he went to
the church which the saint had built there. The Duke donated three milestones
in honor of St. Maximilian. He also gave property on all sides of the forest,
as well as an Alpine villa. He contributed other gifts to nurture the monks,
whom the most blessed Rupert had ordained to the service of God.
9. When these things had been done, the man of God saw that the height of
Bavarian dignity had submitted himself to the yoke of Christ but had left
worldly matters to the errors of the clan. Therefore he accompanied the Duke
to his homeland. From thence Rupert returned with twelve of his special
friends (among whom were Kuniald and St. Gisilarius, both priests and both
holy men). His neice St. Erendruda, a virgin dedicated to Christ, accompanied
them to the city of Juvavia. There in the high fortress of the city he built
a monastery in honor of Our Lord Jesus Christ the Saviour and His sacred
Mother, the Ever-Virgin Mary. He placed in that same monastery St. Erendruda,
that she might serve the King of Heaven. And with the support of Duke
Theodobert, who gave many gifts to the community, he developed their social
life rationally in all things.
10. When these things had been done, the blessed man became eager to complete
the teaching he had begun with the help of the High Priest. Escorted by his
flock, he resolved to visit his followers in the Norican kingdom. Leaving the
city of Juvavia and visiting the people on whom the light of faith had not
yet shown, he sowed the wheat of faith amidst the grass. The deception of the
devil fled from the hearts of these barbarian hordes, and Rupert sowed there
faith, love, mercy, and humility, for through these Christ, the giver and
source of all good, is able to enter the domicile of the human mind. When he
had travelled to the ends of Bavaria, he had converted all to faith in
Christ, and had strengthened those who remained steadily faithful. Having
sent out several priests and men of God who brought the Divine Mysteries to
the people, he was eager to go back to Juvavia. Because he was full of the
spirit of prophecy, he knew that the day of his calling was at hand. He told
this to his disciples, who showed sadness and consternation. This was the
reason that there was much weeping and great mourning when he left the
brand-new Christian people.
11. He, however, with the hope that had been established by Christ, commended
the city, the Norican people, and all who had turned to faith in Christ to
the Most High and All-Knowing God, and he chose Vitale, a holy man whom the
people themselves had accepted, as his successor. When the forty days of Lent
had been observed, Bishop Rupert, the man of God, began to be exhausted by a
high fever. When the most holy day of the Resurrection of Our Saviour Jesus
dawned, he celebrated the solemn liturgy, and he was fortified for the
journey with the sacred body of Christ. By his mellifluous admonitions to
natural piety and his last words of love, he strengthened his brothers and
sons. Then, amidst the holy tears of the band, amidst the weeping of the holy
ones: the death rattle. He returned his most pure soul to God. The host of
angels heard from the saints in the heavens and bore his holy soul with a
melodious voice to eternal happiness. Thus he rested in peace. He whose life
was praiseworthy and blameless was in death equally blessed. Thus it is
written: " Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints,"
whom the angels bear into heaven. Frequent miracles were attributed to him,
for God was gracious through the body of this holy man in visitations. His
intercessions adorned his faithful and the Church through innumerable
miracles. Indeed the Blessed God - one in three persons - lives and reigns;
to Him be all praise and glory unto the ages of ages. Amen.
(June 30)
1. The blessed and pious confessor of Christ, Rupert, was born of a noble and
royal family of the Franks, but he was far nobler in faith and in devoutness.
He was a man prudent, gentle, and truthful in his conversation, just in his
judgement, and circumspect in his counsels. He was known for his charity, and
in the universe of morals he stood out in his honesty. Indeed many flocked to
his most sacred teaching, and they received the proclamation of eternal
salvation from him. When the report of his blessed conversation grew far and
wide, he found in his acquaintance the Duke of Bavaria, Theodo, who asked of
the man of God as many intercessions as he was able. He began to ask through
his distinguished messengers that the saint might consent to visit his
province with his blessed teaching. To this the preacher of truth, stung by
divine love, gave his assent, and, having first arranged his affairs, he
consented to go to the flock of Christ which would be gained because of him.
