

Modern History

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Internet Modern History Sourcebook

Multimedia & History

Links here to selected musical texts and sounds which illustrate themes in modern history.



[Since this site was established in 1997 a vast array of high quality historical images has become available on the Internet. Wikipedia is an especially good source, with many copyright cleared images available. This availabilty has rendered specific historic image web sites redundant.]

  • Modern History Image Bank [Was At BC, now Internet Archive]
    Associated with this site. Selected images [art, events, documents] to illustrate classes on modern history.
  • Modern History Portraits  [Was At BC, now Internet Archive]
    Associated with this site. Images of over 300 people who were important in the past 500 years.

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[Since this site was established in 1997 a vast array of high quality historical maps has become available on the Internet. Wikipedia is an especially good source, with many copyright cleared maps available.]

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The Reformation
  • YouTube: Martin Luther: Ein Feste Burg (A Might Fortress Is Our God)
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The French Revolution

  • Ça Ira [At this Site]
    The most popular of the revolutionary songs
  • The Marseillaise [At this Site]
    French text, and two English translations.
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The American Revolution
  • WEB
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19th Century Nationalism and Imperialism
  • Nationalism and Music [At this Site]
    The "Chorus of the Hebrew Slaves", Va Pensiero, from Verdi's opera Nabucco, 1842, and The "Triumphal March" from Verdi's opera, Aïda, 1871
  • British Imperialistic Anthems [At this Site]
    Rule Britannia, Land of Hope and Glory, God Save the Queen, The British Grenadiers, Jerusalem, and I Vow to Thee My Country
  • WEB The 65th Regiment Songbook
    Songs of the British soldiers in New Zealand.
  • Cultural Nationalism
    One of the features of the 19th century was the effort by elite ("classical") composers to research and use the traditional music of their "nations".
    • Bedrich Smetna: The Moldau, from Ma Vlast
    • Jean Sibelius: Finlandia
  • Triumphal Nationalism
  • National Anthems
    When a country acquired sovereignity, the development of the "national ideal" lead to the acquistion of uniform "national markers," such as flags and "national anthems". Those here are some of the snappier ones.
    • Austria-Hungary:"Kaiserlied". Music by Josef Haydn, 1797. Words Ludwig L. Haschka. The Austrian National hymn from 1792 until 1918.
    • Brazil
    • Germany: "Deutschland über Alles" or "Das Lied der Deutschen". Music by Josef Haydn, 1797, Words by Heinrich Hoffmann von Fallersleben, 1841. The
    • Third Verse (in German and English)[At Internet Archive, from] is the current German national anthem.
    • Greece
    • Israel : Hatikvah
      "Ha-Tikvah" (The Hope). Melody by Nissan Belzer or Samuel Cohen. Words. Naftali Herz Imber, 1856-1909. It has more than a passing ressemblance to The Moldau by Smetna.
    • Turkey
    • The United Kingdom:"God Save the Queen/King", c. 1745.
    • The United States: "The Star-Spangled Banner". Music: Old English Song, Word: Francis Scott Key
    • Tsarist Russia: God Save the Tsar. Same tune as British anthem.
    • The Union of Soviet Socialist Republic: "Hymm of the USSR". Music, Alexandr Vasilievich Alexandrov, (1883-1946). Words, Sergei Vladimirovich Mikhalkov and Garold Gabrielevich El-Reghistan.
    • Peoples Republic of China
  • National Songs
    As well as national anthems, a series of songs became connected with specific countries.
    • Germany
    • Australia
      • Waltzing Matilda   [At this Site]
    • The United States
      • Battle Hymn of the Republic 
    • Israel
      • Yerushalayim shel Zahav
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Socialism as a Culture
  • Di Shvue (The Vow) [At ANU] 
    The song of the Bund, the dominant party among East European Jews.
  • The Internationale [At this Site] 
    Text in English, French, German, and Castilian [plus Billy Bragg's version] with both RA and Midi sound files of the music, and two sung versions - one a Chinese military version and another a Turkish discobeat version!
  • The Red Flag [At This Site]
    The anthem of the British Labour Party
  • American Left Songs [At Internet Archive, from DSUSA]
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World War I
  • Pack Up Your Troubles
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World War II

  • British Songs of World War II [At this Site]
        There'll Always Be An England
        Lili Marlene (German and English)
        White Cliffs of Dover 1942
        O mio babbino caro ["O dearest Daddy"] 
        When the Lights Go On Again All Over the World
        I'll be seeing you - The Ink Spots/Bing Crosby
        In the mood - Glenn Miller & his Orchestra
  • The Horst Wessel Song [At this Site]
    Words in German and English - of the official Nazi song.
  • Songs of the German Army: World War II [At this Site]
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Urban Migration and Music

A recurrent cross-cultural phenomenon of world growth and industrialization has involved the migration of rural populations to big industrial cities. In such cities the old issues of rural life rapidly fade before the new challenges. Repeatedly musicians and entertainers in these complex new milieus have created new types of music - music which draws upon the old muscial language of the regions of origin, but fuses with urban and "pop" traditions, in order to address the new issues. Such musical innovation and fusion has not happened with every case of migration to urban areas, but it sufficiently common that it ought, perhaps, receive more scholarly attention than it has.

  • Rembetika [Athens/Greece]
    • Roza Eskenazi
    • George Dalaras
  • Fado [Lisbon/Portugal]
    • Amalia Rodriguez
  • Rai [Algeria/France]
    • (Cheb) Khaled
  • Tango [Buenas Aries/Argentina]
    • Carlos Gardel
    • Astor Piazzolla
  • Samba [Rio di Janeiro/Brazil]
  • Soukous [Kinshasa/Congo/Zaire]
  • Highlife [Ghana]
  • Tejano [Texas]
    • Selena
  • Motown [Detroit/US]
  • Rap [Bronx/US]
  • Bhangra [London/Birmingham/United Kingdom]
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Postwar Protest Songs Back to Index

Modern Europe: Unity and Division

  • The Flower of Scotland [At this Site]
    The song of modern Scottish nationalism. With words and music of other traditional Scottish national songs.

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The Internet Modern History Sourcebook is part of the Internet History Sourcebooks Project.

The Internet History Sourcebooks Project is located at the History Department of  Fordham University, New York. The Internet Medieval Sourcebook, and other medieval components of the project, are located at the Fordham University Center for Medieval Studies.The IHSP recognizes the contribution of Fordham University, the Fordham University History Department, and the Fordham Center for Medieval Studies in providing web space and server support for the project. The IHSP is a project independent of Fordham University.  Although the IHSP seeks to follow all applicable copyright law, Fordham University is not the institutional owner, and is not liable as the result of any legal action.

© Site Concept and Design: Paul Halsall created 26 Jan 1996: latest revision 30 August 2024 [CV]