2. When the Duke had heard this preaching, he was overwhelmed with great joy,
and continued with his attendents on the way to meet the blessed saint and
doctor with all honor and dignity, as much as he possibly could. He caught up
with him in the city of Regensburg. The blessed man began to admonish him
soon about Christian conversation and to instruct him in the universal faith.
Thus, he converted the Duke and many other noble men to the true faith, and
he baptized them. He confirmed them in the holy religion. Praying, the Duke
allowed the holy man to choose a place, pleasing to himself and to his
followers: whichever place he desired, so that he could build a church and
complete all the other things needed for the work of the Church. The man of
God, having accepted the Duke's permission, seized the chance to sail down
the Danube valley until he came to the city of Lorch, where he proclaimed the
same doctrine of the holy life. Many there who were ill, many who were
languishing in oppression, were cleansed by the strength of God.
3. Passing through all the Alpine region, he came at length to the kingdom of
the Carinthians. Being asked, he converted that kingdom and cleansed it with
the baptism of Christ. Climbing the highest mountain, called Tauern (Mons
Durus), he preached to the Vandals and attained the greatest fruit graciously
given by the Lord. He also built there many churches, and he established
several monasteries. At last, having charged his disciples, religious,
priests, and clergy to keep the Christian faith, he returned to the territory
of Passau. Having come back, he began to travel around the province. He
reached a certain lake which is called the Wallersee, where he had built and
consecrated a church in honor of the Apostle Peter. There often the renowned
Duke distributed his personal possessions in the same place where he
originally met the saint on his rounds.
4. Afterward another place came to the attention of St. Rupert. It was up the
River Salzach, or as it was known in olden times, the Juvavian Stream. It had
been named in the time of the Roman emperors, and a beautiful little house
had been built, which was now discovered hidden in the trees. Hearing this,
the man of God wished to look at it with his own eyes and experience the
truth about the thing, because he thought that it would profit the faithful
souls. Giving thanks to divine grace, he began to ask Duke Theodo that he
might bestow his authority upon this place, to exorcize and purify it and to
establish a church according to his pleasure. The Duke at once consented,
bestowing possessions over two leucas in length and width, that he might do
what was useful to the Church. Then St. Rupert began to renew the place
(Salzburg), building a beautiful church to the First God, which he dedicated
in honor of St. Peter, the foremost of the Apostles: and he built finally a
cloister with other houses for the use of religious men, orderly throughout.
Afterward he ordained priests, and he instituted daily solemn observance of
the canonical hours. St. Rupert wished to increase the places of service to
God. With the help of God, from the gift of the King and Duke, and by the
behests of faithful men, the places began to grow.
5. The man of God, seeing the flock of the Lord depart over the precipice of
vices because of the longings of the women, prayed to God in his heart,
saying, ``Lord, if it is good in your eyes, I will pick for myself other
people fit for your service and refinement, through whom the practice of your
good life may become attractive to the women, and, as well, to the men.'' He
had in his country, that is, Vangionum in the state of Wormatia, known a
certain noble virgin, consecrated from the cradle to God. Her name was
Erendruda (Erentraud), and he wanted to send for her that she with others
might found a religious order for women. He built a place and a mansion
appropriate for the chaste in the Juvavian fort, and he gave it to the charge
of the Theotokos. When it was completed, he went to call Erendruda to
himself, and great joy came over the face of the blessed Rupert, because he
had lived to see this before the day of his death. Therefore the holy priest
led her into the oratory, which was consecrated to the Theotokos, and said:
``Lady Sister, do you know why I have asked you here?'' She replied: ``Yes,
Father, I know, for Our Lord Jesus Christ has revealed it to my spirit,
saying: Go in peace as you are called. Behold I will be with you, and I will
lead to myself through you many women's souls, whom you shall guide by your
example to the true religious path, coming to me.'' When he heard this, the
blessed priest rejoiced greatly in God.
6. After a short time, many virgins and noble matrons came to the virgin
Erendruda, and she led them with such discernment that in a brief time all
showed their learning and gave appropriate service to God. Such was the
virgin Erendruda in custom that she reckoned wealth to herself whatever
solace any disciple of hers received as a divine gift. Such was she in
prayer, that she considered it her whole health. Such was she in aspect,
that whether she met good people or bad, she thought herself lower than they.
What is to be remembered of the constancy and restraint of her life, of her
largesse in almsgiving, of her rectitude, of her steadfastness in vigil and
her sanctity in all of religious life? If at first she was not strong in one
or another of these, it ought to be overlooked rather than investigated.
7. At length, when the blessed Rupert knew by divine revelation that his
death was at hand, he said to Blessed Erendruda, whom he had called to him:
``My beloved sister, my private conversation is to you; I pray that you will
tell none of this, as I have told you a secret. It has pleased God to show me
my departure from this Earth, and now I ask, Lady Sister, that you pray for
my soul when God sees fit to call it to His peace.'' The holy virgin
responded with tears: ``If it is true as you say, master, arrange that I die
before you do!'' The bishop said to her: ``Sister, most dear one! You should
not wish to hasten to an inopportune death, nor to choose your exit while sin
is great. Our end has not been fixed in our wishes, but in divine
providence.'' The holy virgin prostrated herself at the feet of the priest
and begged him: ``Father, master, I ask you to remember that you have led me
here from my own country, and now you wish to leave me a poor orphan. I ask
only one thing of you, that if I am not worthy to depart before you or with
you, at least intercede as a witness with God that I may be worthy of the
passing wished for!'' The most holy priest Rupert granted these requests, and
when for a long time they had joined in talk sweetly about eternal life, and
they had wept together, they said a final sad farewell.
8. The blessed Rupert celebrated the liturgy before the entire church on the
day of the Resurrection of the Lord. He gave a homily to the people, and
distributed the Body and Blood of Christ. He gave the blessing and
benediction. When the Mass was ended, he fell down in prayer. Commending
his spirit into the hands of the Heavenly Father, he fell asleep in the
Lord on the twenty-seventh day of March. He was buried in the Basilica of
Sts. Peter and Paul, which he had himself consecrated to their honor. The
entire population of Noricum mourned him, because he had been an apostle to
that race, and he had never grieved anyone in any way. After this, the
blessed Erendruda sat night and day in the oratory and prayed to the Lord
with tears for the soul of her now dead friend Rupert. She kept watchful
vigils and awaited the gift of promised consolation. At last one night the
holy Rupert came to her in a vision and said: ``I have come, beloved sister,
to the kingdom of Christ, for which I have labored for a long time.'' Wide
awake, she gave thanks to God, and at once she began to feel ill. She called
together all the sisters; she exhorted them; she received the Sacrament of
the Church. After they had exchanged the sweet kiss of peace, she gave up
her spirit. After this, her sacred body, preserved with spices, was buried in
the Monastery of the Most Holy Theotokos with great veneration on the
thirtieth day of June.
The Latin texts of the lives translated here can be found in the * Acta
Sanctorum * of the Bollandists under March 27. Another, possibly older,
Latin life of Rupert is given in Vol. 6 of the Merovingian series of *Monu-
menta Germaniae Historica* and excerpts in Latin from other lives are in
John Colgan's * Acta Sanctorum Hiberniae * (Louvaine, 1647). An English
translation of a few sentences from the Life of Erendruda occurs in *Butler's
Lives of the Saints* by Thurston and Attwater under June 30.
An extremely recent secondary source on Austria-Bavaria in Merovingian and
Carolingian times is * Germany in the Early Middle Ages * by T. Reuter
(London: Longman,1991). Some material on the Austro-Irish Church can be found
in John T. McNeill's * The Celtic Churches * (University of Chicago, 1974).
The St. Pachomius Orthodox Library, 1994
O Lord, have mercy on Thy servants Karen, Norman, and the Archpriest Robert.
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